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Thomas Graves

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Everything posted by Thomas Graves

  1. "Does it mean James D. and the others are wrong, and there was indeed a mole hunt in MC [and that Bill Simpich was right and that Harvey and Lee is not only wrong but counter-productive because it mistakes the bogus, "marked card" information about the one-and-only (Lee Harvey) Oswald that was intentionally put into his ever-bifurcating Intelligence files since at least early 1960, for "proof" that there were two Oswalds and two Marguerites (perish the thought!) in a some kinda long, weird quadrupleganger project?]?" Perish the thought, Sandy! You infidel, you! -- Tommy
  2. Sandy, You do realize, don't you, that you're looking at his nose from different angles? Regardless, I believe it's possible that his "Roman nose" was distorted in that photo by something dark in the background. -- Tommy Cuban Consul Eusebio Azcue said the blond Oswald he dealt with had blond hair and a very thin face. Nikolai Leonov interpreting for the boys. When answering specific about the Oswald she'd dealt with, she didn't mention the thin face, but she did say he was blond, and that he was about the same height as she was (she was 5' 3 1/2"). Nikolai Leonov was 5' 6".
  3. Bill, I know I'm I'm shooting from the hip here, but it sounds as though an Oswald impostor intentionally went to the wrong place (for going to Cuba) -- the hard-to-find Cuban Embassy in Mexico City -- and intentionally made a scene in which he threatened, in a way that intentionally suggested Kennedy had sent him there to sneak into Cuba and kill Castro), to kill Kennedy. -- Tommy ..
  4. Dear Alistar, Don't you realize they were all part of the "Oswald Project"? (lol) -- Tommy PS Thanks for sharing that.
  5. Dear Paul, The problem for us is that is seems that only 10% of what you post is "new information," and the other 90% is rehashed-to-death "context," and your perpetually-tweaked "CT," itself. -- Tommy
  6. Steve, Nice catch. It's interesting to note that he was photographed near the front entrance of the Soviet Embassy 11 minutes after blond, thin-faced, 5' 6", Mexico City-based KGB officer Nikolai Leonov was photographed twice by the same LILYRIC camera, on October 2, 1963. "During the October 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis, [Leonov] received regular reports from agents in Florida with respect to American military preparations." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nikolai_Leonov Here's a fairly recent photo of Leonov. And this is what he looked like on October 2. 1963. http://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=26067&relPageId=4 Note the blond hair and recessed chin. (I'm talking about the two top photos. The bottom two were taken on September 26, 1963, and are of Ernesto Lehfeld Miller, a friend of Sylvia Duran's husband who used to borrow their car.) Here's a clearer copy of the top right photo. . Note: The LILYRIC and the LIEMPTTY cameras were always focused on the front entrance of the Soviet Embassy. --Tommy
  7. Paul, If that's the case, then I would prefer that he start his own website for presenting those "newbie" reiterations he unmercifully bombards us with here. So that we might be spared them. Thanks for sharing, btw. -- Tommy
  8. 1 ) -- Yes 2 ) -- I, too, would start with J/H/S. -- Tommy PS Keep up the good work. Just an Idea -- When we really get into this, it might be a good idea if I could somehow see what you're going to post about a basic identification (or a clue that led you to make said ID) before you post it (and you mine, if I have the ability to make identifications), in case I grossly disagree with you on it (or you on mine).
  9. Dear Steve, How do we know that the photos referred to were of our traditional husky-looking "Mexico City Mystery Man," some of which were taken by the LILYRIC camera at 12:16 pm October 2, 1963, (one day after someone had identified himself as "Lee Oswald" in a phone call to the Soviet Embassy), instead of the short, blond, thin-faced KGB officer Nikolai Leonov, who was "captured" by the same camera just 11 minutes earlier that day? If Mexico City CIA personnel were able to identify this short, blond, thin-faced guy as "Leon" (short for Leonov), then that would suggest that J.C. King already knew of him, too, wouldn't it? -- Tommy
  10. If "Harvey" was Hungarian, then Hungarian, a Turkic (from Central Asia) language, would have been his native tongue, not Indo-European) Russian, a highly-inflected Slavic language https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Attila -- Tommy Anecdote -- I was lucky enough to see a full eclipse of the sun in western Hungary in 1999, I believe it was.
  11. Mister Mitcham, Am I really as dissembling and devious as you seem to be, Old Bean? -- Tommy
  12. Dear George, HOW COULD PHILLIPS ENSURE THEY WOULD MEET IF HE DIDN'T INTRODUCE THEM TO EACH OTHER, HIMSELF? "Uhhh, I gotta leave right now! See the guy walking through the lobby? You bump into him and start a little conversation after I've run out the door!" -- Tommy PS Not necessarily. Why are you putting words in my mouth?
  13. Dear George, I hereby grant you the right to hold your own opinion on this matter, fallacious though it may be, and probably is. -- King Tommy It seems incongruous to me that you're "really surprised that Phillips allowed Veciana to see Phillips and Oswald together," yet you believe that "Phillips wanted Veciana and Oswald to meet." How was Phillips to ensure that they met unless he (Phillips) was to "introduce" them to each other somehow?
  14. Ball's. In your court. Old Bean. I neither play with loaded guns nor countenance mysteriously loaded questions. -- Tommy
  15. Well, Old Bean If I knew what you were getting at, I'd be a little less likely to make a bloody fool of myself, wouldn't I. Fancy that. Cheers, -- Tommy PS You do realize that those people on the far side of the street are standing on the north side of Elm Street, don't you, ... Old Bean?
  16. Mister Mitcham asked -- "How many people are standing to the left of the woman with the blue scarf in the [below] frame?" Old Bean, What IS your point? (I seem to have left my Ouija board at home so I haven't got a clue.) -- Tommy
  17. Sandy, I've never been very good at understanding organizational structures, but this sounds good to me. It seems that you're really into it, which is a good thing, of course. Just don't try to do too much at the beginning as far the of the number of identified people is concerned, because we might find ourselves swamped by the inevitable "fact checking" and "verification" and "explanation" process if-and-when other members disagree with us and / or each other about the alleged identifications. (I suppose that's why I want to put question marks ("?") around the more tentative identifications, especially important ones like Calvery and Lovelady.) I do prefer the word "motorcade" to (funeral?) "procession." LOL The plan to have fleeting, internet-based photos backed up on a hard drive or flash drive (or two) is a very good idea. I'm sure you will organize everything so as to keep it as simple and elegant as possible, as well as with the necessary safeguards to prevent "Murphy's Law" from having too much of an effect. Just an idea: when we know for sure who correctly identified someone in the crowd, it would be nice to give them a little "credit". Like me(!), for example, for finding Roy Truly (for sure), and Ochus V. Campbell ("?") to the right of the TSBD steps, not far from a Mrs. Reid (going from memory here). A Linda Z???? has identified a lot of people over the last year or so. She used to post here a lot but has since switched her "allegiances" to the the website inhabited by Greg Parker and "Barto". "Reopen The Kennedy Case," or something like that. Anyway, she deserves lots of credits, as does Stan Dane, at that same website, who posted those critically-important high school photos of Gloria Jeanne Holt that I luckily stumbled upon there, and which allowed me to "connect the dots" regarding the Stella Jacob Group that had been misplaced on the south side of Elm Street by the FBI. I like the idea of having two potential groups or clusters based on the two "nuclei" of Calvary/Holt/Reed and Jacob/Holt/Simmons. We might also want to do the same thing with the Truly/Campbell/Reid group near the TSBD. A lot of work has already been done on that latter group, as you have probably noticed. -- Tommy
  18. Sandy, The only thoughts I have about it right now are 1 ) we should not make it so any member of the forum can change an identification (they gotta submit their "evidence" to us and let us decide without any potentially divisive "input" from anyone else -- I think we're pretty good at this and we work well together), and 2 ) it might be a good idea to put a question mark ("?") after the name of anyone whose identification is kinda tentative (like Calvery for example; lol). -- Tommy
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