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Chris Davidson

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Everything posted by Chris Davidson

  1. Here you go, Bernice. The umbrella is in what position, when JFK first reaches for his throat??? chris
  2. Mark, Not the vertical line, the horizontal, which at first glance appears to be part of JBC, but the animation I provided shows it is not. As JBC turns his torso toward Z, that horizontal black strip is at a different height level. chris
  3. Mark, I don't see anything that should interfere with Jackie's pink sleeve. From Z's position, her sleeve should be a continuous pink line which intersects (at the least) the top seat hand rails. That black band sleeve is above the rails and moving, as is JBC's shoulder is toward Z. chris
  4. What's the black strip extending over Jackie's left arm? Certainly not JBC's shoulder. Certainly not something through the side window. Certainly not Nellie. Appears as if someone needed JBC in a certain position, as they emerged from behind the Stemmon's sign. This stabilized version might lend a hand. chris
  5. Movie format. View at a smaller size for clarity. chris
  6. David, You're welcome. The clip I stabilized is from Groden's undamaged version. I believe the U-tube version you gave the link to, is the same film. I know of no other undamaged version, which is available. I'll create the stabilization again, in movie form. This might help "detail wise", as opposed to the gif. Give me a little time. chris
  7. For David, Groden's version with the sign stabilized. Jackie's head rises as they near the sign. chris
  8. Pat, I'm afraid your initial premise may be incorrect. Life Magazine reported on December 6 that Zapruder's camera ran at 18 fps. Additionally, the CIA NPIC analysis for the Secret Service seems to indicate that they thought the camera should run at 16 fps. Most importantly, the FBI was definitely not sharing its field reports with the Secret Service on a day to day basis, therefore it seems extremely unlikely that the Secret Service would even know of Zapruder's statement to Barrett. It's most likely that the Secret Service just RTFM and assumed 16 fps since it obviously wasn't 48 fps or they called B&H. I don't know why they'd believe Zapruder's camera was running at a frame rate that was impossible for that camera. Jerry Jerry, I applied that same logic to Towner's camera. http://www.jfkfiles.com/jfk/html/acoustics.htm To download the frame sync study, click on "HERE" in red type. chris
  9. Jerry, What Pat has described is the same process used by Dale Myers to determine the FPS when doing his multi film sync. In order for Myer's sync to work, Tina Towner's camera has to shoot at 23-24 FPS. Her camera does not have a setting for this frame rate. I have her model camera. It's consistant at 17 FPS. SS came to the conclusion that the last head shot was approx 30 Ft farther down Elm than 313. http://history-matters.com/archive/jfk/wc/...Vol17_0449a.htm Tom Purvis has shown this and many other pieces relating to this aspect of the case. chris
  10. At least according to the extant film presented, approx. to Altgen's photo, the action of Greer (steering wheel handling and body rising) would appear to indicate, someone who is hitting the brakes and bracing one's self. In accordance, other's in the limo appear to move forward in response to Greer's action. chris
  11. Toast!!! Such a harsh statement. Just a few more questions. Perhaps Craig can explain what the white area (red arrow) in the upper ghost image area is. Or, perhaps that changed colors due to multiple exposures on film. Interesting that it didn't change the white colonnade support column, in the lower ghost image area chris
  12. I understand. As difficult as it is, to decipher the top of a building. How far away is that building? How far away is Newman? Post 49. chris
  13. I believe Bill Newman had a distinct hairline. Perhaps a better fit for him. chris
  14. Perhaps you're familiar with this technique. chris
  15. A striking resemblance. Perhaps you can enhance Newman a little more. Was he wearing white, or is that the sun bearing down on him. I like my anatomical comparison much more. Remember, You can't compare different photos from different cameras and angles either. But we can always try. chris
  16. As was brought up by Craig himself in post 46: The ghost images of the bottom of the lamppost are there as is Newmans head. (Sounds like a reference to lamp-post base to me). 303, 304 305, 306 and 307 for the head.... 278, 279, 280,281, 282 and 283 for the bottom of the lamppost...... [/b] And then ironically, he directs others to look at Dr. Costella's corrected frames. One person we know he has the utmost respect for. Here are a few more sizes to choose from Craig, with sprocket holes and main frame appox. the same size. Which one fits Newman in 306. I personally prefer the wide angle shot from the previous animation. Less film compositing involved. chris
  17. Here is a bone for Chris....HEAD..... SO exactly what size should Newman's HEAD be? Inquiring minds want to know? Well, Let's see. If I filmed with a B/H normal lens setting, I would get this. But, since I would have to reduce my frame even more scaling wise, more likely a wide angle setting would fit the bill. Now what's the actual size need to be, well here's someone down in front on telephoto. chris
  18. David, I think if they look at Zavada's report, it might explain to them how Bill Newman is the second coming of "mini-me". Now, how close was Newman to Zapruder? How far away are Moorman and Hill? Those ghost images sure don't hold their size over time. Yet, they appear to in mine. chris
  19. Craig, Still looking for the lamp-post base in 278-283. Here's a little help. Maybe you can match this up with one of those frames. What's to explain. The pictures are self explainable. Try posting a few. chris
  20. Tom, I find it rather amazing that Z's camera couldn't capture the ghost images with more clarity. I don't believe it's too difficult to figure out this ghost image is the top of the building. This, coming from my same camera with the sprocket hole alterations. You know, 45 years later. Should give others an idea of how much more image capture capability(outside the main frame) this camera really had. chris
  21. A moving lamp-post base it appears. Maybe Craig can show us a shape distinction between the lamp-post base and the corner of the car in the previous mentioned frames. chris
  22. Agreed. The ghost image cycle has to be one of the two cycles flanking JFK's side. chris "The ghost image cycle has to be one of the two cycles flanking JFK's side." NOPE! An error in logic there Chris. Merely that it can not be either of those two motorcycles as seen on the left-hand (Jackie's)side of the car. Now, if one assumes no alteration whatsoever to the Zapruder film, then of course the correct answer would be that it would have to be created by the image of a motorcycle which was on the right-hand (JFK's) side of the limousine. However, in event that one were to assume some slight "tinkering" with the Z-film and it's "Ghost Image", then one could assume that it could be of a motorcycle from either side of the street. And it is of course most curious that the background surrounding this "Ghost Image" shows nothing but the green grass, with absolutely no indications of the light grey background of the road bed or any white striping affecting the tint of the green surrounding areas. http://www.assassinationresearch.com/zfilm/z321.jpg P.S. As you may be aware, this Ghost Image is attributed as being the front fender of Officer Chaney's motorcycle. Tom, Point well taken. Since you mentioned the lane divider within the ghost image area, would that divider( which is a part of the adjacent frame) show a different angle between curbline and lane divider. chris What in the world would POSESS you to think they SHOULD be the same angle? Something like this.
  23. Frank, Any idea why this wouldn't appear in the Z frame? chris
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