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Thomas Graves

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Everything posted by Thomas Graves

  1. James, With all due respect, you're the one who mentioned OLIVER "Fast And Loose With The Facts" STONE in your intro. You seem to idolize him, and I was simply pointing out that in his film, "JFK", he has David Ferrie blurt out a confession to Garrison. Did Ferrie really do that? -- Tommy PS Just a minor detail, but when I asked Alvin B. (who called me out of the blue one day to tell me that the storm they drove through that night from New Orleans to Houston wasn't all that bad) whether or not Ferrie swore a lot, he said "No."
  2. Michael, Do you think the bald-headed-in-the-front guy on the steps whom "Big Tall Girl" is talking to could be (gasp) ... Billy Lovelady? There seems to be hair on the side of his head, and when I watched a blown-up gif of him there, I thought I could catch a glimpse of his white t-shirt under his dark over-shirt. What do YOU think? -- Tommy
  3. James, Oliver Stone?? With all due respect, do you mean the guy who has David Ferrie confessing to killing Kennedy in the film "JFK," and whose son is (or was) working for Putin's propaganda outlet, "RT"? -- Tommy
  4. Michael, Thanks. Great work. Gosh, a 20-second fast walk from those two lower yellow circles to the steps certainly looks "do-able," doesn't it? -- Tommy
  5. Morales had nothing to do with the assassination???
  6. Michael, High heels? Are you sure? Also, it's "Run, Ran, Run". (Sorry, I couldn't help it.) -- Tommy PS Unfortunately, Bart Kamp seems to think that "Big Tall Girl" and "Woman In All White" (in the immediate vicinity of the spot marked "Burney" on Roberdeau's revised map of Dealey Plaza) were too far away from the steps to have been able to briskly walk there in 20 or so seconds ...
  7. Ron, With all due respect, you did talk about de Mohrenschildt in your previous post, this thread. By the way, did you catch where I suggested that virulently anti-Communist (but still rogue) Morales might himself have been manipulated by the Ruskies (or pro-Castro Cubans, for that matter)? -- Tommy
  8. Michael, If we're talking about the same "Woman in White" (she's even wearing a white headscarf), you do realise, don't you, that on the steps she has her left arm wrapped around "Big Girl's" (our Gloria Calvery's) right arm, and that she's physically urging her (i.e., "Big Girl") to walk up the steps with her, but "Big Girl" is still talking with that guy who is "bald on top" but has hair on the side (Lovelady?)? In other words, you do realize, don't you, that those two women are very likely coworkers how watched the motorcade together, and that they were correctly spotted by Sandy and I in that color Z-film frame that Sandy posted, above? Note the barely visible black horizontal line in "Big Girls" skirt while she's on the steps, and the fact that she still has her dark-colored headscarf on? -- Tommy PS All I can say is that I consider Sandy to be a truly great American who has done very, very good work on many valuable subjects (excluding, of course, the Arcane Art known as "The H&L And The Two Marguerites Theory"), and I don't know what I'd do, on this wonderful forum, without him!
  9. Ron, With all due respect, have you ever considered the possibility that it was the KGB that didn't want (probable long-term KKB "illegal") GdM to testify? -- Tommy Could the KGB have participated with (or manipulated?) "rogues" like Morales?
  10. Michael, I've watched that gif many, many times, and I've peered at Altgens 6 practically like the guy looking at one of his own mysterious photos in the great film "Blow Up." In fact, it was I who was able to identify assassination witness Peggy Joyce Hawkins (and child) in said photo, and was able to prove that she was standing on the island, not down the street on Elm. If you will find the names Templin and Brandt on Don Roberdeau's "revised" map of DP, you'll know right where Sandy and I have spotted Calvery, right between Roberdeau's "Burney" and his 100% correctly identified "Templin." So, now that you know exactly where we believe Calvery was standing during the motorcade (with Hicks and Reed and one or two other ladies), how many feet from the steps would you say she was? One-fifty? Two-hundred? Close enough to get there in 20 seconds? 25? -- Tommy
  11. Michael, That's why Sandy and I think there's something "fishy" about some (if not all) of Shelley's and Lovelady's various accountings of what they did immediately after the assassination. One possible scenario, imho, is that only Shelley went over to the "island," and that Lovelady remained on the steps. Seein' as how it does look like Shelly and Lovelady walking down Elm Street Extension in Couch-Darnell, I'm almost tempted to believe there were two Lovelady's in Dealey Plaza that afternoon, because I'm convinced that the guy the "large, tall" woman is talking to on the steps is Lovelady, and that that woman is "large, tall" Gloria Calvery. Like I said -- almost. Sandy was really "into" this subject several months ago, and has written extensively about it on different threads of this forum. Hopefully Sandy will rejoin this conversation and help to "enlighten" you on this issue. -- Tommy Another possibility to consider is that maybe Marion Baker didn't start running towards the TSBD as soon as he had parked and dismounted his motorcycle, but stayed there for several seconds, listening to his police radio, thereby giving Calvery and Woman in White and Lovelady and Shelly enough time to do their respective "thangs" before the first three of those people were captured on film on the steps in Couch-Darnell.
  12. Yes, and just think! -- (probable KGB "illegal") George de Mohrenschildt killed himself with a shotgun in his daughter's friend's place! I mean, (gasp) can you imagine! -- Tommy
  13. Bart, Where do YOU think Calvary was standing during the motorcade? Do you agree that researchers confused Calvery and Hicks and Reed with Jacob, Holt, and Simmons for many years due to their being mislabeled on Roberdeau's map and in certain "stills" and film clips? What makes you think Sandy and I haven't found her in the Z-film? She's too tall, not tall enough? Her name isn't written on her sweater/coat in big bold white letters, for positive identification purposes? Does she look large and tall in her wedding photo? *If* Sandy and I are right that she was standing a few feet down the sidewalk from the "R L Thornton Freeway" sign, near two guys, Templin and Brandt (who are correctly marked on Roberdeau's map), how far would she have had to walk to get to the steps? Thirty yards? Sixty? One hundred? Two hundred? A quarter of a mile? -- Tommy
  14. Paul, With all due respect, I heard he was an aspiring musician. -- Tommy
  15. Thanks for posting this photo, Sandy. You can see the scar going up from that notch, above his eyebrow on his "forehead," at a 45 degree angle ... You're good with graphics. Could you please put a "circle" around that scar on his skin, or an arrow pointing to it? -- Tommy
  16. Going from memory here, but when I watched Ed Lopez walk to the witness chair to give "testimony" in a videotaped mock trial (or some such thing), I never would have guessed he weighed THAT much. Did he lose a lot of weight between 1978 and the mock trial? Did the court reporter in '78 make a mistake? -- Tommy
  17. It's been awhile, and Bart and I are kinda debating it on FB at the moment, so I'm bumping it. -- Tommy
  18. I'm bumping my edited comment to Jim Hargrove's thought-provoking post, above, about the "crypto" RX/ZIM. -- Tommy
  19. Jim, OMG, you're reminding me of Oleg Penkovsky's and Grenville Wynne's mysterious "ZEPP" ! A nonexistent "crypto" which so confounded the KGB that it helped to confirm for Tennent H. Bagley (and others) that the Soviets had a mole way back in May, 1961. (Which we never uncovered, BTW.) Just for giggles, google: zepp penkovsky ... --Tommy
  20. James, I've been dumping out a lot of stuff about JJA and Nosenko recently. "Russian translator"? With all due respect, which of my dumps are you referring to? (I'm 68.5 years old and my already feeble mind is getting feebler by the minute). BTW, are you accusing me of something? Care to be more specific? Have you already read Bagley's book and PDF? (I highly recommend it, you know.) -- Tommy. PS Mangold's book, "COLD WARRIOR" ? ? LOL!
  21. James, If you were to "follow" me on FB, you'd realize that I'm a great believer in fact-checking (something that Alexander Surkov strived successfully to get many Russians away from, and whose methods Roger Ailes picked up on and successfully implemented right here in the "evil, "evil" USA -- ergo the ascendancy to the presidency of one DJT). No need to take it so personally, James. I mean, YOU research and fact-check other people's assertions from time-to-time. Don't you? I mean, isn't that what serious students and researchers and historians are supposed to do? -- Tommy
  22. David, It may not even be correct? With all due respect, if i decide to accept this mission, does it mean I have to ferret out recently released goodies that *appear* to support the theory that the CIA (especially that evil, evil mastermind, JJA) killed our beloved (although somewhat hawkish) President, or, even better, that there was a 10-year project that involved two identical-looking (well, at least at times, you know) Oswald's and two identical - looking (ditto) Marguerites? Or can I concentrate on those nice Ruskies (including GdM), and those even nicer pro-Castro Cubans? -- Tommy
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