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John Dolva

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Everything posted by John Dolva

  1. - RCDRobert, I caught Stevie Wright on TV the other night being "honored" on This is Your Life. HE was pithy! I'll try and dig something out. Bottom line: I think Oswald hit McDonald because McDonald was planting the pistol on him. Some points toward this conclusion: as you say, McDonald originally said Oswald gave no trouble; no charges of attempted murder or resist arrest were laid; other cops were there when McDonald arrived - yet didn't go in until he did arrive to lead the way; the testimony suggests Oswald did not swing a punch until McDonald put his hand on Oswald's waist (this is when I believe he was actually trying to shove the gun into Oswald's hand or waistband); there was a shotgun aimed point blank at Oswald (according to one report) at around the time Oswald started shouting that he wasn't resisting; the story of the jammed thumb seemed designed to cover for what they knew was a faulty firing pin; Reiland's "error" in filming what was happening without the right filter. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Looking at mugshot and autopsy photo's I'd say there was maybe more than just the pointy end of the shot gun aimed at Oswlad. The bruise on his temple looks like the imprint of the base of the stock of the shot gun. Also there is a bruise on his neck, and his left eye seems swollen plus across the bridge of his nose.. Also clear imprints of a hand gripping his arm forcefully.
  2. Stephen I would like to answer with Lennon, but I'm not sure exactly what your question id. Could you perhaps rephrase it?
  3. With regards to the positions of Connally and Kennedy at the time of the headshot. A scrutiny of the moorman photo, the corresponding muchmore frame and zf313, while they all can't show exactly the very same moment, they all serve to indicate that the position of Kennedy that I arrived at (see post #1, this topic) is correct. As the imprint of the stamp from the back brace shows when Kennedys body was thrown against the back rest of his seat occurred after the head shot it's not hard to deduce the position prior to this. In all these photos the position of Connally is shown to be to the right of Kennedy and with his head more upright and turned more to the right. The top of Kennedys head is turned towards the south south west. Kennedys body is kept upright and stiff by the back brace. His head at the moment of impact moves into a more upright position, or towards his right shoulder, where it encounters the shoulder and is deflected front down, it rebounds and the car accelerates and moves into a more westward direction of travel. As the car has been decelerating since the sign and moving on a downward slope and Kennedy is still alive his body naturally is braced against this deceleration. (try to drink a full cup of water while in passenger seat in car that is just gently negotiating suburbia. The automatic reactions of the body against accelerations - decelerations and turns is quite significant) However as his head is hit he essentially dies. His body is now subject to little restraint and moves according to easily defined forces. The shot from the left has pushed him into the seat which rebounds.* The car stops decelerating. The car starts accelerating. Jackie is restraining him towards herself. 'Back and to the left' caused by a shot from the left. edit: the deceleration of the Limousine also causes the body to depress the seat springs.
  4. Tom, I tend to regard the Connally's testimonies as being more credible than many testimonies. They were in the 'thick of things' and they were among the first to state that there was a different bullet that hit Connally an Kennedy. Mrs Connally maintained this to her death. They also differentiated between the bullet that struck Kennedy in the head and the bullet that struck Connally. Connally was already hit, there is a passage of time between this and when they heard the bullet strike Kennedy and they were spattered with blood and such. Connally was in the position he was as a result of the shot that struck him in the back. so your post does not make sense to me. from your earlier post : "After penetrating through the coat collar of JFK, this bullet continued on, entering the head at the edge of the hairline, traversing through the fleshy part of the neck (which was in almost the horizontal position), striking JFK in the vicinity of the EOP. This bullet damaged the upper portion of the occipital lobe, traversed through the mid-brain of JFK and exited in the frontal lobe of the brain. Thereafter to continue on to strike JBC in the right shoulder, penetrate through his chest and exit into the left inner thigh of his leg. At the time of impact to JBC, he was laying across towards Mr. Connally with his back and shoulder exposed in the open area between the jump seats in which they sat. Tom. Politicians, not unlike magicians, can make things disappear.--To include bullets!" edit: and what happened to the *bullet in Connally's thigh? edit2: *fragmented
  5. Various entries from Wikipedia on dubious deaths of social activists Sven Olof Joachim Palme (January 30, 1927 - February 28, 1986) was a Swedish politician. He was the leader of the Social Democrat Party from 1969 to 1986 and was Prime Minister of Sweden with a Privy Council Government from October 1969 to October 1976 and with a Cabinet Government starting in October 1982. Palme was assassinated in 1986 and was succeeded by Ingvar Carlsson. Palme was born in Östermalm, Stockholm, Sweden. He came from an upper-class background. However, his political orientation came to be influenced by Social Democratic ideas and ideals. On a scholarship, he studied at Kenyon College, Ohio 1947-1948, graduating with a B.A. in less than a year. Inspired by the radical debate in the student community, he wrote a critical essay on Friedrich Hayek's The Road to Serfdom. After hitchhiking through the U.S., he returned to Stockholm to study law at Stockholm University. During his time at university, Palme became involved in student politics, working with the Swedish National Union of Students. In 1951, he became a member of the social democratic student association in Stockholm, although it seems he did not attend their political meetings at the time. The following year he was elected President of the Swedish National Union of Students, a position making it necessary to tone down party loyalties. In 1953, Palme was recruited by social democratic Prime Minister Tage Erlander to work in his secretariat. From 1955 he was a board member of the Swedish Social Democratic Youth League. In 1958 he was elected Member of Parliament. Olof Palme held several cabinet posts from 1963 and onwards. In 1967 he became Minister of Education, and the following year he was the target of fierce critisism from left-wing students protesting against the government's plans for university reform. When party leader Tage Erlander stepped down in 1969, Palme was unanimously elected as the new leader by the Social Democratic party congress and succeeded Erlander as Prime Minister. Palme was a controversial political figure with strong views, criticising the United States for the Vietnam War, fighting nuclear weapons proliferation, and condemning the apartheid politics in South Africa. He received some criticism for being too idealistic about the PLO and Fidel Castro. Palme is the most internationally known Swedish politician of the 20th century (with the possible exclusion of "humanitarians" like Raoul Wallenberg and Dag Hammarskjöld). Assassination Olof Palme could often be seen without any bodyguard protection, and the night of his murder was one such occasion. Walking home from a movie theatre with his wife Lisbet on the central Stockholm street Sveavägen, close to midnight on February 28, 1986, the couple was attacked by a lone gunman firing two rounds with a magnum revolver. The first bullet killed Olof Palme, the second missed Lisbet Palme. The attacker escaped eastwards on the crossing Tunnelgatan and disappeared. His assassination remains unsolved. Similar to that of John F. Kennedy, several conspiracy theories surround the murder. Christer Pettersson, a small-time criminal and alcoholic, was arrested for the murder in December 1988. Identified by Olof Palme's wife Lisbet as the killer, he was tried and convicted for the murder, but was later acquitted on appeal. After additional evidence against Pettersson surfaced in the late 1990s, Attorney General Klas Bergenstrand filed for a new court hearing, but in May 1998 the Swedish Supreme Court turned down the demand. The case against Christer Pettersson (and also the rest of the investigation) has been criticised for several procedural errors. Critics say that the confrontation in which Lisbet Palme identified Christer Pettersson was grossly mishandled. According to the criticism, Lisbet Palme was affected by undue influence, resulting in a convinction that the man she saw was Christer Pettersson, which ruined the evidence value of the witness testimony of Lisbet Palme. The murder weapon was never found. The police investigation remains open to this day. The assassination of Olof Palme was the first murder of a Swedish politician since that of Axel von Fersen in 1810, and the first assassination of a Swedish head of government since that of King Gustav III of Sweden in 1792. ............................................ Raoul Wallenberg (born August 4, 1912, in Stockholm, Sweden – date of death uncertain) was a Swedish diplomat and a member of the influential Swedish Wallenberg family. He had earned his bachelor's degree in architecture from the University of Michigan in 1935. As a Legation Counsellor in Budapest, he used his diplomatic status to save many Hungarian Jews during the later stages of World War II. Wallenberg was arrested by the Red Army on January 17, 1945, probably on suspicion of being a spy for the United States. What happened to him since is not known — the official Russian version is that he died in captivity on July 17, 1947, but a number of testimonies have placed him alive in Siberian or Russian prisons as late as the 1960s. Raoul Wallenberg was made an Honorary Citizen of the United States in 1981. The bill was sponsored by Representative Tom Lantos, a Hungarian Jew who as a teenager sought refuge in one of Wallenberg's safe houses. He was later made an honorary citizen of Canada in 1985, and of Israel in 1986. .................................................. Dag Hammarskjöld (July 29, 1905 – September 18, 1961) was a Swedish diplomat who served as Secretary-General of the United Nations from April 1953 until his death in September 1961. In 1960 the newly independent Congo asked for UN aid in defusing the escalating civil strife. Hammarskjöld made four trips to Congo. In September 1960 the Soviet Union denounced his decision to send a UN force to keep the peace. They demanded his resignation and replacement of the office of secretary general with a three-man troika. In September 1961 he found out about the fighting between non-combatant UN forces and Katanga troops of Moise Tshombe. He was en route to negotiate a cease-fire on the night of September 17-18 when his plane crashed near Ndola, Northern Rhodesia (now Zambia). He and fifteen others perished. There is still speculation as to the cause of the crash. On July 29, 2005, exactly 100 years after Hammarskjöld's birth, the Norwegian Major General Bjørn Egge gave an interview to the newspaper Aftenposten on the events surrounding his death. According to Egge, who was the first UN-officer to see the body, Hammarskjöld had a hole in his forehead, and this hole was subsequently airbrushed from photos taken of the body. It appeared Hammarskjöld had been thrown from the plane, and grass and leaves in his hands could indicate that he survived the crash, and had tried to scramble away from the wreckage. Egge’s statement confirms earlier speculations. Olof Palme, Lisbet Palme and Fidel Castro in Cuba 1975
  6. When looking at the head wound I think it is important to consider the 'THE EXPLOSIVE OR TEMPORARY CAVITY' as referred to above. The interpretation of xrays is a job for professionals so I can only guess here guided by a bit of reading. When looking at a small part of the side xray I can see three areas that appear to repeat. From back to front, a larger round apparently bevelled area with fracture raidiating from it, a smaller one less distinct but still with bevel and rays, and a smaller still one with bevelled fragments and rays that are clearer and appear to be lead fragments. I thought it might be interesting to superimpose them to see what I get. When doing so and rotating them, and placing the smaller circle (right area) at bottom, the middle one on top of that and the left on top, the degree of rotation lines up the occiput protuberance as if the top one is now the outel level of the skull and the middle the inner and the lower the inner fragments projected inwards. Also a faint hole just above each of these becomes more distinct. Bearing in mind the 'explosive etc' it seems to me a bullet that enters the skull from the front top ( which here is pointing south (left) would cause such fargmentation of the wound, as the 'blowback' lifts and separates the fragmented bone plates and brain tissue. Further this force would then extend towards the right wall of the skull blowing that out. A fargment perhaps exits throat. Most of the blood supply to the brain is carried up near the ear, perhaps explaining the greater degree ofd redness in this direction and brainmatter and skull bone upwards and towards the direction of first impact. When looking at the site referred to above, it seems to me inconceivable that there was so little ejecta at a rear entry. This explosiveness peaks and fades VERY quickly and in all the experiments on that site forms a cone that expands and contreacts at the point of entry, not exit. Once a closed system is punctured any pressure in that system will exit through the nearest available exit. Not hang around and wait for a secondary one, just like bullets do not hang around and wait before proceeding.
  7. Nope! JBC was hit in the wrist by a fragment from the second shot, (headshot at Z-313), and the remainder of his wounds were created by the "real" magic bullet/aka third/last/final shot. That being the shot which struck JFK in the head a/about station 4+95 (30-feet past the Z-313 headshot), as determined by the US Secret Service with an unaltered version of the Z-film, and as witnessed by Mr. James Altgens who was standing on the street directly by the presidential limousine when this shot struck and blew blood and cerebral tissue in his direction. After penetrating through the coat collar of JFK, this bullet continued on, entering the head at the edge of the hairline, traversing through the fleshy part of the neck (which was in almost the horizontal position), striking JFK in the vicinity of the EOP. This bullet damaged the upper portion of the occipital lobe, traversed through the mid-brain of JFK and exited in the frontal lobe of the brain. Thereafter to continue on to strike JBC in the right shoulder, penetrate through his chest and exit into the left inner thigh of his leg. At the time of impact to JBC, he was laying across towards Mr. Connally with his back and shoulder exposed in the open area between the jump seats in which they sat. Tom. Politicians, not unlike magicians, can make things disappear.--To include bullets! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> That's very interesting , Tom, it appears that if one takes the configuration I suggested above, and tilts, kennedy and consequently Coannally over with Kennedy now sitting back instead of leaning forward then that trajectory might be possible. How do you explain the other Limousine damage and the 'tague' damage?
  8. Jim, a couple of other factors to consider perhaps, though I haven't reasoned through how they fit in, are : the Mail Opening operations had been going on since at least late '52. There are reports of it going on in San Francisco and New Orleans as well. As it was a highly secret and illegal operation, it probably went on in many places, Dallas for example (Harry D Holmes, FBI informant, Postal Insepctor, Dallas Post Ofiice Dealey Plaza.) . Databases were built as well from just adresses and names on enevelopes where the recipient was mailed a form to fill out asking if they would accept mail from such and such a place. Helms was intimately involved and no doubt was kept informed. JE Day, the Postmaster General appointed by Kennedy who later in July 63 resigned 'over differences' with Kennedy, stated under oath that Roosevelt, Dulles and Helms came to him three weeks after starting work as Postmaster General to brief him in this, in Helms words , 'very secret' operation. Helms provided a statement that contradicted Days assertion that he didn't 'want to know' and in fact was thoroughly briefed.The postal Inspection Service was under him and the postal inspectors under the head of the Postal Inspection Service. Three steps away from Helms was Holmes. Holmes - FBI > etc. Holmes -> Day, Helms, Dulles. and through Dulles > Walker?
  9. Lee, I've considered a semi as well. When looking around for what was available on the american continent at the time there is a high quality mauser for example, called the fn 1949, semi, 20 clip. This model was sent in block lots to various south american countries, for example in argentinia, the 'argentine mauser'. (It apparently had a fierce brass spit pattern that influenced battle formation as no one wanted to be in line for same.) A double tap from the 5th floor can be imagined by moving the above lines down a fraction. As there is no reason within the particular configuration I have suggested here to allow for a second bullet, in this case I don't 'see it'. (I do see reason for it in a Kennedy head shot from the left.)
  10. Jim, a couple of other factors to consider perhaps, though I haven't reasoned through how they fit in, are : the Mail Opening operations had been going on since at least late '52. There are reports of it going on in San Francisco and New Orleans as well. As it was a highly secret and illegal operation, it probably went on in many places, Dallas for example (Harry D Holmes, FBI informant, Postal Insepctor, Dallas Post Ofiice Dealey Plaza.) . Databases were built as well from just adresses and names on enevelopes where the recipient was mailed a form to fill out asking if they would accept mail from such and such a place. Helms was intimately involved and no doubt was kept informed. JE Day, the Postmaster General appointed by Kennedy who later in July 63 resigned 'over differences' with Kennedy, stated under oath that Roosevelt, Dulles and Helms came to him three weeks after starting work as Postmaster General to brief him in this, in Helms words , 'very secret' operation. Helms provided a statement that contradicted Days assertion that he didn't 'want to know' and in fact was thoroughly briefed.The postal Inspection Service was under him and the postal inspectors under the head of the Postal Inspection Service. Three steps away from Helms was Holmes. Holmes - FBI > etc. Holmes -> Day, Helms, Dulles.
  11. Oh well, the Idea is still alive, children are still being born.
  12. Hi Antti I think you're absolutely right, the "ß" stands for "ss" and can easily be mistaken as a "f". As you sugguested, it could mean "good shooter", something that would point to LHO's sharp-shooter training in the marines. George <{POST_SNAPBACK}> G . I . Issue ?
  13. IF I was to do it, I'd have to be pretty stupid as I'm a bad shot. If I was a little bit loony and wanted to off Connally, it might go something like this ok, first shot, ....drat (I don't know how to compensate when using a scope) missed, hit street. second shot, drat, Kennedy got in the way, hmm ...they're gonna get away oh dear I can just see Connally... ooops. Gulp. What have I done.... I think I'll go and sit somewhere dark and have a think. sheesh..Couldn't even get that right...
  14. 3dxray a hollow virtual model of the right half of Kennedy's head with the xray* 'stretched' onto it and then turned to orientation viewed from the Post Office. Snapshots in order from top left down right. *(kindly supplied by Tom, the clearest I've seen. Would be good to have a similar one of the front xray as well as the premortem one)
  15. "The FBI, in investigating Oswald’s life following the JFK murder and that of the accused assassin, was interested in all contacts Oswald had during his trip to Mexico City. The FBI found that “unidentified investigators of the Mexican Government,” shortly after the assassination, had taken both the original and duplicate copies of the Flecha Roja passenger list for that trip. The FBI had to use immigration records and a baggage list to get the names of people who had traveled on the same bus as Oswald. The FBI found and interviewed Mumford, Winston, and the McFarlands. It had no luck finding a John Howard Bowen in Houston or Mexico. In its files, however, the FBI found that in June, 1942, John Howard Bowen, operator of a boys’ camp at Henderson Springs near Knoxville, Tennessee, had been accused by one of the boys of tearing down an American flag and stomping it in the ground. An investigation found no evidence of any such act disrespectful of the United States. The FBI also found that in 1953 John Howard Bowen had been arrested at the Woods Hotel in Houston and held for investigation in connection with a mattress fire. No charges were filed, but the FBI had John Howard Bowen’s fingerprints from the 1953 arrest. The 1942 flag desecration case led the FBI in its Oswald investigation to look for Bowen in Tennessee. It found that over the years the Knoxville Journal had published a few pieces on Bowen, being a former local resident, based on mail received about his missionary work in Mexico. This mail came mostly from Bowen himself, although a 1961 letter, postmarked San Martin Texmelucan (a town in the state of Puebla near Mexico City), was written by “Alberto Osborne.” On January 7, 1964, Clarence Anderson*, the FBI legal attaché in Mexico City, reported that he had located and interviewed in San Martin Texmelucan an “elderly Canadian missionary” who said that he was acquainted with John Howard Bowen. The missionary’s name was Albert Osborne. *Anderson is identified in FBI reports as “Confidential Informant Dallas T-4” (Armstrong, p. 620). ::::::::: "In August, Oswald was arrested in New Orleans for creating a disturbance while passing out "Fair Play for Cuba Literature". Helping him was Charles Hall Steele, FBI informant."
  16. Harry observed the motorcade with the help of an optical instrument. He described it as a binoculars with a power of 7.5 x 50. He states that he is a 'trained suspicioner'. He describes his seemingly well trained memory and powers of observation. Before the motorcade arrives in Dealey Plaza he says, pointing at the Texas Schoolbook Depository : "Wouldn't that be a nice place from which to take a crack at the President?" This view he has over Dealey Plaza is one that greets him when he arrives at work in the morning. It would be intimately known, imprinted in his mind. "...whenever I’d go to bed at night, before going to sleep, I’d say,. “Well, let’s see, I got up this morning and got out on the left side of the bed, put on my left sock first, then my right, then I went to the bathroom, came back, put on my trousers, then went back and shaved.” I could tell you exactly what I ate for breakfast, what the girl looked like that waited on me. “When I got in my car, I went off to my right and the light was red and had to wait a minute.” I could tell you what every light was all day long everywhere, every little detail. By keeping in practice by just reviewing what I did that day, it was just like I had written it all out, and I’ve done that for years." When the motorcade arrived in Dealey plaza "I was watching with a pair of *7x50 (*in WC statement it is 7.5) binoculars when all of a sudden there was a CRACK… CRACK… CRACK!! All of us thought that somebody was throwing firecrackers. We just never dreamed that anybody would be shooting at him." hmmm.. He had just said the TSBD would be a nice place to do just that. So, a trained suspicioner, remarkable memory, holographic sense of space. Look at the panorama from the 'snipers nest' perspective below. The blue is the field of view as Holmes tracks the Limousine. CRACK… "If I’d looked up, I’d have been the hero of the century. But I didn’t and thus didn’t see Oswald in the window." At the first crack, the limousine is shielded from view by a row of trees stretching across the Plaza between him and the School Book Depository. Whenever I go whale or bird watching, if I lose sight of the target I lower the binoculars, relocate and lift the binoculars and keep watching. At the first CRACK he would have been facing the TSBD, with an uninterrupted view of the sixth floor window. "...I didn’t (look up) and thus didn’t see Oswald in the window." Was he lying about his remarkable mind plus having just theorised about a shot from the TSBD? Or was he right about not spotting the shooter,in full sun ,right ahead of him, guided by uninterrupted sound waves, because the shooter wasn't there?
  17. John; In my way of thinking, the first priority problem would be attempting to come up with some rational explanation as to how CE399 struck and fractured the right transverse process of the C7 vertebrae, then traversed to the apex of the right lung, then came back to exit at/about the third tracheal ring in the throat, without having ripped the vertebral column; throat tissue and muscles, and exterior skin in the anterior portion of the neck of JFK, completely to pieces. If one can get by this obstacle, then perhaps the SBT can be "sold". Or, at least perhaps the JFK portion of it can. To date, I am not buying! Tom <{POST_SNAPBACK}> http://history.amedd.army.mil/booksdocs/ww.../chapter3.1.htm THE EXPLOSIVE OR TEMPORARY CAVITY IN MUSCLE A missile entering soft tissues at a relatively high velocity produces a temporary or explosive cavity of large dimensions. The cavity, at its maximum size, has a cross-sectional diameter many times that of the permanent cavity, which remains after the temporary cavity has collapsed. The temporary cavity persists for a relatively short time, reaching its maximum size in less than a millisecond and lasting for not more than several milliseconds. The penetration of a small high-velocity steel sphere into a large mass of butcher meat results in the formation of an initially cone-shaped cavity, very similar to the cavity formed by the same type of missile in water (pp. 152-158). Figure 74A is a microsecond roentgenogram showing the large cavity formed in butcher meat by a 4/32-inch steel sphere which struck the meat with a velocity of 2,800 f.p.s. and had penetrated a distance of 10.2 cm. when the roentgenogram was made. The sphere eventually perforated the block of meat completely, so that this roentgenogram does not show the final configuration of the temporary cavity. Its chief value lies in demonstrating the striking similarity -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 168 FIGURE 69.—Roentgenogram (No. 171) of the thigh of a cat taken immediately after the passage of a 4/32-inch steel sphere whose impact velocity was 3,000 f.p.s. Note the outlines of the permanent cavity (light area) and the manner in which it has "blown out" to the femur. Also note that the femur is fractured, although it was not struck by the sphere. of the early cavity in animal tissue and that in water, shown by the microsecond roentgenogram in figure 74B. The greatest mass of muscle in an intact animal is the thigh. In the largest dogs used in this study, the thigh was from 6 to 9 cm. in its greatest dimension. A single microsecond roentgenogram of a thigh can show only one particular stage in the development of the temporary cavity. However, by varying the interval between the time at which the missile struck the thigh and the time at which the roentgenogram was made, it is possible to obtain a series of pictures which together will show successive stages in the development of the cavity. A series of five such microsecond roentgenograms, showing the development of the cavity in the thighs of dogs, is shown in figure 75. In each case, the thigh was struck by a 4/32-inch steel sphere whose impact velocity was approximately 2,800 feet per second. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 169 FIGURE 70—Spark shadowgraph of a 4/32-inch steel sphere passing into a tank of water. Note the conical-shaped temporary cavity and the backward "splash" of water at the point where the sphere entered the water. FIGURE 71.—Photograph of a block of Plasticine showing the cavity made by the passage of a 4/32-inch steel sphere whose impact velocity was 3,000 f.p.s. Compare size of cavity with size of the sphere placed in lower left of block. Note the large amount of material thrown out at the point of exit of the sphere. A similar "splash" also occurred at the point of entrance. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 170 FIGURE 72.—Spark shadowgraph of a rectangular block of 20 percent gelatin gel made immediately after the passage of a 4/32-inch steel sphere whose impact velocity was 2,800 f.p.s. The missile passed from right to left in the shadowgraph. Note the manner in which the block has expanded and the large amounts of material being thrown out at both the entrance and exit sites. Figure 75A is a microsecond roentgenogram showing the temporary cavity 56 microseconds after the sphere struck the thigh. A cone-shaped cavity has formed behind the sphere, whose walls are relatively smooth. It is at this stage of development that the similarity of the temporary cavity in animal tissues and in water is the greatest. Figure 75B shows the cavity 71 microseconds after the sphere struck the thigh. The sphere has emerged from the thigh and has moved several centimeters from it. The conical cavity is expanding, and its walls are becoming somewhat irregular. The roentgenogram in figure 75C shows a cavity whose age is 139 microseconds. The sphere has now moved out of the field of the photograph to the right. The cone-shaped cavity has continued to expand, and its walls have become very irregular, probably owing to the irregular stretching and tearing of tissues being displaced by the cavity. Figure 75D shows the cavity photographed 390 microseconds after the sphere struck the thigh. The cavity has expanded still more and has assumed the shape of a prolate ellipsoid. Observation of many of these cavities indicates that a cavity with this configuration is near its maximum size. The cavity shows marked irregularities on its walls, as well as strands of tissue of different densities, which can be interpreted as areas of stretched and torn tissues. The sphere which produced this cavity had an initial energy of 3.7 X 108 ergs (35 ft.-lb.) and lost approximately 85 percent of this energy in producing the cavity. Roentgenograms made from 600 to 800 microseconds after the sphere struck the thigh show that the cavity, after reaching its maximum size, col- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 171 FIGURE 73.—Spark shadowgraph of the thigh of a cat made immediately after the passage of a 4/32-inch steel sphere whose impact velocity was 3,000 f.p.s. The missile passed from right to left in the shadowgraph. Note the large amount of materials being ejected at both the points of entrance and exit of the missile. Note the similarity to the gelatin block in figure 72. lapses. Figure 75E shows a cavity whose age is 819 microseconds. The cavity has practically collapsed, and only a small rounded space remains near the center of the thigh. High-speed motion pictures of the exterior of a thigh, such as those of figure 76, show the temporary swelling, indicative of the internal formation of this cavity. The temporary cavity in the thigh of a cat, formed by the passage of a 4/32-inch steel sphere with an impact velocity of 2,800 f.p.s., is shown in figure 77A. Although this cavity has not reached its maximum size and the sphere did not strike the femur directly, a fracture line has appeared in this bone. Figure 77B is a roentgenogram of this same thigh made before the shot and figure 77C a similar roentgenogram made after the shot. In this latter picture, the permanent cavity is well outlined. This type of "indirect" fracture is dealt with in greater detail on pages 200-204. All the temporary cavities just described were photographed to show the path of the missile and the cavity in lateral view. Other microsecond roentgenograms show that the cavity formed in soft tissues by a sphere is circular <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yep! Sort of places the SBT into it's proper perspective, does it not? "Wait here, I'm going home and get my dog and bring him back and see if he believes this shi*" Attributed to Oscar Wyatt upon the hostile takeover of Michigan Wisconsin Pipeline Company by his considerably smaller company. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yes , It's interesting that the US ARMY had very extensive high speed films and roentgen and detailed autopsy information as early as 1945. 1920 frames per second, with extremely detailed analysis and descriptions covering a wide range of wound ballistic aspects. And Alvarez 'discovered' it all years later? This website contains a wealth of relevant information on wound ballistics. http://history.amedd.army.mil/ In the above post quotes from 'mechanisms of wounding' There are many images referred to in post that are on this site, (note:some links lead to somewhat gruesome one's) MEDICAL DEPARTMENT, UNITED STATES ARMY WOUND BALLISTICS Prepared and published under the direction of Lieutenant General LEONARD D. HEATON The Surgeon General, United States Army Editor in Chief Colonel JAMES BOYD COATES, Jr., MC Editor for Wound Ballistics Major JAMES C. BEYER, MC OFFICE OF THE SURGEON GENERAL DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY WASHINGTON, D.C., 1962 Contents FOREWORD PREFACE Chapter: I. Enemy Ordnance Materiel (Maj. James C. Beyer, MC, Maj. James K. Arima, MSC, and Doris W. Johnson) Japanese Ordnance German Ordnance Causative Agents of Battle Casualties in World War II North Korean Forces Ordnance Materiel II. Ballistic Characteristics of Wounding Agents (Maj. Ralph W. French, MAC, USA (Ret.), and Brig. Gen. George R. Callender, USA (Ret.) Physical Aspects of the Missile Casualty Physical Aspects of the Missile The Wound as a Physical Entity III. Mechanism of Wounding (E. Newton Harvey, Ph. D., J. Howard McMillen, Ph. D., Elmer G. Butler, Ph. D., and William O. Puckett, Ph. D.) Historical Note Methods Used in Studying Wounding Underwater Ballistics as a Guide to the Wounding Mechanism The Wound Track or Permanent Cavity in Muscle The Explosive or Temporary Cavity in Muscle The Explosive or Temporary Cavity in Abdomen, Thorax, and Head Movements Following Collapse of the Explosive Cavity Nature and Extent of Damage Around the Wound Track Damage to Bone by High-Velocity Missiles Damage to Blood Vessels and Nerves Near Wound Track Pressure Changes Accompanying the Passage of Missiles Retardation of Missiles by Soft Tissue and Tissuelike Substances Penetration of Missiles Into Soft Tissue and Bone Casualties in Relation to Missile Mass and Velocity IV. Casualty Survey—New Georgia and Burma Campaigns (James E. T. Hopkins, M.D.) New Georgia Campaign Burma Campaign Analysis of Casualties Causative Agents Circumstances of Wounding Disposition of Casualties Influence of Protective Armor U.S. Casualties Caused by U.S. Missiles Conclusions V. Study on Wound Ballistics—Bougainville Campaign (Ashley W. Oughterson, M.D., Harry C. Hull, M.D., Francis A. Sutherland, M.D., and Daniel J. Greiner, M.D.) Factors Peculiar to the Bougainville Campaign Bougainville Campaign During Survey Period (15 Feb.-21 Apr. 1944) Disposition of Battle Casualties and Anatomic Distribution of Wounds The Different Weapons Causing Battle Casualties Treatment of the Wounded Morbid Anatomy Circumstances and Protective Measures Summary Conclusions VI. Examination of 1,000 American Casualties Killed in Italy (William W. Tribby, M.D.) Purpose of Study Methods of Study Statistical Studies Case Reports VII. Study of Fifth U.S. Army Hospital Battle Casualty Deaths (Howard E. Snyder, M.D., and James W. Culbertson, M.D.) Region, Type, and Distribution of Wounds Causes of Death Special Studies on Intra-Abdominal Wounds Cases in Which the Immediate Cause of Death was Shock Pigment Nephropathy in Battle Casualties VIII. Casualty Survey, Cassino, Italy (Allan Palmer, M.D.) Medical Facilities and Evacuation of Casualties Analysis of Casualties IX. Survey of Battle Casualties, Eighth Air Force, June, July, and August 1944 (Allan Palmer, M.D.) Collection of Data Analysis of Battle Casualties Casualties Due to Flak Casualties Due to Secondary Missiles Casualties Due to Missiles From Enemy Fighter Aircraft KIA Casualties—June Through November 1944 Summary and Conclusions X. Directional Density of Flak Fragments and Burst Patterns at High Altitudes (Allan Palmer, M.D.) German 88 mm. High Explosive Antiaircraft Shell Aircraft Battle Damage Data General Conclusions XI. Personnel Protective Armor (Maj. James C. Beyer, MC, William F. Enos, M.D., and Col. Robert H. Holmes, MC) Helmet Development Helmet Design Body Armor XII. Wound Ballistics and Body Armor in Korea (Carl M. Herget, Ph. D., Capt. George B. Coe, Ord Corps, and Maj. James C. Beyer, MC) Battle Casualty Survey—November1950 Joint Army-Navy Body Armor Field Test, 14 June-13 October 1951 Army Body Armor Test Team, February-July 1952 Medical Study of KIA Casualties Lower Torso Armor Improvised Armor for Special Purposes APPENDIXES A. Casualties, 1st Battalion, 148th Infantry, 37th Division B. Casualties, 1st Battalion, 5307th Composite Unit (Provisional) C. Casualties, 3d Battalion, 5307th Composite Unit (Provisional) D. Principal and Associated Wounds E. Combined Wound Groups F. Detailed Observations on Wound Groups G. Bomb Incident H. Comparison of World War II Missile Casualty Data I. Medical Program for the Study of Wounds and Wounding
  18. Hi John. Re: JFK Back brace. To my knowledge the brace went around kennedy's "waist only" Hi Robin, I have read a description of the process involved in putting on the back brace and it did say it involved slings around the upper parts of his legs. However at the moment I cannot find the reference. In the process of looking for it I found a reference to a dispute about whether or not Kennedy had two braces. I had assumed he did as the photo I saw had a fairly light looking one and the photograph above seems to involvefar more material. It may be that it was in two parts. Thte actual brace with rods and a set of wrapping to put on for perhaps public appearances? Perhaps vanity? A bulkier overwrap to smooth out any protrutions from the rods? Anyway as soon as it becomes clearer on that I'll post.
  19. John; In my way of thinking, the first priority problem would be attempting to come up with some rational explanation as to how CE399 struck and fractured the right transverse process of the C7 vertebrae, then traversed to the apex of the right lung, then came back to exit at/about the third tracheal ring in the throat, without having ripped the vertebral column; throat tissue and muscles, and exterior skin in the anterior portion of the neck of JFK, completely to pieces. If one can get by this obstacle, then perhaps the SBT can be "sold". Or, at least perhaps the JFK portion of it can. To date, I am not buying! Tom <{POST_SNAPBACK}> http://history.amedd.army.mil/booksdocs/ww.../chapter3.1.htm THE EXPLOSIVE OR TEMPORARY CAVITY IN MUSCLE A missile entering soft tissues at a relatively high velocity produces a temporary or explosive cavity of large dimensions. The cavity, at its maximum size, has a cross-sectional diameter many times that of the permanent cavity, which remains after the temporary cavity has collapsed. The temporary cavity persists for a relatively short time, reaching its maximum size in less than a millisecond and lasting for not more than several milliseconds. The penetration of a small high-velocity steel sphere into a large mass of butcher meat results in the formation of an initially cone-shaped cavity, very similar to the cavity formed by the same type of missile in water (pp. 152-158). Figure 74A is a microsecond roentgenogram showing the large cavity formed in butcher meat by a 4/32-inch steel sphere which struck the meat with a velocity of 2,800 f.p.s. and had penetrated a distance of 10.2 cm. when the roentgenogram was made. The sphere eventually perforated the block of meat completely, so that this roentgenogram does not show the final configuration of the temporary cavity. Its chief value lies in demonstrating the striking similarity -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 168 FIGURE 69.—Roentgenogram (No. 171) of the thigh of a cat taken immediately after the passage of a 4/32-inch steel sphere whose impact velocity was 3,000 f.p.s. Note the outlines of the permanent cavity (light area) and the manner in which it has "blown out" to the femur. Also note that the femur is fractured, although it was not struck by the sphere. of the early cavity in animal tissue and that in water, shown by the microsecond roentgenogram in figure 74B. The greatest mass of muscle in an intact animal is the thigh. In the largest dogs used in this study, the thigh was from 6 to 9 cm. in its greatest dimension. A single microsecond roentgenogram of a thigh can show only one particular stage in the development of the temporary cavity. However, by varying the interval between the time at which the missile struck the thigh and the time at which the roentgenogram was made, it is possible to obtain a series of pictures which together will show successive stages in the development of the cavity. A series of five such microsecond roentgenograms, showing the development of the cavity in the thighs of dogs, is shown in figure 75. In each case, the thigh was struck by a 4/32-inch steel sphere whose impact velocity was approximately 2,800 feet per second. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 169 FIGURE 70—Spark shadowgraph of a 4/32-inch steel sphere passing into a tank of water. Note the conical-shaped temporary cavity and the backward "splash" of water at the point where the sphere entered the water. FIGURE 71.—Photograph of a block of Plasticine showing the cavity made by the passage of a 4/32-inch steel sphere whose impact velocity was 3,000 f.p.s. Compare size of cavity with size of the sphere placed in lower left of block. Note the large amount of material thrown out at the point of exit of the sphere. A similar "splash" also occurred at the point of entrance. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 170 FIGURE 72.—Spark shadowgraph of a rectangular block of 20 percent gelatin gel made immediately after the passage of a 4/32-inch steel sphere whose impact velocity was 2,800 f.p.s. The missile passed from right to left in the shadowgraph. Note the manner in which the block has expanded and the large amounts of material being thrown out at both the entrance and exit sites. Figure 75A is a microsecond roentgenogram showing the temporary cavity 56 microseconds after the sphere struck the thigh. A cone-shaped cavity has formed behind the sphere, whose walls are relatively smooth. It is at this stage of development that the similarity of the temporary cavity in animal tissues and in water is the greatest. Figure 75B shows the cavity 71 microseconds after the sphere struck the thigh. The sphere has emerged from the thigh and has moved several centimeters from it. The conical cavity is expanding, and its walls are becoming somewhat irregular. The roentgenogram in figure 75C shows a cavity whose age is 139 microseconds. The sphere has now moved out of the field of the photograph to the right. The cone-shaped cavity has continued to expand, and its walls have become very irregular, probably owing to the irregular stretching and tearing of tissues being displaced by the cavity. Figure 75D shows the cavity photographed 390 microseconds after the sphere struck the thigh. The cavity has expanded still more and has assumed the shape of a prolate ellipsoid. Observation of many of these cavities indicates that a cavity with this configuration is near its maximum size. The cavity shows marked irregularities on its walls, as well as strands of tissue of different densities, which can be interpreted as areas of stretched and torn tissues. The sphere which produced this cavity had an initial energy of 3.7 X 108 ergs (35 ft.-lb.) and lost approximately 85 percent of this energy in producing the cavity. Roentgenograms made from 600 to 800 microseconds after the sphere struck the thigh show that the cavity, after reaching its maximum size, col- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 171 FIGURE 73.—Spark shadowgraph of the thigh of a cat made immediately after the passage of a 4/32-inch steel sphere whose impact velocity was 3,000 f.p.s. The missile passed from right to left in the shadowgraph. Note the large amount of materials being ejected at both the points of entrance and exit of the missile. Note the similarity to the gelatin block in figure 72. lapses. Figure 75E shows a cavity whose age is 819 microseconds. The cavity has practically collapsed, and only a small rounded space remains near the center of the thigh. High-speed motion pictures of the exterior of a thigh, such as those of figure 76, show the temporary swelling, indicative of the internal formation of this cavity. The temporary cavity in the thigh of a cat, formed by the passage of a 4/32-inch steel sphere with an impact velocity of 2,800 f.p.s., is shown in figure 77A. Although this cavity has not reached its maximum size and the sphere did not strike the femur directly, a fracture line has appeared in this bone. Figure 77B is a roentgenogram of this same thigh made before the shot and figure 77C a similar roentgenogram made after the shot. In this latter picture, the permanent cavity is well outlined. This type of "indirect" fracture is dealt with in greater detail on pages 200-204. All the temporary cavities just described were photographed to show the path of the missile and the cavity in lateral view. Other microsecond roentgenograms show that the cavity formed in soft tissues by a sphere is circular
  20. There appears to me to be one set of positions where the wounds of Connally and Kennedy could be the result of a single bullet. The range of their movements would have to be limited by the length of limbs. Here is a plot of the positions of both Kennedy and Connally (from 'Connally's wound's' topic) combined on a scaled drawing of the Limousine. Kennedy would have to have risen up and leant forward and right with a leftward twist as if to say something to Connally, and Connally would have to have turned slightly right towards Kennedy. This, as far as I can find out has no supporting witness evidence.
  21. OK, Robin, . Now the gray scale is 'flatter' In the other image perhaps all that happened was an attempt to 'enhance' or define the area resulting in a value shift. A second look at it also makes it seem that it is partly a shadow of the hair standing up. Not unreasonable for deep shadow as hair was probably matted. A look at shadows on top left indicates that this is the angle of light. Also a look at the edge of hair mass and comparing to how shadow might have appeared on face contour, also the blurriness could be as the edge of hair mass is translucent. Great Link BTW. I've been looking for better pics of all that stuff.
  22. As I have no idea if this is actually the photo referred to by Denis as he says 'it seems more defined' the following may be irrellevant (except as a guide to one way of analyzing photo's) The bullet hole as presented here appears peculiar in a couple of respects the edges are blureed in a way that the individual hairs, for example are not. the perspective seems wrong. On a contoured face sloping away from the camera it shouldn't be so 'round' in the following is the 'original', next to it is the original tilted roughly to the angle I think it should be revealing a different shaped hole. These are placed next to each other below. the toip right image is a inverse grayscale 3D map of the area. A hair outlined in blue has a distinctly different value over the 'hole'. the lower right image is perhaps a indication of how this particular 'hole' was 'defined'. : A blurred edge round 'burn', moved top down.
  23. Tom, hope I'm not being too particular here, but knowing how lawyers can be at times of their choosing, ie with regards to 'answer only the question. please' , then the question was there 'more than three', answer no, no more than three' doesn't mean : 'it was three'. perhaps other portions of the testimony would remove apparent ambiguity in your question?
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