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James DiEugenio

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Everything posted by James DiEugenio

  1. One of the reasons they fear Bobby Kennedy. Smart move by Trump. +1 over Harris.
  2. When we start trusting the major networks, or cable, on what happened to RFK jr, I mean please. GIve me a break. Secondly, if Lisa Pease knew that Biden had dementia years ago, are you really going to tell me that no one else in the White House did? But they thought they could slide by and hide it. They gambled and lost. Pelosi stepped in and said the farce has to stop.
  3. Oh really, as he is arranging for a detente with Castro? When LBJ took over he was notified that in all of the first part of 1963 there were five raids into Cuba. These were so pitiful that they worked to Castro's advantage. McGeorge Bundy told David Corn that by 1963 it consisted of about 50 guys with five boats. Sort of like Peter Sellers and The Mouse that Roared.
  4. I already dealt with Kevin's erroneous post about Bobby. JFK had two perfect opportunities to get rid of Castro. Each time, he declined the opportunity. And when Lemnitzer brought up Northwoods, he retired him. As I note above, the CIA had no presidential approval for their plots to kill Castro. And MONGOOSE was never going to overthrow the Castro regime. It was meant as a detriment and card exchange for Castro not to spread communism into South America.
  5. Mathew is well intentioned but, he does not really know the MM case that well. It takes a lot of study. I just addressed it at Substack. A longer version is at K and K. RFK was not in LA that day and its provable. And MM was not murdered, and three pathologists certify that. https://jamesanthonydieugenio.substack.com/p/trashing-the-kennedys-ad-infinitum
  6. Matt, really that is so one sided, so biased that it is almost funny. The reason RFK Jr pulled out and ran as an independent was simple. He was going to do very well in New Hampshire, in fact, he might have won. But the DNC and Biden threatened the whole NH delegation if they went ahead and did their election allowing him to get off to a rousing start. And that was just the beginning. In nine lawsuits they have tried to get him thrown off the ballot in 9 states. When Bobby tried to do an event honoring his father and Cesar Chavez in LA, the DNC hired Hispanic infiltrators to trash the event on the street. And if you did not hear Shanahan, they even sent in infiltrators to their offices. The DNC formed an organized hit team on RFK Jr, one that did not care what kind of tactics they used. All the time concealing the fact that their candidate himself was debilitated. They hid it until the whole country saw it on national TV. And this is why they wanted no Democratic debates. All the while knowing that Biden would have likely lost to Trump. The DNC did this to Bernie and most people thought it was bad, but its not so bad in this case right?
  7. I wrote two critical articles about Harris back in 2020. Which included that issue. I thought she was kind of an average AG. I am thinking of reposting them. She is trying to track left on domestic issues. But her foreign policy resembles Biden too much I think. JIM D
  8. I just read that Harris is now less than five points behind Trump in Texas. That is really something. Trump now will have to defend Florida, Texas and N. Carolina. He cannot afford to lose any of them. But if he loses two of them he is toast.
  9. Paul: Interesting point you brought up. It seems like Harris has tried to track left in domestic policy e.g. price gouging, housing, raising top end tax rate by several points. But she has said little about foreign policy. IMO, Blinken and Sullivan have been failures. But if she replaces one of them with this Gordon guy, it will be more of the same. The Shanahan interview was an eye opener. So much so that I think I will write about it. I mean its one more example of the DNC taking no prisoners, pretty much what they did with Sanders.
  10. When you can have the Obamas at the convention, while you go to Milwaukee and pack the basketball auditorium where Trump was just at? Plus raise 510 million in a month? BTW, I don't think all that is for Harris. I think a lot of it is anti Trump, plus the fact that many hesitant donors are now throwing their money in because they think that, unlike Biden, Harris can win. PS. I have to say I don't like the veritable wall that Pritzker and Peters built around the site
  11. According to James Mann, letting himself be controlled at Iceland was a regret for Reagan. That was a really key moment in modern history. On top of everything, it might have saved Gorby.
  12. Gaza has become so unpopular that when AIPAC took down Bowman and Bush they did not use the Israeli issue. That is what Benji has done. I will always insist that the murder of Rabin was a crossroads for Israel. And if you study it, the campaign Benji ran, by its extreme polarization, encouraged it.
  13. I recall that. I also think they passed a law where you could not give someone standing in line a bottle of water. If Harris wins, this should be near the top of her agenda. PS I think I made a mistake, Sanders is scheduled for today.
  14. I have to say overall it was pretty good. I thought Warnocke was quite effectivel AOC was good. Crockett was on the ball. But some news I got from Florida was startling. Harris in only five points back of Trump. Holy Moly. If that is true then Harris has five states in play in the south: Maryland,Virginia, N. Carolina, Florida. Georgia. That is good because it means Trump and Vance are going to spend lots of time down there. Defending their base.
  15. Why would you have the Clintons, both of them, speaking. And no Bernie. As far as I can see.
  16. If you have not seen Jon Stewart on Trump's Willie Brown story, you really should. Its that funny.
  17. That is correct and that is one of the books I used in preparation for that talk.
  18. That is amazing if true because from I can read he was the prime protagonist pushing the program. I guess. I have to read the Fitzgerald book now.
  19. In preparing for my talk on this at the last Wecht Conference, one of the most interesting things I found out was this: the Muslim Brotherhood was created by the British. This is how complex and tangled the history of that area is. That fact helps explain why Nasser was considered one of the most influential leaders of the Arab world next to Mohammed and Saladin. And why six million people poured into Cairo for his funeral. For many Arabs he was the future, the way out of Moslem Fundamentalism. And Kennedy was visionary enough to see this. If you have not seen this speech, you really should. It explains a lot about Nasser and the Brotherhood in less than three minutes. And why people were paralyzed with grief at Nasser's funeral. It was the symbolic equivalent of Bobby Kennedy's funeral in America.
  20. Bobby Kennedy wanted the forerunner of AIPAC to register as a foreign lobby. I think Ric's article says this.
  21. The author is correct. Kennedy's policy was much more even handed. For example on Palestinian repatriation for the Nakba. And JFK never stopped trying to push that policy even until 1963. This was when the UN author, Joseph Johnson, had given up on it. Kennedy also tried to forge a relationship with Nasser, a secularist Arab leader. When Nasser got the news of Kennedy's death, he could not sleep. He then ordered JFK's funeral to be shown four times on Egyptian television. And Bob is correct on this, Johnson changed Kennedy's policy a lot. I have very little doubt the 1967 war would hot have happened if Kennedy had lived. Just remember, as a rising diplomat, Benjy N slept in Jared Kushner's bedroom in NYC.
  22. Harris has turned the race around, even in Georgia and North Carolina. She is leading in the latter and in range in the former. Remember, even though its nutty, popular vote means little. Electoral College means everything.
  23. BTW it was not just Holden and Brown, its the VP of the Trump Org, Res also. Boy Trump got caught in a vise. Jon Stewart had a field day with this.
  24. Joe, I looked this up about Teller. I think you were referring to Bethe. And thanks for the lead on the Fitzgerald book. Gad, that went on a long time considering it was never credible.
  25. Ben: The iranians gave Israel five hours notice, and then they sent their 99 cent missiles, and five got through. What they wanted was the radar readings. They now have them. And I think the USA is a bigger target. Ron, I really cannot answer that question. But they were both recruited under Nixon. Joe that is remarkable, I did not know Teller said that, an unmitigated hawk. Greg, one of the best posts you have ever made. And from what I know, its correct. Reagan got overruled by his staff and the Pentagon.
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