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Robin Unger

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Everything posted by Robin Unger

  1. Darnell GIF http://i1285.photobucket.com/albums/a585/quaneeri2/Darnell-slow.gif
  2. Hughes GIFS showing Lovelady in the doorway.
  3. How to gauge the height of the top landing in Darnell even if the top landing can't be seen we have other reference points that can be used. the bottom of the two pillars, and the line where the decorative brick pattern facade meets the concrete at the bottom.
  4. Regarding Lovelady's shirt hanging down in the back, that appears normal to me since Lovelady wore his shirt hanging out, not tucked in to his pants. Bob Jackson photo
  5. I think it is fair to say that 3-years later in 1963 Gloria's appearance would not have changed that much, in searching for her in the Dealey Plaza images from 11/22/63 we should be looking for a woman with a similar appearance as the image above. ( a woman wearing glasses )
  6. This photo was in the back of her 1960 HS yearbook, since the Tire store was a yearbook sponsor. Dana Herring, was also the bridesmaid at her wedding, July 19, 1963. Added by: Linda 7/17/2015
  7. I have removed the old Cabluck and Darmell images which contained the Calvery annotation from my image galleries and i have replaced them with this one.
  8. Click on your account name in the top right hand corner, then in the drop down click on "my attachments" Something has changed ? In this section on the Ed Forum previously the attachments could be Edited and Deleted. Now the Attachment area appears to be read only. there is no edit function.
  9. The woman marked ( c ) in this Zapruder frame has a similar appearance to the running woman seen in Darnell. Mary Woodward woman marked ( E ) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eim4Pu57FZc&spfreload=5
  10. Large extensive Archive David I can see that you must have spent thousands of hours collecting that material and uploading it Online I for one appreciate the hard work that has gone into creating this resource.
  11. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2487722/Never-seen-colour-footage-emerges-JFK-giving-thumbs-moments-shot-dead-motorcade.html
  12. Quote: That is the issue: not what Dr. Grossman alleges he saw; not his interpretations; but whether he was there. Whether he is a legitimate witness. Because if he is legitimate, if he was really there, why is it that nobody else records his presence? How can a man pick up the President’s head, when he lay dying in Trauma Room One, and no one report that? Why doesn’t he appear in the reports or testimony of anyone else present? Trauma Room One (also known as ER-1) was a small room. How is it possible for Dr. Grossman to have rushed into the room with Dr. Kemp Clark (that is his story) and then been at the side of Dr Kemp Clark—during a period that lasted some at 20 minutes—with no one reporting him there? (As a friend of mine has remarked: was he Casper, the Friendly Neurosurgeon?) That is the question, and that is the issue which must be explored. So let us begin at the beginning—November 22, 1963, and the moment when the Presidential limousine carrying the mortally wounded president, and the wounded Governor, screeched to a halt outside Parkland Hospital. About 15 Dallas physicians and nurses went to the Emergency Room of Parkland Hospital and were eyewitnesses to history—to the death of a U.S. President: who sustained gunshot wounds of the neck and head. JFK was lying face up on a small hospital gurney, doctors and nurses crowded around. The emergency treatment didn’t last very long. A tracheotomy was performed, but it was apparent JFK’s head wound was fatal, so creating an airway to assist breathing was largely irrelevant. Although chest tubes were put in place, and some cutdowns done, after taking a good look at the head wound, and after cardiac massage seemed obviously hopeless, Dr. Kemp Clark, head of neurosurgery—pronounced JFK dead. Based on contemporaneous Secret Service records, it would appear that President Kennedy was pronounced dead at around 1:13 pm. When Dr. Clark first filled out the death certificate, he wrote that the time of death was “13:20” (1:20 p.m.). But the official time of death was set at 1 pm.; and the public announcement was made at about 1:35. These details are minor, but are provided here only as a rough guide as to how long the doctors and nurses were crowded around the President’s body—a time period lasting from about 12:38 p.m., to 1:13 p.m, plus or minus, and that fits with what Dr. Clark told the press when he and Dr. Perry faced reporters at about 2:15 p.m. When asked how long the president had received treatment, he answered 40 minutes. (See White House Transcript of Clark-Perry News Conference). That number becomes important in considering whether someone can be present, in front of a group of witnesses, and not be seen. Because it is doctor Grossman’s position that he entered the room with Clark (“raced in” as he put it), was at Clark’s side constantly; and specifically, when Clark lifted the President’s head and looked at the wound. Indeed, he says he lifted the President’s head, with Clark. The doctors and nurses present when JFK died formed a very special class of witnesses—those in a position to have direct knowledge of the president’s wounds. And the President’s wounds, of course, were of the utmost importance in determining the origin of the shots. All those present were asked to make medical reports of everything they had done and seen. Those reports were stamped TOP SECRET and forwarded to Washington. The person who gathered those reports was, appropriately, Dr. Kemp Clark, the doctor who pronounced JFK dead—and Elizabeth Wright, a senior nursing official at Parkland. One can find those reports—with their TOP SECRET stamps—in the Price Exhibits in Volume 20 of the Warren Commission’s 26 volumes; they bear that name because they were entered into evidence when hospital administrator Jack Price testified. Not only did Dr. Grossman file no report, he is not mentioned by anyone who did write a report found in that collection. On December 11, two Secret Service agents met with the doctors who had been with the President. The purpose of the meeting was to show them the Bethesda autopsy report. Dr. Grossman was not at that meeting http://mcadams.posc.mu.edu/grossman.htm
  13. Good extended McClelland interview. He mentions the right side Cerebellum falling out onto the gurney.
  14. In the video above what i see is Crenshaw promoting his new book. He mentions a frontal shooter, Government Conspiracy, coverup etc. all good hype for the Conspiracy crowd.
  15. That GIF shows the retracted scalp going right to left across the top of the head. That is not the way a scalp is retracted in a normal autopsy. The normal procedure is to cut across the scalp from ear to ear, and then pull the front portion down over the face, and pull the back portion back over the skull. Pat Speer has a photo showing this procedure on his website. Pat and myself have discussed this a number of times.
  16. Dr McClelland says he walked around behind the presidents head and looked into the wound. http://emuseum.jfk.org/view/objects/asitem/classification@Oral Histories/44/title-asc?t%3Astate%3Aflow=d437b3f9-5353-4930-a70b-739999ea6fab
  17. When i fist saw the back of the head photo 20 - years ago it appeared to me as though the back of the hair had been cut, and that they had used a "hairpiece" to cover up the skull cavity in the top of the skull. Similar to the way we see the doctors pulling the scalp forward to cover the skull cavity in other autopsy photos.
  18. That photo was posted on Facebook by Martin Shackelford QUOTE: Head from back autopsy photo--printed lighter than we usually see--damage visible in lower right back of head. I don't agree, all i see is that the top of the head appears to be missing. ?
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