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Paul Rigby

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Everything posted by Paul Rigby

  1. The first half of the following is solid work: https://www.bitchute.com/video/yIskEfo4mfKO/
  2. In one fell swoop, a sentence ruined and a sound proposition rendered unintentionally hilarious. Tremendous.
  3. CLUSTERxxxx NATION – BLOG July 21, 2023 The Downfall of Blobism “If it weren’t for double standards, the Democrats would have no standards at all.” — Jeff Childers of the Coffee and Covid blog https://kunstler.com/clusterxxxx-nation/the-downfall-of-blobism/ You might not know it these lazy, hazy, muggy days of midsummer, but things are getting pretty wildly out-of-hand in our republic. Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. blew up the Democratic Party yesterday in the House Subcommittee on Weaponization of Government hearing, acting like a normal human while being set upon by a flock of harpies desperately screeching “Russia, Russia, Russia,” as if that means anything anymore. He branded them as worse than the McCarthyites of the 1950s, rebuked their insane scurrilities supporting censorship, and left them in a state of exhausted disgrace. It happens that he is running for the nomination of that very party knocking itself out to destroy him. To win that prize he would have to put a thousand top Democrats through some grueling act of repentance and contrition — and then you’ve got to ask yourself: who would even want to win the support of such vile creatures as Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Jerrold Nadler, and Adam Schiff, let alone be associated with them in the same club? Elsewhere around the scene this week, we have the ever more degenerate antics of the FBI on view as whistleblowers pour out of the woodwork disclosing the rot behind Director Chris Wray and his boss AG Merrick Garland. This Deep State Blob of turpitude has been growing and festering with so many overlapping cover-ups that they’ve run out of rugs to sweep their crimes under. The massive moneygrubbing misdeeds of Hillary Clinton from Skolkovo and Uranium One beat a direct path through the Ukraine coup of 2014, to RussiaGate, to the Biden Family’s global influence-peddling operation and every mendacious act in-between including the FISA falsehoods, the J-6 entrapment caper, hundreds of malicious and deceitful prosecutions, the Covid-19 fraud, the censorship and medical tyranny, and God-knows how many ensuing deaths from a poisonous vaccine… and now, a brain-dead government trifling with nuclear war. And whose brilliant idea was it, anyway, to install this disgusting and incompetent grifter, “Joe Biden,” as our head-of-state? They surely knew well before 2019 that his bag-man son was rooting out bribes in Ukraine, China, and elsewhere, at the same time he was consorting with whores and trafficked children while destroying his brain with crack and downing a fifth of vodka a day. And you’re telling me that the CIA and FBI did not know about any of this, even before October 2019 when Hunter’s laptop stuffed with graphic evidence fell into their hands? If they didn’t know any of this, then what’s the point of having an intel community? My guess is that it was Barack Obama’s idea to stick “Joe Biden” in the White House in the vain effort to use this captive criminal to stave off any accounting for the aforesaid villainies that occurred during Mr. Obama’s two terms. The mission was originally Hillary Clinton’s — she had plenty at stake herself — but she botched the job in 2016 and allowed the Golden Golem of Greatness to slip into power. It is amazing to look back and see how the mighty Blob congealed after that election — like a giant rogue macrophage — to surround and eliminate Mr. Trump, who apparently did not know for many months what he was up against: the entire permanent bureaucracy. Obviously, the Blob only partly succeeded in deactivating Mr. Trump, who has worked sedulously since 2021 to marshal about half the country militantly against the Blob and Blobism, while he still suffers one rear-guard legal affront after another. Trouble is, the Blob itself has become an immune disorder for the polity known as the USA, and now threatens to destroy everything the country stands for and all the stuff deployed on the landscape from sea to shining sea, if the hypersonic nukes fly. These are dangerous weeks ahead. The pedal’s on the metal… the rubber’s meeting the road, and we seem to be watching a Thelma and Louise type denouement writ large. The Blob itself, with the Democratic Party at its nucleus, and evil organelles Mitch McConnell, Lindsey Graham, and their like floating in the endoplasmic reticulum, has gone insane trying to protect its Precious, liberalism’s sacred bowling trophy, Barack Obama, from scrutiny. To call Mr. Obama to account, of course, would be viewed as the ultimate act of American “racism,” a place too many will not go. So, he may evade responsibility until he (and the rest of us) are gone and history catches up with him. But is there any doubt now that “Joe Biden” must go, and as soon as possible? Surely there is enough evidence to mount an impeachment in the House, and rev it up as expeditiously as the Democrats revved up their two Trump impeachments. An impeachment would, of course, force a trial in the Senate. It is probably the one news event that The New York Times, The Washington Post, and CNN can’t run and hide from — as they have been hiding from this week’s whistleblower hearings and Mr. Kennedy’s sturdy performance against the House censorship activists. In a Senate trial, the rot will finally be laid out before the people to judge, whether the Senate can bring itself to convict “JB” or not. Anyway, it will end this president’s pretense of running for reelection, and on the off-chance he’s convicted, his pardon powers do not extend to that particular extraordinary Senate proceeding. And then we can see about Ms. Harris. The modern Democrat Party is an electoral fiction comprising the dead, the ruling elite, and the warfare state Edmund Burke
  4. A recent example of how eyewitness film footage to a shooting’s immediate aftermath was edited to protect one element of the British deep state’s deadliest resources (in this instance, the Metropolitan Police’s CO19 armed unit) - and officialdom pretended not to notice: Examination of Witness B’s tampered mobile phone footage – the edit is calculated to have been at least 4 seconds - begins at 14 mins 55 seconds: https://youtu.be/9_xzmOpGypY?t=895 Orville Nix’s unqualified endorsement of the copy of the film returned to him: I love the idea the plotters were not interested in controlling photographic imagery of the assassination. Has anyone told them? Henry Dashiell Burroughs, AP B&W still photographer, rode in Camera Car #2 in motorcade: 10/14/98 letter to Vince Palamara---"I was a member of the White House pool aboard Air Force One when we arrived with JFK in Dallas on that fateful day. We, the pool, were dismayed to find our pool car shoved back to about #11 position in the motorcade. We protested, but it was too late.” https://www.whokilledjfk.net/motorcade_occupants.htm https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/58524123/henry-dashiell-burroughs
  5. Good to be reminded of Oglesby's piece. Also well worth a look is Barbara Morris Freed's chapter on Flight 553 within the Steve Weissman-edited anthology Big Brother and the Holding Company: The World Behind Watergate (Ramparts Press, 1974): https://archive.org/details/bigbrotherholdi00weis/page/n5/mode/2up
  6. https://bidenlaptopreport.marcopolousa.org/report_viewer/index.html#p=1 Horrifying
  7. https://www.scottritterextra.com/p/it-is-time-for-america-to-declare It is time for America to declare its independence from the CIA SCOTT RITTER JUL 4, 2023 The CIA prides itself on being called the clandestine service. Webster’s Dictionary defines the term clandestine (an adjective) to mean “kept secret or done secretively, especially because illicit.” I was therefore quite surprised when, on July 1, 2023, during a lecture delivered to the Ditchley Foundation in the United Kingdom, William Burns, the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), declared that “Disaffection with the war [Russia’s ongoing Special Military Operation in Ukraine] will continue to gnaw away at the Russian leadership, beneath the steady diet of state propaganda and practiced repression. That disaffection creates a once-in-a-generation opportunity for us at CIA, at our core a human intelligence service.” Not too clandestine there, Mr. Director. My experience with human intelligence collection, while dated, is sufficient to know that the less you speak about it, the better your results will be. But Burns’ statement was not the first time that the agency he heads has gone public regarding its desire to exploit what it assessed to be the disaffection with the war in Ukraine among military officers and oligarchs who have been impacted by the war. Back in November 2022, David Marlowe, the CIA’s Deputy Director for Operations, told an audience at George Mason University that the CIA “was open for business,” actively looking for “Russians who are as disgusted with [Putin’s actions in invading Ukraine] as we are.” It's not just that Burns and Marlowe have gone public with the who, what, where, and why of the CIA’s desire to recruit new Russian spies—they violated every maxim in the intelligence business by emphasizing the “how,” in particular the CIA’s new recruitment tactic of trolling for spies online, using social media platforms such as Telegram to reach out to prospective agents and provide them with a self-described “secure” means of contacting a CIA case officer, who would be only too pleased to process their application. During my time as an intelligence professional, I was involved—peripherally and directly—in the recruitment, running, and debriefing of several human intelligence assets (i.e., spies.) One thing that every operation that I was involved in had in common was the absolute requirement for intimate person-to-person contact between the agent and his handlers. From the time of its funding, the CIA had used a process known as MICE (Money, Ideology, Coercion or Compromise, Ego) to encapsulate their approach to understanding the fundamental question of “why do people spy?” The case of Aldrich Ames, a CIA officer who betrayed some of the CIA’s most sensitive secrets to the Soviet Union in the 1980’s and ‘90’s, prompted the CIA to take a more sophisticated look at what would motivate a person to betray their country and/or cause. Borrowing from the principles of psychology used to describe the ideal “weapons of mass influence,” the CIA switched from MICE to RASCLS (Reciprocation, Authority, Scarcity, Commitment and Consistency, Liking, and Social Proof) to best capture the complexities of the human condition when called upon to spy. All of these relate, directly or indirectly, to the absolute requirement of person-to-person, or human-to-human, connectivity, something the internet, for all of its utility, is lacking. For all of you want-to-be spies out there, let me remind you of one simple fact—the CIA sucks at human intelligence, especially when it comes to Russia. What few good spies they manage to pull into their stable (Oleg Penkovsky, of Cuban Missile Crisis fame, and Adolf Tolkachev, the so-called “billion dollar spy”) were walk-ins—volunteers who recruited the CIA, as opposed to the other way around, and both were ultimately arrested and executed because of security lapses on the part of the CIA (i.e., allowing their identities to be known by persons who betrayed them to the Russians). If anything, the CIA has gotten worse at recruiting and running Russian agents since the collapse of the Soviet Union. The CIA’s “best” Russian spy, whose information former CIA Director John Brennan used to convince Barack Obama that the Russians were actively supporting Donald Trump in the 2016 Presidential election, turned out to be a double agent fed by to the CIA by the Russians. Moreover, the CIA’s Moscow Station, once the premier assignment for career spies, atrophied in the lax era of the 1990’s, when it practically ran the Russian President (Boris Yeltsin) as an agent, and therefore didn’t really need to work to get Russia to comply with American national security priorities. The CIA suffered a series of embarrassing intelligence failures which resulted in the Moscow Station being gutted when the case officers assigned there were rounded up repeatedly by their Russian counterparts as they tried in vain to recruit and manage their Russian agents, most if not all of whom were likewise compromised and arrested. The inability of the CIA to gain any traction using the traditional methodologies of spy craft involving human assets led the agency to reexamine its practices. Of particular concern were the cumbersome and risky processes involved in making physical contact with an agent in hostile territory such as Moscow, where Russian counterintelligence officers monitored the CIA officer’s every move. Meetings such as these required expert execution of what is known in the intelligence business as “tradecraft,” a skill set which, if not exercised regularly, rapidly atrophies, and dies. The post-9/11 global war on terror, with its heavy demand on using local populations to gather intelligence on embedded terrorist cells, served as an incubator of innovation, especially among US military human intelligence collectors who used this kind of information on a tactical level. A special internet-based communications system was devised which allowed human assets to contact their American military handlers with time sensitive information. CIA paramilitary operatives piggy-backed on to this communication means, and soon it was being used by the CIA’s case officers to manage the communications for agent networks that had been recruited over the course of decades in places like Iran, China, and Russia. In October 2021, however, the top counterintelligence officials in the US intelligence community warned every CIA station and base around the world that this system had been compromised, resulting in dozens of agents being arrested and executed. The communications system was computer-based, involving internet communications. While the US counterintelligence community initially focused on someone from within compromising the system to a hostile foreign intelligence agency, in the end it was determined that the intelligence service of Iran simply used its understanding of how the internet system worked to reverse engineer the connectivity between the CIA and its agents. And now the CIA wants to use the internet yet again as the principal vehicle for attracting a new generation of spies. Not to fear, the CIA notes: its new internet communications scheme is based upon the dark web, using “onion routing,” or Tor, software. Left unsaid is the fact that the FBI and CIA have been “uncloaking” Tor users for more than a decade by using de-anonymizing techniques. What is good for the goose is good for the gander, and anyone who doesn’t believe Russian computer security agencies lack the expertise to do the same are delusional. In short, the system the CIA is proposing to use as its “flagship” approach toward recruiting human agents inside Russia is, literally, a death trap. But, then again, the CIA sucks at human intelligence, especially inside Russia. Burns knows this. So does Marlowe. So should any Russian thinking about using Telegram or Tor to contact the CIA. Which leads me to believe that the announcement by the CIA is little more than a PR campaign designed to distract Congress away from the fact that the CIA has been wrong on Russia across the board, from the impact of economic sanctions to the capabilities of the Russian armed forces, and everything in between. In short, the CIA is running a psychological operation against the American people and those whom we elect to represent us, yet another lie in a string of lies dating back to the agency’s birth in 1947 that adds credence to the increasing calls for its dissolution. Today is Independence Day. Perhaps there isn’t a better way to express our love of nation than expunging the cancerous growth that is the CIA from the American body. We, the people, stand for truth and justice. The CIA is built on a foundation of lies and deceit. Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., who is challenging Joe Biden to be the candidate of the Democratic Party in the 2024 presidential election, is on to something—it is time to abolish this American abomination. Happy Independence Day, America.
  8. I was quite wrong about the senile militaristic grifter most recently observed wandering dreamily through the TV studio. As a number of Biden’s bootlickers have pointed out, he must be mentally fit enough for the job – he didn’t fall over: As for being a Rupert’s People person, I cheerfully confess: PS Yet more rank deep-state dreck from you on RFK, Jr : “Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. earlier characterized the Koch brothers as “war criminals” for their alleged damage to the environment.” Source: https://redstate.com/diary/davenj1/2014/10/03/koch-vs-kennedy-n227373
  9. For any newcomers to the subject, a short introduction to the evolution of RFK assassination research over the past half-century The Second Gun by Ted Charach (1973) Theodore Charack : R.F.K. and the second gun (KPFK, 2 April 1975): Firing Line with William F. Buckley Jr.: Who Killed Bobby Kennedy? with Allard K. Lowenstein (April 1975) The Second Dallas by Massimo Mazzucco (2018) Lisa Pease – Truth Behind RFK assassination (RFK assassination interviews #3, 2022) Pease's A Lie Too Big To Fail deserves a first-rate documentary
  10. The towering genius of Bidenescu strikes again, as duly noted by that notorious arm of Rupert Murdoch known as, er, The Grauniad: Hehehe!
  11. Victoria Nuland on Yatsenyuk as "our guy," as she decides who will rule post-coup Ukraine, 2014 ARSENIY YATSENYUK HAS HUGE EPIPHANY ABOUT UKRAINE - IT'S A GENOCIDAL National Socialist REGIME - TOO LATE, June 2023 https://www.bitchute.com/video/8YRQXb0TRlBF/ An Indian view of Victoria Nuland as an "agent of destruction"
  12. An excellent post. The KLA was "outed" as a CIA project in the mainstream British press by Peter Beaumont in The Observer - I dimly recollect a headline referring to the Agency's "runaway army," or some such. Langley and MI6 were plainly pursuing very different objectives in the region circa 1999-2000.
  13. How the CIA & its assets really worked during the Maidan: The "Snipers' Massacre" on the Maidan in Ukraine (2020) Ivan Katchanovski Description This video compilation with added English-language subtitles provides a video reconstruction of the Maidan massacre of the protesters and the police in Ukraine. It contains synchronized fragments of numerous video and audio recordings of the Maidan massacre, in particular, videos of snipers in Maidan-controlled locations and their shooting the police and the Maidan protesters, and more than 80 testimonies about such snipers in the videos during the massacre itself. This video compilation visually shows that at least the absolute majority of Maidan protesters and the police were shot from Maidan-controlled buildings. This is an online Video Appendix A of papers prepared for presentation at the virtual 52nd Annual Convention of the Association for Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies in 2020 and the 10th World Congress of the International Council for Central and East European Studies in Montreal in 2021.
  14. No question - yes: Clinton-lands The end of an era in Kosovo, Bosnia, Serbia and beyond Nov 19th 2016 https://www.economist.com/europe/2016/11/19/clinton-lands The liberal interventionism espoused by Hillary Clinton was forged in the American efforts to bring peace to Bosnia and Kosovo. When backing military action in Libya in 2011, Mrs Clinton invoked the memory of the massacre at Srebrenica in 1995. Balkan countries expected Mrs Clinton to continue her muscular efforts to build an international liberal order if she were elected president.
  15. NATO attacked Yugoslavia, 1994-1999 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NATO_bombing_of_Yugoslavia The [1999] bombing caused damage to bridges, roads and railway tracks, as well as to 25,000 homes, 69 schools and 176 cultural monuments.[179] Furthemore, 19 hospitals and 20 health centers were damaged, including the University Hospital Center Dr Dragiša Mišović.[180][181] NATO bombing also resulted in the damaging of medieval monuments, such as Gračanica Monastery, the Patriarchate of Peć and the Visoki Dečani, which are on the UNESCO's World Heritage list today.[182] The Avala Tower, one of the most popular symbols of Belgrade, Serbia's capital, was destroyed during the bombing.[183] The use of Depleted Uranium ammunition was noted by the UNEP, which cautioned about the risks for future groundwater contamination and recounted the "decontamination measures conducted by Yugoslavian, Serbian and Montenegrin authorities."[184] NATO members aren't even safe from each other, as the recent US destruction of Germany's Nord Steam pipelines reconfirmed. In July 1974, for example, Kissinger permitted the junta ruling Greece (NATO member since 1952) to coup the leader of Cyprus, then green-lit an invasion of the same island by another NATO member, Turkey.
  16. While on the subject of CIA & MI6 beauts, here's an outstanding examination of the Holodomor fabrication. Famine? Yes. Confined to Ukraine? No. Deliberate? Far from it. The crash industrialisation programme undertaken by Stalin had a largely unaddressed trigger - American & British support for a guy called Adolph.
  17. How the US brought what Bush II termed "freem and moxy" to Korea: America’s Korean massacres: Sinchon: https://youtu.be/wDexrR4m4cU Taejon: https://youtu.be/6Cta5M9J3fE Korean civilians: https://youtu.be/EwhgJZHKRvQ https://youtu.be/_mOFr5BqQfU The brutal terror state established post-WWII by the US: https://youtu.be/1iF6PIpPOl4
  18. I rather suspect John doesn't, not least because he's not dumb enough to fall for such an obviously invented attribution. Stalin never said or wrote anything of the sort. The quotation in fact comes from a 1932 work on French humour by Kurt Tucholsky, a German satirist:
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