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John Dolva

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Everything posted by John Dolva

  1. Certainly they could have, though I'd say that the particular memebers involved need not necessarily be representative of the JBS and could very well be members of other organisations as well. I think it's a mind set grouping that reacted to the changes that Kennedy represented. The JBS, the KKK, the DCC and others that have a broad membersip not necessarily just from any particular Party, are likely to contain like minded individuals who are brought together in association with these groups. They may also be CIA, FBI, anti this, pro that, etc
  2. the images this refers to are above ....... Mark, hopefully we can all one day toast to a job well done, whatever the outcome. Looking at Harry started after I saw possibility of a left shot, which surprised me greatly. So turning around and looking away from the accepted wisdom, there he was. Lots of curious things and very few answers. In fact the more I stated to pursue him and try to see what he was up to the stranger it becomes. David, there is no mention of using the lens distorter in anything except in me taking a photo (any photo will do) distorting it and comparing the two using a specific technique of comparison as described. Purely illustrative for demonstration. Overall this technique as described applies to any, not any particular images.
  3. Stephen. Another aspect in the game of deception is that revealed in the 'Reagan Ruckus' of '65, where the JBS offered to Reagan, (FBI informant T 10 of San Francisco) to either support or oppose him, depending on which was judged to be most useful. Exactly how opposing him would work as a veiled support I'm not sure. Perhaps it would endear him to the anti war movement? It's interesting to note that at this time the JBS was spreading information that indicated Warren was a communist sympathiser. What role the JBS plays in the COINTELPRO operations I don't know.
  4. "[informant number] MM T-1 advised that C.F. Riker, 2610 MacGregor #2, Houston, Texas...was in Miami and claimed to represent a group of assassins that operate exclusively against Communists. Stephen, I wonder if you can clarify for me the reference to informant MM T-1. I had assumed from my reading that the T clasification was one used by the FBI to denote confidential informants, the MM (for Miami?) prefix denoting locality. This appears to be for internal use only, the informants themselves were unaware of their code. However from reading this it seems the CIA used the same classification? If so it's of interest to me. It would either indicate that the FBI used the same classification system. Wheteher that means a FBI T-1 is the same as a CIA one I don't know, or it may suggest that the FBI informants are CIA informants first or second. Or just CIA?
  5. The full text of CE 1152 "DL 100-10461 RPQ:gmf #my comments in italics between these # signs, where text is underlined it's because in the text someone has done so with a pen. This is obviously a report or summary of a number of reports# Confidential informant, Dallas T-7, advised Special Agent CHARLES T. BROWN, JR., that LEE H. OSWALD rented Post Office Box 6225 located at the Terminal Annex Post Office Station, Dallas, Texas, on November 1,1963. In his application for rental of this box OSWALD indicated the name of his firm as, "Fair Play for Cuba Committee," #part of Harry's job as informant was to monitor mail of communists, I think that at least as early as November one, though given the average 2 week gap in reports being attended to possibly at least by November 14, Oswalds Mail Box was under surveillance.# and another firm indicated as, "American Civil Liberties Union." He indicated this type of business as "Non-Profit." According to informant, Postal records indicated OSWALD rented this box for the period November 1 through December 31, 1963 and paid $3.00 rental in cash for the box on November 1, 1963. #the missed beat here and its descriptive dialogue indicate here an attempt to make at least two separate reports appear as one, the second lot of information coming as a followup as the significance is realised, in other words a knowledge of Oswald as early as (at least) Nov 1, and a summary presentation here to indicate it was later, because why would they not just say it was Harry? His part in things was no secret? or was it?# #now we go on to a later period.# Informant advised that on December 5, 1963, he examined Post office Box 6225 at which time he ascertained the only item contained in the box was the December 6, 1963 issue of "Time" Magazine. #Henry Luce's mag(mockingbird). Oswalds receipt of Worker and Militant is significant, Time is not?# The Magazine was adressed to LEE H. OSWALD, Box 62254, Dallas, Texas. #presumably it's a one year subscription. This is significant as it therefore was not redirected, but after the date of Nov 1, Oswald sent a change of address to Time, giving his new mailing address. There were definitely ways that both the CIA and FBI could have known of and monitored Oswalds whereabouts and his mail for at least as long as one year previous to the assassination.# The mailing strip on the magazine indicated OSWALD's subscription expires in December,1963. #note the tense used here, expires, not would expire or expired. The report referred to here or paraphrased was written prior to Dec 6 at least, definitely before the last issue of that year, probably in the week after receipt of Dec 6 issue.# Informant stated that since the afternoon of November 22, 1963, a close watch has been maintained on this box. #kinda like after the horse has bolted?# Informant stated that a continued close watch has been maintained and will continue to be maintained for any persons attempting to obtain mail from this box. # this is absurd as Harry is the person from whom Marina now receives her mail from after it is examined by the FBI, CIA. Oswald is dead so presumably Hidell is too, quite apart from the fact that there is NO mention of any Hidell in the earlier report of the Box being applied for.?# Informant stated that it is his understanding that OSWALD had a key to Post Office Box 6225 in his pocket at the time of his arrest on November 22, 1963. Informant stated that he was at the Homicide Detail Room, Dallas Police Department, on November 22, 1963, and observed the key in possession of an unidentified Homicide Detail Detective. The detective told informant that the key had been found on OSWALD at the time of OSWALD's arrest. #now he (the author of this hodgepodge) goes on to yet another report# Informant stated that he questioned numerous Postal employees after November 22, 1963, regarding any mail packages, magazines or other material received through Box 6225 by OSWALD and none were able to recall any material of any kind being placed in the box with the exception of one employee whose name informant was unable to recall. # Harry elsewhere went to great length to describe his phenomenal memory and investigative techniques, but he cannot remember this person who worked for him. Well, as a result this person cannot be questioned. I suggest he can't remember because this person never existed, or rather this person is Harry, who had already been monitoring OSWALD's box since BEFORE the assassination. Through him (Harry), the FBI, CIA, Dulles, Helms, Roosevelt, Walker et al. were already monitoring Oswald. I guess one could call Harry the gopher, or perhaps a classic name for a gopher : the butler.# This employee told informant he thought on one occasion he had placed some type of Russian newspaper in the box but the employee was unable to specifically recall placing the item in the box #amnesia must be infectious in the Postal Inspectors department# and he was not was not able to recall a date on which it had been done, #had it been done or had it not??? whatever, the impression that it had is now there, (backyard photos?)# if it actually had been done. #ahh, now I see, clear as mud.# Informant stated that upon examining the box on the afternoon of November 22, 1963, it was determined there was dust in the bottom of the box indicating no mail had been received through the box. # wow, an entire paragraph to say, er...nothing. Elementary, my dear Holmes.# Informant concluded by saying that on November 24, 1963, Oswald admitted renting P. O. Box 6225 #having now achieved the purpose of this summary, there is a desire to hasten it's conclusion and Post Office now becomes P.O.# and P.O. box 2915 in Dallas, Texas. He also admitted to informant #this is the most telling evidence that "Informant Dallas T-7" was indeed Harry D. Holmes because this is what happened in the last interview of Oswald, prolonged by Harry with these questions way past Oswalds sheduled transfer till Jack Ruby was downstairs and someone signalling, 'get on with it' by banging on the door of the interview room. Shortly after, the interview winds up and Oswald takes his last few steps.# that he rented P.O. Box 30061 in New Oreleans, Louisiana. #where Oswald was being monitored by "New Orleans Informant T-4"# Oswald did not make any admissions to informant concerning his use of this box #which box?# nor did he admit receiving a gun at any time through any of the aforementioned Post Office Boxes. #hey, why use a short word when a diminutive would suffice?# He denied receiving any mail addressed to A. HIDELL through any of the Post Office boxes #that's better# and denied that anyone else had ever received any mail through these boxes. #superb!# He admitted to informant that on one or two occasions he may have given his Post Office Box key to Box 2915 to his wife for her to obtain the mail from the box and bring it to him." Thats it. No signatures. A summary of multiple reports by Harry to the FBI. Talk about redaction. Or innuendo. The overall feel here is to bolster the Communist angle while blotting out dates of reports in order to cover up the foreknowledge. Foreknowledge that I suggest could include the Backyard photos.
  6. Obviously the lack of interest in such things as the basic evidence of the case leads one to speculate on the motives of investigators. Not all of course but those who are in the unfortunate (for the case) position to drive the course of enquiry. By now it's a multimillion dollar industry. Should the case actually be solved (I lean towards the view that it largely has) then so much and so many will merely be curios on the dustgathering shelves of history. Some see it no doubt as an opportunity to push pro antileftwing just as some see it as an opportunity to do the opposite. Others take the opportunity to capitalise on various other aspects. What voice then the earnest interest?? In my experience now (of only a few short months) not a lot. There is a distinct pattern of cronyism appearing. This is the very reason that I reject any invitation, overt or covert to participate in any sort of favouritism. Ultimately it's a contract with deception. I know that there won't be much reasoned response to this post (like most of my other posts) so this is for those who are not members here. The community at large. Don't be under the illusion that this is a pursuit for truth. Far from it. It masquerades as such in order to maintain itself. Don't think I don't realise the position I place myself in by adopting this tone of script. It certainly won't win me too many votes. Well, you know something? I don't care (obviously). A system or industry that purports to do one thing but does another slathered in the produce of mutual cerebral onanism is NOT what will get this case solved. A robust independent group of independent investigators willing and capable of slugging it out without fear or favour with all comers will. This is more like the armchair version, full of considerations for sensibilities. Given that I shortly won't have too many more opportunities to post to this forum, I say this to those who are genuinely interested in seeing the murderers of the president identified. Look to those first few minutes, it's all there. Refuse steadfastly to be diverted from it. Look at Dallas as it was. Look at the core individuals and contrast it to where they are in the 'accepted wisdoms' of today. Look at the core evidence, ignore any diversions, contrast it to the 'wisdoms' of today. Look at the tone of the 1963 south, immerse yourself in it, ignore diversions. It's all there. Covered in smoke for sure. But like the sniper in jungle warfare, don't look for the similarities, look at the fleeting odd difference. Once you spot one keep looking at it and suddenly the structure behind the camouflage appears. A hint for those who have managed to read this far without shaking with indignation or frozen with cold disdain : when a bullet passes through a substance, it displaces that substance in predictable ways. where it displaces that substance, that substance is displaced into other surrounding substance. In other words. the substance becomes denser in the immediate vicinity of the bullet. Now, you must remember that the bullet travels very quickly, but in a largely predictable way. When this substance is air, one gets an elongated cone shape of denser air following the bullet. As the bullet is always slowing down this cone slowly tapers as well. This cone doesn't disappear instantly. Light is bent by travelling from a medium of one density into another. A mist of fine droplets of reddish color against a background of green (remember inverse from above) is a medium with particular characteristics. This mist moves into the dissipating air cone lens and interacts. Light passes through it and is bent in particular ways. This light then passes through a second lens of glass, strikes a medium which reacts and the result is a film. This bullet trail proves the genuineness of the film but given the unbelievable nonsense surrounding the authenticity of the film any reference to it as evidence is either diverted by controversy, ridicule or just straight out stonewalling. Those in possession of the original frames are in possession of key evidence. Please see that it is protected. Gary? Scotty, anyone, beam me up, please
  7. I apply this 'difference analysis', as I call it for want of a better word, to the whole case as well. If one takes the truth or a whole 'capture' or broad snapshot of the days clustered around nov22, as a base 'image' and superimposes the current state of knowledge or the 'accepted wisdom' on it then some of the big differences that stand out for me are: the lack of knowledge of or interest in the south side of the plaza. the lack of knowledge about and interest in certain individuals. the gradual herding away from certain parts of the evidence with all sort of hoax allegations. the slow leak of documentation that steers the investigation in particular directions. the incredible resistance to and difficulty of exploring any other avenues. The appearance given is one of uncovering the truth, another way of looking at it is that the truth is systematically being blotted out. I've spoken before about Angletons orchids. Of all the numerous hints, disclosures and 'confessions' accompanying this case I think it, while veiled in allegory is perhaps the most important. I don't think Angleton was personally involved, but I think he had a pretty good idea who was. And to the best of his ability he tried to show the way.
  8. Following this lowest point his head rebounds, the Limousine continues forward and the 'back and to the left movement commences', peaking about 5 'heads' after the shot.
  9. Thank you Antti. .... This detail is constructed using the techniques outlined in 'base techniques' The frame previous to the headshot is superimposed on a color inverted image of the headshot frame. The location of Kennedy's head as shown by the middle of the three silhouettes is where it would have been instantly prior to the bullet hitting. The third silhouette when compared to this has not only tilted downwards but also tilted rightwards. The inset shows a comparison with the first silhoutte tilted down and then tilted right. The third matches the silhouette of the immediately after headshot frame. The 'fountain' of blood and brain tissue has been enhanced. Jackies head position at the time of the head shot (or rather, immediately following it) is indicated by the x.
  10. As a further aid here is an image of the motorcade.(these are all techniques developed by myself without reference to work by any others. I'm sharing them here in the hope that it might help others further examine the photographic evidence available in this and other cases) As you can see at the top (1 & 2) look the same. However they are not. Number two has been very slightly distorted using Richard Rosenmans 'Lens Distortion Corrector'. If one takes a copy of 1 and applies a 50 % transparecy to it (3) and a copy of 2 and inverts its color values (4) and center them on top of each other then the DIFFERENCE between them jump out (5). In image six the undistorted image one is placed on an inverted copy of itself and here the color cancellation results in a blank gray as there is no DIFFERENCE. ..... Apart from use in detecting alterations, this is also useful in aligning the frames in the films. The closer you get to 'getting it right', the more this cancellation occurs.
  11. Here is the same sequence placed on a contemprory photo c/o Lee. Also Kennedy's orientation at the moment of the headshot as confirmed by Muchmore, Moorman and others. He is actually slightly more turned towards Jackie a fraction of a second later when the headshot occurs.
  12. Stephen, while researching the illegal joint mail opening operations I found documentation by the CIA that indicated response preparation in case of exposure. These strategies were/are aimed at establishing that said operations are no longer in action so that they can be resumed when attention goes away. As you and others have pointed out before there is also the principlre of looking at what is said as well as what is not said. I'd imagine that some of the disclosures that have been made are of the nature of apprearing to be the truth while in fact they are yet another part of an overall strategy of concealment. I keep returning to the 'orchid analogy'. I think the thinking of Angleton has probably shaped much of the CIA. Therefore to understand Angleton may be a clue to understanding the assassination.
  13. In response to requests To produce such backgrounds as these I find the following useful Work with bitmaps Do, check , redo, check, redo etc in a logical systematic way so as not to compound errors. Use colourless (black) background. Save continuously. Always have a reserve of that wichh you are satisfied with before planning major changes. Divide the work into segments to bejoined later. Minimise rotation. Some features that the software should have are Layering Transparency Erase with transparency and soft edge features. Fine rotation, say to at least 0.05 degrees As much RAM as possible. I find that with one gig I can work on about 400 layers and 170 mb files fairly well. Combined with tweaking of swapfile and a membooster/defragger and generally conserving resources. More would be better. A networked system with tasks allotted and shared across say three systems would help. As an example of what one may expect, here is a sequence of a film. As one is layering multiple images those things that are different on one image will tend to 'wash out' or be subtracted, while those things that are thew same on a number of images will tend to add to each other. So here for example one can now see tyre tracks and footsteps in the lawn where previously they were faint or invisible. Also the white area now becomes more defined as the true location of it is separated otut from previously blurred individual images. Of interest here is the patch of trampled lawn around the white 'marker'. Could this have been the establishment of a spotters mark?
  14. Ignore the message and click five times rapidly on the back and forward buttons. You can also navigate by using the headings at the top. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> _________________________ I experienced a new problem this morning. I responded to the " forensic" thread, my post was quite long, as it was dealing with a lot of information, and I checked sources before I typed anything , also to give the source, so it took over an hour. I then did the "preview post", which was no problem, then I pressed "add reply" and rec'd a response that "this page is expired". In the past if this has happened I have been able to just go to "back" and get back to the black type and hit "add reply" again, until it posts, or just walk away for a bit, then try again and it posts. If I get that "this page" message, the post has still gone thru. Not so today. This time it was just GONE. I left the computer alone for several hours and did my work on my husband's computer, til he got home, to see if he could retreive the post, but it was simply GONE Not posted and not retrievable. So something weird is going on with this site....seems too only some of us are having problems with the site???? Dawn <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Dawn I'm experiencing the same problem to the point that I now right click /copy any posts and if it didn't go through I repost, second time it usually works. It seems that quick posts might work a bit more often. Sometimes I type it up before logging on and then just paste and post. Why these problems? Sometimes I think something as yet identified is of a nature that someone/some grouping is selectively interfering with certain topics/people in order to distort the true face of the forum. It reminds me of the right wing shenanigans the cia engaged in with programs like cointelpro. It may also be some result of a bug in the forum software? The popularity and frequency of postings may have reached a stage where it needs a look at? Another problem I've noticed is on some occasions even though the post went through it didn't advance to the top or the name of the last poster is not registered. Retrying seems to work in the end. And quick posts seem to work more often.
  15. The Limousine Scene of the crime The Limousine appears to reach its slowest speed just at the headshot. The speed appears to be constant until the previously noted few meters later when an acceleration starts. At the slowest point it appears to increase the drift away from the kerb. At the point of starting acceleration it appears to correct this drift ........ Hints to those interested in checking all this: When lining up the frames there are a number of clues. The kerb The feet of people. The feet that are planted on the ground in standing or in the process of being stepped on. The white area on the grass. Where major blurring occurs, a balance of all of these can produce a pretty good result. When the kerb is a continuous smooth line then the lining up of all the other stationary parts produced these results for me Then comparing these results with those of a similar sequence with the Muchmore film shows consistency.
  16. Jackie (I have sometimes seen comments about who were the heroes that day. I think Jackie should be at the top of the list.) ..................... When the Limousine stops decelerating or coasting and starts to accelerate, Jackie first moves in the direction of the acceleration, then rises and moves back towards Kennedy. As I realised yeaterday there is also an element of the movement imparted to the Limousine by the engine torque transmitted through the drive shaft, diff etc. A couple of things come to mind. Was it an automatic or manual. A recreation of the whole sequence might be useful to see how much in fact all these factors outlined here and in "Kennedy's wounds" topic contributed to the movements of Kennedy's body and head. see post5 for image
  17. Kennedy's movements are the result of multiple factors. (Kennedy has already been shot in the back.) His bottom remains largely in the same place. He does not slide left or right. He leans towards Jackie. Her hand is on his arm pulling him towards her Meanwhile:: The limousine is on a slight downward slope. It is slowing down, decelerating. However this is not all that's happening. Underneath him is a car seat. The seat has springs in it. As the Limousine is decelerating his muscles are compensating to keep him from tumbling forward while the seat springs are being depressed and deformed forward. He is still alive, and then he his brain is pulped. Ther are still residual nerve reactions but within a few meters its over. His body becomes subject without interference to all the natural forces that, say a ball in the backseat, or perhaps a bucket of water on the floor, or a full cup in the hand, is under in a car that's in motion. Objects in motion tend to continue in said motion until acted on by an outside force. Muscle control as an outside force is over. The springs are depressed. Jackies hand is on his arm pulling him towards her. The Limousine continues and increases a rightwards movement The car starightens up again AND accelerates. The depressed springs now rebound. His body is pushed upwards while the car twists counter clockwise under him (he is sitting just forward of the rear axel. His previous motion imparted by a slow forward movement continues. The car that surrounds him accelerates. The accelerating back of the seat reaches where Kennedy's body is. It 'catches' him and imparts its motion to him. His head, swivelling on his neck hits the top back of the seat and is pulled with the rest of the body forward with the force now imparted to it by the Limousine. ...................................... A camera panning along with this scene records it. The resultant film is projected onto a stationary screen. The Limousine is moving. The screen should move too to properly see motion as it was. ........................................ ************** In addition to all this is the motion imparted by the TORQUE of the engine. Transmitted to the Limousines body it lifts the front (or lowers the back) and tilts it as well. Both of these movements are in direction to aid the other movements.
  18. Can of worms? hmmm... Sensibilities certainly. Off the top of my head, another president conspiracy was laid to rest with the exhumation and reinterment after examination for arsenic (jackson?) 100 odd years after the fact. Family had to give permission and even though they thought they were being discreet, when they arrived to do it, the media vans were there. They did end up sneaking in the back. But it should be 'open'. However I doubt it will happen in our life time. I don't know what the casket was made from but perhaps some imaging to create a virtual remains can at some point be developed. A few probes to the casket and click carriage return.
  19. Pat, ok then. The fact that the FA was not valued as he should be is clear. What is also clear is that the state of the art is different today. For this reason the FA is more and more regarded. Though still nowhere as muchas they should be. Notable ones of the current crop (see the Deaths Acre, and others.) bemoan the state of the art and are vigorously seeking to ensure that their craft will survive their death. In 1963, the FA could have made more contributions. The FP should have emphasised this. The FA should have been given time. The fact that he didn't reflects on the other investigators. I'm suggesting that it reflects the state of the art of the FA AND the FP. Because Forensic Anthropology then was much less developed than today, combined with an inherent snobbery amongst some professionals, the Forensic Pathologist did NOT know enough. As well as all that. The FA depends on a different kind of xray. The bones are brought forward and the soft tissues diminish with increased irradiation. The xrays were taken from a Pathology perspective. Again, lack of knowledge of what was needed. Today a team of professional FA's (perhaps led by Clyde Snow, who has done some remarkable work on Los Desaparaceidos in Argentina) given the opportunity and using modern technology, reconstruction techniques based on deep extensive experience could have this solved in 2 weeks.
  20. Pat it would appear we are talking slightly at cross purposes. Part of the job of the pathologist (who deals with soft tissues) is to call on the expertise of a forensic anthropologist who deals with hard tissue. If you reread my statements you see I was talking about this forensic anthropologist. ""By and large," says Rhine, "it is the pathologist who tells the anthropologist what he expects, when the case will be available, and what kind of support will be offered. He generally sets the tone of the work." It takes years of experience and training in bone analysis to become a skilled FA. "Practice, practice, practice," Rhine insists. "A person pursuing work in forensic anthropology should accompany someone more experienced to the morgue to work on cases---many cases. He or she should be immersed in such activity and take every opportunity to attend meetings and engage in the exchange of information with others in the field. They need to bolster their experience and broaden it with the insights and observations of others. In short, they should develop a collegial experience. But attitudes are also important, such as patience, the willingness to return again and again to a skeleton to tease out those tiny, hidden revelations, and the perseverance to push against the barriers of ignorance to see how much more can be done." Even so, there aren't many people in this field. "Forensic anthropology has not been universally used across the country," Rhine explains, "because there aren't enough of us. There may be on the order of 150 forensic anthropologists in the entire country. A couple of dozen are employed by the military, both in Washington and at the Army's Central Identification Lab in Hawaii. A few more are at the Smithsonian and other museums. The remainder tend to be underutilized, in part because of a reluctance by some pathologists to venture outside the expertise circumscribed by their own facilities. In other instances, it is generally a tough, uphill battle to convince law enforcement agencies in some locales to deal with 'those goofy professors.'" this is the case today. 1963?
  21. The Driver Again, the driver mirrors the movements of Connally. He looks backwards and just as he completes his turn to forward he leans forward as the Limousine accelerates. This is exactly the same moment that Kennedy's body rises and his head swivels backwards. The seat springs, the straightening out of the limousine, the end of deceleration and start of acceleration, Jackies restraining hand etc serve to give his body/head combination the movements observed. It's interesting that until now these movements have been wrongly interpreted as a 'back and to the left'. The key is to not see it as a movie, but as a series of photographs each with its own place in space and time , not statically in the center of a stationary screen. The movement as I interpret it due to the bullet strike, is simply : tilt to the right, with a push down into the seat from the 'knockdown' power of a bullet from the left front. The head hits the shoulder structure and is deflected forward. Rebounds. (the fastest head snap of them all?) THEN comes the movements imparted by the springs rebounding, shift in direction of the Limousine and shift in speed. The body/head in turn hits the back of the seat, rebounds descends, springs compress, a bounce and a fall off to Jackie. NOT just back and to the left. NOT a shot from the grassy knoll. NOT a shot from the rear. A shot from left front. Please be so kind as to reproduce, confirm, refine, debunk. see post5 for image
  22. Meanwhile, Connally reacts to the acceleration by leaning forward as one would expect. He then collapses, or as Mrs Connally testifies, she pulls him towards her. His head is largely steady until the acceleration, indicating that the up and down movement of Kennedy is due to the seat springs. see post5 for image
  23. As can be seen in the Muchmore topic and here again. The limousine drifts away from the kerb and accelerates. Before Kennedy is shot in the head, he is turning his head towards Jackie. His body is also tilting towards her. If one looks at the top of his head one can see that when shot, his head tilts towards the camera and dips down and up again. Then there are some movements indicating perhaps reflexes or a second shot. Then as the limousine starts to accelerate and the seat springs recoil his body moves up and when the accelerating limousine reaches where his body is, the back rest of the rear seat 'catches kennedy and his body is propelled forward. His head swivels backwards and hits the top of the seat and rebounds. His body returns to the seat, depresses the seat springs again bounces once and and he collapses towards Jackie. see post5 for image
  24. I'd like to mention here a peripheral issue, one that is close to my heart, you guessed it. The Post office. What's that got to do with it? Well. The history of the Post Office has many interesting aspects. Not least of them is its infrastructure. As the 'west was won' (a nice way of saying conquered) the need for the reliable passage of news and cargo, including mail went with it. The Post Office Department as a result was a prime force in developing the infrastructure of delivery. Roads, Waterways, trails etc were gazetted as postal routes. With the advent of rail, the Post Office Department again took a leading role in pushing into the new territories. The passage of information along these new routes were critical in war efforts, commerce, and all the things that keep a nation going. The recognition of the importance of a postal system and its accompanying inspection service was enshrined in the constitution. the Post Master General was a political appointment, often 'a job for the boys'. Harriman surely had intimates in the department. Part of the importance of the Post Office was its successful Rail transfer of the entire Gold reserve. Rail, the means of transport, walked hand in hand with the early Post Office Department. Therefore control of the Post office by the federal Government was/ is critical. They're a source of information. Information is what much of this case hinges on. Those who controlled transport controlled the spread of information.
  25. Pat, it was following the Korean war that the processing of remains highlighted the poor knowledge base that existed. The FBI, while recognising the value of forensic anthropology, relied on the Smithsonian institute for experts well past the time of the assassination. The result of pioneers like Snow and their immediate predecessors has brought Forensics to what it is today, a still developing science. The average law enforcement body in those days did not place a high value on forensic experts, particularly in some of the southern states. The processing of bodies from the Korean war brought the whole thing to a head. And this was after the war. The lessons learnt and skills accuired by still a small group of true experts in this field had not filtered through as one might get the impression from your statement that it was well established, it was not. Basic procedures that are now accepted were not followed. For example , creation of good xrays, prolonged irradiation. Qualified scrutiny of less than ideal material. A separation of bone from flesh by soaking and boiling and scraping did not happen. A good reconstruction therefore obviously impossible. An exhumation would work with defleshed bone. High quality xrays would be possible, revealing exact location of lead fragments.. Analysis of fragments. Beveling. Reconstruction. Full body xrays for extant fragments. Probably yes. This could all have been accomplished then by an xray technician under expert guidance. Not only is the reading but also the production of good xray material an art.It didn't happen. Why? Not as a result of wanting to not do it but because the 'knowledge' of how to do it properly did not exist amongst these people yet, or the significance of it or simply not knowing that there were better ways.. Experts are an ornery bunch, it takes a lot to get them to admit they are wrong. That is possibly one of the greatest of hindrances.
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