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James DiEugenio

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Everything posted by James DiEugenio

  1. Know how good Jeff Sachs is? He is going to have a segment on his book review show with Monika Wiesak, who wrote America's Last President. In case you are unaware of how good this book is, just read this: https://www.kennedysandking.com/john-f-kennedy-articles/last-president
  2. Take special note of the bullet, and the also the files found at the Paines' home by Buddy W. Al Maddox, Walther's friend and colleague, later revealed that the object found in the grass was a bullet.
  3. This is a little known book by Eric Tagg. But I still marvel at the day this this guy had on 11/22/63. Very few people read the book so even though its old, I am glad Jeff Carter reviewed it. https://www.kennedysandking.com/john-f-kennedy-articles/review-of-eric-tagg-s-brush-with-history
  4. BTW, the only other prominent academic I know who is this candid about the JFK case is Jamie Galbraith. And with him, that is due to his father. I think Sachs probably owes this to his relationship with Sorenson before Ted passed. But whatever the reason, its salutary. I mean compare this to the fruity Chomsky.
  5. This is not a political discussion. Its about an Ivy League professor with a large reputation going all out to declare the JFK case a conspiracy. And doing it in public with hundreds of thousands of people hearing it. Here is a guy who actually is sacrificing something to tell the truth about the JFK case. And he is going to end up like Oliver Stone, ostracized from the MSM.
  6. As noted above, Jeff Sachs has admitted that he used to get invites to be on the MSM. As he should have since he is a prominent academic from the Ivy League who was involved in international politics. Now he does not get so many invites. And so I had to take my article from his columns at Common Dreams, and his appearances on Napolitano, and Carlson. I came to the deduction that the two reasons he has been sidelined are 1.) His opposition to certain stances in the Democratic Party which has become sort of Neoconnish and 2.) His outspoken stance today on the JFK case. I mean he is really kind of coming out kinds of guns blazing. He calls it a rogue CIA operation, and lends credence to Landis. Says the country has not been the same and that a cover up ensued instantly to conceal a high level plot. No wonder Rachel Maddow does not want him on anymore. I mean whew. Yippee!
  7. This thread is not about any wild Ira Stoll neocon interpretation of the Overton Window. Its not about the rather bizarre conclusion of Moynihan as Deep Throat either. Its about the guts and honesty of Jeff Sachs on the Kennedy case. A man who gets some visibility, and is on our side. I do not appreciate the attempts by K and C to hijack the thread.
  8. I decided to do a substack piece on Jeff Sachs. Man this guy has guts. He has sacrificed a lot to be so outspoken. https://jamesanthonydieugenio.substack.com/publish/post/145599361
  9. I disagree. Its not like saying King was killed by the same people. If one reads Brothers that is I think the major point of the book. That Bobby Kennedy was the first person who suspected a conspiracy in his brother's death. And it closes with this concept with Frank Mankiewicz and Morales. How on earth could Bobby suspect King was killed by a conspiracy while he was on the campaign trail, when it just happened and the main suspect was still on the lam? This is an important point, and it should not be obfuscated.
  10. Hopefully we can get this up to a hundred grand. https://www.gofundme.com/f/help-david-talbot-after-a-massive-stroke?lang=en_US&utm_campaign=fp_sharesheet&utm_medium=customer&utm_source=copy_link
  11. To my knowledge I think its Becket and Larsen? I don't know who the third one is, or if there is a third one. The connection to the JFK case in the RFK case is proven by Talbot in Brothers, namely that RFK was going to reopen the JFK case.
  12. BTW, the Ford quote is backed up by John Sherman Cooper in the book by his assistant Morris Wolff Lucky Conversations. Len had him on BOR. Like John Connally, Ford made a choice to sell out his morals for what he thought was the good of the country. In reality, the Warren Commission was a minority report.
  13. He has almost achieved his goal..Thanks.
  14. Does anyone know when the Celebration of Life for Cyril will be and where?
  15. Tom, unlike you and those two, I have attended almost every major conference since 1991. No one has ever voiced any such opinion, namely that the Mossad killed Kennedy. The Final Judgement by Collins Piper had no impact on the critical community, for reasons stated above. Therefore, I stand by what I said, what Koch is doing is a provocation, about the same street theater level as Griffith. I think part of it is to detract from what the IDF is doing in Gaza right now. William was quite right to post Bernie Sanders' eloquent reply to that brutality and its bizarre anti -semitic accusation. But that does not alter the calculus of Dallas on November 22, 1963. End of story.
  16. The other thing about the panel was the "lean forward" theorem. To make the phony trajectory work, they said that while behind the Stemmons Freeway sign, JFK was leaning forward, and then reverted back. Wecht said you mean he was bent over to tie his shoe or scratched his groin at exactly that second and then reverted back upwards? He further adds, that they all knew it was hokum, but they were determined to go with the magic bullet. How bad was this panel? During the so called London mock trial with Bugliosi and Spence, Dr. Petty from the HSCA said on the stand that "it would have been nice to have the brain". LOL. ROTF. Can you imagine saying something like that? Just that alone turned the whole proceeding into a joke. It recalls one of my favorite lines from any book on the case, the ending of Rush to Judgment. "As long as we rely for information upon men blinded by the fear of what they might see, the precedent of the Warren Commission Report will continue to imperil the life of the law and dishonor those who wrote it little more than those who praise it."
  17. That really is kind of odd is it not? Blakey had never met Wecht, but Cyril could tell he did not like him off the bat. Which is the opposite reaction most people had with him. But Cyril was really surprised when he learned afterwards that the HSCA pathology panel had interviewed Boswell and Humes in his absence. He learned of it afterwards. Another point: Wecht wanted to do a live single bullet theory experiment. Blakey said it was too expensive. Wecht offered to pay for it himself; Blakey still declined.
  18. David Mantik adds to our memorial to Cyril Wecht through his personal memories of a fine individual. Some nice pictures included. At the end are links to my two part substack tribute. He will be missed. https://www.kennedysandking.com/john-f-kennedy-articles/a-tribute-to-cyril-wecht-md-jd
  19. William, No serious researcher that I have ever met took the Collins Piper book seriously. That is just pure hogwash. At best, it was so strained it was kind of a joke. At worst it was pernicious. Someone once told me that he overheard the late author say, "If I could just have 20 minutes with Jim DiEugenio!" Nope. If I spent like seven hours reading your book and found it completely unconvincing, how is 20 minutes going to change that? When I say that book was pernicious, I mean it in two ways. First, because it is so weak, it makes JFK critics look really silly and marginal. Secondly, because of that, it makes us targets. When Collins Piper was speaking out here in the LA area before he passed on, the LA Times used that to do a front page story ridiculing him and JFK researchers at the same time. Even my graduate studies professor mentioned it to me. Go all the way back to the beginning with say Meagher and Garrison, all the way down to this day, with all the people we featured in JFK Revisited. Show me one prominent, respected writer/researcher who ever advocated that the Mossad killed Kennedy. (Sound of crickets in the night.) Because there is none, Koch has to desperately grab at Jeff Morley's description of Angleton's governance of the Israel account. I know Morley and have read almost all of his stuff. He has never said the Mossad killed JFK. We interviewed him for Stone's film for an hour. I have talked to him over the phone, via email, and have read all of his Kennedy books. He has never even hinted at that. If I describe Kennedy's Middle East policy and how it changed from Dulles and after with LBJ, that does not mean I think the Mossad killed JFK. I have never said that because I have never been able to find any evidence for it. I mean after 30 years I think I would have found something if it was there. Don't you? So what Koch is selling here is pure moonshine. Hopefully, you and me and Ron will be able to neutralize the guy. And BTW, how are Talbot, Morley and me part of the radical left? I have always considered myself a Kennedy Democrat. You know, like maybe Howard Dean?
  20. I also put this up at K and K. If you cannot contribute then post it around wherever you can like Instagram. I have to say, when we were shooting JFK Revisited, I did the interview with Talbot. When it was done, the crew said, "Jim, is the next guy as good as he was?" These were camera people and sound recording people.
  21. I hope you are not talking about me John. I mean it was Mr K who was using profanity with Ron. And for Mr. K to somehow imply that Jeff Morley says that the Mossad was behind the JFK murder, that is well, what can I say? 🤐
  22. See, when you write something that is purposefully deceptive, that is against the rules and below the level of this forum. Its something that belongs on Duncan McRae's dumpster fire site, not here.
  23. This is why I have this guy on ignore. But I thought he was going to reply intelligently to my post. What a mistake. Only a completely biased monomaniac could possible say that Morley thinks the Mossad killed JFK. 😘 That is worth a suspension.
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