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Kathleen Collins

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Posts posted by Kathleen Collins

  1. Harry, I hope I upload this well. This is supposed to be a recent photo of Castro with the President of Ecuador. It was on AOL news this morning. Basically, that is the story. He's still alive -- I don't think so.

    Kathy C

    Why do you say that? I am sure he is still alive. It is not a good idea to believe every conspiracy theory put out by the CIA.

    What CIA? It's my own common sense! If he looked as healthy as he did in that picture, he'd be out and about and his whole populace would see him.

    Fidel Castro is dead. Does anyone here think he's still alive?

    Kathy C


    It is likely Castro is yet living. Did not get to read the news report. But always interested.



    I'm going to try to find that news story coming most likely from the AP.

    Anything is possible. But I don't believe he's alive and hiding out, unless he's in a coma.

    Kathy C

  2. Blood and brain matter explodes out of the front of Kennedy's head, which is indicative of a shot from behind (a high constrast rendering of frame 313 shows this clearly). From Oswald's position on the sixth floor as he was shooting, I'd imagine there would have been a clearer separation between Jackie and her husband than that suggested by Zapruder's side-on position.

    Who knows, Oswald may even have stopped himself from pulling the trigger if he thought there was a possibility of hitting the first lady. But, whichever way you look at it, I think it's fair to say that Jackie was in some danger.


    I can't believe some of the posts I'm reading. First of all, you're dealing with tampered piece of evidence in the Zapruder Film. I suggest you read The Great Zapruder Film Hoax, edited by Dr. Fetzer. Harvey Oswald, whom the police arrested, didn't shoot at anyone that day. He was the patsy, though there might have been more potential patsies elsewhere during the motorcade. I suggest you also read Harvey and Lee by John Armstrong (whom I never met, spoke to, or corresponded with).

    Kathy C

  3. Harry, I hope I upload this well. This is supposed to be a recent photo of Castro with the President of Ecuador. It was on AOL news this morning. Basically, that is the story. He's still alive -- I don't think so.

    Kathy C

    Why do you say that? I am sure he is still alive. It is not a good idea to believe every conspiracy theory put out by the CIA.

    What CIA? It's my own common sense! If he looked as healthy as he did in that picture, he'd be out and about and his whole populace would see him.

    Fidel Castro is dead. Does anyone here think he's still alive?

    Kathy C

  4. Deleted. Trouble with upload. Sorry.

    Kathy C

    Kathleen, your Castro story would not come up on my computer, can you give an outline on

    this Castro story, please.


    Harry, I hope I upload this well. This is supposed to be a recent photo of Castro with the President of Ecuador. It was on AOL news this morning. Basically, that is the story. He's still alive -- I don't think so.

    Kathy C

  5. I'm looking for as much stock footage from the assassination and JFK's time in office online as I can get. I've pretty much found all of the best material available on youtube. Many thanks to Gil Jesus, David Von Pein and several unknown others for the volume of material they have up there.

    Would anyone be able to suggest websites where I might be able to get some stock footage from the missile crisis, bay of pigs, Vietnam war, JCS? I already have quite a lot of footage, but I'm trying to get as much new material as possible. Most of that online has already been used in previous documentaries.

    Although I will be using a huge amount of original material I would still like some new stuff.

    Photographic archives would also be welcome. I have saved a large amount of photographs from this forum and I'm sure there is much more to cover.

    Many thanks,


    All I can do is to steer you to websites like Corbis, Getty, Bettman, Keystone, Pictorial Parade, Hulton Archive. The last 3 might be owned by Getty now. Globephotos possibly. You've probably been to these places.

    Kathy C

  6. Oswald, or an operative working alongside Oswald, ordered the rifle from Klein's and the pistol from Seaport Traders as part of a discrete investigation into those merchants the year before, for dispensing guns to Cubans or KKK or mob. Both companies linked to CIA. Other Oswald activities used color him in the press were conducted ostensibly as part of prep for lesser intel ops - perhaps all FPCC activities.

    I guess the pistol you mention was the gun that killed Officer Tippit.

    Kathy C

  7. Why did the conspirators "give" Oswald such a lousy rifle? Were they stupid?

    Kathy C


    I will answer your question first with some questions:

    If the conspirators were so stupid why weren't they caught?

    You also seem to accept that they "gave" Oswald the rifle. What if they didn't give him the rifle?

    My suggestion is that the conspirators, if they existed, were not "stupid" at all. Any group of conspirators that did exist were both successful and able to fool the American Public!

    Jim Root

    Ruby was caught, unless you don't think he was involved with the conspiracy to kill Kennedy.

    When I say "gave" him the rifle I mean they "found" it on the 6th Floor of TSBD. The damn thing didn't work right, if it worked at all. How could Oswald kill Kennedy from behind with it as the Warren Commission contends? If you're making someone a patsy, at least "find" a decent gun!

    They did not fool everybody. There was a poll published that stated the majority of Americans believe there was a shot from the grassy knoll.

    Kathy C

  8. Jack, what did you think today when NASA showed its copy of the moon landing? They said they have no idea where the original film was or it was taped over. They can't find it. Does that mean that NASA, with all its money, didn't bother to protect the film of the landing?

    How does the copy and computer-enhanced moon landing look today? Anything different?

    Kathy C

  9. I have been accused of saying in the past 2 or 3 years that I know John Armstrong. He's the researcher who wrote Harvey and Lee. I have never met Armstrong, talked to him, contacted him. I don't know what he looks like. I don't know if he's dead or alive.

    If someone on this forum can show me a post where I said I knew John Armstrong, please post it. This is an attack upon my integrity and I wish to resolve this character assassination.

    Kathy C

  10. Kathleen wrote:

    Did anyone actually investigate LeMay regarding the Assassination of John Kennedy? He was top dog in the autopsy room that night and would not allow certain procedures.

    Kathleen, respectfully, what is your basis for asserting that LeMay was even in the autopsy room?

    Here is what my quick research found:

    In 1992, Dr. Humes recalled the scene: "The President's military aides from the Air Force, Army, and Navy were all present, and they were all in dress uniforms, but they weren't generals and their influence on the autopsy was zero," Humes recalled. "The only high-ranking officer was Admiral Burkley [JFK's personal physician] and he left shortly after the autopsy began to join Jackie and Bobby upstairs."

    Time has passed, but I must have read it someplace. This is what I found:

    "I remember Curtis LeMay sitting there [in the gallery at the JFK autopsy] with a big cigar in his hand." --Paul O'Connor, laboratory technologist who assisted in the autopsy of President Kennedy, quoted by William Law, In the Eye of History

    Kathy C

    Hi Kathy,

    I talked to Paul about that, over a beer at the hotel bar in Dallas and then again on the phone at length.

    Paul said he remembers a four star general in the room with a cigar, and one of the doctors telling an aide to have whoever is smoking a cigar removed from the room, but when told who it was negated that order.

    Paul was suspicious that it was LeMay but wasn't sure.

    Fink also said that it was a military general - as opposed to a navy admiral, who ordered him not to further probe the back wound, but he didn't name names either. All those generals look alike, and smoke cigars.

    LeMay's name is not on the FBI (Sibert & Oneil) list of those who were present at the autopsy, although that doesn't mean he wasn't there.

    According to the Andrews Air Force base log, LeMay was at an air base in Canada when JFK was killed, and flew back to Andrews, so he was in DC at the time of the autopsy, though no one is on record of having seen him there, other than Paul's sense that it was LeMay's cigar that was smoking up the room.


    Jim Fetzer said on the radio that Curtis LeMay was in the autopsy room as it was being performed on the President. He's down as General Curtis. They hadn't eaten for hours and sent out for hamburgers, which LeMay (maybe chomping on a cigar) and others ate right there as the autopsy was going on.

    Kathy C

  11. Michael Eddowes is a very interesting character in the JFK case. The son of a lawyer, he was born in Derby in 1903. After completing his education he worked for his father before eventually establishing his own law firm in London. In 1956, he sold his law firm and invested Bistro Vino, a chain of restaurants.

    Eddowes continued to run the Bistro Vino chain of restaurants. He also took an interest in the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. In his book, Khrushchev Killed Kennedy (1975), Eddowes argued that Kennedy was killed by a Soviet agent impersonating Lee Harvey Oswald. Eddowes also claimed that Lyndon B. Johnson was aware of this and had covered-up the role of the KGB in the killing of Kennedy in order to prevent a nuclear war with the Soviet Union. It was later revealed that the book had been financed by the Texas oil billionaire, Haroldson L. Hunt.

    The man we know as Lee Harvey Oswald, in my opinion, was a Russian spy. I believe the Oswald that went over to Russia, possibly never came back. On the Internet there is tape of Oswald over in Russia reading something in English. His pronunciation was very poor and his accent weirdly British. But it was the same voice heard 3 years later on the 2 American radio shows and at the Dallas Police Station.

    Also, Oswald, shot by Ruby, is not a blood relative of Robert Oswald. If he was, Robert would have visited LHO's kids. Marina and her daughters were never visited by "Uncle Robert." And if we could have a blood test done to see if they're related, we would know for sure.

    I do not believe LHO, shot by Ruby, killed President Kennedy. They sheep-dipped him for something evil and he wasn't wise enough to know it.

    Kathy C

  12. What great news! And how sad that the 'good news' is that the bad news of yet more prosecutorial and judicial misconduct of Mary Beth Buchanan [Alberto Gonzales co-worker finding progressive U.S. Attorneys to fire] is over. The case never should have happened and Cyril, despite his vindication now, has suffered greatly and can never be made whole again. I say prosecute Buchanan! But nice for once to hear about something going well after this long nightmare. Is everyone aware that all of Dr. Wecht's JFK files were also confiscated - as were his files on other high-profile cases - not just the billing information on which they based their baseless persecution (not prosecution). We don't get much justice in America any more and when we do it is so late in coming and so hard fought for. At least this now is over. The crime was on Buchanan's part and whoever whispered in her ear to go after Dr. Wecht - most likely for his work on a few high-profile cases [JFK, Sabow, etc.] in which his forensic findings upset the powers that wanna-be.

    On the advice of a prominent researcher, I wrote Dr. Wecht a brief letter about a month ago and included the autopsy of Karyn Kupcinet, newsclippings about her coroner, Dr. Wade, who was fired 3 years later after it was found he had a fetish regarding strangulation. Two women's bodies were exhumed and found not to have died of foul play, let alone strangulation. Dr. Wade drank a lot and joked once, "At least I didn't break the hyoid bone on that one." This was some time after K. Kupcinet's autopsy. When this was brought up in court he denied saying that. Anyway, that was sent to Dr. Wecht. He phoned me one morning and told me he couldn't call it. Her autopsy of course was compromised. They only found one drug in her which was in the therapeutic range. Because of the bad state of the body, other drugs could have decomposed. Did she commit suicide? Did she overdose? Was she murdered? We'll never know, said Dr. Wecht. (I thought if he could look at an autopsy photo of her neck, he might be able to determine if there was in fact an injury.)

    I'm very glad they stopped persecuting him.

    Kathy C

  13. "I have a theory that compartmentalization is at the core of this being "unsolved" for 45 years. Hoy, for example, we know for certain, had the opportunity to speak in person to Irv Kupcinet in the Pump Room at the Ambassador East Hotel in Chicago, every night from the late 1940's until 1960 when Crown hired Hoy. Kupcinet knew "Sparky" Ruby and had as his long time co-columnists, Ruby friends since childhood, Ira and Jimmy Colitz. Kupcinet was practically the best friend of top mob lawyer, Sid Korshak, also close to Patrick Hoy. Kupcinet was publicly silenced, as far as mentioning Ruby ever again, after he associated Ruby, on Nov., 25. 1963 with Paul Dorfman. Kupcinet's daughter Karyn was found suspiciously dead in LA, days later. Korshak had to ID her body at the morgue on behalf of Kupcinet.

    Since this thread has much to say about the Kupcinets, I would like to add that I spoke on the phone with Cyril Wecht about 3 weeks ago. I sent him Karyn's autopsy report, copies of clippings regarding her coroner, Dr. Henry Wade. He was found to have erroneously concluded in several female autopsies that these women had died from strangulation. One woman was exhumed and there was no such strangulation.

    So Karyn's autopsy was compromised. Dr. Wecht couldn't go by it. I sent him a short letter telling him of Karyn's drug use and the basic circumstances of how she was found. He said he couldn't call it. Whether it was murder, suicide or an OD, he could not ascertain. I had asked him if he could look at autopsy photos of her neck, where there supposedly was so much damage, and rule out murder. But Dr. Wecht said he couldn't call it, so I didn't nag him.

    Sidney Korshack ID'd Karyn's body, as Irv couldn't do it. She was in a state of advanced decomposition. Strangely enough, Karyn's brother, Jerry, said on True Hollywood Story that his father identified the body and that it was very hard on him.


    Kathy C

  14. Kathleen wrote:

    Did anyone actually investigate LeMay regarding the Assassination of John Kennedy? He was top dog in the autopsy room that night and would not allow certain procedures.

    Kathleen, respectfully, what is your basis for asserting that LeMay was even in the autopsy room?

    Here is what my quick research found:

    In 1992, Dr. Humes recalled the scene: "The President's military aides from the Air Force, Army, and Navy were all present, and they were all in dress uniforms, but they weren't generals and their influence on the autopsy was zero," Humes recalled. "The only high-ranking officer was Admiral Burkley [JFK's personal physician] and he left shortly after the autopsy began to join Jackie and Bobby upstairs."

    Time has passed, but I must have read it someplace. This is what I found:

    "I remember Curtis LeMay sitting there [in the gallery at the JFK autopsy] with a big cigar in his hand." --Paul O'Connor, laboratory technologist who assisted in the autopsy of President Kennedy, quoted by William Law, In the Eye of History

    Kathy C

    Hi Kathy,

    I talked to Paul about that, over a beer at the hotel bar in Dallas and then again on the phone at length.

    Paul said he remembers a four star general in the room with a cigar, and one of the doctors telling an aide to have whoever is smoking a cigar removed from the room, but when told who it was negated that order.

    Paul was suspicious that it was LeMay but wasn't sure.

    Fink also said that it was a military general - as opposed to a navy admiral, who ordered him not to further probe the back wound, but he didn't name names either. All those generals look alike, and smoke cigars.

    LeMay's name is not on the FBI (Sibert & Oneil) list of those who were present at the autopsy, although that doesn't mean he wasn't there.

    According to the Andrews Air Force base log, LeMay was at an air base in Canada when JFK was killed, and flew back to Andrews, so he was in DC at the time of the autopsy, though no one is on record of having seen him there, other than Paul's sense that it was LeMay's cigar that was smoking up the room.


    How convenient for LeMay to be in Canada when Kennedy was shot. Someone recently said, "A bum on the street would get a better autopsy than Jack Kennedy did." I've read it was a 3-ring circus, with military men, FBI, etc. Humes was told not to do certain procedures. And Humes had no experience with gunshot wounds or their trajectories.

    Kathy C

  15. P.S. Nic, don't feel too bad about your Mom not allowing Right Wing Books in the house. When my daughter was a pre-teen, I told her that I didn't want any of those $#%@*& "Beatles" records in the house. Then sometime later, I changed and was even trying to play their music on my guitar....:-)

    How can you not like the Beatles? That's almost a character fault.

    Kathy C B)

  16. Kathleen wrote:

    Did anyone actually investigate LeMay regarding the Assassination of John Kennedy? He was top dog in the autopsy room that night and would not allow certain procedures.

    Kathleen, respectfully, what is your basis for asserting that LeMay was even in the autopsy room?

    Here is what my quick research found:

    In 1992, Dr. Humes recalled the scene: "The President's military aides from the Air Force, Army, and Navy were all present, and they were all in dress uniforms, but they weren't generals and their influence on the autopsy was zero," Humes recalled. "The only high-ranking officer was Admiral Burkley [JFK's personal physician] and he left shortly after the autopsy began to join Jackie and Bobby upstairs."

    Time has passed, but I must have read it someplace. This is what I found:

    "I remember Curtis LeMay sitting there [in the gallery at the JFK autopsy] with a big cigar in his hand." --Paul O'Connor, laboratory technologist who assisted in the autopsy of President Kennedy, quoted by William Law, In the Eye of History

    Kathy C

  17. As most eloquently put by Prof. Rhan and Priscilla Johnson McMillan, this scenario sqarely blames the murder of the President on a series of apprently inconsequential actions - that led to the assassination - as indication that the death of Kennedy was something of a social accident totally unrelated to the political and historical situation of the day and today.

    According to PJM, conspiracy theorists contrive the conspiracies to give meaning to what really was only the act of a psychotic madman.

    I thought Priscilla Johnson McMillan was CIA. Her book, Marina and Lee is used as a doorstop.

    Kathy C

  18. Could these frames possibly be from the "other film"? It looks like it was shot to the right and higher than the Zap film. Where did these come from?

    Kathy C

    Kathy, I'm kinda guessing that if either Stone or Groden had possession of the "alternate" Zapruder film they just may have mentioned it by now. Wadda you think?

    I don't remember mentioning Oliver Stone or Robert Groden. Somebody has that film. I wish someone could come forward with it. But that person would probably be dead before they could do so. Maybe if we live long enough, we might be able to see it. CBS might have it secreted somewhere.


  19. In looking at these frames, it seems to me that President Kennedy is obscured with a black shadow. You can't really see what's going on. Am I the only one who sees this? What if this is the other film and they have blacked out Kennedy?

    Kathy C

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