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Robin Unger

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Everything posted by Robin Unger

  1. Hi Ron. QUOTE: Hi Robin, Here's the pic below. The original image in Cover-Up is smallish, about 10cm wide by 5.5cm high. Phil
  2. Phil Hopley was kind enough to scan this (Uncropped) version of Lee's E-bay Photo from Shaws "Cover-Up" p134
  3. Hi Thomas. The last two photo's were not meant to be related to the Nix Image. I simply posted that image in response to James Richards Cancellare 5 look a likes. I beleive that the couple shown i the Cancellare image, are the same couple as in the Zap-frame. The lady in the black slacks, white socks, tan cardigan, and carying the same style of bag on her right arm
  4. Thomas. This is a Crop from Willis2. Your man can be seen on the move, just behind JFK's head.
  5. Z-194 There was possibly something happening in the crowd of spectators in front of the TSBD. Notice the direction the two SS men in the follow up car, and the other motorcycle cop are looking. Possibly setting up a distraction for a shooter, who by this time would have had kennedy in his sights.
  6. Thanks Bernice. What i see in the Z-Frame is the same as the Cop on the right hand in the Altgens image you posted.
  7. John. I think this is where we have a different interpretation on what we see in the image.
  8. Had a look at your Image Ed. Very hard to make anything out as the photo is so pixilated. !
  9. Hi John. I don't mind you playing "Devils Advocate" it keeps me honest. ! Hi Ed Thanks for the comments.
  10. In the frames following {Z-194} the open hand has now turned into a "FIST"
  11. (Z-193) Kennedy waving open handed,Clear frame,Cop on motorcycle facing forward. Now (Z-194) "just one frame later" Zapruder jiggles the camera, Fuzzy frame, Cop has turned completely to his right , and is now facing the TSBD.
  12. Hi Lee. Yeh, i really don't know what the "OBJECT" is, whatever it is, it appears to me to be skin coloured. !
  13. QUOTE: Robin, Those missing 10 frames relate to the behavior of Connally. Z234 is when he clearly reacts to being shot, JFK having been shot previously. Connally is turning painfully in the succeeding frames. It seems to have been simply a matter of when they wanted to stop deleting frames, Z234 being the important one to leave out. Ron Ecker Thanks Ron.
  14. I finally found the Clay Shaw Trial Testimony of the Witness who prepared the slides. QUOTE: The Clay Shaw trial testimony of Herbert Orth CRIMINAL DISTRICT COURT PARISH OF ORLEANS STATE OF LOUISIANA STATE OF LOUISIANA vs. CLAY L. SHAW 198-059 1426 (30) SECTION "C" EXCERPT OF THE TESTIMONY TAKEN IN OPEN COURT February 17, 1969 B E F O R E: THE HONORABLE EDWARD A. HAGGERTY, JR., JUDGE, SECTION "C" HERBERT ORTH, a witness called BY and on behalf of the State, having been first duly sworn, was examined and testified as follows: DIRECT EXAMINATION BY MR. ALFORD: Q: Sir, would you tell the Gentlemen of the Jury and the Court your name, please. A: My name is Herbert Orth. Q: Mr. Orth, would you be careful to speak into the microphone. A: Fine, fine. Q: By whom are you employed, Mr. Orth? A: LIFE Magazine. Q: In what capacity? A: Laboratory Chief of the TIME-LIFE Photo Laboratory. Q: Now, Mr. Orth, in connection with a subpoena issued by this court to LIFE Magazine, did you perform any function or develop any photographs? A: Yes, I did, yes. Q: Mr. Orth, just tell us what you did. A: I made black and white prints and I made color prints and color slides. Q: Now, from what film or films were these made? A: From the original Zapruder film. Q: I see. Did you copy the entire film or did you make prints of the entire film or only portions of it? A: Only portions. Q: How many black and white prints do you have, sir, in your possession? A: I have none, only color prints with me. Q: About 21 or 22 8 x 10 color photographs. Q: Do you have them in your possession at this time? A: Yes, I have, in my brief case. Q: Would you please take them out, sir. A: Certainly (producing photographs). Q: How many of these photographs are there, sir? A: I believe there are either 21 or 22. Q: Would you count them, please. A: Yes. (Counting) Twenty-one. Q: Were these prints made by you personally or under your supervision? A: Some by me and some under my supervision. Q: I see. Do these prints accurately depict the scenes which they purport to? A: Yes, they do, yes, they do. Q: Mr. Orth, do you have any slides in your possession at this time? A: Yes, I do. Q: Would you please take those out. A: Yes, sir (producing slides). Q: How many such slides do you have in your possession, Mr. Orth? A: From frame 200 to frame 320, so that would be 120 slides. Q: I see. And were these slides processed either by you personally or under your supervision? A: Yes, they were. Testimony
  15. During the Clay shaw trial Time Inc was asked to produce (120) "35mm slides" of frames from Z-200 through to Z-320. For some reason 10 of the frames were ommitted. ! (Z-234 through to Z-244) Quote: The Clay Shaw trial testimony of John Nichols February 17, 19 and 28, 1969 CRIMINAL DISTRICT COURT PARISH OF ORLEANS STATE OF LOUISIANA STATE OF LOUISIANA vs. CLAY L. SHAW 198-059 1426 (30) SECTION "C" EXCERPT OF THE TESTIMONY TAKEN IN OPEN COURT February 17, 1969 B E F O R E: THE HONORABLE EDWARD A. HAGGERTY, JR., JUDGE, SECTION "C" MR. OSER: The State would like to note for the record that in light of Time, Inc. on the return of the subpoena, the subpoena called for 35 millimeter slides of Frames 200 to 320, and after checking the return made by Time, Inc., the State learns that Frames 234 through 244 are missing. This is a check by Mr. Alford and myself. THE COURT: Where is the witness? You excused him? MR. OSER: Time has these things copyrighted and I wanted to note for the record that we did not receive those particular frames. THE COURT: You requested that you have them? MR. OSER: Yes, Your Honor. THE COURT: Why didn't you question the witness while he was here? MR. OSER: We did not go down and go through 120 35 MM slides, we assumed they were all here. I just want it noted for the record. THE COURT: If the gentleman is still in the City and he hasn't left, possibly you can have one of the Assistant District Attorneys call Mr. Sessions and tell him about this and maybe it can be rectified while we are proceeding. MR. OSER: Mr. Sessions is not in his office, Your Honor. Testimony Does anyone have any information as to why these "10-Frames" were ommitted. ?
  16. Thanks for the comments. I can not say that i am 100% convinced that it is his hand, but there is certainly some sort of "skin coloured object" which appears in this image, it looks to me to show the knuckles of a closed fist ?. Z-295
  17. In this frame does Kennedy have his "fist" up to the right side of his face. For a long time i could not work out what the "ripple" was that appeared in JFK's face in some of the Z-frames. I thought that it may have been a bullet which had entered behind his ear and rippled down his cheek, now because of a comment which Ed O'Hagan made to me, i beleive that what appeared to me as a "ripple" in the face is in fact Kennedy's right arm raised up to the side of his face. Because of the similar skin tones the two objects seem to blend together as one.
  18. Sorry Stephen. That one doesn't even qualify for Clan MacGregor. I searched again - can't find that bicycle anywhere else in any other photo or film. I had heard that a photo was taken of the bicycle in question with the rider. This was allegedly published in Dallas in the 1964 timeframe. I can't find the book or the photo. - lee <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Lee, one place I thought of looking was the other side of the triple underpass I remember seeing one with some schoolage children as the limo was racing up the street <{POST_SNAPBACK}> John. You must have read my mind. ! Anyone on the other side of the Underpass seeing the Limo speed by with Hill on the back and guns drawn in the follow up car, surely would have been curious and have wandered down to Dealey Plaza to see what all the commotion was about.
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