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James DiEugenio

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Everything posted by James DiEugenio

  1. You are welcome Mr. Lane. And William, there was a lot of attention given to what Trump did back then. There were actually reports live on it. Comparatively speaking, there was much less on Biden. Getting back to my article, the other thing that was so lacking was the fact that once the volumes were published, I can recall no MSM review to compare the report with the evidence. It was not the MSM that brought up the absurdity of the SBT, it was Vince Salandria. And as I noted in my obit for VInce, it was him who challenged Specter in person at a talk in Philly. And of course it was Vince who tutored Fonzi for his interview with Specter. Today, as noted, we know this was a conscious decision posed by Specter to the Commission: abide by the Magic Bullet or start looking for a second assassin. They were not going to do the latter.
  2. Thanks Ben. BTW, of all the things I noted in there, the one that really puzzles me is how the MSM raised nary a peep about the hearings being closed to the public. Can you imagine trying to do something like that over a colossal event today? And as I commented, Mark Lane was the only witness who protested. And he therefore forced them to open his. And then without observing any of the witnesses being examined, and then not reading the testimony or the evidence, they went ahead and hailed the Warren Report as a superb job of investigation. Talk about a bunch of lemmings.
  3. This is an infamous day. In 1964, the Warren Report was first issued to the public on September 27th. The media accepted it with an eagerness that was suspicious in itself. Because the report was released without the 26 volumes of testimony and evidence. But yet, on the day it was released, both NBC and CBS had special programming that was entirely based on the report's conclusions, broadcasting to millions as if it was the gospel truth about a quite complex event. That turned out to be a huge mistake. One that the MSM has never been able to correct or live down. Below I examine some of the obvious errors that could have been avoided, what Arlen Specter really thought and the disastrous historical consequences that followed without being noted at the time. https://www.kennedysandking.com/john-f-kennedy-articles/warren-commission-report-60-years-later
  4. That is a really good site. Everyone should look at it as a resource for primary data.
  5. Nice one Gene. The CIA still has a secret internal history that is classified? Lumumba's assassination preceded Kennedy's!
  6. The CIA had no role in Lumumba's death? They sent three guys there to kill him. Gottlieb, WI Rogue and QJ Win. Newman then clearly states that they monitored his escape, and blocked certain river passages to be sure he would be caught. And they were going to send WI Rogue to Stanleyville if Lumumba had made it. I mean whew.
  7. BTW, its really something to examine how the MSM herniates itself on this topic. If you recall, when Sy Hersh fell on his face with the whole Monroe trust document piece of malarkey, ABC had already purchased the rights to his POS book. Without testing the documents. Peter Jennings said something like it was not fair to blame Hersh for this lack. 😱 Just recall, Hersh was advised by two people that the document was a fraud already due to two false signatures on it. And he would not pay for testing himself even though he got a huge advance. So what was Jennings talking about? What did Peter do next? Two things which he thought would save face for ABC and Hersh. First, on a segment of ABC Nightly New--you read that right--he put together a motley crew of witnesses to somehow show that JFK did have an affair with MM. Not true Petey. And your witnesses, like the "mayor of Hollywood", were in no position to make statements on the subject. Secondly, he decided to go further and put together a special for the 40th, and he went to Hersh's assistant Gus Russo to be his lead investigator. This is where Dale M. announced his whole pile of excrement about The Single Bullet Fact. One of the lowest pieces of TV journalism ever on the JFK case. But good ole Gus also included people like Hugh A and Priscilla Johnson. Callahan has taken up where Hersh left off. And the sponsoring of her career on this shows that the MSM simply cannot handle either the facts of the JFK and RFK murders, or what they stood for. Plus how radically the world was changed after. Callahan lives by the sordidness of what the msm has become. Which is a nightmare.
  8. Maureen Callahan is a real MSM hatchet lady. She uses this to go after Kamala Harris. Of all people. Whew.
  9. Woodward did know Butterfield from before. He then wrote a whole book about him which was really a kind of whitewash in my opinion. Haldeman also had problems with Butterfield. He said that Butterfield was lying when he said that Haldeman approached him about a job in the White House. It was the other way around. He also says that it was unnecessary for Butterfield to resign his Air Force position once he was employed at the White House. (Jim Hougan, Secret Agenda, p. 59) Hougan wrote this in 1984. Prouty was onto it at the time. This exposure of the CIA role in Watergate was why McCord despised Fletcher.
  10. I was just thinking that Truman must have had a troubling old age. First there was Hammarskjold in 1961 where he seems to know the plane was sabotaged. Then in 1963, he does the editorial about the CIA operating way beyond what he imagined it would. And he gets the visit from Dulles on that, while Dulles in on the Warren Commission. I think he had some hard nights sleeping.
  11. Kitty Kelly does not belong in the Spoto/Taraborrelli category or class. And you should know that. She is closer to Heymann.
  12. Thanks for those comments Ron. Isn't that interesting about Harriman? As you will notice in Part 4. The CIA had to know about the meeting, you are correct. And i agree with you that JFK had to suspect both foul play and probably Agency involvement in both murders. In fact, in the case of Lumumba, I think this contributed to him firing Dulles. Recall that quote by Smathers, to the effect that JFK said the CIA did things behind his back, and he wanted to get control of what they were doing.
  13. Quora is such a trap when it comes to JFK. I won't go into why, but it just is. The two best biographies of Jackie Kennedy are by Donald Spoto and Randy Taraborrelli, neither of them, clicking in at about 700 pages total, mentions any of that material. I suspect that RFK baloney comes from Heymann, the serial fabulist.
  14. Surprised no one commented on this quote, I mean the NY Times quoting someone saying there was a high profile conspiracy? But way before this, former president Harry Truman said about the death of Hammarskjold: “Dag Hammarskjold was on the point of getting something done when they killed him. Notice that I said, “When they killed him”. (NY Times, 9/20/61).
  15. Gottlieb actually came to Leopoldville. He was there to drop off poison toothpaste to kill Lumumba. But that one got called off as being too risky. (Talbot, p. 380) About this time Devlin and Justin O'Donnell decided it would be better simply to allow Lumumba to escape and then deliver him into the hands of his enemies. So they helped track him, and blocked some of his escape routes. But still, he almost made it. Even with the American ambassador's helicopter tracking him down.
  16. Gene: I think that understates it. Talbot spends 14 pages on Lumumba, beginning on p 375. He begins this with Lumumba's escape from house arrest and his attempt to make it back to Stanleyville, the seat of the alternative government his followers had set up for him. He then goes back to what Lumumba's election meant to the history of Congo. And how his independence day speech rubbed certain people in Washington the wrong way, including Dulles and Dillon, who had an investment interest in mining there. Therefore they branded Lumumba a communist, which he was not. Washington then decided to dispose of him. And Talbot describes the plots and plotters as I did in my article. Talbot goes into the escape attempt by Lumumba and how the Americans helped his African enemies track him down. Even when captured he almost got his captors on his side. The 2 Americans on the scene who he blames most for the death of Lumumba are Paul Hofmann a reporter for the NY TImes who wrote many biased stories about him when he was caught, and Larry Devlin CIA station chief, who aided and guided his capture. Devlin went on to run the CIA Africa Division and pursued a career in the Congo's very rich diamond industry. A truly sorry story. It was really the end of Congo, which was a constitutionally defined and democratically elected republic. Is that not what America is supposed to be supporting?
  17. Talbot had a very nice section on Lumumba in Devil's Chessboard. I gave him kudos for that.
  18. One of the reasons I thought this was an important subject is this: This Congo crisis, topped off by Operation Dragon Rouge, which almost no one has ever heard of, was the beginning of Africa and the Third World turning away from America. That turning away would be multiplied by Johnson's massive escalation in Vietnam which came around the same time, end of 1965. The determination to go to war with the last of Lumumba's followers was not just a reversal of Kennedy's African nationalism policy. It was counter to a doctrine that JFK pronounced in his Algeria speech: America should not be on the wrong side of history. But that is what was now going to happen, and it would be accelerated once the Neocons took power. It was this switch that I believe led to the beginnings of the BRICS movement. Kennedy was well aware of this danger. And in Part 4, I outline some of the genesis of this as a result of how the Congo crisis ended. Things that we think are not related, actually are.
  19. Thanks Ron, I hope you and Greg at least enjoy this. I discovered some mew material that is in Pt. 4. What an epic tragedy for Congo and Africa.
  20. My concluding chapter on this subject, which is so overlooked by the critical community. The murders of Lumumba, Hammarskjold and Kennedy sealed the deal for Congo. It was a disaster after that. If you can believe it, the Cuban exiles were running missions against the last of Lumumba's followers. This started to turn Africa and the Third World against the USA. As I note, Lumumba, Hammarskjold and especially Kennedy now became heroes on the Dark Continent. https://substack.com/home/post/p-149043049?source=queue
  21. And the things is, Vance all but admitted that he made it up. He is a Peter Thiel lackey right, is that not why Trump selected him? Childless cat ladies and Haitian pet eaters?
  22. That debate was really interesting in that it showed how much preparation matters. Harris even planned her opening when she walked over to Trump and said her name the right way. Trump did not get it, he just said his name in reply. And when she criticized his rallies, I mean he just could not handle that. But its true, people do walk out in many of them toward the end. Whoever planned her prep should get a choice of cabinet spots if she wins. It was excellent.
  23. Was Nancy Pelosi smart in escorting Biden out? Harris is now only four points behind Trump in Iowa, of all places. The last Iowa poll with Biden, Joe was losing by 18 points. The amazing thing is that Harris has now put in play states that would have been given up on with Biden: Iowa, Texas, Florida. Trump clearly did not prepare for that debate. And it hurt him. When the candidate has to go out into the spin room?
  24. This is part 3, and it deals with: 1.) the famous picture of JFK when he gets the news of Lumumba's death 2.) The murder--and that is what it was--of Dag Hammarksjold 3.) How Kennedy literally took over the Congo crisis as Dag would have wanted it done. Gullion cabled DC and said, it was not an accident. This is a disgracefully ignored subject. At the end I preview how it all changed upon Kennedy's death. https://substack.com/home/post/p-148860682?source=queue
  25. Thanks Ron, and man where do you get the songs? What Prouty was doing with the disclosures about McCord and Butterfield is he was showing the hidden CIA role in Watergate. That is why McCord hated his guts. Boy Jeff put a lot of work into this. I think it was just him and Len doing it.
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