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Robin Unger

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Everything posted by Robin Unger

  1. The following images show the arrival of the hearse at the Whitehouse in the early hours of the 23/11/63. Thanks to Philip Sinclair for his contribution.
  2. Reffering to the image above, which Martin Shackleford emailed to me labelled Cancellare 7 QUOTE: Robin, I don't think that's Cancellare 7. It looks very much like the second or third of the three-picture series William Allen shot. I won't be able to check until Wednesday, however. Gary Mack Thanks Gary.
  3. Cancellare 7 Showing the same white truck and van in the backround. !
  4. Arnold "Overseas Cap" The only evidence i see for the shape of a man wearing a dog eared shape cap is the crop Bill keeps posting from Jack's Badgeman image. Jack has already explained in an earlier post, that the shapes in the Badgeman image are only HIS interpretation. He went on to explain that he used colored oils to try to highlight only what "he saw" and to try and give the viewer an idea of where to look . QUOTE: Re your question about the "colorization"...it was an 11x17 black and white print of very high quality, to which I applied by hand transparent photo oils to separate the tonal values and was only intended to show people WHAT I SEE IN THE PHOTO. It was not done by computer, but was a hand staining of colors to help people visualize. It was not scientific, but artistic. People try to imply that it was something I did to falsify the image when all it was ever intended to do was to show viewers where to look and what to look for. Thanks for your interest. Jack When i look at Jacks b/w version i see Badgeman and RR man clearly, but i do not see the Arrnold figure the same way jack sees it. I agree with Ron that the so called Black dog man is a composite of two people. IMO there is no "positive evidence" that a man in a uniform and cap was EVER FILMED in the grassy knoll area on the 22.11.63 If the photo's exist i have never seen them. !
  5. QUOTE: In 1993 Ralph W. Yarborough was interviewed at his Austin home by historian David Murph of Texas Christian University. Murph reminded Yarborough that he had been quoted as saying he had witnessed a man on the grassy knoll throw himself down on the ground, and that the man had impressed him as a combat veteran. Yarborough seemed puzzled to hear that his words had been applied to someone standing on the grassy knoll. That couldn't possibly be correct, he insisted repeatedly. "Remember where I was in the motorcade — with the Johnsons," he cautioned Murph, "too far back to have been able to see anyone [on the knoll] drop to the ground when firing began. Take a look at Altgens 6 as kennedy is clutching his throat and Secret Service agents are looking around for the shooter, the Johnson's are totally oblivious as to what has just happened, they are smiling. Yarborough was in the same car. This is what he said about the first shot. QUOTE: Golz wrote, Arnold's "presence on the grassy knoll was confirmed Saturday by former U.S. Sen. Ralph Yarborough of Texas, who was riding in the motorcade two cars behind the presidential limousine. He was a passenger in a car with Vice President Lyndon Johnson and Mrs. Johnson. Immediately on the firing of the first shot I saw the man you interviewed throw himself on the ground," Yarborough told The News. "He was down within a second of the time the shot was fired and I thought to myself, 'There's a combat veteran who knows how to act when weapons start firing. So the Johnson's were oblivious to the first shot, but Yarborough who was sitting behind them saw it all. I find that hard to beleive.
  6. Hello, Mark. If you look closely you may notice a little kid in profile who is wearing a stocking cap. It is that cap that obstructs the mans face. Bill
  7. Zavader study for those new to the case. http://karws.gso.uri.edu/Marsh/Zavada/zat-1.htm http://karws.gso.uri.edu/Marsh/Zavada/Zavada_Report.html
  8. Ron. You will note in my post, that i intentionally did not reffer to Babushka Lady as Beverley Oliver. I am yet to be convinced that Oliver is Babushka.
  9. I guess it would not be too much of a stretch, to think that the council may have re-painted the "yellow markers" in the early hours of the morning since the president was coming that day. Were there any other reports of people getting paint on there shoes.? Interestingly enough, Babushka Lady appears to be standing directly in front of the "Yellow curb marker" in this crop from Cancellare. I would also be interested in knowing about the RED curb markers which were shown in Jacks TSBD image that he posted in another thread.
  10. I asked Gary Mack about the Timline of the image above: QUOTE: Filmed from the entrance ramp at Stemmons Freeway by Malcolm Couch/WFAA-TV five to ten minutes or more after the assassination. Part of the full clip shows Deputy Sheriff Harry Weatherford climbing into a lower window after searching for shells on top of the storage shed. Weatherford had run to the building immediately after watching the motorcade from near the northeast corner of Main & Houston. Gary Lee. Weatherford said that after he climed back in the window on the first floor, he then proceeded up to the seventh floor to search it. That may explain the man we see in the window on the 7th floor. COUNTY OF DALLAS SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT SUPPLEMENTARY INVESTIGATION REPORT REF: ASSASSINATION OF PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY FROM: HARRY WEATHERFORD, Deputy Sheriff Date: November 23, 1963 On Friday, November 22, 1963, at about 12:30 PM, I was standing in front of the Sheriff's Office watching the Presidential Motorcade. The President's car had passed my location a couple of minutes when I heard a loud report which I thought was a railroad torpedo, as it sounded as if it came from the railroad yard. Thinking, this was a heck of a time for one to go off, then I heard a 2nd report which had more of an echo report and thought to myself, that this was a rifle and I started toward the corner when I heard the 3rd report. By this time I was running towards the railroad yards where the sound seemed to come from. I got with Deputy Allan Sweatt and was searching the tracks and cars, etc, then someone said the shots came from above. I then went to the Elm Street loading gates of the Texas School Book Depository where I met Deputies Ralph Walters, Luke Mooney, Eugene Boone and Sam Webster. We all went into the building and proceeded to the first floor by way of the stairs. I jumped out of the first window onto the roof of the adjoining covered loading dock. I then searched the roof for any expended shell cases, as at the time we were trying to find just where the shots came from and if they were fired from the west side of the building they possibly could have fallen onto this roof. Finding no shells, I then climbed into the window and started searching the first floor, with an unknown DPD detective. Then learning other officers were searching this first floor, I went to the top floor to start down with each floor. Looking over the 7th floor to no avail, I came down to the 6th floor and while searching this floor. http://mcadams.posc.mu.edu/russ/testimony/weatherf.htm
  11. Andy. I read your comment just as i was taking a mouthfull of coffee. Now i am wearing it. LOL
  12. QUOTE: That was at least four weapons upstairs that came down [including the shotgun] and then on the Ch2, someone came out on the two-way saying that a rifle was found on the west side of the building [4]. If it had been one of the detectives rifle someone should have stated it is Detectives, So and So. Discovery program called "Murder in dealey plaza" shows a few frames taken of the WEST side of the TSBD. Does anyone know the Timeline to this footage as it appears to show someone on the 7th floor, and open windows.
  13. QUOTE: In the past I made some references to Tim Gratz. I disavow all of them and apologize to Mr. Gratz. He is a scholar and a gentleman and I meant him no harm. This will be my final posting in the forum. Shanet Clark. Apology made. Shanet it is time you returned to the forum.
  14. QUOTE: Reed #2. According to Dale Myers, the guy in the white shirt, leaning on a parking meter, directly in the center of the picture, right over the middle of the top of the white car is Bernard Haire - he who later walked through the furniture store and out the back to see the police putting someone in a squad car in the alley behind the Theater. Steve Thomas
  15. QUOTE: OK. Let me get this straight. As i understand it Duncan doesn't have a problem with the ORIGINAL image which Alan posted. img331.imageshack.us/img331/2217/lifevgroden3ry.png Duncan is that correct.? I beleive the problem comes in when i cropped a section of Alans original image and re-posted it, and it is my post which Duncan seems to have the problem with. That's correct Robin.I guess it must have been a glitch in your machine. Duncan Thanks. More likely a GLITCH with me, too many late nights sitting in front of this Computer.
  16. OK. Let me get this straight. As i understand it Duncan doesn't have a problem with the ORIGINAL image which Alan posted. img331.imageshack.us/img331/2217/lifevgroden3ry.png Duncan is that correct.? I beleive the problem comes in when i cropped a section of Alans original image and re-posted it, and it is my post which Duncan seems to have the problem with. Therefore i don't see that Alan should need to explain his processing of the image to anyone.: Process this and see what you come up with.
  17. More than likely, this was James Worrell. You can read his actions that day here: http://jfkassassination.net/russ/m_j_russ/worrell.htm Steve Thomas Steve, Thanks for that. Looks like it was Worrell. Love the way Specter tried to push him into identifying dark jacket, light pants man as LHO. Ce-360 Photo showing Worrells position in front of the TSBD, just behind the car marked with an X http://www.aarclibrary.org/publib/jfk/wc/w...Vol16_0491a.htm
  18. I don't think that would give such a precise geometric effect as we can see Robin.Maybe Allan can help solve this when he comes online.Thanks Duncan Yeh, i don't think Alans original image was at fault. I may have stuffed it up somehow during my processing, ! Since i sit on the fence and don't have strong views one way or the other regarding BDM and Gordon Arnold, i would have nothing to gain by intentionally altering an image.
  19. I did adjust the Gamma and Clarity before i posted the image as i always do to try and get the BEST quality. That may have altered the image. ?
  20. Alans original post at image shack from which i "cropped the Groden section out" and posted to this forum. img331.imageshack.us/img331/2217/lifevgroden3ry.png If you are asking as to alans ORIGINAL scource for his groden image, i can't tell you. You will have to take that up with alan.
  21. Here Duncan. You should remember where it all started. Follow the thread from Betzner3 to Life to Groden. http://www.jfklancerforum.com/dc/dcboard.p...e=&topic_page=1
  22. It's a frame from a video: The small image is from the same video, it is quite obvious to me that they are cops, the guy carrying the coat is one of the top cops because he has the WHITE hat only issued to higher ranking officers.. I NEVER said the pool was BLOOD.
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