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James DiEugenio

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Everything posted by James DiEugenio

  1. BTW, he told me after that he should have done that six part tour de force as a book. I actually think it will get more attention on the K and K site.
  2. Boy is that interesting as is the apparent fact the Paines do not recall if the car was automatic or manual transmission. Did they have more than one car?
  3. Tom Gram is becoming a valuable poster here. he sure has his names and dates straight concerning the post office imbrogio.
  4. Jean, if you rely on Kirk, you are lost. He will say almost anything just to disagree with me. Which is why I have him blocked. Now go back and look at the actual dialogue. The town they lived in did not have two names. And it was in the wrong state. Now if you find that credible, God bless you. I do not. Recall, Garrison said he was having trouble finding out the location and her occupation. Ruth made sure it would stay that way. I wonder why? Maybe the same reason she messed up the info on Hootkins? Maybe the same reason she cooperated with Odum and Hoover on deep sixing Oswald's Minox? Maybe the same reason she was so outraged about Oswald using her typewriter to write something about a place he was likely never at? Or maybe why she then produced 'evidence" in addition to that letter saying he was there? I could go on and on, but if you are buds with Kirk, its no use.
  5. Two nurses recalled seeing a bullet on the ER room: Hall and Tuohy. So the info in the memo does not have to come from Landis himself.
  6. For the life of me, I do not know why we are talking about this. This went on for weeks back then and the arguments were so clear: the evidence does not back up Oswald ordering that rifle. Why are we doing this all over?
  7. According to the time cards was not Oswald at work all that morning and was he not working on several assignments up until noon? He began at 8 am. And BTW, in Armstrong's book, published in 2003, he says that the postoffice opened at 8 am. (p. 450) That is not the problem. The problem is the records. DVP was going to try and get around this by saying the postoffice opened at 7. There goes that one.
  8. Jean: You find this credible, I do not. I know precisely where both my sisters live right now, address and phone numbers. Now, if I was going to visit one in person at their domicile, I would certainly know where that place was. I would write it down and map it out. And I would not forget about it in a legal proceeding. Now, if my sister worked for the CIA, and I knew Garrison was hot on their trail, that probably would make a difference. Finally, I do not think you understand what Greg Parker noted in one of his cross postings here about Ruth. Ruth was careful about the way she replied to questions on the case, as with Hootkins. Almost like she prepared her answers in advance so as not to give certain key points of information away. Just look at the way she fumbles around with that location name. Is the glass half empty or half full? We do not know for certain since there was never any real investigation of the Paines by the WC, by the HSCA or even an interview by the ARRB. But based on some good work by certain researchers, I think its the latter.
  9. Jean: A listener to Black Op Radio sent me something on this. He did some really good work on the subject. It turns out that the Hokes did not live at Falls Church at that time. They lived in Maryland.
  10. This is a group interview that was conducted by one of the authors Matt Crumpton for his podcast Solving JFK. Which is fairly popular. One of the chapters Matt did was the one on Oswald impersonations, which I think is the most complete essay on that subject I have seen. I think this interview is the only one with all five authors on it so far. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/s2-bonus-2-interview-with-the-authors-of/id1652334113?i=1000637134502
  11. Sandy, I thought we went through all this years ago? Who started this all over? Was it Greg since he was not here then?
  12. What a riveting quote that is. I have always thought Jackie suffered from PTSD as a result. Her and Carly Simon were living at the Dakotas and Simon asked her to see Stone's JFK when it came out. Jackie begged off. I guess she did not want to see her husband's head blown off five more times, and her crawling to the back of the trunk to try and grasp part of his skull.
  13. Well, the msm is catching up to. my review. But as I mentioned, there is even more. On the day JFK was killed, first Oppenheimer's secretary came in to tell him the news. Then his son. The scientist went over to the liquor cabinet to pour them a drink but his hand started shaking and he stopped trying. He then said, "I guess everything is going to fall apart now." And they walked outside to watch TV. Boy was that guy smart. PS The story Joe posted above is BS.
  14. When I first saw this thing, I said, geez, its 147 pages long. The longest piece we have ever published. Its really a pamphlet not an essay. But noting all the work that went into it, I decided to go ahead and publish it. I agree that it is a remarkably rich source of information on just about every aspect of the Warren Commission's phony case against Oswald. And you can imagine the work that went into it.
  15. And thanks Pamela. BTW that morning I could not go back to bed since the other interview with Eloise from Quebec was at 8 am.
  16. If its not the Post then Carol may have made a mistake on the paper of record. Nice catch on Ruth and the NYT.
  17. I heard about that David. He does not do that many appearances, since he lives across the pond. But I heard this one at Lancer was good. BTW, did you go to the Ruth Paine event with Mallon, Johnny did. He said it was a set up all the way.
  18. Johnny Cairns' monumental six part series commemorating the anniversary with 60 ways the official story is BS is finally up and interconnected. It was not easy, as this is the longest, most comprehensive piece we have ever posted. But Johnny made the best of a tough assignment and he came through. Luxuriate in its completeness. Then ask: How could the MSM have ever fallen for this BS story? https://www.kennedysandking.com/john-f-kennedy-articles/part-1-of-6-no-motive-plus-the-silenced-witnesses
  19. Doug is that the firm from where you ended up in court for Hunt, or were you in private practice then?
  20. BTW, the reason i do not look good--my hair is a mess--or lively is this was 5 AM in LA. They are on the East Coast.
  21. This is a good interview that Paul Bleau and I did with a podcaster from Quebec. Skip the first 15 minutes since its in French. But the rest of it is quite good I think. If I look a bit tired its because I had to wake up at 5 AM that day to do Fox and Friends, and then this one was at 8 AM.
  22. If Ford had not pardoned Nixon, that would have been a very interesting trial. And Ford would have probably won the election.
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