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Robin Unger

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Everything posted by Robin Unger

  1. Hellen Markham. Witness in the vicinity of the Tippit crime scene. She looks intimidated and distressed in this photo.
  2. Ft Worth breakfast the morning of the assassination 22/11/63
  3. Patrolman Bobby Hargis. Gerald Hill in front of the TSBD
  4. Mystery woman with a camera. LBJ at Bethesta for surgery. http://jeff.pasleybrothers.com/writings/sh...g_the_scars.htm
  5. The man some people thought they identified as Jack Ruby in a Willis photo. Photo taken by James Murray.
  6. Three policemen standing in front of the Dal-Tex building. Photo taken by James Murray. The Graffiti on the Dal Tex building reads. "If you want to live longer stay of the highways"
  7. Certainly one that any serious investigator of the facts would want to look into. Especially since it is the only one known to incorporate both of the yellow marks on the curb as well as construction joints in the concrete curb & gutter. Definitely a "Keeper". Thanks again, Tom <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Thomas. Thanks for the comments. Glad you enjoyed the pics.
  8. Cancellare image showing a close up of the south knoll car park.
  9. Here is another of James match ups with the main and Houston photo. QUOTE: Gary Mack says that the photo is in Shaw's Cover-Up. QUOTE: The version that Robin posted here has been cropped on the right. In Shaw's copy, a man in a business suit, with his head completely missing due to the overexposure, is crossing the street. I wonder what (or who) he might look like. Ron Ecker.
  10. Hi Mark. Yeh, i agree that pic by James is a very close resemblance. Look a likes from The corner of Main and Houston on the move going for a better look. Notice that the one with the coat near the wall appears to be talking to a Cop.
  11. Nick. Glad you enjoyed the pics. Thanks Lee. So, what's our next project.
  12. LBJ, Sen Thornberry and Youngblood leaving Parkland for Love Field:
  13. Thanks to Martin Shakelford for this image. Large Cancellare (7) Click Here
  14. Jeez, are any of these people the Babushka Lady? If so, can we see her camera? (My vision sucks on small detail). <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Stephen. This image below shows the Babushka Lady and her Camera.
  15. QUOTE: Hi Robin, The guy on the left in the comparison below was a marine sharpshooter during the late 1950's. He went to work for Howard Hughes at the behest of Robert Maheu during the early 1960's (the time when the photograph was taken). He then went to Florida where he found himself mixed up with the anti-Castro activities run out of South Florida. I do not know his name but have been interested in him for some time. He kind of looks like the guy in the photo Lee found. Interesting. James.
  16. Anyone know who this woman is, she seems to be receiving a lot of attention from the DPD.
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