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Cliff Varnell

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Everything posted by Cliff Varnell

  1. “The Post did not find evidence that Joe Biden personally benefited from or knew details about the transactions with CEFC, which took place after he had left the vice presidency and before he announced his intentions to run for the White House in 2020.” Is that question intellectually honest? A court of law for what? Asinine baseless partisan accusations, at which you excel? Trump paid more tax money to the Chinese in 2017 than to the US gov’t.
  2. Unless you worked for the CIA or US Army Special Forces why would you ever see a blood soluble round? It’s not like such technology didn’t exist. http://www.aarclibrary.org/publib/church/reports/vol1/pdf/ChurchV1_6_Senseney.pdf
  3. Michael Vosse told a couple of Manson adjacent stories. At A&M one day he walked into his boss David Anderle’s office and found Phil Kaufman pitching a band, some friends of his. Kaufman was the roadie for the Flying Burrito Brothers; Michael got them signed to A&M. Vosse and Kaufman didn’t like each other. Michael listened for no more than a minute and walked out. Lame folk music. Lame band photo. The Family. Michael never met Manson, but he was acquainted with Bobby Beausoleil. The last time he saw Bobby was about a year before Bobby whacked Gary Hinman, which precipitated the T.-L. murders. Bobby showed up at Michael’s and asked if he and a friend could crash there for the night. Michael was okay with Bobby, but the friend put off heavy, dangerous vibes. Michael, a short, slight guy, was wary, but agreed. In those days Bobby was hanging out with Kenneth Anger and Anton LeVay —Satanists. Satanists take themselves very seriously. That comes from regarding one’s own free will as the highest power. The stay was uneventful and the next morning they split. I’ve seen references to Bobby’s nickname — “Cupid.” Michael said on Sunset his nickname was “Bummer Bob.”
  4. My old school memoir. Our enduring legacy: an extensive impact on the lexicon, the suffix “-core”. https://en.m.wiktionary.org/wiki/-core
  5. Brennan’s. Closed since ‘18, sadly. Flints. On Shattuck? Ever go to Rather Ripped Records, Euclid/Hearst? One of the great import/indie vinyl shops.
  6. He excludes the extant physical evidence — the bullet defects in JFK’s clothes. https://www.forensicsciencesimplified.org/csi/how.html Why?
  7. One year behind, according to Michael Vosse, A&M’s “Man on the Sunset Strip.” https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_Vosse I was a tight friend of Michael’s over the last dozen years of his life. In ‘65, he and his LA friends would regularly go up north to trip and see Quicksilver. Sunset didn’t pop until ‘66.
  8. Aye. I went to a Grateful Dead show at the Coliseum Arena New Year’s Eve 1979. I worked my way close to the stage. Everyone sat waiting for the Dead, except me. Bill came out and I flipped him off. I know he saw me. He ground his jaws. His death was spectacular. His helicopter crashed into a power pole in the fog. It hung vertically, like Rocknroll Christ on the cross. When Dave McGowan came out with his ridiculous take on the counter-culture origin story, I stood up for Bill. McGowan’s tale posited Laurel Canyon as the birthplace of the hippie scene. Laurel Canyon was the birthplace of MOR soft rock. San Francisco was the birthplace of the counter-culture thanks to Neal Cassady, Ken Kesey, Grateful Dead, Jefferson Airplane, Quicksilver Messenger Service — and Bill Graham.
  9. Punk rockers like me didn’t like Bill Graham. https://www.betweenthecovers.com/pages/books/387542/anti-bill-graham-punk-flyer <quote on> Anti-Bill Graham flyer from 1981 distributed after Graham, who had organized a paid Clash show in Berkeley, threatened legal action when the New Youth Organization attempted to put on a "people's" Clash show at a much lower cost. This drew the ire of *Maximumrocknroll* founder Tim Yohannon, who invited Graham to come on air for an interview. His ensuing verbal assault led to Graham storming out in anger. The flyer advertises that appearance on the *Maximumrocknroll* radio show with Graham as an octopus clutching a casket labeled "sixties youth culture" (as well as various music venues). Although Graham was one of rock music's most important and influential promoters, helping the careers of numerous figures through his Fillmore venues and other activities, his business practices were often described as monopolistic. This flyers illustrate that concern, and also demonstrates hardcore punk's break with the hippie movement as clearly as any printed material we've seen. </q> I went to the Bill Graham Clash show, but missed the renegade Clash show at the Temple Beautiful. Early 1979.
  10. Sam’s Hof Brau. Been awhile, but I think it’s still there.
  11. My guess is — neither Mantik nor DiEugenio pointed it out. It’s their omission, too. Leads me to believe they didn’t read The Last Investigation — Fonzi emphasized the clothing.
  12. Cory, the good news is we’re in action on the brat ‘n’ brew with the Reiner/O’Brien podcasts. In Episode 2 O’Brien brings up the Gaeton Fonzi - Arlen Specter interviews from 1966. O’BRIEN: “When Fonzi presses Specter about whether he factored eye witness accounts into the construction of [the SBT], Specter responded, ‘That’s a good question. No one has asked me that question.’” Close, but no brat. Fonzi pressed Specter about the bullet hole in the shirt, and Specter had a nervous breakdown. How did they miss that?
  13. Do I need to listen to the entire 160 minutes to verify that “comprehensive” Jim DiEugenio ignored the genuine physical evidence — the bullet defects in JFK’s clothes? If he did cite actual physical evidence, I’ll buy Cory Santos a brew and a brat at a Vegas A’s game.
  14. And this fragment of glass was removed prior to the autopsy? And this glass fragment left a hairline fracture of the right T1 transverse process and an air pocket overlaying the right C7/T1 transverse processes. The Magic Glass Theory? A fact which accounts for the hairline fracture at T1.
  15. Indeed. http://www.aarclibrary.org/publib/church/reports/vol1/pdf/ChurchV1_6_Senseney.pdf It was also discussed by the autopsists with the body in front of them. This scenario cannot account for the hairline fracture at T1.
  16. Must you spin the fact that the autopsists shared a “general feeling” JFK was hit with a high tech round? “Some have mused” is a bit disingenuous. A claim counterfeited by the hairline fracture of the right T1 transverse process.
  17. I’ll buy Cory Santos a brat and a brew at a future Oakland Athletics of Las Vegas game if Reiner ever refers to the genuine physical evidence in the JFKA — the bullet holes in JFK’s clothes.
  18. I like the autopsists “general feeling” — JFK was hit with a high tech round. I like the cervical x-ray which shows a hairline fracture of the right T1 transverse process, which must have resulted from the throat shot.
  19. Significant portions of my adulthood were spent at the Oakland-Alameda County Coliseum Complex. Raiders and Warriors season tix. Didn’t need season tickets for the A‘s; I’m a Giants fan primarily anyway. I’d love to sell bootleg merch in Vegas — The Oakland Raiders of Las Vegas
  20. You find it logical that all the autopsy witnesses to the probing of the T3 back wound got it wrong?
  21. No, it didn’t cover the back wound. True, the back wound was after the throat wound — balling his fists in front of his throat is a reaction to the throat shot.
  22. Sorry Cory. The JFKA False Mystery Industry doesn’t do real physical evidence. They’re obsessed with fakes like CE399 or distracted by the Oswald Assassination. Just as well. I’d probably have to take out a loan to buy a brew and brat at a Las Vegas Athletics game — they gotta get back all that stadium money the A’s fleeced from the Nevada tax payers.
  23. Somewhere in Hell, C.D. Jackson and Henry Luce are smiling. ”They’re all our children now.”
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