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James DiEugenio

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Everything posted by James DiEugenio

  1. You know Pat I would have to agree. At least about this. Robin, thanks so much for that. I would still withhold judgment until the end. Just to be fair. One can always recover.
  2. Repeat, when did Hunt get added to the mix? Hunt was on an abort mission? As I said, Rosselli here does not match to Mamet/Colozzi. And the Hunt story here does not match to Hemming.
  3. Let us not forget, in the many years--at times decades-- people are involved in the JFK case; sometimes weeks, and months are spent going down what ends up a false path. After it is discarded, its not unusual to forget the details, especially when its years later. Again, as this link shows, it was originally Johnny R but in the current version, its now Johnny and Hunt? And Plumlee is on the record as saying he had no contact with Johnny from 1963-68?
  4. Yes, and the whole MM/Kennedy trust fund for her mother was also deemed authentic and that also sold for literally hundreds of thousands over a long period of time. And Sy Hersh used it to get more money out of ABC. Fakes. Then the letter from Bobby's sister that was supposed to mean MM and RFK were having an affair and the whole family knew about? Turned out to be a tongue in cheek jest.. Then the "Peter" that MM referred to who you said was Lawford, but it was not. Oh my aching back.
  5. He can't recall which airport it was Roselli landed at? What does the goodbye part refer to Larry?
  6. In the interview, Tunheim gave the entire WC of the murder. Oswald would have been convicted at trial and he is the only suspect. The fingerprint evidence was included as well as the rifle mailing. Horne said that all the Board members were in this school of thought about the case. Tunheim was quiet though, as opposed to Hall and Nelson.
  7. I disagree. The editor at New York just admitted he now thinks the JFK case was a conspiracy. The Ny TImes has commissioned Talbot to write a column for the 22nd on the new evidence in the case. The MSM is starting to show some cracks.
  8. This is really interesting. The FBI never investigated that empty house Tom? Not one report?
  9. BTW, this version of Johnny R will differ from the Mamet/Collozi version. In that one Rosselli is in Chicago on the instructions of Giancana.
  10. I was working with Rob for some months. I was supposed to be the researcher on the docudrama. But the docudrama fell through. Dave Hoffman is an actor and writer. He was going to be the screenwriter of the docudrama. He wrote the first installment, which was actually good. But there was nothing about Tosh Plumlee in the draft I saw. BTW was not Plumlee part of the Bob Vernon package--you know James Files-- and before that he was promoted by Peter Lemkin? I repeat: there are two major biographies of Rosselli. By Rappleye and Becker, and by Lee Server. As I recall, neither places him in Dallas on the 22nd.
  11. This is what I mean and Larry understands this. Where did Hunt come in? I thought it was Rosselli. But after reading two biographies of Rosselli, he was not in Dallas that day. So Plumlee's story has problems.
  12. JIm Harwood sent me this. This is the kind of thing I always objected to with the Board. And he is the last one alive. BTW, what he says Oliver did at the end of his 1991 feature, Oliver did not do. And what is the evidence for a sectioning of Kennedy's brain being done? Stringer? https://www.kare11.com/article/news/judge-john-tunheim-on-the-jfk-files/89-488588095
  13. I asked a simple question. Does the show say that Plumlee flew Hunt into Dallas?
  14. Joe: Are you familiar with all of Plumlee's story and how long its been around?
  15. Me and Paul were interviewed by Peter Holley of Texas Monthly today. He called it a q and a and it will be printed he said on Tuesday. Very interested how it comes out. If its clean its a miracle considering the zine.
  16. Yes, that is what he told me also about his wife. The host actually said it was Gary Mack who somehow influenced King and then he read a list of books, that were just awful. So I said, how do you not agree with the official story if that is your databank?
  17. A trusted source heard the first installment. Tosh Plumlee says that he flew Howard Hunt into Dallas. Can anyone confirm this?
  18. I was working with Rob, and I had a few meetings with him when this was going to do a cable TV docudrama. It was then going to be based on three books: the Douglass one, Fonzi's, and The Man Who Knew Too Much. But they lost the producer at the studio. Rob tried to get it financed abroad but I guess that failed. So they then went the podcast route. And it looks like they changed the approach. I think Dick Russell is still part of it. Rob only got in contact with me once or twice during this production. But Soldedad O'brien? She did an MLK cover up special for I think CNN.
  19. Just did an interview with Richard Syrett today for 45 minutes. I have two up tomorrow. Me and Oliver are doing one on Sunday which I will let you know about. BTW, I did an interview with a guy who hosts a Stephen King podcast. I watched that mini series again for him. We talked about the book and mini series 11/22/63 for about 90 minutes. That series seemed even worse this time than the first time. He is going to post it after he edits it. Will let you know when its up. It was an interesting interview as he was very open minded about the assassination, even though he is a fan of King.
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