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James DiEugenio

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Everything posted by James DiEugenio

  1. Thanks for that info Cory. Well, between that, Landis, and What the Doctors Saw, we did not get blown out this anniversary.
  2. Does anyone know what the ratings have been like for this series? Or the number of downloads?
  3. There had to be some kind of coordination in the actual Dealey Plaza murder. I talked to a Special Forces Army guy, John McCarthy, once. He was in on some of these types of operations. He said to me that it was clearly an L shaped ambush, which he was familiar with. In that type of operation you have two shooters from the bottom of the--in this case inverted L--which would be Houston, and one from the top, the GK. Its pretty much inescapable with three professionals once you get to the agreed upon kill zone. This is why Craig Roberts, a former sniper said: one man, no way. Brian Edwards, who was on a SWAT team said the same, for one guy, very difficult. All I am saying is that seems like a disparate bunch to employ as a hit team. Not saying it is impossible, but I would say kind of unlikely. If Willoughby was an organizer, that would be Dick R I think. My picks for the top would have been different. And if Morley was in on this how could they avoid Angleton?
  4. Talk about strange bedfellows: ZED OAS Giancana Cuesta/Escalante story And they are one sniper short. How could there be any coordination with those 4 groups? Well, at least they did not include Cobb as the Babushka lady PS, does anyone read K and K? Here you go with Jeff Meek. https://www.kennedysandking.com/john-f-kennedy-articles/the-jfk-files-pieces-of-the-assassination-puzzle
  5. I have sent this story to Andrew and Mark, I want them to get in contact with this guy for an interview. This should be an election issue. How else to get those documents out?
  6. We have two very insightful authors as contributors to the JFK Assassination Chokeholds on this subject. Andrew Eiler and Mark Adamczyk have written about what has happened to the JFK Act at length and in depth. I am really trying to get them more exposure on the topic. If what Biden did is allowed to stand, I do not think we will ever see the last of the documents. Let alone that SI message to Joannides in the summer of 1963.
  7. Interesting point: Who did LBJ tell on the Secret Service that he would not leave without the corpse?
  8. The lengths that Kennedy was willing to go to in order to back Nasser was like a tightrope he had to balance himself on, because the huge wave was pulling against him, ever since Eisenhower pulled out of the Aswan Dam deal and Nasser refused to join CENTO. Plus, the fact was that Nasser represented pan Arabism, which the Saudis despised. Because they knew Nasser was a socialist, and under any kind of confederation set up--which is what he wanted--it would endanger their oil rights. This is why the Saudis did everything they could to break up the UAR, the union between Egypt and Syria. Which they succeeded in doing.
  9. Tanenbaum published a book recently called Coal Country Killing about Sprague and the Yablonski case. It is a good book and it shows how you go about unraveling a murder conspiracy. Sprague did this with a lot of skill and patience. The whole thing took about 5 years since Tony Boyle, the guy at the top of the plot, appealed and had to be retried. Dick Sprague was named special prosecutor for the case and he was quite hard nosed during the series of I think five trials on the way to convicting Boyle. He would not cut any deals until after the trial was over and he knew the value of the defendant's testimony. If you read the book you will see why everyone in Washington feared the HSCA under Sprague, and why the MSM was determined to get rid of him.
  10. Thanks for that Paul, that is one I will avoid. CFR? Kennedy never joined.
  11. BTW, bringing this up should remind us of what happened to the HSCA after Sprague left. 1. The phony NAA testing of Guinn 2. The wild ride of Thomas Canning and his NASA trajectories 3. The infiltration by Joannides 4. And this misrepresentation of the hole in the rear skull. Does anyone think this would have happened under Sprague and Tanenbaum?
  12. Keven: I am really glad you posted that snippet from the COPA conference. Just recall, without the ARRB, we would have never known about how the HSCA misrepresented their own evidence. Or at least not until about 30 years later. Gary found these documents and it was one of the most important discoveries from the ARRB. Because not only did it show that the witnesses at Bethesda agreed with Parkland, it showed the HSCA tried to cover this up. Some would say, like Bob Tanenbaum, that they deliberately misrepresented their own evidence. When confronted with this by Gary in person, they all scurried away from saying that they had written the fraudulent phrasing denying the agreement between Parkland and Bethesda. If I recall correctly, Purdy, Baden and Blakey all denied it. In fact, I think Baden and Wecht said they never saw the reports. So that leaves: Purdy, Blakey or Billings who wrote the misrepresentation. Could Billings really have written it without Blakey's knowledge?
  13. From Monica Wiesak's book: "On November 20, 1963, two days before JFK's assassination, the US delegation at the United Nations once again gave its support to Resolution 194, Article 11 [Palestinian refugee repatriation] which triggered fury among Israeli supporters. The Jewish Chronicle (in London) reported the reaction of the Israelis. "Prime Minister Levi Eshkol summoned the US ambassador...and told him that Israel was shocked by the pro Arab attitude adopted by the US delegation." Golda Meir, the Chronicle reported, "expressed Israel's astonishment and anger at the attitude of the US." As Monica adds, this sympathy was active while he was a senator. As Francis Sayre noted, "Senator Kennedy was one of the people on the Hill to whom I went most regularly because of his deep and sincere concerns, his eagerness to be of practical assistance to this humanitarian problem." (pp. 192-93) If one combines this with Kennedy's attempt to forge a working relationship with Nasser, who the Israelis genuinely feared, I don't see how one can get much more of a balance, and this leaves out Dimona, and the Russian arms into Egypt. To recall how much Israel feared Nasser, just recall the Lavon Affair of 1954, and then the Suez Crisis of 1956. After which Hammarskjold sent a peace keeping force into the Sinai, which btw, Kennedy wanted strengthened. Wiesak also quotes Robert Komer on Kennedy and the Middle East: "Kennedy was the most knowledgeable man on the Middle East in the top echelon of his administration. He literally knew more about the matter than the secretary of state...he read everything. He gobbled up all of the intelligence reports....He really felt we had to have a new balance in our policy, that we had to get away from this overemphasis on alliances [a direct slap at Foster Dulles], this sort of casting into the outer darkness those countries which for one reason or another didn't feel they should be tied to Washington" This last reference is also another refutation of Foster Dulles, who had no time for the non-aligned movement at all. Of which Nasser was a prime mover.
  14. From Jim Harwood, Interesting if true: Does anyone know that Atlanta based foodservice company DIAZ FOODS is directly linked to Castro's late son? Now get this the matriarch of this Miami to Atlanta Diaz family married Castro and Herminio is her son (she died in 1996).. She was Castro's first wife. She then marries a US Military colonel and he forms what we know today as AFLAC insurance, you know the commercials with the duck quacking out "AFLAC". Now all of this occurs in Columbus Georgia and the grandson and his daddy move to Atlanta in 1968 and form a hispanic food distribution company.How they god damn knew we'd be up to our ass in Hispanics way back in 1968 is beyond me. Now get this: The grandfather Salvadore Diaz Verson was the head of Cuban Intelligence under Batista , which would have to mean he at least knew the likes of Meyer Lansky etc. In 1964 Salvadore Verson Diaz (I dont know which comes first the Verson name or the Diaz name) testified before the Warren Commission and I believe he told them Oswald tried to get into Cuba via Mexico. The Diaz family are darlings of Georgia and the southern oligarchs of Atlanta. When we see all these Hispanics today in almost every state in the Union be aware Atlanta was their first base they landed. Governor Carter allowed them to flood into the dirty city of Atlanta. I like Lincoln's General Sherman's Atlanta policy. We should use it today. Alright, another fun fact known by few. PS- The FBI released some docs under Trump which told of the 1966 dealings of these Diaz which included smuggling heroin into the US via Mexico. Their partner was another hispanic named Esteves. I bet everything I own that this was one of Martin Sheen's brothers. They're both buried in border towns of Mexico and the US. They were sea merchants. You know Sheen's mother was related to one of the writers that did a hatchet job on Jim Garrison. It's an Irish name but I can't remember it at the moment. The Sheens spent their summer in Bermuda and British owned island off the coast of the Carolinas. https://www.diazfoods.com/#diaz-foods-spices
  15. Its pretty obvious that there is a dividing line between Kennedy, and the next three presidents: Johnson, Nixon and Ford. Dimona being one concrete example Plus, your chart was very demonstrative of this. The marginalization of Nasser after Kennedy's death is also a factor. In Pittsburgh, one of the things I mentioned is that the first political triumph of the neocons came under Ford, the Halloween Massacre.
  16. I did not watch this one. But according to Matt Douthit, I did not miss much. Why even do stuff like this? At this late date. I mean thank God for :What the Doctors Saw" on Paramount Plus. I understand "JFK Revisited" is also playing there. https://www.kennedysandking.com/john-f-kennedy-articles/house-of-omission
  17. Gary Aguilar chimes on on What the Doctors Saw, finally broadcast on Paramount Plus. https://www.kennedysandking.com/john-f-kennedy-articles/jfk-what-the-doctors-saw-an-important-addition-and-a-missed-opportunity
  18. So this is a CIA agent at Parkland Hospital while Kennedy is there in the ER?
  19. You know when we start killing the message because of the messenger, its time to quit. Bowron was a witness and she was there. I have always felt that her testimony, and Tom Robinson's were important and compelling. She was among the last to see the body in Dallas, he was among the last to see it at Bethesda. BTW, would we behaving this discussion if not for the ARRB?
  20. That one about the ARRB would really be something. What a mixed bag that turned out to be.
  21. In going through the Amazon reviews, people really understand what we tried to do and appreciate the aims we had. These positive reviews are clear and articulate. And they understand how the long version is set up to show how different the world could be if JFK had lived. We have well over 225 reviews with a 4.6 rating, which is good for such a subject. But I think what happened is Shout Factory noted the success of JFK Revisited and decided to bring out a new remastered version of JFK. And that is doing well also for a film that is 30 years old. I mean who would have thought the documentary would revive the feature. Maybe I will get something out of this?
  22. Thanks so much Jamey. That is the one I like also. I am really glad we got into things like the Indonesia overthrow and Kennedy's policy on the Palestinian refugees. I actually think that was kind of unprecedented. The other thing is, in the long version we got into the evidence for a frontal shot. One of these days I will get around to explaining how we ended up with two versions.
  23. John McCone did not care for LBJ's style. He left pretty soon, early 1965, and then Bundy left.. As hawkish as Bundy was on Indochina, he thought LBJ was around the bend on Vietnam.
  24. Donald, what do you men by the last 8 words specifically in time?
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