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Robin Unger

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Everything posted by Robin Unger

  1. John. That is almost identical to the orientation i arrived at in the Images i posted yesterday.
  2. John. That curved reflection in the Stainless steel autopsy table in the back of the head photo has bugged me for a long time. I did at one time, think it may be the reflection of a light fitting on the ceiling. ! Very Large image:
  3. Pat. This quote is from the Lancer Autopsy Image Page, it refferences the " Y " incision in the F8 PHOTO which one researcher reffered too. QUOTE: 08 - View of Posterior Occipital Region with Scalp Reflected. In the lower right corner, the back of the neck with a few creases is discernible. The uncropped archives version shows the body after the "Y" incision in this photo http://www.jfklancer.com/aphotos.html
  4. John. This is said by some to represent the creases in the area at the back of the NECK. The DARK area to the left IMO is blood oozing from the open cranium on to the stainless steel table.
  5. Thanks Pat. Is it possible that the reflection in the stainless steel table showing this area of the arm and glove, when viewed in a Large "blow up" could have been Mis-interpreted as creases in a NECK. ? In the interpretation that i put forward you can identify the glass specimen jar which some of the autopsy doctors mentioned in there testimony QUOTE: Hi Robin F8 has caused many problems, I believe, because it has often been published/printed sideways. Most of the Fox photos appear to have been taken with longer edges of the photos along the top and bottom. They are not square photos. But F8 is often printed, I believe mistakenly, with the shorter edges at the top and bottom. With the longer edges at the top and bottom, you have a better orientation of the specimen jar in the photo. In the overlay, you can see it at the far left, near the upper left corner. Hi John. I'm not sure i understand exactly what you are trying to point out in your post. ?
  6. Robin, it appears that you disagree that this photo is of the back of Kennedy's head, and that you are still interpreting it as showing an entrance on the forehead. May I ask if you've taken a look at the section on this photo in my presentation? I'm just wondering if you've taken a look, but failed to find it convincing. If so, well, I did my best. A number of my friends, who are not researchers, told me they got the point within the first ten slides, and thought it was ridiculous that I go on and on trying to prove the photo was taken from behind, which they unanimously said was OBVIOUS from first glance. It just goes to show how different people's impressions can be... If I misinterpreted your impression of the photo, never mind... Hi Pat. QUOTE: They unanimously said was OBVIOUS from first glance. Pat, i have never heard anyone say that the ORIENTATION of the F8 photo was OBVIOUS at first glance. If that is the case then we have been wasting HOURS of time trying to orientate it. BTW: My work on the f8 photo is still a work in progress, and it will be until i can convince myself i have the correct orientation. There is the problem of the scalp retraction, in a normal autopsy to my knowledge it is the general practice to slice across the head from ear to ear and then peel one half down across the face and the other half back over the head. I can clearly see this in F8, that is one orientation point. Another orientation point is the loose bone flap, i place this on the right side of the head at the front of the skull. Another orientation point is the beveled hole, i place this towards the back of the head near the middle of the skull. In the F8 photo they show the scalp being retracted sideways from right to left across the middle of the head. This does not corrolate with other autopsy photos that i have seen. I am flexible with regard to the FRONTAL shot. It may have been a shot from the front to the temple just above the right eye, or it may have been a shot to the side of the head, just above the ear. BTW: I have read your seminar and studied it closely, i have attempted to discuss this with you on numerous times, and you have responded in "TEXT" format. IMO this cannot be resolved through words, it has to be done via images so that Corrolation can be judged and corrected on the spot if need be.
  7. John. I beleive that the "close Cropping" of the autopsy was intentional, IMO it was done deliberately to dis-orient the viewer and cause confususion when trying to alighn the complete set of autopsy images.
  8. John. Yes, there are finger prints, smudges, scratches, and what look like scuff marks all over those Large autopsy images. Very poor quality images to try and work with, unfortunately they are all we have at the moment.
  9. Hi John. The couple sitting on the grass are Mr and Mrs Hester. I think that Mr Hester jumped up to check out the rail yard through the pergola opening in the wall. I have a clear photo somewhere, showing him looking through the opening, while his wife is on the grass in behind him. Jack. I am by no means certain that the scenario i put forward is correct. It is only an assumption on my part, at various times i too have seen the Image the way you see it. Two individuals one behind the other.
  10. Thanks Tim. Nice job. I was looking at the Mary Ferrell website last night. Very informative, and nicely set out.
  11. Ed. I agree, John Dolva put me on to Image Analyzer. It's a very powerfull little image program, and it is "Freeware" This image seems to show a "Black" handbag which Sitzman was carrying, and which appears to be the object seen at the feet of the woman on the pedestal. In the image below is this Sitzman's black bag.? Or is it Zapruder carrying a "Black" camera bag, and is that the object which appears at the feet of the woman on the pedestal.
  12. In this frame, i see someone sitting in the "upright" position, i assume it is Connally.?
  13. In this poor quality Couch frame i beleive that this may be "wiegman" running to catch up with Camera car 1
  14. Thanks for the information on Wiegmans movements Bernice. Exellent. A lot of that is new to me. Ron. I beleive Moorman was a strong willed woman, you can see by reading her testimony that she didn't let those goons push her around.
  15. QUOTE: Wiegman was in Camera Car 1. Towner's photo on p. 218 of POTP shows Camera Cars 1 and 2 as they are passing the knoll, and it also shows that Zapruder and Sitzman have already left the pedestal. As Trask notes, it may be Zapruder whose shape is discerned already inside the shelter. IOW at the time of the Wiegman frame showing the empty pedestal, it was indeed empty because Zapruder and Sitzman already had promptly gotten down from it. So yes, there is no one on the pedestal, but not because of any photo fakery. Ron Ecker. Ron, this is an email i received from Gary Mack re: Weigman timeline and the camera cars. QUOTE: Robin, All three camera cars came to a stop at the Elm-Houston intersection and they didn't start up until 25-30 seconds after the last shot. That's why some eyewitnesses said the MOTORCADE stopped. Kennedy and the four cars behind him, however, kept on going. The evidence appears in the early frames of the Couch film, for his car just starts to move as the film begins. Gary Mack.
  16. Feel free to post the "Uncut Version" any time you like. I don't have a copy of Groden's DVD. As for Hemmings, i don't beleive he has ever addressed me personally on the forum. !
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