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Robin Unger

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Everything posted by Robin Unger

  1. Once again Butler shows us that he is clueless when it comes to understanding perspective and camera LOS Altgens camera field of view: Credit: Martin Hinricks
  2. As i understand it Bob's Lovelady is supposedly the person seen against the west wall, just under Prayermans right elbow.
  3. I saw your Dorman frame, which is why i posted this image showing the area covered by Dorman's camera..
  4. It wasn't hidden away for years, it is freely available for anyone to look at in the WC Volume XX http://aarclibrary.org/publib/jfk/wc/wcvols/wh20/html/WH_Vol20_0089b.htm
  5. Thanks David He still doesn't understand why i keep insisting that the Hill 5 sketch positions Hill approx half way between the Elm / Houston corner and the overpass.
  6. Are you seriously going to try and tell us that Mary Moorman snapped her Moorman 5 polaroid from this location. ? do you know how ridiculous that sounds ?
  7. The Hill 5 drawing shows the area between the corner of "Elm and Houston" and the "Overpass" the drawing positions Jean Hill on the grass, at a point almost HALF WAY DOWN ELM ST. why then are you concentrating on this area. ? This is NOT almost half way down Elm st ?
  8. Muchmore shows us where Jean Hill is standing, and where she is looking at the time of the head shot.
  9. Moorman and Hill approx standing location marked on Hill 5 Exhibit I have also moved the location and angle of the TSBD in relation to Elm st.
  10. HSCA James Richard Worrell, what's his story. ?
  11. If you wanted people to respond to your post, then you should have included a link to the Eaglesham article. ?
  12. I am not aware of their names. Cabluck photo Large version here: http://www.jfkassassinationgallery.com/albums/userpics/10001/4c173a9c6061c25d053a744c73c391dd.jpg
  13. http://www.history-matters.com/archive/contents/hsca/contents_hsca_vols.htm
  14. That is a frame from the Darnell film which i enlarged using photoshop
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