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Thomas Graves

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Everything posted by Thomas Graves

  1. Dear Paul, IMHO, you need to be a bit more precise with your language. Oswald (or an Oswald Look-Alike) didn't drive the Rambler station wagon away. He was driven away in it. Possibly by our buddy, David Sanchez Morales. -- Tommy
  2. Dear Sandy, Do you consider me to be an ideologue? Do you consider my trying to help Mr. Prudhomme find Gloria Calvery in the films and photos an indication of that? Or my arguing with him about whether Marion Baker ran 1 ) up the front steps, or 2 ) down to the corner to chat with a policeman (or Running Woman?) for a minute or two? Or my contending that "Door Man" in Altgens 6 was a leaning-forward Billy Lovelady (having moved to the center handrail from the wall after the limo passed by the TSBD)? Or my contending that on 11/22/63 Billy Lovelady was wearing a reddish colored plaid shirt with white and black and grey stripes? And that Cinque's and Fetzer's "Dwarf Man Sitting in a Chair in Homicide and Robbery at 2:02 on 11/22/63" and "Neanderthal Man Smoking a Cigarette on the Front Steps After the Assassination" were actually Billy Nolan Lovelady? How about my pointing out that the white-t-shirt-wearing Marine photographed with a bump on his wrist had a more massive jaw and smaller ears than Roscoe White had? Or my unwillingness to believe that everything was altered? Do these things make me an ideologue in your book? Am I forgetting something? -- Tommy OH yeah. And that Shelley and Lovelady really were captured on film by Malcolm Couch as they ran / walked at least partway down Elm Street Extension (with Shelley veering off to the left towards the "island" and Lovelady hoofing it towards the railway yards / parking lot)? Does my willingness to believe my own eyes make me ... an ideologue?
  3. Howdy, Robert / Bob ! Pray tell, is that a demand or a request? -- Tommy PS ever find Lovelady's height? You know, his arrest in Maryland while still in the Air Force, etc? And what about Shelley? Was he on the high school basketball team? Or was he always typecast as one of the dwarfs in the drama's department's annual production of "Snow White"?
  4. Douglas, Either that, or Comey was more concerned about appearing to be transparent than he was about being fair. -- Tommy
  5. Paul, Is that a serous question? http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/frontline/film/putins-way/ (You may have to right click it and "open" it) -- Tommy
  6. Ever heard of the KGB, the FSB, 1999 Russian Apartment Bombings, the Second Chechen War, Transnistria, Crimea (and the Little Green Men), Donbas (and the Russian BUK that shot down MH17), Syria, Cozy Bear, Fancy Bear, Guccifer 2.0, the so-called Ukrainian Separatist "Motorola," Wikileaks, etc.? Ever watched the PBS video "Putin's Way"? (It's free. All ya gotta do is [gasp] Google it.) -- Tommy
  7. Dear Sandy, If Shelley and Lovelady were up to no good on 11/22/63, what makes you think they would have been truthful and forthright on any of those documents and / or testimonies? -- Tommy PS It appears to me that your relatively steep "newbie" learning curve plus your willingness to comment on practically everything and then "advertise" your near-constant flip-flopping on issues is kinda impedin' the the overall progress of this here forum, IMHO. Anyone's continuing to seriously entertain the thought that Cinque and Fetzer were right about "Door Man," "Dwarf Man (Wearing Lovelady's Shirt While) Sitting In A Chair In Homicide and Robbery," "Neanderthal Man (Wearing Lovelady's Plaid Shirt) On The Steps After The Assassination," etc, all all prime examples of witting or unwitting JFK Assassination Debate obstructionism, IMHO.
  8. Ray, Actually, I would think that the Couch / Darnell clip isn't quite long enough for anyone to be able to determine with reasonable certainty whether or not that is the case But I think that the fact we know what his wardrobe was that day (dark suit), in conjunction with the fact that we can see his distinctive. "Kookie, Kookie, Lend Me Your Comb" hairdo and his slender frame in Couch / Darnell, strongly suggests that he is indeed Shelley, and even more so because he "just happens" to be walking next to a Lovelady-looking guy for a second or two in the synchronized Couch / Darnell GIF by Gerda Dunckel. -- Tommy
  9. Okay; fine. But it seems to me that when carried to an extreme, that "approach" can lead to the counter-productive "rabbit hole" mind-set that "Everything Was Altered / Faked I Tell You!" -- Tommy
  10. Michael, Sounds reasonable to me, although judging "Shelley's and Lovelady's" comparative heights from such a distance, and given the fact that one or both of them start running / changing direction in the clip, makes it a bit problematic, IMHO. That's why I tend to go with "Lovelady's" distinctive bald spot, hair line, and (obvious to me at least) boldly-pattered and distinctive plaid shirt. Maybe "my problem" is that I'm not sufficiently "paranoid" to seriously entertain the thought that Barto, or someone else, altered (like drawing in with a magic pencil, or something) the regular, geometrical (i.e., non- LSD spider-webbish) pattern on "Lovelady's" shirt. -- Tommy
  11. Regardless, would anyone else care to vote? (Bear in mind that "that's Lovelady in Couch" is winning the poll so far.) Or is everyone either 1 ) convinced it's Lovelady and thinks there's no need to incur Prudhomme's / Fetzer's / Cinque's wrath by stating the obvious, or 2 ) ... still ... undecided? -- Tommy
  12. A little humor: "Cowboy Bob has decided that before he uses it, he's gonna go and finally have his eyes checked." LOL -- Tommy
  13. Naw, Prudhomme. Let's just wait and see what happens. BTW, when's the last time YOU cried, Cowboy Bob? Might be good for you. Helps get one particular stress chemical out of your brain; in fact it's the only way, according to my eye-surgeon father. Or do only "little girls" cry, but never rough-tough cowboys, miners, and fashion-conscious lumberjacks like you? (My older brother did when his quarter horse "Red Rooster" died of lock jaw, according to our mother.) -- Tommy
  14. Prudhomme, I wonder how the Moderators feel about the "appropriateness" of your statement in the context of the Rules of the Forum? -- Tommy
  15. (Sounds like you're afraid of losing, Bob.) Who is taller in the Malcolm Couch clip, "Shelley" or "Lovelady"? The vote so far: "Shelley" is taller. -- Tommy "Lovelady" is taller. -- Cowboy Bob Who else would like to vote on this? (Don't be shy.) -- Tommy
  16. Howdy, Bob! To me, Shelley looks a little taller than Lovelady in Couch. Did you ever get you eyes checked, Cowboy Bob? Should we have another "poll"? Who is taller in Couch -- "Shelley" or "Lovelady"? -- Tommy
  17. Howdy Bob! Question: Why do you believe the FBI all of a sudden? You know, that organization that you claim faked those <gasp> unsigned reports of interviews (or whatever you want to call them) of all of those TSBD employees, including one of your personal favorites, Pauline Saunders, who told the FBI that she saw Marion Baker run up the front steps right after the assassination? BTW, have you found Lovelady's arrest record / mugshot in Maryland, yet? You know, from when he was arrested for and charged with trying to sell a stolen US military pistol or two? -- Tommy PS I dedicate this song to you, Cowboy Bob:
  18. Happy Birthday, anyway, Dawn. (Did you get the Happy Birthday greetings I sent you a week or so ago on FB?) -- Tommy
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