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Kathleen Collins

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Everything posted by Kathleen Collins

  1. This one is easy: take plenty of pictures and/or video. Nothing there in Dealey Plaza and places close by is insignificant. And post them on flickr.com or similar and maybe on this site. Kathy C
  2. This story has been around for years -- and I believe it. What I was told was that Clinton asked his joint chiefs of staff, "Two things. I want to know about the Kennedy Assassination and UFOs." To which they replied, "You don't have high enough clearance." And then I think of the Vince Foster thing, which I believe was murder. I bet after that the Clintons "wised up." Kathy C
  3. [/b]Notice the date of the break in of Judith Exner. August 7, 1962. Two days earlier Marilyn Monroe died. This just can't be a coincidence. Were they going to kill Judith Exner too? And an FBI agent was a witness to the break in, but took no action. What was he doing there? Kathy C
  4. Isn't there a restaurant now at the back of the TSBD? Kathy C
  5. He could dig up his dad's grave and do it. They could take Caroline Kennedy's DNA and could find a match. Jerry Lewis supposedly had a daughter. He would give her some money, stay with her, talk with her. But then the girl fell on hard times. So Gary Lewis stepped in and gave them his DNA. The woman's DNA matched with Gary's, so it could be gotten from another relative besides the father. Kathy C
  6. I disagree. Have people seen him? I believe he is dead, morte. Kathy C
  7. I agree with you. Why did they have to do it in broad daylight and film it? Why endanger Jackie? Why did she have to see it? Rich, sick bastards. Kathy C
  8. Robert, I said on another thread that maybe the driver deliberately made the turn slow so someone could shoot President Kennedy right there. I believe the films not showing the turn were altered. Why? Because the powers that be are hiding something. I believe Kennedy was shot at during that turn. Are emails safe? Supposedly, there is a building in England where they monitor the Internet. Every time someone uses the word "assassination" it's another "hit." -- just an example. Kathy C
  9. What you should do is write a scathing attack in the guise of a "Review." In other words say it was boring, Castro's dead, disinformation, you wouldn't waste money on the book, etc. The reviews are usually half-way down the page of the book. Kathy C
  10. Not all deaths are murders. Boggs was flying into a very bad section. They never found the plane and they never found any survivors. It was all snow, mountains and valIeys. I know his daughter, Cokie Roberts, is a CIA media asset. She said her father never doubted the Warren Commission, but something tells me he did. Kathy C
  11. You've got it. Why else would someone want Dan Quayle for Vice President? This country would explode. He told an astonished Ronald Reagan at the airport that his choice was Dan Quayle. I don't know if Reagan got it. Kathy C
  12. Did you really buy that line of baloney? Clinton was an "insider" since practically day one of his career when he made friends with Win Rockefeller. There was no way that he was going to rock the boat and they kept him busy in his second term just so he wouldn't get any ideas. I disagree with your assertion that every president knows/knew about JFK but I'm sure most of them can guess. In descending order, I believe these presidents knew/know the most: Richard Nixon George H. W. Bush Dwight Eisenhower Gerald Ford Lyndon Johnson George W. Bush Bill Clinton Jimmy Carter Barack Obama Ronald Reagan I think Clinton knew who was the boss when Vince Foster was killed. When he got in, he wanted to know about Kennedy and UFOs. They told him he didn't have high enough clearance. So who's the boss -- the Military? Then when Mrs. Clinton was running, I saw Bill on a stage, campaigning for her and telling the audience, "And if you believe in conspiracy theories, we don't want you." Someone told me that there were 200 political murders during Clinton's Presidency. Kathy C
  13. Don't forget the old Irish Saint Malachy. He supposedly named all the Popes of the future. The last pope was named Benedict. Kathy C
  14. I think it comes in 5 CDs. I believe he recorded this in the 1960's or maybe when he first met Nancy and there on. Kathy C
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7P_k2qGadFU I didn't know Reagan felt this way toward the Warren Commission. How did they keep it a secret? Kathy C
  16. I enlarged it and it looks like either 1) it was a vehicle that could fit a coffin or 2) it's a limo, probably filled with Secret Service as on Elm St. Was the body in the coffin when the Secret Service and Parkland Hospital guards were pushing it back and forth in front of Jackie and curse words and guns came out? Kathy C
  17. I thoroughly searched the results of an inquiry using the Board's search engine.. To no avail. It's about the turn onto Elm. Greer almost accidentally entered the parking lot. He really had to swing left. Was this a mere occurrence signifying nothing? None of the films show the Elm Street turn. Could it have been SA Greer pretending he didn't know the street? Could it be a way of stalling so a shot could get in? Kathy C
  18. The Lee Harvey Oswald figure is too tall to be Harvey, shot by Ruby. This may be Lee Oswald who looked a lot like Harvey. But sometimes it looks like Robert Oswald.
  19. He is obviously talking about John Lennon's statement -- the Beatles more popular than Christ. And "The Ballad of John and Yoko," which was actually a Beatle's song. And Lennon's song "Imagine." That last song in my opinion is about Communism or the new world order. Castro (when he was alive) had a John Lennon bronze statue of Lennon sitting on a bronze bench, waiting for people to talk to him. It's in a little "park" in Cuba. Now the Cubans can hear Beatle music. The years covered here are 1966 - 1971, not 1964. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Kathy C
  20. I wish someone at a TV network or Life magazine or the military would put The Other Film on youtube. Someone must have access to it. What are they waiting for? Just release it. Most intelligent people believe there was a conspiracy, but there is nothing we can do about something that happened 49 years ago. Show us the film. Did H.L. Hunt have it? Kathy C
  21. And/or Martin Dugard. http://www.martindugard.com/contact/ 1) I highly recommend that JFK researchers send both Bill O'Reilly and Martin Dugard their very best information, books recommendations and web links on the JFK assassination. We don't know what the man will write, so let's give him (them) all we have. Personally, I am not optimistic about O'Reilly, like Geraldo, he sold out a long time ago. But you never know and it is worth giving a try. 2) I have contacted Dugard through his web page. Bill O'Reilly's email address is Oreilly@foxnews.com . I would send both men all of your best insights on the JFK assassination. And, collectively, we could make a big difference in how the subjected is approachedy by O'Reilly & Dugard. I sent Dugard an email a little while ago. I hope he looks into it. Kathy C
  22. According to the leading American journalist Jeff Toobin, who contributes to the documentary, the Lewinsky affair did not ultimately harm Clinton's image as much as predicted. "The legacy of this scandal favours Clinton more than his adversaries," he told the Observer. "More Americans think that it was a trivial waste of time than think that he got away with something unforgivable." Toobin puts this down in part to "a long-established pattern that the longer a president is out of office the more kindly the public starts to feel about them", but also to Clinton's resilience and to his "extraordinary political electricity". "In comparison, too, both with [George] Bush, with his foreign misadventures, and with [barack] Obama's economic problems, the boom years of Clinton's presidency start to look a lot better," added Toobin I am selling A Vast Conspiracy by Jeffrey Toobin and other books about the Clinton years. If interested look at my inventory on amazon.com. http://amazon.com/shops/paperandpen
  23. Gore Vidal says everything on wikipedia is wrong. I take his word for it. Kathy C
  24. Ok, Kathy. Can you explain to me what you are getting at, please? I believe Bobby Kennedy was at her house that day. Somehow she died and he flew back to Gilroy, CA. I think she was in grief because the President wouldn't speak to her. In the local newspaper was a photo taken of Robert Kennedy and family going to church Sunday morning, Aug.5, 1962, at 9:30 am, just hours after it was announced that Marilyn Monroe was dead. I saw this picture a decade or more ago. Robert Kennedy wore his emotions on his face. I never saw such pain and grief on anybody's face like the one worn on Bobby Kennedy's face when his brother died. How easy was it for him to hide his emotions? The woman his brother was trying to avoid is dead and he was there in a white convertible. I think he'd feel sick to his stomach. That's what makes photographs important, even if they're misleading. Kathy C
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