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Robin Unger

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Everything posted by Robin Unger

  1. Keep going John. I don't understand the Math behind your calculations, but i can follow what you are trying to do. Hope this helps. http://www.history-matters.com/archive/jfk..._Vol6_0028b.htm
  2. I was looking at the image below yesterday, i beleive it is a Towner photo, and i zoomed in on the south east side of the Dal Tex Building. There appears to be a man sitting in the 2nd floor window. ?
  3. Hi Lee. I have emailed Don the Moorman Drum Scan, It took about 5-minutes to go through. LOL G'day Don. I hope you got my email OK. Go easy on my friend Lee, he is one of the good guys. He has been a great help to me in my assassination research and i am in debt to him.. ! Also, thank you for the great work which you have done with the Dealey Plaza plats, and the trajectory plotting. Exellent job.
  4. LBJ at Bethesda after surgery in 1965. Credit :Denis Morissette
  5. QUOTE: Quite clearly --when one chooses to provide and consider the entire context of LIEBELOR's "anybody standing up" on the "little pedestal" specific question that HUDSON responded to, it is transparent that LIEBELER was asking HUDSON if HUDSON had noticed ZAPRUDER and SITZMAN standing on the "little pedestal" that ZAPRUDER and SITZMAN stood upon about 50' from HUDSON. Additionally, the "man back over here on this triangle" that HUDSON testified to was not ARNOLD. IMHO, more than likely, HUDSON was specifically referring specifically to either ALTGENS or BOTHUN (more than likely it was ALTGENS/ Hi Don. I agree with both of the statements made above, i also do not put much stock in the Gordon Arnold story, or that Oliver is Babushka.. I have a 7mb version of an " Unenhanced Version " of a "Cropped" Moorman. It was kindly provided by a member of this forum. Craig Lamson. QUOTE: I have posted on my web photo gallery a crop of the Thompson Moorman. The image I have posted is from the drum scan we had made of the copy negative. It is posted exactly as it came off the drum scanner, with no levels or curves adjustment nor any sharpening. The negative was scanned to film grain level and its a 137mb 8 bit tiff file. The crop I am posting has been saved from the original tif as a png file, which is a lossless compression format. There are no artifacts in this file. To save this file to your system from my web gallery, do a copy on the full image, create a new document in photoshop and paste the copy into this new doc. Don. It is impossible to try and post the whole image, but if you would like to study it i can try and email it to you. I hope you have " Broadband" you will need it it's a VERY large Image.
  6. Photos secretly taken by Life photographer Bob Phillips. Credit :Denis Morissette
  7. Bugger! Read this too late. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Bugger! Don't have History Channel.
  8. Thanks Lee. Got your email: I will have a go with that guy on the left and see what i come up with.
  9. Thanks Lee. That gives me a much better idea of the area seen in the croft image, and the shooter location. Your trajectories seem to line up nicely with that Cutler diagram, as you say with a shorter distance between shooters and the Limo.
  10. Hi Lee. Thanks for the Credit: Yeh, i see something going on in that step area, a flash of white, and something moving around. Lee. the croft man, can you mark his position on an overhead, i am having trouble orientating that croft image properly, it is too tightly cropped.
  11. Lee. I found what i beleive is another guy standing on the steps.
  12. Nice pic Lee. Lee. In your UPI Moorman i see a man on the steps sitting down, a man at blacdog position, and damage to the back of kennedy's head.
  13. Hi Lee. Would the hole at the bottom of the windshield line up with kennedy's throat. ? The blood on the windshield would be from the debris which shot forward when his head exploded.
  14. I found this quote from one of don"s post (STAVIS "Steve" ELLIS Gems to Sneed, 1988) to be very interesting, regarding a hole through the very "Bottom" of the windscreen. QUOTE: ****When the President’s car was unloaded, I was maybe fifty feet away. I wasn’t able to see much because there was a lot of people from the hospital around him.**** I don’t remember seeing Connally at all. But when the car pulled up, the hospital people were coming out the door like a bunch of ants. They were right on him. I walked by the limousine after they were taken in. The thing that impressed me was in the seat and on the floorboard there were puddles of blood. Right in the middle one of those puddles lay a beautiful red rose. I never forgot that! I can still see it, that red rose in that blood! ****Some of the jockeys around the car were saying, “Looky here!” What they were looking at was the windshield. To the right of where the driver was, just above the metal near the bottom of the glass there appeared to be a bullet hole.**** ****I talked to a Secret Service man about it, and he said, “Aw, that’s just a fragment!” It looked like a clean hole in the windshield to me. In fact, one of the motor jockeys, Harry Freeman, put a pencil through it, or said he could.****
  15. Robin, In watching that gif over and over again, I can't help but wonder about that white object that appears on the grass. I believe it has already been studied and written off, probably sometime ago. Hi Lee. Yes once again we are in sinc, i posted the exact same thing on another forum , i don't see how they can dismiss it being a piece of skull that easily. There was a huge cavity in kennedy's skull.
  16. John. Left a message in your guesbook.
  17. Works ok for me. But lots of po-ups. http://www.thepresidenthasbeenshot.4t.com/ Hey Ron, i just sent you an email regarding the Main and Houston corner.
  18. I hadn't noticed before that Ellis puts the bullet hole so low in the windshield. If there really was a hole that low, it could explain the throat wound and the absence of a visible hole in the windshield in Altgens 6 where everyone looks for it. (The windshield damage in Altgens 7, in roughly the same place as the damage photographed in the WH garage, could have been caused by a fragment from a different shot.) In Altens 6, there are two points of light low on the driver's side of the windshield. Could one of them be a bullet hole? But the problem then is, where would such a low frontal shot hitting the president come from? I've always wondered who exactly was outside the plane at Love Field, in a position to see any transfer of something from back to front, during the time of the swearing in. Ellis and other cops were there by their motors. Hi Ron. I was reading this topic yesterday and was also puzzeled at the description of the bullet hole being almost in the center, and way down low on the windshield. Lots of motorcycle cops at Love Field.
  19. Notice that Jackie is no longer wearing the gloves, but insists on wearing the blood stained dress.
  20. Jackie chased a piece of skull or other cranial material back onto the rear trunk lid. This is the central fact supporting a forward shooter, by the way. All the films show her crawling topside and to the rear, following an occipital fragment, and this should never be confused with the white glove, here in Zapruder or in the doctored Nix. Thanks Shanet. By the way, what ever happened to the gloves after parkland. ?
  21. QUOTE: What is even more intriguing to me is how closely Douglas's story matches that of John Elrod. Both from Memphis, both in Dallas for two weeks with no visible means of support... Steve Thomas Thanks steve. QUOTE: JOHN FRANCIS ELROD AND DANIEL WAYNE DOUGLAS John Francis Elrod was arrested while walking along the railroad tracks. John Francis Elrod had been arrested in 1961 for barbiturates, DWI in 1962, simple assault in 1963. In 1964 John Francis Elrod was suspected of planning to kill his estranged wife. No record of his arrest in Dallas appeared on his rap sheet. [FBI 44-1639-6059, 5999] Daniel Wayne Douglas was picked up near the scene of the TIPPIT shooting. John Francis Elrod and Daniel Wayne Douglas were released on November 26, 1963. http://www.ajweberman.com/nodules/nodule17.htm
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