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Robin Unger

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Everything posted by Robin Unger

  1. Credit: Anthony Marsh. QUOTE: This photograph was taken at the WH garage on June 15, 1961 during the installation of communications equipment. Notice the original license plate number AZ-691. You can also see the privacy window partially opened.
  2. QUOTE: 1961 to document the delivery of the new Lincoln Presidential limousine. Notice the Ford employee demonstrating the integral running board. Two on each side, front and rear. These were designed to allow Secret Service agents to ride on the limousine during motorcades, but in fact were not used and were removed later because of safety concerns.
  3. Thanks Nic. I agree with james, that pic of jackie is Exellent That backyard photo seems to have be "fliped as a Mirror image" left is right and right is left.
  4. Hi Alan. Very nice job with those png Images.
  5. John. The little girl seen running in the white top is "Rosemary Willis". Her father Phil Willis took (12- photos) of the motorcade, including the one famous one, which was snaped as a "reflex" reaction to the first gunshot.
  6. John. Is your guy wearing a hard hat. (bib and brace overalls man.) ? The man under the arrow is 'Howard Brennan" he is looking up at the snipers nest.
  7. When i look at this frame i see kennedy's finger pointing to his throat. Is it possible he is trying to indicate to the people in the Limo that he has been wounded in the throat and can NOT TALK due to the wound. He may even be choking on his own blood or gasping for air at this point. ?
  8. John. Yeh, i was just looking at the pic above, and noticed that at least one of the grooves seemed to point to your Post Office area.
  9. Hi John. I downloaded your image analizer software. I have been playing around with it, i need to sit down for a couple of hours and have a good look at it.
  10. Thanks John. Yeh, if you look closely at the tracheotomy wound in the "Death Stare" photo it is possible to see two halves of a circle, one half at the top of the incision, and one half at the bottom. I was just curious as to what this OTHER mark may be on the left side of Kennedy's neck.
  11. Thanks Lee. Interesting. I posted the document regarding the "Bullet behind the ear" on the forum recently.
  12. Some frames from Muchmore film.
  13. Hi John For refference: the Secret Service agent running up behind the Limo is Clint Hill. This Webpage may come in handy, it is a shortcut to witness statements. http://jfkassassination.net/russ/wit.htm
  14. Thanks Pat. I have given this a considerable amount of thought, i still have not reached a satisfactory answer in my own mind. I am going back to the drawing board and see what conclusions i can come up with.
  15. I colorized this X-ray in an attempt to try and make a 3D Effect,
  16. Robert McNamara, Maxwell Taylor, President Kennedy Maxwell Taylor, President Kennedy, Earle Wheeler http://www.jfklibrary.org/pr_tapes_january2003.html
  17. Pat. I have just finished reading your PDF Seminar. Very Interesting. I still have a few questions regarding how you see the orientation of the Fox8 photo. In your seminar you described the way you saw the image, but there are no markings on the images in the way of "annotation" which still left it up to different interpretations in my view. To clear this up once and for all in my mind, would you use this image and mark on it as Clearly as possible "your interepretation" of how it should be viewed. Thanks.
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