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Thomas Graves

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Everything posted by Thomas Graves

  1. Vanessa, Castro Khrushchev or ... gasp ... Lee Harvey Oswald (either per Pacepa, or all by him witting-or-unwitting CIA Asset frustrated-widdle-self) (I can almost hear James "OMG!" DiEugenio a-workin' up a sweat right now ... ) -- TG PS Who do you think killed JFK, Vanessa? Do you have a full-blown theory? PPS Why do you say the moderators were right to ban Brian Doyle?
  2. Michael, I'm sorry that you feel that way about yourself. -- TG PS Are you hoping that the stuff on Joannides will help us to crack the case wide open? Angleton? David Atlee Phillips? ..... ?
  3. How about: A handwritten, notarized memo by Angleton or Joannides or Phillips or ("ex" FBI SA) Banister spelling how he or they had duped LHO into thinking that he (LHO) was workin' for the CIA, infiltratin' the DRE and the FPCC an' everythin', and was gonna be sent down to Mexico City to try to recruit Kostikov (and that short, thin-faced, blond-haired KGB colonel, Leonov), so he could be patsied in the upcoming JFK assassination? Or something like that? I mean, you know, just for starters? -- TG EDIT ALERT: Larry Hancock, what would you like to see that would help you to "wrap this puppy up" after 55 frustrating years?
  4. Assuming that the two guys walking fast from right to left (about 30 seconds after the assassination in this Darnell clip) are William Shelley and Billy Lovelady, is it safe to say that the one wearing a suit (Shelley) is crossing Elm Street Extension? If so, is the other guy (Lovelady) doing the same, or is he still walking/running in the direction of the railway yards? Thanks. -- TG
  5. Mark, Do you believe that answering those questions I asked you in my last post would require improper speculation on your part? -- TG
  6. John, The fact that The Mitrokhin Archive claims, according to "The Sword and the Shield," that Mark Lane was paid by the KGB, that Cherepanov was a true defector, and that Nosenko was a true defector, etc, tells me, from what I've learned from reading Tennent H. Bagley's "Spy Wars," that The Mitrokhin Archive is nothing but a big clever KGB/FSB "disinfo" job. -- TG
  7. James, Sorry, but you wouldn't laugh at what? Have you ever read Tennent H. Bagley's 2007 book "Spy Wars," or his 2014 follow-up PDF, "Ghosts of the Spy Wars"? If you were to read those two works by Bagley, you'd come to realize how fooled by Ruskie active measures/strategic deception "official MI5 historian" Christopher Andrew is in "The Sword and the Shield." For example, his pronouncement that Cherepanov and Nosenko were both true defectors! (Despite what Morley and Simpich say, Bagley wasn't "Angleton's guy," you know. Bagley's Soviet Russia Division (later called Soviet Block Division) was completely independent from Angleton's Counterintelligence Staff) -- TG
  8. My, how sweet of you, Kirk. What are you doing Saturday night? Gonna prove the evil, evil CIA killed JFK? -- TG
  9. Ron, You seem to be going out of your way to get yourself limited to two posts a day per James' new policy. Why, pray tell, would you do that to yourself? -- TG
  10. John and Pamela, It's been proved that Lovelady wasn't wearing Oswald's shirt. Unfortunately, the enlargements that do this are on the "Oswald In The Doorway" or "The Oswald Innocence Campaign" or some such thing website, and I'm unable to upload them here. (Technically challenged.) If you can find them, just look at the short sections of bold black and white stripes, especially on Lovelady's sleeve, iirc. -- TG
  11. James, Thank you. Sounds like a fair policy. -- TG PS Brian Doyle, apparently "monitoring" the forum, saw this and has asked me via FB Messenger to tell you that he'd be more than willing to be limited to two posts per day from the "get-go".
  12. "Ward is interesting. He touts his pursuit of facts and evidence, but he shacks-up with the greatest offender of honesty and integrity, Paul Trejo. Trejo has exhausted researchers and members who have given-up wasting their time by documenting his purveying of falsehoods." -- Michael Clark 4/10/18 Michael, As you may have noticed since you joined the Forum about a year-and-a-quarter ago and started digging through some of the older threads and posts here, I'm not a big fan of Paul Trejo. However, for the life of me I can't understand why the moderators allow you to impugn the character (isn't that against The Rules?) of another member the way you have done Paul's, as referenced in the above excerpt from your recent post. Maybe they just haven't seen it yet? -- TG EDIT ALERT: I mean, my calling him "Word Twister" back in the day was bad enough, right?
  13. Kirk, Are you sure? That you're just kidding, I mean? -- TG
  14. Ty, Whose integrity have I impugned? -- TG PS Please be aware that ignorance and/or an overwhelming desire to "prove" Oswald innocent is not necessarily the same thing as dishonesty.
  15. Paz, Isn't there another rule that no member shall (EDIT ALERT: impugne the integrity) of another member, or words to that effect? -- TG
  16. Mark, Thank you. Now, for two follow-up questions: 1) Do you believe that "Prayer Man" is also visible in ("contrast adjusted") Weigman frames? EDIT ALERT: If so, can you see that "Prayer Man" has pivoted radically towards Frazier in Couch Darnell, and, in fact, is now turned much more in Frazier's direction than Andrej's "birdseye" model shows? 2) Which do you believe "Prayer Man" was standing closer to EDIT ALERT: in Couch-Darnell - the back corner, or the top step? Or, about half-way in between? -- TG
  17. Mark, What are the "verifiable facts" that you believe in regarding the identity of "Prayer Man"? -- TG
  18. Mark, Should there have been a stenographer there to take notes? -- TG
  19. No, Mark. My handler told me a long time ago to not EDIT ALERT: ally myself with Paul Trejo, but I must admit that I did "go rogue" once when I gratefully accepted his having finally accepted, a couple of years ago, my discovery that the "Neck Scratcher" monitoring Oswald in New Orleans in August, 1963, was none other than that old CIA rogue, ... gasp ... David Sanchez Morales. -- TG
  20. Mark, The evidence we can SEE? That's exactly what I've been talking about! -- TG
  21. Vanessa, Yes, I have. Eons ago. At the time it thought it was a good book, but for the parts about the big military plane's landing and taking off from the bank of the Trinity River, and the Yates story, and ... I need to turn my view of the world upside down? Haven't you noticed that I've already done just that, Vanessa? After all, I used to believe (as you and Brian Doyle and Sandy Larsen and James DiEugenio and ... gasp ... Michael Clark ... and ... so many others ... still do) that the evil, evil, evil CIA killed JFK! Regardless, I take it you don't think Doyle should be let back on the Forum? -- TG
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