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John Dolva

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Everything posted by John Dolva

  1. Chris, that is not an invalid theory. Though I don't know of anyone who has used an alias to have done that, one never knows how operations evolve and what bizarre tactics develop. Regards, Johng <{POST_SNAPBACK}> A loooong time ago I knew an anarchist who on one of his little escapades was caught with 5 ID's. He was really known to me as an excentric but harmless fellow, given to imaginative protests. I don't know why he would have been so silly on this occasion as to carry 5. I don't think he was expecting to get caught.* *(Philatelists may look up stamps from 'The Sultanate of Okusso-Umbeno', a little country off the coast of his mind. He also enjoyed his ambassadorship to this 'country' in ringing assorted Leaders around the world. He did get through to Idi Amin, established trade relations with another African Nation, but unfortunately he wasn't successful in convincing the american President to change foreign policy.)
  2. Here are some of Harry D. Holmes' recollection of the relevant events. To track Oswald the FBI used a network of informants. One of the ones in New Orleans was codenamed T4. I have read a report that this T4 was with Oswald when he was handing out leaflets. Harry was FBI informant "Dallas T7". I believe that the guy who came and was with Harry when he discovered the magazine was Sorrell? "Shortly after the assassination the FBI assigned a man to sit in my office to, I assume, second guess me. You just don’t know what the FBI is up to. I never was an admirer of the FBI, not that there was any jealousy between us, but I always felt like they didn’t rank. For example, in the case of postal inspector, when I would pick up a suspect I could take him to a state or federal court, or I could turn him loose; I might even just sit on my bottom. But the FBI couldn’t do anything but report it to headquarters and they would tell them what to do. Individually they didn’t know themselves what they’re up to; they had to ask somebody higher up. They had no independent opinion or judgment about anything. We did and would carry it to the bitter end. But in this case, I knew the guy assigned to my office, had worked with him around Dallas for a long time, and were good friends, so I didn’t try to hold anything back from him. The next morning, on Saturday, when I came in, the inspector who was on duty in the lobby watching the boxes told me, “You’ve got an inspector up there sitting in your office.” I said, “Well, I guess it’s so and so”; I’ve since forgotten his name. When I arrived in the office, he said, “Harry, if you wanted to find an original postal money order, where would you go to get it?” I said, :Well, Washington if you knew that number it was and could identify it.” He said, “You mean it’s not in Kansas City?” “No,” I replied, “it used to be. It was out on Hardesty Street in Kansas City until about two months ago. I don’t know exactly why but they transferred the money order center back to Washington. Why, is there something I can help you with?” “Well, maybe,” he said. “You know, we got the owner of Klein’s Sporting Goods out of bed about 2:00 or 3:00 in the morning and took him down.” Somehow they had run this gun number to Italy, and this particular gun had been shipped to Klein’s Sporting Goods in Chicago. He also said, “We’ve got another man out in California to find out where this California scope was that was on the rifle. But he says he checked his records there and they show that a money order was sent in payment, but it didn’t say postal money order or bank money order; it just said a money order sent in payment. Well, he ran all that down. Meanwhile we got in touch with a bunch of agents in Kansas City who didn’t know the money order wasn’t still there. So, we hit a dead end.” I told him, “Well, of course, it’s not there.” So he said, “Well, if it were issued, it had to have been issued if it was a postal money order here in Dallas.” So I immediately put a crew to work on it. In those days, postal money orders were issued in a book of paper money orders which, when you bought a money order, the clerk put the amount and the date, then you had a template that you put on that tore off at $10, not more than $15, or whatever. The clerk then ripped that off and handed it to the customer while the stub was retained which matched the money. All this was to be filled out in your own handwriting. So I said, “Well, how much was it?” They didn’t have a number for the money order, but they had an amount. They had me looking for a money order issued in the amount of $18.95 which we couldn’t turn up. I had all the manpower and I wanted to examine all these stubs. I said, “Where did you get your information?” “Out of a sporting goods magazine,” they told me. So I gave one of my secretaries a $10 bill and sent her next door to Union Station which had one of those rotating things they used to have in railroad stations with postcards and magazines. I told her, “You buy every sporting magazine you can find over there and bring them back.” So she brought about six of them back, something like that, and I assigned each one of them to whoever was around, inspectors and secretaries, and took one myself. “Now you thumb through those,” I said, “and when you come to Klein’s Sporting Goods, let’s see what it looks like.” It wasn’t but a couple of minutes that one of the girls hollered, “Here it is!” So I looked at it and down at the bottom of the ad it said that that particular rifle was such and such amount. But if it could not be carried on a person, such as a pistol, like a shotgun or a rifle, then it was $1.25 or $1.37 extra. Shipping charges were also added, so I added those together, took that figure and called around to all the different stations and the main office where these crews were checking stubs. It wasn’t ten minutes that they hollered, “Eureka!” They had the stub! I called it in immediately to the chief on the open line to Washington and said, “I’ve got the money order number that Oswald used to buy this gun, and according to the records up there, they had shipped it to this box that he had rented at the main office in Dallas at that time, which he later closed and opened another at the Terminal Annex because it was closer to the School Book Depository.” So he said, “Well, we’ll run that right through the correlators or whatever they do up there.” In about an hour, he called back and said, “We’ve got it! Both the FBI and the Secret Service labs have positively identified the handwriting as being that of Oswald.” I had previously furnished headquarters, because everybody wanted them, copies of box rental applications that he had to fill out in his own handwriting. Those I had sent up on Friday night after I had gotten that information, so that they had enough there on file. I figured that that was one of the very few pieces of actual evidence, not just circumstantial, that they would have been ready to go on the stand with and swear, and their testimony was just as authentic and viable as fingerprints or handwriting in federal court. Both agencies were ready to testify that that was his handwriting, that he ordered that gun in his own handwriting, and that it came to his post office box in Dallas. That’s good evidence!" late at Oswalds last interview : "At that time, the evidence was being gathered but he didn’t have to confess. They’re turning them off of murderer’s row because all they had was a confession. If a guy says, “I did it,” that doesn’t mean anything because they won’t take it. But in the case of Oswald, I don’t think that he would have ever confessed; he was that adamant. He was so direct. He’d look you right in the eye and ask you a question. He had an uncanny ability to determine or guess when I had evidence or when I was fishing. You would keep coming back to something such as the rifle and he’d give you the same answer. It was just like he had been trained. In fact, I kind of thought in my own head that probably in Russia he had been trained to evade questions and be able to keep himself composed to guard what he wanted to keep secret. Either that or maybe it was just his nature. He was very mannerly and only became rattled when Captain Fritz asked him about this Hidell. I was talking about the rifle coming in the name Hidell at the post office and Oswald said, “Well, I don’t know anything about any of it.” “Ever use the name Hidell?” I asked. “No,” he said. In reality he had used it in New Orleans and in two or three other places, but he just plain denied it. Captain Fritz then interjected, “Well, what about this card that was taken out of your billfold when we picked you up?” (I don’t recall whether it was a Social Security card or some other kind of identification, but it looked like it was old and pocket worn, had been erased, and had the name Hidell on it or something to that effect.) He looked at it and that’s when he became testy and responded, “Now I have told you all I’m going to tell you about that card. Now just forget about it!” He would not admit that the name meant anything to him, that he had never seen it before. That was the only time that he ever got a little sassy."
  3. A repeat from post 1, refer to images above. In order to come to an interpretation of the autopsy photographs, xrays and medical reports I have choosen to approach the subject by looking at an alternative set of information. It is important to note that I am presenting the results in the way that I arrived them as some of them are surprising and need interpretation. I present my interpretation in the hope that comments will confirm/debunk/refine same. To start with I have here taken # a photo of the inside of the Limousine and # a photo of the back of Kennedy's shirt. ________ I choose a spectrum of colors on the limousine that seemed to be body fluids and tissue and compressed this spectrum to a deeper red to highlight the location of same. As the shirt is initially a uniform white the colors here already stand out. ________ I resized the shirt to approximate what it would have been in the scale of the Limousine backseat. Then I 'flipped', or mirrored the shirt so it would be as if looked at from the front. Then I tilted the shirt to approximate how I interpret his position to have been around the time of the head shot. To my surprise, the pattern of blood on the shirt fits around the pattern of blood on the back of the rear seat. In other words, there is a major 'blotch' of blood on the back seat that does NOT repeat on the shirt. On the contrary, this blotch is matched remarkably precisely with an area of NO blood on the shirt. How could this be? Simple. He was wearing a backbrace. The shirt was tucked into the back brace! Or rather: The brace was put on OVER the shirt. Scrutiny of a photo of Kennedy wearing a backbrace outside his shirt and shorts confirms this. The photo of the bundle of his back brace cleaned and folded indicates that in Dallas and probably for most public appearances he was wearing the 'heavy duty' version which included slings around his upper legs. This backbrace was quite a feat to put on daily. His 'valet' did it for him, with considerable effort. It had steel rods in it and was wrapped on. I am suggesting that across his back the wrap was first crossed from right shoulder down left, then from left shoulder down right. Why? Where the wraps crossed, the top wrapping (left to right down) was sufficiently lifted off the body by the lower wrapping (right to left down) so that at this point the blood could seep past. Elsewhere the tight brace wrapping kept the shirt clean. However, due to its thickness, the wrap lifted the coat away from the body thus making it act as a 'stamp'. Thus the 'blotch' on the back seat is a precise indicator of Kennedy's body position at the time when his body hit the back seat after the head shot! _________ Further: When considering the origin of the blood stains one needs to consider the spacing of shots, the movement of the body, and the beating of the heart. To state some obvious things, blood flows most voluminously and forcefully out of a wound while the heart is beating. It obeys the laws of gravity and is guided by folds and strictures of surrounding materials. Surrounding materials absorb blood to different degrees. Wound ballistics dictate that dispersal is also determined by the peak pulse or cavitation, (or to my mind erroneously ascribed to Alvarez as something he 'discovered' : 'the jet effect' as is shown at http://history.amedd.army.mil/booksdocs/ww...tcs/default.htm (warning: some of the images at this site and links may be disturbing!) which within a closed system pumps matter out through the point of least resistance. This is also in this case aided by the compression and consequent expansion of air in the respiratory system acting like a set of bellows. While a pulse was noted on arrival to Parkland, the blood pressure would have been low due to the massive wounds and due to the fact that such a large part of the nervous system was obliterated. Kennedy was essentially dead at the moment he sustained the head wound. Therefore the blood on the shirt and the imprints on the back seat are largely due to blood flowing strongly from the first wound. This flowed for some time while the Limousine continued on to where the head shot occurred. _______ Further: When scrutinising the pattern of blood on the back seat closer to where Kennedy was sitting at the time of the first shot one may deduce that: He was sitting in the area that is cleanest, and remained in contact here while his body tilted into the position he had when the headshot occurred. When one looks at the streaks on the rear of the backseat one can see that this was caused as his lower torso clothing remained in contact with the backseat during the tilting from the time of the shot causing the back wound and the action leading to the 'back and to the left' movement that imprinted the 'blotch'. _______ When taking the photograph from the above series that shows the Limousine from directly rear, and locating Kennedy's shirt according to the above analysis of the bloodstains in the Limousine and on the shirt. and Locating Connally according to other photos. It seems clear to me that their positions , contrary to the SBT do not line up for such a shot to be possible. The two parallel lines are just a theorising on the reasoning from post #9. The first line is if the shot through Kennedy passed over Connally's left shoulder and into the dashboard. The second one is a missed shot passing through the windscreen from the same source and possibly landing in front of Tague. Coming in from the right, as per the 'Connally wound's topic is a shot from The sixth floor TSBD.
  4. Charles, I certainly understand your points, you put what I've thought myself better than I could. As someone who would encourage Tom to continue (and I do) because of the 'nuggets' within, I've just put it down to personal style. What grates on one doesn't on another and so on. What Tom was trying to communicate with the altered survey posts took me quite some time to get the point. By the time I did the relevant documents unfortunately were no longer there. If there was some easy way of putting a link to documents in the post's Tom, that might help to some extent? I appreciate what you are saying re. getting the mindset. I'd have to, I'm always going on about it myself.
  5. I'm a European by birth, aussie by choice. Gorge, Perhaps Tom or someone with a feel for the place at that time could comment on this? From my reading though, it could rank with the burning of the Reichstadt? Or if that's too extreme perhaps if the French president was assassinated under the 'arc de Triumph' (sp)? The web site I mention goes into the history of Dealey Plaza, and concludes something like 'if Dallas could be considered the heart of Texas, then Dealey Plaza is the Heart of Dallas'. As you say, it would take a local to appreciate the significance.
  6. mmm...brainstorming is good. Yes, it seems to me to be possible, The wound in the throat is a large margin of error since the tracheotomy. I accept the need of the treating physiscian here to do his utmost and do a tracheotomy first and worry about wound locations later. Other things that seem possible to me too is that : the throat wound came from a fragment of the head wound and the backwound was not deep indicating perhaps a dud round. Therefore the dashboard and windshield are both misses. (firecrackers, flurry) the windshield fracture was from a fragment of the bullet that hit the dashboard. the windhield bullet was a round that missed. If so then perhaps a later investigation (coming up) can show if this could be the Tague shot. If it is the windshield shot then the dashboard still needs explaining. Again, a fragment? a missed shot? If it is the Kennedy-windshield scenario the shot is shallower still. Possibly at the time it occurred it could have come from the Dal-Tex building. ___________ If the shot occurred when many seems to indicate then this composite may indicate what happened behind the sign. Maybe 'quick-draw-mcgraw' has a memory of a bullet whizzing past his hand?
  7. Thank you Mark and Christopher. I try to approach these things using as little disputed material as I can. Hence less likely to have been tampered with, perhaps 'slipped by the net' to now where everyone has access to the originals. Too late to tamper with. Further on : trajectory. And this is also a surprise to me. IF it is as this study indicates, then taking this (wound locations), with the indication of Kennedys position (as deduced above re. clean seat, streaks) in the Limousine AND assuming the dashboard hit as I have here then a shot is possible passing through Kennedy at points indicated to the dashboard, passing over Connally's left shoulder and between the two SS guys. But NOT through Connally. Christopher, very nice! Italy too, with the toe pointing at Sicily, home of you know who.
  8. An attempt at 'unbunching' the shirt by studying the blood pattern where folds and the backbrace has dammed and directed bloodflow, results in an image that, when the coat (unfortunately cleaned, but still showing discoloration and creases) is unbunched, has a matching hole. Further : When superimposed on a photograph of Kennedy's back, this matches an apparent hole in his back. A photo of him from the front can indicate a location of the wound in the front of his throat (here shown in red) If this is indeed an exit wound to the back wound it indicates an entry from his right, rear, at a fairly shallow angle.
  9. In order to come to an interpretation of the autopsy photographs, xrays and medical reports I have choosen to approach the subject by looking at an alternative set of information. It is important to note that I am presenting the results in the way that I arrived them as some of them are surprising and need interpretation. I present my interpretation in the hope that comments will confirm/debunk/refine same. To start with I have here taken # a photo of the inside of the Limousine and # a photo of the back of Kennedy's shirt. ________ I choose a spectrum of colors on the limousine that seemed to be body fluids and tissue and compressed this spectrum to a deeper red to highlight the location of same. As the shirt is initially a uniform white the colors here already stand out. ________ I resized the shirt to approximate what it would have been in the scale of the Limousine backseat. Then I 'flipped', or mirrored the shirt so it would be as if looked at from the front. Then I tilted the shirt to approximate how I interpret his position to have been around the time of the head shot. To my surprise, the pattern of blood on the shirt fits around the pattern of blood on the back of the rear seat. In other words, there is a major 'blotch' of blood on the back seat that does NOT repeat on the shirt. On the contrary, this blotch is matched remarkably precisely with an area of NO blood on the shirt. How could this be? Simple. He was wearing a backbrace. The shirt was tucked into the back brace! Or rather: The brace was put on OVER the shirt. Scrutiny of a photo of Kennedy wearing a backbrace outside his shirt and shorts confirms this. The photo of the bundle of his back brace cleaned and folded indicates that in Dallas and probably for most public appearances he was wearing the 'heavy duty' version which included slings around his upper legs. This backbrace was quite a feat to put on daily. His 'valet' did it for him, with considerable effort. It had steel rods in it and was wrapped on. I am suggesting that across his back the wrap was first crossed from right shoulder down left, then from left shoulder down right. Why? Where the wraps crossed, the top wrapping (left to right down) was sufficiently lifted off the body by the lower wrapping (right to left down) so that at this point the blood could seep past. Elsewhere the tight brace wrapping kept the shirt clean. However, due to its thickness (rods, thick material), the wrap lifted the coat away from the body thus making it act like a 'rubber stamp'. Thus the 'blotch' on the back seat is a precise indicator of Kennedy's body position at the time when his body hit the back seat after the head shot! _________ Further: When considering the origin of the blood stains one needs to consider the spacing of shots, the movement of the body, and the beating of the heart. To state some obvious things, blood flows most voluminously and forcefully out of a wound while the heart is beating. It obeys the laws of gravity and is guided by folds and strictures of surrounding materials. Surrounding materials absorb blood to different degrees. Wound ballistics dictate that dispersal is also determined by the peak pulse or cavitation, (or to my mind erroneously ascribed to Alvarez as something he 'discovered' : 'the jet effect' as is shown at http://history.amedd.army.mil/booksdocs/ww...tcs/default.htm (warning: some of the images at this site and links may be disturbing!) which within a closed system pumps matter out through the point of least resistance. This is also in this case aided by the compression and consequent expansion of air in the respiratory system acting like a set of bellows. While a pulse was noted on arrival to Parkland, the blood pressure would have been low due to the massive wounds and due to the fact that such a large part of the nervous system was obliterated. Kennedy was essentially dead at the moment he sustained the head wound. Therefore the blood on the shirt and the imprints on the back seat are largely due to blood flowing strongly from the first wound. This flowed for some time while the Limousine continued on to where the head shot occurred. _______ Further: When scrutinising the pattern of blood on the back seat closer to where Kennedy was sitting at the time of the first shot one may deduce that: He was sitting in the area that is cleanest, and remained in contact here while his body tilted into the position he had when the headshot occurred. When one looks at the streaks on the rear of the backseat one can see that this was caused as his lower torso clothing remained in contact with the backseat during the tilting from the time of the shot causing the back wound and the action leading to the 'back and to the left' movement that imprinted the 'blotch'.
  10. Perhaps an added dimension can be : Why Dealey Plaza? As I see it, from studying reports of the limo stopping, Kennedy getting out to shake hands, and separation from security, and in looking at other photos : there might have been better, more certain, places to kill the President. Dealey Plaza was a very special place in the history of Texas, as is vividly described in 'Dealey Plaza, the Heart of Texas' web site. Not only is it the historic centre of Dallas but integral in the development of Texas. It housed at one point all the essential buildings of early commerce, plus is the site of the home of the founder and of the first official building, the Post Office. The symbolism of Dealey Plaza as the place where 'the message' was sent from is arguably a significant factor in identifying the perpetrators.
  11. John, can you cite the source for this lengthy Holmes quotation? Am I correct in thinking he is speaking 20 years after the assassination? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Raymond, yes, closer to 30 years. Not many before his death. (can't find an obituary to confirm date). http://karws.gso.uri.edu/JFK/history/The_d...eed/Holmes.html
  12. Thank you for the kind words, Antti. I used the plot of Connally's chest wounds as a start. Then I took correctly sized body parts from a typical caucasian male that matched an image of Connally's body. I placed the wrist wound and thigh wound xrays on these body parts then made individualy swiveling shoulder, arm, hip, femura and sought a posture that would obey how these components move while maintaining posture proportions. (it'd be good if someone independently repeated this and checked results, I don't assume that I am right, However it seems possible that I am) Sometimes the whole affair seems like a series of inept assumptions that gave partly an appearance of conspiracy due to the ego's of those guilty of ineptitude wishing to cover their mistakes. The posture I arrived at does seem to fit accounts by Mrs Connally and seems to fit the room available in the Limo. Descriptions of posture and referral to images seem to match the period of a few meters just as Connally appears from behind the sign and for a few meters more. This image shows roughly a sweep of the origin over this period. Only the red is put on by me. There are error margins involved. When I don't assume errors and I do assume I have correct body pose I get the point of origin to be the second window, not the snipers nest, of 6th floor TSBD. As one can only assume what happened behind the sign, one may extrapolate this sweep to include the Dal-Tex building. It seems to me also that at no time during this period does Kennedy line up with Connally for a shot from the TSBD in order for Connally to receive the wounds that he does.
  13. David, I don't have a web site. Most (if not all, except for the zf's) were from images posted recently on the forum by Lee and Robin. The or links to them should still be there. A message from Gary: "The weather bureau at Love Field data showed winds from the west-northwest gusting up to 20mph. Gary Mack"
  14. If my suggested body position/posture is correct then it seems to me that Connally is in the necessary pose AND the trajectory lines up, when he has appeared from behind the sign for a few meters. At other times when the posture is right the trajectrory isn't and vice versa. Or so it seems to me. One thing this study has shown me more than anything is that if Connally and Kennedywere both shot from the TSBD, then it wasn't with the same bullet. Of course I must accept that I may have made some significant error. The image shows the relative positions of Zapruder, sign, buildings and street levels in front elevation and birdseye view ( based on plot by Don).
  15. Tom, I'm asking you this as you have a lot of detailed information I have not seen previously. With regards to the flags: Do you know the weight of the cloth used in these two flags? It seems to me that the stars and stripes is heavier than the SS emblem flag. also if any one else has this info pls. answer
  16. Harry Holmes also made extensive notes of his participation. What happened to his notes, I don't know. He also expressed a high regard for Fritz. This appears reciprocated. If more information can be found about Harry then quite possibly within it would be things about Fritz. " I had the radio on all the time but there wasn’t much that I could do. I had called Captain Fritz and told him, “If there is anything I can do, why, I’m available and I’ve got plenty of men available.” He said, “No, the FBI’s working on it and the Secret Service has charge of it, but I’ll remember, Harry.” I had worked closely with Fritz; he thought that I was a good inspector, and I knew that he was a good investigator. He was one of the best that we ever had here. He was kind of an unsophisticated country-type who had different ways, but nothing got by him." "That Sunday morning, the 24th, I let my wife and daughter out at church about 9:00 o’clock in the morning and told my wife, “You know, I just think I’ll run down and see if I can help Captain Fritz with anything or if I can be of any use to him.” So I drove on down to City Hall and got off the elevator on the third floor expecting to be mobbed, but there wasn’t a soul in sight; whereas, before, there had been plenty of reporters with their microphones stuck in your face. Everywhere you went they would follow and ask questions. But there wasn’t a soul that Sunday morning. What had happened was that Curry, the chief of police, had promised the press that after they interviewed Oswald they were going to transfer him to the county jail, near the assassination site, which was a safer place for federal prisoners. Curry told them, “We will tell you in plenty of time so that you can photograph it and do whatever you want when we get ready to move him so that you can be part of the move.” That’s the reason there was so much chaos in that basement. They really got publicity but they brought it on themselves. They just had to be in on everything. Anyway, when I got off that elevator and came around the corner and looked down the hallway toward Fritz’s office, he was standing there motioning to me saying, “Psst! Hurry! Come here, come here!” So I hurried and he said, “You like to be in on an interview with Oswald?” "There was no tape recording of the interrogation or stenographer or anyone taking notes. That was the way that Fritz operated. The interrogation itself was rather informal with Captain Fritz being in charge. He would ask Oswald various questions and pull out different things such as the map with the X’s on it and the card that had been taken out of Oswald’s billfold that had A.J. Hidell on it and things like that. Then he would say, “Well, Sorrels, do you have anything you want to ask him?” But Kelley and Sorrels had very little to ask; they didn’t have the documentation that I had. We were free to ask or interject anything we wanted. Of course, we were all experienced interrogators, and when you went to trial in those days, especially in federal court, you had to show any notes you took to the defense. So they got to look at every note that you had against their client. But we old-time investigators would just do it by memory. I could still quote nearly every word that boy said to this day and that’s been over twenty years ago. That’s the way I was trained to interrogate anybody, and so was Fritz. If they’re telling the truth, you’d talk to them by the hour, and if they couldn’t tell it the same way twice or a third time, or a tenth time, you’d catch them because you’d know exactly what he had said the first time. You didn’t need notes; you didn’t need a secretary or a stenographer. Of course, you do now, but back then you really had to use your own wits to convict people. At the time, I spent half the time in federal court, and especially through usage, I always had a good memory. You had to have to get through medical and dental school and work eight hours a days as I did. I would take post office schemes that took an ordinary person 30 to 60 days to learn; I’d learn it in five or six and make a 100 on the test which included 1,000 or 1,200 different addresses. Much of my work dealt with memory, and memory is just training: repetition, do it and practice." "Though I never tested him, Captain Fritz could have done the same thing. He was a Texan who was crude and had farmerish ways and mannerisms, but as far as I was concerned he was really an outstanding criminal investigator. Fritz abhorred publicity, wanted to get the job done, send the guy to the penitentiary and go on to the next one. He was the pride of the Dallas Police Department; no one need ever sell him short, no matter what the press did. I don’t think this case got the best of him. He was just like me; he just got too old for the job and thought it was time to quit. As far as I know, there was no pressure on him, though there was a lot of criticism, “the stupid Dallas police,” and that sort of thing. Curry, on the other hand, being chief of police, owed his job to public relations. As far as I know, that was the only cross between the two. Bill Decker was just like Fritz. Nobody questioned anything he did, not even the criminals. When “Old Bill” picked you up, they just said, “Well, you got me, Bill.” He treated them as nicely as he could, and so did I. I’d be very fatherly with them and give them advice and not gloat over the fact that they were a crook and that I was a really smart postal investigator. It just didn’t work that way; Bill Decker and Will Fritz were the same way."
  17. Tom, with regards to Kennedy's back brace. I can find little information beyond a photo of it cleaned and folded. Little information appears to exist. Whether that is because it is an 'unmentionable' private thing or perhaps irrelevant. I don't know. Are you aware of anything with regards to the brace as it came off Kennedy, its condition, photographs, descriptions etc?
  18. I've been removing images to get more 'global space'. In this image just at the turn into Elm st. using th above formula the speed appears to be about 3.5 mph.
  19. Thank you Adam. Some more wind indications. The first is just next to the court building. The flags are flying strongly towards the west. The second set is around zf313. The coats of the two women in white shoes are fluttering in a way to indicate wind from the west. They are standing on a slight slope with their legs apart so their right* leg is straighter than the left which would to some extent determine the shape of the coats. While the flag is fluttering strongly th e car is also moving westward and I suspect the wind at this point is not as strong as up near the intersection of Main and Houston. edit :: *proper description : their right leg, from their perspective is bent , the left is straight. the black and white inset in the second image is from a photo taken shortly after the assassination.
  20. further : To see whether this posture is possible as far as leg room goes, this superimposition indicates it is
  21. Partly I worded my comments badly. For a shot to have gone through Kennedy and Connally that shot could not have come from the sixth floor. There are different ways that one can interpret the body positions for each frame let alone for any frame. One thing that seems clear to me is that the relative positions of Kennedy and Connally makes a SBT from the TSBD impossible. The way I have oriented the body of Connally makes a single bullet for his wounds possible. It supports also Mrs Connally's statement to the end that he was hit with a different bullet to the one that hit Kennedy.
  22. I used a standard caucasian body type/skeleton that fits Connally well to resize all images (some error would come in here, but skeletal proportions tend to be uniform). Plus rotated bones in 3D program to get different views. The line through connallys chest matches the wounds through his wrist and thigh when his body is in the position suggested. The raised knee was a puzzle till I read Mrs Connally's diary where she wrote : " after hearing a first shot, Connally turned to his right......to look back....and then wheeled to the left to get another look at the President......wheeled back to the right, crumpling his shoulders to his knees in the most helpless and pitiful position a tall man could be in." If my configuration of Connally's wounds is correct: it appears to me possible that Connally was shot with one bullet from the vicinity of the sixth floor window, and it seems impossible that Kennedy could have been hit with the same bullet. If the shots were as closely spaced as reported then more than one person is guilty of shooting at Kennedy. (and Connally)
  23. Tom, do you feel it's reasonable to say then that the 25 degrees mentioned by Pat could be accounted for by the fact that the Limousine was at an angle? Also, Connally seems to have quite a good posture, but taking all into account, is 25 degrees a reasonable estimate for the shot that Connally received? Here on line C-C is projected the entry exit positions I'm using from chart (blue dots). It seems to me it could match where the skin surface would have been?
  24. Very helpful Tom, is there a frontal view as well? showing location of in and out on Connelly?
  25. I used a standard caucasian body type/skeleton that fits Connally well to resize all images (some error would come in here, but skeletal proportions tend to be uniform). Plus rotated bones in 3D program to get different views. The line through connallys chest matches the wounds through his wrist and thigh when his body is in the position suggested. The raised knee was a puzzle till I read Mrs Connally's diary where she wrote : " after hearing a first shot, Connally turned to his right......to look back....and then wheeled to the left to get another look at the President......wheeled back to the right, crumpling his shoulders to his knees in the most helpless and pitiful position a tall man could be in."
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