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Robin Unger

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Everything posted by Robin Unger

  1. Hudson Look alike wearing a dark colored cap. ?
  2. Well done to James and friend. Very Nice.
  3. The photo showing the shed was taken by Jim Murray only a few minutes after the assassination. The tramp photo was taken a couple of hours later. In comparing the two photos, it certainly looks like the shed in Murray's photo was removed by the time the tramp photo was taken. Compare the version below of the tramp photo. Did someone deliberately obliterate everything around and behind the second cop? For what purpose? Hi Ron. I understood exactly what you were saying in your post. I was not even aware that there was such a thing as an UNCROPPED version of that image, until i looked in Trask's POTP. As you rightly point out, why bother to crop out that portion of the original image. ?
  4. Maybe you should try getting a good quality print of the tramp photo and use something better than a magnifyier that came out of a 'happy meal' to view it with. In other words, your observations can only be as good as the source materials and tools you have to work with. Bill Large tramp image which i scanned from Trask's POTP is available on my website. Click Here:
  5. In this Cabluck Crop, the train windows can clearly be seen, i beleive this is the same train as seen in THE NIX Frames.
  6. Hi Steve. I just added two Large " Hobo " Tramp pics to my main gallery.
  7. Thanks John. I appreciate the link to my website. As i have been reminded many times since i initially wrote my website summary. It is Bethesda Naval Hospital not "Bethesta".
  8. Jim Featherston with Mary Moorman. Uncropped tramp photo: In a blow up of this photo there appears to be a man in the Carpark area at the end of the wall.
  9. From left to right. Mary Gallagher, Evelyn Lincoln, Pam Turnure. Mary Gallagher holding Jackie's handbag.
  10. Robin, I believe, the man with the gray hair and sitting down, is probably, "Bill" (James Eric) Decker, Sheriff of Dallas County. Thanks Antti. Yes you are correct, i have since been informed that the man behind the desk is Bill Decker.
  11. Hi Shanet. James Richards page on Shackley. http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/CIAshackley.htm
  12. I beleive the man standing on the left in this photo is probably James Tague. This image looks to have been taken around the same time that Cancellare 1 was snapped. Notice in this image the black women crying, one of them has a radio in her hand. They may have just heard a report on the radio that the president had died at Parkland.
  13. Yeh i would have to agree with that, the subject is addictive. As for the Altgens pic, there seems to be great interest in the men standing around that corner, I know that James Richards for one would like to get his hands on the Uncropped full size Blow Up. Ron Ecker has also mentioned it many times. Thanks Robert. I will check out those links, i am familiar with the Baylor site.
  14. Can anyone identify the other people in this image below. Identified are, Hugh Betzner,Larry Florer,The Chism Family A pity that this image was Cropped by AP as it would have given us a clear look at the boys on the corner of Main and Houston. If anyone has an UNCROPPED VERSION can you please post.
  15. Robin, I was very impressed by the enlargement of the (Stoughton) photo of the rear door of AF1, which showed mysterious figures behind the men in the doorway. I had never seen such an enlargement of the Stoughton photos before. Your enlargement has now disappeared from this thread and I could not locate it on your website. I, for one, would be very grateful if you were to do a series of enlargements of every Stoughton photo which shows that rear door. Perhaps you could post them on your website. Thank you. Thanks for the comments. Yeh i had to delete the attachment to make room for other pics. I find it hard to re-produce quality photo's on Johns site, when i only have 400k to play with. Here is the link to all the photo's. If you click on any of the small photo's they will open up, and underneath the image is a download link for a 6MB Enlargement of the small pic. http://redbud.lbjlib.utexas.edu/johnson/ke.../oathphotos.htm
  16. Powers is seen here at the far right, as was pointed out to me by Gary Mack, though Powers insisted after Lifton's book came out that he never left the casket and that Lifton was full of "malarkey." Image Number: 1A-7-WH63Credit: LBJ Library Photo by Cecil Stoughton Image Date: 11/22/1963 Event: Swearing in of Lyndon B. Johnson as President Location: Air Force One, Love Field, Dallas, Texas Description: Gen. Clifton, Jacqueline Kennedy, Congressman Albert Thomas, President Lyndon B. Johnson (back to camera), Merriman Smith (in shadow), Judge Sarah T. Hughes (behind Mrs. Johnson), Jerry Kivitt, Lady Bird Johnson, Congressman Homer Thornberry (behind Mrs. Johnson), Chuck Roberts (viewed in profile), Congressman Jack Brooks, Dr. Burkley, Bill Moyers (behind Dr. Burkley), Liz Carpenter
  17. To also address Robin's reply where he writes: Excuse Me. I wasn't aware i was participating in this discussion Robin, I apologise and have corrected the error in my post. It was one of those instances where I meant to be writing out one persons name and thinking of another. Bill No Worries.
  18. Robin, you apparently think you know all about Hoffman, which you do not ... and it seems you are going to make exuses to the point of splitting hairs to hang on to what I believe is an absurd theory based on a poor understanding of the facts. I personally walked with Ed, while having us filmed, as he told me everything that happened. His interpreter was his daughter who knows Ed better than anyone. What most people do not know is that Ed has a poor understanding of the English language. By this I mean ... Ed knows what he is trying to say, but uses incorrect words in describing what he saw. I even heard his daughter and him going back and forth on what Ed was trying to say at times because Ed didn't feel as though he was getting his message out correctly. So it's not because Ed is telling various stories, but rather his interpreter hears Ed use a word that he or she believes means one thing while Ed thinks he said another. This is why Turner, just as I did, had Ed act out the movments he saw going on behind the fence (often using words that Ed doesn't see a difference in their useage) right down to the speed at which these individuals were moving. But regardless of all this crap about whether Ed said to someone that the guy walked fast - ran slow - hurried - ran - walked - or what ever, he was telling his story to his family and friends from the very beginning and those who know him claim he has never wavierd. Out of frustration, Ed had even wanted to take a polygraph and was told that as a deaf mute that he could not be tested. When I heard this and told him this wasn't so, he again wanted to be tested so to prove himself honest because it was important for him to do so. I started the process and when it was discovered that Ed takes a certain heart medication ... his chances of being tested acccurately became an issue, thus the institution said they would not conduct the test under the current circumstances. I can tell you this ... one of the questions was to concern Ed seeing JFK's head as he dscribed it on TMWKK interview. The Zapruder film had not been publicly shown until 1978 and Ed had told of seeing the Prsident's head wound from day one according to his family. One might ask themselves how else could he have described what the Zfilm shows and what other witnesses had seen if he hadn't really seen it first hand. I think when one selectively picks at certain things that have been written concerning Ed, then they can spread doubt about his credibility. However, when one takes the time to learn more of the facts so to apply them to better descern fact from fiction .... they will probably concluded that Ed saw the opened skull just as he claimed. Bill Excuse Me. I wasn't aware i was participating in this discussion.
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