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James DiEugenio

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Everything posted by James DiEugenio

  1. Paul: I will eventually read the book, but I have about three ahead of this one that people have sent me. Jim D
  2. Nice work Max. If anything his film did not go far enough. Let me repost something about the whole Hootkins affair, the FBI and Ruth's non denial denial. According to Greg there is not one thing about Ruth or Michael that anyone should ever question. If you want to read a perfect example of this, take a look at his argument with Greg Parker at ROKC over Bill Hootkins. That one was a real doozy. Consider what Parker does with Ruth's non denial denial in order to keep her student Hootkins away from Oswald: "I will end with another classic RP non-denial denial - this time about the identity of the boy. "Mrs Paine 2515 West 5th Street, Irving, Texas advised that she has no child even as old as school age and knows of no boy of about 14 with whom Oswald was ever associated in the neighborhood." Key phrase "in the neighborhood". Hootkins lived in Dallas, not Irving. Which is why Shasteen did not recognize him. If she had said she knew of no 14 year old with whom Oswald ever associated... it would have been a lie. "In the neighborhood" made it technically true. And that was the only reason that bit was added. The FBI by the way, knew Ruth was tutoring Hootkins. They knew he was 14. They knew what he looked like because they interviewed his mother in his presence regarding the Russian lessons. They had Shasteen's description which was Hootkins to the nth degree. Yet with all of that, they never connected the dots? More bullshit. The FBI knew."
  3. But Tony, was not later a picture with the plate found? Did it match Klihr's?
  4. Please Paul, that is not like you. DId anyone else here dig up this info on Jerri and tell us just how large a figure she was in aviation history? That is what I am thanking him for.
  5. Those are all really good points Tony. Especially number three, on which you are correct as David Josephs proved long ago.
  6. Thanks Tony, if its an Argentine Mauser, that is really interesting. I think most critics put this down the memory hole and think it was the Carcano.
  7. BTW Ben and Pat, this is what Bob Tanenbaum thinks also about the earwitness evidence. That the people closer to the scene heard something different than those further away.
  8. No one knows why she did that. But I do not think it was cancelled. She did go there according to the witnesses around her, the two hairdressers. Maybe it was Ruby or maybe it was someone else she interviewed. No one ever saw her files. But it was pretty clear to any interesting party that Oswald was doing some funny stuff in New Orleans that summer.
  9. Four snipers? I think Reiner is going for the south knoll also.
  10. This is by Patrick Lawrence who used to write for The Nation. If you read HInckle's book on Ramparts, Scheer frowned on writing about the JFK case. But outside of saying JFK was a committed Cold Warrior when he entered office this is pretty good. https://scheerpost.com/2023/11/22/patrick-lawrence-what-died-60-years-ago/ I wonder, is all my writing on who Kennedy really was having an effect? I mean I only have been doing it for 11 years.
  11. Thanks William. But it was being shown abroad, in Europe in three countries and the Far East. I am not sure but I think it has now sold in something like 13 foreign countries, which has to be a record in that category.
  12. I am really glad that Cyril Wecht was as good as he was in the film. A great memento to a guy who fought the good fight for almost sixty years.
  13. After one year, JFK Revisited is at number four in Amazon documentary DVD sales. That is really something after 12 months. Recall, when it first went on sale, it was number one three weeks in a row. To stay up there for that long is a real achievement. Recall, Roe said it would go straight to You Tube.
  14. Thanks Cory, at least one person saw it. Well, two, Libby Handros was shocked at how they butchered my name.
  15. One of the very worst I have seen. Kennedy had already committed ground troops to Vietnam? Civil rights would have proceeded slower? There would have been no detente? Oswald was a good shot? What is surprising is that Oswald missed a shot? No one around to defend the Warren Report? What about Dale Myers? Gus Russo? Ruth Paine? What a bunch of hogwash. And they let him get away with it. BTW this guy has written four books about Reagan and worked as his consultant in 1980.
  16. And that is a different writer than the one who interviewed me some years back. So the whole editorial slant there is likely on our side.
  17. Jonathan, I am implying little or nothing. What I am saying is pretty simple. Did the HSCA investigate Ruth and Michael? No. Did the ARRB call them in for questioning? No. Then that leaves people like Greg Parker to investigate things like the Hootkins episode, since they did not. Recall, that incident was before the assassination.
  18. Greg Parker is a very underrated and relatively unknown researcher from down under. Doudna went nutty when Parker unveiled this wonderful piece of research. He tried to attack it, Parker beat it back. Let me know Jonathan when you find those HSCA and ARRB inquiries. https://reopenkennedycase.forumotion.net/t1632-star-wars-trilogy-at-the-barbers
  19. Jonathan: Can you show me any investigation into Ruth and Michael done by the HSCA? Can you show me where Ruth was even questioned by the HSCA? Can you show me any interview by the ARRB of Ruth Paine? Let me know when you find this stuff. Thanks.
  20. The latest work on the Walker shooting by Ben Cole, and presented by him and Larry Schnapf at the Wecht Conference makes that case highly suspect. As does the question of Oswald in Mexico City. Ruth was instrumental in both of those episodes--AFTER THE FACT!
  21. Can I ask Longford a question: Have you ever heard of the ARRB? 2 million pages of documents. A medical investigation by Jeremy Gunn and Doug Horne: Sandy Spencer, John Stringer etc. Lopez Report decalssified. Sec/Def Meeting of May 1963 declassified. The notes of Betsy Wolf of the HSCA on the Oswald file. I call what she says utter nonsense.
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