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Thomas Graves

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Everything posted by Thomas Graves

  1. Fascinating stuff, Bernice (as James Richards would say). Unfortunately I can't make out the date that that newspaper was printed... Thanks, --Odd Tommy
  2. Was Oswald really very sorry to have missed out on renting a room from Gladys Johnson, as she claimed, as early as on 23 September? Her answers are odd and Joe Ball showed no interest in Johnson's claim that Oswald was "very sorry" as many as three weeks before he applied for work at the TSBD. [...] Tom, Interesting post. And oh, BTW, I don't find Mrs. Johnson's answers to Ball's questions "odd". What do you think is so "odd" about them? -- Odd Tommy P.S. Even if she only advertized when she actually had a vacancy, someone could've told him that cheap rooms were often(?) available there and suggested to him that he go there and "check it out." Of course, the idea that LHO was interested in living on that particular bus line before he got the job at the TSBD is intriguing. If true, perhaps he'd already made up his mind to get a job in that part of the city,,,
  3. Mr. Tom "Beautiful Mind" Scully, It should be obvious to you by now that I am CIA. I take my orders from David Atlee Phillips, through a cutout in Raleigh, North Carolina, who has a special "connection" with Phillips, who, when WE last checked, was still residing in Hades, Arkansas... Regarding the topic of this thread, all I can say is "Get a room", i.e. move it to a more appropriate venue. Last time I checked, this particular forum was dedicated to "debating" the JFK assassination...
  4. ....and I think that the U.S. should have risked the lives of its special forces to arrest the fine, upstanding U.S. Citizen Mr Anwar al Wacko, or at least prevailed upon our trustworthy ally, Yemen, to arrest him for us. Then we could have gone through the lengthy, contentious, extradition process to bring him back to his beloved homeland, the United States of America so that he could receive his precious DUE PROCESS and be tried by a jury of his PEERS. What a joke.
  5. From Crossfire: The Plot that Killed Kennedy... (Deputy Sheriff Roger) Craig said just after the motorcade turned on Elm Street, he heard a shot and began running towards Dealey Plaza. He ran down the grassy incline between Main and Elm Street and saw a Dallas police officer run up the Grassy Knoll and go behind the picket fence near the railroad yards. Craig followed, noting "complete confusion and hysteria" behind the fence. He began to question people when he noticed a woman in her early thirties attempting to drive out of the parking lot. Craig recalled: "I stopped her, identified herself, and placed her under arrest.... This parking lot was leased by Dallas deputy sheriff B. D. Gossett. He, in turn, rented parking spaces by the month to the deputies who worked in the courthouse, except for official vehicles. I rented one of these spaces..., I paid Gossett three dollars a month and was given a key to the lot. An interesting point is that... the only people having access to it were deputies with keys... How did this woman gain access, and what is more important, who was she and why did she have to leave? I turned her over to deputy sheriff C. L. "Lummie" Lewis and.... [he] told me he would take her to Sheriff Decker and take care of her car.... I had no way of knowing that an officer with whom I had worked for four years was capable of losing a thirty-year-old woman and a three-thousand-pound automobile. To this day Officer Lewis does not know who she was, where she came from, or what happened to her. Strange!" (emphasis added) Does anyone know if Craig ever said what kind of car the woman was driving? Or exactly where it was in the lot? Was there a lockable gate at the parking lot end end of the Elm Street extention? Were there any other entrance/exit points? Does anyone know of a good map or plan or photograph of the COMPLETE parking lot and it immediate environs? Thanks, --Tommy
  6. James, do you know if this Whatley is still alive now? Wim bump
  7. Anyone know the name of the guy, behind Larry Florer, being interviewed by the standing detective? In profile, the guy looks a bit like our old friend, The Mexico City Mystery Man... --Thomas
  8. What does "LJB" stand for, "Lousy Job, Blow"? --Thomas aka "Tommy O'Pepper"
  9. As the person who started this thread, I agree. (Please..) --Tommy
  10. Cliff, Don't you realize that trying to "talk sense" to Jimbo is like talking to a really thick brick wall, especially when what you're saying is counter to his "world view'? My suggestion: Give it up. --Tommy edited in the interest of conserving bandwidth
  11. Jimbo, This is a perfect example of how you are are apparently "wired" or "conditioned" to misinterpret and misconstrue! Can you read? (Of course you can.) Take a few seconds to re-read what I wrote. --Tombo
  12. Jimbo, If you look at your post #7 (the one to which I replied), you will realize that since you didn't include any of whichever post it was that you were responding to (yes folks, that's an excellent example of a dangling preposition), it was reasonable for me to assume that you were responding to my post #5, especially since my post preceded your post [with only Ron Ecker's post (#6) between them]. And no, Jimbo, I'm not "cruising" for you (sorry to disappoint you!) You wouldn't happen to be just a tad paranoid would you, Jimbo? Of course not. It's just it seems that people are always out to "get" you!! LOL --Tombo P.S. As others have pointed out on this forum, there wasn't/isn't much difference between the mafia/"Syndicate" and the CIA, DIA, FBI, etc... Lots of the "players" and "operatives" worked for some such governmental agency and the mafia/"syndicate" or were compromised big time by the latter groups [certain photos taken by the Mafia of JEH and Clyde Tolson engaged in a uhhh... certain highly compromising activity at mafia-connected Clint Murchison's Hotel Del Charro in La Jolla, California (my hometown!) come to mind].
  13. Jimbo, Oftentimes your obtuseness amazes me. It seems to me that when you read a post with which you disagree, you don't read it very well (or in its totality), but instead you tend to read it in a way that is analogous to the way in which a biased listener listens "selectively." Try reading my post again. Did I say that the Mafia did it? No. Did I suggest that the Mafia manipulated government people and/or agencies into doing things that contributed or led to the assassination? Yes. --Tommy
  14. Did The Mob change the route, stop the autopsy from happening in Tx., tell the SS to stand down, get them drunk on 11/21, set LHO up as patsy??? Did the Mob hire the CIA to conspire to kill Castro? On and on, this is the new version getting ready to roll out for the 50th anniversary. Blame Blakey and Co. And all the disinfo writers since. Dawn Ron and Dawn (Hey, I am a poet and I don't even know it.), Did the Mafia/"Syndicate" have good "connections" with certain governmental (U.S., Texas, Louisiana, etc. etc. etc.) movers and shakers and agencies (J.E.H. comes to mind) in 1963? Is the Pope Catholic? Does a bear poop in the woods? --Tommy
  15. Me too. I have had limited time lately but I briefly searched to see if I could locate requests for the arrest reports. It appears the WC was not interested in any details about the 3 tramps. I know Garrison was very much interested, but I have not been able to locate an actual request for the arrest records for the NO investigation. Perhaps there is someone out there who can chip in. It does not help that the Dallas Records Division waited until 1992 to release the reports. For the time being, we are left with Wise, Chambers and the FBI all agreeing that Chambers was not the arresting officer, and Chambers having no memory of writing the arrest reports. It's hard for me to imagine three real tramps being arrested for "suspicion of vagrancy" on that particular day, in that particular city, in that particular location (in a certain boxcar containing explosives; why wasn't that boxcar LOCKED UP? Hmmm...) on a freight train that just happened to have started "pulling out" shortly after the assassination. I might be wrong on the train's having already started pulling out, but I think I read that somewhere LOL. Please correct me if I'm wrong. --Tommy
  16. And of course, there's Maheu's best friend, Johnny Roselli. Maheu was/is some some kind of player! Which person in Dealey Plaza resembled a Hughes bodyguard? Is this the same person? T.C. Hey Tim. I think James pointed out before that this guy is a close match. Here's the photo that was for sale on eBay once. Was the 'Viewing Stand' that area on Main Street at the corner of Houston? - lee Excellent thread. I like this theory because I think Oswald was a bright young man, possibly a true patriot, and it's very difficult for me to imagine any other scenario in which he would have allowed himself to be manipulated into such a compromising "position." I believe I read this thread in its entirety a long time ago, but now I'm too lazy to read it again (at least right now), SO!-- I gotta ask: Why was the photo on the right posted? Is the dude who is in the photo on the left visible in the photo on the right as well? The only guy I see in the right photo who somewhat resembles the guy in the left photo is the helmet-wearing cop near the center of the photo... Thanks, --Tommy
  17. Ah Ha!!! They obviously killed each other off, each one trying to keep secret his own individual role!!! More proof that they ALL participated in the conspiracy!!!! LOL -Tommy
  18. LMFAO!!! --Thomas aka Tommy O'Pepper
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