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James DiEugenio

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Everything posted by James DiEugenio

  1. Johnny Cairns hits another double off the wall. Its always good to be reminded of just how bad the DPD was. The JFK critical community knew that but it was not really exposed until Errol Morris' The Thin Blue Line. Then the Innocence Project came along and exposed the fact that they convicted more innocent people than many states did. And let us not forget the late Craig Watkins who condemned the Wade legacy.. Fritz and Wade were public disgraces. Never forget the DA office motto: Any lawyer can convict a guilty man, it takes a great lawyer to convict an innocent man. What does the DPD become when J. Edgar Hoover says Oswald's civil rights were violated? The Texas Gestapo? Anyway Johnny does the honors. https://www.kennedysandking.com/john-f-kennedy-articles/the-dallas-police-convicted-oswald-without-a-trial-part-1
  2. The latest written review of The JFK Assassination Chokeholds. This one is by distinguished essayist and college professor Ed Curtin. I think this is the best written review I have seen of the book. Ed is such an underrated writer. He really does justice to this effort. And since he appears in other venues, they will be carrying this also. Thanks Ed. https://edwardcurtin.com/the-jfk-assassination-chokeholds-that-inescapably-prove-there-was-a-conspiracy/
  3. I am not sure they were asked that. About Top Ten, Whitten actually was on to this in his inquiry and wrote the place a letter. Its a pretty dense article, and there will be two attachments up soon.
  4. Kevin: The Hawks did not go to Israel until Johnson was president. IMO, with Dimona as it was, Kennedy would not have shipped them.
  5. I forgot to add: Why did Epstein not reveal this until the new millenium? After all the theme of Inquest is political truth. How could you get more political than an ultimatum like that?
  6. Interesting comments Dave. Its revealing to compare the reaction of LBJ and Nixon to the Israelis having the bomb, and JFK's. When Helms told Johnson about proof they had the bomb, Johnson shrugged and told him to limit the knowledge, as he did not want Ramsey Clark to know. Nixon let Israel then expand their arsenal without explanation, or inclusion in any non proliferation treaty. Kennedy was really upset when he found out the Israelis were lying to him about DImona. He sent Ben Gurion a threatening letter about cutting off aid. When Ben Gurion replied with horror stories about what Nasser would do to Israel resembling what Hitler did, Kennedy did not bat an eyelash. He reissued the same threat. Ben Gurion resigned the next day. Whether that was cause and effect, no one knows. But it sure is worth pondering. And BTW, Kennedy took all these horror stories about Nasser in stride. Because the whole time he is making these demands on Israel, he is carrying on a really fascinating conversation with Nasser. Who he saw as the best hope for modernizing and westernizing the Middle East. The problem with that was that Saudi Arabia and England knew this, and so they were determined to break that bond by keeping Nasser bogged down in that war over succession in Yemen. But once Kennedy was dead, all the work he did to build trust and friendship with Nasser was down the drain. I am convinced the 1967 war would not have happened if JFK had lived. That is how much Nasser admired Kennedy. And this is why the JFK case is relevant to what is happening there and no one wants to admit that.
  7. The late Edward Epstein put this matter to bed. Decades after he published his book Inquest, he finally revealed what Specter actually told him about the invention of the Single Bullet Fantasy. Epstein asked him why it took four months to come up with it and how he convinced the Commission of it. Specter replied with: 1.) The FBI and Secret Service didn't know all I knew and 2.) He showed the Commission the Z film in slow motion. He then said, its either my theory or we start looking for a second assassin. Is that not just about what Kevin Costner said in Stone's JFK? They didn't believe it but they understood they needed it. Imagine admitting to this is in a court of law? Sylvia Meagher's book was so aptly titled.
  8. This is startling. I just found out about this today from Talbot. I had not seen any notice of his passing in any MSM outlet. He was a really important part of RFK's staff and his 1968 campaign. . and a key source for Talbot's book Brothers. I wonder if the MSM does not want to pen anything since it would likely violate their negative tsunami pledge to smear RFK Jr? Anyway here is Talbot on Adam. https://www.thedavidtalbotshow.com/blog/adam-walinsky-restless-in-peace
  9. He hit the highlights of the Big Picture, something I had not seen him do before..
  10. Rick Sterling sent me a link to this video. It is from 11/19/2023 and sponsored by the Mt. Diablo Peace and Justice Club up in the SF area. Nice take on the Peace Speech from a guy I never heard of. https://reflect-rossmoortv.cablecast.tv/store-4/3572-JFK-at-60-111923-v01-v1/vod.mp4
  11. That was pretty bracing I thought. Its really something how unguarded Moore was with Jim. its also pretty depressing that the Church Committee, and especially the HSCA, did so little with him. Incredibly, the HSCA did not even know he testified for the Church Committee.
  12. This is an interesting, and at times, a compelling reexamination of the Dallas radio tapes, largely focusing on the TIppit case. It tries to show how and why so many cars were out of position, with no real explanation. And it also shows why certain aspects of those communications are likely ersatz. Probably added afterwards as part of a cover up. (K and K likes to give opportunities to new authors.) https://www.kennedysandking.com/john-f-kennedy-articles/the-tippit-tapes-a-re-examination
  13. Joe: Lemay was in JFK Revisited. Doug Horne did a nice job on him. Hope you get well. Nice pivot by Roger to dodge Tony's point. Which he leaves out, but then he says Alsop was not really trying to get LBJ to create a new body, which is what he was trying to do and what actually happened as a direct result of this conversation. And all one has to do is read what LBJ said at at the beginning of the call, that the crime was under Texas law and he wanted a Texas board of inquiry and not a federal commission. (Gibson, in The Assassinations, p. 10) Alsop reversed Johnson's thinking in a masterful display of persuasion in which he used every rhetorical device in the book, including denial of intent.
  14. Thanks Tony. And Joe, if you have not read Fetter's book, you really do not know how bad it is in every way. The stuff about Rayburn is just the beginning of a trail of folly.
  15. I think John subscribes to the last proposition about what he calls "the virus" inducing a massive cover up. But I think the overall construct is more than theoretical. I think in large part it took place.
  16. Thanks Paula, my opinion is that they were impressed by the autopsy evidence we presented. Because they originally asked for Wecht, Aguilar and Mantik, then me and Lisa. So I think it will be focused on the autopsy forensics. And Mike and Dan, I liked the four hour version more also. Some countries showed that one, like in Australia. And man did they like us down there.
  17. To get back to Jeff's article, its pretty good I think as far as showing how dedicated Angleton was as a backer of Israel and how he helped them get the bomb. But I am going to write a reply or rejoinder or whatever including the newest version of Angleton's testimony as secured by Aaron Good, plus how this policy clashed with Kennedy's policy.
  18. Thanks Vince, but I could have told you what was going to happen with Speer.
  19. If so, they are missing a very key paradigm in the case.
  20. Micah: JFK Revisited, if you saw it, was about the disclosures of the ARRB. That is the reason we made the film since we knew that the vast majority of people would not even know what the ARRB was, let alone what they did and what was in the declassified files. The Gunn/Horne inquiry was a very important milestone, building upon the ARRB disclsures of the HSCA investigation which remained hidden and closed for 15 years. The material Horne and Cheeser talked about concerning JFK's brain was a landmark. It had never been done on broadcast TV before. And neither had the Aguilar/Mantik/Cheeser discussion of a front shot. So now, go ahead and do your Ruby confession, Oswald defection film. Let me know so I can review it. But please preface it by saying Ruby was under the control of Jolly West. And then explain who he was.
  21. Oh please Micah. He told me and Oliver during the interview that he was telling us stuff that he had not said before. And you could tell he was getting emotional. You weren't there.
  22. The MSM completely ignored Jim's death. I thought this was really outrageous even for them. He was such an important witness, key to the Secret Service cover up. So I decided to pen this remembrance of him. RIP, my friend. You never got the recognition you deserved. https://jamesanthonydieugenio.substack.com/p/the-passing-of-church-committee-witness
  23. Allen Dulles allowed Angleton to become a giant monster.
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