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Robin Unger

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Everything posted by Robin Unger

  1. quote=Antti Hynonen,Apr 14 2005, 11:01 AM] I seem to remember reading some time ago that the so-called pool of blood was most logically soda pop--Cherry Nehi, or Cherry Crush... This made sense to me at the time. Was not the pool by the bench precisely where the black couple was seen drinking soda pop? And didn't Marilyn Sitzman say they broke one of the bottles? Or am I mixed up? Pat, You could be right about the soda. However, there were two distinctly different pools of "blood". There was a thread not too long ago on this Forum where these two pools of "blood" were discussed. From what I remember, the pool by the TSBD, was actually identified as blood by a few reporters (one of them tasted it). As far as I recall the other pool was not "examined" as thoroughly, so as far as I know it could have been blood or soda or something else. In that thread there is a clip of video, including a few shots of the section of walkway by the retaining wall, with a glance at the concrete walkway which clearly contains some sort of liquid on it. It is impossible to say what this liquid is, but we do see someone in the clip, looking like Det. Buddy Walthers looking at this liquid. At any rate, it looked suspicious enough for Det. Walthers to look at it and for someone to film it. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [
  2. Another Article: Lost and Found by John Kelin -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- There was a great deal of interest within the assassination research community in late May, when newly uncovered motion picture film shot in Dallas on November 22, 1963 was broadcast on The CBS Evening News with Dan Rather. According to CBS, the stuff was "new" in the sense that its existence just recently became known. A call on the American public by the Assassination Records Review Board to give it any film or photographs of that dark day had apparently borne fruit. But the claim that the film is new, or even significant, has been questioned by some researchers. CBS showed the film over two nights, amid great hype and hoopla. Warren Commission supporter Richard Trask, author of Pictures of the Pain, was called on by CBS for expert analysis, as was historian Doris Kearns Goodwin. ARRB spokesman Tom Samoluk, who has called the film "a classic find," also appeared in the CBS coverage. All told, there are some 45 minutes of black and white film clips. CBS aired a smidgeon of that --- a few minutes' worth, at best. Much was made by CBS of a shot in which the doomed President and the First Lady are seen holding hands. There are also shots of new President LBJ leaving Parkland Hospital, police taking several initial suspects and witnesses into custody, and Lee Harvey Oswald at the Dallas police station after his arrest. In addition, the footage shows Oswald's killer, Jack Ruby, at a press conference with Oswald on the night of the assassination. Ruby murdered Oswald two days later. There were no shots of the motorcade under fire, but police and witnesses are seen running toward a rail yard to search for an assassin immediately ater the shooting, according to the Dallas Morning News. This "new" film was apparently shot by KTVT cameraman Roy Cooper. As CBS tells the story, it never aired during KTVT's initial assassination coverage, and Cooper literally salvaged it from a cutting room wastebasket. Cooper kept the original and made a copy for a friend, Eli Sturges. They tried but failed to sell it secretly and the copy was stashed under Sturges' home for years. Relatives of Mr. Sturges came forward after hearing about the ARRB's request. The Review Board reportedly cut a deal with CBS, giving the network an exclusive first broadcast of the film. It isn't clear what, if anything, the Board might have gotten in return. The footage has been transferred to videotape at the National Archives, where it will be added to the JFK Collection and made accessible to researchers and the public. There is said to be a much longer version of the Cooper film --- some two and a quarter hours, all told. Relatives of the late cameraman are reportedly interested in selling it, but haven't found a buyer. The Dallas-based Sixth Floor Museum has reportedly expressed interest in the longer version. In spite of all the excitement over the 45 minute version, longtime researcher and photo expert Jack White says it contains nothing new, and that he saw the footage many years ago at Cooper's home. "I do not know what all the fuss is about," Mr. White wrote to a JFK email group. "Researchers have known about and/or seen this film for more than 20 years and dismissed it as largely unimportant. No serious JFK conspiracy researcher has been interviewed about it..." But Richard Trask counters: "The film gives us some important, previously unavailable views which could add significantly to our understanding of what happened immediately after the assassination." Fair Play doesn't understand how believers in the lone-nut theory can also believe this "new" footage can be all that significant, since there isn't anything in it that would alter their final judgement. But we'll confess right here to not being fully informed on this matter. Fair Play's editor was out of town when the film was shown on CBS, and so was unable to tape it, and saw it only once. Here, though, are the insights of FP contributor and ARRB expert Joseph Backes: As far as I understand it, there was a strong desire on the part of Dan Rather and CBS News to acquire the film before the Review Board got it. I got the impression there was a race. The Dallas Morning News was trying to help CBS. In a letter Tom Samoluk told me, "CBS and The Dallas Morning News were aware of the film before the Review Board and CBS personnel and a Dallas Morning News reporter had it in hand before the Review Board staff." Shades of the Zapruder film! Mr. Samoluk went on to say, "CBS and The Dallas Morning News cooperation with the Board did not interfere with our efforts to acquire the film for the JFK Collection." I think that Mr. Samoluk is being very diplomatic here. I was not in on the process, of course, but I find it hard to beleive that CBS and the Dallas Morning News were "cooperating" with the Review Board so that the Review Board would get the film. I asked if CBS was trying to stake a claim on the film as it was produced by a CBS cameraman. Apparently not: "CBS is making no claims relative to the film and the donor has put no restrictions on the donation of the film." One wonders then what are the donor deed of gift regualtions they are still working on? John Judge told me there is something called "Gaylord communications", I may have misspelled this as I never saw it spelled, that either has or is trying to lay claim to the film. I have no idea who or what Gaylord communications is, or who they represent. There was some piece of paper with that name attached with the videotape the ARRB was giving out. I'll ask the ARRB about this.
  3. Known Personnel In/Out of Trauma Room One Parkland Memorial Hospital 12:38 pm to 2:08 pm November 22, 1963 compiled by Brad Parker and Charles Crenshaw, M.D. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- While there is no real evidentiary value to "Known Personnel In/Out of Trauma Room One," it represents a part of basic investigative procedure which was overlooked by both the Warren Commission and the subsequent House Assassinations Committee. "They did not even do enough of a research project to find out who all was in the room," observed Charles Crenshaw, M.D., who was in the trauma room while President Kennedy was being treated for his injuries. Through consulting works from Jim Bishop to Harold Weisberg, I completed the initial list in mid 1993. The list was then submitted to Dr. Crenshaw for changes, additions, or other suggestions in January of 1994. Please note that the authors do not contend that everyone present observed the President's injuries. In fact, few of these people had the opportunity to see the man at the center of the emergency room hysteria. The list consists of people who, at one time or another during the President's time at Parkland, entered the emergency room. "Known Personnel In/Out of Trauma Room One" has never before appeared in a publication, and we are pleased to offer it through Fair Play. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- L.Name F.Name Position Akin Gene Resident Anesthesiologist Bashour Foaud Chief Cardiologist Baxter Charles Attending Surgeon Bowron Diana Nurse Burkley George White House Physician Cabluck Jarrold F.W.S.T. Photographer Cain Thomas Priest Carrico Charles Resident Surgeon Clark William Chief Neurosurgeon Crenshaw Charles Resident Surgeon Curtis Donald Resident Oral Surgeon Dulany Richard Resident Surgeon Giesecke Adolf Anesthesiologist Grossman Robert Resident Neurosurgeon Henchliffe Margarate Nurse Hill Clinton Secret Service Agent Huber Oscar Priest Hunt Jackie Anesth.-Only woman M.D. Hutton Pat Nurse Jenkins Marion Chief Anesthesiologist Jones Ronald Chief Resident Surgeo Kellerman Roy Secret Service Agent Kennedy Jacqueline First Lady Landis Paul Secret Service Agent McClelland Robert Attending Surgeon McGuire Dennis Assistant Undertaker Midgett William Ob-Gyn Resident Nelson Doris Chief Superivising Nurse Nelson John Pediatric Resident O'Donnell Kenneth Presidential Secretary O'Neal Vernon Undertaker Perry Malcolm Attending Surgeon Peters Paul Urologist Powers David Presidential Aide Rike Aubery Assistant Undertaker Rose Earl Chief Forensic Pathologist Salyer Kenneth Resident Surgeon Sanders David Parkland Orderly Seldin Donald Chief Internist Standridge Ruth Head Nurse Stembridge Vernon Chief of Surgical Path. Stewart David Surgeon Stewart Sidney Resident Pathologist Thompson James Priest Ward Theron Justice of the Peace Webster Jane OR Assistant Supervisor White Martin Resident Surgeon Zedelitz William Resident Surgeon Back Issues (1-35) here: http://spot.acorn.net/jfkplace/09/fp.back_...backissues.html
  4. CBS Memo. "Confidential" This is my opinion after reading this memo. More dis-information regarding the SBT, using Jim Snyder of CBS in DC as a conduit to sell the idea of a back to throat shot as viable. Credit: Philip Sincliar.
  5. FBI Memo from A.H.Belmont to Tolson. This document mentions a bullet which was lodged behind the presidents ear. Credit: Chuck Robbins
  6. Thanks James. Very interesting thread. QUOTE: With the release of primary-source documents pursuant to the 1992 law, the evidence that Oswald may in fact have been impersonated over a period of years for a variety of reasons and in a number of locations just keeps piling up. For example, one release from *96 which provides additional fodder for proof of imposture in Mexico City is a November 27, 1963, memo from Winston Scott to Legal Attache Clark D. Anderson which says that the final one in a series of phone calls to the Soviet embassy in Mexico City regarding Oswald's visa request came from a man who was suspected NOT to be Oswald because of the broken Spanish and English spoken (rather than Russian). The call also came in at 1539 hours on October 3rd -- after Oswald is supposed to have been back in Dallas. http://www.jfklancer.com/Page4.html QUOTE: * Oswald's alleged bus tickets were found only a few days before the Warren Report was to be published. The tickets were supposedly found in some Spanish- language magazines that Oswald had allegedly brought back from Mexico City. As the story goes, Marina Oswald supposedly took these magazines with her to the hotel where the government detained her after the assassination. There, at the last minute, Marina found the tickets in one of the magazines. No one has yet explained why Marina would have taken Spanish magazines with her when she did not even speak the language. Nor has anyone explained why it took so long to "find" the tickets. FBI had agents had already carefully searched the motel rooms where Marina and her children were being kept. The agents said they had examined every scrap of paper in the rooms and found nothing of interest (43:66). The rooms were searched again by a different team of agents. They didn't find the tickets either. It was only after the WC finally seemed to get suspicious about the lack of hard evidence of Oswald's Mexico City trip that the tickets miraculously turned up. http://karws.gso.uri.edu/JFK/the_critics/g...personated.html
  7. Quotes from "Dennis David" in response to questions put to him. QUOTE: Have no idea what happened to the films and pictures I saw in Bill's office. Bill had 8 or 9 photos,do not recall exactly how many were B&W and how many were in Color. Yes, I looked at all the still photos, and 3 to 4 feet of the 16mm film. I do not know if Bill Pitzer took the pictures/film. I never ask him. I am "on the fence" as to whether Bill was murdered or committed suicide. This is due to the excellent job Allan Eaglesham has done in his researching of the circumstances and evidence of Bill's death. I am most grateful to Allan for his endeavors. In 1992, at a meeting in Pittsburg, Jerol Custer stated he had taken 17 X-rays. How many have been shown to the Public? At the same meeting, Floyd Reibe stated that at least 130 pictures (60% B&W and 40% Color) were taken by himself or Stringer. How many autopsy photos have been made Public? Dennis D QUOTE: The memo, which I typed that evening, stated "the following fragments were removed from the head .....during post-mortem procedures on this date" or words to that effect. Am I sure there were "four" fragments? ABSOLUTELY! I can still see them in my minds eye today. The fragments I saw were in an orangish/opaque pill vial with a white top. The Gov.Agent had set the vial on the desk while he was dictating the memo to me. When the memo was finished, the Agent took the memo and proof read it. As he did, I picked up the vial and was looking at it, the Agent saw me and said "go ahead and look at them". I then opened the vial and poured the fragments into my hand, looked at them, and then replaced them in the vial. After Proofing the memo, the Agent signed it, put the vial in his pocket, took the memo and carbons, removed the ribbon cartridge from the typewriter (an IBM selectric) and left. As he left, he turned to me and said "this is considered classified matter, and is to be treated as such". Do not remember the name of the Agent. I had never seem him before or since. I doubt that I would recognize him, even from a photo, after all these years. I recall him as being in mid-thirties, approx. 6 ft tall, about 180 to 190, dark hair, tan complexion. The only comments he made to me were those I cited above. As to the prints I saw in Bill's office: they were 4x8. Do not remember any markings, nor do I recall looking at the back of the pictures. I also recall three or four 35mm slides, but did not get a good look at them. The film was B&W. Also, the camera never moved. There was no Y incision on the torso, so I presume what I saw was before any incision or intrusive procedure had begun. The angle of the camera appeared to be above and to the right of the body. Only lower body and arms of two people were also shown as they rolled the body up on its side to look at the back of the President. The frontal and posterior views (of the body) were the same as in the still photos. Dennis D QUOTE: Do no recall anyone expressing any doubts that early. Actually, the "official" story was that Oswald did it. But, the autopsy report was not issued until much later. There WERE a lot of rumors around.Such as: two caskets being used, allegedly to prevent the body from being kidnapped and/or avoid morbid people. I know this sounds outlandish, but that was some of the remarks floating around. I received only the grey shipping casket that night. The following evening (Saturday), I was watching TV, when I first saw the bronze casket and heard the announcer stating it contained the body of the President. I remember telling my wife that was not the casket I had received. On Mon/Tues, I ask Dr. Boswell which casket was contained the body of the President. He told me "you should know, you were there when it came in". The only time Bill and I discussed anything about the autopsy, was while looking at the pictures/film on Monday. Both of us were of the opinion that the killing shot was to the right forehead and exited in the occipital-parietal area. I never talked to anyone, of my experiences that night, again until 1974 when I discussed it with Art Peterson (Waukegan Sun) under a guarantee of anonyminity. Dennis D QUOTE: Sorry for not responding sooner. My wife and I have been running back and forth between Doctors and hospitals for the past six weeks. I will be having cataract surgery next Wed. (03/16) and my wife will be undergoing surgery on 03/18 for a carcinoma mass in her right lung. As to your question Richard, I do not recall seeing a PHOTOGRAPH of the back in Bill's office. I do recall seeing the back in the few feet of film that we looked at. AARB questions did not seem to put much credibility on my contention of the existence of the 16mm film. I screwed up in the interview with William. I should have clafified that my recollection of the back was from the film, not a photograph. Dennis D http://www.jfklancerforum.com/dc/dcboard.p...e=&topic_page=1
  8. Pat. This image seems to agree with you on one point. That the bevelleled hole is one of exit not entrance. But his alighnment of the photo is the same as mine.
  9. Hi Tim. I remember reading a story that kennedy was supposed to have spend a weekend at sinatra's guest house, but because of his connections with the mob Kennedy aired on the side of causion, an ended up spending the weekend at Bing Crosby's instead. I beleive that Sinatra was pretty pi**sed about that. QUOTE: The most compelling [pieces of] evidence are the memos written by J.Edgar Hoover to Robert Kennedy and Lawrence O'Donnell on Feb. 27, 1962, expressing his concern about Kennedy's relationship with Campbell, whom he described as the friend of "a prominent Chicago underwold firgure." That was followed by a March 22, 1962 lunch between Kennedy and Hoover to discuss the affair. Hoover brought along a copy of his memo. The last Kennedy-Campbell phone call was a few hours after the lunch with Hoover. The next day, Kennedy also cut off ties to Frank Sinatra, Giancana's friend who had introduced him to Exner and who was planning to put up the president in Palm Springs, CA that very week, thereby causing a rift with the Mob and Sinatra the ramifications of which would be debated for years. (See Richard Gid Powers, Secrecy and Power, The Life of J. Edgar Hoover, p. 360, and Curtis Gentry, J. Edgar Hoover, The Man and the Secrets, p. 488-489.)
  10. More confirmation of a wound in the temple. http://www.aarclibrary.org/publib/jfk/arrb...md231_0002a.htm
  11. This is my "interpretation" of the orientation of the image below
  12. Has this mark ever been explained:
  13. QUOTE: A few years ago, I sent right- and left-profile outlines to Dennis and asked him to place the wounds that he saw in the Pitzer photographs/film. Here is what he provided. The hand-writing is his. Allan Eaglesham Thanks Allan.
  14. QUOTE: Robin: That mark also corrolates perfectly with what Jerrol Custer said he saw the night of the autopsy. William Law interviewed Jerrol for his book, "In The Eye Of History." Here's how the exchange between the two men went: Law: That speaks volumes. Tell me where the wound in the head was located, to the best of your recollection. Custer: To the best of my recollection it was in the frontal sinus on the right hand side. Just above the orbit, right about here (points to a spot about half an inch above the middle of the right eyebrow). Palamara: Now you claim that was an entrance wound? Custer: That's the entry wound. (Law, page 121) Bill Cheslock. Thanks Bill.
  15. When you lighten the back of the head autopsy photo's you will notice what Bosweel in his ARRB testimony said was a scalp " hair peice " which could be pulled forward over the skull and cover the open cavity where the skull was missing. If you look at the B/W image above you can see that the doctor is physicaly holding the hair between his fingers in order to pull the scalp forward and cover the skull cavity
  16. QUOTE: 1. On the pictures I saw in Bill's office, I observed a round hole about 7/16 in. in diameter. Draw a line from the right corner of the right eye to the hairline and that was the location of what appeared, to Bill and I, to be an entrance wound. Why no comment was made about this in the "Official Autopsy" report, I have no idea. You may wish to know that in a meeting in Pittsburg, in 1992, Jerol did not disagree with me on the location. Jerol had some rough times in later life, I will not speak disparagingly of him. I will, however, tell you that at that particular time in my life, I could have: drawn you a picture of every bone in the human body; named all 512 pairs of muscles,citing their origins and attachments; and named 90% (at least) of all the nerves. Couldn't do it now, too old and too long away from the field (LOL). You will find diagrams that I provided in The Dealey Plaza Echo, Vol.8, No. 3, Nov 2004, which I did for Kim Reinholt. There are also some diagrams provide by Paul O'Connor in the same article. Dennis David. Thanks John. Yes i hope so, i beleive he is busy looking after his sick wife at the moment, and can't spare the time to respond fully as i hoped he would. Richard smith asked on my behalf if he would reply to my similar post on the lancer Board, which i provided at the start of this post.
  17. I beleive this may be a "bullet wound" just above the corner of the right eye. You won't see this black circle unless you lighten the autopsy images. QUOTE: 1. On the pictures I saw in Bill's office, I observed a round hole about 7/16 in. in diameter. Draw a line from the right corner of the right eye to the hairline and that was the location of what appeared, to Bill and I, to be an entrance wound. Why no comment was made about this in the "Official Autopsy" report, I have no idea. You may wish to know that in a meeting in Pittsburg, in 1992, Jerol did not disagree with me on the location. Jerol had some rough times in later life, I will not speak disparagingly of him. I will, however, tell you that at that particular time in my life, I could have: drawn you a picture of every bone in the human body; named all 512 pairs of muscles,citing their origins and attachments; and named 90% (at least) of all the nerves. Couldn't do it now, too old and too long away from the field (LOL). You will find diagrams that I provided in The Dealey Plaza Echo, Vol.8, No. 3, Nov 2004, which I did for Kim Reinholt. There are also some diagrams provide by Paul O'Connor in the same article. Dennis David. http://www.jfklancerforum.com/dc/dcboard.p...e=&topic_page=2
  18. NSA documents i downloaded from the NSA Reading room http://www.geocities.com/quaneeri3/jfk105.jpg http://www.geocities.com/quaneeri3/jfk112.jpg http://www.geocities.com/quaneeri3/jfk110.jpg http://www.geocities.com/quaneeri3/jfk136.jpg
  19. Credit: Denis Morissette Denis. This was one your photo's that you posted in two halves. I have tried to combine them as best as i can, given the two sides don't match identically
  20. Mark, Please check the broadcast and see if there was a live report from Love Field at approximately 2:15CST. A fellow researcher has previously indicated that he heard a radio broadcast from Love involving the arrival of a black hearse on the front starboard side of AF1. As we know, the hearse that left Parkland was white, and JFK's casket was loaded on the rear port side. Thanks RJS <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I beleive this may be part of the "eight hours" of tape, on Real Player streaming media. http://www.reelradio.com/se/index.html#klif112263
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