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Michael Crane

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Everything posted by Michael Crane

  1. Not to deflect the discussion at hand,but I work in the glass industry,and have seen what bullet holes do to glass.I have never known the velocity that bullets keep after impact with laminated glass.Thanks Jim,you have educated me with your last post of how this has been accomplished by Jim Lewis.
  2. Sounds like the ARRB was playing hardball,but Walter Johnson was pitching.
  3. Thank you for the help Douglas.Unfortunately I`m still unable to listen.I appreciate your effort.
  4. I clicked on the link provided,and it prompted me to download Windows Media Player Extension.I did that,and still was unable to listen. Well,I clicked on the "X" like it told me to.
  5. There is no question in my mind Tosh,that you are an asset to this forum.I myself have never judged you. I have tried to utilize the search function on this site,but have been unsucessful.
  6. It`s so interesting that Tosh & Sergio were so close to a shooter.
  7. Thanks Doug, The reason I asked about the elevation is because of the trajectory it would have taken.With Elm Street being on a decline,and the shooter elevated....seems like the shot would have hit JFK lower on the body if it came through the windshield that`s all.
  8. Doug, It`s the throat shot from in front that I`m having the most trouble with.In your opinion,did this shot occur from 10,11,12 or 1 or 2 O`clock from the front of JFK?Also,was this shooter elevated at all?
  9. Tosh, That is some powerful information.A tremendous contribution to the forum. I applaud you sir.
  10. It is a fact,that I am no photographer,but If I hear multiple gunshots around me,I`m hitting the deck.
  11. I know that I am in the minority here,but I believe that there were two head shots.One from the front & one from the rear.If I had to eliminate one,it would be the rear shot. * I would have credited you Jack,but I got the image from Google.
  12. John, You`re probably thinking of DCM AKA Dark Complected Man.He looks to be carrying a communication device.Tosh Plumlee nicknamed him Gator because he had two fingers bitten off by an alligator.
  13. I tend to believe that there were 6 shots just in wounds. 4 in JFK 2 in Connally This does not include misses.
  14. This is not evidence,but a possibility of more then one gunman shown in Robert Groden`s book "The Killing of a President."It shows a total of 6 shots.
  15. Oh my,a three head shot conclusion,with a possibilility of a fourth? that is one more then mine.Bill,what is Doug`s conclusion on the throat wound?This remarkable wound has caused me the most grief (the depth,trajectory & path)
  16. He refused to take Jack Ruby back to Washington D.C to tell what he knew at the time.
  17. What`s interesting to me in these films is the size of the fragments of JFK skull that were found,that are hard to see/locate in any film.
  18. David, You have to remember this ..... Dr.Humes) ""Scientifically, sir, it is impossible for it to have been fired from other than behind. Or to have exited from other than behind."
  19. I stand corrected David. As the late Chick Hearn would say, "no harm,no foul,no blood,no ambulance."
  20. Reading David`s book was also a life changing moment for me also.It still effects me to this day. *I also remember a quote that came from Wesley Liebeler that... "pursuing this equals the shortness of life"
  21. Kind of looks like a double movement by Kellerman.Probably just a reaction to hearing a shot,and the driver hitting the brakes combined.
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