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Jim Phelps

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Everything posted by Jim Phelps

  1. A good part of Ft. Bliss is in New Mexico as it sits at the South End of the White Sands testing range that was also the Trinity Test site for the A-bomb. Ft. Bliss was the home for the PaperClip Rocket NAZIs of Germany after the war, and lots of the V-1 and V-2 testing happened at White Sands. All that history likely had Rabin real interested, as Israel wanted to do A-bomb testing too. Ft. Bliss is also home for the Armored Calvary Division for tanks and the training of tank soliders. West Texas has a large number of Germans settled there in the high country.
  2. Interesting that John Simkin posts an article on the Israel Factor in the JFK assassination. The Israel factor comes from the PERMINDEX elements that tried to hit DeGaulle in France, and they were run out of Europe to mostly show up in the US. No one should be afraid to speak of the Israel Factor for the JFK hit as it is rather obvious that those that supported Israel thought the Israel existance depended on them getting the bomb. JFK stood in Ben Gurion's way to prolliferate nuclear weapons technology and materials. The Ben Gurion and JFK conversations are still locked up in the secrecy vaults. Israel's and the Jewish protectors were what came to start PERMINDEX as a security branch for the Bilderberg Group. Persons like Louis Bloomfield were huge Israel supporters and designed various military methods to protect Israel. Persons like George Mandel (Mandello), Tibor Rosenbaum, and Ferenc Nagy (Dallas Resident in 63) had a long history for protecting the Jewish elements in WWII, and it didn't stop after the war. JFK canned most of the top CIA types, General Cabel, Bissell, Dulles, and tossed William King Harvey over to Rome to break up the Fla. games to attack Cuba and Castro. Harvey ends up in the middle of the PERMINDEX HQ in Rome, and sees all their games to knock off DeGaulle because JFK was leveraging DeGaulle to stop the Israel reactor, and thus weapon's plutonium production and weapons proliferation. JFK was working to make Russia and Cuba happy to make peace, but none of the displaced crowd with the CIA liked that idea and lots of others in the nuclear weapons and rocket building business didn't either. LBJ was milking the USAEC over uranium deals for Morris Jaffee to power LBJ's political career, similar to the agriculture scams LBJ did earlier. Morris Jaffee is said to own the Dal-Tex Building, home to the Dallas Police, Abe Zapruder, and three of the shots fired that day at JFK. It isn't much of a stretch to propose that these PERMINDEX killers from Europe hated DeGaulle, and were quick to shift into working on a hit for JFK, mostly over the Israel and nuclear weapons issues. So, there are a lot of Israel interests in this mix, even to include Jack Ruby, the guy that had to shut up LHO to keep the Israel factor from being dumped into the news. LBJ and his big pal Hoover were right in the middle of wanting JFK dead, as much as the PERMINDEX pro-Israel types, the CIA types trying to knock off Castro, and Joint Chiefs wanting a war with Russia. Hoover was big pals with persons like Meyer Lansky over the German spy issues of the shipping docks and these Lansky dock workers kept a steady supply to drowned suspected German Spies floating down the Hudson during WWII. Lansky hated all German NAZIs with a passion to kill. That is the pretty simple line up of anti-JFK forces, and it is very obvious after the same game was played against DeGaulle. JFK gets shot in the head twice and back once, and LBJ ducked to the bottom of his limo with the first little noise, as he well knew what was coming. LBJ takes the White House, which was his interest to avoid being tossed in Jail because his corrupt Texas deals were coming out and JFK and RFK were going to make sure that "Lying Lyndon" went down for a big fall. LBJ is having to pay off all the wheelers and dealers from the Vietnam War machine, to the fuel for the Israeli Bomb. In the US it was found that NUMEC (Apollo, Pa.) was loosing all kinds of Highly Enriched Uranium and all kinds of Mossad agents were coming to visit NUMEC. It gets worse as Ed Teller was allowed to go to Israel multiple times to help the Israelis along on the issues for nuclear materials and weapons timing and geometry. Everyone got something, from the Israelis bombs, to the Pentagons new war against Communists, to the mil-Ind networks new flux of money for Texas weapons production. No one should be afraid to speak that the Israeli factors were highly involved in the hit on JFK, but they didn't act alone and they had lots of help to include the criminal president of the US. One will always hear those trying to downplay and expunge any talk that Israel Factors were involved with the JFK hit, but what would one expect to keep the US money flowing to the Israelis, which would stop if the elements of the JFK murder included a huge cover up of the Israel factors among the plotters. Even the Dallas bunch, with Walker, HL Hunt, and some others, intentionally had the Israel factors in high prominence to keep the heat off of them. It doesn't get much more plain when they get Jack Ruby to be the runner for the hit, have shots from Morris Jaffee's building, have a Jewish guy put a hate JFK ad in the Dallas Paper, and so on to be ready to drop just in case some wise guy went after the Dallas Connections, like Gen. Walker and HL Hunt. If the heat got to hot on them they could toss out the information on PERMINEX, Jaffee, Bloomfield, Ruby and the like and all (even the head of the Israli Mossad in Dallas) the attention would be on an international plot to kill JFK. There was a lot of leverage being played to make sure the JFK hit went down as a simple lone shooter, who didn't fire a shot that day. It was a Massive Plot that most of the Europeans saw easily, but the US control of the investigations rigged the outcome that kept most Americans in the dark and their Govt. abducted by criminals.
  3. LHO's dream as a kid was to be a secret agent, and he got a chance for working the Russians to screw up the Peace making by Russia with Eisenhower. LHO was sent to Russia to aggrivate the U-2 fly over problems and put an end to Russian Peace efforts with Eisenhower. LHO didn't work officially for the CIA, but more for private interests like PERMINDEX and side line Joint Chief pals tha wanted a quick nuclear war with Russia. The U-2 was the first leg of the plan an the second was put a Russian Sympathizer killing JFK, which would give the push to attack Russia with nukes that many in high places wanted. LHO knew the group he was watching was going to hit JFK and LHO was busy ratting them out to the FBI, but the FBI was about a crooked as the plotters that wanted JFK out of the way and a nice quick war with Russia. LHO game was to break up the plot and become the national hero, but the forces went way to high and he was killed to keep his mouth shut as he knew way too much. The muscle to kill LHO was Jack Ruby, because Jack Ruby knew the Israel factors would come out if the plot to make a single lone nut shooter failed to work. With all the information dumped to get LHO, all the other real shooters got away. LHO made a good cover for the real killers to make their runs out of town. LHO was supposed to became a huge profit for the war industries to make more weapons and nuclear bombs, but LBJ quickly got cold feet on letting that happen on a large scale and paid them off with Vietnam. There was about no way that LHO could remain alive at that point, because the whole plan depended on LHO being the only shooter, and they really needed him to be the dead only shooter and never going to trial. Thus, the goals of a young boy to become a sort of secret agent led to his being used in ways that he would never had imagined due to the higher up levels of the Govt being so absolutely corrupt. That is the legacy that LBJ left America---criminals and corruption leading the country for the profits of the few on the inside control.
  4. Sounds like another Gerald Posner game to sell books. Knowing the Dallas Gang, one of them called Cuba to seed the information to Cuban Intelligence that JFK was going to be hit. So, they listened to see if their info dropper was real. I think Chruschev and Castro were on the bandwagon for Peaceful Co-existance theme and were giving that all their support. The last thing either of them wanted was JFK to be killed. JFK died mainly because he didn't play the anti-communist war games, or the Zionists need a bomb support. imho JFK died from a rather massive plot from Dallas involving General Cabell, General Walker, HL Hunt and PERMINDEX. Backing the plotters was LBJ and JE Hoover. Recruited for the Cover-up were Allen Dulles, Earl Warren, Gerald Ford, et al. LHO was running around dropping information all over the place trying to stop the JFK hit in Dallas, as he knew exactly who was doing the hit and it wasn't Castro's guys.
  5. Your buddy Coogan doesn't get it right on MJ-12. 1. There were aliens--NAZI's doing human experiments with special aircraft and atmospheric nukes. 2. These were war crimes along the lines of Neuremberg and Allen Dulles slipped in a bunch of serious NAZI's against Truman's orders. 3. There was a huge cover up of this experiment and all kinds of spin to aid the cover up. 4. The Germans at Ft. Bliss were involved, the USAEC was involved, and White Sands Test Site. You pal Coogan runs off some the dumb idea of space aliens, when the issue was they spoke about persons not citizens of the US and doing some top secret nuke tests that went wrong. The Military lied, the reports using language with dual meaning. Extraterrestrial was an example and it means experiments above the law of the planet, or criminal based human experiments in the name of US National Security. Coogan is lost in space somewhere with his off the wall thesis, and becomes more misleading than the criminals that did these experiments on people. Coogan aids and abets the cover up types. imho
  6. This is on target. HL Hunt was a lead player in the US, but with Foreign Connections that helped. Killing JFK was long anticipated by Hunt since Los Angelese. One has to keep in mind Hunt was Pro-NAZI and an insider for the NAZI IG Farben methods, of Rockefeller Oil, that became Bilderberg. Walter Dornburger, rocket engine designer for Bell Aerospace, was helping with LHO via Paines. JFK found these big secrets the NAZIs gave up with Allen Dulles to escape death sentences. The top of the problem list was the extreme chemical dangers from HF used by NASA, USAEC, Oil Refineries, and the use of fluoridation, and the relationship of these chemical methods with old world religion secrets that caused Ruby to kill LHO to keep those from coming out. Hunt worked Ruby to have LHO killed to avoid this old world religion issue connected to HF, that would change the world's views of a particular religion. HL Hunt is on target, and LBJ was being the water boy for Hunt's planning.
  7. I see James Fetzer has gone off the deep end again. He is going to get where no serious persons are going to buy anything from him. imho
  8. Where have all the Truth Seekers Gone? Recast lyrics of the old Song by the Momma's and the Poppa's: Where have all the Statesmen gone? Long time passing Where have all the Statesmen gone? Long time ago Where have all the Statesmen gone? Fascist have killed them every one When will they ever learn? When will they ever learn? Where have all the good men gone? Long time passing Where have all the good men gone? Long time ago Where have all the good men gone? Taken low roads every one When will they ever learn? When will they ever learn? Where have all the truth seekers gone? Long time passing Where have all the truth seekers gone? Long time ago Where have all the truth seekers gone? Killed by Fascism every one When will they ever learn? When will they ever learn? Where have all the Kennedys gone? Long time passing Where have all the Kennedy gone? Long time ago Where have all the Kennedys gone? Gone to graveyards every one When will they ever learn? When will they ever learn? Where have all the Oswalds gone? Long time passing Where have all the Oswalds gone? Long time ago Where have all the Oswalds gone? Covered with flowers every one When will we ever learn? When will we ever learn? ======= And then something revolutionary----the truth on JFK: Various, often suppressed, concepts in history are on the table for the long run up of basically issues from age old religion that came to kill many presidents, like JFK, and others. Age old religion has a split personality in the case of Judaism, as it was basically the Pharisee and the Essene, one the capitalist and the other the socialistic. One followed the age old theme of Nimrod, or Harlot Babylon and usury, and the other kept to being selfless servants to man. In the recent modern times of Europe, lots of the Babylon Talmud games manifest itself as The Protocols of Zion that worked up in France and was connected to games for banking and world control. In later times, we find Allen Dulles trying to dismiss the Protocols in 1920. But Henry Ford, the Russians, and even Hitler see these Protocols appear to be happening. If we looked at Allen Dulles he was a big player in United Fruit and they were into Sugar and Banana plantations all around the Gulf of Mexico countries. This was a tough business and between hurricanes, blights, worker union and rights issues, pesticide poisoning of workers, and political transitions this business became a mess. The Unite Fruit gang essentially had the US Army invade every little country they had worker rights or political games with by calling them Communists. This is how General Smedley Butler came into popular vogue with this United Fruit and Standard Oil types, and how Smedley Butler was approached to be the leader for the "Business Plot" to get rid of Democratic FDR. FDR had banned this invasion of other countries with the US military with his "Good Neighbor" policy, which had the Allen Dulles types and Standard Oil gang up in arms to get rid of FDR. Instead Smedley Butler reported this Business Plot, sided with FDR, and the coup was diffused. Even General McArthur sided with FDR. Joe Kennedy cut his teeth in world banking with the FDR politics of the day, and his son JFK was cut from the same FDR thinking mold. This was the Democratic vs the Republican political dichotomy, which was very similar to the religious differences between the Essene and the Pharisee. One side is selfless servant intending and the other is grab all you can get capitalistic. This URL captures lots of this problem with United Fruit and Allen Dulles wars, which would come to get him into Switzerland and later the leader for the corrupt CIA: en.wikipedia.org... Also, read the United Fruit History that as listed earlier and the pattern of the Military and United Fruit is obvious. In these times of FDR the big banker games of the US had joined to support the Hitler Industrial revolution in Germany, with the intentions to have Germany's Socialism trend toward industrial controlled fascist control. And the company that the US Investors chose to help was IG Farben, which Rockefeller taught to pattern after Standard Oil. They also had to goal to have Hitler take on Russia's Communism that killed the Czar. This Communism sprouted out of these old Jewish religion issues of the Pharisee and the Essene, as the Pharisee were the rich and the Essene the socialistic versions of religion. All the original Russian Communists, but perhaps one, were Jewish and took heed of Germany's Jewish Karl Marx. Hitler enjoyed lots of US funding from those allied with Rockefeller and Dulles. Hitler didn't like the capitalist Pharisee like control of banking over Europe and their implementation of the Versalles Treaty. So, Hitler's big plan was to dump the Jewish banking elements out of German Government and teaching positions. This forced the Jewish elements in Germany into Ghettos, and this soon had the New York Jewish declaring embargo on German goods and basically War on Germany. This tripped the switch for World War II. Germany, at war, took all the Jewish and political dissidents and tossed them in work camps, they killed those that could not work, experimented on many, and worked others to death. Germany's IG Farben also invented lots of fluoride chemicals from nerve gases to the issues of using sodium fluoride to quell resistance to authority and make workers that would just play along with what they were told to do. Everyone also knows the Jewish Bankers of Europe didn't support Hitler and they ran over to England and got Churchill to back them. The Rothschilds were German Jewish named Bauer originally, and the English Royals were Germans, renamed as Windsors to hide their German origin. Even these German English Royals supported Hitler initially, and that became a big secret. In the war, Hitler's Rudolph Hess was sent in to cut a deal with England's Royals over their original support for Hitler, and tried to undo the Rothshchilds deals with the English Royals. Churchill and the Rothschild ran over Hess and kept him locked in prison over what he knew that basically resulted in the killing of millions. The German's lost the war and during those times of the fall many NAZIs had exit plans to run to other countries and were making deals for technology for safe harbor for themselves. Allen Dulles was sitting in Switzerland wanting back all the US investors money in IG Farben and anything else they could grab as the Hitler's machine fell and the NAZIs quickly cut deals with the US via Dulles. Frank Bender was also around and knew the Dulles dealing. Dulles dealing takes in thousands of ardent NAZIs into the US and cleans up all their records, Then formed the US Rocket program and the space program. They formed the basis for the US MK Ultra system for chemical and drug control experiments at Ft. Detrick and run by Sidney Gottlieb and controlled by Allen Dulles of the CIA in Eisenhower's time. The biggest part of this NAZI chemical control was the concept for control of captured countries using the chemical sodium fluoride in their water supplies to control resistance. The US fascist elements that invested in IG Farben wanted this system applied to the US Army and to the US mainland, so they could implement their globalism and use the US for that purpose. In the US, fluoridation was being implemented by IG Farben's partner ALCOA pushed into control over the US Public Health System and made fluoridation appear good and a nutritional requirement. Yet, this was just a ploy to do something far more sinister. We see persons like Charles Perkins, who learned this directly from the IG Farben scientists in Germany come out against this take over of the Freedom of the US Citizens with chemical mental castration. The word also got around and to the Secretary of War James Forrestal, who opposed it being used on soldiers. James Forrestal was against Israel being made and against fluoridation, and this became his downfall as the corrupt Allen Dulles types had Truman essentially fire Forrestal. Forrestal knew too much and he had to be killed and have look like an accident. Similar killings happened with Frank Olson, who learned about the Mind Control games of the CIA with Allen Dulles. They told Frank Olson about the fluoride deals against America that were implemented from old NAZI methods that Dulles and his gang wanted to use on all of America to rob them of their Freedom. crimemagazine.com... IG Farben's good ole boy Eisenhower put in all these Allen Dulles types for his political group and JFK inherited too many of these extreme right types that sought fascism in place of freedom for the US. They sought continual wars for Capitalism, which was largely Fascism. They installed the CFR to install a global unified banking system on the model of the Knights Templar, but this banking group was not dedicated to the Templers pledge of being social designed and poor. The CFR was a Pharisee designed world banking game. JFK was all about the politics of FDR, and JFK didn't want Colonialism, like FDR. JFK didn't support the Dulles games of United Fruit, which was have the military invade any little Gulf region country and take back control of their capitalist interests. JFK tried to play by FDR's good neighbor rules also those of Geneva Conventions on not declaring war on countries by invasions. Allen Dulles and his Rockefeller buddies hated JFK. Also, all the like political group that Eisenhower installed in the JCS and the CIA leadership hated JFK. Then we have the Rockefeller John Birch Society types ramp up hate for JFK and start calling him Communist, just as the United Fruit types called against little Banana Republics to have the Marines invade. McArthur, who sided with FDR, explained what JFK had inherited from Eisenhower and JFK was correcting the problems. McArthur told Vietnam was not winnable and agreed with DeGaulle and JFK was pulling the plug on Vietnam, as DeGaulle did with Algeria. JFK got the message on the Allen Dulles games with Cuba and that game of Dulles and United Fruit politics got Allen Dulles, Bissell, Cabel fired from the CIA. JFK then became a Communist for this bunch of crooks that tried to take over FDR with the Business Plot. JFK was playing the FDR politics and this had the JCS, these CIA Dulles big banking crooks declaring war on JFK. It didn't stop there as the European types rebuilt the mega-corporation methods of IG Farben as Bilderberg Alliances and their PERMINDEX intelligence unit, which also acted as a killing unit. PERMINDEX tried to kill DeGaulle and was run out of Europe only to reassemble in the US. These were the fascist supporters of Allen Dullen in Europe, and they all disliked JFK for the same reasons they disliked Catholic James Forrestal. Everyone that studies the JFK assassination takes note that the CIA was involved, and they were, but they had Stong Alliances with Foreign Elements that wanted JFK dead more than they did. So as things developed, LBJ would play along with their hate for JFK and LBJ would become the highest US element in the cover up of the JFK assassination and Allen Dulles would be his right hand man on the Warren Commission. It was also simple enough for Dulles to offer PERMINDEX cover in the US for Operations and also to have them off JFK for great returns. The deals offered ramping up the War in Vietnam, ramping up weapons productions, making stands against Communism, turning a blind eye toward Israel getting atomic weapons, and the opening the flow of drugs out of Vietnam into Mafia and NAZI connected drug dealing with the French Connection. JFK's killers would be Corsicans, because they can't be traced and disappear into the International woodwork and this frees the General Walker types with the JBS from being directly associated. It frees the associations of Dulles and the JCS direct involvement. PERMINDEX was allowed to invade and operate in the US for a reason. They were in Houston and started the Batista fall and in the installation of Castro via DeMenil. They were in New Orleans and allied with United Fruit and Dulles via Clay Shaw, and they were in Dallas with Ferenc Nagy and HL Hunt. PERMINDEX was even in Montreal and connected with the FBI and the DISC unit, along with drug dealing, Mafia and Zionism, via Louis Bloomfield. There was not need for the Domestic US JFK haters to take huge chances with shooting JFK when the Fascist PERMINDEX operations would make deals and cost them nothing. JFK died horribly in Dallas from all these huge conspiracy issues, and the issues of Fascist control of the US took over the country. There were no more statesmen, like JFK, only self serving politicians for the fascist Globalist's goals. LHO was also after these crooks, just as much as JFK, and LHO was trying to out these fascists trying to take over the US via a new Business Plot. LHO failed, as did JFK, and the New Globalist Business Plot succeeded with LBJ becoming what Smedley Butler was approached to do. For those seeking the big picture of what came to kill JFK, this is that greater picture.
  9. A word or two from one of the Henry Makow guest writers per the JFK assassination, and what happened to perhaps the unfinished business left over from JFK's term, which LBJ was sought to further into what we new see in world affairs: ===== http://www.henrymakow.com/zionists_fifth_column_in_ameri.html In secret back channel communications in 1961, Israeli Prime Minister David Ben Gurion asked President Kennedy to support Israeli offensive weapons development and supply American Hawk missiles for starters. Kennedy not only refused, he said he planned to honor the 1950 Tripartite Declaration which said that the United States would retaliate against any nation in the Middle East that attacked any other country. Finally, Kennedy informed Ben Gurion the US wouldn't support Israel's development of nuclear weapons. Ben Gurion was furious. Unknown to the American public at the time, the two leaders engaged in a hot exchange of communiques. Threats were made. The conflict wasn't made public till 1998 in an article by Ethan Bronner in the New York Times. Much of the content of Ben Gurion's letters to Kennedy remain classified by the US Government. Subsequently Ben Gurion initiated secret collaboration with Maoist China for mutual nuclear weapons development. (The history of Mossad and the Chinese secret service collaboration on many occasions in outright theft of American military secrets is documented in Gordon Thomas' Seeds of Fire). While this was going on, in Jan 1962, LOOK magazine published an interview in which Ben Gurion predicted the future. By 1987, he said, "In Jerusalem, the United Nations will build a shrine of the prophets to serve the federated union of all continents; this will be the seat of the Supreme Court of Mankind, to settle all controversies among the federated continents, as prophesied by Isaiah." [1] When the CIA informed Kennedy in 1963 that the MOSSAD and the Chinese were partners in espionage for US weapons secrets he threatened to cut off US relations with Israel unless the nuclear development base at Dimona were opened to US inspectors. Rather than submit to this ultimatum, Ben Gurion resigned as prime minister in July 1963. [2] Kennedy was assassinated November 22rd 1963. In The Final Judgment, Michael Collins Piper traces an Israeli (Mossad) connection to the Kennedy assassination. Under Kennedy's successor Lyndon Johnson, believed to be a crypto Jew, US aid to Israel increased three fold, equipping Israel with state of the art tanks and fighter jets that won the Six Day War in 1967. Abraham Feinberg, the 'Democrat fundraiser' who had been Ben Gurion's bagman to Harry Truman, heavily financed Johnson's political career. The total is unknown since most contributions were cash. But it can be approximated by Israeli 'sweetheart' deals slipped to Feldman, such as a multimillion dollar share of the Israeli Coca Cola franchise. --- No worry. Americans have been fighting Zionist wars for so long, they don't know how to fight their own. Finally, Zionism is just an instrument of the Illuminati, (i.e. the Cabalist central bankers.) The ultimate Illuminati plan may be for "Zionists" (US, EU, Israel) to battle "anti-Zionists" (Iran, Russia and China) in a Third World War. It's possible that we are being led down the garden path and we are accomplices in our own destruction. --- http://www.henrymakow.com/the_destuctive_principle_of_th.html ======
  10. I've seen lots of those old articles also and read the 1969 Paris Flammonde presentations on PERMINDEX, which is what set the standard for these other items. Jim DeEugenio and his little buddy Seamus Coogan have been tossing out all sorts of unsupported comments on Para Sera being seeded by Russians, so and so being James Angleton's snow job, and all sorts of items that need to have a lot of explanations. So, Jim DeEugenio how about tell us how you came to these conclusions and include references.
  11. Hello Harry, Interesting insight. US Americans will just have to get ole Ron Paul in there so he can bust up this City Of London Usury Crooks that like the Babylon Money Machine methods. Ron Paul will also toss out all that wasted International give away money. We can then stop supporting these trumped up wars for the Bilderberg's and their helper's NWO. Go Ron Paul. Get the Money Machine which helped to kill JFK.
  12. Perhaps J DeEngenio can off some solid information on why PERMINDEX is not an important issue in the JFK assassination. Offer up lots of hard and solid information, and not the one line of hand waving that isn't worth much. Nice little PERMINDEX write ups that don't even use Torbitt: http://ce399fascism.wordpress.com/2010/08/05/the-origins-of-permindex/ http://www.parisflammonde.com/review1.html http://www.parisflammonde.com/review2.html http://www.maebrussell.com/Articles%20and%20Notes/Kennedy%20Conspiracy.html
  13. The religious zealoty appears to be the starting point: http://books.google.com/books?id=7Q87Rrxyh9wC&pg=PA124&lpg=PA124&dq=General+Walker+Riots&source=bl&ots=jSmCeycXkj&sig=9S7jwfkI8yiH8YtF_Src8KAvRu4&hl=en&sa=X&ei=XC8LT-P6Jube0QG9mqz7DA&ved=0CCQQ6AEwAQ#v=onepage&q=General%20Walker%20Riots&f=false
  14. That does not surprise me one bit. Ole General Walker and half the South were conviced the Communists were invading the South. Walker goes along on this "Operation Midnight Ride" thing all around in Feb. 1963 and they all hate JFK for supporting Civil Rights. I guess the Midnight Ride thing was supposed to sound like Paul Revere's warning, cept this time the Communists are coming. http://books.google.com/books?id=7Q87Rrxyh9wC&pg=PA124&lpg=PA124&dq=General+Walker+Riots&source=bl&ots=jSmCeycXkj&sig=9S7jwfkI8yiH8YtF_Src8KAvRu4&hl=en&sa=X&ei=XC8LT-P6Jube0QG9mqz7DA&ved=0CCQQ6AEwAQ#v=onepage&q=General%20Walker%20Riots&f=false Then, if you look around at all the Southern Religion Factions this allied, you find a ton of the bad guys from Joe Milteer, to Medford Bryan Evans, to Boris Pash-----and this last two are highly associated with Oak Ridge and Oak Ridge hated JFK with a passion worse than Dallas--The City of Hate. It isn't hard to see HL Hunt was a really Church involved type (ACCC) that hated Civil Rights and he would be right in the middle of the mess with Gen Walker.
  15. That does not surprise me one bit. Ole General Walker and half the South were conviced the Communists were invading the South. Walker goes along on this "Operation Midnight Ride" thing all around in Feb. 1963 and they all hate JFK for supporting Civil Rights. I guess the Midnight Ride thing was supposed to sound like Paul Revere's warning, cept this time the Communists are coming. http://books.google.com/books?id=7Q87Rrxyh9wC&pg=PA124&lpg=PA124&dq=General+Walker+Riots&source=bl&ots=jSmCeycXkj&sig=9S7jwfkI8yiH8YtF_Src8KAvRu4&hl=en&sa=X&ei=XC8LT-P6Jube0QG9mqz7DA&ved=0CCQQ6AEwAQ#v=onepage&q=General%20Walker%20Riots&f=false Then, if you look around at all the Southern Religion Factions this allied, you find a ton of the bad guys from Joe Milteer, to Medford Bryan Evans, to Boris Pash-----and this last two are highly associated with Oak Ridge and Oak Ridge hated JFK with a passion worse than Dallas--The City of Hate. It isn't hard to see HL Hunt was a really Church involved type (ACCC) that hated Civil Rights and he would be right in the middle of the mess with Gen Walker.
  16. For some authors the JFK assassination is an endless monolog of fiction derailing the general population of the US off of the real issues. Some would tell that the world is doomed to repeat history again and again, if they ignore it, and this appears to be the case for the JFK assassination's main theme. This theme is such a big deal that it is highly suppressed in most all the books and media intended to cover up this main age old issue that resulted in JFK being killed. It links to the issues of the Czar being killed, the issues of socialism in religion, and the ability of money and power to corrupt absolutely One of the main issues that one notes in the JFK affairs, is religious differences. JFK went to Caholic Dublin, Ireland in June 1963 and snubbed the Protestant English over long standing issues for when Joe Kennedy was there, Colonization and Empire. On the same trip, JFK visited Catholic dominated Germany and snubbed Israel on Nuclear Weapons acquisitions and being Pro-Arab. If we inspect the issues of England one soon discovers that their Royalty leadership are supposed to be from the Throne of David, and this appears to be a significant statement because that sect held the respect of the Essene and the Christians that began the Church and separated from the Evil Synagogue of Satan. However, it appears the leadership of England came from the 2nd temples ideas and the lost their directions. This also appears to be the issue for why the Catholic Irish state had long running battles with the Protestant and English allied Northern Ireland. The English so hated the Catholic Pope's religion that the English Royals were banned from marring a Catholic, and recently this was lessened to a Catholic can't be involved with the Throne. This ole religious difference baggage was certainly as issue with England and JFK. If we look back at the Essene, those that trained Jesus, we don't see any fortress walls around their temple on Mt. Carmel, but we do find rules for pious beliefs to come to their most Holy Mountain at Mt. Carmel. The Essene, who were in Jerusalem, valued the Tomb of David and were guardians of the Tomb and the famous Upper Room for the Last Supper was over this Essene controlled area. These same Essene didn't like or have anything to do with the 2nd temples Pharisee or Sadducee and called them the Synagogue of Satan and the Harlot. This stemmed from the issues of Babylon and Nimrod's time, and how these values entered the Babylon Talmud. The Pharisee were the rich folks of these times in Jerusalem and akin to the Royals of today and their Banker's ideals and those that support the Royalists and Bilderberg Corporation games to have Empire over, lord over, the world. The Essene were more like the Democratic theme today, where the wealth is spread around, workers are protected by Unions, everyone gets health care and so on. There are some close but not perfect analogs for these old factions verses the ones in today's world. Jesus and the Essene didn't like the Money Changers, nor the burnt offerings because these were of the Babylon religion considered to go against the Moses teachings, which David and Solomon upheld. Thus, in the early times of England this appeared to have been important for the Royal Ancestry to be from the Throne of David and not from the later period corruption of religion by Babylon's ideals and the 2nd temples Pharisee and Sadducee. This fact appears to have been lost over the millennia, but more like covered up in today's information world. The Essene's Pious Beliefs appear to have been discovered by the Knights Templar as they dug around the old Jerusalem area looking for the clues and they likely discovered there was a huge rift between the Pharisee/Sadducee and the Essene. The Knights Templar adopted all the old values of the Essene and wore White Tunics with a Red Cross, they didn't seek personal wealth, they were considered entirely honest, ran what amounted to banking and trading, and provided safe passage to the Holy Lands for Christians. They set up a grid of churches in these old times, and they became so worthy that the various regional Kings and the Vatican became threatened of their higher respect. So, the Church killed off the Knights Templar because their system based upon the Essene ideals, came off more powerful and more respected than their own. This need to kill off the Knights Temple finds its roots in the elements of who held and controlled the riches in the 2nd temple days. Even the Issue of God's Chosen enters into this as the Mt. Carmel Holy Mountain appears to be the source for God's Chosen, and the corrupt church tries to tag in the corrupted Pharisee and Sadducee. God's Chosen stems from the times of Moses followers and those before the Babylon Captivity Corruption of this religion. Even in the issues for Israel, they are not supposed to be accepted in the Holy Lands until they come around to the Essene Beliefs, which is akin to accepting Jesus' Essene teachings. So, in Israel there is a general hatred of the Jesus theme and the New Testament's Revelations. Revelations speaks to the demise of these corrupt linked religion followers and a huge final war needed to set things straight. Now, we can go back to England and their Lord Balfour Agreement with the Zionist Bankers, which was designed to divide Palestine and make a place for the Jewish. Even when we get to Hitler and the NAZI's, the Zionists and the NAZI's used to march in the same parades and Hitler liked the idea of getting the Jewish out of Germany. Hitler and Stalin both booted out the Jewish elements in their Government and banking. The Jewish Bankers in Germany ran to England and gathered up behind Churchill to make war on the Germans. Hitler, via Rudolf Hess, offered to ally with England's German Royals and Hess was locked up for life to keep that secret. The power of money and wealth to corrupt in this time was WWII. But it was a replay of the Knights Templar, and the killing of Jesus over their system of Essene religion. JFK was with his Dad in England for a time and toured Europe and German before the war broke out. Catholics had shunned the Jewish in these times as being the Christ Killers, and the imprisonment and Holocaust was blamed on the Catholics to a large degree. We know that the Essene were highly attack by the 2nd Temple in these old times and that included getting Jesus killed by saying he was blasphemous. It gets back to this same old difference in Christ's time that entered into the issues of Hitler against the Jewish. JFK, being Catholic in his time, brought out all these old differences, and JFK was anti-Colonization as was his mentor FDR. JFK wanted Peace and the other side wanted continual war to expand their Corporate hold on the world and its like banking hold. The JFK Democrats were more like the Essene with shared wealth, dislike of Kings and the Wars. JFK also appears to have walked right into the Armageddon problems, as did JFK's Catholic pal James Forrestal. Jim Forrestal believed the partition of Israel would bring the world into endless wars, and guess what, he appears to have been correct. Jim Forrestal also said the Arabs would push Israel into the Mediterranean. James Forrestal was murdered also, for much the same reason as JFK was murdered. JFK appears to have landed right into the middle of the old Armageddon issues with Israel, and the outcome was much the same with the Bilderberg Royals, their Pharisee mentality and riches all lined up to kill JFK as previous issues killed the Knights Templars, killed Jesus and tried to eradicate the Essene. It appears that no one learned the old history and we have again repeated it per JFK. While JFK's Foreign Policy may have been the feared run up for Israel's Armageddon and the world may have found world peace sooner, these matters have worsened to the point of a WWIII problem and the factions aligned much as told in the Biblical New Testament's visions. Israel has stolen the term God's Chose from the Essene beliefs, and they have not fixed the issues of the Pharisee and the Zionist being the same problems which the Essene addressed long ago. So, again history will repeat and this time it is going to be much bigger and violent war, a nuclear war. Israel's games, that are about their isolationism from the rest of the world, with a big wall now have a huge Arab war brewing and it runs along the lines of Mason Albert Pike's ideas with Islam against Judaism's 2nd temple's corruption of Christianity. Now, we see the Socialist oriented Chinese and the Russians ally with Iran over these Zionist Israel induced problems of inserting long standing religion issue from the Jewish into the middle of Palestine. When the Bible was amended via the New Testament, it was intended to preserve all the issues so that everyone could learn the subtle changes that led to this coming conflagration. But due to the corruption of Christian Evangelism to the wants of the 2nd temples coveting of riches held in the few, this old history is about to repeat and it is easily seen how these old sages of long ago could predict this coming about as the population of the Earth lead to such general closeness and the problems of this old religious corruption coming to a head. JFK's murder was about the issues of an early Armageddon, but those same issues have festered to new higher levels these days to the point that they threaten the world.
  17. Somebody has a sharp eye. Maybe that is some odd way to carry a rifle up the sleve? Very Odd.
  18. The gang over on Deep Politics seems to be waiting for Jim Fetzer to explain s few things: https://deeppoliticsforum.com/forums/showthread.php?9365-Why-no-reply-on-George-Bush-Mr-Fetzer&p=48656#post48656 Perhaps he might like to take up a respectful conversation with Coogan?
  19. Hello Harry, Yes, things are getting very bad in the US and it doesn't work for the people any longer. What does A 103 tell? Also, do you think NDA will be used to go after the mega--crooks in the US Govt linked to the JFK assassination aftermath, the corrupt issues of making wars out of nothing, and the FED. Will NDA be used to promote the Ron Paul views or those of Fascist Empire to destroy the USA?
  20. Hello Paul, Happy 2012 to you. Always good to read your replies to items posted and pleased that you liked the read on the finer details of Gen. Walker's Nut House visit. There is no doubt that Walker's Rebel Rousing on the US side of things had half of Congress upset, plus the JCS (like Lemnitzer and LeMay). It certainly had the JBS society crying out the Reds are coming and half the Latter Day Saints along with them. Walker was being insubordinate to JFK and the affairs of state and the Walker side wanted lots of escallations against Communism and the JFK side was working the Peace issues and Co-Existance with Communism. JFK, like his best teacher FDR wanted Colonization phased out of existance Yes, there was certainly a huge domestic bunch that came to want JFK dead, and their theme was JFK was a Communist. But, one not only has to study the US history for the run up on the JFK hit, but also a good bit of the Middle East problems. Recall, PERMINDEX was after DeGaulle and the main reason they were after DeGaulle was that Algeria was an Arab Country and at the time Israel was having all kinds of problems with the Arab states wanting them pushed into the Mediterranean. So, when DeGaulle added one more free Arab state wanting the same thing as Egypt, that was the last straw for the PERMINDEX anti-Arab gang trying to back up Israel. Add on that DeGaulle dropped helping Israel with Dimona and it gets real close to the JFK hit theme. It didn't stop there, as Israel had been in a huge mess with four Arab states when they first came into existance, by doing terrorism against the British, and they bailed out with things in a mess. JFK was playing more Pro-Arab things to get into sweet spots of oil, and not paying much attention to Israel's continuing mess. JFK and person like his Catholic pal James Forrestal believed the Arabs would Push the Jewish into the Med., so this didn't sit well with the Israelis from day one. Add in that JFK went to Berlin to make good with the Germans, and the Germans were busy helping Egypt's Nasser with rocket weapons to use on Israel and JFK had Israels strike two against him. Ben Gurion was up in arms with JFK over the Germans helping Nasser with rocket designs, and JFK didn't care much. When JFK was killed one of the Israeli high ups was running around the US campaigning for joint efforts against the Arabs. They well knew JFK was going to be out and had already been laying down the new ground ideas. Now, move on into the mess with the Israeli side wanting their own nuclear weapons so they could stand off the Arab states in the same way that nuking Japan stood down all their resistance from the immense power of the Bomb. JFK was dead set against nuclear proliferation by a US Ally on Russia's back doorstep as he was in enough problems with the Jupiter Nuclear Missiles on Turkey. JFK's insistance on pushing to expose the Israeli Nuclear Bomb was the last straw for the Israeli gang, and they said JFK threatened their existance. So, just like the Israeli interests in PERMINDEX went after DeGaulle, they went after JFK with a 10 times larger passion to kill him. So, why should the Domestic side, interested in killing JFK, not make use of the Foreign Interests that tried to off DeGaulle. All they had to do was offer networking for the cover up and fake story to frame LHO. All that had to do was connect up crooked LBJ and his crooked side-kick neighbor Hoover. But the US and NAZI connected intelligence side in Dallas was more than a little carefull of the Jewish PERMINDEX elements, as if the LHO fake plan failed, the fingers would point at the Dallas Gang. So, they made sure to toss in a good load of Jewish issues into the JFK hit, this was Weissman's Communist ad, shots fired from Dal-Tex and the building owned by Jaffee, they had Jack Ruby in there, they had Joe Milteer telling the Big Jew story, and finially Zapruder's Israeli memorial of the day JFK died. Ruby and Zapruder had White Russian connections in Dallas. If you put together both the Domestic and the Foreign factors all tends to fall into place. Jack Ruby is all up in arms that there would be Pogroms against the Jewish if he didn't kill LHO. Plus, he is all bent out of shape for the position the JBS placed him in as they framed up the Jewish elements along with LHO, just in case. The JFK hit plan had messed up good when LHO lived, so that back up plan to get Ruby to off LHO was essential. Hunt and Walker were none to dumb to use their own folks to knock off JFK, when the rabid elements on the PERMINDEX Zionism issues were easy enough to help kick off the killing of JFK. I think you will find the following somewhat official write up on Isreal's nuclear thinking to be of great interest: ====== http://www.fas.org/nuke/guide/israel/nuke/farr.htm As Zionists in Palestine watched World War II from their distant sideshow, what lessons were learned? The soldiers of the Empire of Japan vowed on their emperor's sacred throne to fight to the death and not face the inevitability of an American victory. Many Jews wondered if the Arabs would try to push them into the Mediterranean Sea. After the devastating American nuclear attack on Japan, the soldier leaders of the empire reevaluated their fight to the death position. Did the bomb give the Japanese permission to surrender and live? It obviously played a military role, a political role, and a peacemaking role. How close was the mindset of the Samurai culture to the Islamic culture? Did David Ben-Gurion take note and wonder if the same would work for Israel?[2] Could Israel find the ultimate deterrent that would convince her opponents that they could never, ever succeed? Was Israel's ability to cause a modern holocaust the best way to guarantee never having another one? ======= Also, study some of the Egypt's Nasser history and how Nasser swang to the Socialist side of things to fence out the Capitalists games there. Isreal's existance war: http://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jsource/isdf/text/gelber.html View from the other side: http://www.nfuu.org/Palestineto1948.htm Forrestal's feelings and why he was choked and tossed out a window: http://books.google.com/books?id=z0ZCxForm1cC&pg=PA59&lpg=PA59&dq=Clark+Clifford+Arabs+push+Jews+into+Mediterranean&source=bl&ots=IVQi--n0i1&sig=zL-B1 ====== So, factor into the equation, that after JFK gets killed, the Isreal area gets into the Six Day war and shoots up the USS Liberty over spying on the Israeli movements, and LBJ does nothing. Israel also gets into another Arab war in Nixon's time and Nixon's sends them twice the weapons they needed to recover from that. There was no real reason for either of them to provide that much help but for what the Israeli's knew of the special deal in Texas that killed JFK, which could well hang both LBJ and Nixon, if it came out. Nixon's big fear was that someone at the DNC put together the Dallas equition with NAZI and Israel elements in Dallas working together to off JFK. Thus, the JFK was not simply a USA domestic problem, but one that involved Foreign Espionage/Intelligence groups and especially the one that supported Israel historically, no matter what---PERMINDEX. PERMINDEX had well invaded the US after DeGaulle had almost all of Europe after them. LHO appeared to spend more time serving the PERMINDEX interests in Russia than any CIA mission. Dallas was a very complicated zone, with lots of old NAZIs around (Dornberger), lots of their old White Russian spy network types hanging around (de Moherenshildt), and Ferenc Nagy in Dallas and Jean DeMenil in Houston (with PERMINDEX Espionage). In Dallas, to kill JFK the Criminally Corrupt element in the JFK adminstration (LBJ, Hoover) teamed up Organized Crime's crooks (Lansky, Ruby, New Orleans and Miami Mob) and both worked with the Foreign Espionage unit PERMINDEX. LHO found himself in the middle of that triad with no way out, to the point that Ruby had to kill LHO to keep the back up play from firing on the Jewish elements in PERMINDEX. Both factions in PERMINDEX wanted the LHO diversion to work, but just in case the NAZI side wanted to have a next better play. It became essential for their cause.
  21. Also, keep this connection in mind-----Brown-Root was a big PIE player along with DeMenil. Jack Ruby's family background has White Russian association---The Solidarists. ===== http://www.hiddenmysteries.org/conspiracy/coverups/bronfmanbush.html The principal financiers of Permindex were a number of U. S. oil companies, H. L. Hunt of Dallas, Clint Murchison of Dallas, John DeMenil, Solidarist director of Houston, John Connally as executor of the Sid Richardson estate, Haliburton Oil Co., Senator Robert Kerr of Oklahoma, Troy Post of Dallas, Lloyd Cobb of New Orleans, Dr. Oschner of New Orleans, George and Herman Brown of Brown and Root, Houston, Attorney Roy M. Cohn, Chairman of the Board for Lionel Corporation, New York City, Schenley Industries of New York City, Walter Dohrnberger, ex-Nazi General and his company, Bell Aerospace, Pan American World Airways, its subsidiary, Intercontinental Hotel Corporation, Paul Raigorodsky of Dallas through his company, Claiborne Oil of New Orleans, Credit Suisse of Canada, Heineken's Brewery of Canada and a host of other munition makers and NASA contractors directed by the Defense Industrial Security Command. ----- (1) "White Russian" organization called the Solidarists--members Ferenc Nagy of Dallas (former Hungarian premier) and Jean De Menil of Houston (head of Schlumberger); ----- indicates that Nixon was the Cuban "case officer" who had assembled an important group of businessmen headed by George Bush and Jack Crichton, both Texas oilmen, to gather the necessary funds for the operation. Nixon was a protégé of Bush's father Preston [sic] who in 1946 had supported Nixon's bid for Congress. In fact, Preston Bush was the campaign strategist that brought Eisenhower and Nixon to the presidency of the United States. With such patrons, [Tracy] Barnes was certain that failure was impossible. ======== Keep in mind Heineken is a Netherland's Beer Company. ====== http://www.eurekaencyclopedia.com/index.php/Category:Jack_Ruby Solidarists Forerunners of the Solidarists were before and during World war II, Ukrainian Fascists. The Solidarists expanded the group to include all East European exiles, including those of various religious denominations. Concerning the Solidarists, Jack Ruby was a second-generation immigrant from the White Russian area of Poland and his brother, Hyman Rubenstein, was born there. Czarists Left Russia with vast fortunes. 1.John DeMenil Russian exile from Houston, Texas, a close friend and supporter of Lyndon Johnson for over thirty years. He fled to France, married into the Schlumberger family, moved to Caracas, Venezuela, and then to Houston, Texas before World War II. He became chairman of the Board of Schlumberger Corporation, a worldwide oil well service company. When Mrs. Jean DeMenil died, she contributed a substantial amount, first from her own personal funds and then from the DeMenil Foundation. Ralph Paul Ruby's Dallas partner in the Carousel Club, was a Russian immigrant having been born in Kiev, Russia. ======== Also, keep in mind that Zapruder was of Jewish White Russian extraction, as was Jack Ruby. Making the filming of JFK no accident. The "Solidarists" had a number of Jewish associations, and these factors were all part of Ruby's big fears over Pogroms against the Jewish, if all were told on the JFK hit factors.
  22. So, also link that LBJ was going to have to sell his Halliburton Stock, and was in such a hurry that he was doing that at Parkland Hospital. Halliburton Bought Brown-Root the year before and DeM appears to have been technically working for Halliburton/B-R. G DeM was right in the middle of things, which is why he ran to Haiti. If he talked it would ruin a number of crooks.
  23. It would appear White Russian DeM was very well connected and could well have had the keys to the city on who offed JFK. There is a little more associations of DeMohrenshildt that Mae Brussel speaks about: http://www.maebrussell.com/Mae%20Brussell%20Articles/Why%20Was%20Martha%20Mitchell%20Kidnapped%20-%202.html The Gehlen Operation, master spy outfit for Hitler's hot war against Eastern Europe and the USSR, moved many of their agents via Alien Dulles's CIA into the Dallas-Fort Worth-Houston area. Most of the emigres had large oil and land holdings taken from their families and hoped to return and claim what the Bolsheviks took away from them. Members of the Solidarists, members of Vlassov's Army of Liberation against the USSR, and nazi war criminals were moved into Texas and the Southwest long before John Kennedy was assassinated.(9) George DeMohrenschildt, Lee Oswald's closest friend in Dallas, came from a family where his "father was Director of the Nobel Oil Interests in Minsk Province. He was the elected representative of the landowners to the government of Czarist Russia."(10) John J. McCloy, member of the Warren Commission, was the attorney for Rockefeller's Standard Oil and represented the refineries of the "Nobel family's giant Caucasian oil fields" that had been taken by the Bolsheviks.(11) (At the time of the assassination of President Kennedy, DeMohrenschildt was employed by Lyndon Johnson's friends Brown & Root, largest constructors for Vietnam contracts.) Conduits of funds for the transfer of emigre groups into the United States from Eastern Europe or the Middle East were through organizations such as the Tolstoy Foundation, the Greek Orthodox Church, and other DIA and ClA front organizations. (12) Members of a close-knit emigre group in Texas that quickly adopted Marina Oswald as their own were named by the Warren Report as the "Russian Speaking Community." These people were the ones who were to provide the Warren Commission with the thinking habits and personality profile of Lee Harvey Oswald. Many of those persons in the Dallas-Fort-Worth area were part of a large espionage activity. Most of them were closely identified with defense and warfare factories, oil exploration, or worked directly with government agencies. When the guns of November 22, 1963 went off, thirty emigre canaries, plus a few Americans directly connected with nazi General Walter Dornberger at Bell Aerospace, and Marina Oswald, wife of Lee Harvey Oswald, were singing for the news media and the Warren Commission. These were the people whose testimony the Warren Report quoted, which was false information. Nothing these people said about Oswald had any basis in fact. Nobody questioned the source of their fabrications and outright lies. No members of the Warren Commission attended hearings from the Russian community except for the testimony given by Marina Oswald and Kathryn Ford. ======
  24. On the issues of EH Hunt as the benchwarmer on the JFK hit, it fits because Gerry Droller was driving. Droller didn't mind using LHO. Droller's buddy Frank Sturgis was JBS and CAP There is an issues of folks working for the Agency and those working for the Company, one is US Govt Domestic and the other Foreign/PIE. A CIA that wanted to spy on Russia was not interested in shooting down FGP, but PIE oriented intentions were to stop the Peaceful Coexistance Plans of Russia as their games for world dominance were not complete. ====== http://mcadams.posc.mu.edu/alliance.pdf http://www.doewatch.com/jb/ Deadly Alliance By Judyth Vary Baker with Howard Platzman, Ph. D. OUTLINE OF THE CONSPIRACY Note: Downed U-2 Pilot Gary Powers has stated his belief that Oswald had the information needed to bring him down. New information: Mr. B may not have been Phillips. Another CIA figure, Frank Bender, one alias of Gerry Droller, was known inside the agency as Mr. B. He was posted to Mexico City at the same time as Phillips. The record says that Droller worked for the OSS during the war, but there are indications he actually worked on biological weapons for the Nazis. ========
  25. http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/JFKbarkerB.htm The first groups of exiles were mostly members of the deposed dictator Fulgencio Batista, followed later by people who had believed in the revolution and were betrayed, their property confiscated and their lives in danger. Due to the explosion in unrest throughout, not only Cuba, but also the rest of Central and South America at that time, the CIA's "Miami Operations Base" had hundreds of agents, all under the command of a" Mr. B", whose code name was Frank Bender. One of Mr. B's associates was Eduardo Hamilton, the code name used by E. Howard Hunt. Bender and Hunt were veterans of the OSS and the CIA and were experienced cold warriors. In 1960 Barker was assigned to work under Hunt, to recruit and organize men for what would become a Cuban Exile invasion force training to liberate Cuba from Castro. The group was then known as the "2506 Brigade." In reality far from being a Cuban led and organized effort, these training activities were in accordance with an official plan to implement the CIA's "A Program of Covert Action Against the Castro Regime" which was approved by President Eisenhower on March 17, 1960.
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