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Joseph Backes

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Everything posted by Joseph Backes

  1. See - https://www.cia.gov/readingroom/docs/CIA-RDP79M00983A001300050002-8.pdf This is at MFF - https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=76927#relPageId=1&search=media_inquiry into disappearance of George de Mohrenschildt There are several RIFs with this title. The first 5 are not online at MFF. 1.) 104-10065-10098 2.) 104-10124-10254 3.) 104-10142-10025 4.) 104-10147-10187 5.) 104-10151-10118 6.) 104-10400-10137 - This is online 7.) 104-10414-10147 - This is online.
  2. The idea that these hard Right-wing podcasting people genuinely care about the JFK case is a laugh. It's doing more harm than good. The case has only progressed when Democrats controlled the Congress and / or the White House. That's just a historical fact. The GOP was obsessed with debunking the audio evidence of the HSCA and created a "scientific" board to do just that and then ignored the whole case for over a decade. George H. W. Bush is offended by the idea of a conspiracy because he thinks it's an insult to one of his heroes Gerry Ford. He thinks the WC is gospel truth because Ford signed his name to it Bush I said this at Ford's eulogy. George W. Bush tried to reclassify things the ARRB and others declassified. And Trump decided several sections of the JFK Act have "expired." When I hear about Joe Rogan I'm reminded of an episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation when Q looked at Worf and said, "Hello Worf, eat and good books lately?" Don't talk to me about high numbers, and ratings. That's how Trump thinks. And he lost, bigly. Haven't we seen what happens when Right-wing media whips up a mob of Right-wing idiots with misinformation? Nothing good will come from this. This is NOT the way to get this done. Joe
  3. WE DO NOT NEED TUCKER CARLSON FOR ANYTHING! Why in the name of all that's holy does anyone think we need him to get an oversight hearing? We are not going to get an oversight hearing from the House GOP. Who in the hell wants Reps. Jim Jordan, Matt Gaetz, Marjorie Tayler Greene, Steve Scalise, Elise Stefanik,... I could go on, anywhere near the topic of the JFK assassination? I don't want an oversight hearing from these freaks. All of these election denying pro-insurrectionist idiots should be in prison. That Larry wants to go full steam ahead and every sane person can see the iceberg should tell you all you need to know about Larry. This is going to be worse than Posner for the 30th anniversary. Joe
  4. Freud said there is no joke. But the joke is on you Tucker Carlson lovers, because there is no source. He makes excrement up, you idiots. It's called lying. It's what he does for a living. Get a clue. John Judge once was worried about the people who come along every once in a while and basically take some part of the case that the community has uncovered through research or getting documents and sings our own incomplete songbook back to us as though something new has been found. This happens over and over again, like a Ponzi scheme. People keep falling for the obvious crap scam. They don't teach who the hell Charles Ponzi was or anything about his scheme in schools, nor do journalists inform the public to beware. So, it's always new. Bernie Madoff, Bitcoin, NFTs, all scams. And now TC is going to be your champion on JFK assassination research. He claims to have a source. BS! I call shenanigans! Anyone can look at the extant DECLASSIFIED documents and come up with a far more interesting, far more compelling story than "D'uh, I think da CIA done did it." How f-ing stupid do you have to be to to take TC seriously?
  5. Don't get lost in the minutia of whether the real LHO went there or not. He was impersonated in person. John Newman gave an excellent presentation of this at Lancer in '99. There was a physical impersonation, and someone else impersonated him, and Sylvia Duran on the phone. The Newman presentation is not online anymore due to a hack attack at JFK Lancer. The important point is it doesn't matter if the real LHO was there or if he was impersonated or not. What matters is what CIA HQ did with the information. And you can see that in Michael Beschloss's first book on the LBJ tapes, "Taking Charge," pages 66 to 72. That phone call explains how MC was used to get Warren to chair the commission. LBJ to Richard Russell, Friday, November 29, 1963 at 8:55p.m. - "And I just pulled out what Hoover told me about a little incident in Mexico City." So, I do have John's 1994 presentation at A.S.K Joe
  6. So, I found other copies of this document. This is the latest version in the 2022 release - https://www.archives.gov/files/research/jfk/releases/2022/176-10030-10422.pdf. This latest version has all 15 pages, though it redacts a line or two at the bottom of page 7, all of p. 8, some of p. 9. This one is RIF #176-10030-10422. There is another in the December 15, 2017. https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=197192#relPageId=1 This one is only 5 pages. Oddly starts with p. 5. then p. 7, with similar redactions on p. 7, 8 & 9. So, we have gained a lot since the Dec 15th, 2017 release. That one had RIF #157-10002-10056. If you put in "CIA Reorganization" in an Advance search on the MFF site you will find others. 176-10033-10145 is the version released in April 26, 2018. I really wonder what page 8 looks like. Joe
  7. No, the RFK papers are not subject to the Act. If they were the ARRB would have gotten them in the 1990's. If Larry thinks he can sue to get them he's a fool. At best the government would have to do a taking, seize them like an eminent domain kind a deal, similar to what the ARRB did with the Zapruder film. But that was easier to do because the language of the Act made the Z film an "assassination record" by default. The RFK records are by no means similar in any way to what Trump did with classified records at Mar-A-Largo. That's a stupid analogy Larry is making. And in my opinion speaks to the fact that Larry doesn't know what he's taking about. The 2012 BG article mentions that the Kennedy family and NARA have a deposit agreement. It is legally binding. There is supposedly a 40 page index to the RFK documents but that was never made public, not by the Kennedy family, not by NARA, and not by the BG. The article does describe some of the files in general terms as to subject matter. Larry knows nothing about the deposit agreement between the Kennedy family and NARA. He's not going to be able to successfully challenge any part of it. Nor will he get any records from NBC like the Sheridan papers or the Darnell film. That would entail the government going to court to do what it called a taking, again, like the Z film. The US government has no appetite for such a legal fight. These are just pipe dreams. Fodder for Fox News viewers who love a dig at NBC. He should confine himself to proving the government is not following its own law regarding the documents in the JFK Records Collection. There is an abundance of proof of that. If we get anywhere with that it'll be a miracle. Joe
  8. Glad you could restrict yourself to the topic of Paris there Vince.
  9. See - https://www.cia.gov/readingroom/docs/CIA-RDP88-01350R000200830005-8.pdf Again, from twitter - https://twitter.com/i/events/956679576263933952?s=20
  10. The error that this was the same Joe Campisi as the Dallas mob guy was made by the poster of the tweet. I corrected it as soon as I could. If I could edit the title of the thread I would.
  11. Again, this copy is NOT in the JFK Records Collection at NARA or at MFF. There is no RIF #. Don't look for it there. See - https://www.cia.gov/readingroom/document/cia-rdp80-00473a000200120015-5 - I try to give you copies that do not have a highlight to them. I don't want documents to look like a college kid's used textbook. Now there are different versions of this document at MFF. RIF # 104-10303-10006 at p. 73 of 148, for example. But the version referenced by the tweet is only at the CIA Crest site. - Joe
  12. Okay, I'm not sure if the Joe Campisi, alleged Dallas mob boss and the Joe Campisi in the CIA doc are one and the same as JFK Files twitter handle states. https://twitter.com/FilesJFK/status/1605795680362053634/photo/1 The Joe Campisi in the legacy obit seems to be the one referred to in the CIA doc. And is NOT the Dallas one.
  13. See - https://www.archives.gov/files/research/jfk/releases/2022/104-10061-10315.pdf Note that Campisi was Director of export sales for the Bulova watch company. The Bulova watch company is claimed to be a CIA front company.
  14. Okay, found it. This is not in the JFK Records Collection. Don't look for it there. Do not look for it at the Mary Ferrell Foundation website. It does not have a RIF #. This is in the CIA Crest database. This is something folks should get used to searching. There are many CIA documents in there that are clearly JFK assassination documents and would have been declared as such if the ARRB ever saw them. See - https://www.cia.gov/readingroom/document/cia-rdp80b01676r001300040058-3 Joe
  15. Brian Joy Gray is an idiot. All of this is idiotic. The idea that only 3% have been redacted is a lie. Same with this idea that 4400 have been "delayed," whatever that means. There was no reporting "at the time" in 2017 that releasing the records marked for release by the ARRB would be "infuriating to the CIA and elsewhere." Their precious little feelings don't matter. There's a law. That there are people determined to keep anything secret is irrelevant. There's a law. They are breaking the law. "And given the lack of confidence the Conservative public has in these "deep state" institutions..." OFFS, who gives a toss what the Conservative public thinks! This isn't about what the Conservative public thinks. And since when do Conservatives think? This is all about Trump. Trump and his dumbass defenders and enablers. And predictably that's why they're giving this so much attention. Trump wasn't a problem, isn't a problem, it's the "deep state," man, they're the problem. "The Twitter files?" Really, from Apartheid Clyde? And Tucker Carlson, the guy who wants the men of the world to tan their balls, is now the new hero of declassification in the JFK assassination? WTF? Tucker Carlson isn't courageous. Tucker Carlson is a lying sack of XXXXX. He lies for a living. Get a clue people. And Elon Musk's BS whataboutism "the Twitter files," which he claims are as important or even more so than "the Facebook files," except they aren't, is supposed to be lumped in with the JFK assassination because, why? Was Hunter Biden's laptop supposedly found on the grassy knoll now? The Twitter files is BS meant to demonize those who banned Trump from Twitter when Trump was using Twitter to call for violent acts against the US government. Stephen Colbert on Tucker's Manly documentary. Go to 5:20 mark - Joan Donovan explains the failure that is "the Twitter files."
  16. FWIW This popped up on Youtube.com today for me -
  17. RIF #180-10147-10163 seems to be the CIA report answering the question was Lee Harvey Oswald a CIA agent? This report has been talked about for years by Jim DiEugenio as having been excised from the Lopez report. 180-10147-10163 is 109 pages long. That attachments get detached or not included where they may have been originally is very common in the JFK records collection. This appears to be the case here. And it was given a RIF# separate from the Lopez report. I'll say more when I read it. Joe
  18. The one I gave a link to at the MFF is from the April 26, 2018 release. It is also in this latest release. In the Excel database you will see RIF #176-10030-10422 at line 12119. There is no difference. It is the exact same document, with the exact same redactions as the April 26, 2018 release. I have found other instances of this exact same thing. They have given us copies of docs they have already released exactly the way they have previously released them. In these examples it means they have given us nothing. As I said you have to compare with previous releases, when you do I think I'll find the 13,000+ is really a lot less. Joe
  19. Because it's impossible to post images of a multiple page document here with a maximum size limit of 11k.
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