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Ed LeDoux

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Everything posted by Ed LeDoux

  1. Paul, I'll save everyone the trouble if they have not already wasted several minutes with the LHR,... http://www.history-matters.com/archive/contents/hsca/contents_hsca_lopezrpt_2003.htm 412 pages and nothing in it places LHO in Mexico City. Oswald was not in Mexico City.
  2. My apologies for setting this straight, but Tidd brought this up. Mr. Jonathan Gardner Tidd, When you post your school pictures from 50's on then we to may see doubles also. Are you are two people, Tidd 1 and Tidd 2,... see how silly that sounds? Unless a full head of hair going by the name Gardner Tidd is lurking about? Are you saying you viewed one Bronx Zoo photo and then claimed it an Oswald double? Impressive Jon!! Eye glass cleaner not doing the job? It does sound rather ignorant on the surface now doesn't it Jon, two or so Oswald's, a couple Marguerites,,, its more like a drink list at a local liquor retailer? Are you basing Harvey and Lee being two distinct individuals on a few bad military records and a NYC photo? Or is there more? Because if you have not been keeping up, H&L has literally been made into confetti Jon. What solid evidence do you have left Mr. Tidd? It appears it has turned to sand in your very hands chum. This Bronx photo comes at a time when one of Ruth Paine's family ties are helping operate a youth house there. http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=21803 ...Carry on...
  3. Thanks for that Paul....ah Here is something I did on LHO's transportation Dallas and Irving transportation October 3, 1963: LHO checks in at the YMCA. Later in the day, he files a claim at the employment office. October 4, 1963: LHO applies for work at Padgett Printing Co. He makes a favorable impression, but is not hired because of poor references. Later, he telephones Marina and asks for a ride to Ruth Paine's home and is denied. He hitchhikes the 12 miles to Ruth's house. (Yates, Small) October 7, 1963: Ruth drives LHO to the bus station, and he returns to Dallas to look for work. Later, LHO obtains a room at 621 Marsalis The CHAIRMAN - Thank you. Mr. JENNER - How long did he remain in your home on this visit? Mrs. PAINE - Until Monday morning, the 7th of October, almost noon, in fact, when I took him to an Intercity bus at the Irving bus station. Mr. JENNER - This is that bus terminal approximately 3 miles from your home? Mrs. PAINE - That same day I gave him a map to assist him in job hunting. Mr. JENNER - All right. I would like to get to that. I show you what is in evidence, I don't know whether it is received or not; it is a Commission Exhibit No. 128 Mr. JENNER - Do you know what the busfare is from Dallas to Irving? Mrs. PAINE - No; I don't. October 12, 1963: LHO advised his landlady Bledsoe that he was leaving for the weekend, and she stated that she didn't want him to return. LHO went to Ruth's for the weekend. (Has BWF give him a rdie to Irving?) October 14, 1963: Ruth drives LHO to Dallas, where he later registers as O.H. Lee at a new rooming house on North Beckley. Later, Ruth mentions to a group of neighbors that LHO is having trouble finding work. One of the ladies, Linnie Mae Randle, mentioned a possible opening at the Texas School Book Depository; and when LHO calls the Paine home that evening, Ruth informs him of the opening. (After Ruth called Truly) October 15, 1963: LHO applies at the TSBD and is hired. October 16, 1963: LHO begins work at the TSBD. (Goes by bus daily?) October 18, 1963: LHO receives a ride from Buell Frazier to the Paine home, where a surprise birthday party is waiting for him. Lee Farley added; This is one detail where Ruth Paine nearly screwed herself up royally. It is not clear whether he came home this weekend for a "birthday party" because this weekend was the weekend that Marina went into labor. Mr. JENNER - Do you know how he returned to Dallas that following morning, that is the 22d? Mrs. PAINE - Probably went with Wesley also. Mr. JENNER - And he came out the following weekend, did he? Mrs. PAINE - Yes. That was his birthday. Mr. JENNER - The 18th of October is his birthday. Did you have a party for him? Mrs. PAINE - We had a cake; yes, sir. Mr. JENNER - Was that weekend uneventful? Mrs. PAINE - Well, Marina was already home. Mr. JENNER - The baby was now home. She came home very quickly? Mrs. PAINE - Very quickly, a day and a half. She was home on Tuesday, the 16th, is that right-- skipped a day, the 22d. So that his party was the week before, too. I was wrong then. October 20, 1963: Marina gives birth to Audrey Marina Rachel Oswald. (As Lee Farley has pointed out there is no mention by Gladys Johnson) October 23, 1963: LHO attends a right-wing rally where General Walker is a speaker. (How by Bus?) October 25, 1963: Michael Paine and LHO attend a meeting of the ACLU. (Michael drives him? Where does he drop him after?) October 29, 1963: FBI agent James Hosty makes inquiries in the Paine's neighborhood regarding LHO. (Mrs. Roberts) So we have a Hitchhiking LHO and some interesting transportation issues. CBS Nelson Benton reports, listen at 13:55, that LHO took a bus to his apt, changed, and took a cab to the building. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K4A3cF2-52A&index=4&list=PLPpNRGOLAlsdIARgRhMsH6svPBWWwCGGh From Hasan Yusuf Let’s now look at what Ruth had to say. What I find most intriguing is that Ruth; a woman who did practically all she could to help nail Oswald to the wall, told the Warren Commission that she didn’t know anything about Oswald allegedly beating the xxxx out of his wife: Mr. JENNER - Would you please relate to us your discussions with Marina with respect to her husband Lee Harvey Oswald? Mrs. PAINE - Well, she wondered if he did, in fact, love her. Mr. JENNER - What did she say? Mrs. PAINE - She said she supposed most couples had at some time wondered about this. She wondered herself whether she loved him truly. She talked some of her few months of dating that she had in Minsk, and of living there. Mr. JENNER - That is before her marriage to Lee Harvey? Mrs. PAINE - Yes. At some point, and I want to tell you this, whether it is appropriate or whether it happened later in October, I can't be certain, but I think in May she told me that she had written a letter to a previous boyfriend, and that this letter had come back because she had put insufficient postage on it, and Lee had found it at the door coming back through the mail, and had been very angry. Mr. JENNER - Did she go beyond that? Mrs. PAINE - She did not. To tell me what was in the letter, you mean? Mr. JENNER - I am not thinking so much within the letter. Did she go beyond stating that he was merely only angry? Was there any discussion about his having struck her? Mrs. PAINE - No; none. No; none. She never mentioned to me ever that Lee had struck her. Mr. JENNER - And during all the visits you ever had with her, all the tete-a-tetes, her living with you on this occasion we now describe as 15 1/2 days, and in the fall, was there any occasion when Marina Oswald related to you any abuse, physical abuse, by her husband, Lee Harvey Oswald, with respect to her? Mrs. PAINE - There was never any such occasion. Mr. JENNER - Never any such occasion. And in particular this incident? Mrs. PAINE - She related this incident, but it did not include anything further than he had been very angry and hurt. Mr. JENNER - Up to this time, that is, the time she came to you on the 24th, had you ever seen any bruises— Mrs. PAINE - No; I never saw her— Mr. JENNER - On her person? Mrs. PAINE - No; I never saw her bruised. Mr. JENNER - At no time that you have ever seen her or known her, have you ever seen her bruised? Mrs. PAINE - At no time. Mr. JENNER - So that there has been no occasion when you have seen it, or been led to believe, she had been subjected to any physical abuse by her husband? Mrs. PAINE - That is right. Am I the only one here who finds it a bit odd that Ruth didn’t claim that Oswald beat his wife? My hypothesis is that Ruth’s separation from Mike on or about September, 1962 was a ruse to get Oswald to live with her. I believe that she and Mike were in cahoots with George Bouhe in this regard. I find it a bit too coincidental that Ruth separated from Mike due to what was described as “unkind, cruel, harsh and tyrannical treatment and conduct” at around the same time that Bouhe said that Marina told him (Bouhe) that Oswald had hit her, and observed bruises on her. The question is; what exactly were Ruth, Mike and Bouhe up to? I think it had something to do with Oswald’s employment at Jaggars-Chiles-Stovall. According to the official story, Oswald got the job there through the Texas employment commission. Marina told the Warren Commission that Bouhe had a hand in getting Oswald the job there: The official story is that Oswald first met Ruth Paine on February 22, 1963 at the home of Everett Glover, a chemist working for the Socony Mobil Oil Company in Dallas. But was he actually living with the bitch before that time? The following is from an interview with Robert Stovall, the President of Jaggars-Chiles-Stovall: “[stovall] said that when Oswald came to work he gave an address in Irving which he later changed to a post office Box number presumably in Dallas.” http://www.maryferrell.org/mffweb/archive/viewer/showDoc.do?mode=searchResult&absPageId=329938 On or about September 1962, Ruth Paine separated from Michael Paine; allegedly due to what was described as “unkind, cruel, harsh and tyrannical treatment and conduct” from Mikey. http://www.maryferrell.org/mffweb/archive/viewer/showDoc.do?docId=11246&relPageId=35 What I find interesting is that George Bouhe (a prominent member of the Dallas/Fort worth “white” Russian community) told the Warren Commission that Marina told him (Bouhe) that Oswald had hit her; and that this was within the first two weeks of September, 1962: And this i find MOST curious Mr. JENNER - Now the same question with respect to clothing for himself, for Marina, and for June and Rachel. You have told us about the one instance in which he gave Marina some money to buy shoes for June, which was---- Mrs. PAINE - No, the shoes were for Marina. Mr. JENNER - Were for Marina, and this had occurred during the week of the assassination? Mrs. PAINE - Our plan was to go out on Friday afternoon, the 22d of November, to buy these shoes. Just when he gave her the money, I am not certain. And these, of course, were not bought. I can think of nothing that was bought. Yes, one thing. When she was with me in the spring, late April to the 9th of May, she had some money from Lee for her own expenses, and she used a portion of this, I would think a rather large portion, buying a pair of maternity shorts, or they may have been Bermuda shorts, longer than that, slacks, even, possibly, but I know they cost nearly $5, and this was quite a large expenditure and quite a thrill. These were bought in Irving. No shoes for Marina on the day of the assassination, but a shoe salesman yes's Oswald.
  4. Bingo! Now your getting to the gist of Ruth's garage.
  5. Thanks Jim, I'll quickly re-post some items about the Paine family from ROKC: From Greg Parker on Naushon Island, Most know that RP took a trip from Texas via Massachusetts to pick up Marina Oswald in New Orleans. We will take a look at three of the inhabitants of the 7 mile long island - a holiday haven owned by the Forbes for over 100 years. Ruth Paine, despite her separation from Michael, was still permitted to use his holiday home there. Richard and Jenny Alberts come to us through an FBI investigation of all the people phoned by RP in Massachusetts along with all of those in her address book. Richard was employed as a ferryman by the Forbes family company and the island house came with the job. It just happened to be the one next door to the Paine's. In regard to Michael, the FBI report has this to say: "Although friendly with Paine, they were not on the same social level and did not mix socially." It goes on to say that the family is "well-to-do", do not need to work and entertain often. http://www.maryferrell.org/mffweb/archive/viewer/showDoc.do?docId=10918&relPageId=9 Does the couple described here sound like the charitable quaker/unitarian hybrid who took in and gave succor to a couple below the Alberts in social standing? The other person comes to us via a USSS commissioned investigation for the purpose of finding out how many homes on the island were rented out and who to. There doesn't seem to be much point to such an exercise unless the USSS suspected something. Did they have information they were acting on, or was this a fishing expedition? A list of renters was obtained from David Forbes. On that list was Donald B. Straus, described in the report as President of American Arbitration Board in New York.http://www.maryferrell.org/mffweb/archive/viewer/showDoc.do?docId=11086&relPageId=2 So who was Straus? Donald was a cousin to Roger Straus, Jr. who in turn was the son of Roger Straus, Sr. Roger, Sr, was the president of the Lavenburg Foundation which built and financed Youth House and the housing apartments which were home to the Rosenbergs in the 1940s. Junior was a part owner of Howard Hunt's publisher, Farrar, Straus & Giroux (aslo the publisher of Jean Stafford's bio of Marguerite) and provided Hunt with a reference for "government service" (read: CIA). Members of the same family also owned the department store that employed the wife of George Hunter White. Another family member, Nathan Staus III, kept close company with Leo Cherne from at least 1971 in a group they called "American Friends of a Free Haiti". Cherne was head of the International Rescue Committee - a CIA front. AND FROM ROKC'er ANDY A. David Talbot mentions in 'Devil's Chessboard' that Allen Dulles & Mary Bancroft received invites from Ruth Forbes Paine to Naushon Island. (Source: Talbot interview with Ruth Hyde Paine). From HASAN! Cameron Forbes Paine was the younger brother of Michael Ralph Paine. I haven't seen a great deal written about him. Paine told the FBI that he worked in the division of disability accounts, valuation and authorization section, social security administration in Baltimore, Maryland. https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=10665&search=Cameron_Paine+Baltimore+Maryland#relPageId=3&tab=page During her testimony before the Warren Commission, Ruth Paine confirmed that the younger Paine worked in social security: https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=39&relPageId=12&search=Cameron_Paine%20Social%20Security The following is from an FBI report which is "classified confidential in as much as unauthorized disclosure would be prejudicial to the defense interest of the United States." The following is also contained in the report: "Will discreetly develop any background information on Cameron Paine, brother of the subject, as well as any information on George Lyman Paine, Jr., their father. who is reportedly a former member of the SWP." http://jfk.hood.edu/Collection/FBI%20Records%20Files/105-82555/105-82555%20Section%20060/105-60b.pdf From VINNY! Paine Family Message Board. http://web.onetel.net.uk/~jrpaine/archive4.htm From Greg! Ruth's petition for divorce stated she separated from Michael on September 1, 1962, and that for 6 months prior to separation, she had suffered a course of "unkind, cruel, harsh and tyrannical treatment and conduct" at the hands of her husband. [Warren Commission Document 849, p33] So... was Ruth lying, or was Michael a monster in Unitarian clothing? They did stay on friendly terms which suggests that he was not "unkind, cruel, harsh or tyrannical". But that means there was some other, undisclosed reason for the separation. They separated in September, 1962. Tow other things happened in September 1962. The Oswald's met George Sergius DeMohrenschildt Mike Paine began attending meetings of the extreme right and left Ruth Paine and WC defenders alike have tried to defend the wording of her divorce papers as being the "standard" text required in order to obtain a divorce. I have absolutely no issue with that. I know it is true. What I have an issue with is a Quaker who claims that integrity and honesty are at the core of their being, yet who has no trouble lying on a legal document. If she was willing to lie to get a divorce, what else was she willing to lie about? And if he wasn't "cruel", what was the real reason for the separation... it seems to me, the probable answer is within the two other Sept occurrences...
  6. Marvelous posts Jim! Minox found in a sea bag. We don't even have these sea bags as evidence. At least one sea bag would have markings on it had Oswald actually gone to Mexico City. So the sea bags vanish from the garage. One was said to be given to Robert. What did the DPD and FBI do with the other bag? Why not a single photo of these sea bags. I think the sea bag was also supposed to be a rifle transport device, problem was a broken down MC rifle will not fit in it. Poof, baby blanket now is rifle transport device. The Paine's garage not only produced evidence as needed it also consumed evidence. Shasteen's Barber Shop will have some coverage in the next installment by Greg since new info has been uncovered by ROKC, and so will the barber shop kid. The Odum and Paine connection is an iceberg tip. I will try and post more later.
  7. This years Mary Ferrell Featured books, includes The Devil's Chessboard. Of note, two of them are from the ROKC forum members.
  8. Sorry Mods, could you please move this thread as it has zero to with JFK, the JFK case, or anything remotely JFK. Thanks, Ed
  9. On those steps we have several identified individuals whom have no recorded recollection of Baker's entry barring Sanders. They are standing there eyes open looking to the area where Baker is coming from. Was Baker very light on his feet and as stealthy as has been ascribed to Oswalds movements as to be unheard and virtually unseen?? I think the interaction with Oswald at the entrance was observed by some yet they have distanced themselves from any such sightings. Roy Lewis doesn't mention a helmeted cop run past himself, no matter if he was inside or outside, he makes no mention of Baker, he does mention the colored boys from 5th floor. Nothing about Oswald/Baker/Truly ...now how does that happen given his stated location. Why was he never questioned further except by Sneed(?) Seems he could answer whom were the last ones outside, whom entered, and where his boss and a helmeted cop ran to.
  10. Here is a frame with a few things pointed out for ease of discussion, TSG or tall suited guy is under red arrow. Green arrow shows where railing is in center of steps. Yellow shows Baker and how he would run behind (from the cameras perspective) Truly and others, but in front of TSG as TGS is near or at the buildings corner. He is at the corner when he stops and looks down towards the knoll, he is looking down Elm Street Extension. TSG would not have even noticed Baker, IMO, as he Baker ran behind TSG whom was watching the other cop and crowd down the ext. Baker was headed behind him and 'to the stair railing'. (unless Baker stopped on a dime, turned 90* to his left and rammed into the backs of several ladies)
  11. Here is Darnell-Couch combined I did for Prayer Man the movie. https://vimeo.com/144912367 Lets be clear, we are not looking at a button wearing woman, as those buttons go full frame across a womans head scarf and we also have wall buttons and Oswalds ear and head have buttons too if we use Duncans logic. Duncan has manipulated the frame using poor photoshop skills. And he has done this before, thus researchers and the unwitting will be using his faked images in perpetuity........................................................................................................................................................................... Here is a link to a post in a different thread, on a different subject, where Duncan admits to fake's he has made to support one of his theories. 'Duncan MacRae', on 21 Jul 2012 - 07:02 AM, said: Hi Bernice, yes, It's a fake which was made by myself to compliment and complete my hypothetical scenario.from way back in 2009. I believe that the theory originally came from someone at Lancer. I stated that the small photograph was a fake in a thread a few years ago, and I should also have stated it here too for those who are unaware that this theory is nothing new. Duncan http://educationforu...10
  12. Sorry I don't click on spam, bon voyage Captain Smith have a Titanic time on yer ferum.
  13. shoddy outline gets the idea across. A film clip helps, Here is PM doing what everyone else is doing, sheilding the bright sun from their eyes. https://pbs.twimg.com/tweet_video/CQLoDOPWIAA5MrP.mp4
  14. Sleeved arm is holding...the other arm. Arms were crossed IMO. Nothing is being 'held' between hands. Based on anatomy alone. Leaning back, sleeved arm and hand crossed over other arm and hand. His other hand would be about where his right elbow is if he was "holding" something. The "other hand" is a reflection, or something else besides a hand. Please try standing with arms crossed, and then attempt the pose claimed by those saying he is "holding" or doing something. Post results and orthopedist bills for arm shortening and contortionist consultations below; Best looks at Prayer Man make me instantly think Oswald. Oswald got no fair play in Dallas.
  15. As one who also has been referred to as a paid disinformation agent and / or an idiot by Prudhomme, Duncan's transgressions were minor by comparison, IMHO. At least I wasn't accused of altering the images by others, as Duncan was. I for one wish he wouldn't delete his posts. Didn't anyone notice that Duncan correctly pointed out that Prayer Person's "buttons" were visible in the images which Sean had originally posted? --Tommy I might have thought he was right till I found other images which had the "buttons" running vertically in the frame and down a womans head scarf. Duncan had 'adjusted' the brightness and contrast from the original to wash out the button artifact on the womans head scarf. Duncan will admit his poor photo shop skills are what led to his own downfall. Where as the image itself pre-duncan shows a different story. Duncans claim to the buttons was a farce from the start but perpetuated by him using poor photo skills.
  16. Given what we know about Dallas in the sixties under the auspices of Henry Wade and the indictment machine, I'd find it easy to belive Lee was innocent of these charges. Did someone set up a patsy? You better believe with a strong shove the case was locked on Oswald from 12:33pm on. Is Prayer Man Lee Oswald? Why not? Folks like Macrae would rather manipulate the images than accept the fact of Oswald being where he claimed, out with Shelley. Macrae would rather ignore Harry Holmes, whom specifically and explicitly describes Oswald as having been on the first floor during the shooting, and why the late questions of where Oswald was? Was not Will Fritz highly interested in exact locations and times,,,, not from the extant notes he wasn't. The FBI's consternation that Lovelady was Oswald and standing in the Altgens 6 pic. is a clue the authorities had an inkling of where it was Oswald was claiming to be soon after the shooting. Wesley Frazier's recent claim, that he saw Oswald come from around back and cross Houston St has its own pitfalls but goes squarely against the commissions unsubstantiated desire to have Oswald exit the front entrance at 12:33pm. How did that work, take the time from last shot add time to get to second floor lunch room, add encounter time, add time to get to entrance from SFLR. 12:33 You can add or subtract a carbonated beverage purchase at your leisure. What does all this mean? By preponderance of the available evidence demonstrates how Oswald's rights were ignored, evidence while examined either ignored or altered (still being altered by Duncan's bad photoshop skills) and that no other person on planet earth claims they were standing in that location. Standing there for some time and as a white helmeted police officer runs past or possibly had an interaction with themselves and the building superintendent ..... well no one except Lee Harvey Oswald.
  17. [Where were Oswald, Baker, Truly, Adams, Shelley, and Lovelady] : A ) at the time of last shot, (Where were they) B ) 1 minute post last shot (where did they go) C ) and at 12:33 (when LHO was leaving the building) Should be cake walk. Holding breath now Tommy
  18. Dear Bob, What do you mean "we don't see Baker approach the stairs in the Darnell clip"? What's your definition of "approach," anyway? Doesn't "approach" mean to go towards something and get closer and closer to it? If Baker wasn't running towards the steps and getting close to them, then why in the heck did the tall, suit-wearing guy at the foot of them sidestep out of his way and wave him up them with his left arm? (Yes, Bob, I'm aware of the fact that Baker veered and didn't run up the steps where the suit-wearing guy thought he was going to go.) The tall, suit-wearing guy at the base of the steps obviously though Baker was going to run up the steps. Why did he think that? Answer: Because Baker was running like a madman towards them from across the street, and veered a little only when he was up on the sidewalk, close to them! Haven't we already talked about this? --Tommy By the way, While we're "at" it, please tell us where you think the following people were at 1 ) the time of the final shot), 2 ) one minute after the final shot, 3 ) three minutes after the final shot, and 4 ) five minutes after the final shot. No need to explain why you want them to be there, just where you want them to be. 1 ) Lee Harvey Oswald (the guy Ruby killed on 11/24/63) 2 ) Marion L. Baker 3 ) Roy S. Truly 4 ) Vicki Adams 5 ) Billy Lovelady 6 ) William H. Shelley Thanks! Sorry Tommy but your questions are from post #168 just to be clear. And also that is 6 people x 5 timing locations or 30 BioChronoGeo estimations. At roughly 1 "BioChronoGeo estimate" per day it could take several months for a reply.. what with holidays, travel, vacation, sick days,etc,. I'd lower the bar and ask for an estimation A) at the time of last shot, (Where were they) 1 minute post last shot (where did they go) C) and at 12:33 (or 3 minute post when LHO is leaving the building) Hopefully we can all get a better understanding this year using this reduced workload.
  19. Thank you James, Bob, Pauline's FBI interview is unsigned, as with a trove of others, see CE 3154 and the list of FBI interviews. Hester, Lawrence, Neuman, etc. doesn't detract from what was placed in that document. It was not a statement that would be signed, but a report on an interview. Thanks though.
  20. Ba Ba, What evidence is there that Baker sprinted down to the corner to talk with one or two policemen, instead? Did anyone say they saw him do that? --Tommy Tommy that amount of evidence would be zero, What evidence is there Baker ran up the steps? Pauline Sanders. "She advised she could not recall the exact time but immediately after the presidential parade passed she heard three loud blasts and she immediately realized that the shots or whatever it was came from the building above her. She said within a matter of ten seconds a uniform police officer in a white helmet ran into the building but she did not observe him any further and could not state where he went in the building." http://jfkassassination.net/russ/exhibits/ce1434.htm
  21. That is what I thought, bad photoshop skills from MacRae. Just proves my point he has poorly altered and manipulated the Darnell frame.
  22. It's false rumour spreading and false uneducated statements like the above which continually get you suspended. Discussion of Prayer Person is allowed. Perpetual repetative spamming of Prayer Person as a promotional tool for ROKC propaganda and book sales is not allowed. Learn the difference and you will be fine. Duncan Is it not true that those members from RoKC who support Prayer Man as Oswald are all banned from posting on your forum and Deep Politics? What repetitive spamming are you referring to? I've posted one link to Stan's book on your site (and got almost instantaneously banned weeks ago). I've posted one link to Barto's film on your site (and got suspended almost instantaneously a few days ago). Duncan, if you really are in good faith about Prayer Man and free speech why did you delete every comment I've ever made on your forum as well as the supposed offending comment? As far as I'm aware that does not happen on any other forum when a member is suspended or banned. It certainly doesn't happen on the EF. Frankly I'm still mystified as to why I was suspended this last time. I am not going to argue with you, nor do I feel the need to explain myself to an ROKC suburdinate messenger minion. I will say this, however. I don't care what Dawn Meredith or the rest of the cognitively impaired disciples of Jim DiEugenio's ( A knew B, B knew C, so logically C knew A ) brainwashed gullible goofballs at DP do or don't do regarding the Prayer person issue, or anything else for that matter. They only visit Earth occassionally, and besides, It's none of my business. Regarding the JFK Assassination Forum: Any forum with MacRae at the helm is equal to a cruise on the Titanic.... bon voyage. Perhaps DM can explain his photoshopping skills and how to dishonestly examine PM images? Stan has taken the original image from the source and attempted to duplicate what is seen in Duncan's "adjusted" images. Stan was unable to replicate it. So this is not merely a play of contrast, gamma or any other "adjustment" as his minions say. NO! or else it would be easily replicated by such adjustments. Duncan's (stinky) shows colors, interesting as this is a black and white film. Recall these were with the Credit: Duncan on them so no wiggle room that it was not DM. Manipulate much there Duncan? So Credit Duncan with painting the area to Prayer Man's left black. Why would this be necessary??? Could it be due to the ghost image of a face in the red oval, and repeated below the oval. This face seems to be a womans face in profile with a head scarf. Since Prayer Man is not in profile do not fall for what will be Dumcan and friends claims that its the face of prayer woman. What the face and Duncan's attempts to black it out show are how dishonest he really is about Prayer Man. Duncan has sour grapes for breakfast, lunch and he's just been served his supper.
  23. Seems this thread is nothing more than a statement and should be deleted. Why not do us a favor and hide all the threads here...
  24. Thanks for this thread Tommy, Could be, but isn't Truly farther back near the building, on the sidewalk, as Baker runs by him as seen in the Darnell/Wiegman clips? If so can you demonstrate Trulys movement between said position next to "OV" and where he is when Baker runs past. Or a closer comparrison of know Truly images and the Suited man. That could be her face sticking out Tommy. How was it shown the lady in Homicide office is Jeraldean Bray Reid (Mrs. Robert A. Reid)? I thought last word was woman in the office due to dress, age, purse, gloves, coat, and other accoutrements did not match and thus was not her. What provenance do we have for the picture so far Tommy? Who took it and when? Saturday 23rd report: http://jfk.ci.dallas.tx.us/09/0958-002.gifJA REID AFFIDAVIT MENTIONED http://jfk.ci.dallas.tx.us/15/1529-001.gif OV Campbell Plus Jim Leavelle can stick this report below in his butt as he does not know what it takes to be pre-med and take 18-21 credit hours a semester when everyone else is taking 12, plus working part time!! Jim Leavelle shows his ignorance. And if anyone was to be chatted up by Ruby it would be someone whom is a higher class person looking to become a doctor. And if said student was looking to open a lounge even more reason for a conversation with Ruby. The person introduced may likely be Crafard. http://jfk.ci.dallas.tx.us/15/1576-001.gif
  25. Geez getting a little bent outta shape Di. "Mr. Weisberg followed this book, which was republished by Dell in 1966, with ''Whitewash II.'' That book presents a close examination the Zapruder film and questions the time sequence accepted by the Warren Commission." http://www.nytimes.com/2002/03/04/us/harold-weisberg-88-critic-of-inquiry-in-kennedy-death.html Ny Times must have missed it too Jim. I find no one saying HW was theorizing the LunchRoomEncounter (LRE) did not happen, but that its timing was suspect for the LRE. I.E. that LHO was never on Six because he was in the LR. Whitewash II: The FBI-Secret Service Cover-Up - Google Books Result https://books.google.com/books?isbn=1628735724 Harold Weisberg - 2013 - ‎History The FBI-Secret Service Cover-Up Harold Weisberg ... been on the sixthfloor, he would still have gotten to the second floor lunchroom after Baker. ... the BakerOswaldreconstruction would have been accepted as proof of Oswald's innocence. or The Baker-Oswald Encounter: Proof that Oswald Did Not ...miketgriffith.com/files/bakerlho.htm (If someone wants to propose that Baker was referring to the lunchroom door, though ...... As Harold Weisberg has said, "The Baker-Oswald timing was too close" ... If anything nears Greg's idea it was Jerry Rose in The Third Decade where Rose states LRE may never have occured due to Bakers statements and admissions. and in his letter to HW in 1984: "Your own work on M.L. baker in Whitewash II influenced one aspect of the analysis." Jerry Rose to Weisberg https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=48722#relPageId=26&tab=page This shows Weisberg was instrurmental in setting the stage but he didn't write the play. Your move.
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