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James DiEugenio

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    Los Angeles, CA
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    Retired teacher, MA in American History, editor and publisher at Kennedys and King.com, author and/or co-editor of Destiny Betrayed, The Assassinations anthology, The JFK Assassination: The Evidence Today, and JFK Revisited: Through The Looking Glass. Wrote screenplays for Oliver Stone's JFK Revisited and JFK: Destiny Betrayed.

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  1. https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/president-kennedy-discussion-of-johnson-plan-august-1962

    You might want to read this. 

    In the Mideast, you can count on three things: The sun rising, the sun setting, and the Arabs killing a peace deal on Israel. 

    I admire JFK and his foreign policy. I agree where he could control the outcome---such as lesser or greater involvement in Vietnam---he was likely to make the right choice (IMHO).

    But getting Israel's immediate neighbors to agree to a peace deal? 

    Americans often underestimate the sheer intractability, and callousness, of many cultures outside America, or Western democracies. 

    The Oct. 7 atrocities are not an aberration in the Middle East. More of a tradition. I will spare you examples. 

    From the link: 

    Secretary: Would the Arabs acquiesce to this first small movement?

    JJ: There is some chance they might. The Arabs have missed many trains. Now the fate of UNRWA is in question.

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