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Robin Unger

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Everything posted by Robin Unger

  1. QUOTE: At 4:25 a.m. Sunday morning, August 5 Sergeant Jack Clemmons of the West Los Angeles Police Department got a call that he would never forget. Dr. Hyman Engelberg, Marilyn's personal physician, told him that she had committed suicide. When he and the backup police car that he had ordered arrived at Marilyn's home, there were three people Eunice Murray, Dr. Ralph Greenson and Dr. Hyman Engelberg. They led Clemmons into the bedroom where her nude body was lying covered with a sheet and pointed out the bottles of sedatives. Donald Wolfe quotes Clemmons: "'She was lying facedown in what I call the soldier's position. Her face was in a pillow, her arms were by her side, her right arm was slightly bent. Her legs were stretched out perfectly straight.'" He immediately thought she had been placed that way. He had seen a number of suicides, and contrary to the common conception, an overdose of sleeping tablets usually causes victims to suffer convulsions and vomiting before they die in a contorted position." The statements taken from the three individuals were very strange and Clemmons was convinced that he was not hearing the truth. They claimed that Marilyn's body had been discovered some four hours earlier, but that they could not contact the police until 20th Century Fox's publicity department had given them permission. http://www.crimelibrary.com/notorious_murd.../7.html?sect=26
  2. Autopsy Report External examination: The unembalmed body is that of a 36-year-old well-developed, well-nourished Caucasian female weighing 117 pounds and measuring 65-1/2 inches in length. The scalp is covered with bleached blond hair. The eyes are blue. The fixed lividitv is noted in the face, neck, chest, upper portions of arms and the right side of the abdomen. The faint lividity which disappears upon pressure is noted in the back and posterior aspect of the arms and legs. A slight ecchymotic area is noted in the left hip and left side of lower back. The breast shows no significant lesion. There is a horizontal 3-inch long surgical scar in the right upper quadrant of the abdomen. A suprapubic surgical scar measuring 5 inches in length is noted. The conjunctivae are markedly congested; however, no ecehymosis or petechiae are noted. The nose shows no evidence of fracture. The external auditory canals are not remarkable:. No evidence of trauma is noted in the scalp, forehead, cheeks, lips or chin. The neck shows no evidence of trauma. Examination of the hands and nails shows no defects. The lower extremities show no evidence of trauma. Body cavity: The usual Y-shaped incision is made to open the thoracic and abdominal cavities. The pleural and abdominal cavities contain no excess of fluid or blood. The mediastinum shows no shifting or widening. The diaphragm is within normal limits. The lower edge of the liver is within the costal margin. The organs are in normal position and relationship. Cardiovascular system: The heart weighs 300 grams. The pericardial cavity contains no excess of fluid. The epicardium and pericardium are smooth and glistening. The left ventricular wall measures 1.1 cm. and the right 0.2 cm. The papillary muscles are not hypertrophic. The chordae tendineac are not thickened or shortened. The valves have the usual number of leaflets which are thin and pliable. The tricuspid valve measures 10 cm., the pulmonary valve 6.5 cm., mitral valve 9.5 cm. and aortic valve 7 cm in circumference. There is no septal defect. The foramen ovale is closed. The coronary arteries arise from their usual location and are distributed in normal fashion. Multiple sections of the anterior descending branch of the left coronary artery with a 5 mm. interial demonstrate a patent lumen throughout. The circumflex branch and the right coronary artery also demonstrate a patent lumen. The pulmonary artery contains no thrombus. The aorta has a bright yellow smooth intima. Respiratory system: The right lung weighs 465 grams and the left 420 grams. Both lungs are moderately congested with some edema. The surface is dark and red with mottling. The posterior portion of the lungs show severe congestion. The tracheobronchial tree contains no aspirated material or blood. Multiple sections of the lungs show congestion and edematous fluid exuding from the cut surface. No consolidation or suppuration is noted. The mucosa of the larynx is grayish white. Liver and biliary system: The liver weighs 1890 grams. The surface is dark brown and smooth. There are marked adhesions through the omentum and abdominal wall in the lower portion of the liver as the gallbladder has been removed. The common duct is widely patent. No calculus or obstructive material is found. Multiple sections of the liver show slight accentuation of the lobular pattern; however, no hemorrhage or tumor is found. Hemic and lymphatic system: The spleen weighs 190 grams. The surface is dark red and smooth. Section shows dark red homogeneous firm cut surface. The Malpighian bodies are not clearly identified. There is no evidence of lymphadenopathy. The bone marrow is dark red in color. Endocrine system: The adrenal glands have the usual architectural cortex and medulla. The thyroid glands are of normal size, color and consistency. Urinary system: The kidneys together weigh 350 grams. Their capsules can be stripped without difficulty. Dissection shows a moderately congested parenchyma. The cortical surface is smooth. The pelves and ureters are not dilated or stenosed. The urinary bladder contains approximately 150 cc. of clear straw-colored fluid. The mucosa is not altered. Genital system: The external genitalia shows no gross abnormality. Distribution of the pubic hair is of female pattern. The uterus is of the usual size. Multiple sections of the uterus show the usual thickness of the uterine wall without tumor nodules. The endometrium is grayish yellow, measuring up to 0.2 cm in thickness. No polyp or tumor is found. The cervix is clear, showing no nabothian cysts. The tubes are intact. The right ovary demonstrates recent corpus luteum haemorrhagicum. The left ovary shows corpora lutea and albicantia. A vaginal smear is taken. Digestive system: The esophagus has a longitudinal folding mucosa. The stomach is almost completely empty. The contents is brownish mucoid fluid. The volume is estimated to be no more than 20 cc. No residue of the pills is noted. A smear made from the gastric contents and examined under the polarized microscope shows no refractile crystals. The mucosa shows marked congestion and submucosal petechial hemorrhage diffusely. The duodenum shows no ulcer. The contents of the duodenum is also examined under polarized microscope and shows no refractile crystals. The remainder of the small intestine shows no gross abnormality. The appendix is absent. The colon shows marked congestion and purplish discoloration. The pancreas has a tan lobular architecture. Multiple sections shows a patent duct. Skeletomuscular system: The clavicle, ribs, vertebrae and pelvic bones show fracture lines. All bones of the extremities are examined by palpation showing no evidence of fracture. Head and central nervous system: The brain weighs 1440 grams. Upon reflection of the scalp there is no evidence of contusion or hemorrhage. The temporal muscles are intact. Upon removal of the dura mater the cerebrospinal fluid is clear. The superficial vessels are slightly congested. The convolutions of the brain are not flattened. the contour of the brain is not distorted. No blood is found in the epidural, subdural or subarachnoid spaces. Multiple sections of the brain show the usual symmetrical ventricles and basal ganglia. Examination of and brain stem shows no gross abnormality. Following removal of the dura mater from the base of the skull and calvarium no skull fracture is demonstrated. Liver temperature taken at 10:30 A.M. registered 89 F Specimen: Unembalmed blood is taken for alcohol and barbiturate examination. Liver, kidney, stomach and contents, urine and intestine are saved for further toxicological study. A vaginal smear is made. T NOGUCHI, M.D. DEPUTY MEDICAL EXAMINER 8-13-62 Crime Library: http://www.crimelibrary.com/notorious_murd...sy.html?sect=26
  3. Thanks James. Very interesting. They look to be European ( German, Polish ) ?
  4. Tim. Yes that was the exact comment i made on the other forum when reffering to this image. Greer would not want jackie to be thrown off the back of the limo.
  5. This was the image i posted on the other forum. Are the brake lights on, or is it just the sunlight reflecting through the brake light cover.
  6. Hi Lee. This shot had to have been fired from a low trajectory, striking the chrome trim and pushing the trim upward. Possibly, fragements from this strike cracked the windscreen,and some could have skipped over top of the front of the car or may have gone hrough the windscren towards the Tague position.
  7. Thomas Noguchi, Medical Examiner Born: c. 1926 Birthplace: Japan Best Known As: The "Coroner to the Stars" Noguchi's 15 years as the chief medical examiner for Los Angeles County earned him the sardonic nickname of "Coroner to the Stars." Noguchi graduated from Nippon Medical School in 1951; he was appointed a deputy coroner for Los Angeles County in 1961 and became the county's chief medical examiner in 1967. As such he performed or oversaw autopsies on celebrities including Marilyn Monroe, Natalie Wood, and Robert F. Kennedy. Noguchi became a celebrity in his own right, and his high profile made him a somewhat controversial figure. He stepped down as chief coroner in 1982 but continued to work with the county, finally retiring in 1999. His 1983 memoir Coroner was a best-seller. Noguchi was widely considered to be the model for Jack Klugman's character in the TV series Quincy... Noguchi was president of the National Association of Medical Examiners from 1982-83 From a 1986 Omni Magazine interview. OMNI You've considered many cases with missed evidence and fabrications in the lab. Are police, FBI, and military investigators often corrupt and incompetent? QUOTE: Noguchi I hope this isn't common, but in the major cases we find it often. These agencies have a tremendous stake in convicting an individual -- a mission to accomplish. And bungling and distortion of evidence have become more critical in the last twenty years because juries have grown to rely on forensic evidence as the prime basis for decision. They used to rely on confession, circumstantial evidence, eyewitness testimony. That was before forensic science entered the picture. As I see it, the judicial system -- with its imperfections -- has actually stimulated development of forensic science. Theatrical display has its place in court, but overall, painstaking evidence-presentation seems to be winning the well-publicized cases. Jack Ruby, the murderer of Lee Harvey Oswald, was represented by Melvin Belli, a very powerful, dramatic attorney. And the results were not as good as expected. Even F. Lee Bailey has had some recent failings. Some of today's best lawyers are not colorful but very, very systematic. They try to plug all holes, make a case watertight. The styles of the scientist and the lawyer begin to converge. When science enters the courtroom, theatrical display exits.
  8. Tim. This is interesting. Continued Here: http://www.thesmokinggun.com/archive/jfkfakes2.html
  9. quote: The document posted here makes no reference to aliens. That takes away one reason you believed the document was forged. Tim. The document i posted does mention a visit to a secret base by kennedy, crashed spacecraft, and dead bodies. Just to set the record straight.
  10. This agreement, with margin notes supposedly written by JFK, purports to address a financial trust established by Kennedy for the benefit of Bernice Miracle, Monroe's sister.
  11. quote: A Rolex given by Marilyn Monroe to JFK on the occasion of his 45th birthday.
  12. I think you know my take on it. I still believe that the shot which penentrated the windshield came from a lower elevation, DalTex, was unjacketed, fully penetrated the windshield, and then went on to strike the curb. This would explain the absence of copper, and the low velocity comment. From the Warren Report: http://www.jfk-assassination.de/warren/wch/vol15/page700.php Cutler uses the Z-film to reference 2 separate shots from the DalTex, one at z226, and what he believes was the miss, at z285. All that having been said, Duncan MacRae believes he found more than one man on the fire escape - at a higher elevation. The fire escape provided street access with one of those pull down extensions. You could have accessed the 2nd floor window from this fire escape, or crouched on the 3rd floor of the fire escape, without ever entering the front of the building. Jim Hamilton also believed he saw movement on the DalTex fire escape in Hughes. The large man sitting on the stairs has always made me wonder. Someone somewhere relayed that these men were painters. Odd hat for a painter to be wearing - was that the style in 1963 Dallas? And someone of that man's bulk is hard to imagine jumping for the bottom of the fire escape stairs, or hauling himself out a window, simply to eat his lunch. What was being painted that day, the fire escape? Just doublechecked - Duncan saw a man on the 3rd floor of the Fire Escape. In the area I have identified with the red arrow. Sorry, one last observation are the group of men gathered at the base of the fire escape. They are interesting, IMO. If you wanted to use the fire escape as your means of gaining elevation in the DalTex, you'd need to secure the access point. - lee <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Hi Lee. The window you are pointing to appears to be closed, either that or it has curtains hanging down . What ever the elevation, it needs to be high enough to shoot over the heads of the Secret Service (Approx 7-feet) And approximate the TSBD trajectory so that no questions will be asked come autopsy time. I beleive that the guy on the fire escapes image seemed distorted by part of the metal rail which made it look like he was wearing a stupid hat. I have tried to outline what i think is the correct image.
  13. quote=Ryan Crowe,Apr 21 2005, 12:33 AM] Excellent stuff guys, and great picture James. Anyone have a roof top photo of the records building?? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Hi Ryan. Good to see you again.
  14. Thanks James. Yes, it does indeed make you wonder exactly what there intention was by re-enacting this scenario.
  15. Thanks Pat. It was Don Roberdeau who started me think about the Dal-Tex roofline, the more i thought about it, the more sense it made as a Snipers location.
  16. From a similar post of mine on another forum. QUOTE: Good Day Robin.... Absolutely. On my detailed DP map I have located a theorized Dal-Tex roofline shooter (labeled "DRS" in red) about 30' more south than in the following map. The purple line is a DT roofline sourced Zf-223 trajectory (a vertical study taking into account the height of the warrenatti-posnerian "magic-limbed-ricochet-tree" would need to be accomplished). The green line on the following map equals a Zf-313 theorized trajectory fired from the same Dal-Tex roofline point (probably the "magic-limbed-ricochet-tree" could have been fired over from the Dal-Tex roofline at Zf-313).... Again, for both of those theorized trajectories the vertical, horizontal and lateral trajectory angles to President KENNEDY would be nearly identical as from the warrenatti, supposed, "lone nut" "snipers lair." As some people might say, "close enough for government work" would be all three angles from the Dal-Tex roofline as compared to the, supposed, "snipers lair" as determined during the inevitable autopsy completed by the chosen --possibly pre-assassination-selected-- relatively forensically- gunshots-inexperienced Bethesda doctors. Thanks Don.
  17. Speculation If i were going to try to frame a "sixth floor shooter" in the TSBD i would set up my rifle in this position. This would equate with the TSBD angle so there would be no questions asked come autopsy time. Also while the cops are searching the TSBD that would leave me time to make a clean exit from the Dal-Tex roof. The roof shot also equates with the angle of the James Tague bullet. Credit:James.
  18. From the Executive Sessions of the WC. Rankin/Boggs. Rankin clearly Mentions his concerns regarding the SBT. How did the "BACK" wound with a downward trajectory, then change direction and exit the throat. Notice he says "Back" and not "neck" He also mentions that "PROBABLY A FRAGMENT CAME OUT OF THE FRONT OF THE NECK." What fragment came out of the front of the neck. ? That's news to me. Credit Chuck Robbins.
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