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Kathleen Collins

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Posts posted by Kathleen Collins

  1. John Lennon had 2 books of poetry published. In one of them he had a poem called "Our Dad."

    It wasn't long before old Dad

    got cumbersome, a drag.

    He seemed to get the message

    and began to pack his bag...

    ...What luck, we'll have a party

    inviting all our friend.

    We've only one but she's a laugh,

    she let's us all attend.


  2. Last night I learned that Obama at the G20 meeting spoke about a "global economy." Is this what his voters expected? Isn't he doing just the opposite as President Kennedy did? Haven't we been dealing with this threat of a global takeover since 1963? A New World Order, which started under Hitler? Am I wrong in thinking the powers that be allowed a black/Arab man into office as President so he could con us into thinking how much like Kennedy he is, when he's actually the opposite? I didn't see any comments on this forum about it.

    "It was the halfway point yesterday of a five-nation tour in which Mr Obama appears determined to tackle almost every global problem. He brokered a deal at the G20 summit in London, which he has hailed as a “turning point” in the economic crisis." -- British Times

  3. The first indication something was really wrong. When the Secret Service let the Kennedys sit in the limo at Love Field unprotected. Now, they had to know some camera from somewhere at Love Field was aimed at the Limo with the President and his wife. So they made a show of it. One Secret Service man called off John Kennedy's Agent and that Agent threw his arms in the air theatrically and never assisted Kennedy that day alive or dead.

    This video tells the truth. The Secret Service did its best to allow Kennedy to be assassinated. They stood down. Johnson had more protection in his car than the passengers in the limo.

    Kathy C

  4. Can anyone identify the woman below? The photograph was taken at her wedding in 1960. She later became one of the girls used by Bobby Baker and Lyndon Johnson at the Quorum Club in Washington. This was a scam that enabled Johnson and Hoover to blackmail politicians. This included JFK.

    In 1978 she announced that she had started work on her autobiography which would include details of her work for MI5. In November 1980 she claimed that her book would include details of a "plot to discredit Jack Kennedy". She added that the manuscript was "in the hands of the CIA".

    The book never appeared. The woman was found dead in her bed in February 1983. It was claimed by the police that she had died of an overdose of drugs. Christine Keeler claims that she was murdered by either MI5 or the CIA.

    Who is that kissing her? It almost looks like Jack Ruby!

    Kathy C

  5. As I learned from David Talbot's book, Brothers, the President and Robert Kennedy were totally isolated. The military chiefs of staff hated Kennedy. Supposedly, William Greer, the limo driver, an Irish Catholic, also hated Kennedy. Kennedy had so many enemies. They thought he was soft on Communism. It's hard to pick and choose. The various intelligence agencies, the Cuban Exiles, the oil barons, the military, J. Edgar Hoover, LBJ, the Secret Service...

    I would start with the military, the CIA and the Cuban Exiles. The murder would save LBJ from prosecution having to do with the Bobby Baker scandal.

    The financiers were: the Morgans, the Rockefellers, the Duponts, the Murchisons, the Bushes, the Rothschilds and a few other wealthy families. The purpose was to ultimately make the US the world ruler of all countries, which would take decades. But they got off to a good start.

    Oswald, killed by Jack Ruby, was a Russian, who trained in English for years and returned to this country as the defector, Lee Harvey Oswald. I can't see how the 2 redheads, the Nortons, fit into this, but researcher John Armstrong believes they do. Ralph Geb was also involved closely with them.

    Basically, the Military Industrial and Intelligence Complex killed President John Kennedy.

    Kathy C

  6. Rossi doesn't sound like someone likely to have dark features and there are many more likely suspects for this man already mentioned elsewhere on this Forum and known to other researchers.

    Although it's not politically correct, I have to agree. I don't know any Italian man who would say The Cuban could be Italian.

    Also, regarding Rossi, could he have been an Oswald lookalike?

    Kathy C

  7. There's also a former OSS/NASA security officer, masons and French Canadian separatists (Georges Schoerters) and a guy Francois Mario Bachand who met Castro in Montreal and looks a little like Oswald with a mustache. (Bill Kelly)


    They are a couple of very curious characters. Schoerters was at one point alleged to have been reporting back to the KGB.

    Bachand spent some time in Cuba and was on his way back there when he was whacked in Paris. Rumors had it that agents of the RCMP where the ones behind his death.

    Schoerters below.


    James, do you have any other photos of Francois Mario Bachand? The resemblance to LHO is incredible.

    Kathy C

  8. I don't know what to make of this.

    It touches on a lot of things - a speech JFK gave in 1959 on energy and calling for a new dam in Maine, which LBJ later squashed, and about which little is known.

    This may be connected to the Conservation Tour and Wisconsin plot, if anything.

    There's also a former OSS/NASA security officer, masons and French Canadian separatists (Georges Schoerters) and a guy Francois Mario Bachand who met Castro in Montreal and looks a little like Oswald with a mustache.


    I think it is written by Andrea Silverthorne, who also notes that the Warren Report correctly spells Houston, Elm and Main many times, but then spells it Houston and Maine, which she finds suspicious.

    There's also a date 1711, which JFK mentions in the speech, but the New York Times gets wrong in a typo.

    Long and convoluted, but a new theory nontheless.

    Let me know if anybody gets anything out of this.


    Bill, thank you for directing me to this material. I don't think I'd ever find it. That man Francois Mario Bachand looks so much like "Harvey" Oswald it's scary. I agree with the writer that William Seymour doesn't look that much like LHO. As the writer said Bachand used the name "Leon Oswald" at Silvia Odio's, I am beginning to think this may be "Lee" Oswald. I have to go back and read it all again, but I found it fascinating. Thanks for the photos.

    And I agree with the author that religion was behind it all.

    Kathy C

  9. What garbage......If you use altered, doctored and fabricated evidence as your starting point you will get a bogus result......BS in BS out........The throat shot was from the front........The wound in the back was too low to exit his neck and hit Connally......Exit wound in back of JFK head.......Miss that wounded Teague.......Miss that hit sewer apron on Elm.....Miss that hit street behind JFK limo......Miss that hit sidewalk in front of knoll......Miss that hit chrome on front winshield and possibly windshield itself......Wounds to Connally........Evidence of doctored Z film........Altered autopsy photos.......Altered X-rays.....Missing autopsy photos.......Missing brain........I can go on and on.....I am sure these are all addressed adequately in this LN piece of crap.......Spare us.......

    I saw a photo one time of Kennedy on an upside down autopsy table. The photo showed an entrance bullet wound under his hair at the hairline. I never saw this photo again. Did this picture in fact exist? I never see it mentioned anywhere and everytime I ask about it, I'm ignored. Wouldn't it be shown or mentioned as evidence of being hit from the front?

    Kathy C

  10. In Abbott and Costello Meet Frankenstein, Dracula has awakened the monster and gotten him out of his shipping case. Frankenstein starts to walk and he soon sees "Wilbur" (Lou Costello) standing aside in a trance. The monster steps backwards, making frightened noises. Costello's appearance scares him.

    Kathy C

  11. ...to study or for your collection. It was taken late in the afternoon, I think, likely by a FWST photographer.

    I got it from Penn Jones.


    Thanks Jack.

    From memory i think this may be the image which was taken about 2:00PM ON THE 22/11/63 FROM A HELICOPTER. ( Cabluck ) ?

    I am guessing at the date. Saturday there were floral arrangements all over. Sunday there were video trucks and crowds for the

    Jack Ruby transfer. Monday seems too late to be shooting newsworthy aerials. So I guessed Friday. I could be wrong.


    Too bad this photo can't be resized in the TSBD doorway so we could see who's standing there, if it was taken on the 22nd. I'm looking for George HW Bush, of course.

    Kathy C

  12. Why can you as much of her glove as you see?



    In the Nix film, when Kennedy gets the shot, you see her hand tap on, then lift, from Pres. Kennedy's head, as she gets up to crawl onto the trunk of the limo. I think only one glove was caked with blood and the other not too much. I think we're seeing the cleaner one. IMO.

    Kathy C

  13. I was confused over the name of Morrisette's husband. I didn't catch the gravity of the situation, that hanging an effigy of a politician was a threat. I still think it's harmless, even though I was wrong about the possilble identity of the subject. And if you look back at it, I was asking a question, which John Simkin said is allowable and even encouraged. So hang me in effigy. I don't care what you do with this thread.

    Kathy C

  14. There is a story about Chad Morrisette hanging an effigy of Sarah Palin off the roof of his house. Is this the same Morrisette who is married to Michele Morrisette -- the woman who provides many photos related to JFK? Here is the story:

    Palin Effigy Prompts Visit From Feds


    WEST HOLLYWOOD, Calif. (Oct. 29) - Chad Morrisette never imagined his Halloween yard decorations would prompt interest from the Secret Service.

    Harmless or Inappropriate? The Secret Service visited a home in West Hollywood, Calif., to find out whether a Halloween-themed effigy of Sarah Palin, the Repubican presidential nominee, constituted a threat. The display also includes John McCain, Palin's running mate, surrounded by fake flames on top of the house's chimney.

    But apparently hanging a mannequin of GOP vice presidential hopeful Sarah Palin from a noose isn't something to be ignored.

    Agents recently visited Morrisette's home to see the display and have been trying to meet him to ensure no violent plots have been concocted, Deputy Special Agent in Charge Wayne Williams said Tuesday.

    So far, he said, it seems to be a harmless — though unusual — display.

    "We're not treating it as a threat," he told The Associated Press. "Halloween presents some interesting challenges for us with the masks and costumes."

    Local officials aren't quite as accepting of the display, which also features Palin's running mate John McCain surrounded by fake flames coming out of the bungalow's chimney.

    West Hollywood Mayor Jeffrey Prang has urged Morrisette to remove the mannequins, and Los Angeles County Supervisor Mike Antonovich called for an investigation into whether the effigy constitutes a hate crime because it targeted the candidates based on their political affiliation.

    "Had this stupid act been done to Senator (Barack) Obama, there would appropriately have been a national outcry," he said in a statement.

    County Counsel Ray Fortner said he would discuss the matter with the district attorney and report back to Antonovich with a legal opinion.

    Prang said Morrisette had the right to create the display, but "I strongly oppose political speech that references violence — real or perceived. I urge these residents to take down their display and find more constructive ways to express their opinion."

    Morrisette said he has no plans to take down the effigy before Halloween. He said he and his partner, Mito Aviles, created it about three weeks ago but didn't expect to cause such a stir.

    "If it's a political statement, it's that (McCain's and Palin's) politics are scary to us," Morrisette told The Los Angeles Times. "This is our palette and this is our venue of expression."

    Neighbors didn't mind at first, but the media's fascination with the display has neighbors concerned about negative coverage reflecting poorly on the neighborhood, they said.

    "We don't want to make enemies with anyone," Aviles said. "This isn't what it was supposed to be about."

    Law enforcement officials said the display is protected by the First Amendment and does not violate any city, state or federal laws.

    Sheriff's spokesman Steve Whitmore said the department received at least 60 calls from around the country complaining about the effigy.

    County Counsel Ray Fortner said he would discuss the matter with the district attorney and report back to Antonovich with a legal opinion.

    Prang said Morrisette had the right to create the display, but "I strongly oppose political speech that references violence — real or perceived. I urge these residents to take down their display and find more constructive ways to express their opinion."

    Morrisette said he has no plans to take down the effigy before Halloween. He said he and his partner, Mito Aviles, created it about three weeks ago but didn't expect to cause such a stir.

    "If it's a political statement, it's that (McCain's and Palin's) politics are scary to us," Morrisette told The Los Angeles Times. "This is our palette and this is our venue of expression."

    Neighbors didn't mind at first, but the media's fascination with the display has neighbors concerned about negative coverage reflecting poorly on the neighborhood, they said.

    "We don't want to make enemies with anyone," Aviles said. "This isn't what it was supposed to be about."

    Law enforcement officials said the display is protected by the First Amendment and does not violate any city, state or federal laws.

    Sheriff's spokesman Steve Whitmore said the department received at least 60 calls from around the country complaining about the effigy.

  15. Huntz Hall at the end of a Bowery Boys movie, you know where the cast were nearing their '70's. Sach played by Huntz Hall is driving a cab. He comes to a dead stop. The car collapses -- the wheels fall off, the bumpers, the fenders. the doors, everything. A crowd has gathered.

    Sach looks out the window and says, "Taxi anyone?"

  16. "Don't let nobody out of this room," he declared and told the other men to scoop up his items, which included a photo of Simpson with former FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover.
    (LAS VEGAS) — O.J. Simpson, who went from American sports idol to celebrity-in-exile after he was acquitted of murder in 1995, was found guilty Friday of robbing two sports-memorabilia dealers at gunpoint in a Las Vegas hotel room.

    The verdict came 13 years to the day after Simpson was cleared of murdering his ex-wife and a friend of hers in Los Angeles in one of the most sensational trials of the 20th century.


    I believe the jury convicted OJ Simpson because of the acquittal 13 years ago. At least unconsciously. OJ wasn't a smart guy. He should have stayed out of the public eye after the acquittal. Cameras followed him wherever he was. Just the night before, waiting for the wedding to begin, OJ actually walked to the cameras. He finally got the nerve. He was dressed to kill. And just hours later, he was in handcuffs and charged with armed robbery and kidnapping.

    I believe he was innocent of those murders. Someone sent me a book called OJ Is Guilty, But Not of Murder by William Dear. He was covering up for his son, an epileptic with intermittant rage disorder. The son was a chef and pulled a knife on his employer in the past. He had rage with several girlfriends. As he was a chef, he carried his knives with him. He didn't leave them in the restaurant. Chefs do not do that.

    Between 10 pm and 11 pm, no one knew where he was. He had been spying on Nicole as he had developed feelings for her. That night he was expecting Nicole, OJ and party to come to the restaurant where he worked. He was going to make them a meal they wouldn't forget. But no one showed up and he was very embarrassed. The restaurant closed early.

    The theory is the son went to her house, had words with her and killed her and Ron Goldman. He contacted OJ. OJ happened on the scene. He covered up for his son because being OJ, so popular, he felt he would be acquitted and he was.

    Now he's facing life for a stupid argument among men. Ridiculous.

    Kathy C

    You believe OJ was covering up for his son? How, by hiring a multi million dollar defense team that won him acquital? That means the Bundy murder case is still an open case and therefore OJ's son could still be arrested and charged, just as 1994. How did OJ entice the LAPD to arrest him and then charge him for the murders? This is just another crazy theory.

    And do you know what intermittant rage disorder is? It's BS and lots of it.

    Hollywood is notorious for murders of the type seen at Bundy in 1994. The Manson case, the Cotton Club murders in 1983.

    Terry, that's right. That case is open. Do you see the police going after anyone else? And yes, it's true, he's an accessory after the fact for the 2 murders.

    Terry, have you just arrived from Bizarro Land, where everything is the opposite of Earth? You were the one who sent me the goddamned book about OJ not being the murderer!

    Something's wrong here. You believed in conspiracy in the death of Pres. Kennedy at one time. Now even OJ is guilty. What happened?

    Kathy C

  17. "Don't let nobody out of this room," he declared and told the other men to scoop up his items, which included a photo of Simpson with former FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover.
    (LAS VEGAS) — O.J. Simpson, who went from American sports idol to celebrity-in-exile after he was acquitted of murder in 1995, was found guilty Friday of robbing two sports-memorabilia dealers at gunpoint in a Las Vegas hotel room.

    The verdict came 13 years to the day after Simpson was cleared of murdering his ex-wife and a friend of hers in Los Angeles in one of the most sensational trials of the 20th century.


    I believe the jury convicted OJ Simpson because of the acquittal 13 years ago. At least unconsciously. OJ wasn't a smart guy. He should have stayed out of the public eye after the acquittal. Cameras followed him wherever he was. Just the night before, waiting for the wedding to begin, OJ actually walked to the cameras. He finally got the nerve. He was dressed to kill. And just hours later, he was in handcuffs and charged with armed robbery and kidnapping.

    I believe he was innocent of those murders. Someone sent me a book called OJ Is Guilty, But Not of Murder by William Dear. He was covering up for his son, an epileptic with intermittant rage disorder. The son was a chef and pulled a knife on his employer in the past. He had rage with several girlfriends. As he was a chef, he carried his knives with him. He didn't leave them in the restaurant. Chefs do not do that.

    Between 10 pm and 11 pm, no one knew where he was. He had been spying on Nicole as he had developed feelings for her. That night he was expecting Nicole, OJ and party to come to the restaurant where he worked. He was going to make them a meal they wouldn't forget. But no one showed up and he was very embarrassed. The restaurant closed early.

    The theory is the son went to her house, had words with her and killed her and Ron Goldman. He contacted OJ. OJ happened on the scene. He covered up for his son because being OJ, so popular, he felt he would be acquitted and he was.

    Now he's facing life for a stupid argument among men. Ridiculous.

    Kathy C

  18. I've read this theory too. Supposedly 4 British young men were programmed with musical talent and sent over here after Kennedy died. This was a big distraction to America -- the Beatles and everything that came with them, such as fashion, etc.

    It's a crock of s----. But the timing of the assassination and the Beatles' arrival will always stick in people's minds. What was that?

    Kathy C

    Kathy, what happened to the four British young men with musical talent? I must have missed them.

    You dont mean the four lads that wrote "I wanna hold your hand" or "She loves me, yeah, yeah yeah".

    It's funny how the boomers swallow every JFK murder plot that comes down the pike but absolutely refuse to look at the radical cultural changes during the years following JFK's murder. Changes that they took part in, and followed without question We never make a critical examination of the cultural changes introduced during the 1960's. The very same period our best leaders were killed, our cities sent up in smoke (no pun intended) and gutted, and the begining of our industries being shut down.

    If anyone can look at Woodstock and tell me that wasn't a mass brainwashing operation, then they are very naive, lying or just plain stupid. What turned Wally and Beaver Cleaver into dope smoking "zombies"?

    PS- you might want to ask Len about his musical artist GG Allin. Now that was one talented "zombie". And Len promoted him, in between his rugged schedule of selling T-shirts. Today Len is involved in the heavy industry of manufacturing native Brazilian art. Where does he find the time?

    Terry, I don't understand your post. Are you putting down the Beatles, or saying an intelligence agency was involved in their success?

    As for myself, I don't swallow every JFK theory that comes along. But I do report it.

    As for what happened to the Beatles -- one of them was murdered while a survivor of the Bay of Pigs was on watch that night.

    Kathy C

    The counter culture is one topic that seems to be off limits, and I dont know why. Maybe "boomers" are still in denial? The conspiracy theories around JFK are a bunch of crock. Boomers are attracted to these kooky theories because it deflects the real issue behind the murder; and the boomers dont really want to deal with the reality of JFK's murder. They prefer "bullet diagrams" "autopsy pictures" and BS about the CIA and government. But JFK's murder has been reduced to the absurd.

    Terry, your remarks about the Beatles... Was I under hypnosis that Feb night in 1964 when I first saw the Beatles? Mass hypnosis via TV? Was the Ed Sullivan Show broadcasting subliminal messages other than John Lennon was married?

    In my living will I requested Beatle music (esp. the early years) be played when I'm dying.

    I still don't understand your point. Were the Beatles detrimental to this country, USA? Is everything their fault?

    Now you're anti-conspiracy. You've deemed that the CIA and our govt were not involved in Kennedy's murder. Then who was and why? Everywhere you look there's a motive.

    Possible Culprits: CIA, Cuban Exiles, the Mob, Oswald and Ruby, Harvey and Lee, Texas oil men, military intelligence, the NSA, Ari Onassis, the Mossad, LBJ, Mac Wallace, French hitman, the 3 tramps, Dallas police dept., big business, George Bush, NASA, etc.

    Are you saying Oswald did it from behind? Do you believe the Warren Report? The purpose of the murder was to overthrow the govt, with the power going back to the oil men, who sponsored the assassination. Of course, that's my opinion. Please state explicitly what you mean. Why are you so mad tonight? Did the OJ guilty verdict knock you out of orbit?

    Kathy C

  19. I've read this theory too. Supposedly 4 British young men were programmed with musical talent and sent over here after Kennedy died. This was a big distraction to America -- the Beatles and everything that came with them, such as fashion, etc.

    It's a crock of s----. But the timing of the assassination and the Beatles' arrival will always stick in people's minds. What was that?

    Kathy C

    Kathy, what happened to the four British young men with musical talent? I must have missed them.

    You dont mean the four lads that wrote "I wanna hold your hand" or "She loves me, yeah, yeah yeah".

    It's funny how the boomers swallow every JFK murder plot that comes down the pike but absolutely refuse to look at the radical cultural changes during the years following JFK's murder. Changes that they took part in, and followed without question We never make a critical examination of the cultural changes introduced during the 1960's. The very same period our best leaders were killed, our cities sent up in smoke (no pun intended) and gutted, and the begining of our industries being shut down.

    If anyone can look at Woodstock and tell me that wasn't a mass brainwashing operation, then they are very naive, lying or just plain stupid. What turned Wally and Beaver Cleaver into dope smoking "zombies"?

    PS- you might want to ask Len about his musical artist GG Allin. Now that was one talented "zombie". And Len promoted him, in between his rugged schedule of selling T-shirts. Today Len is involved in the heavy industry of manufacturing native Brazilian art. Where does he find the time?

    Terry, I don't understand your post. Are you putting down the Beatles, or saying an intelligence agency was involved in their success?

    As for myself, I don't swallow every JFK theory that comes along. But I do report it.

    As for what happened to the Beatles -- one of them was murdered while a survivor of the Bay of Pigs was on watch that night.

    Kathy C

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