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John Dolva

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Everything posted by John Dolva

  1. Charles, my reading of this subject which I have an interest in leads me to make some general statements. The history of the development of forensics is different throughout the world. Many developments have taken a long time to percolate through. Different techniques have been developed in different places to the exclusion of others. It really gets blurred in the USA where different states have different systems. In one forensic anthropology might be highly developed and regarded, in another the local undertaker wight cast a cursory glance at a body and write a death certificate. Much of the present knowledge and databases have been developed since the assassination. (I find it interesting that some of the most famous forensic anthropologists today come from the southern states). I'd love to hear what some of them would have to say after handling Kennedys bones for a day or two. Reading xrays is an art. Often it takes days of looking at high qualityxrays in special lighting conditions to decipher them. Experience is what counts. Experience is what counts really here too. The organisations involved here simply did not have some of the experience that would be necessary. I've read a round table discussion by doctors reviewing the case and their back and forth arguments tempered unfortunately by respect for 'credentials' make it agonising reading (while in the background someone is interjecting, demanding an end to 'public' discussions.) To some extent, I suspect, there was an element of ego involved. None of them were likely to admit to inexperience. Most likely felt a relief that someone would make a plausible statement of finality. So, yes the knowledge was there, but not in the right people at all times. An imnvestigation tempered with sensibilities, motives, and outside interference leaves us with what we have today. An exhumation in the hands of a professional team of today would probably solve the whole thing within two weeks.
  2. One thing that seems to me to be crucial is the relative positions of Connally and Kennedy, and any observations that might resolve whether Kennedy was shot with the same bullet that struck Connally. Apart from all that I think Pat goes to the core with a request for exhumation.
  3. being a rebellious sort of chap inclined to dis obedience without meaning any disrespect to you Nic, I'd ask Harry D. Holmes (RIP) : Who was with you in the office that day watching the motorcade? What were you looking for on the plaza when you picked up and discarded the piece of bone? Did you know H.L. Hunt personally? Bookhout? You lived near them so perhaps you met them around there sometime? Were you asked to prolong the interview so Ruby could get there? Did you see the Backyard photos in Oswalds mail? When did you become aware that Oswald was receiving mail from the Soviet Union? Did you report this directly to Dulles or Helms, or did you pass this on to your boss in Washington? How come when communications went haywire you managed to keep an open line to your boss in Washington? When the motorcade went behind the trees around the perisstyle did you look up from your binoculars and look at the TSBD? Why did you perjure yourself in the WC with regards to Post office regulations? Who approached you to become an FBI informer and when? While illegally opening mail did you become aware of details of other people around Dallas. If so, who and what? When did the thought occur to you (in your own words) that the TSBD would be a good place to take a crack at the president? Were you aware that Ruby was watching the motorcade from the corner of the Postal Annex? Who rang you to check about reports that shots had been fired from the Post Office? Why would they take your word for there not being any and never mention it again? Who were the staff that you questioned about this? Please supply a full list of all personel working in the Post office. Who was your contact in the FBI? From when were you aware of the Motorcade route? Was the route changed to keep the Limousine as far away from the Post Office as possible because there had been a leak about possible assassination attempt? .........
  4. In order to make sense of this database so that it might provide possible avenues of research : The Skull and Bone club at yale was/is?the most exclusive of fraternities. Members were members for one year. Each group of always 15 members were selected by the previous years 15 and in turn selected the following years 15. From its founding certain families heve been represented more than others. Walker is the most prominent. If I was to search for say, Taylor I would find the most recent one to be a Alan McLean Taylor from 1902, and bearing in mind that there is a tendency for family members to talk to each other, and to share common friends, relations etc, searching for the other 14 of that year I would find amongst them a Day, remembering a Day as head of the Post office under Kennedy though he did resign a few months (for undisclosed reasons) before the assassination I would note this. Other names that might come to my notice from this 3 year span are Cheney, White and depending on my knowledge of relevant individuals perhaps others. For example I might notice that the Taylor mentioned had the second name of McLean. A search for this surname reveals a Mclean in 1943 and a Walker in 1942 and another Walker in 1944. This indicates perhaps that a McLean had met a Walker and perhaps a McLean is related to a Taylor who may have known a Day and a Cheney and so on. It's a bit complicated so I'm endeavouring to group them in alphabetical year lots but until and if that happens this might help those who want to make use of this database. Just because a name is the same doesn't mean much but it may possibly provide a piece in the puzzle.
  5. Perhaps those inclined to do so could send one or a million brief messages to these guys outlining resons for them to lay off?
  6. Robin, unfortunately large attacments can be counterproductive. Links and small images are better. Plus could you offer a commentary as well? Looking at that zfilm sequence is interesting. They look like reacting at very much the same time?. I'm still working on trying to refine the relative positions of Kennedy and Connally and I so far can't get away from they are not aligned for a SBT.And The Connally's testimony to me is convincing. It all adds up to two shots so far, closely spaced : hence not 1 shooter or not the carcano. either way : a conspiracy.
  7. COINTELPRO2005 Cyberwars OrgName: ThePlanet.com Internet Services, Inc. OrgID: TPCM Address: 1333 North Stemmons Freeway Address: Suite 110 City: Dallas StateProv: TX PostalCode: 75207 Country: US ReferralServer: rwhois://rwhois.theplanet.com:4321 NetRange: - CIDR:,, NetName: NETBLK-THEPLANET-BLK-13 NetHandle: NET-70-84-0-0-1 Parent: NET-70-0-0-0-0 NetType: Direct Allocation NameServer: NS1.THEPLANET.COM NameServer: NS2.THEPLANET.COM name: www.g00ns.com class: IN type: PTR data: 147.70-84-85.reverse.theplanet.com time to live: 3600s "Right Wing Hackers Attack Independent Media Centers from "Notes from the Hacker Underground" at HackThisSite.org ................ During the Republican National Convention, a group of hackers called RightWingExtremist.net was formed by Brett Chance(elac, clorox, awb0t, etc) from Plano TX. This group came out of the ultra conservative ProtestWarrior.com who advocates disrupting and attacking leftist organizations. .....a group calling itself the g00ns.com have attacked and defaced a dozen indymedia websites using the vulnerability posted to dadaimc. On the hacked websites, a message calling indymedia 'liars' and 'anti-republicans' were posted. Soon after, hackers and indymedia techs started working together to fix each other's code and bring backups back online as well as find information about the g00ns. The g00ns started out by targetting and attacking online gaming clan websites, but eventually Elac from RightWingExtremist.net joined up and started to turn the group farther to the right. When the IndyMedia sites were hacked, people started to gather information and infiltrate their organization and soon after all of their private details were released to the public to show like actions like this will not go unnoticed. Many other right-wing trolls continue to try to disrupt IndyMedia and left-wing protest groups. These individuals operate under several different names including ProtestWarrior.com, RightWingExtremist.net, FreeRepublic.com, KobeHQ.com, FreeDominion.com, LittleGreenFootballs.com, and more. Many of these groups are suspected of being financed operations from governments or corporations similar to the COINTELPRO program from the 60s and 70s. Common activities range from flooding message boards, faking votes and reviews in online polls, releasing personal information of key organizers, spreading false rumors and scandals, etc. ............. http://www.dadaimc.org/mod/software/alerts...dex.php?alert=1 http://www.dadaimc.org/support.php?section=xss ...................... Protest Warriors Connectable to the CIA by linkmeister at 02.May.2005 21:49 Here's another interesting look at these right wing groups http://seattle.indymedia.org/en/2004/09/242330.shtml ************** Connection between Protester Warriors, KOBE (the online rightwing harassment squad) and Cycorp (defense contractor working for DARPA and the Information Awareness Office) found. KOBE and the Protest Warriors are centered in Austin, Texas. Josiah Hagen has been established as a member of KOBE. The Protest Warriors have been established as harassers of NY IndyMedia in the form of automated vote tampering visa via article ratings with the purpose of suppressing articles they wish to prevent readers from viewing. KOBE has identified itself as the source of the Protest Warrior harassment of NYC IndyMedia: http://nyc.indymedia.org/newswire/display/124183/index.php Comment from "K Crew" in the above link was posted by KOBE to indicate that they had used their program to suppress a posting. "K Crew" has previously identified itself as KOBE. Josiah Hagen, established member of KOBE uses a gun range in Austin, Texas. That same gun range is featured on the Protest Warrior's website showing the two persons running the Protest Warrior's website on the range. Josiah Hagen also works for Cycorp, a defense contractor with contracts with DARPA, CIA, IAO, and NSA. Therefore, the CIA, NSA, Protest Warriors and KOBE are all connected through personal contacts. ************** The argument establishes that the Protest Warriors and KOBE work TOGETHER in concert. That is, the Protest Warriors call for an coordinate attacks against NYC IndyMedia and KOBE provides the means to execute those attacks and carries them out. KOBE is run by Josiah Hagen. Josiah Hagen works for a small employer and the projects they are working on are for the CIA. Furthermore, an inside source confirms and offer by the CIA to Cycorp to wage cyber warfare on Americans. That project is KOBE. Therefore KOBE is a private project funded by the CIA. KOBE and Protest Warriors share resources and wor as one online. Therefore, Protest Warriors is separated from the CIA only by KOBE. Josiah Hagen, in addition to these activities, is a member of the same very small gun range that the leaders of the Protest Warriors use. For mysterious reasons the Protest Warrior leaders were moved from the Bay area of California to Austin just when they began operations. This is a direct and irrefutable connection. ************** Prior Areas of Operations for Protest Warrior "founder": KFIR ALFIA DOB 17-MAY-74 ZIP 33180 Ojus, Florida (North of Miami on East Coast of FL) KFIR ALFIA DOB 17-MAY-74 75248 Dallas, Texas (North of the city core, outside the 635 loop) Current Area of Operations: ProtestWarrior LLC 659 Mangels Ave. Austin TX 78759 .......Partner Alan Lipton: ALAN R LIPTON DOB 08-FEB-74 ZIP 75287 (Dallas, about 4 miles NW of Kfir Alfia's address in Dallas, across the Dallas North Tollway from Kfir) ..... election@co.travis.tx.us , (512) 238-VOTE (238-8683 a 24-hour automated voice-response system), fax (512) 854-9075 Elections Division, Travis County Clerk PO Box 149325, Austin, TX 78714 Posted by: A. at Sep 27, 2004 10:47 http://www.unclaw.com/chin/personal/bsmalumni.htm Says: "Josiah Hagen (Spring 1998) jhagen@cs.oberlin.edu NEWS: (Dated June 2000) Working on AI at Cycorp in Austin, TX. " The identity of another KOBE member is known. Posted by: Rational Anarchist at Sep 27, 2004 19:09 Someone by the name of Stephen R DeVoy was working at CyCorp around the time in question. He left under mysterious circumstances and a few weeks later the KOBE organization appeared. I believe Stephen DeVoy is the mastermind behind the KOBE organization. The timeline is correct, the modus opperandi fits...... DeVoy is the leader of the group, a government toady. DeVoy's last known address Posted by: The UPS guy at Sep 27, 2004 19:26 71 Whiting Ave. Dedham, MA United States Dedham, MA US No, DeVoy is they guy they got rid of. Posted by: Cyclist at Sep 27, 2004 19:36 DeVoy was the Programming Department Director they got rid of for opposing the project. He's one of their victims. You sure about that? Posted by: Gustavo Espada at Sep 27, 2004 19:51 I am sure Stephen told me he was working on some secret stuff that he could not tell me about. Sort of COINTELPRO but the other way around. Gustavo Espada Posted by: Rebel at Sep 27, 2004 20:04 If I remember clearly, Gustavo Espada was raised in US Embassies in Columbia, Brazil and Nicaragua where he had much contact with and was protected by the CIA. I also seem to remember Gustavo Espada filming activists in Cambridge, MA and providing the film to the very operation the article is about: KOBE. That film was used to harass activists, including DeVoy. Gustavo Espada's father currently works in the US Embassy in Nicaragua. Evidence supports the belief that he works for the CIA undercover at Harvard University." <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
  8. What about some sort of flood gate specific to the ads? DOS for the DOSers
  9. Ah, that's great Robin. That's Towner, right? As for the other guy in bib'n brace. No no hard hat as far as I can see. Also it could be a vest with the coat off, though I can't see it over his arm so maybe an office worker from nearby business. Anyway, the film is full of interesting characters, not least of which is the little girl in the white top running along with the limo at the top of elm street. In that particular frame she is is running down houston just nearing the corner of elm and the guy in 'bib'n brace is already looking up. He seems to look up non stop and raises his hand to his face in the way someone does when pondering on something. By the time the girl passes where martin catches her running past the opening along the other side of the pond and the Limo isd about where first shot occurs, and Dorman has already panned past this guy and returns later. It's hard then to see who was who, but by this time a fair number over here are looking up. The dash to the GK definitely happened further away.
  10. OOps , sorry Tom,Mark, my mistake. I wrote feet where it should be yards. It rises and intersects line of sight at about 25 yards, curving in a parabola and dropping again intersecting at say 200yards (dapending on factors). This second intersect during the drop of the parabola is what its zeroed to. Not rise.
  11. Tom, are not barrels generally angled upwards to compensate for drop? This upwards trajectory intersects line of sight about after 25 feet, and again after say 200 feet depending on how the scope is adjusted? Also firing down or up as opposed to vertical introduces another set of factors. Also coreolis force here plays a minor role. All up I wonder if you might not be making wrong assumptions? It's possible that such a shot as you suggest would in fact tend to be high to an inexperienced scope shooter. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> The fixed/non-adjustable sights on the 91/38 short rifle are "zeroed" at 300 meters. This being the point at which line-of-sight across the rifle sight, intersects with the rising arc of the bullet line-of-flight. Therefore, even a 150-foot distant shot would have struck somewhat low unless compensated for in sighting/sight picture. When firing through a scope which is mounted 2-inches higher than the centerline of the rifle barrel, the bullet exits the rifle at a full two inches lower than the line-of-sight. <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
  12. The same man towards the end of the film is now also looking up. He is joined by another man who has walked across the street to stand next to him. The woman and girl who were standing near him before are now walking down the street. Quite a few of the people are now looking up at the building. Some directly at Dorman.
  13. Tom, are not barrels generally angled upwards to compensate for drop? This upwards trajectory intersects line of sight about after 25 feet, and again after say 200 feet depending on how the scope is adjusted? Also firing down or up as opposed to vertical introduces another set of factors. Also coreolis force here plays a minor role. All up I wonder if you might not be making wrong assumptions? It's possible that such a shot as you suggest would in fact tend to be high to an inexperienced scope shooter.
  14. The above needs to be corrected. Kennedy, after the head shot was still tecnically alive.When arriving at the Hospital they could see he was mortally wounded. But he still had a pulse. So the statement above that he was dead after the head shot should be changed to accommodate this fact. Perhaps unconcious with half his brain pulped would be technically more correct. Nevertheless, the possibility that in that state that he had gross motor control is highly unlikely. So the summary stands.
  15. As well as Abraham, Muchmore, Moreman and others, there was Dorman. On the fourth floor, presumably from this perspective somewhere about the middle window? The man on the left in the inset has probably been identified. The fact that there is a folding seat on the footpath with shadows on it indicating perhaps it hasn't just been stretched out but used for a while there. Security? At some point later in the film, probably at least after the first shot he goes back and folds the chair up and stands chatting to a person. The man on the right wearing a bib and brace overall spends most of the time looking up towards the east corner of the building.
  16. Inevitability Something that John said in another topic triggered off a chain of thought that I had previously tried to express. "Castro was no Arbenz. He was not removed, he was made stronger. Phillips and company could not believe that the reason for this was their own misreading of the situation in Cuba. As far as they were concerned, the Bay of Pigs failed because of one man: John F. Kennedy." I think that this is a good example of an issue that shadows change of any nature. One of the founders of the american SWP once said in a speech to a national conference words to the effect that "one of the best things that a socialist man can do, is to give equality to woman." My difficulty with such a statement is the implication that equality is something that anyone has so that they can give it to others. I think he should have said "stop standing in the way of equality" .................. The reason, I'm suggesting, that Castro was not removed was because the strength of his moral authority made victory inevitable. It's the same authority of truth that does away with slavery, feudalism, facism. It wasn't the first attempt in Cuba, but it was the first where all the ingredients for success were in place. In the same way I think there was an element of inevitability surrounding Kennedy. Kennedy and his intimates had discussed Assassination and I think Kennedy had made certain decisions. He knew that if it was to happen then how it happened was going to be very important to the world he would leave behind. No grubby behind the doors, in the dark, poison in the drink whatever stuff. Rather a statement to the world : This is the world you live in! I choose to live in the world as it should be. Here is the contrast. Change hurts those who change is demanded of. Pain, physical and emotional, is often sublimated and the cause, while in fact internal, is projected outwards onto any convenient scapegoat. This refusal of humanity to accept basic laws of nature inevitably has victims. I think Kennedy's memory is best honoured by recognising him as an agent of change. And the clue to who killed the Kennedys found amongst those who were being asked to change. ...................... I think Oswald was the patsies patsy. The significance of the concept of the 'lumpen' is possibly being overlooked here. Mindless elements carefully steered towards the inevitable. The real killers, if there is such a thing, were probably in Woopwoop, having a cuppa in the corner cafe, NOT in Dallas.
  17. I think that's possible, with his other fingers he seems to be lifting his coat as well. Perhaps a fine mist of blood has been blown from the corner of his nose across his cheek? I had thought Connally was holding his hat the other way up. Now I can see his right fingers curled into it from the top. I guess that could make maintaining a grip on it after being shot in the wrist more likely?
  18. Hi there Stuart, I find it very interesting too. I started looking at these issues a few months ago so I think I came into it with a fairly stock standard set of pre judices. My 'instincts' leading me to believe that a conspiracy is possible (but open minded to being a lonely nut) but the whole thing baffling as the number of shooters, locations and conspirators seem to multiply like spring frogs. Bugger this, I thought, I'll shelve all preconceptions and see what I make of it myself. My main intersts are sculpture so I spend a fair bit of time trying to think spacially, in three dimensions. I have done some physics and engineering at uni but that was along time ago. But I do remember the importance of reliable foundations. I fairly quickly realised that much of the info available is 'faulty'in some way. I don't mean that people necessarily have done anything wrong, but I couldn't seem to find the stuff they were originally working on to provide their results with. So it was all 'second hand'. Plus over the internet its hard to download detail and various formats and rotations etc introduce errors. (I realise I'm not yet answering your questions, I'm just writing this as if it was to myself as a neophyte so that those who haven't gotten deeply into it can maybe get some hints) I couldn't get any detailed maps and would love some, particularly if they have level detail from the 60's. In the end I found that Don Robardeau's work the best. Unfortunately it covers only half of Dealey Plaza and little of the building measurements. Detatils showing all buildings (including basements, office locations etc etc etc would be great. For the other half I found some maps but when comparing them to aerial photos realised that wrong assumptions of symmetry are easily made so I made my own from aerial photos. The Limousine is another problem. Possibly more so because of some rule about withholding such info for security reasons. The downloaded copies of commission exhibits seem suspect (and hard to read) so again, Don. Where I can't find a dimension I compare and guesstimate. I use a range of photos readily available on the internet. For example : the men in limo. an overhead sketch that I found somewhere and modified for my purposes. Skeleton parts from anatomy websites. Body samples from I think it was called the visible human project? web site. and photos of Kennedy and Connally in various poses plus a photo of a statue of Connally from his home town I think. And photos from the motorcade. I actually don't start out with strike point assumptions. I'm aware of some suggested ones but I try to look at the evidence available and go from there. (what I hope most to do, is to show various ways that I think can be used to work things out. Much of it develops as I go, so what I post here is 'up to the minute'.) As I tell my Kids, don't just take someones word for it. If you can check for yourself. That goes for my own work too. For example , with the Connally wounds I assumed that the wound locations as shown by xrays, diagrams and descriptions to be largely reliable. I don't doubt that there would be some who would say otherwise, and possibly for very good reasons. So therfore I said (say): "IF such and such and IF ...then when I do this this and this I get this. Cofirm, refine , or debunk please." By not assuming anything, or as little as possible, I feel my mind is more receptive to interpreting the results. Then when I check with the 'common wisdom' sometimes it concurs, sometimes not. So I agree, flexibility, open mind. I show how I did it and the results I get. Others may use same or different data and get same or different results. Margin of error is an important thing. The result is dependent on the quality of the least precise input, so I try to compensate to the best of my ability. I can measure and rotate very precicely. Where say I am aware of an error margin I usually say so and try to qualify any conclusions. Can you point me to an outline of a good explanation of how the location of Connally and Kennedy was such as to indicate that a single bullet (from theTSBD I presume?) was possible? And one that explains The Connally's statements that it was separate bullets? I'm not being provocative, I think they would be important things to cover. I hope that covers it? A careful reading of my topics/posts probably explains all that in greater detail
  19. Again, John, I may be going right off on a tangent here but I thought I'd look into this a bit further. Contrary to the impressions one gained from the events through media, the story is much more in the modern world. Speight, the frontman of the coup had been educated in Andrews university in Michigan, a 'leading adventist university'. He then spent some time in Australia doing things like selling computers. He had business problems. The coup is suggested by some as being an attempt to loot. He was mainly involved in companies exploiting Fiji's forestry resources. Michigan has a huge forestry industry. Fifth in the US in acreage. 12 billion a year in related monies. 200 000 emploed. Speights dad attempted a coup in 87. I realsise the timeline isn a bit out of place as far as events re Gordon. But the ingredients of money, computers, australia, america, (forestry? Adventists? Michigan?)
  20. Tom, Could you please provide a link to a full text of this Parkland Interview. Or post it in its relevant entirity here? In joint interviews and separate interviews that I've read, Mr and Mrs Connally are quite clear about what happened. Mr Connally : "..........so I turned to look back over my right shoulder, and I saw nothing unusual except just people in the crowd, but I did not catch the President in the corner of my eye, and I was interested, because once I heard the shot in my own mind I identified it as a rifle shot, and I immediately--the only thought that crossed my mind was that this is an assassination attempt. So I looked, failing to see him, I was turning to look back over my left shoulder into the back seat, but I never got that far in my turn. I got about in the position I am in now facing you, looking a little bit to the left of center, and then I felt like someone had hit me in the back. So I merely doubled up, and then turned to my right again and began to--I just sat there, and Mrs. Connally pulled me over to her lap. She was sitting, of course, on the jump seat, so I reclined with my head in her lap, conscious all the time, and with my eyes open; and then, of course, the third shot sounded, and I heard the shot very clearly. I heard it hit him. I heard the shot hit something, and I assumed again--it never entered my mind that it ever hit anybody but the President. I heard it hit. It was a very loud noise, just that audible, very clear. Immediately I could see on my clothes, my clothing, I could see on the interior of the car which, as I recall, was a pale blue, brain tissue, which I immediately recognized, and I recall very well, on my trousers there was one chunk of brain tissue as big as almost my thumb, thumbnail, and again I did not see the President at any time either after the first, second, or third shots, but I assumed always that it was he who was hit and no one else. Mrs Connally: "When we got past this area I did turn to the President and said, "Mr. President, you can't say Dallas doesn't love you." Then I don't know how soon, it seems to me it was very soon, that I heard a noise, and not being an expert rifleman, I was not aware that it was a rifle. It was just a frightening noise, and it came from the right. I turned over my right shoulder and looked back, and saw the President as he had both hands at his neck. "--he made no utterance, no cry. I saw no blood, no anything. It was just sort of nothing, the expression on his face, and he just sort of slumped down. Then very soon there was the second shot that hit John. As the first shot was hit, and I turned to look at the same time, I recall John saying, "Oh, no, no, no." Then there was a second shot, and it hit John, and as he recoiled to the right, just crumpled like a wounded animal to the right, he said, "My God, they are going to kill us all." I just pulled him over into my arms because it would have been impossible to get us really both down with me sitting and me holding him. So that I looked out, I mean as he was in my arms, I put my head down over his head so that his head and my head were right together, and all I could see, too, were the people flashing by. I didn't look back any more. The third shot that I heard I felt, it felt like spent buckshot falling all over us, and then, of course, I too could see that it was the matter, brain tissue, or whatever, just human matter, all over the car and both of us. You are the first person I've read about who has reported a surgery to remove a bullet from Connally's thigh. Or seen a xray of a bullet in his thigh. The zfilm as I see it shows that what the Connally's are saying is indeed possible. Theyre a married couple who have been talking over the events. It's not unreasonable to assume that Connally is paraphrasing Mrs Connally when saying the president had slumped. No lies necessary. Later they realised the signiificance and were quite careful to separate their statements. The joint interview that I've read shows this clearly.
  21. Robin from other post: This may be of some interest: (IMG:http://members.aol.com/DRoberdeau/JFK/HARTMANbulletFURROWStoOAKES1992.gif) (IMG: ............................................................ Interesting, Robin. Long grooves, as if from a shallow shot.
  22. My viewing of the Muchmore film bears out an earlier observation here illustrated by cutouts from zframes. When Kennedys head is shot it moves from where the top of the head is pointing south south west then tilts north west and rebounds. The knockdown power of a rifle would be sufficient to cause this movement. If you tilt your head towards a raised right shoulder, when you encounter the shoulder structure the head moves forward if you want to continue the tilt. His head movement is consistent with a shot from the left.
  23. Don't be discouraged by the lack of documentation, Robin. The image mapper and the various filters are very useful. If you get the concept of z-buffers then making 3d models is not hard. The fractal plugin for resizing is good too even though it can introduce noise in noisy pics. Ive taken quite a few indistinct tiny images and gotten good defined pics out of it. The various tools and filterts are great for separations. No doubt others reading this would be curious to look at it. The guy who provides it is very generous in doing so : http://meesoft.logicnet.dk/ grab the plugins and have fun. With helping himwith some of his projects of translation et.c. other plugins become downloadable. ################# I keep looking at the various images and films and I can't get away from the idea that Kennedy was shot from the front. The front being from the left front, through the top of the head, blasting out the right side. I know the xray interpretations don't agree. But still. There were early reports of shot from the Post Office, the fact that these are not readily available means they must have been internal and quite possibly no longer exist. But the witnesses who were questioned by Harry must remember. He mentions one of his secretaries as being 20 30 feet from the Limousine. Who was she. Which of the witnesses worked in the post office? I know of three. Nix, Harry, and Price. There were more.
  24. This sequence leading up to the headshot shows the gradual lean towards Jackie. He also turns more towards her in the last few frames. Then he gets shot and a few frames later comes the 'back and to the left motion'. The small image can be viewed larger in 'Kennedy's wounds' where a more detailed description of his movements is made. It shows various scenes from the direction they were taken plus a suggestion of Limousine and head position at the time the headshot occurred.
  25. COINTELPRO2005, CIA in the cyberage?........naaah couldn't be, they're here to serve and protect..right?? : :""Right Wing Hackers Attack Independent Media Centers from "Notes from the Hacker Underground" at HackThisSite.org OrgName: ThePlanet.com Internet Services, Inc. OrgID: TPCM Address: 1333 North Stemmons Freeway Address: Suite 110 City: Dallas StateProv: TX PostalCode: 75207 Country: US During the Republican National Convention, a group of hackers called RightWingExtremist.net was formed by Brett Chance(elac, clorox, awb0t, etc) from Plano TX. This group came out of the ultra conservative ProtestWarrior.com who advocates disrupting and attacking leftist organizations. These individuals operate under several different names including ProtestWarrior.com, RightWingExtremist.net, FreeRepublic.com, KobeHQ.com, FreeDominion.com, LittleGreenFootballs.com, and more. Many of these groups are suspected of being financed operations from governments or corporations similar to the COINTELPRO program from the 60s and 70s. Common activities range from flooding message boards, faking votes and reviews in online polls, releasing personal information of key organizers, spreading false rumors and scandals, etc. Protest Warriors Connectable to the CIA by linkmeister at 02.May.2005 21:49 Here's another interesting look at these right wing groups http://seattle.indymedia.org/en/2004/09/242330.shtml KOBE and the Protest Warriors are centered in Austin, Texas"
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