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Dawn Meredith

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Everything posted by Dawn Meredith

  1. Of course I read the Morley article. I have been following this case. It's a lynchpin in the black ops analysis. (Which is not news to you TG). Yes, bless Lesar who has been relentless for so very long. Dawn
  2. Actually, at the time, I did not think it was a real kidnap, but something to get the assassination off the front pages. (At 14 I was already very critical when it came to this case). Dawn
  3. Generally I agree with Ashton Gray's views on these matters, and he has a point here, but I believe what happened is best stated by (the inimitable) Vincent Salandria to Gaeton Fonzi (The Last Investigation p.29) "Don't you think that the men who killed Kennedy had the means to do it in the most sophisticated and subtle way? They choose not to. Instead they picked the shooting gallery that was Dealy Plaza and did it in the most barbarous and openly arrogant manner. The cover story was transparent and designed not to hold, to fall apart at the slightest scrutiney The forces that killed Kennedy wanted the message clear: ' We are in control and no one-not the President, not Congress, nor any elected official-no one can do anything about it' ". These words were spoken at the beginning of HSCA. They ring as true today as they did then. And lest we forget our history: Bobby, (killed by CIA); HSCA "Killed" by CIA- Operation Mockingbird. Attorney Richard Sprague and Attorney Robert Tanenbaum were serious about a HOMICIDE investigation. But we all know what happened. Once Blakey took over the fix was in. What has changed since? Dawn
  4. [quote name='Ron Ecker' date='Oct 22 2007, 04:20 PM' post='123574'] With the Bush and Clinton crime families alternating in the White House, it is not surprising to find that they share financial backers. The article is a good look into how the power sharing works. I say that at least as far as I read it. Like a lot of articles on the Web, the article is too long and in need of editing. They should either write a book or break it down into two or three articles, e.g. one of Harken, one of McAuliffe, one on Quasha, or whatever. I got tired of reading, my interest beaten to death with words, about halfway through. Or maybe I've developed a short attention span, which is a mark of the age in America. Ron: There is a book that is rather revealing: Compromised Clinton, Bush and the CIA (From Mena Ark to the White House: How the Presidency was Co-opted by the CIA). Terry Reed and John Cummings. As I see you refer to the Clinton/Bush crime families..... This nation is so doomed....it's hard to have hope. Dawn
  5. Wow, Tim and I agree on something? Will wonders never cease? "And for all intents and purposed he was DOA upon his arrival at Parkland". The man's head was half gone for goodness sake. Ahston's graphics have convinced me that whatever was being referred to in the throat could not have been a bullet. But what about., as Jack mentioned the windshield bullet? Dawn
  6. That being noted, it surely must have been clear to the designated administrator(s) of the coup de grace that JFK's head wounds were fatal. So why risk an unnecessary hospital attack? Then again ... better safe than oh so sorry. Charles And speaking of the head wound. Ashton's position is that there was NO shot from the front, so that includes the headshot. Do our lying eyes not see JFK being forced back from the impact of this shot? ( Immediately after he is hit from the rear and is pushed forward) Dawn
  7. Dawn, I agree that there is a serious dispute between the JCS/CENTCOM and the "Neocons," who want to continue the aggression into Iran, but there is no "cover story" for this incident, an accident, rather than a blown covert op. Unless all the facts aren't in. BK Bill et al: Another opinion below. Dawn A response to the B-52 story found on www.timebomb2000.com Having served in the U.S. Air Force during the mid to late seventies, I spent four years working on B-52H bombers at Grand Forks AFB, ND. I know from direct experience that their is no way in HELL, that nuclear weapons could ever be accidentally/mistakingly transported without 'hard' orders. We use to routinely prep B-52H for sorties using conventional and nuclear ordinance. How did we know whether it was conventional or nuclear, because one was loaded with just the regular munitions crews, the other was loaded with an accompanying 'shot to kill' MP escort group. Security was probably greater than what one would expect at Fort Knox's. I have every faith that these Air Force ground and flight crew knew exactly what these munitions were. I also believe that their is some serious discontent and mistrust by some military brass with regard to the Executive Branch of our government. Having talked about this very subject with several active duty military friends, the consensus among them is they no longer feel it is within their obligation to blindly follow orders. They believe - and rightfully so - that they are often used as 'sacrificially sheep' when something politically bad occurs. Hence, it is no surprise that the ultimate plans for these knowingly loaded nukes was leaked. Unfortunately, many innocent and dedicated service members will and have become the scapegoats/sacrificial sheep for this executive branch order. The positive message I get from this story and from my military friends is that for some of our honorable service members - country and their Constitutional oath to serve and defend America from enemies, foreign and domestic, still rings true. Not to mention their commitment in avoiding that historical warfare SIN, "I was just following orders ..."
  8. Too many "mistakes" occurred here to make the cover story at all believable. Add this to W's " WW 111" talk just a few days ago. There is a war between the neocons and our military. (imho) Dawn
  9. Excellent article, but I wish it had also mentioned Dorothy's friend and confidente, who also "committed suicide" I believe two days later. I seem to recall that this woman was alleged to have had Kilgallen's notes on the Kennedy assassination, which of course, were never found. This was all covered in some detail a few years back on the forum. Dawn
  10. We hear that John Conyers (D) is going to discuss 3 items during the hearings coming up soon. Dr. Cyril Wecht is one of them. We wish him well. Frog Thornburgh to tell Congress Wecht case is political Friday, October 19, 2007 By Paula Reed Ward, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette Former Attorney General Dick Thornburgh will testify before a subcomittee of the House Judiciary Committee on Tuesday about why he feels the prosecution of former Allegheny County Coroner Dr. Cyril Wecht is politically motivated. Mr. Thornburgh will be given an allotment of time to make a statement, and then it is likely the subcommittee, which is investigating the firings of nine U.S. attorneys across the country last year, will ask questions. Dr. Wecht is charged with 84 federal counts, including mail and wire fraud, that allege he misused his county office for personal gain. He is scheduled to go to trial in January. All along, Dr. Wecht's defense attorneys have claimed that the prosecution against him was politically motivated. There have been allegations that U.S. Attorney Mary Beth Buchanan -- a staunch Republican appointed by the Bush administration -- filed the case against him to earn political points. Ms. Buchanan has continually denied those charges. Defense attorney Jerry McDevitt called Mr. Thornburgh's testimony "highly unusual," especially for a Republican and a former head of the Department of Justice. "I don't think he's risking his reputation," he said. "I think he's demonstrating why he has that reputation as a man of integrity." The neutrality of the justice department is presumed, Mr. McDevitt said. For Mr. Thornburgh to speak out against that, he said, "speaks volumes." Others scheduled to testify Tuesday include former Alabama U.S. Attorney Doug Jones, who was an early defense attorney in the bid-rigging case against former Gov. Don Siegelman, as well as Donald C. Shields, a professor emeritus at the University of Missouri, who co-wrote a study looking at the number of Democratic vs. Republican officeholders who have been investigated by the Department of Justice during the Bush administration. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  11. So far, Tim has a perfect record of ignoring the answers given him. And he will continue to ignore, twist, convolute, repeat questions already answered, nick pick....anything to continue what it appears he must continue to believe in order to remain "himself". And I would not dare attempt to speculate on what that means. A purposeful disimformationist? Or simply delusional? Whatever the answer long ago he CHOOSE to believe the CIA planted lie, cover story number two, that Castro was behind the assassination of JFK. All the proof, logic, testimony, transcripts, research etc. to the contrary will not change his position, imho. Dawn
  12. Why is it that you are not able to refrain from responding to every single thread, as if this forum is somehow ALL about you? Just one morning I would like to get up and open the forum and see someone else's name as the most recent response to EVERY SINGLE POST. My comments on the Black Opps thread were directed at Ashton, (And Bill Kelly) not you. And I stand by what I said. Anyone who does not get it (especially after reading that thread) is either braindead or lying. Dawn
  13. It seems that no matter how many times John (or Andy- or any of the mods) insist on non personal attacks on this forum, lately every thread has devolved into such. The thread that Evan had begun had such promise until a few decided that it take a different direction. Like the attacks on the work of John Armstrong. I have not read his book but am familiar with his work and know that he spend 12 years doing primary research. That his findings, via timelines, shed far more light on the question of "who was LHO?" than prior works. Yet both Jack White and Mike Hogan were villified just for mentioned it. Greg, we all wanted to see your work. I have not ever seen you behave this way. You are a much respected member here, could you not have simply posted that you are not in agreement with Armstrong's work ? Why can't people discuss differing ideas/ research regarding the various complexitites of this case without resorting to personal attacks? This is after all an EDUCATION forum. Are people here to try to solve this case, while educating others about this important mystery? Or to be schoolhouse bullies? Dawn
  14. Thanks Ron, from what I have read so far it looks great. Added to my favorites. Was it taken down because it was a free server or because of the content? . The internet is the last bit of freedm we have here in nazi land...so I am hoping it was not due to content. Dawn
  15. Evan, this thread could stand as testimony to why I seldom post in the JFK section these days, no great loss I suppose, Rather than post here, I will send you my thoughts in a P/M. FWTW. Steve. Steve, That' s really a shame. I miss your posts and your terrific sense of humor. I hope you will reconsider and post your thoughts re Evan's question here. I agree that the back biting is horrendous. And that is the reason many serious researchers will not post on forums. Not because they are afraid of having their work challenged but because of the never ending attacks that go on. Evan This case is pretty complex so trying to nutshell is difficult. Very briefly: I believe JFK was killed by the CIA, DIA and other high level millitary intelligence movers and shakers. They did not want normalized realtions with Russian or Cuba, or a pull out in Viet Nam. JFK was furious with the CIA after to Bay of Pigs. Made comments about splintering it to a thousand winds, some say he'd actually begun theis process. Others had means motive and opportuniny (The Dallas right wing monied fascists who considered JFK a treasonous sob), so it may well have been done in concert with this crowd. (Many are mentioned in Myra's post). Cover-up by the entire government, 99.9999% of the media and all school history books, save for the few dilligent teachers who teach truth on this subject. (One of our new members will shortly join this small group- yea Courtney!) . Dawn. LHO shot no one. He was, as he said of himself, "a patsy"
  16. Peter It was hard to read this and not feel shame and outrage. I know that lives have been ruined due to work on this case. It has happened to friends of mine. I would like to hear this entire story. You hint at several things here, but stop short. The work you did with Tosh would be very interesting to read about, but we also don't know if he is even alive. (?) Hang in there. Writing your story may be the cathartic experience that helps you recover from this trauma. Dawn
  17. Charles, I cannot imagine disagreeing with RCD about ANYTHING, but your analysis is brilliant and absolutely correct, imho. Tim, I am not going to fall for the traps in which you constantly lure Bill. I don't know what Bill does for work, (or you for that matter), but some of us have very time consuming jobs which makes for caution in what one can digest here, daily. One of the (many) tricks you employ is these extended dialogues and picky inquisitions over trivia generally, that distract from the intent and purpose of the post. I believe John has pointed out why you do this and I agree. Besides, Charles has answered your questions, as did Cliff in the preceeding post. Dawn
  18. No Tim, it's your foolishness that is "preposterous". I suggest you carefully read the posts between Bill and Ashton on the black ops thread. Just might learn something. Like the TRUTH behind who killed JFK. Dawn
  19. Tim, Who are you talking to? Why don't you just talk to me? What's my agenda again? I say there was a planned operation to blame the assassination on Castro, and you asked for evidence - and I gave you Alvarado - as one of a dozen examples - how general is that? - and I would like to go over them all - and also hear from other people regarding my original post - The Big Con at Dealey Plaza. Now I suggest that one of those CIA agents behind Alvarado - if not Phillips himself - could be E. Wharton Shober - who I know was a CIA operative and pals with Somoza - who was running Alvardo if he was in fact a Nicaraguan Intelligence Agent. And thanks to Greg, we now know how to get in contact with Shober to ask him. It seems we are actually getting somewhere dispite your roadblocks. BK Bill Don't you get weary of continually dealing with TG's defense of the CIA? "Roadblocks" is putting it very mildly. Dawn
  20. These are very serious charges your emailer is making. I wonder what he believes regarding Richard Nixon and the death of J Edgar. Or the shooting of Wallace. How much does he think John Dean knew/knows? I look forward to future emails from this person. (There has never been any doubt in my mind that Nixon had Dorothy Hunt killed) Dawn
  21. Total agreement. I once suggested that if people here NEED to flame, do it via PM or email. It's a very unwelcome distraction on this forum. Dawn
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