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Thomas Graves

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Everything posted by Thomas Graves

  1. Chris, I just found out something that you must already know -- that the name of that "dog leg" road is "Big 7 Road." A "local" posted this on the "Lascombe Community News" page on Facebook in July of 2015: "About 30 years ago, Mark Lotz and I once drove down a road in Lacombe, just being nosey and it didn't have any notice on it about being a private road (Big 7 Road). Well we were met at the end of the road near the bayou by armed guards all dressed in black with BIG guns all pointing at us in our little car! Mark drove in reverse really FAST till he saw a place he could make a quick turn around. I looked back and these armed guys were still chasing us. We never drove down that road again and passed it along Hwy 434 almost every day. We just assumed it was a mafia hangout since the "family" had a well known outpost in Lacombe at the time. This article is eye opening." The article she's talking about is an article by Daniel Hopsicker on Facebook. If what she's talking about happened about 30 years ago, that would have been around 1985, right about the time of the Iran - Contra Affair. It's hard to believe that the road, or at least the last part of it, wasn't posted "Private Road -- No Trespassing." --Tommy
  2. Chris, When you zoom in on the property on Google Earth, you see a rectangular pool filled with dirty-looking water 170 feet to the East north-east of the (remodeled?) house. I think Hopsicker photographed the same rectangular pool for his article on the arm's bust near Lacombe: [...] "Everybody know everybody in New Orleans" While doing research in Louisiana in 2000, I identified and visited Mike McLaney’s Lacombe property. It's a spooky place, filled with ghosts, none of whom would agree to be interviewed on the record. So, for what follows, I’ve relied on what I consider the most reliable JFK research to cover the subject: In July of '63 a group of Cuban exiles from Miami arrived and joined the anti-Castro guerrilla training camp at Lacombe. Not long after the Miami exiles arrived, Lee Oswald offered his services to the exiles. Whether Oswald is patsy or conspirator or emissary from the Spiders From Mars, he was there, in the company of men like Guy Banister, David Ferrie, and CIA agent David Atlee Philips. At some point, Mike McLaney sent the CIA a detailed plan for knocking out three Havana refinery. But instead of getting his plan approved, he got an urgent phone call from Washington warning him “not to attempt such a thing under any circumstances.” Carlos Marcello associate Sam Benton had more than two tons of dynamite beside McLaney's cottage. To deliver this "big bang" to Castro’s oil refineries Benton was negotiating to obtain a B-24 aircraft. Two planes were to take off from an airstrip near the Lacombe camp, then fly on to Havana . http://www.madcowprod.com/2013/11/22/barry-seal-the-dallas-get-away-plane-the-jfk-assassination/ --Tommy
  3. Mark, Good One. Question: I take it you don't think the writer of the letter could have been wittily implicating Clay Shaw in his completely-unnecessary-to-mention "stay with a friend at the Shaw Hotel" in some unspecified city? Was there a well-known "Shaw Hotel" or a "Hotel Shaw" in the Washington D.C. or Langley, Virginia, area, or anywhere in the U.S. for that matter, that RFK and Dulles (and everybody else) would have known or heard about in 1963, making the mentioning of it more plausible, more realistic, and less uhhh... "out of left field"? Or was the letter just an anti-Black joke? There was, after all, a Hotel Shaw that catered to "Negroes" as late as 1955 in New York City, but how well would that have been known to RFK or Dulles? http://issuu.com/dafiyab.benibo/docs/negro_traveler_s_green_book How could the writer of the letter, so seemingly knowlegeble about "The Syndicate," have screwed up so badly as to confuse the gay "Brass Rail" in Hillcrest for the notorious mafia-owned and, yes, Johnny Roselli-connected "Gold Rail" in downtown San Diego for the place at which Jack Ruby had allegedly conferred with "Syndicate" members before the assassination? (Go to Mary Ferrell Foundation website sometime and put the terms "gold rail" and "san diego" in the search box at the same time. You'll be amazed.) It seems to me that the true writer of the letter was fully aware of the existence of both the Brass Rail and the Gold Rail "Steak House" in San Diego, and intentionally mixed them up, and mixed them together, in the letter. --Tommy
  4. In 1992 the Chief of the CIA history staff wrote a "Secret" 27-page report for the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency (DCI) about the materials that the HSCA had been allowed to see, and in this report he enumerated the conclusions that could be drawn. One way of looking at it is that the report warns the DCI about any "cats that might have been let out of the bag." On page 2 of the report he wrote, "Our survey found nothing in these records that indicates any CIA role in the Kennedy assassination or assassination conspiracy (if there was one), or any CIA involvement with Oswald. These records do reveal, however, that Clay Shaw was a highly paid CIA contract source until 1956. While nothing surfaced on Carlos Marcello in the collection, we found substantial documentation on other members of the mob, including Santos [sic] Trafficante." [emphasis added by T. Graves] http://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=7302&search=shaw#relPageId=3&tab=page Thoughts, anyone? Interesting "segue" from Clay Shaw to Carlos Marcello and the mob. LOL What's a "contract source," anyway? An informant who is kept "on retainder"? --Tommy
  5. Stephen, Did McLaney or his brother own any land in that area which could have been used for training or storage purposes? --Tommy
  6. Chris, I did it the hard way. I googled images for "hank walker" airplane , scrolled down, found it. The palm trees now make me think the photo was in Florida, but I remember that it was somehow associated with McLaney or the people at the camps around Lake P. It appears to have been one of the photos Hank Walker took for an April 11, 1960, article in Life Magazine called "Plot, Counterplot On Flyways To Cuba" written by Richard Billings. https://books.google.com/books?id=Kk8EAAAAMBAJ&pg=PA2&lpg=PA2&dq=%22plot,+counterplot+on+flyways%22&source=bl&ots=kkp96MYS-v&sig=mZCqgjK_Muy69KZcxAMVBROY5nc&hl=en&sa=X#v=onepage&q=%22plot%2C%20counterplot%20on%20flyways%22&f=false The plane in the backyard is a 1946 "Aeronca 11AC" which is presently owned by a 91-year-old woman in Douglas, Georga. She registered the plane in 2006. Note the "N number" on the wing -- N85857 It's so-called "Airworthiness Date" was 1956-03-15. http://registry.faa.gov/aircraftinquiry/NNum_Results.aspx?NNumbertxt=N85857 For $10 or so one can get the registration history of this plane from the FAA. http://aircraft.faa.gov/e.gov/nd/ --Tommy edited and bumped
  7. I posted this response, which I have recently edited: Robert, Whoever wrote this letter confused (perhaps intentionally) the gay Brass Rail bar (in Hillcrest, a couple of miles north of downtown San Diego) for the straight, no-longer-existing, downtown San Diego Gold Rail Steak House, which was owned by the most feared Mafia hitman on the West Coast, Frank Bompensiero, and "One Eye" Frank Paul Dragna, son of Los Angles mob boss Jack Dragna (an associate of Johnny Roselli). "Syndicate" members wouldn't have met at the gay Brass Rail up in Hillcrest, they would have met at the mafia-owned Gold Rail, which was situated near the luxurious U.S. Grant Hotel in downtown San Diego. Speaking of Bompensiero, the Gold Rail, the U.S. Grant Hotel, a guy who was trying to muscle in on Bompeniero's jukebox monopoly, and a little story about what was done with a big cucumber in one of the rooms at the U.S. Grant Hotel, there's an interesting FBI document from the late 1950's, but I can't seem to find it at the moment. I guess you'll just have to use your imagination. FWIW, a couple of years ago I knocked on the door of the Brass Rail before it opened one morning (I'm not a patron -- LOL) and asked the manager if it had ever been owned by a couple of Hungarians. The answer was "No." "Bompensiero was proud of the Gold Rail. Actually, if you are to believe the license and the Yellow Pages listing, the “Gold Rail Steak House.” No steak was served. Law said you had to serve food. Bompensiero didn’t serve food." http://www.sandiegor...check-us-grant/ http://en.wikipedia....ank_Bompensiero https://en.wikipedia...iki/Jack_Dragna --Tommy Robert, San Francisco mafioso Nick de John was murdered in 1947. http://archives.chicagotribune.com/1947/05/10/page/3/article/former-chicago-hoodlum-slain-on-west-coast Regarding your other question, Since RFK was Attorney General and therefore J. Edgar Hoover's boss, I would think that he could have told Hoover to be hard on certain people. PS The coy, story-telling style, the liberal use of quotation marks and hyphens, the exclamation mark, the good vocabulary, the near perfect spelling, the excellent grammar, the proper use of commas, and the generally good punctuation reminds me very much of Gerry Patrick Hemming. I think the letter was an elaborate joke by Hemming (e.g., the Shaw Hotel was a "Negro" hotel in Harlem, NYC -- why even mention that he and his "friend" were staying at the "Shaw Hotel" when he recognized Ruby on television? ; Hemming has the "writer" come across as being possibly gay himself -- and how else could the "writer" have known about the gay Brass Rail (est. 1960) if he hadn't been there "when he was in San Diego in 1961"?). I think Hemming wrote this letter not only as a joke, but to also to direct RFK's attention away from the CIA and towards the Mafia, and to send RFK on a couple of "wild goose chases," as well, trying to figure out what the writer meant when he said that RFK and / or Dulles had messed with his mail in San Diego in 1961, talking about threats to the welfare of our people emanating "from near the border," etc. BTW, it's interesting that the "originator" of the document ("CIA") doesn't say where the letter was mailed from. http://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=73129#relPageId=1&tab=page --Tommy More on Frank Bompensiero: http://www.allanrmay.com/Frank_Bompensiero.html This thought just in! Could the unnecessary-for-the-writer-to-mention "Shaw Hotel" be a December 1, 1963, reference to still-in-the-closet Clay Shaw?
  8. Chris, I did it the hard way. I googled images for "hank walker" airplane , scrolled down, found it. The palm trees now make me think the photo was in Florida, but I remember that it was somehow associated with McLaney or the people at the camps around Lake P. It appears to have been one of the photos Hank Walker took for an April 11, 1960, article in Life Magazine called "Plot, Counterplot On Flyways To Cuba" written by Richard Billings. https://books.google.com/books?id=Kk8EAAAAMBAJ&pg=PA2&lpg=PA2&dq=%22plot,+counterplot+on+flyways%22&source=bl&ots=kkp96MYS-v&sig=mZCqgjK_Muy69KZcxAMVBROY5nc&hl=en&sa=X#v=onepage&q=%22plot%2C%20counterplot%20on%20flyways%22&f=false The plane in the backyard is a 1946 "Aeronca 11AC" which is presently owned by a 91-year-old woman in Douglas, Georga. She registered the plane in 2006. Note the "N number" on the wing -- N85857 It's so-called "Airworthiness Date" was 1956-03-15. http://registry.faa.gov/aircraftinquiry/NNum_Results.aspx?NNumbertxt=N85857 --Tommy
  9. Robert Howard posted this FBI document in 2008: I posted this response, which I have recently edited: Robert, Whoever wrote this letter confused (perhaps intentionally) the gay Brass Rail bar (in Hillcrest, a couple of miles north of downtown San Diego) for the straight, no-longer-existing, downtown San Diego Gold Rail Steak House, which was owned by the most feared Mafia hitman on the West Coast, Frank Bompensiero, and "One Eye" Frank Paul Dragna, son of Los Angles mob boss Jack Dragna (an associate of Johnny Roselli). "Syndicate" members wouldn't have met at the gay Brass Rail up in Hillcrest, they would have met at the mafia-owned Gold Rail, which was situated near the luxurious U.S. Grant Hotel in downtown San Diego. Speaking of Bompensiero, the Gold Rail, the U.S. Grant Hotel, a guy who was trying to muscle in on Bompeniero's jukebox monopoly, and a little story about what was done with a big cucumber in one of the rooms at the U.S. Grant Hotel, there's an interesting FBI document from the late 1950's, but I can't seem to find it at the moment. I guess you'll just have to use your imaginations. FWIW, a couple of years ago I knocked on the door of the Brass Rail before it opened one morning (I'm not a patron -- LOL) and asked the manager if it had ever been owned by a couple of Hungarians. The answer was "No." "Bompensiero was proud of the Gold Rail. Actually, if you are to believe the license and the Yellow Pages listing, the “Gold Rail Steak House.” No steak was served. Law said you had to serve food. Bompensiero didn’t serve food." --Martin Potter in The San Diego Reader http://www.sandiegor...check-us-grant/ http://en.wikipedia....ank_Bompensiero https://en.wikipedia...iki/Jack_Dragna --Tommy And recently I posted this: Robert, San Francisco mafioso Nick de John was murdered in 1947. http://archives.chicagotribune.com/1947/05/10/page/3/article/former-chicago-hoodlum-slain-on-west-coast Regarding your other question, Since RFK was Attorney General and therefore J. Edgar Hoover's boss, I would think that he could have told Hoover to be hard on certain people. PS The coy, story-telling style, the liberal use of quotation marks and hyphens, the exclamation mark, the good vocabulary, the near perfect spelling, the excellent grammar, the proper use of commas, and the generally good punctuation reminds me very much of Gerry Patrick Hemming. I think the letter was an elaborate joke by Hemming (e.g., the Shaw Hotel was a "Negro" hotel in Harlem -- why even mention that he and his "friend" were staying at the "Shaw Hotel" when he recognized Ruby on television ??? ; Hemming has the "writer" come across as being possibly gay himself -- and how else could the "writer" have known about the gay Brass Rail (est. 1960) if he hadn't been there himself "when he was in San Diego in 1961" ???, etc.). I think Hemming wrote this letter not only as a joke, but to also to direct RFK's attention away from the CIA and towards the Mafia, and to send RFK on a couple of "wild goose chases" as well, trying to figure out what the writer meant when he said that RFK and / or Dulles had messed with his mail in San Diego in 1961, talking about threats to the welfare of our people emanating "from near the border," etc. BTW, it's interesting that the "originator" of the document ("CIA") doesn't say where the letter was mailed from. http://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=73129#relPageId=1&tab=page --Tommy More on Frank Bompensiero: http://www.allanrmay.com/Frank_Bompensiero.html
  10. I'm 100% with Bill and Jeff. It was a publicity stunt, And a very theatrical one at that... brushing debris from his hair when reporters turned up... Greg, What about the 14-year-old neighborhood kid who said he saw two guys get into two different cars (a 1950 Ford and 1958 Chevrolet) right after the shot? He said the guy who quickly got into the Ford (that was sitting in the church parking lot, pointed towards the exit onto Turtle Creek Boulevard with its motor running and its headlights on) and drove it away was about 19 years old, 5' 10" tall, 130 pounds, and had a big nose. That sounds like Wesley Buell Frazier to me. He was 19, skinny, and had a big nose. The kid, Kirk Coleman, had to stand up on a bicycle that was leaning against a fence at the time to get a better view of what was going on. Since Kirk's head was up high, I think it was difficult for him to judge the height of the guys, but he did get the impression that the guy who got into the Ford was real skinny. I think I've read somewhere that Wesley Buell Frazier was 6'1" , and we all know that he was skinny. I think it's possible that the guy who Coleman thought was 5' 10" and 130 pounds was really 6' 1" and 150 pounds or so. If it was Frazier, then it's conceivable that Buell had "borrowed" Oswald's Imperial Reflex camera from Mrs. Paine's garage and taken the photo of Walker's back yard with it. Just thinking out loud here... If I'm right, and if the FBI or the Dallas Police found out that it was Frazier, then terrific pressure could have been put on Frazier regarding the framing of Oswald for the assassination. Just like lots of pressure might have been put on Oswald for his highly probable killing of Private Martin Schrand while they were stationed in the Philippines. It's important to bear in mind that after the assassination, when Coleman was shown photos of Oswald, he said that he was neither of the guys he saw in the church parking lot on the night of April 10, 1963. http://mcadams.posc.mu.edu/coleman.txt --Tommy
  11. Greg, I've just found the perfect way to describe the Harvey and Lee syndrome: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Texas_sharpshooter_fallacy "The Texas Sharpshooter" fallacy. How ironic is that? "It is related to the clustering illusion, which refers to the tendency in human cognition to interpret patterns where none actually exist." LOL --Tommy
  12. Greg, I C. I was thinking of when he moved from Dallas to New Orleans on April 24, 1963. He had allegedly shot at Walker a couple of weeks before that. I'm up in the air as to whether or not he shot at Walker. What do you think? --Tommy PS I don't know if Oswald's "Stereo Realist" camera could have caused the reflection / glow that we see in the Prayer Man footage, but's it's interesting to speculate that Oswald took it to work with him that day to take some very special photographs of a very special occasion and that Frazier sneaked it (or the IR or the Smena-2) back to Ruth Paine's place later that day.
  13. This sounds like more BS. Robert is not supposed to have known Lee was going to the SU. IIRC, he told his mother that he was going to New Orleans to work in the import/export field. That being the case, why would Lee not want to take his camera to New Orleans? Wouldn't it seem at least mildly odd that he left it behind? Greg, It seems to me that Lee could have left the IR with Robert and not told him he was moving to the Soviet Union. Maybe Robert thought Lee was going to Switzerland, or was going to New Orleans to work in the import-export business. After the assassination, it's natural that Robert would refer that period of time as the time Lee was in "Russia." I'm trying to find out if Oswald could have bought film for the Russian-made Smena-2 / Cuera-2 in the U.S. Ruth Paine seemed to say in her WC testimony that Oswald claimed he couldn't. But if he could buy film for it, maybe he took that camera with him to New Orleans (if he took any) instead of the IR, or maybe even that mysterious little "German camera with the black case and chain." --Tommy PS By the way, was it ever determined what kind of camera took the infamous photographs of Walker's house? Tommy, I don't think he had the Soviet camera prior to going to the SU. I'g going from memory again but I believe only one Walker photo was tied to that camera. Maybe someone can correct that if it's wrong. Greg, Sorry if I confused you, but when I wrote "IR" in my post, I wasn't talking about the Soviet 35mm "Smena-2" aka "Cuera-2" camera which Lee bought in Russia. I was talking about the U.S. made Imperial Reflex 620 (called that because of the "620" film it used) twin lens reflex camera that Robert claimed Lee bought about the time he went into the Marines (1957) and then later on left it with Robert when he departed for "Switzerland," eventually retrieving it from Robert when he returned to the U.S. in 1962. In my post I was wondering if Lee might have taken the photo of Walker's house with his Russian made Smena-2 35mm camera instead of the alleged Imperial Reflex 620, and along that line of thought I was wondering if Lee could have even bought 35mm film for that Russian camera in the United States when he came back. Despite what Marina and Ruth Paine told the WC, I think it was possible for Lee to buy film for the Smena-2 in the U.S. because I've found a youtube video which shows some guys in Poland loading (incorrectly at first -- they put the film in upside down -- LOL) some Fujicolor film into their old Smena-2 camera. --Tommy PS -- "Smena" means "youth" in Russian.
  14. Thanks, Chris. Unfortunately I don't have a Mac. so I can't use OSX. Maybe Windows has something I can use to "grab" (same thing as take a screenshot?) internet images and then post them here, for example. I can take screenshots just fine, but I don't know to put them on a blog forum like this one. I guess I have to put it in JPEG format first? Anyway, I have a picture on my hard drive I downloaded a few years ago that was taken from the air by photographer Hank Walker and shows a private plane in somebody's small back yard in Lascombe, LA, I think, back in the early 1960's. I think the house belonged to Mike Mclaney or one of his associates, but I've forgotten the details, and I can't even figure out how to upload it here. EF message -- "It's too big to upload," or words to that effect. --Tommy
  15. Correct. In the exercise at hand, it's not necessary (in fact it doesn't help at all) to turn over the "K" card or the "4" card to find out whether or not the rule, "A card with a vowel on one side must have an even number on the other side" was actually followed by the person who wrote the letters and numbers on the four cards, but it is necessary to turn over the "E" card and the "7" card. --Tommy
  16. Nice work, Chris! I'm addicted to Google Earth myself. Just wish it had higher resolution when I'm looking for old brush-covered gold mines and "prospects" in the local mountains How did you post that "screenshot" here? I haven't figured out how to do that yet. --Tommy PS The Weisberg link gives me a "Not Found" error message.
  17. Mark, The mind numbing complexity can be eliminated by remembering that the exercise was intended to be limited to the four cards given. Once we can accept that, there's a lesson to be learned by thinking about this problem. Here's a hypothetical analogy: "Although everyone involved was a dirty rotten rat, not every member of the CIA was involved." LOL --Tommy
  18. Dear John, We can reasonably assume that the question applied to only the four cards mentioned in the exercise itself. How could / would he have worded the exercise if he'd wanted us to consider all possible cards in the universe that had a rational number on one side and an upper-case letter from the Modern English alphabet on the other? Does the fact that he didn't do this suggest that he wanted us to infer that that was what he had intended? "Which of the infinite number of cards in the universe would you have to turn over...." LOL Or then again, we can unreasonably quibble, split hairs, and apply "if, then" "then, if" logic like so many of us do in our JFK assassination "research" and "analysis." A perfect microcosm (or is it macrocosm?). Solution for an infinite number of cards: Turn over all of the cards showing a vowel, and turn over all of the cards showing an odd number. If any of the former have an odd number on the other side, or if any of the latter have a vowel on the other side, then God is either messing with you or has made an honest mistake. --Tommy edited and bumped Solution for an infinite number of cards (OR the four-cards corollary): Turn over all of the cards showing a vowel, and turn over all of the cards showing an odd number. If any of the former have an odd number on the other side, or if any of the latter have a vowel on the other side, then God is either messing with you or has made an honest mistake. --T. Graves For an infinite number of cards, the options change. the falseness of the antecedent can be proved, but its accuracy can never be. This is why the solution is stated to be the "least" number of turns that need to be made in order to prove true or false. with an infinite number of cards, as soon as a vowel is turned with no even #, or as soon as an even # is turned with no vowel, falseness occurs. and to the contrary, the trueness of the problem can never be proved. --G. Nall Of course you're right, Glenn. I was just messing with you. --Tommy How about if you turn over both cards (one showing vowel, the other showing odd number) at exactly the same time, forever?
  19. Dear John, We can reasonably assume that the question applied to only the four cards mentioned in the exercise itself. How could / would he have worded the exercise if he'd wanted us to consider all possible cards in the universe that had a rational number on one side and an upper-case letter from the Modern English alphabet on the other? Does the fact that he didn't do this suggest that he wanted us to infer that that was what he had intended? "Which of the infinite number of cards in the universe would you have to turn over...." LOL Or then again, we can unreasonably quibble, split hairs, and apply "if, then" "then, if" logic like so many of us do in our JFK assassination "research" and "analysis." A perfect microcosm (or is it macrocosm?). Solution for an infinite number of cards: Turn over all of the cards showing a vowel, and turn over all of the cards showing an odd number. If any of the former have an odd number on the other side, or if any of the latter have a vowel on the other side, then God is either messing with you or has made an honest mistake. --Tommy edited and bumped
  20. Dear John, We can reasonably assume that the question applied to only the four cards mentioned in the exercise itself. How could / would he have worded the exercise if he'd wanted us to consider all possible cards in the universe that had a rational number on one side and an upper-case letter from the Modern English alphabet on the other? Does the fact that he didn't do this suggest that he wanted us to infer that that was what he had intended? "Which of the infinite number of cards in the universe would you have to turn over...." LOL Or then again, we can unreasonably quibble, split hairs, and apply "if, then" "then, if" logic like so many of us do in our JFK assassination "research" and "analysis." A perfect microcosm (or is it macrocosm?). Solution for an infinite number of cards: Turn over over all of the cards showing a vowel, and turn over all of the cards showing an odd number. If any of the former have an odd number on the other side, or if any of the latter have a vowel on the other side, then God is either messing with you or has made an honest mistake. --Tommy
  21. Robert, Whoever wrote this letter confused (perhaps intentionally) the gay Brass Rail bar (in Hillcrest, a couple of miles north of downtown San Diego; "open since 1960") for the straight, no-longer-existing, downtown San Diego Gold Rail Steakhouse, which was owned by the most feared Mafia hit man on the West Coast, Frank Bompensiero, and "One Eye" Frank Paul Dragna, son of Los Angles mob boss Jack Dragna (an associate of Johnny Roselli). "Syndicate" members wouldn't have met at the gay Brass Rail, they would have met at the mafia-owned Gold Rail Steakhouse, which was situated within short walking distance of the luxurious U.S. Grant Hotel in downtown San Diego. FWIW, a couple of years ago I knocked on the door of the Brass Rail before it opened one morning (I'm not a patron -- LOL) and asked the manager if it had ever been owned by a couple of Hungarians. The answer was "No." "Bompensiero was proud of the Gold Rail. Actually, if you are to believe the license and the Yellow Pages listing, the “Gold Rail Steak House.” No steak was served. Law said you had to serve food. Bompensiero didn’t serve food." --Martin Potter in The San Diego Reader http://www.sandiegoreader.com/news/1999/mar/11/cover-fateful-check-us-grant/ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frank_Bompensiero https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jack_Dragna --Tommy [...] [...] To answer Robert Howard's old question, mafioso Nick de John was murdered May 7, 1947. http://archives.chicagotribune.com/1947/05/10/page/3/article/former-chicago-hoodlum-slain-on-west-coast PS The liberal use of quotation marks and hyphens in the letter, as well as the exclamation mark, the good vocabulary, the near perfect spelling, the excellent grammar, the proper use of commas, and the generally good punctuation (there are a couple of errors) reminds me very much of the writings of Gerry Patrick Hemming. I think the letter was an elaborate joke by Hemming (e.g., the Shaw Hotel was a "Negro" hotel in Harlem -- why even mention that he and his friend were staying at the "Shaw Hotel" ??? ; the "writer" comes across as being possibly gay himself -- how else could the "writer" have known about the gay Brass Rail (est. 1960) if he hadn't been there himself when he was in San Diego "in 1961" ???, etc.). I think Hemming wrote this letter not only as a joke, but to also to direct RFK's attention away from rogues in the CIA and towards the Mafia in regard to the assassination of his brother And to send RFK on a couple of "wild goose chases," trying to figure out what the writer meant when he said his mail had been messed with in San Diego in 1961, and talking about threats to the welfare of our people emanating "from near the border," etc. BTW, it's interesting that the "originator" of the document ("CIA") doesn't say where the letter was mailed from. http://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=73129#relPageId=1&tab=page --Tommy Bumped in an attempt to get some kind of response.
  22. Robert, Yes, that's what he's saying. The "E" must be checked to make sure that the rule is being followed -- if it has an odd number on the other side, then the rule isn't being followed. The "7" must be checked to make sure it doesn't have a vowel on the other side -- if it has a vowel on the other side, then the rule isn't being followed. The "K" doesn't need to be checked because it doesn't matter whether it has an even or an odd number on the other side -- the rule doesn't say that only a vowel can have an even number on the other side. The "4" doesn't need to be checked because the rule doesn't say that if a card has an even number on one side, it must have a vowel on the other side. --Tommy The "E" must be checked to make sure that the rule is being followed -- if it has an odd number on the other side, then the rule isn't being followed. I still disagree. It was stated originally that IF there is a vowel there will be an even number. Since there is a vowel, then you already know there is an even number. the 7 does not to be checked because there can't be a vowel there because the rule said if there is a vowel, then there will be an even number. So if the other side had a vowel, then you couldn't have an odd number. This is like saying that it is a fact that if a traffic light is red one direction then it is green for the other direction. then asking if the light is red for your direction can we assume it is green for the other direction, or do we actually have to go look and see? I have never gotten out of my car at a red light to go and see if it was green for the other direction. Ken, Try looking at it this way. Assuming that there are four cards lying on a table showing an "E" , a "7" , a "K" , and a "4," and that you've been told by a trustworthy person who has looked at both sides of the cards that each of the cards has a letter on one side and a number on the other, and bearing in mind that the rule states, in so many words, "If there is a vowel on one side of a card, there should / must be an even number on the other side," -- The Question Is: Which of the four cards must you turn over to make sure that the person who created this exercise didn't "space out" and put an odd number on the other side of a vowel by mistake (or a vowel on the other side of an odd number, for that matter), which is the only combination that's prohibited? The Solution: Since you are only concerned with what is prohibited, and since the only prohibited combination is a vowel and an odd number, you are concerned just with what's on the other side of the only vowel showing ("E"), and what's on the other side of the only odd number showing ("7"). Bear in mind that the rule doesn't say that there should / must be a vowel on the other side of every even number, just that there must be an even number on the other side of every vowel !!! Since it's human nature to occasionally make mistakes when writing down letters and numbers, you have to check the "E" card and the "7" card to make sure that the person who wrote the letter or number on the other side of those two cards didn't "space out," but actually followed the rule. Remember: It's okay if there's an even number on the other side of the "K," or a consonant on the other side of the "4" because the rule doesn't prohibit those combinations. The only thing the rule prohibits is the combination of a vowel and and an odd number / an odd number and a vowel. --Tommy
  23. According to Dutz, while Lee stayed at the Murret, he was quiet most of the time but could get loud and demanding with his mother. Marguerite's friend, Mrs Evans, made a similar observation. She must have been "in" on it too. So far "in the know", we have Marguerite, the fake Marguerite, Lee, "Harvey", Robert, Marina, Uncle Dutz, Aunt Lilian and Mrs Evans... am I missing anyone other than all the unknown CIA recruiters, handlers and officers involved? So far "in the know", we have Marguerite, the fake Marguerite, Lee, "Harvey", Robert, Marina, Uncle Dutz, Aunt Lilian and Mrs Evans... am I missing anyone other than all the unknown CIA recruiters, handlers and officers involved? Golly, Greg, that's a lot of people! It sure is amazing that they could all "keep a secret" !!! Maybe the bad guys paid them all a lot of money to keep their big mouths shut, and that Marguerite was so darn clever to continue working at low-paying jobs to, you know -- to help maintain her "cover" !!! Or maybe the bad guys just threatened them all !!! Most likely, though, is that they all kept their big mouths shut because they were such Patriots !!! --Tommy
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