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Robert Howard

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Everything posted by Robert Howard

  1. I found it odd that Life mag., as late as in October, 1963, omitted all details of Guterma's background, when other work had been published with many details. The Life article was an attack on Roy Cohn, or an attempt at pro-Cohn damage control, or...whatever. Messick did not regard Guterma as extraordinary, and that disappointed me, as I am a sucker for a kenaf related lead, because of the relationship of kenaf to DeMohrenschildt, Joe Dryer, Rionda Braga, and Michael JP Malone, Richard Kleberg, and Ernie Byfield's sister-in-law, Nina Ervesun. Cohn always intrigues me because of G. David Schine, brother-in-law of Henry Crown's son, and Schine's father, Myer, of Gloversville, NY, owner of the Ambassador Hotel in L.A., and host of vacationing Hoover and Tolson in Miami in the 40's and 50's..... Rambling, (as if this post isn't?) Lee Forman post in 2005, mostly on Mitch Werbell, Dominican Republic, silencers, Bancroft/Dulles, etc., etc....: Interesting Article Dean Rusk and the Washington Post Robert, if you were trying to tie Guterma accountant Birnbaum to Igor Cassini's Martial PR firm's Martin T. Birnbaum, it shows how impressive your recall is, but I cannot find a connection. Have you been able to? No, it must have just seemed that way..... Your last post was great, I did run across some more Dallas related material, but I have a lot of irons in the fire, I just wanted to acknowledge your post. Will update later....
  2. If I find myself with a bit of time the next time I'm in Dallas, I'll see if I can't track some of this information down through the Sheriff's Department and/or County Records. It may also be possible to determine which JP court was Judge Richburg's, and it's possible that the arresting deputies are still around (have you looked into that? I'm imagining so). A preliminary step that you can take - if you haven't already - is to try to determine some of that information through the County Records Department's general phone number 214-653-7011, which should at least be able to steer you in an appropriate direction and give you some direct-dial numbers. I'm imagining, perhaps incorrectly, that Dallas County will have the same sort of records available as the Fort Worth Police Department does and did when I looked into the "David Atlee Phillips under arrest in Fort Worth 11/22/63" thing back in '91 or '92, many of them possibly online now. (It never hurts to dress nicely and flash an award-winning smile either!) December 4 was a Monday, I'm presuming (also possibly erroneously) that the "1 a.m." is that time on the same Monday morning since the article didn't mention a different day, so the Tuesday in question would either be the 5th or the 12th. What have you done so I don't needlessly duplicate your efforts? One thing I have discovered regarding this general time frame is that it falls close to the time frame that the CIA wrote a memo entitled 1993.07.27.17:11:05:680570 INTERLOCKING RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN BROWN/SLAFTER AND GARRISON http://www.maryferre...do?docId=105552 The persons "Brown" & Slafter reference Robert Kenneth Brown and Ralph E Slafter......... I still have a good feeling that I will be able to determine who was arrested in Dallas that day, and hope it may provide some insights into if there is some type of new information pertinent to what this couple [the man arrested and his common law wife] were doing in 1963. I have never given up on ID'ing this guy, who is nameless despite the fact that the newss story garnered more than just local coverage....... This morning I discovered a document from the MLK Assassination Files, that dovetales with the initial post, again names are redacted but what seems beyond question is the following document provides a Dallas/Chicago linkage with the unnamed Chicago individual, also in the possession of Nazi Literature and other Nazi material, in Dallas the "Target Lounge" is mentioned, it is stated in the document that this bar is on the outskirts of Dallas, in reality it was on Ervay Street. My main interest in this person who was arrested on December 4, 1967 was mainly due to the fact that there was so much secrecy about who he was, and the fact that he wasn't charged with anything, If the weapons he possessed were not illegally obtained, it would seem he never would have been arrested in the first place, despite Decker's assertions that "he told me they were not illegally obtained,"; which in the context of the circumstances a true investigator would consider such commentary about as valuable as a warm bucket of spit. As the posts after my first one reveal that at least one of these kids who were doing the swastika painting was the son of a Dallas law enforcement officer,; circa 1965. I thought initially, that it was possible that might be all there was to it, saving someone some embarrassment in the Dallas Police Department, now I am of the view there is a lot more to this story..... King Assassination Documents - FBI Central Headquarters File, Section 64 Memo from Rosen to DeLoach, 3 Jul 1968 The files of the FBI, Chicago revealed that [redacted] a white male 5'11", 145 pounds, black hair, blue eyes was active in the Chicago Unit, National Socialist White Peoples Party (NSWPP) in the summer and fall of 1967. [redacted] lived for a time art the NSWPP headquarters and was at the Diplomat Hotel in Chicago, Illinois. He worked at the [redacted] Company Chicago until March 28, 1968 when he quit his job. On March 20, 1968 advised his foreman he was "quitting his job to work for the Nazi's in Argentina," reportedly on a "forged passport." He indicated he would first visit friends in Dallas, Texas. [redcated] repeatedly bragged about his Nazi party activities and displayed literature and other Nazi party items. He was reportedly originally from West Frankford, Illinois and has previously worked as a drummer in quiet spots in the Dallas Fort Worth area. While active in the NSWPP affairs [redacted] participated in demonstrations against anti-Vietnam peace demonstrators in Washington D.C., on October 20-21 1967. [redacted] picked up his paycheck on March 29, 1968 at the [redacted] Company in Chicago, and stated that his present plans included a visit to St. Louis, Missouri, then a trip to Washington D.C., where he would discuss his plans with [redacted] of the NSWPP in Arlington, Virgina. The Richmond Division reported on April 25, 1968, that [redacted] NSWPP leader at Arlington, Virginia, advised that [redacted] has not been in Arlington and is still receiving mail at Post Office Box [redacted], Chicago. Chicago Unit, National Socialist White Peoples Party, (NSWPP) 624 North May Street, Chicago, advised he knows [redacted] and [redacted] NSWPP who resided at the headquarters when it was located at [redacted] during the summer and fall of 1967, has not seen [redacted] in about one month. [redacted] indicated to [redacted] he was leaving Chicago to spend some time in Dallas then travel to the NSWPP headquarters in Arlington, Virginia. [redacted] stated that [redacted] would probably get in touch with persons associated with the Dallas unit of the NSWPP, and would also probably visit friends there [redacted mentioned the Target Lounge on the outskirts of Dallas, as a place [redacted] may have worked in the past. later..... On August 13, 1966 [redacted] white male, Chicago, Illinois contacted the Chicago Police Department, stating he would kill Martin Luther King if King ever came to Winnemac Park, Chicago. http://www.maryferre...81&relPageId=53 Name [redacted] Sex: Male Race: White Date of Birth [redacted] Place of Birth: Chicago, Illinois Residence: [redacted] Chicago, Illinois Telephone: (redacted) (moving to Chicago, Illinois, same telephone) Height: 5'7" tall Weight: 145 pounds Build: Medium Eyes: Blue Hair: Blond, crewcut Complexion: Light Wife: (redacted) Children: (redacted) Son: (redacted) Daughter: (redacted) age 12 Military Service: None Occupation: Underwriter (redacted) Chicago, Illinois Ext. 1209 Arrests: None http://www.maryferre...81&relPageId=60 Man Aged 45 Shot to Death on South Ervay DMN 8-13-1969 A 45 year-old man identified by police as Eugene Odom of 865 Port Noma Lane was shot to death Tuesday in an exchange of gunfire with another man in the Target Lounge 2009 S. Ervay. Odom was found outside the lounge, a bullet through his heart police said. The other man told police he ducked a shotgun blast fired by Odom and returned fire with a .38 caliber pistol. He said Odom came in with a sawed-off shotgun and began firing after another man kicked in the front door. Two persons were nicked slightly by pellets and the interior of the lounge was riddled by the blast. Detective Sergeant J. H. Lauderdale said he was told the shooting apparently was over a woman acquaintance. The initial 12/4/67 DMN story reported that the unidentified Dallas man had a peace bond filed against him by his wife....... Considering that Martin Luther King, Jr., was assassinated in Memphis on April 4, 1968, the Chicago man as well as the unknown Dallas man seem to be birds of a feather..... In both of these cases the identity of the person is protected I have to wonder if these two persons may have been acquainted with each other, and if so, the ramifications could lead to something even more extraordinary. The Target Lounge is unknown to me, the first Dallas area news story [to the best of my knowledge] is the one I posted which, as it says is in 1969. I am currently running down some additional information on this nightspot, and hope it leads somewhere...... In his book "This Time The World," copyrighted in 1961 George Lincoln Rockwell identified himself as, Commander, American Nazi Party of the World Union of Free Enterprise National Socialists, (ANP-WUFENS) Arlington, Virginia. http://www.maryferre...5&relPageId=212 As posted NSWPP headquarters in late 1967 was also Arlington, Virginia.
  3. TIME MAGAZINE Monday, Feb. 23, 1959 WALL STREET: Alexander the Great Nobody knew much about Alexander L. Guterma when he arrived in Wall Street five years ago. But he quickly showed himself such an expert in frenzied finance that he got control of F. L. Jacobs Co. (auto parts maker), Bon Ami Co. (scouring powder), Hal Roach Studios (Gale Storm Show), and the Mutual Broadcasting System. Last December Guterma's empire began to crumble. The New York Stock Exchange suspended trading in Jacobs stock for failure to file financial statements. Last week SEC suspended over-the-counter trading in Jacobs and Bon Ami. When space was booked in Guterma's name on a plane to Ankara, SEC quickly obtained a warrant for his arrest, said that losses to investors would reach many millions. Picked up with him was a longtime financial associate, Robert J. Eveleigh, who was found in a Manhattan call girls' apartment fortnight ago when police raided it. Mystery Man Guterma, 43, claims to have been born in Irkutsk, Siberia, though he speaks like a native New Yorker. His story is that he went to the Philippines in 1938 by way of China, managed to escape a World War II Japanese concentration camp. The war over, Guterma flowered as a trader, also obtained a bankroll from Philippine and Italian businessmen, which he brought to Florida in 1950 to start a project growing flaxlike ramie fiber. He then moved to Manhattan and with a partner opened McGrath Securities, a firm that often floated stock in his new companies: Shawano Development Corp., marketed widely at more than $4, now (after a 4-for-1 split) offered at 8¢. Micro-Moisture Controls Inc., floated at $1, now selling at 1/2¢ . Control of another Guterma company, Western Financial Corp., was sold by Guterma to Benjack Cage, the Texas swindler (TIME, Feb. 18, 1957). From $2.50 a share, the sales price in a few months dropped to 2¢. Last week SEC was also digging into Guterma's dealings with Lowell Birrell, another Wall Street high flyer, last reported hiding out in Brazil. Birrell sold control of United Dye & Chemical Corp. (now Chemoil Industries) to Guterma's group. The stock was run up to $38.25 a share. When Guterma got out, the price sagged to 1! [. SEC is also interested in Guterma's relationship with George A. Heaney, former president of the Huntington, N.Y. Security National Bank, which bought F. L. Jacobs notes. At week's end Guterma said he could not understand all the excitement. Cried he: "Outrage! This is like getting a man for spitting on the sidewalk." Son Joins Family In Death August 05, 1985|By Bob Kowalski, Staff Writer Marc Guterma was 14 when he survived the 1977 crash of a private airplane that killed his father, mother and four brothers and sisters from his prominent Boca Raton family, near New York`s LaGuardia Airport. Guterma was the only passenger to survive that fiery disaster, but never stopped flying airplanes. Friday, at the age of 22, he died aboard Delta Air Lines Flight 191. The adopted son of Boca Raton developer Alexander Guterma, Marc was one of those who died when the flight crashed during its final approach to Dallas- Fort Worth International Airport. ``If it had been me, I don`t think I would ever have gotten on a plane again,`` said Mike Stewart, a Boca Raton resident who knew Guterma before the 1977 accident and had been friends with him ever since. ``He wasn`t afraid of flying,`` Stewart said. ``It`s just like being in a car accident. You don`t stop driving.`` Ads by Google Advertisement Other Boca Raton residents were startled as they learned of Guterma`s death Sunday, more than eight years after the crash that killed Alexander ``Sandy`` Guterma and most of his family. Alexander Guterma, a one-time multinational financier, was well-known locally as the developer of the Sandalfoot Cove area west of Boca Raton, the Boca Center plaza and the South Palm Beach Utilities Co. ``It wiped the whole family out,`` said state Rep. Carol Hanson, R-Boca Raton, of the crash that killed the six Gutermas. ``We`ve lost so many people in Boca to plane crashes.`` Alexander, his wife Sondra, and children Karen, Carol, Brock, and Brandon all died April 5, 1977, when the two-engine, private airplane they were flying in crashed 2 1/2 miles short of the runway at LaGuardia Airport. Guterma`s other son, Robert, now 33, was not on the airplane and lives in Boca Raton. He first heard rumors about the death of his brother from neighbors on Friday. Later, the information was confirmed by a Delta official. Robert and his wife, Emily, flew from Boca Raton to Dallas on Saturday. Since the body was positively identified Sunday evening, Guterma said they would probably fly back to South Florida today. Guterma said that he has not been fond of flying since his parents and four brothers and sisters were killed. ``Since the first crash I have not liked flying and I have avoided it when at all possible,`` said Guterma. ``This crash just makes it worst.`` Boca Raton resident John Hoffstot knew Alexander Guterma well. ``I can`t think of anybody that I know that was killed in an auto accident,`` he said. ``I know of a half-dozen people that have gone (in plane crashes).`` In the years that followed the 1977 crash, Marc and Robert Guterma had challenged each other in a series of lawsuits over the estate of their deceased father. They reached an agreement in 1982 to split the estate, but other lawsuits over the elder Guterma`s business interests followed and are still pending. http://articles.sun-...n-four-brothers Robert: It is worth pointing out that when Gulerma's plane crashed in April 1977, this was in the same general time frame that a lot of persons who, at least some of them, would have been of interest to the HSCA. But the HSCA determined more or less, there was no such thing as a mysterious death insofar as the JFK Assassination was concerned. I will leave it at that....... Excerpt of Warren Commission Testimony of GEORGE BOUHE Mr. Liebeler. Mr. Bouhe, would you stand and raise your right hand? Do you solemnly swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you God, in the testimony you are about to give? Mr. Bouhe. I do. Mr. Liebeler. Would you state your full name for the record, Mr. Bouhe? Mr. Bouhe. George A. Bouhe. Mr. Liebeler. What is your address? Mr. Bouhe. 4740 Homer Street, Dallas 4, Tex. Mr. LIEBELER, Are you presently employed? Mr. Bouhe. I am a semiretired accountant. I do not have a regular job since about early 1963, but I keep a number of sets of books and prepare tax returns for many people for whom I was doing that in the last 10 or more years, in addition to my regular job, which I quit on my own volition after about 10 years, on or about April 30, of last year. Mr. Liebeler. For whom were you employed up to that time? Mr. Bouhe. For 9 1/2 years I was employed as a personal accountant of a very prominent Dallas geologist, and probably capitalist if you want to say it, Lewis W, MacNaughton, senior chairman of the board of the well-known geological and engineering firm of DeGolyer & MacNaughton, but I was MacNaughton's personal employee. Mr. Liebeler. After you worked for the American Relief Commission, did that lead to your coming to the United States? Mr. Bouhe. That is correct. My association with some of the supervisors which were American executives led to numerous discussions with them, including, the now deceased Prof. Frank Colder of Stanford University, Gen. William Haskell, who later commanded the National Guard; one of my supervisors said, "Why don't you come to America?" So after the office closed sometime in August 1923, more or less, I applied for a passport to leave Russia but was refused. Then I went across the little river separating Soviet Russia from Finland in the middle of September at night, and it was cold, and got out. Mr. Liebeler. You went into Finland and came to the United States? Mr. Bouhe. Through Germany and then to the United States in April 1924. Mr. Liebeler. Did you eventually become an American citizen? Mr. Bouhe. I became an American citizen on or about June 1939. Mr. Liebeler. Did you continue your education when you came to the United States? Mr. Bouhe. Not regularly and not formally. I was working for 13 years for what is now the Chase Manhattan Bank, but it had previous mergers. I attended the American Institute of Banking, and that is all I did there, which is not much. Mr. Liebeler. Let me ask you where you learned English, Mr. Bouhe. Mr. Bouhe. At home. At the age of 5 to age of 7, I had a French governess. At the age of 7 to 9, I had a German governess. At the age of 10 to maybe 11, I had an English governess. Mr. Liebeler. You got your first acquaintance with English through the English governess, is that correct? Mr. Bouhe. Yes. Mr. Liebeler. Your formal education in the Soviet Union was confined to the gymnasium, is that correct? Mr. Bouhe. That's correct, which is slightly over the high school here, but it was what is called classical, namely because they taught us Latin and Greek. Mr. Liebeler. When did you first come to Dallas? (Mr. Jenner entered the room.) Mr. Liebeler. (continued). Mr. Bouhe, this is Mr. Jenner. Mr. Bouhe. On July 4, 1939. Mr. Liebeler. Have you lived in Dallas since that time? Mr. Bouhe. Yes. Mr. Liebeler. It's been indicated to me, Mr. Bouhe, that you are regarded as the leader of a so-called Russian group here in Dallas and the Fort Worth area, and I would like to have you tell us briefly the nature of that group and how you came to be the, shall we say, so-called leader or its actual leader? Let's leave it that way. And particularly, Mr. Bouhe, did there come a time when you formed a congregation of a Russian church here in Dallas? Would you tell us about that? Mr. Bouhe. Yes; you have just mentioned some flattering remarks which I appreciate if it is true from the sources which you obtained it, but I would say that if I am so called, it means simply because of a process of elimination, because when I came in 1939, there were absolutely only three Russian-speaking people in Dallas and they were all married people, married to Americans, and so on . So I did not, so-to-speak, associate with any Russians that might have come or gone through Dallas from 1939 to about 1950. In 1950, approximately, a great avalanche of displaced persons came to Dallas Mr. Liebeler. You gathered these people together and you formed a church congregation, is that correct? Mr. Bouhe. That's correct. Perhaps not all of the people, because I could not bring a Mohammedan into the Greek Orthodox Church, but anybody who wanted to come and worship in the Russian or Slovenian language was welcome. And as you said, I organized--well, I did the organization work, really. The godfather of it all to help us with finances was a very prominent well-known man who still lives here, Paul M. Raigorodsky. end END Rubirosa and the Sergio Benscome assassination see The President's private eye: the journey of Detective Tony U. from ... Tony Ulasewicz, Stuart A. McKeever - 1990 - 368 pages - Snippet view Back in 1935, Trujillo's son-in-law, Porfirio Rubirosa, whom I later came to know as Trujillo's shadow (and bodyguard), was the prime suspect in orchestrating the assassination of a Trujillo dissident named Sergio Benscome something re Cuba and June Cobb END The Arrogance of Power page 193 The [Marita] Lorenz fiasco too, turns out to have had a [Richard] Nixon connection. CIA records released in 1994 include material on June Cobb an American woman who had worked in Cuba alongside Lorenz and had known of the young woman's abortion. In the spring of 1960 a CIA agent induced Cobb to return to the United States, where she was questioned and then surveilled as she met and talked with people immersed in the Cuba intrigues. They included Marita Lorenz and [Alexander] Rorke, not long before Lorenz left on the murder mission to Havana. Related documents appear in the CIA file of William Pawley. The routing, on another, dated a week after the CIA brought Cobb out of Cuba, shows that it originated in Nixon's office, on the desk of General Cushman. But the idea is to get to the center of all this [the assassination] Guterma is not a central part of that, my personal belief is that Ruby knew, or at least knew of George DeMohrenschildt, George Bouhe, who knew GDM practically lived across the street from Ruby in 1959. In 1964 Bouhe as noted in his WC Testimony above was living at 4740 Homer Street in Dallas, Texas Before you read the following I have discovered that there are two and probably as many as three persons listed below in MFF bio page on James Watson..... The James Watson who lived in the same rooming house as Oswald 1026 N. Beckley was 19 years old and worked for Trinity Flooring Co.; It would be a safe bet he is not the same James Watson who was married and was a petroleum engineer, who was associated with Declan Ford, at least was used as a reference. There is something about all of these Watson's that deserves looking into, which is going to be the focus of the next post. WATSON, JAMES ----- Sources: CD 206, p. 140 Mary's Comments: On 11/22/63, resident of 1026 N. Beckley. In December 1963, he worked for Trinity Flooring Company, 127 Oregon St., Dallas, TX. In 1963 Dallas telephone directory, there is a James Watson at 4727 Homer (Jack Ruby had lived there). In 1961, James M. Watson had lived at 3525 Travis, Apt. 103, where Juanita Buchanan lived in Apt. 1115. Doris Anglin's address re CD 105, p. 277. Declan Ford gave James Watson as a reference when applying for passport 10/10/57 at U.S. Consul's office, Madrid. (James Watson, 5625 Daniels, Dallas. This was once address of Declan Ford.) 1961 City Directory: James W. Watson, wife Lorraine, petroleum engineer, DeGolyer & MacNaughton, 6631 Orchid Lane, Dallas..... If you knew the various Watson's listed in the database, you would probably be very interested in this facet. The question, among others, I am trying to ascertain at this point is whether the James Watson who woked at Trinity Flooring Co., is the son of, one of the other Watsons......
  4. I tend to agree with Steve that there is a buried history, which he exposes, to a certain degree. An example of this buried history has at times surfaced in the geopolitical world at times of crisis. For instance the P-2 Scandal connected American Intelligence, the Vatican banker Roberto Calvi, who amassed outrageous sums of money, siphoned from his position as Vatican banker and was found hanging from a bridge on June 28, 1982. The Red Brigades and Aldo Moro are not mutually exclusive in this period of history. On the Oswald family thread just a couple of days ago, I discovered an Adele Oswald was an opera singer who visited Dallas in 1909; her father was a John Oswald who was a politician in Chicago, Illinois circa 1909. Yet little if anything can be ascertained about him, except that....... re below; political graveyard website lists Oswald, Louis William — of Illinois. Democrat. Candidate for U.S. Representative from Illinois 11th District, 1946. Still living as of 1946. http://politicalgrav...eil.html#OSWALD An Oswald family connection to the city that Jack Ruby grew up in seems not unimportant to me. Furthermore "an" Adele Oswald was interviewed in the Warren Commission era See Mrs Adele F. Oswald, 2018 General Pershing Street http://www.maryferre...7&relPageId=160 It is not known whether she is the same Adele Oswald who was earlier an acclaimed opera singer. Then digging for her, [the Adele Oswald opera singer] obituary I came across the following....... New York Times, The (NY) - January 26, 1981 Deceased Name: ADELE ASTAIRE, DANCER-COMEDIAN, DIES Adele Marie Astaire, the pixieish dancer who captivated audiences in New York and London in many musical comedies of the 1920's with her brother and dance partner, Fred, died yesterday in Phoenix at the age of 83. Members of the family said she had suffered a stroke on Jan. 6 and never recovered consciousness. Miss Astaire had been beset by illness in recent years, according to, Kingman Douglass Jr. of Chicago, her stepson. "But she had enormous recuperative powers," he said, "and soon would be up and in Marine-type English telling what she thought of the world." Miss Astaire had lived in Phoenix since her second husband, Kingman Douglass, died in 1971. She had spent summers until two years ago in Ireland, at the castle she shared with her first husband, the late Lord Charles Cavendish.Appeared in 'Funny Face' The diminutive, dark-haired comedian starred in 11 musicals with her brother, who is two years her junior. Among the more memorable were "Funny Face," "Lady, Be Good," "The Band Wagon," "For Goodness' Sake" - retitled "Stop Flirting" in London - and "Apple Blossoms." Miss Astaire left show business in 1932 to become the wife of Lord Cavendish, the second son of the ninth Duke of Devonshire. Their romance was something of an international sensation, as she kept putting off accepting Lord Charles's proposal until she had one final hit show. At the time of their engagement she was performing in Florenz Ziegfeld's "Smiles," which received less than happy reviews when it opened in 1930. Although "Smiles" was a dud, reviewers, such as Brooks Atkinson of The New York Times, singled out the Astaires for praise: "Strictly speaking, the Astaires are dancers. But they have more than one string to their fiddle. With them, dancing is comedy of manners, very much in the current mode. Free of show-shop trickery, they plunge with spirit into the midst of the frolic. Once to the tune of 'If I Were You, Love,' with a squealing German band accompaniment, they give dancing all the mocking grace of improvisation with droll dance inflections and with comic changes of pace. Adele Astaire is also an impish comedian; she can give sad lines a gleam of infectious good-nature. Slender, agile and quickwitted, the Astaires are ideal for the American song-and-dance stage."Left Stage and Her Brother After "The Band Wagon," at the pinnacle of her career, she left the stage and her brother for Lismore Castle in County Waterford, Ireland, from which producers tried repeatedly to lure her. Mr. Astaire went on to greater fame on the screen with Ginger Rogers. Fred said of his sister on her retirement, "She was a great artist and inimitable, and the grandest sister anybody could have." He had followed her into dancing. When he was 4 and she was 6, their parents sent him to her dance classes so he could keep her company, but he got interested. The marriage of Lord and Lady Charles, though happy, was marked by tragedy. A daughter was born in 1933, and died the same day. Two years later, twin sons, who were born prematurely, died within hours of their births. She was to have no more children. Some time later, Lord Charles fell ill from a liver ailment that made him an invalid. During World War II, at the urging of her husband, Miss Astaire worked at a famous Red Cross canteen in London, the Rainbow Corner, helping out at the information desk, dancing with G.I.'s and shopping and writing letters for them. To the letters she signed herself, "Adele Astaire (Fred's sister)."Married for Second Time On March 23, 1944, Lord Charles died. Three years later, on April 28, 1947, Miss Astaire was married to Mr. Douglass, whom she had met at the Rainbow Corner. It was his second marriage. In 1950, he became assistant director of the Central Intelligence Agency, a post he held for two years before resuming his career in finance. He became a partner in Dillon Read & Company, retiring before his death in New York in 1971. Adele Marie Austerlitz was born in Omaha, Neb., on Sept. 10, 1898, to Fredrick Austerlitz, a brewer from Vienna, and the former Ann Geilus, a native of Omaha. In 1904, the family moved to New York, where Adele and Fred, the only children, were enrolled in the Alviene School of Dance. Until then, they had been tutored by their mother. The Astaires appeared in their first vaudeville show in New York in 1912, and had their first triumph on Broadway in 1917, with "Over the Top" at the Winter Garden. Besides her brother and stepson, Miss Astaire is survived by two other stepsons, Howard James Douglass of Chicago and William Angus Douglass of London. Private services will be held in Phoenix and Beverly Hills, Calif. What is odd is that the Kennedy family has a connection to the British Cavendish family. See JFK: A Complete Biography 1917-1963 pg 131, by Carr, William H.A. (1968) APPOINTMENT IN THE SOLOMONS For the Kennedy family 1944 was a year of almost unbearable grief Kick flew back to England where the Cavendish family took her to its bosom She remained in England more Triumph and Tragedy pg 101, by The Associated Press (1968) the family of her late husband her adopted family Friends said she ["Kick"] had become more Cavendish than Kennedy Had her husband survived the war Kathleen most likely would have been chief Lady In Waiting Well, I hesitate to post this URL, because knowing a little about being obsessed, I am afraid some people might not ever come out....lol http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/sociopolitica/sociopol_pilgrimsociety02i.htm
  5. December 20, 2010 Steve Landesberg, 'Barney Miller' Actor, Dies at 74 By HAMILTON BOARDMAN Steve Landesberg, an actor and comedian with a friendly and often deadpan manner who was best known for his role on the long-running sitcom "Barney Miller," died in Los Angeles on Monday. He was 74. The cause was colon cancer, his daughter, Elizabeth, said. On "Barney Miller," which ran on ABC from 1975 to 1982, Mr. Landesberg played Sgt. Arthur P. Dietrich, an intellectual detective with a quiet manner who seemed to have an unrivaled knowledge of practically any topic that arose, much to the bewilderment of his fellow detectives. He was also given to odd, unexpected pronouncements. In one 1980 episode he tells his boss, Captain Miller, played by Hal Linden, that he is working on a case that dates to 1973. Miller says: "That was seven years ago! Nixon was president!" Dietrich's low-key response: "No, he's got an airtight alibi for this one." Mr. Landesberg received three Emmy Award nominations for that role. Set in a New York City police station, where most of the action takes place, "Barney Miller" portrayed a group of wisecracking detectives and the oddball characters who ended up there. Some police officers said the show represented the real life of rank-and-file officers better than many television detective dramas. After "Barney Miller" left the air, Mr. Landesberg appeared on "The Golden Girls," "Law & Order," "That '70s Show" and "Everybody Hates Chris," among other shows. He had a recurring role on the short-lived 1998 sitcom "Conrad Bloom." Most recently he played Dr. Myron Finkelstein, a Freudian therapist, in "Head Case," a comedy on the Starz cable channel. In 2008 he played a pediatrician whose patient (played by Jason Segel, the film's writer and star) is in his 20s in the hit movie "Forgetting Sarah Marshall." His other movies include "Wild Hogs" and "Leader of the Band." His distinctively dry, deep voice was also heard in cartoons and commercials. Stephen Landesberg was born on Nov. 23, 1936, in the Bronx. He began his career as a stand-up comic in the late 1960s and became known for his off-center observations and eccentric delivery. He performed in New York comedy clubs alongside comedians like Freddie Prinze and Jimmie Walker. Mr. Landesberg appeared on "The Tonight Show" for the first time in 1971 and several times on "The Dean Martin Show" before landing his first recurring role, as a Viennese violinist, on the sitcom "Paul Sand in Friends and Lovers," in 1974. Besides his daughter, he is survived by his wife, Nancy Ross Landesberg. Initial reports of Mr. Landesberg's death, relying on numerous biographical sources, said he was 65. In acknowledging that he was actually nine years older, his daughter said he had provided varying birth dates over the years. "He got kind of a late start in show business," she explained, "so he tried to straddle the generations. He fooled the whole world. People were surprised to think he was even 65." This article has been revised to reflect the following correction: Correction: December 21, 2010 An earlier version of this article misstated Mr. Landesberg's age and the year of his birth. He was 74, not 65, and he was born in 1936, not 1945. SEE WCD CD 131's & 1396 also Magnolia Rifles - right wing organization I would also like to make a point about Landesberg's fame, and its effect on JFK researchers perceptions, even if it is already understood. If Landesberg was a, not so peripheral character in helping create a certain perception in 1963 of Oswald, it is incumbent to remember that he [Landesberg] was not famous in 1963, so the fact that his later fame comes into play in the world of perceptions of "could it really have been him," is for all practical purposes irrelevant, except as far as the masses are concerned. We now know that persons such as Julia Child, for example was with the OSS years before she became famous for her cooking. Hollywood/Famous/People and the JFK assassination are not mutually exclusive. Zieger's widow's family later knew Paul and Joanne Newman* and such unusual facts are actually practically commonplace. * Ignacio Zuleta Ambito Financial [Financial Atmosphere] 1995 interviews of Anna Evalinga Zeiger What is the crux of the issue is Was he the person the FBI could have indicted for making false statements? I personally believe he either was, or was involved in helping maintain the Chinese Fire Drill of confusion, over the Leandes/Landesberg imbroglio and in much the same way as the Soviet Union always maintained that Raoul Wallenberg died in 1947 in Lubuyanka Prison, despite an extreme amount of evidence that he was alive as late as, at least the 1970's, no-one in a position to prove he was, would ever admit the answer to the question is yes, even if it were so.......
  6. computer problems again....yecchhh. Later
  7. Guterma's death was particularly strange, and there seems to be a valid reason for it being considered a mysterious death.<br><br><br>TIME Magazine<br>
  8. Thanks for the post, I knew a little about Paul Englander, but Birnbaum was a new one for me. I keep thinking about LBJ's quote about the Carribean, "they were running a damn Murder Inc. down there;" The inference being the Kennedy's were the responsible party. For Papa Doc Duvalier, Juan Bosch and Trujillo, Murder Inc. was a way of life......which is why Kennedy was trying to influence the region to reform itself in the first place..... And DiEugenio is right about Burton Hersh, he does make Seymour Hersh, [are they related?} look like a choirboy, the book has no boundaries, when it comes to feasting on the Kennedy's...... Maybe after reading about Igor Cassini, you might agree he was a cut-out, the idea certainly doesent suffer from a lack of talking points. On another front there is another name in the mix that was involved in a shakedown re the Dominican Republic.... First Name: Alexander Middle Name: Last Name: Guterma Name Suffix: Birth Date: 29 April 1917 Social Security Number: 091-26-7842 Place of Issuance: New York Last Residence: Zip Code of Last Residence: Death Date: April 1977 Estimated Age at Death: 60 Book source Inside The GEMSTONE File page 175 cites GUTERMA as a mystery death; says he was a White Russian exile involved with the Gehlen operation (Nazis) and George DeMohrenschildt. Robert: Manner of death certainly doesen't dispel the idea, nor the time period. See http://groups.google...8e054c9e8287580 Speaking of Gehlen, here's a nifty quote from his own memoirs, he does not mention Guterma, BTW "I now know that Captain Boker was acting on his own when he listened to my ideas for the reconstitution of my wartime group. There were still too many hostile officers--- people with blind hatred of the Germans..... Boker tells me he selected only five men for his special unit: Lieutenants John Zorek, Franz Brotzen, and Ulrich Landauer [all German-born linguists of impeccable background] Lieutenant Paul Comstock of Oklahoma who had political connections in the Senate which might prove useful and Master Sergeant Benjamin Greenwald, from the German section at Camp Ritchie. page 7, The Service: The Memoirs of General Reinhard Gehlen/Translated by David Irving - Popular Library - 1972 Bobby and J. Edgar pg 394, by Hersh, Burton (2007) and in these pre-RICO days nothing he was up to was against the law. What started the landslide that very nearly buried Cohn was the involvement of the stately White Russian scam artist and gambler Alexander Guterma. In an effort to make good on an IOU for $500,000 he had given to Clint Murchison and several of the capos around the Genovese crime family....... By 1958 the S.E.C. was moving in on the United Dye crowd, and by the middle of 1959 a grand jury had been empaneled in the Southern District of New York. To limit his prison time, Guterma spilled his guts. Moe Dalitz and his associates retained Roy Cohn. Cohn apparently told the gamblers that he would require $50,000 to make the necessary arrangements. This he would not collect if any of them were indicted. When the indictment was handed up in August none of the Las Vegas group were implicated. The War Conspiracy pg 210, by Scott, Peter Dale (2008) -president of Commerce International was under indictment ten years later when he surfaced in the syndicate-linked Guterma scandals. A director of Air America through the years has been Robert....... DMN December 23, 1962 Books in Brief: The Watchdogs of Wall Street Hillel Black; Morrow This book by the author of "Buy Now Pay Later" gives the inside story of how the Securities Exchange Commission exposes big stock mani- pulators and protects investors. They include Walter Tellier, king of the penny-stock salesmen; Lowell Burrell, whose activities cost the public fifty million dollars and <b>Alexander Gulerma who faked a news story and thus obtained a fortune from Trujillo's treasury.
  9. Unfortunately, I do not have anything to offer regarding Gordon Winslow, but am searching other information sources, in the meantime there is this, from maryferrell.org on "Thresher" search Hull-DeMohrenschildt, interesting THRESHER, ----- ----- Sources: CD 913, pp. 67-68; CD 1484, pp. 8-10; HSCA Vol 12, pp. 91-92; The Iconoclast, march 19026, 1976, p. 3, Vol X, No. 2; CIA 225-89, released as CIA 104-10015-10221, Lifton's pp. 107-111 Mary's Comments: Nuclear-powered, deep-diving submarine sunk April 10, 1963, with 129 aboard. See Edward Frank BRAY. "Lt Cdr Harry Hull (housemate of George deMohrenschildt in Washington, D.C., September 1941) commander of Thresher during World War II according to Who's Who in America, 1968-1969." On page 2, paragraph 5, of CIA 225-89, Polish chauffeur told of Soviets' part in sinking of U.S. Navy nuclear submarine (see Lifton p. 110). The linking of the late Rear Adm. Harry Hull to the nuclear powered submarine Thresher (SSN-593) is in error. The ill-fated nuclear powered Thresher was launched in 1961 and was commanded by just two men during its short history.: Twenty years before "The Thresher Incident" (USN-593), then USN Lt. Cmdr Harry Hull, fresh from being DC house mate of George DeMohrenschildt, was commanding officer of SS-200 Thresher, from April to November, 1943, during the eight, ninth, and tenth WWII war missions of SS-200. http://www.uboat.net.../ship/2914.html http://www.uboat.net...rs.php?cID=3288 http://en.wikipedia....er_%28SS-200%29 Harry Hull certainly remains a curiousity, but IMO, not because of the disasterous, 1963 ending of USN-593 Thresher.: James Kelsey Cogswell III graduated from Amherst College, so did John McCloy, and when McCloy served as Amherst head trustee, he appointed George Plimpton's uncle, Dr. Calvin H. Plimpton as Amherst president in 1960.: Despite it's tiny enrollment, or....maybe because of it, in addition to Cogswell, three Amherst alumni have spent time at CIA since 1977, all three serving as DCI. I'll start a new thread to take a closer look at Amherst. The Lindsay twins, John and David, were ushers in Nancy Bush's 1946 wedding party. Their brother George became lead partner at Debevoise and Plimpton. Eli Whitney Debevoise served as HICOG McCloy's counsel and then his deputy, and McCloy appointed Francis Plimpton's brother as Amherst's president. Stansfield Turner attended Amherst for five semesters and then transferred to the US Naval Academy. Turner "relieved" GHW Bush as DCI in 1977, after Ted Sorenson was nominated for DCI by newly elected President Jimmy Carter, and then Sorenson meekly withdrew after his nomination was shouted down by Carter's own right wing sympathizing democrats in the U.S. Senate. I am in the process of responding to your research re Cogswell, I knew about Amherst's CIA connection..... But I want to backtrack about the Bray assassination film........ See Post #4 By Shanet Clark Strange court correspondence. The only Edward F. Bray I found was an officer in the CCIA, the Connecticut Contractors Industrial Association. The man Bray claimed to have film of the assassination taken from the TSBD and a film of a practice ambush staged at Denison Dam, Wyoming. Robert, the funny thing about this is that after some extensive digging I have discovered there never has and never was a Denison Dam in Wyoming, but there is a Denison Dam next to Lake Texoma........ Red River (in Red River (river, United States)) ...the head of navigation, vessels drawing more than 4 feet (1.2 m) can reach that far only a few months of the year. Most traffic is in the lowermost 35-mile (56-kilometre) portion of the river. Denison Dam (1944), 726 miles (1,168 km) above the river’s mouth, forms Lake Texoma. http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/157724/Denison-Dam FBI 105-82555 Oswald HQ File, Section 197 pg 171 Found in: FBI Oswald Headquarters File (105-82555) On July 6, 1964, Mr. DECLAN P FORD 14057 Brookcrest, Dallas, Texas advised SA Wallace R. Heitman that he, his wife and MARINA OSWALD were leaving on that for a vacation of a few days to be spent at Lake Texoma Lodge, Kingston, Okla. http://www.maryferrell.org/mffweb/archive/viewer/showDoc.do?docId=59625&relPageId=171 Which might not mean anything except, for the fact that was also where Priscilla McMillan worked with Marina on what later became Marina and Lee in September of '64. And then there's Elgin Crull Mr. Hubert. Now, Mr. Crull, I have previously handed you a document consisting of three pages, which is a report of an interview of you by FBI Agents Calvin Rice and John J. Flanagan, dated December 12, 1963, which for the purpose of identification I have marked on the first page in the right-hand margin thereof as follows: "Dallas, Texas, July 14, 1964, Exhibit 1, deposition of Elgin Crull." I have signed my name below that, and on the second and third page I have placed my initials in the lower right-hand corner of each of those pages. I think you have had an opportunity to read that document, and I will now ask you if that document is correct as to the nature and effect stated in the course of that interview, and whether it reflects the facts as you remember them? Mr. Crull. In general, it does, but there are some details which are inaccurate. Mr. Hubert. Now with respect to the details, I notice that you have marked on the very last line of the second paragraph on page 1, a little mark indicating that you wish to comment on that last line. Would you state what you wish to say about it, please, sir? Mr. Crull. I believe that says simply that I went to the lake, to a cabin. The only change is that there is no cabin. I have a boat on the lake. Mr. Hubert. Other than that? Mr. Crull. Other than that, it is accurate. Mr. Hubert. When did you leave the police department quarters on the 22d? Mr. Crull. On Saturday? Mr. Hubert. I was thinking on Friday after this conference thing. Mr. Crull. I am sorry, I can't be too accurate. I imagine I finally left the city hall and periodically I checked back with the police department either by telephone or actually by walking over there. I imagine it was about 7 o'clock before we left and went home. Mr. Hubert. You think that in the interval before 7 o'clock, between that conference you just described and 7 o'clock, that you contacted the top officials of the police department either by walking over again or by telephone? Mr. Crull. Yes. Mr. Hubert. Was any further discussion had about the condition of the news media? Mr. Crull. No; the only thing I war interested in most then, of course as everyone else, was the progress being made with Oswald making the case. I was pretty well snowed in my own office by telegrams, telephone calls, and things which had come in in great numbers. Mr. Hubert. You say you went home about 7 o'clock? Mr. Crull. Yes. Mr. Hubert. Did you return to the municipal building or police department any more that night? Mr. Crull. No. Mr. Hubert. Did you have any further communication with them the night of the 22d? Mr. Crull. I have to keep this straight by days of the week. Mr. Hubert. This is Friday the 22d. Mr. Crull. This is the day of the President's death? Mr. Hubert. Yes. Mr. Crull. No; before I left the police department the last time, they told me they thought the case was pretty well wrapped up, and that there would be no particular new developments, so after I left that night, I went home that night, and the following morning I went to the lake, Saturday morning. Mr. Hubert. About what time did you go to the lake? Mr. Crull. About 10 o'clock. Mr. Hubert. You did not then go back to the police department? Mr. Crull. No. Mr. Hubert. So that after 7 o'clock, on Friday, you didn't have any occasion to observe the conditions in the city hall at all? Mr. Crull. No; not till Sunday. Mr. Hubert. Did you have any communication with the police department after you got to the lake? Mr. Crull. Not until Sunday morning. Mr. Hubert. At what time did you have communication, and in what way on Sunday morning? Mr. Crull. On Sunday morning, the specific time I can't say. A member of the marina staff called me, and said that the radio said that Oswald had been shot. So I went to the marina office and used the telephone to call Dallas. I was calling from the marina, Lake Texoma, just out of Denison, Tex. I did call the office and I talked with Chief Stevenson, and he told me, his words were, "I guess you have heard that we have lost our prisoner." Then he told me something of the details, although it was then confused. Mr. Hubert. Was Oswald dead then, or did he tell you so? Mr. Crull. They didn't know at that time. I was talking to them at the police department, and Oswald had been moved to Parkland Hospital. Mr. Hubert. Do you remember what time it was? Mr. Crull. No; I can't say. I waited at Texoma then, a short time, until my wife came back to the lake. She had been in to Denison to church, and shortly after noon we came back to Dallas. I came to the city hall after changing my clothes at home, to the police department and talked to our mayor then and found that he had received some telephone threats, and that the police had a guard on him, that he wanted to go to Washington for the President's funeral, and that there was some concern about it. So I left the city hall and went to the home of the mayor, discussed his trip with him, decided on my own that he should have protection all the way, called Chief Curry, and suggested that he assign Lieutenant Revill, who was the head of the chief intelligence section, to make the trip to Washington with Mayor Cabell. Over the telephone the chief did this, and I waited at the mayor's home until Revill went to his house and collected his clothes. Then, in a squad car, I went to the airport to see the mayor off on the airplane. Mr. Hubert. What time was that, about? Mr. Crull. Between 5:30 and 6 o'clock, something in that area. It was still daylight. Mr. Hubert. That was on Sunday, the 24th? Mr. Crull. That's correct. Mr. Hubert. Were you informed by anyone of any fears that existed concerning the safety of Oswald? Mr. Crull. I didn't hear this report until several days later that there had been some. Interesting enough to point out.........IMO
  10. Robert, thank you for explaining that you only just read, for the first time, my posts related to Adm. Paul Joachim, Lt Cmdr. Harry Hull, and James K Cogswell, III. I just found a short obit for James K. Cogswell,III: http://news.google.c...+cogswell&hl=en It looks to me that Cogswell and Harrison, London, is coincidental, but my knowledge of James "Jack" "Jake" K. Cogswell III only extends back to his grandfather, Adm. James K. Cogswell, I, USN, who died in 1907. James III's grandfather had two sons and a daughter. One son was Capt. Francis Cogswell, and the WWII USN destroyer Cogswell was named to owner him, and his father, the admiral. The other son was James K Cogswell, II, father of James K. III, and co-inventor of platform tennis. The daughter of the Admiral James K. I, was Bianca, mother-in-law of Harry Hull, when Hull was rooming with DeMohrenschildt in DC, and until her death, in 1978. I think. Capt. Francis Cogswell dies in 1939, and his wife was a "secretary" at CIA until her retirement in 1964. The documentary record at NARA indicates that James K. III's sister, The Sister's name was Theodora and she married former US Marine, Rawle Deland. I pretty sure that "Livingston, Mass." is Boston, not Livingston. I don't know yet if it matters, but in the 1953 wedding of James K. Cogswell, III to Joan Rice Farish, first cousin of Will Farish, III, the best man is- Walbridge lived in Havana at the time Cogswell III lived there after his late 1956 divorce from Joan Farish, and Walbridge later lived in Madrid while working for Muirson Label, Co. Well, you are obviously the resident genealogist, and my belief is that any figure that is a part of the JFK Saga AND has a cryptonym is very pertinernt. I may be stating the obvious, but you might want to check the Thresher thread, I am sure it would increase your knowledge of this aspect of the puzzle..... I suppose it isn't revelatory, but in regards to GDM's Latin American connections there is the underlying fact that these countries, Haiti [Duvalier], Dominican Republic [Trujillo] Guyana [Cheddi Jagan] and many others experienced the same upheaval that went on in the Congo, [Lumumba]; which has implications of their own; Hint: "The Internationale, Unites the human race" http://www.skeptically.org/socialism/id8.html became even more anachronistic than it was before. Which has a little to do with the fact that you have these persons saying the death of JFK rid this country of a tilt, or even more towards Communism, irrespective of what a joke that viewpoint really is. i.e. Warren Commission Documents that were not declassified until circa 1970 which, in my estimation there was an attempt to keep the US public uninformed to at least some degree, about the US role in these affairs. Contrary viewpoints, will cite there was no shortage of information for those who wanted to seek out this information. But the Warren Commission documents are very illuminating.....FWIW In case you didn't see it I posted an article about Paul Joachim's 1962 murder on the GDM thread..... In Chicago......circumstances of which say little or much depending on one's viewpoint.
  11. ...or, even a response to the coincidence that De Mohrenschildt's housemate at the admiral's house, happened to be Lt. Cdr. Harry Hull, married to the first cousin of Mr. Cogswell, a US Navy veteran who married the first cousin of Will Farish III? Oh, that George De...he had all the luck, didn't he? He met everyone, from Jackie O. to LHO to GHW Bush. Why? How? Apologies, Tom; I don't keep up with all the threads like I used to, there is, obviously a lot of pertinent material in what you posted, the document ie cryptonyms, Cogswell/AMRAZZ is a new one on me, and is significant. I will have to assimilate this with my stuff and try to put it all together..... FYI Re Roger Craig, I discovered something about him, that buttresses, at least in my mind his credibility a little, within not more than 90-120 minutes after the assassination there was a call for floodlights to assist in the search of the TSBD upper floors. Craig testified that he was involved in going back to the Sheriff's office to get the lights, or at least to assist. There is nothing to contradict, his assertions, on the contrary. There are several persons who mention the floodlights being brought up, except mention of name of who did this are sparse, if at all in the WC depo's. Check it out Tom: Does Cogswell tie in to the following or is that just a coincidence...... COGSWELL, AND HARRISON Sources: CD 7 (225-26) Mary's Comments: Subsidiary of Interarmco, Inc., Alexandria, VA FBI 105-82555 Oswald HQ File, Section 17 pg 34 Found in: FBI Oswald Headquarters File (105-82555) At Galveston, Texas MEYER REISWERG, Vic's Jewelry and Loans, 2413 Market Street, advised that they handle purchase and sale of firearms and ammunition .......event a Smith and Wesson .38 caliber weapon was sent from this country to England and converted it would in all probability have been converted by Cogswell and Harrison London England He stated this company is the government proved testing house for this type of weapon. .........Albans Vermont are large importers of weapons He also advised that Cogswell and Harrison is a subsidiary of Interarmco Ltd REISWERG advised that he handles 6.5 millimeter ammunition but could locate no record of having sold any to Lee Harvey Oswald. http://www.maryferre...89&relPageId=34
  12. I am, as they say all over it. There is so much to assimilate on that post, but for now and thanks....... Chicago Tribune (IL) - October 22, 1962 ART DEALER ROBBED, SLAIN PAUL JOACHIM SHOT IN LAKE SHORE DRIVE Killer Goes Thru His Pockets Deceased Name: Paul L. Joachim Paul L. Joachim, 50, of 1400 Lake Shore dr., a near north side art dealer, was robbed and shot to death early today in front of 1350 Lake Shore dr. Joachim, a retired rear admiral who operated the Joachim Gallery at 226 E. Ontario st., was walking in Lake Shore drive when he was accosted by a gunman who shot him four times during a struggle, searched his pockets, and fled. Joachim was rushed to Henrotin hospital, where he was dead on arrival. The robbery and murder were witnessed by a TRIBUNE circulation truck driver, Richard Tully, 35, of 5758 Montrose av. Tells of Shooting This is Tully's account: "I was driving south in Lake Shore drive approaching Banks street when I saw two men struggling on the sidewalk in front of a fenced-in parking lot on the southwest corner. "I stopped the truck about 75 feet past the two and looked back. I heard two shots and saw one man scream and sink to the ground. Then as he went down the gunman fired one more shot at him. "He then frisked the man's pockets, started to walk away, came back, and went thru the pockets again. He then walked to Banks street and went west. Hears Radio Report "I started up the truck and drove to Division and State streets, where I hailed a policeman and reported the incident to him. As I talked to him, a call came over his squad radio that a man had been shot at Banks and Lake Shore drive." Doctors at Henrotin hospital said that Joachim was shot four times, twice in the groin, once in the right arm, and once in the heart. Two of his trouser pockets were turned inside out. In another pocket police found a money clip containing a $20, a $10, and a $5 bill. Drives Sports Car Another witness told police that the slayer was young man. Other witnesses told police that shortly after the shooting they saw a youth about 17 to 18 years of age, wearing dark trousers and a three quarter length coat, drive out of the parking lot at the southwest corner of the intersection in a twotone foreign sports car. Lt. James Ruane, who sent squads into the area in a search for the killer, ordered a search for the car. Two friends of Joachim--Edward Adamic, 35, of 15 W. Burton pl., a chemist, and Frank Oehlshaeger, 52, of 107 E. Oak st., an art dealer--told police that Joachim had planned to go to the Lyric opera at the Civic Opera House last night. Adamic and Oehlshaeger said Joachim liked to walk and may have been out for a stroll when the robber-slayer accosted him about 1:03 a.m. Retired from Navy Joachim retired from the navy shortly after World War II. He later became director of the Feingarten art gallery at 58 E. Walton st., and in October, 1960 opened his gallery at 56 E. Walton st. He had traveled extensively in Europe, purchasing contemporary paintings of the nonobjective school for his gallery. Joachim, who was an artist himself, said he also wished to show worthwhile works of the realistic school. This month he opened his gallery at the 226 E. Ontario st. location.
  13. ...or, even a response to the coincidence that De Mohrenschildt's housemate at the admiral's house, happened to be Lt. Cdr. Harry Hull, married to the first cousin of Mr. Cogswell, a US Navy veteran who married the first cousin of Will Farish III? Oh, that George De...he had all the luck, didn't he? He met everyone, from Jackie O. to LHO to GHW Bush. Why? How? Apologies, Tom; I don't keep up with all the threads like I used to, there is, obviously a lot of pertinent material in what you posted, the document ie cryptonyms, Cogswell/AMRAZZ is a new one on me, and is significant. I will have to assimilate this with my stuff and try to put it all together..... FYI Re Roger Craig, I discovered something about him, that buttresses, at least in my mind his credibility a little, within not more than 90-120 minutes after the assassination there was a call for floodlights to assist in the search of the TSBD upper floors. Craig testified that he was involved in going back to the Sheriff's office to get the lights, or at least to assist. There is nothing to contradict, his assertions, on the contrary. There are several persons who mention the floodlights being brought up, except mention of name of who did this are sparse, if at all in the WC depo's. Check it out
  14. Suzy Says DeMohrenschildt Mystery By Suzy Knickerbocker 4/16/77 DMN In all of the front-page coverage of the Palm Beach suicide of Russian emigre George DeMohrenschildt (he came here in 1921) and his possible involvement in the President Kennedy assassination through his friendship with Lee Harvey Oswald and his Russian-born wife, De Mohrenschildt is constantly referred to as a mystery man and reputed member of Russian nobility. He was neither. De Mohrenschildt was a bona fide member of the Russian aristocracy and connected by marriage to some of New York and Philadelphia’s best families. One of his cousins Ferdinand de Moh- renschildt, an official of the Soviet Embassy, married the late Nona McAdoo, daughter of Sen. William Gibbs McAdoo. (Sen McAdoo secretary of the Treasury in Woodrow Wilson’s administration, was the husband of President Wilson’s daughter Eleanor Wilson McAdoo). De Mohrenschildt’s uncle, a Count Dimitri, who taught languages at Yale and Dartmouth, married very social, very rich Mrs Roland Mather Hooker (she was known everywhere as the Countess Dimitri de Mohrenschildt. De Mohrenschildt himself married four times, His second wife was Wynne Sharples, a Main-Line heiress, now Mrs. Peter Ballinger of Villanova, Pa. While De Mohrenschildt seldom used a title his third wife, Phyliss Washington Clucas, hadn’t stopped calling herself the Baroness de Mohrenschildt when last heard from. To put the cherry on the sundae of De Mohrenschildt’s high profile of high society, he used to know and see Jackie Onassis’ mother, Mrs. Hugh D. Auchinsloss (she was between marriages) during summer vacations visiting the Hooker family in Esthampton, L.I. In fact, this self-proclaimed society-hater, a geologist who insisted he was most comfortable amongst intellectuals spent a lot of time hanging around the Racquet Club, the exclusive New York male stronghold with Edward Hooker (the son of his stepaunt, the Countess Dimitri de Mohrenschildt) and such sound social chaps as Staley Tregellas and Jake Cogswell. Hooker invested heavily in a failed Haitian oil lease deal that turned out a collossal failure. Hooker lost a fortune that he never quite recovered. He returned to Wall Street and subsequently died. According to family and friends DeMohrenschildt was undoubtedly a CIA stringer and periodically made unexplained trips abroad. His Socially Registered confidant Jake Cogswell, another CIA stringer, who established residence in Cuba before Castro. He barely made it out before the ax fell heiress’ Joan Demers and Cynthia Cannon Cynthia, big in the horse world, lives in London and Millbrook, N.Y. Joan big in the oil world, lives in Palm Beach and and Texas. In the last years of his life, George DeMohrenschildt dropped out of the New York scene, married his present widow and became Texas-tied, severing all contacts with former friends and business associates. Oddly, this man, reputed to know the real story behind the Kennedy assassination, crossed paths during his life with two presidential families— the Kennedy’s, through his acquaintance with Jackie’s mother and the Wilsons through his marriage to Woodrow Wilson’s granddaughter Nona McAdoo. Robert: For persons who are interested in this aspect of research you may, like I did, wonder if “Suzy Knickerbocker,” was related to the Cassini’s, since Igor used the nom de plume “Cholly Knickerbocker.” Apparently not. Her real name was Aileen Elder Mehle. A Texan, Davis writes that Mehle’s brother-in-law was Karim Aga Khan. Party of the Century: The Fabulous Story of Truman Capote and His Black and White Ball...Deborah Davis - 2010 Mehle’s effervescent combination of wit and irony in her column “Society by Suzy Knickerbocker” won coverage in national magazines. In Life, which called her the brightest and most widely read society columnist in the country....” LIFE Nov 11, 1966 CLOSEUP AILEEN MEHLE, THE REAL SUZY KNICKERBOCKER Ironically she was on What's My Line, with her son as a mystery guest in the post-Kilgallen era of the show Suzy Knickerbocker (Aileen Elder Mehle) married Rear Admiral Roger W. Mehle, Sr. on June 20, 1939. Their son, Roger W. Mehle, Jr., was born on December 28, 1941. His parents were divorced at some time prior to the Admiral's second (of 3 total) marriage in 1948. As of 2004, our mystery guest is currently practicing law.
  15. Probably just a coincidence that Oswald overslept on what the LN's regard as the most fateful morning of his life. Maybe he had yet to decide he would attempt to shoot President Kennedy until after Marina awakened him? Robert, you would think there would not be more than one AF Czajkowski with a military and foreign service background, but...think again. I started this thread, a year ago.: http://educationforu...showtopic=15576 Anthony F. Czajkowski aka Tony Czaikowsky of the CIA Background on Agent Who Met With DeMohrenschildt, Charles, and Matlack Call me crazy, but I just cannot seem to shake this inane quote.: ..... By the way...do you think I hit a nerve, here?: So how do you think Claiborne Pell fits into this entire JFK conundrum? Was he a deliberate and witting participant in the cover-up or was he somehow involved in joining in with the likes of J. Strom Thurmond, John Tower, Barry Goldwater, Jesse Helms, James Eastland, et al in the actual plot to kill JFK? You are obviously implying that Senator Pell was involved somehow in this entire plot in some sort of nefarious, fully complicit and/or conspiratorial manner. Would you care to elaborate? This should be rich if you have the guts to respond. How does Pell's wife's relationship to Hale Boggs figure into this entire picture? Are you implying that she used her influence to get Boggs to do something illegal or immoral or unethical or that her familial relationship to a member of the Warren Commission somehow taints her with guilt by association? Tom, you are stooping pretty low here, I hope you realize this. Do you know how close the Pells were (and still are) to the Kennedys and how physically and emotionally distraught they were about his death? Do you know about the Bouvier and the Auchincloss families from Rhode Island and how close Jackie was to George deMohrenshildt as a child? She used to call him "Uncle George", in fact while bouncing on his knee in Newport. Can you be totally oblivious to how preposterous your statements and your implied claims actually are? Do you know how distraught George was about how how his association with Oswald made him look like an insensitive, callous and vindictive agent contributing indirectly or directly to the misery and suffering of Jackie Kennedy? And you call this "research?" I call this clueless, feckless, careless and callous beyond belief. You gotta get out of the house more, dude. Well you have posed several points, I would attempt to make the following points. 1. You obviously struck a chord with John, I can't really say much except that with regards to research, the names are only as important as the relationships and circumstances lead to. So the significance or vice versa of Claiborne Pell or whathaveyou, is in many ways in the eye of the beholder. 2. With regards to the social political associations of diplomats and figures such as the Drexel, Rockefeller, Vanderbilt and Morgan, the same applies, the dynamic to me is that, in the same way that certain families have had more than one occupant at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave., [Adams, Roosevelt, Bush], the sub-rung of diplomats and Secretaries of State has a dynamic that is not unlike the former. 3. Regarding someone like the late Francis Kellogg, the most interesting point I could make about him and his career, and linkages to this thread would be to suggest reading pages 137-40 and 150-156 of James Srodes, Allen Dulles: Master of Spies..... Kellogg was responsible for appointing Allen Dulles to go to London, circa late 1925 for preliminary meetings which would eventually lead to the 1927 Naval Disarmament Conference, the State Department changed its mind and instead Dulles was supposed to go to China in 1926 as a counselor to the U.S. legation in Peking. Foster Dulles wound up offering Dulles a lucrative salary, and the long and the short of it was Allen Dulles nixed the China post and resigned for the once only opportunity; Srodes wrote that this "caused an uproar," as Allen was an up and coming diplomat; I would add, and who once missed a chance to possibly alter world geopolitical history by not seeing Vladimir Ilyuvich Lenin, when he was on his way from Europe to begin the Bolshevik Revolution and tried to see Allen in Switzerland see pages 80-81; Allen told Lenin to call back the next day. Whoops At any rate the main reason I suggest reading Srodes are the references to "The Room," [whom Srodes describes as "a precursor of the World War II OSS operation, founded by Vincent Astor, East 62nd Street; pg 153] you can really get a feel for how the diplomatic circles worked, at least back then, [british/American 1917 Paris Peace diplomatic vets, clandestine money laundering] in those pages you will, besides reading about Kellogg, and other movers and shakers, see a reference to Hamilton Fish Armstrong, who is a big person in B C Adamson's version of the JFK saga, and probably is worth more than a passing mention insofar as it relates to this thread.
  16. One of my big frustrations re DEMOHRENSCHILDT and brother Dimitri has been trying to verify the accuracy of research re Bruce Campbell Adamson. Now it looks as if there is a very significant alternative; unbeknownst to me, the Warren Commission supporting documents are rife with information re a multitude of associates of George, his wives, Dimitri, etc. Example See below Commission Document 535 - FBI Morrissey Report of 28 Feb 1964 re: DeMohrenschildts pg 1 & 45 Mrs Wynne Sharples Denton, former wife of subject, who indicated subject [DE MOHRENSCHILDT] associated with known homosexual she describes his as irresponsible; childish unreliable, poor reputation, sexually promiscuous prior to marriage; resentful of rich and successful people and a person who might participate in a revolution for the fun of it. http://www.maryferre...934&relPageId=2 Information on brother DIMITRI, WF T-1 reported 1958 one GEORGE DE MOHRENSCHILDT tried to meet with Dominican Ambassador DE MOYA....... "DIMITII DJORDJADZE Representative Christie Mitchell Oil Company Fidelity Union Life Building "I first met GEORGE DE MOHRENSCHILDT in July 1956. He was at that time self employed in the oil-business and had an office in ther Republic National Bank Building http://www.maryferre...34&relPageId=78 page 64 Jeanne Legon plans to fly Air France to France, Milan and London for Daniel Millstein http://www.maryferre...34&relPageId=66 Commission Document 543 - FBI McHugh Report of 03 Mar 1964 re: George DeMohrenschildt http://www.maryferre....do?docId=10942 page 1 George D. Mitchell who accompanied George DeMohrenschildt to Yugoslavia, sponsored by the International Cooperation Administration, U. S. State Department during 1957, advised he was not too well acquainted with DE MOHRENSCHILDT and furnished limited information regarding DE MOHRENSCHILDT's background. Result of check of records of the Hoover Institute Stanford University Palo Alto California where DMITRI S von MOHRENSCHILDT did research work in Summer of 1947 set forth. DETAIL Information set forth below was furnished to SA's Perry W. Moothart and John P. McHugh on Febraury 28, 1964 by GEORGE D. MITCHELL, Seismologist, Room 565-A Earth Science Building, University of California, Berkeley, California, who resides at 226 Carquinez Ave., El Cerrito, California. Mitchell stated he was not too well acquainted with DE MOHRENSCHILDT but knew him from a trip they both made to Yugoslavia in 1957. This trip was sponsored by the International Cooperation Administration of the U. S. State Department and was for the purpose of doing oil consultant work for the Yugoslavian government. At the time he was approached by the Department of State for the aforementioned trip, MITCHELL was a resident of Dallas, Texas, and DE MOHRENSCHILDT was also a resident of that city where he was self-employed as a petroleum engineer. They actually left for Yugoslavia sometime around the first week of February, 1957 and prior to that time met about four or five times in Dallas discussing prospects for the trip and arrangements for same to be made with the Department of State. MITCHELL had not known DE MOHRENSCHILDT prior to that time. When MITCHELL met DE MOHRENSCHILDT initially, he understood that he was divorced, that his wife was a medical doctor, and that they had one child who was ill with some sort of a blood complication. He related that he had never met DE MOHRENSCHILDT's wife or child......... Mitchell explained that while he and DeMohrenschildt were in Yugoslavia, they did not have extensive contact with each other. In addition DeMohrenschildt mentioned that he had spent time in Bled, Yugoslavia, prior to travels there with Mitchell in 1957 RE DMITRI S. von MOHRENSCHILDT The following investigation was conducted by SA TROY F WILDER RE DMITRI S von MOHPENSCHILDT Records of Hoover Institute on Records on War Revolution and Peace (Institute) made available on February 28, 1964, by Mrs. Winifred Teague, clerk, reflect the following information concerning DMITRI S von MOHRENSCHILDT. end page 4 In a letter dated October 14 1946 DMITRI S von MOHRENSCHILDT wrote to the Institute identifying himself as Managing Editor of the "Russian Review at Dartmouth College and expressed an interest in a possible Rockefeller Scholarship in Slavic studies. The Institute received another letter dated........ Professor Herbert F. West, Chairman of Department of Comparative Literature, Dartmouth Arthur T. Coleman recommended Mohrenschildt as a first class scholar; end page 5 Professor ERNEST HUNTER WRIGHT Columbia University Department of English in letter dated March 31 1947, recommended DMITRI S von MOHRENSCHILDT highly and commented that DMITRI S von MOHRENSCHILDT did graduate work at Yale. ........took place in 1917 SF T-1 added that he sees DMITRI S von MOHRENSCHILDT is a former Czarist Naval officer and is completely reliable and strongly anti-Communist. He said he fled the Soviet Union when the Communist Revolution. SF T-1 added that he sees DMITRI S von MOHRENSCHILDT every two or three years when they attend the American Historical Association Convention which is held in various cities in the United States.DMITRI S von MOHRENSCHILDT would visit with a Dr. Judith Tyberg, 1162 North Street Andrews Place, Los Angeles, California SF T-1 recalled learned form him at that time that he had given up his position as editor of the "Russian Review" and was then devoting time to conducting research concerning India. Commission Document 547 - FBI Letterhead Memorandum of 06 Mar 1964 re; DeMohrenschildts...Check on George and Jeanne DeMohrenschildt with France's Surete Nationale [French National Police], and Direction de la Surveillance du Territoire [French Counter-Intelligence] with negative results. So, with some of Adamson's information, corroborated to a degree, it might be interesting to reflect on what he alleged and reflect on the implications. Adamson basically stated that the American foreign policy network in the 1950's was dominated, or, at least included W H Chamberlin, the Russian Review, and Allen Dulles, among others relationships with this apparatus. William F Buckley and YAF are also players, as are AMCOMLIB ie Radio Liberty. The picture he paints is that the Eisenhower-era foreign policy nexus was to some degree, dominated by this group, correct me if I am misstating......... Of course the laundry list of Bruce Campbell Adamson's cast of characters is literally dozens of names.... One of whom is Cholly Knickerbocker, Igor Cassini was the second Cholly Knickerbocker, a Hearst newspaper pseudonym.... See *Knickerbocker, Cholly. [This was the pen name of two journalists. It was first used by Maury Henry Biddle Paul (1880-1942), who was the society editor of the New York Evening Mail (1918-1923), the New York American (1919-1937), and the New York Journal-American (1937-1942). But the Knickerbocker in Islands is probably Igor Loienaski Cassini (1915—), whose gossip column about the rich and famous was syndicated in more than fifty Hearst newspapers. This Cholly Knickerbocker was also known as the "Boswell of the Jet Set."] 19 Audrey Bruce had read Cholly Knickerbocker's report that Hollywood scriptwriter Roger Davis is preparing "to write a . . . great novel" (191; see endnote 1). Kraut. [German for herb, plant, cabbage. English slang for German (pejorative).] Hudson refers to the Germans (q.v.) as Krauts. Willie calls their language "Kraut" (442). I recently found a document re Mr. Cassini that I believe is very significant in relation to his troubles after being indicted for failing to register as an agent of the Dominican Republic, Oleg Cassini was responsible for sending Alfred Davidson, Jr to Dallas before the assassination where William F. Cofer, Jr. put him in touch via telephone probably with....Jack Ruby On November 15, 1963 Cofer died.....Getting back to Igor, he was among other things, a golf partner of Allen Dulles. from Luis Posada files 124-90158-10003 NO TITLE [igor Cassini] January 30, 1943 http://www.maryferre...do?docId=138604 AGENCY : FBI RECORD NUMBER : 124-90158-10003 RECORDS SERIES : HQ AGENCY FILE NUMBER : CR 62-60303-23 DOCUMENT INFORMATION ORIGINATOR : FBI FROM : MM TO : HQ TITLE : [No Title] DATE : 01/30/1943 PAGES : 2 DOCUMENT TYPE : PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT SUBJECTS : LUIS POSADA; IGOR CASSINI CLASSIFICATION : UNCLASSIFIED RESTRICTIONS : OPEN IN FULL CURRENT STATUS : OPEN DATE OF LAST REVIEW : 12/08/1998 COMMENTS : LET Assistant Director RE IGOR CASSINI ESPIONAGE - G. In line with your telephone conversation with me on January 29 1943 there is being set out below a description and digest of the various papers, memoranda and other material found among the effects of the above named subject, which were seized for examination by the U.S.Customs Service upon the subject's entry into the United States on January 29, 1943. 1. Copy of a letter from subject to Mr. Sprulle Braden, United States Ambassador at Havana, dated January 29, 1942 in which IGOR complains that he has been unjustly accused of having voiced un-American feeling and having expressed sentiment against members of the United States government. He denies such accusations and goes on to say, "since you have been so frank with me Mr. Ambassador, I permit myself to tell you with equal sincerity that I also heard stories about members of your own Embassy and the Cuban government. These stories were repeated to me by people of good reputation. One of these stories concerning yourself, Mr. Ambassador was that General BENITEZ was very close to you because he hoped in the help of the United States Government to make him President of Cuba, but naturally I would never have permitted myself to take such stories into consideration or print them first without consulting your Excellency. The way it was, I thought those stores were nothing but bolas." 2. A dues card of the American Newspaper Guild in the name of the subject, bearing number 1794, issued March 12, 1942. 3. A copy of a book, "A GUIDE TO THE LANGUAGES OF EUROPE," by Archibald Lyall. 4. A book entitled "BATISTA" by ALBERTO ARREDONDO. 5. Subject's Selective Service Classification card from Local Board #2, Washington D.C., placing him in Class 3-A, together with a permit to leave the country Dec. 28, 1942 6. A single license plate with the caption "Cuba Deportiva" with a number which appears to be "06ND." COPIES DESTROYED 136 Oct 29, 1964 There were also found among Subjects effects the following items which appeared in the Spanish language, and upon translation, are as follows: A fifteen day membership in the Havana Yacht Club granted to L. IGOR CASSINI and his wife. Letters of introduction on behalf of CASSINI written by AURELIO F CONCHESA to Dr RAUL MAESTRI of the Diario de la Marina Havana; GENERAL FRANCISCO TABERNELLA, Forteleza de la Cabana, Havana; Dr. GUSTAVO CUERVO RUBIO, Vice President of the Republic 21, and N Vedado, Havana. Dr. ANDREW DOMINGO Y MORALES DEL CASTILLO, Secretary to the President, Havana. Comodora JULIO DE ARGUELLES Chief of Naval Operations (Jefe de la Marina de la Guerra) (Castillo de la Punta) Havana; General MANUEL BENITEZ, Chief of the National Police, Cuba Dr. CARLOS SALADRIGAS, Senator for Havana, Capitol Havana, Dr. Pedro Que, Director of "The World," Havana; stating that Mr. Cassini is to be in Havana for ten or twelve days to study the country for the purpose of writing articles for the Times Herald. News clipping in which CASSINI praises the Diario for sending candy to American soldiers. An account in a social column of an entertainment given in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Cassini at the National Hotel, Havana. Picture of Mrs. Cassini. A news story of various dinners held in honor of Mr. and Mrs Cassini. It is noted that JAIME MARINE, Director of Propaganda and Political Affairs, and his wife, and Dr. LUIS DE POSADA of the Diario de la Marina are present. Other newspaper articles consisting of pictures and articles concerning Mr. and Mrs. Cassini and their reception by the social circles of Havana during their visit there. The following are calling cards are in the possession of Mr. Cassini. ALFREDO T. QUILEZ, Director of "Carteles", Havana. Mrs. LIUIS FELIPE ESTRADA, The Mission Country Club, Havana. JOSE MANUEL LARA, Secretary of the Cuban Embassy. Dr. MIGUEL RECAREY, 26 N. 60th, between Fifth and Seventh Ave. Miramar; EMILIO BACARDI LAY, Empire Building, New York. MR. ESTRADA. Dr ABELARDO MORENO, Secrtetary of the Facility of Science, University of Havana, Cuba. RIF#: 124-90158-10003 (01/30/43) FBI#: CR 62-60303-23 http://www.maryferre...do?docId=138604 END (If you were wondering who the President of Cuba was in 1943; since he was practically the only government official not listed it was....Fulgencio Batista. Getting back to George DeMohrenschildt, [and it should be added that one cannot begin to cover the Dominican Republic angle in the JFK Assassination without mentioning Porforio Rubirosa; his cousin was a suspect in the kidnapping and murder of Jesus de Galindez.....] http://www.nypress.c...indez-case.html Ironically, Porfirio Rubirosa's name was allegedly dropped by George DeMohrneschildt in a conversation with Lee Harvey Oswald, although in a purely humorous context, if George' I am a Patsy, manuscript can be trusted. Lee was frequently critical of the United States and this was understandable considering his poor and sad childhood in New Orleans, Texas and New York. But also there was some logic in his arguments. "America is a racist society from its very origin. The arrival of the pilgrims and elimination of the Indians. United States is dishonest country because it's based on the spoliation of its rightful owners. This country is based of hate and intolerance. And finally," concluded Lee, "I think American Anglos hate this country because they ruined it to such an extent. Just look around - ugliness and polution. "You exaggerate, Lee, " I argued, "There are lovely places in each town." "The plastic ghettos of the rich, you call them lovely," he answered angrily. "In this country of great economic wealth, the jobs are hard to find even in times of prosperity. In depression, it's awful." "One thing you are right about," I said, "there are few happy people here. I remember an old joke: 'in America the poor get poorer, and the rich get..Porfirio Rubirosa." He did not laugh, Lee probably did not know who Porfirio Rubirosa was. END more Robert Kennedy: In His Own Words page 358 Kennedy: In 61' we started an investigation. We had a lot of information that people in Congress were getting money from the sugar interests in the Dominican Republic and elsewhere. We made a major investigation of it. We came up with some names but we were never able to prove it. Martin: Your only indictment was Cassini. Is that right? [igor Cassini allegedly accepted payments from the Trujillo regime in the Dominican Republic. Investigated by the FBI by order of Robert Kennedy, Cassini ultimately pleaded nolo contendre to four counts of failure to register as an agent of the Dominican Republic and paid a $10,000 fine] Kennedy: Yes, but this didn't come out in this investigation. Martin: Oh, it came out later as an unregistered foreign agent. At that time [New York Times correspondent] Tad Szulc published a story saying that [igor] Cassini and Bob Murphy had gone down to the Dominican Republic after your father had told Cassini that the Communists might take over after Trujillo fell. They'd done this before Trujillo was killed. They'd gone down just before the assassinatioon of Trujillo, about four months before, I think— no, about six weeks before. The White House confirmed this. Do you remember? Kennedy: I was involved in all of that. Martin: You were? Kennedy Yes. Martin: In other words, Cassini made it seem that he was much closer to your father than he really was? Kennedy: Yes, as I say I don't think he was ever in the house. He certainly wasn't at any meal. Now I don't know whether he came to the house, I think he talked to my father . . . . Martin: Now he was married, wasn't he, to [oil baron Charles Wrightman's daughter [Charlene]? And she later committed suicide. This was a terrible story, this whole thing Kennedy: It is terrible It was too bad. She had a difficult time because he was so odd. Her father cut her off, and wouldn't help her. Then [when Igor Cassini] got into difficulty with me and with the Department of Justice, [Wrightsman] wouldn't help them with the legal bills, so that his brother ended up paying the legal bills. The President liked his brother. Martin: That's Oleg the dress designer later...... Martin: Cassini? Robert Kennedy: Yes, . . . . As a matter of fact, the only investigation I've ever called off since I've been Attorney General I called off on Cassini because his brother came down and swore to me— and then swore to Bob Murphy— that [igor] wasn't involved in this, that he wasn't getting any money. You see, I'd heard a rumor of that. And [igor] said, "I've performed this function, you know with Murphy. And then I come back and somebody starts a rumor, and you start an investigation"— we had carried on the investigation for six weeks or so and didn't come up with anything—"and you carry on this investigation, and it's hurting me with my papers. It's hurting me with everybody else that's associated with me!" Which is all understandable So I notified the FBI not to continue with it. . . . . Finally I went back into it. I got some more information, and I went back into it. Martin: Was this later when the [senate Foreign Relations] Fulbright Committee began investigating? Kennedy: We had something before that. Martin: When [committee investigator Walter] Pincus went down? Kennedy: When Pincus went down, he had some information. Martin: You sent a couple of people down to my embassy, and then Pincus came down here from the Fulbright Committee. I had more damn investigators than I had attachés. Kennedy: I don't know how it was that we came up with some material, but we came up with the material about this thing. Martin: I think I got your fellows into the palace files down there, Bob. I think that's what it was. And I sent you something myself. Kennedy: Some material. That's right. Martin: I got a CIA fellow to pull that file for you. Kennedy: I felt really fooled [igor Cassini] had not only been playing with his own future, but with the integrity of the government— the integrity of the President, and mine and everything else. So I was going to prosecute him and I told him that. I mean, I never— I could never forgive him. I didn't care whether they registered or not. But it was a bad situation. It was an unpleasant one too. selected excerpts pages 358-361 Robert Kennedy: In His Own Words The Unpublished Recollections of the Kennedy Years - Robert Kennedy - Bantam Trade Paperback -1988 John Bartlow Martin 1915-1987 was born in Hamilton, Ohio and was the US Ambassador to the Dominican Republic from 1962 to 1964. In 1968, he worked for Senator Robert F. Kennedy until his assassination on June 4, 1968, after being named the winner in the California Democratic Primary. cut-out - An individual within an espionage network who enables other officers or agents to remain anonymous; an important element. Often, either a principal or lesser cut out is used, with the principal making hiring and firing decisions and protecting the network leader and the lesser simply acting as an intermediary. Was Igor Cassini a cut-out? More DeMohrenschildt To: Chief WHD From: Chief of Station Port Au Prince Subject: George and Jeanne DeMohrenschildt References A. HTPA-1265, 24 April 1964 B. HTPA-1286, 14 May1964 C. DIR 20615, 12 May1964 D. HTPA-1340, 16 June1964 E. HTPW-764, 29 June1964 1. Reference contains previous correspondence regarding George and Jeanne DE MOHRENSCHILDT. 2. On the evening of 20 June 1964, Conrad V. Rubricius was invited to the home of George and Jeanne DE MOHRENSCHILDT. 1. Wlodzimierz GALICKI (201-726173) Polish Commercial Attache resident in Haiti 2. Clemard Joseph CHARLES, President of the Commercial Bank of Haiti and of the Haitian Chamber of Commerce 3. Sheik Mohammed FAYED an oil businessman in Kuwait, who was an official guest of the Haitian government 4. Lt. Willy GAILLARD, presidential guard officer, assigned by President Duvalier to accompany FAYED during his stay in Haiti. 5. Mr and Mrs. Philippe and Antonella PALLAS. PALLAS is French and is a United Nations Employee in Gonaives. Mrs PALLAS is Italian from Sicily. They arrived in Haiti about four or five months ago. RUBRICIUS had met them several times previously. 6. Robert and Ellen Taylor, a young PBPRIME couple. Taylor is a technician for the Malaria Eradication Program in Haiti. They live in the same neighborhood as the De MOHRENSCHILDT’s. 3. While everyone was having before dinner drinks, Charles mentioned that he had just recently returned with Colonel Georges DANACHE, Haitian Air Corps Chief from a trip to Denver, Colorado and Dallas, Texas. Charles made no mention as to the purpose of the trip but it was undoubtedly connected to the T-28 airplane deal. Directing his comments to RUBRICIUS, CHARLES who is coal black deplored the racial situation in PBPRIME. RUBRICIUS replied that steps were being taken to ameliorate this situation and besides PBPRIME was not the only country where racial problems existed. The veiled reference to Haiti did not seem to be lost on Charles, and he dropped this topic of conversation. Mid-way through the dinner that followed CHARLES disappeared. De MOHRENSCHILDT explained that CHARLES had taken ill and was forced to leave. De MOHRENSCHILDT commented that President Duvalier had been keeping CHARLES very busy lately, and this was having an effect on CHARLES health. During the whole time that CHARLES was at De MOHRENSCHILDT’s house, the De MOHRENSCHILDT’s were extremely friendly and solicitious to him. 5. Sheik Mohammed FAYED stated that he was in Haiti as an official guest of the Haitian government and that his purpose for being here was to explore the oil producing and investment possibilities in Haiti. FAYED is about 30-35 years old. He speaks excellent English and passable French. He has slightly negroid features and might easily pass as a member of the Haitian mulatto elite. He strikes me as being friendly and evil at the same time. His side-kick, Lt. GAILLARD, was dressed in formal civilian clothing and was almost completely uncommunicative throughout the whole evening. 6. Mr and Mrs. PALLAS, who apparently had just recently met the De MOHRENSCHILDT’s, invited all persons present to a pizza dinner at their weekend home in Petionville on the evening of 22 June. On June 22 all persons who were at the De MOHRENSCHILDT’s dinner showed up at the PALLAS home with the exception of Clemard Joseph CHARLES and Mr and Mrs Taylor. In the middle of the dinner FAYED excused himself stating that he had to be absent for about an hour to recieve an important overseas telephone call at his hotel. He returned in about an hour. 7. After playing tennis with Georges De MOHRENSCHILDT at the Petionville Club on 21 July, DE MOHRENSCHILDT and RUBRICIUS had drinks and a swim in the club pool. Present also were Mrs. De MOHRENSCHILDT and Wlodzimierz GALICKI. A general discussion ensued concerning economic and living conditions in Haiti. RUBRICIUS opined that even in the country living conditions in Mexico were vastly superior to Haiti. GALICKI fully agreed fully with this statement. De MOHRENSCHILDT as he has often done in the past insisted that this was not true and that conditions in Haiti were nowhere near as bad as most believe. At this point Mrs DE MOHRENSCHILDT and GALICKI departed and left De MOHRENSCHILDT and RUBRICIUS alone. 8. Without any questioning or prodding by RUBRICIUS, DEMOHRENSCHILDT volunteered the following information concerning the T-28 airplane deal which DE MOHRENSCHILDT said recieved so much erroneous publicity lately in the PBPRIME press. a. The trip of Mexican economic missions to Haiti last May and the T-28 airplane deal were the work of Clemard Joseph CHARLES, but contrary to popular belief both of these deals were separate and distinct and had no connection with each other. The leader of the Mexican economic mission to Haiti in May was Victor Blanchett, [phonetic] a very wealthy individual who is closely connected to former Mexican President ALEMAN and Fred ORLEANS a wealthy Texas businessman who has large investments in Mexico. Contrary to the story in the New York Times ORLEANS had no connection at all with the airplane deal. The purpose of the trip of the Mexico economic mission was to explore business and economic possibilities in Haiti. BLANCHETT who speaks neither French nor English met several times with President Duvalier. De Mohrenschildt who speaks French and Spanish served as interpreter during these meetings. As a gesture of goodwill to the Haitian government, the Mexican group agreed to lend Clemard Joseph CHARLES bank, the Commercial Bank of Haiti, $250,000 at 7 or 8% interest. At the last moment, however, this agreement fell through, and for the time being at least, the Mexican businessmen have decided not to invest money in Haiti. b. While this was taking place “two Jews from Dallas,” who were known both to De Mohrenschildt and Charles, arrived in Port-au-Prince and offered to furnish to Duvalier two T-28 airplanes for free. [Comment: The two Jews from Dallas are probably Henry KLEPAK and Sidney SHINE who according to La Nouvelliste arrived in on 10 June to Haiti in connection with a deal with the Caribbean Cordage Mill, S. A.] Charles took it upon himself to promote the airplane deal. The only catch in the transaction is $25,000 would be required to “recondition” the engines of each plane, but for some strange reason Duvalier agreed. Unfortunately, somebody in ZRMETAL, not ODACID, found out about the airplane deal and was responsible for canceling the export license. c. Duvalier was very disappointed about this turn of events, and as a result CHARLES had fallen in Duvalier’s esteem not only for the cancellation of the plane deal but also for the failure of the negotiations with the Mexican business delegation. CHARLES only business success within recent weeks was the visit of Sheik Mohammed FAYED. FAYED had bought a home and property in Haiti as a hedge against a possible take-over of his country by NASSAR. FAYED is also interested in investing money in Haiti to explore for oil. Recently an oil producing area was discovered in the Dominican Republic and it is now producing 300 barrels a day. Similarly, topographic and geological conditions exist in Haiti, so that it is very likely oil exists in Haiti as well. 9. At this point DE MOHRENSCHILDT changed the direction of his conversation and stated that he had been in Haiti several times in the last twenty years and as a result understood the country very well. DE MOHRENSCHILDT had words of praise for the Duvalier government and said that it was badly understood by ODYOKE. As RUBRICIUS had a pressing business engagement, he stated he had to leave but added that on another another occasion he would be happy to hear more of DE MOHRENSWCHILDT’s views 10. At a diplomatic reception given by Wlodzimierz GALICKI, the Polish Commercial Attache, RUBRICIUS encountered the De MOHRENSCHILDT’S who introduced RUBRICIUS to Mr. Carol ROUSSIER a business friend of the De MOHRENSCHILDT’S from Texas. DE MOHRENSCHILDT in half-serious,half joking manner, stated that ROUSSIER had just arrived in Haiti in connection with the plane deal. Later in the evening, ROUSSIER commented to RUBRICIUS that it was most unfortunate ODYOKE had cancelled the plane deal because Duvalier was a staunch anti-Communist, and if ODYOKE put obstacles in Duvalier’s way, Duvalier would be forced to look for help elsewhere to find means to protect himself. (Comment: ROUSSIER is a clean-cut, soft speaking Texan, who most certainly is in Haiti in connection with some underhanded business deal. He is 35-40 years old and is very well-dressed. 11. A sub-source [02]LEMON-1 has reported that the De Mohrenschildts spend a great deal of time at the home of Wlodzimierz GALICKI. Details concerning this matter will be reported in a separate dispatch. JOSEPH G. BENSON More FBI - HSCA Subject File: Loran Eugene Hall NO TITLE excerpts pgs 4-8 MM T-1 is MM [redacted] -S 134[redacted] 694 and 692 MM T-2 is MM [redacted] -C who was used to characterize LARRY DE JOSEPH MM T-3 is PSI redacted who was used to characterize FELIPE VIDAL MM T-4 is Jose Aleman 105-1597-561 Scott-Bryan Apartment Hotel, 3300 Collins Avenue, Miami Beach, Florida who furnished the information to SA George Davis, Jr........ page 5 On 3/4/63 MM T-1 advised of a plan by a group of Haitian exiles headed by ROGER RIGAUD to conduct a seaborne raid on the north coast of Haiti, near [sic] Por Hatien. RIGAUD planned to come to Miami to implement plan. Raid was to be staged near Bahamas, so as not to violate U.S. Law. The main reason for the raid was to obtain publicity and raise money for RIGAUD’s group which has backing of PAUL MAGLIORE, former Haitian President. RIGAUD expected to receive aid by Cuban exiles in Miami. MM T-1 subsequently advised ROGER RIGAUD arrived in Miami on 3/7/63. He discussed Haitian situation and outlined his platform for reform in Haiti. He said he had contact with Haitian desk of U. S. State Department recently, and his group had made great inroads with U.S. government in past month. RIGAUD was in contact in Miami with FRANCISCO SARALEGUI, publisher of “Bohemian Libre” and through SARALEGUI was to make contact with JUAN BOSCH, president of Dominican Republic. MM T-1 learned RIGAUD made top-secret agreement with Cuban exiles, whereby in return for aid received he would permit them to set up a Government In Exile in Haiti from which operations could be conducted against FIDEL CASTRO. page 7 RIGAUD plans to see two unidentified U. S. congressmen in Washington on March 5, 1963 to discuss his over all plans to overthrow PRESIDENT DUVALIER of Haiti. [Robert: It is important to understand the Kennedy Administration policy with regard to Haiti; author of Papa Doc: The Truth About Haiti Today, noted that ”In Washington, the United States made it clear that it did not consider the April, 1961 [Haitian] election legal and that it felt Duvalier’s constitutional term would end May 15, 1963; it became an open confrontation between Duvalier and the Kennedy administration” so, in a very real sense the clock was ticking see pages 170, 176 Papa Doc: The Truth About Haiti Today - Bernard Diedrich and Al Burt] page 8 On September 18, 1961 Robert Emmett Johnson advised special agents of the Federal Bureau of Investigation in Miami that he had been employed as Foreign Affairs Analyst for Dominican Republic leader Generalissimo TRUJILLO, who was assassinated May 30, 1961. JOHNSON had this position from 1956 to 1960. As of that time JOHNSON stated that he was employed by the International Service of Information Foundation of Baltimore Maryland 23 West 23rd Street Baltimore which he described as an independent intelligence-gathering organization operated by ULIUS AMOS a former Chief of Staff in the United States Air Force. On March 8, 1963, MM T-1 advised that ROGER RIGAUD, a leader of the Parti National Haiten (PNH), arrived in Miami on March 7, 1963. He is staying at the residence of LARRY DE JOSEPH at Sweetwater, Florida., a suburb of Miami, exact address unknown. On August 31, 1962, MM T-2 advised that LARRY DE JOSEPH claims to be have been an employee in Havana, Cuba of SANTOS TRAFFICANTE, well-known Tampa Florida hoodlum who had large gambling interests in Cuba during the BATISTA regime. DE JOSEPH worked in the Sans Souci gambling casino in Havana for TRAFFICANTE. On August 29, Mr. WILLIAM KENNEY Departmental Attorney, United States Department of Justice, advised that LARRY DE JOSEPH was fronting for SANTOS TRAFFICANTE and others in a deal with the Guatemalan Government, in which a hotel with a gambling casino would be constructed in Guatemala. In return for gambling rights, the Trafficante group would construct a public housing project in Guatemala. http://www.maryferre...603&relPageId=4 RIF#: 124-10217-10070 (04/08/63) FBI#: CR 2-1748-76 "The World's Leading Private Eye" ULIUS AMOSS DIES RAN SPY NETWORK Ex-Officer Led World-Wide Private Intelligence Service Baltimore Nov 9 (AP) (1961) Ulius L. Amoss, a colonel in the Air Force Reserve who operated a private international spy network died here today in his home. He was 67 years old. Mr. Amoss, once described as "the world's leading private eye" operated the intelligence service from his office here. Some 1,000 persons subscribed to the International Services Information Foundation which he organized fifteen years ago. The former intelligence officer made national news in 1953 when he claimed his organization had engineered the escape into Denmark of a Polish flyer in his Russian built MIG-15 jet. A Polish lieutenant,Franciszek Jarecki, landed the undamaged plane, said to have been the first of its type to fall into Allied hands after the outbreak of the Korean conflict. The flyer later denied Mr. Amoss had had anything to do with his defection. Mr. Amoss served with the Office of Strategic Services early in World War II. Later he became chief of the Ninth Air Force and was ultimately assigned to special duties with the Air Force General Staff. Linked to Vassily Stalin In 1953 The American Weekly published a story by Mr. Amoss that told of his attempt to engineer the trans- portation out of Russia of Vassily Stalin, son of the late dictator. The attempt failed and it was never made clear whether the younger Stalin was to have been kidnapped or to have cooperated in the plot. In 1945 Mr. Amoss was decorated by Gen. Charles de Gaulle with the French Croix de Guerre and Legion of Honor for his service as commanding officer of the Experimental Detachment, G-3, Army Forces in the Middle East, and with the Ninth Air Force. Before the war Mr. Amoss was president of the Gramtrade International Corporation of New York, exporters of metals and chemicals. FBI Report of December 18, 1963 by Robert Gemberling re Assassination of President Kennedy page 137 Mr EDWARD EARL KEMPE, Co-owner of the Export-Import Management Company, 1310 Davis Building, who resides at 2614 Anzio Drive, was advised that he did not have to make any statement and that any statement he made could be used in a court of law. He said he was cognizant of the fact that he could have an attorney if desired. He advised that he was anti-Kennedy and that quite often he stopped in the Patio Lounge near Murphy and Elm Streets for a beer after work. He did not recall making the statement that if President Kennedy came to Dallas, he would be assassinated. He did not recall ever having made any statements against Pres. Kennedy at the Patio Lounge and that if he did, it was "beer talking." Mr. Kempe stated he did not know Lee Harvey Oswald and had never heard of him prior to the time he assassinated the President. He stated that he knew Jack Ruby, by reputation only, but was not personally acquainted with him. He stated that he did not have any information that Ruby and Oswald were acquainted with each other or were connected in any manner. Mr. Kempe advised that he was in Guatemala at the time of the assassination, and returned on Sunday, November 24, 1963, after the assassination. He stated that he had no personal feeling against Pres. Kennedy and certainly would not harm him. He said that his father, TED KEMPE, 2614 Anzio Drive, Dallas, is a friend of President LYNDON B. JOHNSON and that he [EDWARD EARL KEMPE] is currently engaged in the export-import business of shrimp and produce. He said that certainly he had no forewarning concerning the assassination of the President, but believed that there was an atmosphere which had been built up in this country which contributed to President KENNEDY'S assassination. He said the atmosphere was based upon 1) feeling of frustration in the nation; 2) the civil rights issue; and 3) too many of our American traditions had been taken away By way of background information. Mr KEMPE advised that he was born in Dallas, Texas and had also lived in Tyler, Texas from either 1946 or 1948, until 1954. In 1954. he moved to Corpus Christi, Texas , where he was residing when he was divorced by his wife. He subsequently moved to Austin, Texas, where he lived for approximately one year engaging in the real estate business there. Since 1958, he has been in Dallas, Texas where at first he was engaged as a sales manager for Turbo Craft boats, and when that enterprise was sold, he started his current business venture with a partner, Don Newell. He said that in his business it is necessary to travel, and stated he had made numerous trips to Guatemala in 1961, 1962 and 1963. He holds Passport Number B 611701, and during 1961 lived abroad in London, England for a few months, displaying wares of Dallas manufacturers at the Trade Center in London, sponsored by the U.S. Department of Commerce there. He stated that he was in London from September 21, 1961 to December 4, 1961. He stated that he traveled by plane to England and usually used Pan American Airlines to go to Guatemala. His passport reflected that on December 4, 1961 he left London, England, presumably to come to the United States. On January 27, 1962, he arrived in London from the United States, and departed London on January 30, 1962. He arrived in Geneva, Switzerland on January 31, 1962, and left on February 5, 1962, for London. He arrived in London on February 7, 1962, and arrived in New York City on same date. Mr. Kempe imported shrimp and produce from Guatemala to the United States, principally from Ocean Gardens Produce Company, San Diego, California. Mr. Kempe is described as follows: Race White Sex Male Age 44 Birth data Born September 13, 1919, Dallas, Texas Weight 180 Height 6'2" Hair Light Brown Eyes Gray Complexion Light Build Slender Marital Status Divorced Occupation Export-Import business more ON 29 APRIL 1963 DOROTHE MATLACK TELEPHONED TO THE EFFECT THAT.. she was of the opinion that continue the U S government should continue to play ball with [redacted] as a future asset in Haitian affairs. Signed A F CZAJKOWSKI http://www.maryferre...911&relPageId=5 Deceased Name: Albin F. Czajkowski , 86; was Lieutenant Colonel Albin F. Czajkowski, 86, of this city, who rose to Lieutenant Colonel in the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, died Oct. 5 in Arlington, Va., where he had lived for the past 53 years. Born in Easthampton, he graduated from Easthampton High School. After graduating, he helped his parents manage their store until 1935, when he enlisted in the 3rd U.S. Cavalry regiment stationed at Ft. Ethan Allen, Vt. Upon completing a three-year tour of duty in June, 1938, he moved to Washington, D.C., where he worked at the U.S. Government Printing Office while attending Georgetown University School of Foreign Service. He graduated from that university in 1948, after interrupting his education to serve in the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers for the duration of World War II. During the war, he served as an engineer supply officer in England and Continental Europe, taking part in the campaigns of Northern France, Central Europe and the Rhineland and rising to the rank of captain. For his service, he earned the European-African-Middle Eastern Campaign Medal with three bronze battle stars, the American Campaign Medal and the Army Occupation Medal for service in Germany. After the war, he transferred to the Army Reserves and continued to work with the Corps of Engineers in various capacities at the Pentagon and Ft. Belvoir in Alexandria, Va. He retired as Lieutenant Colonel in 1974. In retirement, he managed the Officers' Service Club, a private social club in Washington, D.C. He was a volunteer mentor to young people, particularly recent immigrants. He leaves his sister, Bertha C. Zahn of Arlington, Va.; two nephews, Donald Cykowski of Easthampton and Stephen Cykowski of Richmond, Va.; three nieces, Elizabeth Zahn Muchnick of Arlington, Va., Marilyn Zahn Cheek, of Warrenton, Va., and Ellen Cykowski Sortore of Roanoke, Va. The interment with full military honors will take place Thursday in Arlington National Cemetery, Arlington, Va. Northern Virginia Funeral Services, Chantilly, is in charge. END Ferrie Connection? On March 1, 1967 TP T-13 advised that a news broadcast on the Spanish language radio station had recently been heard in Tampa indicating that an individual named DEL VALLE had been murdered in Miami on February 23, 1967, and that the radio broadcast described the dead man as a “Lieutenant” of SANTO TRAFFICANTE. It was subsequently determined that the broadcast referred to the murder of ELADIO DEL VALLE also known as YOTO a Cuban exile known to be a smuggler and engaged in anti CASTRO activities with no known connection between him and SANTOS TRAFFICANTE, JR. http://www.maryferre...do?docId=128860 Final Note http://www.maryferre...84&relPageId=56 On the morning of November 22, 1963, the alarm rang at 6:40 a.m. and she [Marina] awoke and Oswald remained asleep. She began feeding the baby and at about 7 o’clock she awoke Oswald and told him that he had better get up or he would be late for work. Sound like the behavior of someone planning on killing the President of the United States the same day?
  17. One of my big frustrations re DEMOHRENSCHILDT and brother Dimitri has been trying to verify the accuracy of research re Bruce Campbell Adamson. Now it looks as if there is a very significant alternative; unbeknownst to me, the Warren Commission supporting documents are rife with information re a multitude of associates of George, his wives, Dimitri, etc. Example See below Commission Document 535 - FBI Morrissey Report of 28 Feb 1964 re: DeMohrenschildts pg 1 & 45 Mrs Wynne Sharples Denton, former wife of subject, who indicated subject [DE MOHRENSCHILDT] associated with known homosexual she describes his as irresponsible; childish unreliable, poor reputation, sexually promiscuous prior to marriage; resentful of rich and successful people and a person who might participate in a revolution for the fun of it. http://www.maryferre...934&relPageId=2 Information on brother DIMITRI, WF T-1 reported 1958 one GEORGE DE MOHRENSCHILDT tried to meet with Dominican Ambassador DE MOYA....... "DIMITII DJORDJADZE Representative Christie Mitchell Oil Company Fidelity Union Life Building "I first met GEORGE DE MOHRENSCHILDT in July 1956. He was at that time self employed in the oil-business and had an office in ther Republic National Bank Building http://www.maryferre...34&relPageId=78 page 64 Jeanne Legon plans to fly Air France to France, Milan and London for Daniel Millstein http://www.maryferre...34&relPageId=66 Commission Document 543 - FBI McHugh Report of 03 Mar 1964 re: George DeMohrenschildt http://www.maryferre....do?docId=10942 page 1 George D. Mitchell who accompanied George DeMohrenschildt to Yugoslavia, sponsored by the International Cooperation Administration, U. S. State Department during 1957, advised he was not too well acquainted with DE MOHRENSCHILDT and furnished limited information regarding DE MOHRENSCHILDT's background. Result of check of records of the Hoover Institute Stanford University Palo Alto California where DMITRI S von MOHRENSCHILDT did research work in Summer of 1947 set forth. DETAIL Information set forth below was furnished to SA's Perry W. Moothart and John P. McHugh on Febraury 28, 1964 by GEORGE D. MITCHELL, Seismologist, Room 565-A Earth Science Building, University of California, Berkeley, California, who resides at 226 Carquinez Ave., El Cerrito, California. Mitchell stated he was not too well acquainted with DE MOHRENSCHILDT but knew him from a trip they both made to Yugoslavia in 1957. This trip was sponsored by the International Cooperation Administration of the U. S. State Department and was for the purpose of doing oil consultant work for the Yugoslavian government. At the time he was approached by the Department of State for the aforementioned trip, MITCHELL was a resident of Dallas, Texas, and DE MOHRENSCHILDT was also a resident of that city where he was self-employed as a petroleum engineer. They actually left for Yugoslavia sometime around the first week of February, 1957 and prior to that time met about four or five times in Dallas discussing prospects for the trip and arrangements for same to be made with the Department of State. MITCHELL had not known DE MOHRENSCHILDT prior to that time. When MITCHELL met DE MOHRENSCHILDT initially, he understood that he was divorced, that his wife was a medical doctor, and that they had one child who was ill with some sort of a blood complication. He related that he had never met DE MOHRENSCHILDT's wife or child......... Mitchell explained that while he and DeMohrenschildt were in Yugoslavia, they did not have extensive contact with each other. In addition DeMohrenschildt mentioned that he had spent time in Bled, Yugoslavia, prior to travels there with Mitchell in 1957 RE DMITRI S. von MOHRENSCHILDT The following investigation was conducted by SA TROY F WILDER RE DMITRI S von MOHPENSCHILDT Records of Hoover Institute on Records on War Revolution and Peace (Institute) made available on February 28, 1964, by Mrs. Winifred Teague, clerk, reflect the following information concerning DMITRI S von MOHRENSCHILDT. end page 4 In a letter dated October 14 1946 DMITRI S von MOHRENSCHILDT wrote to the Institute identifying himself as Managing Editor of the "Russian Review at Dartmouth College and expressed an interest in a possible Rockefeller Scholarship in Slavic studies. The Institute received another letter dated........ Professor Herbert F. West, Chairman of Department of Comparative Literature, Dartmouth Arthur T. Coleman recommended Mohrenschildt as a first class scholar; end page 5 Professor ERNEST HUNTER WRIGHT Columbia University Department of English in letter dated March 31 1947, recommended DMITRI S von MOHRENSCHILDT highly and commented that DMITRI S von MOHRENSCHILDT did graduate work at Yale. ........took place in 1917 SF T-1 added that he sees DMITRI S von MOHRENSCHILDT is a former Czarist Naval officer and is completely reliable and strongly anti-Communist. He said he fled the Soviet Union when the Communist Revolution. SF T-1 added that he sees DMITRI S von MOHRENSCHILDT every two or three years when they attend the American Historical Association Convention which is held in various cities in the United States.DMITRI S von MOHRENSCHILDT would visit with a Dr. Judith Tyberg, 1162 North Street Andrews Place, Los Angeles, California SF T-1 recalled learned form him at that time that he had given up his position as editor of the "Russian Review" and was then devoting time to conducting research concerning India. Commission Document 547 - FBI Letterhead Memorandum of 06 Mar 1964 re; DeMohrenschildts...Check on George and Jeanne DeMohrenschildt with France's Surete Nationale [French National Police], and Direction de la Surveillance du Territoire [French Counter-Intelligence] with negative results. So, with some of Adamson's information, corroborated to a degree, it might be interesting to reflect on what he alleged and reflect on the implications. Adamson basically stated that the American foreign policy network in the 1950's was dominated, or, at least included W H Chamberlin, the Russian Review, and Allen Dulles, among others relationships with this apparatus. William F Buckley and YAF are also players, as are AMCOMLIB ie Radio Liberty. The picture he paints is that the Eisenhower-era foreign policy nexus was to some degree, dominated by this group, correct me if I am misstating......... Of course the laundry list of Bruce Campbell Adamson's cast of characters is literally dozens of names.... One of whom is Cholly Knickerbocker, Igor Cassini was the second Cholly Knickerbocker, a Hearst newspaper pseudonym.... See *Knickerbocker, Cholly. [This was the pen name of two journalists. It was first used by Maury Henry Biddle Paul (1880-1942), who was the society editor of the New York Evening Mail (1918-1923), the New York American (1919-1937), and the New York Journal-American (1937-1942). But the Knickerbocker in Islands is probably Igor Loienaski Cassini (1915—), whose gossip column about the rich and famous was syndicated in more than fifty Hearst newspapers. This Cholly Knickerbocker was also known as the "Boswell of the Jet Set."] 19 Audrey Bruce had read Cholly Knickerbocker's report that Hollywood scriptwriter Roger Davis is preparing "to write a . . . great novel" (191; see endnote 1). Kraut. [German for herb, plant, cabbage. English slang for German (pejorative).] Hudson refers to the Germans (q.v.) as Krauts. Willie calls their language "Kraut" (442). I recently found a document re Mr. Cassini that I believe is very significant in relation to his troubles after being indicted for failing to register as an agent of the Dominican Republic, Oleg Cassini was responsible for sending Alfred Davidson, Jr to Dallas before the assassination where William F. Cofer, Jr. put him in touch via telephone probably with....Jack Ruby On November 15, 1963 Cofer died.....Getting back to Igor, he was among other things, a golf partner of Allen Dulles. from Luis Posada files 124-90158-10003 NO TITLE [igor Cassini] January 30, 1943 http://www.maryferre...do?docId=138604 AGENCY : FBI RECORD NUMBER : 124-90158-10003 RECORDS SERIES : HQ AGENCY FILE NUMBER : CR 62-60303-23 DOCUMENT INFORMATION ORIGINATOR : FBI FROM : MM TO : HQ TITLE : [No Title] DATE : 01/30/1943 PAGES : 2 DOCUMENT TYPE : PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT SUBJECTS : LUIS POSADA; IGOR CASSINI CLASSIFICATION : UNCLASSIFIED RESTRICTIONS : OPEN IN FULL CURRENT STATUS : OPEN DATE OF LAST REVIEW : 12/08/1998 COMMENTS : LET Assistant Director RE IGOR CASSINI ESPIONAGE - G. In line with your telephone conversation with me on January 29 1943 there is being set out below a description and digest of the various papers, memoranda and other material found among the effects of the above named subject, which were seized for examination by the U.S.Customs Service upon the subject's entry into the United States on January 29, 1943. 1. Copy of a letter from subject to Mr. Sprulle Braden, United States Ambassador at Havana, dated January 29, 1942 in which IGOR complains that he has been unjustly accused of having voiced un-American feeling and having expressed sentiment against members of the United States government. He denies such accusations and goes on to say, "since you have been so frank with me Mr. Ambassador, I permit myself to tell you with equal sincerity that I also heard stories about members of your own Embassy and the Cuban government. These stories were repeated to me by people of good reputation. One of these stories concerning yourself, Mr. Ambassador was that General BENITEZ was very close to you because he hoped in the help of the United States Government to make him President of Cuba, but naturally I would never have permitted myself to take such stories into consideration or print them first without consulting your Excellency. The way it was, I thought those stores were nothing but bolas." 2. A dues card of the American Newspaper Guild in the name of the subject, bearing number 1794, issued March 12, 1942. 3. A copy of a book, "A GUIDE TO THE LANGUAGES OF EUROPE," by Archibald Lyall. 4. A book entitled "BATISTA" by ALBERTO ARREDONDO. 5. Subject's Selective Service Classification card from Local Board #2, Washington D.C., placing him in Class 3-A, together with a permit to leave the country Dec. 28, 1942 6. A single license plate with the caption "Cuba Deportiva" with a number which appears to be "06ND." COPIES DESTROYED 136 Oct 29, 1964 There were also found among Subjects effects the following items which appeared in the Spanish language, and upon translation, are as follows: A fifteen day membership in the Havana Yacht Club granted to L. IGOR CASSINI and his wife. Letters of introduction on behalf of CASSINI written by AURELIO F CONCHESA to Dr RAUL MAESTRI of the Diario de la Marina Havana; GENERAL FRANCISCO TABERNELLA, Forteleza de la Cabana, Havana; Dr. GUSTAVO CUERVO RUBIO, Vice President of the Republic 21, and N Vedado, Havana. Dr. ANDREW DOMINGO Y MORALES DEL CASTILLO, Secretary to the President, Havana. Comodora JULIO DE ARGUELLES Chief of Naval Operations (Jefe de la Marina de la Guerra) (Castillo de la Punta) Havana; General MANUEL BENITEZ, Chief of the National Police, Cuba Dr. CARLOS SALADRIGAS, Senator for Havana, Capitol Havana, Dr. Pedro Que, Director of "The World," Havana; stating that Mr. Cassini is to be in Havana for ten or twelve days to study the country for the purpose of writing articles for the Times Herald. News clipping in which CASSINI praises the Diario for sending candy to American soldiers. An account in a social column of an entertainment given in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Cassini at the National Hotel, Havana. Picture of Mrs. Cassini. A news story of various dinners held in honor of Mr. and Mrs Cassini. It is noted that JAIME MARINE, Director of Propaganda and Political Affairs, and his wife, and Dr. LUIS DE POSADA of the Diario de la Marina are present. Other newspaper articles consisting of pictures and articles concerning Mr. and Mrs. Cassini and their reception by the social circles of Havana during their visit there. The following are calling cards are in the possession of Mr. Cassini. ALFREDO T. QUILEZ, Director of "Carteles", Havana. Mrs. LIUIS FELIPE ESTRADA, The Mission Country Club, Havana. JOSE MANUEL LARA, Secretary of the Cuban Embassy. Dr. MIGUEL RECAREY, 26 N. 60th, between Fifth and Seventh Ave. Miramar; EMILIO BACARDI LAY, Empire Building, New York. MR. ESTRADA. Dr ABELARDO MORENO, Secrtetary of the Facility of Science, University of Havana, Cuba. RIF#: 124-90158-10003 (01/30/43) FBI#: CR 62-60303-23 http://www.maryferre...do?docId=138604 END (If you were wondering who the President of Cuba was in 1943; since he was practically the only government official not listed it was....Fulgencio Batista. Getting back to George DeMohrenschildt, [and it should be added that one cannot begin to cover the Dominican Republic angle in the JFK Assassination without mentioning Porforio Rubirosa; his cousin was a suspect in the kidnapping and murder of Jesus de Galindez.....] http://www.nypress.c...indez-case.html Ironically, Porfirio Rubirosa's name was allegedly dropped by George DeMohrneschildt in a conversation with Lee Harvey Oswald, although in a purely humorous context, if George' I am a Patsy, manuscript can be trusted. Lee was frequently critical of the United States and this was understandable considering his poor and sad childhood in New Orleans, Texas and New York. But also there was some logic in his arguments. "America is a racist society from its very origin. The arrival of the pilgrims and elimination of the Indians. United States is dishonest country because it's based on the spoliation of its rightful owners. This country is based of hate and intolerance. And finally," concluded Lee, "I think American Anglos hate this country because they ruined it to such an extent. Just look around - ugliness and polution. "You exaggerate, Lee, " I argued, "There are lovely places in each town." "The plastic ghettos of the rich, you call them lovely," he answered angrily. "In this country of great economic wealth, the jobs are hard to find even in times of prosperity. In depression, it's awful." "One thing you are right about," I said, "there are few happy people here. I remember an old joke: 'in America the poor get poorer, and the rich get..Porfirio Rubirosa." He did not laugh, Lee probably did not know who Porfirio Rubirosa was. END more Robert Kennedy: In His Own Words page 358 Kennedy: In 61' we started an investigation. We had a lot of information that people in Congress were getting money from the sugar interests in the Dominican Republic and elsewhere. We made a major investigation of it. We came up with some names but we were never able to prove it. Martin: Your only indictment was Cassini. Is that right? [igor Cassini allegedly accepted payments from the Trujillo regime in the Dominican Republic. Investigated by the FBI by order of Robert Kennedy, Cassini ultimately pleaded nolo contendre to four counts of failure to register as an agent of the Dominican Republic and paid a $10,000 fine] Kennedy: Yes, but this didn't come out in this investigation. Martin: Oh, it came out later as an unregistered foreign agent. At that time [New York Times correspondent] Tad Szulc published a story saying that [igor] Cassini and Bob Murphy had gone down to the Dominican Republic after your father had told Cassini that the Communists might take over after Trujillo fell. They'd done this before Trujillo was killed. They'd gone down just before the assassinatioon of Trujillo, about four months before, I think— no, about six weeks before. The White House confirmed this. Do you remember? Kennedy: I was involved in all of that. Martin: You were? Kennedy Yes. Martin: In other words, Cassini made it seem that he was much closer to your father than he really was? Kennedy: Yes, as I say I don't think he was ever in the house. He certainly wasn't at any meal. Now I don't know whether he came to the house, I think he talked to my father . . . . Martin: Now he was married, wasn't he, to [oil baron Charles Wrightman's daughter [Charlene]? And she later committed suicide. This was a terrible story, this whole thing Kennedy: It is terrible It was too bad. She had a difficult time because he was so odd. Her father cut her off, and wouldn't help her. Then [when Igor Cassini] got into difficulty with me and with the Department of Justice, [Wrightsman] wouldn't help them with the legal bills, so that his brother ended up paying the legal bills. The President liked his brother. Martin: That's Oleg the dress designer later...... Martin: Cassini? Robert Kennedy: Yes, . . . . As a matter of fact, the only investigation I've ever called off since I've been Attorney General I called off on Cassini because his brother came down and swore to me— and then swore to Bob Murphy— that [igor] wasn't involved in this, that he wasn't getting any money. You see, I'd heard a rumor of that. And [igor] said, "I've performed this function, you know with Murphy. And then I come back and somebody starts a rumor, and you start an investigation"— we had carried on the investigation for six weeks or so and didn't come up with anything—"and you carry on this investigation, and it's hurting me with my papers. It's hurting me with everybody else that's associated with me!" Which is all understandable So I notified the FBI not to continue with it. . . . . Finally I went back into it. I got some more information, and I went back into it. Martin: Was this later when the [senate Foreign Relations] Fulbright Committee began investigating? Kennedy: We had something before that. Martin: When [committee investigator Walter] Pincus went down? Kennedy: When Pincus went down, he had some information. Martin: You sent a couple of people down to my embassy, and then Pincus came down here from the Fulbright Committee. I had more damn investigators than I had attachés. Kennedy: I don't know how it was that we came up with some material, but we came up with the material about this thing. Martin: I think I got your fellows into the palace files down there, Bob. I think that's what it was. And I sent you something myself. Kennedy: Some material. That's right. Martin: I got a CIA fellow to pull that file for you. Kennedy: I felt really fooled [igor Cassini] had not only been playing with his own future, but with the integrity of the government— the integrity of the President, and mine and everything else. So I was going to prosecute him and I told him that. I mean, I never— I could never forgive him. I didn't care whether they registered or not. But it was a bad situation. It was an unpleasant one too. selected excerpts pages 358-361 Robert Kennedy: In His Own Words The Unpublished Recollections of the Kennedy Years - Robert Kennedy - Bantam Trade Paperback -1988 John Bartlow Martin 1915-1987 was born in Hamilton, Ohio and was the US Ambassador to the Dominican Republic from 1962 to 1964. In 1968, he worked for Senator Robert F. Kennedy until his assassination on June 4, 1968, after being named the winner in the California Democratic Primary. cut-out - An individual within an espionage network who enables other officers or agents to remain anonymous; an important element. Often, either a principal or lesser cut out is used, with the principal making hiring and firing decisions and protecting the network leader and the lesser simply acting as an intermediary. Was Igor Cassini a cut-out? More FBI - HSCA Subject File: Loran Eugene Hall NO TITLE excerpts pgs 4-8 MM T-1 is MM [redacted] -S 134[redacted] 694 and 692 MM T-2 is MM [redacted] -C who was used to characterize LARRY DE JOSEPH MM T-3 is PSI redacted who was used to characterize FELIPE VIDAL MM T-4 is Jose Aleman 105-1597-561 Scott-Bryan Apartment Hotel, 3300 Collins Avenue, Miami Beach, Florida who furnished the information to SA George Davis, Jr........ page 5 On 3/4/63 MM T-1 advised of a plan by a group of Haitian exiles headed by ROGER RIGAUD to conduct a seaborne raid on the north coast of Haiti, near [sic] Por Hatien. RIGAUD planned to come to Miami to implement plan. Raid was to be staged near Bahamas, so as not to violate U.S. Law. The main reason for the raid was to obtain publicity and raise money for RIGAUD’s group which has backing of PAUL MAGLIORE, former Haitian President. RIGAUD expected to receive aid by Cuban exiles in Miami. MM T-1 subsequently advised ROGER RIGAUD arrived in Miami on 3/7/63. He discussed Haitian situation and outlined his platform for reform in Haiti. He said he had contact with Haitian desk of U. S. State Department recently, and his group had made great inroads with U.S. government in past month. RIGAUD was in contact in Miami with FRANCISCO SARALEGUI, publisher of “Bohemian Libre” and through SARALEGUI was to make contact with JUAN BOSCH, president of Dominican Republic. MM T-1 learned RIGAUD made top-secret agreement with Cuban exiles, whereby in return for aid received he would permit them to set up a Government In Exile in Haiti from which operations could be conducted against FIDEL CASTRO. page 7 RIGAUD plans to see two unidentified U. S. congressmen in Washington on March 5, 1963 to discuss his over all plans to overthrow PRESIDENT DUVALIER of Haiti. [Robert: It is important to understand the Kennedy Administration policy with regard to Haiti; author of Papa Doc: The Truth About Haiti Today, noted that ”In Washington, the United States made it clear that it did not consider the April, 1961 [Haitian] election legal and that it felt Duvalier’s constitutional term would end May 15, 1963; it became an open confrontation between Duvalier and the Kennedy administration” so, in a very real sense the clock was ticking see pages 170, 176 Papa Doc: The Truth About Haiti Today - Bernard Diedrich and Al Burt] page 8 On September 18, 1961 Robert Emmett Johnson advised special agents of the Federal Bureau of Investigation in Miami that he had been employed as Foreign Affairs Analyst for Dominican Republic leader Generalissimo TRUJILLO, who was assassinated May 30, 1961. JOHNSON had this position from 1956 to 1960. As of that time JOHNSON stated that he was employed by the International Service of Information Foundation of Baltimore Maryland 23 West 23rd Street Baltimore which he described as an independent intelligence-gathering organization operated by ULIUS AMOS a former Chief of Staff in the United States Air Force. On March 8, 1963, MM T-1 advised that ROGER RIGAUD, a leader of the Parti National Haiten (PNH), arrived in Miami on March 7, 1963. He is staying at the residence of LARRY DE JOSEPH at Sweetwater, Florida., a suburb of Miami, exact address unknown. On August 31, 1962, MM T-2 advised that LARRY DE JOSEPH claims to be have been an employee in Havana, Cuba of SANTOS TRAFFICANTE, well-known Tampa Florida hoodlum who had large gambling interests in Cuba during the BATISTA regime. DE JOSEPH worked in the Sans Souci gambling casino in Havana for TRAFFICANTE. On August 29, Mr. WILLIAM KENNEY Departmental Attorney, United States Department of Justice, advised that LARRY DE JOSEPH was fronting for SANTOS TRAFFICANTE and others in a deal with the Guatemalan Government, in which a hotel with a gambling casino would be constructed in Guatemala. In return for gambling rights, the Trafficante group would construct a public housing project in Guatemala. http://www.maryferre...603&relPageId=4 RIF#: 124-10217-10070 (04/08/63) FBI#: CR 2-1748-76 "The World's Leading Private Eye" ULIUS AMOSS DIES RAN SPY NETWORK Ex-Officer Led World-Wide Private Intelligence Service Baltimore Nov 9 (AP) (1961) Ulius L. Amoss, a colonel in the Air Force Reserve who operated a private international spy network died here today in his home. He was 67 years old. Mr. Amoss, once described as "the world's leading private eye" operated the intelligence service from his office here. Some 1,000 persons subscribed to the International Services Information Foundation which he organized fifteen years ago. The former intelligence officer made national news in 1953 when he claimed his organization had engineered the escape into Denmark of a Polish flyer in his Russian built MIG-15 jet. A Polish lieutenant,Franciszek Jarecki, landed the undamaged plane, said to have been the first of its type to fall into Allied hands after the outbreak of the Korean conflict. The flyer later denied Mr. Amoss had had anything to do with his defection. Mr. Amoss served with the Office of Strategic Services early in World War II. Later he became chief of the Ninth Air Force and was ultimately assigned to special duties with the Air Force General Staff. Linked to Vassily Stalin In 1953 The American Weekly published a story by Mr. Amoss that told of his attempt to engineer the trans- portation out of Russia of Vassily Stalin, son of the late dictator. The attempt failed and it was never made clear whether the younger Stalin was to have been kidnapped or to have cooperated in the plot. In 1945 Mr. Amoss was decorated by Gen. Charles de Gaulle with the French Croix de Guerre and Legion of Honor for his service as commanding officer of the Experimental Detachment, G-3, Army Forces in the Middle East, and with the Ninth Air Force. Before the war Mr. Amoss was president of the Gramtrade International Corporation of New York, exporters of metals and chemicals. FBI Report of December 18, 1963 by Robert Gemberling re Assassination of President Kennedy page 137 Mr EDWARD EARL KEMPE, Co-owner of the Export-Import Management Company, 1310 Davis Building, who resides at 2614 Anzio Drive, was advised that he did not have to make any statement and that any statement he made could be used in a court of law. He said he was cognizant of the fact that he could have an attorney if desired. He advised that he was anti-Kennedy and that quite often he stopped in the Patio Lounge near Murphy and Elm Streets for a beer after work. He did not recall making the statement that if President Kennedy came to Dallas, he would be assassinated. He did not recall ever having made any statements against Pres. Kennedy at the Patio Lounge and that if he did, it was "beer talking." Mr. Kempe stated he did not know Lee Harvey Oswald and had never heard of him prior to the time he assassinated the President. He stated that he knew Jack Ruby, by reputation only, but was not personally acquainted with him. He stated that he did not have any information that Ruby and Oswald were acquainted with each other or were connected in any manner. Mr. Kempe advised that he was in Guatemala at the time of the assassination, and returned on Sunday, November 24, 1963, after the assassination. He stated that he had no personal feeling against Pres. Kennedy and certainly would not harm him. He said that his father, TED KEMPE, 2614 Anzio Drive, Dallas, is a friend of President LYNDON B. JOHNSON and that he [EDWARD EARL KEMPE] is currently engaged in the export-import business of shrimp and produce. He said that certainly he had no forewarning concerning the assassination of the President, but believed that there was an atmosphere which had been built up in this country which contributed to President KENNEDY'S assassination. He said the atmosphere was based upon 1) feeling of frustration in the nation; 2) the civil rights issue; and 3) too many of our American traditions had been taken away By way of background information. Mr KEMPE advised that he was born in Dallas, Texas and had also lived in Tyler, Texas from either 1946 or 1948, until 1954. In 1954. he moved to Corpus Christi, Texas , where he was residing when he was divorced by his wife. He subsequently moved to Austin, Texas, where he lived for approximately one year engaging in the real estate business there. Since 1958, he has been in Dallas, Texas where at first he was engaged as a sales manager for Turbo Craft boats, and when that enterprise was sold, he started his current business venture with a partner, Don Newell. He said that in his business it is necessary to travel, and stated he had made numerous trips to Guatemala in 1961, 1962 and 1963. He holds Passport Number B 611701, and during 1961 lived abroad in London, England for a few months, displaying wares of Dallas manufacturers at the Trade Center in London, sponsored by the U.S. Department of Commerce there. He stated that he was in London from September 21, 1961 to December 4, 1961. He stated that he traveled by plane to England and usually used Pan American Airlines to go to Guatemala. His passport reflected that on December 4, 1961 he left London, England, presumably to come to the United States. On January 27, 1962, he arrived in London from the United States, and departed London on January 30, 1962. He arrived in Geneva, Switzerland on January 31, 1962, and left on February 5, 1962, for London. He arrived in London on February 7, 1962, and arrived in New York City on same date. Mr. Kempe imported shrimp and produce from Guatemala to the United States, principally from Ocean Gardens Produce Company, San Diego, California. Mr. Kempe is described as follows: Race White Sex Male Age 44 Birth data Born September 13, 1919, Dallas, Texas Weight 180 Height 6'2" Hair Light Brown Eyes Gray Complexion Light Build Slender Marital Status Divorced Occupation Export-Import business more ON 29 APRIL 1963 DOROTHE MATLACK TELEPHONED TO THE EFFECT THAT.. she was of the opinion that continue the U S government should continue to play ball with [redacted] as a future asset in Haitian affairs. Signed A F CZAJKOWSKI http://www.maryferre...911&relPageId=5 Deceased Name: Albin F. Czajkowski , 86; was Lieutenant Colonel Albin F. Czajkowski, 86, of this city, who rose to Lieutenant Colonel in the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, died Oct. 5 in Arlington, Va., where he had lived for the past 53 years. Born in Easthampton, he graduated from Easthampton High School. After graduating, he helped his parents manage their store until 1935, when he enlisted in the 3rd U.S. Cavalry regiment stationed at Ft. Ethan Allen, Vt. Upon completing a three-year tour of duty in June, 1938, he moved to Washington, D.C., where he worked at the U.S. Government Printing Office while attending Georgetown University School of Foreign Service. He graduated from that university in 1948, after interrupting his education to serve in the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers for the duration of World War II. During the war, he served as an engineer supply officer in England and Continental Europe, taking part in the campaigns of Northern France, Central Europe and the Rhineland and rising to the rank of captain. For his service, he earned the European-African-Middle Eastern Campaign Medal with three bronze battle stars, the American Campaign Medal and the Army Occupation Medal for service in Germany. After the war, he transferred to the Army Reserves and continued to work with the Corps of Engineers in various capacities at the Pentagon and Ft. Belvoir in Alexandria, Va. He retired as Lieutenant Colonel in 1974. In retirement, he managed the Officers' Service Club, a private social club in Washington, D.C. He was a volunteer mentor to young people, particularly recent immigrants. He leaves his sister, Bertha C. Zahn of Arlington, Va.; two nephews, Donald Cykowski of Easthampton and Stephen Cykowski of Richmond, Va.; three nieces, Elizabeth Zahn Muchnick of Arlington, Va., Marilyn Zahn Cheek, of Warrenton, Va., and Ellen Cykowski Sortore of Roanoke, Va. The interment with full military honors will take place Thursday in Arlington National Cemetery, Arlington, Va. Northern Virginia Funeral Services, Chantilly, is in charge. END Final Note http://www.maryferrell.org/mffweb/archive/viewer/showDoc.do?docId=57684&relPageId=56 On the morning of November 22, 1963, the alarm rang at 6:40 a.m. and she [Marina] awoke and Oswald remained asleep. She began feeding the baby and at about 7 o’clock she awoke Oswald and told him that he had better get up or he would be late for work. Sound like the behavior of someone planning on killing the President of the United States the same day?
  18. So her crypt was AMUPAS-1 in her early Cuba days, then LICOOKY-1 when she was involved in WH Station affairs. Relying on Bruce Campbell Adamson is a little dicey, but he asserts that she was in a mental institution, hence LICOOKY-1? There are at times factual or perception related issues related to crypts; Example Fidel Castro=AMTHUG She also states in a document she is using an assumed name in a particular operation; June Cobb used alias Clarinda E. Sharp in 1962 in correspondence with Guatemalan Friends and Fair Play For Cuba Committee [my grandmothers name] http://www.maryferrell.org/mffweb/archive/viewer/showDoc.do?docId=35662&relPageId=2 Name: Clarinda Sharp Residence: Buckhart, Christian, Illinois Birthdate: 1834 Birthplace: Illinois, United States Relationship to Head: Wife Spouse's Name: Henry H. Sharp Spouse's Birthplace: Tennessee, United States Father's Name: Father's Birthplace: South Carolina, United States Mother's Name: Mother's Birthplace: Kentucky, United States Race or Color (Expanded): White Ethnicity (Standardized): American Gender: Female Martial Status: Married Age (Expanded): 46 years Occupation: Keeps House NARA Film Number: T9-0180 Page: 505 Page Character: D Entry Number: 5067 Film number: 1254180 Household Gender Age Spouse Henry H. Sharp M 56 Clarinda Sharp F 46 Child John S. Sharp M 28 Child Abbie J. Sharp F 20 Child Lucina B. Sharp F 17 Child Henry H. Sharp M 14 Child George Sharp M 12 Child Dorsis W. Sharp M 9 also see google books page 979 Historical encyclopedia of Illinois, Volume 2 By Newton Bateman, Paul Selby, Alexander T. Strange
  19. Well, this apparently was what sparked the interest, and the more you look at it the more interesting it gets.... excerpt JOSEPH RAYMOND MEROLA pg 2 Found in: HSCA Segregated CIA Collection (microfilm - reel 54: Maheu - Merola, Cobb, Ramon) Assistant to DDO for External Oversight FROM Jackson R Horton Chief Domestic Collection Division SUBJECT Joseph Raymond Merola DCD's only recorded contact with Joseph Raymond Merola prior to August 1961 occurred on 6 February 1961. It followed a series of telephone calls over a series of several months in which Merola had expressed interest in offering his assistance in connection with Cuban matters. The DCD officer had declined contact until 6 February when Merola claimed to have information on a Brazilian Senator who was a “close friend and confidante” of “Che” Guevera. 2. If the following deletions are made, I have no objections to the release of this document. a. Heading: “Support” b. Paragraph 4: delete the first sentence. c. Paragraph 4: delete “Sam Kay” d. Signature: Delete “Justin F. Gliechauf” and “JFG/amb.” RIF#: 104-10219-10022 (04/08/77) CIA#: 80T01357A http://www.maryferrell.org/mffweb/archive/viewer/showDoc.do?docId=17159
  20. The following provides an interesting segue to Bill Kelly's piece on McCormack, Telford Taylor also mentions McCormack in his chapter in Codebreakers Edited by E. D. Hinsley and Alan Stripp.... http://www.telegraph...ney-Harris.html Whitney Harris [27 May 2010] Whitney Harris, who died on April 21 aged 97, was the last surviving prosecutor from the Nuremberg trial of leading figures in the Nazi regime, and among the first people outside that group to learn of the scale of the Holocaust. When the Allies began to contemplate bringing Hitler's henchmen to justice, Harris was stationed in London with the OSS, the forerunner of the CIA. A lawyer in peacetime, he had become one of the few American experts on the workings of the complex German intelligence apparatus. In June 1945 Robert Jackson, the judge ordered by President Truman to establish a war-crimes tribunal, took offices in Mount Street, Mayfair, and Harris soon began to supply him with evidence. Once the military court had been set up by the four Allied Powers, Harris was given a typewriter and a German secretary and asked to prepare the case against an important but little-known defendant, Ernst Kaltenbrunner. Following the assassination of Reinhard Heydrich in 1942, Kaltenbrunner had been appointed head of the RHSA, which controlled the Gestapo, various security agencies and the administration of the concentration camps. Harris also took charge of the prosecution of the Gestapo and the SD, the intelligence arm of the SS. In common with the dozens of other lawyers in the Allied team, Harris had at first little knowledge of the industrial scope of the crimes committed against civilians by the German state. The trial began only six months after the end of the conflict in Europe, and documents and witnesses were still coming to light as it started. Moreover, the charges focused not primarily on genocide but on responsibility for starting the war. Indeed, it was only by chance that, in late 1945, Harris came across evidence of the systemic murder of Jews. While questioning a senior SD officer, Otto Ohlendorf, about Kaltenbrunner's place in the chain of command, he happened to ask him what he had been doing in the Ukraine in 1941. Ohlendorf said that he had led an Einsatzgruppe, or special task force. To Harris's astonishment, he then calmly confessed that in a year it had killed about 90,000 people. Ohlendorf also gave the first details of vans equipped with gas being used to suffocate victims. The structure of the trial was somewhat haphazard. At the start, the defendants were prosecuted as a group, and it was not until January 1946 that Kaltenbrunner became the first of them to hear the case against him as an individual. Only in April, however, were witnesses called in his defence, one being the recently-captured commandant of Auschwitz, Rudolf Höss. Again, the significance of the camp's role in the Final Solution emerged largely as a by-product of Harris's interrogation in prison of Höss about Kaltenbrunner. Speaking with the detached air of a man who had simply been doing his duty, Höss told Harris that about 2.5 million people had perished at Auschwitz. Although historians now believe the total to have been about half that number, it was nevertheless a shocking admission, and did much to open eyes to the Nazis' plans for the Jewish race and other minorities such as gipsies. Kaltenbrunner was one of 12 defendants, among them Göring and Von Ribbentrop, condemned to death by the eight judges. Although Göring subsequently managed to commit suicide, the others were hanged in October 1946. At Jackson's request, their executions were witnessed on behalf of the prosecution by Harris, on whom the events at Nuremberg left an indelible impression. They stood, he said, "against the resignation of Man to the tyranny of evil leaders". Whitney Robson Harris was born in Seattle on August 12 1912. The son of a car dealer, he studied first at the University of Washington and, since jobs were hard to find during the Depression, decided to take a Law degree from Berkeley. Between 1936 and 1942 he practised with a small firm in Los Angeles. After Pearl Harbor, Harris joined the US Navy, rising to the rank of lieutenant-commander before being sent by the OSS to Britain to investigate war crimes in the European theatre. In late 1946 he became chief of the Legal Advice Branch of the US military government in Germany, and was in Berlin at the start of the Airlift. From 1948 until 1954 Harris taught Law at Southern Methodist University, Dallas, where two colleagues from Nuremberg – Robert Storey and Telford Taylor – were also on the faculty. While there he published Tyranny on Trial (1954), the first general account and analysis of the evidence given to the Nuremberg court. Although he continued his legal career – initially as the first national executive director of the American Bar Association, then, from 1963, as counsel for the Southwestern Bell telephone company, and finally in private practice – Harris dedicated much of the rest of his long life to ensuring that the lessons of Nuremberg were not forgotten. In particular, he sought to build on the trial's main achievements: the acceptance of the concept of crimes against humanity and the recognition that obeying orders was no defence to such a charge. This he did by lobbying for the creation of a permanent International Criminal Court (ICC). Although it took half a century and the events in Yugoslavia and Rwanda to effect this, Harris was present at the conference in Rome in 1998 which finally established the tribunal at The Hague. In 2000 he went to Berlin to see Germany itself accede to the treaty. To his chagrin, however, the American government has thus far refused to ratify its membership of the ICC. For his work at Nuremberg, Whitney Harris was appointed to the Legion of Merit. Although almost boyishly handsome into old age, in recent years he had been suffering from cancer. His first wife, Jane, whom he married in 1964, died in 1999. He is survived by their son, and by his second wife, Anna, whom he married in 2000. Robert: SMU, Bletchley Park, [alumni....Telford Taylor, Colonel McCormack, Bill Bundy; Southwestern Bell......It really was a small world.
  21. The real questions that should be asked are was one of LBJ's many attorney's in this case John D. Cofer, possibly a "distant relative of the Cassini/Jack Ruby connection George F. Cofer? and even if he wasn't there's that fraternity thing...... November 15, 1963 Rites Planned Saturday for William Cofer Funeral services for William F. Cofer, 40, of 1515 Driftwood, credit-manager of Neiman Marcus will be held at 10:00 a.m. Saturday in the Lamar and Smith Funeral Chapel. Burial will be in Laurel Land Memorial Park. Mr. Cofer, who died here Thursday, had been with Neiman-Marcus for 17 years. A graduate of Southern Methodist University, he became credit manager at Neiman's in 1951. He was a member of the Kappa Sigma Alumni Association and the Glen Oaks Methodist Church and was a past president of the Dallas Retail Managers Association. He was an associate Methodist District lay leader and a board of stewards member at Glen Oaks Methodist Church. Survivors: Wife, three daughters, Miss Carol Cofer, Miss Janet Cofer, and Cynthia Cofer of Dallas; a son, Frank Cofer of Dallas; his father William F. Cofer of Dallas, and two sisters, Miss Marjorie Duvall of Dallas and Mrs. Mary Ann Sneed of Dallas Of course, Kappa Sigma has an underlying sigificance in the strange world of poltical skullduggery. Author Peter Brewton, chanced upon a slew of interesting alumni of Kappa Sigma. In fact, Brewton devoted an entire chapter on it entitled "The Boys of Kappa Sigma." See Chapter 10 pages 140-153 The Mafia, CIA and George Bush Robert: The book, took a lot of courage to write, in another time or place the author might have had more to be concerned about than following the sales of his opus. But insofar as Kappa Sigma goes, the key points to remember are that in 1956 "the grand master of the fraternity was Joe Russo from Houston" who is about as elite in the big-business world as it gets. His fraternity of brothers include the late Nelson Bunker Hunt [1944], Frank Erwin and famed Houston heart surgeon Dr. Denton Cooley, "who was the fraternity's grand master of ceremonies in 1941. That same year Frank Erwin was the grand treasurer." Name: William Frank Cofer Death Date: 14 Nov 1963 Death Place: Dallas, Dallas, Texas Gender: Male Race: White Death Age: 40 years Estimated Birth Date: Birth Date: 18 Mar 1923 Birthplace: Dallas, Texas Marital Status: Married Spouse's Name: Father's Name: William F. Cofer Father's Birthplace: Mother's Name: Edna Skillern Mother's Birthplace: Occupation: Credit Mgr. Neiman-Marcus Place of Residence: Dallas, Dallas, Texas Cemetery: Laurel Land Burial Place: Dallas, Texas Burial Date: 16 Nov 1963 Additional Relatives: Film Number: 2117353 Digital Film Number: 4032367 Image Number: 741 Reference Number: 68702 I also believe the esteemed Greg Parker did a little digging re Cofer and Alfred Davidson, Jr.
  22. Well, I have no other agenda than discovering the truth about what really happened on November 22, 1963, so in some ways being's how there are still very important unresolved issues, I am not eager to pin the tail on anyone's donkey. But I will share a factoid, and you can verify all on your very own. Assertion 1 When Mac Wallace died in 1971, the ostensible Death Certificate states his residence was 610 TENNISON MEMORIAL RD..... It also states his father was A.J. Wallace http://www.findagrav...d=10404&df=all Fact 1 on page 820 of the 1964 Greater Dallas Residential White Pages in glorious black and white there is the following listing WALLACE A.J. 610 Tenison Memorial Dr. DA 7-1728 That's pretty interesting to me........
  23. This is the announcement of Ethel Jone's parent's wedding in 1925, and background of the Jones family patriarch: Here is a little food for thought......... http://www.namebase.org/cgi-bin/nb06?_CASSINI_IGOR_ BTW You can add Allen Dulles to Igor Cassini's social circle..... - excerpts Pages 280-81 The Last Playboy: The High Life of Porfirio Rubirosa Shawn Levy - 2006 “Soon after, playing golf with CIA director Allen Dulles, Cassini mentioned Rubi's fear that the Dominican Republic might go Red (as the sons of a White Russian, the Cassinis were staunchly anti-Communist). And that chat was immediately followed by a conversation between Cassini and Joe Kennedy, who promised to alert his son.” Levy asserts that “a cadre of conspirators kept asking Henry Dearborn for CIA aid in removing Trujillo and received caches of American weapons that had been shipped into the country under the guise of diplomatic material." also See Rose Kennedy Times To Remember
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