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Kathleen Collins

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Posts posted by Kathleen Collins

  1. I hate to complicate things, but to me there were two 'Oswalds' who left the TSBD area - one [who the WC was focused upon] who got on a bus and taxi and one [who the WC ignored] who got into the Rambler Wagon. Perhaps Armstrong really was more on the mark, than most want to acknowledge.....

    I'm with you. I believe in 2 Oswalds. All the research John Armstrong did, only half of it coming to life with that book. I came across something curious the other day. It was a remark somewhere about how people could be fooled into thiniking there's 2 or more Lee Harvey Oswalds. Judyth Vary Baker said that Lee was born in the old creole section of New Orleans, and that there was so much inbreeding there that many men (at least at the time) who came out of there looked like Lee. She also applies this to Lee's "accent."

    I know Judyth isn't believable, but it gave me cause to wonder. All the photos we've seen. Like the one of LHO in Russia by a river and he's only like 5' tall. Yet he's got the same face! It wasn't "trick photography."

    He leaves in a Rambler but is arrested and taken out the back of theTexas Theater, while Harvey is arrested and taken out the front. A third Oswald?...


  2. The deferral clause has been in the tax code for more than half a century and has outlasted numerous reform efforts. In April 1961, even as U.S.-backed rebels were dying at Cuba's Bay of Pigs, President Kennedy asked Congress to rewrite tax provisions that "consistently favor United States private investment abroad compared with investment in our own economy...."


    Probably another reason he was killed. Big Business. Like US Steel. As Eisenhower warned.


  3. Someone on this forum asked me where I got my Phil Graham story from. I don't remember what it was, but I found the book today. It's called Katherine Graham: A Personal Story, written by herself.

    Could it be the one about Phil Graham entering the Oval Office, picking up Kennedy's emergency phone and yelling, "Scramble the Planes!" :o


  4. Among other things, she wants to take $50 billion from Big Oil by ending "tax subsidies" that it presently enjoys.

    I can only assume that she's already told Big Oil, or Big Oil knows, that she's only kidding to get votes.

    Clinton says Obama voted for oil firm tax breaks

    By Jon Hurdle

    PITTSBURGH, March 14 (Reuters) - Sen. Hillary Clinton on Friday renewed her attack on oil company profits and accused Sen. Barack Obama, her rival for the Democratic presidential nomination, of supporting tax breaks for oil companies.

    Speaking at a campaign rally for about 2,000 supporters in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Clinton said both Obama and Republican presidential candidate Sen. John McCain had voted for a bill to cut oil company taxes.

    "They voted yes to more giveaways to the oil companies," she said during a 40-minute speech.

    Citing Exxon Mobil Corp's latest annual profit of $40 billion, Clinton said that as president, she would require oil companies to invest in alternative forms of energy or else be subject to a windfall profits tax.

    She pledged to set up a $50 billion Strategic Energy Fund to develop non-fossil fuel energy sources, and would pay for it by ending tax subsidies that she said have been enjoyed by oil companies during the administration of Republican President George W. Bush.


    More likely jealous that Rice had a tanker named after her. The Clinton Clan are Corporate insiders and I can't believe they'd do anything much to hurt the bottom-line on any powerful corporate group...they are owned by them!...and won't bite the hand that bribes them.

    Remember Vince Foster? Remember Clinton wanting to know 2 things when he took over the presidency? He supposedly asked his military men that he wanted to know about the Kennedy Assassination and UFO's. They told him, "You don't have high enough clearance." The same person who told me this also told me there were 200 political murders during the Clinton Admin. I think these things taught the Clintons that the President doesn't run the country.


  5. Tom Hayden once said that whenever it looked like the progressive majority was coming to power in the 1960s, it was interrupted by killings, killings performed by unknown forces. JFK in 1963, followed by Martin Luther King then Bobby Kennedy in 1968. Does anyone know if he has recently shown any interest in the case?

    Maybe he wants to remain alive, unlike Abbie Hoffman and Jerry Rubin.


  6. I hate to complicate things, but to me there were two 'Oswalds' who left the TSBD area - one [who the WC was focused upon] who got on a bus and taxi and one [who the WC ignored] who got into the Rambler Wagon. Perhaps Armstrong really was more on the mark, than most want to acknowledge.....

    I'm with you, Peter. Lee Oswald, who shot out the sixth floor window, then emerged at the side of the building and got into a Rambler. He was taken to a small airport and flown somewhere -- Cuba? Mexico? But...

    Poor Harvey Oswald left after the shooting and got stuck in traffic, so found an alternate route to his house. A cop car pulled up in front of his door and hit the horn. Eventually, Harvey gets to the Texas Theater. Cops arrest him, causing a ruckus getting him into the car in front. But out the back door of the Theater, comes another Oswald, handcuffed with 2 congenial cops. Where is the Rambler and do the cops instead drive him to the airport?

    This is a discrepancy. Did I miss something, Peter in Harvey and Lee by John Armstrong?

  7. That's Healy's way of saying his due back at the institution. lol :lol:

    I assume that when David says, 'See ya round the hood chump' ... that he is talking about during visiting hours. (smile) Someone please wake me up if he ever post anything related to the JFK assassination ... something like that must only happen once in a lifetime and I don't want to miss it.

    In your signature, you posted that you uncovered new info on the Kennedy Assassination, which won you the Mary Ferell award. What was it you uncovered?


  8. This photo posted by Chris was purportedly made on Sunday morning as the crowd

    anticipated the transfer of Oswald to the County Jail. It seemed totally strange to me


    them, the ZAPRUDER PEDESTAL. To the right are two huge men, floating in the air

    (compare their size to the two autos parked across Elm Street).

    It appears to me someone went to a lot of trouble to create a bizarre faked photo

    for no apparent purpose. In my opinion this photo cannot be genuine. Am I wrong?


    It's obviously a fake photo. Why would someone do that? Who knows? Jack, where did you find this picture?


  9. Many images, such as this one, simply have areas blacked out.

    The shape between the two cars is clearly not a photographic

    artifact, but just a solid black parallelogram.


    I know they blackened out a portion of the Grassy Knoll. And then when you see the Rickerby picture, it's so light and sunny. I wonder why they would black out something in the above photograph. Was someone standing there who didn't want to be seen?


  10. He appears in at least 2 photos and I can't find anything on him. In one photo he looks like he's having a drink as he walks toward the Kennedy Limo. But I believe I've seen a photo of him where it looks like he's holding a sign in front of his abdomen. What did the sign say?

    In a similar vein, The Cuban, in photos shot from the south knoll (which I've never seen), supposedly makes a fist as the limo nears him, meaning Stop. Then he also makes the Peace sign, which I'm told probably means 2nd attempt.

    I have tried to find these pictures or learn who the gin and tonic man is, etc. Could someone provide them and any theories you have about them?


  11. I think the danger is greater from the "deep political structure" than from racists. (And I agree that Brzezinski being on board is an indication that Obama is no real agent of change, he's just talking the talk.) What racists might do if anything would depend on what Obama does in office (which again I suspect will be little in the way of change), not the fact that he's black.

    A few decades ago things were different, but racially things have improved. As a case in point, I assumed that O.J. Simpson would be dead within a year of his farcical acquittal in "the trial of the century," but it didn't happen. Not a single nut wanted to be the white race's avenger, though O.J. was and remains an easy target on golf courses around the well-armed country. If a black man as notorious as O.J. is safe from racists, so is Obama.

    OJ is not a good reference. He subjected himself to trial to protect his son Jason.

    This is clear to those like me who have studied the evidence.


    Sidebar: I have read the book OJ Is Guilty, But Not of Murder. and agree that he is Guilty of being an Accessory after the fact. His older son did it, the chef with his knives. Doctor Henry Lee said the killer would have to be covered in blood. OJ was either called to the scene, or happened by it accidentally.

  12. They may have shown up in Dallas but they were clearly not the Watergate Cubans. I also believe the implication is that these were pro-Castro Cubans.

    And I, like George Carlin, believe that an Invisible Man lives in the sky and sees everything we do. And that He gave us ten rules by which to live, and if we violate any one of them He will condemn us to an eternity of pain and agony and suffering and burning and terror.

    And He loves us.


    You're OK!


  13. Had anyone else ever hear about this supposed call to WOR "about six weeks before the assassination"? I can't recall ever having heard about this before, and I'm certain I've not seen any declassified documents about it. I was hoping maybe Jack White or Robert Charles-Dunne or others with a good deal more institutional memory on this kind of thing than me can tell us if they'd stumbled across this before or is this new to them, as well? Is this really all we have on this? A third-party account after the host, Nebel, has told the columnist, Considine, about it? It's odd that there wouldn't have been follow-up FBI interviews of one or both of them that would not have turned up in the files over the years. In any event, the call would have been around Oct 11, so if Nebel was remembering it correctly, it would not seem possible that Oswald would have been calling him from Louisiana around that time. Was someone impersonating Oswald for the benefit of a nationally known radio show famous for covering provocative topics? For what purpose? It's also interesting to me that the call was "paid" and that "Oswald" volunteered to travel to New York on his own dime to do a radio interview.

    Anyone have any thoughts or perspectives on all this? Thanks in advance!


    I don't go back as far as 1963, but since 1969 or so, until he died, I listened to Long John Knebel every night. His show continued for 5+1/2 hours. It started at Midnight.

    Knebel was known as a hoaxer. Still, I don't think he would joke around about the Kennedy Assassination. Can we get access to the tape?

    In 1973, I do remember Long John had on the publisher of Marilyn by Norman Mailer. And they talked about Monroe and Bobby, but nothing substantial. In 1974, Knebel had the author of The Life and Curious Death of Marilyn Monroe, Robert Slatzer, to me a disinfo man, now also dead. He was of the belief that Kennedy had her murdered so she wouldn't call a press conference that she was having affairs with them and Govt secrets -- like Castro, the bomb, UFOs, Hoffa, etc.

    Knebel was very interested in this. Knebel was Republican, btw, and only turned against Nixon when he found out that Nixon cursed!


  14. Isn't this the really interesting part we should focus on though?

    "The surveillance was mishandled and the Cubans diappeared" "The case was lost and that was the end of it,"

    Or was it the end of it? Did the same "Cubans" show up in Dallas for 11/22/63? For Watergate?

    And was one of them "guarding" John Lennon on the night of Dec. 8, 1980 -- Jose Perdomo (San Jenis), a survivor of the Bay of Pigs?

  15. An also curious fact apparently, is the right of circumcision that some Brit. royals have undergone. I am thinking here of Prince Charles who had the act performed by a Mohel when he was a young man (Charles, that is, not the Rabbi :rolleyes:).

    I had this referenced somewhere, but cannot find it now. For which apologies. But the following may serve the same purpose:


    Which leads to the possible conclusion that the Brit royal line could be both Jewish and Arab...


    David, The Royal Family may be descended from Mohammed, but they're really not British. They're Germans. They made up a name: Windsor. The only true British Royal was Princess Diana. On some geneology site regarding her, she was descended from the Stuarts, who were descendants of the Merovingian Kings, who were descended from the union of Jesus Christ and Mary Magdaline.


  16. If there is benefit to be discerned from the exchanges I recently initiated regarding Gary Mack, I suggest it lies within consideration of the passionately and self-righteously delivered claim by so many posters ostensibly on the side of truth and justice that conspiracy is simply a matter of opinion.

    And so Housman is brought to mind ...

    What can I do, what can I write

    Against the fall of night?

    I have reached the conclusion that the fight, at least for me, is best fought elsewhere than in these cyberpages.

    The truth may be rendered as a simple statement of fact and is inescapable save through ignorance and/or corruption:

    Anyone with reasonable access to the evidence in the JFK assassination who does not conclude that President Kennedy was murdered by conspirators is cognitively impaired and/or complicit in the crime.

    The field is not mine to cede. I simply move to a different line to stage what passes for an offensive of my own choosing.

    To those who, as a consequence of their dementia and/or criminal intent, deny conspiracy, I offer only this: Pray for a cure and/or forgiveness.

    To those who choose to continue the fight on this, a ground that your sacrifices have hallowed, I offer my solidarity and respect.

    As for me, I shall continue in a different manner to speak and to write against the fall of night.

    Watch your newspapers.

    Charles R. Drago

    February 25, 2008

    Dear Charles, please don't leave the Forum. I look forward to reading your posts and I think you're invaluable in helping us piece together the Kennedy Assassination. You're so sharp and witty. You can't change the Gary Macks of the world. I think it would be a painful blow to researchers if you took your wisdom and left here. We need your input and we value your opinions and your humor. OK, I'm selfish -- you're a big draw for this forum and I would miss you. :(

    Kathy Collins

  17. Jack White -- I was reading the Gary Mack-Olberman thread and you said you didn't want to buy a book Mack is selling, particularly Brothers by David Talbot. Let me tell you it's well worth it. The book shows how alone Kennedy was in his administration because his Military Joint Chiefs of Staff wanted to bomb Cuba and then invade it. Had they done this, we'd all be dead.

    I remember there was a thread here about Brothers, but I doubt I'll ever find it with the lousy search engine. Terry Mauro sent me a copy of the book for which I'm eternally grateful. Brothers shows you what John Kennedy was up against as President. How he had to deal with Curtis LeMay and his other Military Chiefs who hated him. The part about the Cuban Missile Crisis is spellbinding and shocking, to such a degree I believe LeMay was behind the assassination. I think the military ordered it and planned it in minute detail. Kennedy had no friends in his administration. LeMay wanted to bomb Cuba and invade it. Kennedy said the Russians would strike back and then that's the end of the world.

    Kennedy also feared that the Military Chiefs would strike Cuba without his knowledge. He had big enemies -- the Military-Industrial Complex, Big Business (US Steel, Bell Helicopter), the richest families ever, especially from Texas, the Cuban Exiles, the CIA and the Mafia.

    The book is quite an eye-opener.


    Kathy...you have misquoted me regarding the Talbot book. What I said was that if the Sixth

    Floor museum store sells it, IT HAS BEEN APPROVED BY THE "ESTABLISHMENT". That is, they

    only sell NON-CONTROVERSIAL NON-CONSPIRACY BOOKS. I did not say it was not a good book.

    Please quote me correctly. I would not condemn a book I have never seen.


    Kathy, NOW you know that the above is not true. If you think Brothers is a conspiracy book (and I do) then, see, they DO sell conspiracy books at the 6th Floor Museum Bookstore!!!

    Hi Kathy:

    Well apparently, perhaps Gary does not consider "Brothers" to be a conspiracy book......

    He has never referred that they sell, such as Weisberg's, which have been reprinted and are available, nor any of Penn Jones, nor Prouty,

    Dr.J.Fetzer's, has he Meager's I forget...as well as others....But has recommended such a Posner's, that has been sold there for some years..

    which is the sorriest book ever written on the assassination, with all it's lies, no other word to call them..

    Gary has told me and another, in an email a few years back, that he reads the books and then recommends them to the books store, or not..

    There have been many in that not pile...and before I am asked yes I do have the email.....

    So what it comes down to is what Gary recommends and thinks about a book...


    So how can we trust a book if it's peddled in Mack's sham shack?

    I have to find Jack's quote and read it again. I don't know if he or someone said the book was being sold at the 6th Floor monstrosity. Brothers is a great book. The sections about the Military brass make me think of Dr. Strangelove. Gore Vidal always says Kennedy was the worst president because he brought us closer to nuclear war than any other President. Read the book, Gore. It was his military advisors who wanted war. Kennedy did everything he could to keep them from bombing Cuba. And they were afraid they would do so behind his back.

    It started out by Gary asking me if someone wanted to donate Harvey and Lee by John Armstrong. And it escalated from there. My impression was he wanted the book for the museum but not for sale. Then he came out and contradicted this. Confusion, as usual.

    Since I have my 2 girls here, Myra and Bernice, I just want to say when I write about certain things, like Obama, if I come across gleeful, I don't mean to be. It might just be how I handle things. And I apologized on this forum for ridiculing Ed O'Hagen. Ed and I go back a few years when he was sending me altered photos of the Kennedys in the limo. I brought this up to my Admin at the time and he told me Ed was altering the pictures himself. When I said something negative to Ed, he wrote to me via email that now his work wasn't being accepted and all the years he spent on it, on and on, and I got so scared I thought he was going to commit suicide. So I championed him on the Forum and then Admin knew what was happening with these drawings he was sending me. It was unsettling to me. I thought he was a practical joker, spoofing those of us who believed in conspiracy. But Admin said no.

    I know I'm not a heavyweight around here.


  18. Drago to Mack:

    Right after you provide me with hard evidence that Oswald was firing,[/b]

    Mr. Mack was not quite clever enough when he constructed his question on the false premise that "hard" evidence exists to establish that LHO fired at President Kennedy on 11/22/63.

    The burden is yours, sir. You are making the accusation, Mr. Mack. Where is your proof?

    "We don't have any proof that Oswald fired the rifle. No one has been able to put him in that building with a gun in his hand." --Dallas Police Chief Jesse Curry, quoted by United Press International, November 5, 1969

    There is no reliable eyewitness testimony placing LHO in the "assassin's nest" during the shooting.

    There is no sustainable explanation for how LHO could have done the shooting, paused to admire his work (as eyewitnesses described a "figure" in the "assassin's window" doing after the final shots), wiped down and hidden his weapon beneath boxes, descended from the sixth to the second floor of the TSBD without being seen by individuals on the only available staircase during the time frame, and arrived in the lunchroom to enjoy a soft drink no later than 90 seconds after the shooting ceased.

    CE 399 -- the so-called "magic" or "pristine" bullet -- may be ballistically linked to a Mannlicher-Carcano rifle allegedly purchased and owned by LHO. However, there is no sustainable evidence whatsoever to support the contentions that LHO ever transported that weapon to the TSBD, that the bullet now in evidence was the projectile found in Parkland Hospital, and that it struck either JFK or JBC.

    No sustainable evidence whatsoever.

    Neutron Activation Analysis (NAA) tests linking bullet fragments recovered from assassination victims to LHO's alleged ammunition have been fully discredited, have ZERO scientific reliability, and thus have no bearing on this case in terms of establishing LHO's guilt or innocence.

    There is no sustainable forensic evidence to indicate that LHO fired a rifle on 11/22/63. Positive parrafin tests of his hands are just as likely to have resulted from his handling of printed materials during the performance of his TSBD job as from firing a pistol.

    Parrafin tests of his cheeks -- where evidence of having fired a rifle would be expected to be noted -- were negative.

    The presence of LHO's palm print on a portion of the rifle barrel that is not visible when the weapon is fully assembled is suspect. The print was not noted during initial intense examination by the FBI in the Bureau's state-of-the-art lab; rather, it was miraculously discovered after LHO was killed, and after a suspicious visit to the funeral home by government agents who may have applied the print post mortem.

    LHO's post-assassination behavior hardly can be described as "flight." He went home, and in a relatively unhurried manner.

    No one ever has suggested a plausible motive for LHO to kill JFK.

    So, then ...

    No means.

    No motive.

    No opportunity.

    No physical evidence.

    No photographic evidence.

    No eyewitness evidence.

    The only argument in support of LHO firing at JFK is an argument from false authority -- the state.

    Charles Drago

    Oswald's brother, Robert, has said on television that the reason Lee (Harvey) shot Kennedy was to make a name for himself, to go down in history as having shot a young president, the most prominent and celebrated man in the world.

    Now, if this is true, why did Oswald tell the press he didn't shoot anyone and that he was a patsy? You would expeect him to be smiling and acting like a psychopath.


  19. I think these attacks on Gary Mack (whom I don't know) are silly. Different people have different opinions about things, and Mack is entitled to his.

    Of course Gary Mack is entitled to his own opinions.

    What Gary Mack is *not* entitled to is his own set of facts.

    Mack has endorsed Gerald Posner's claim that JFK's shirt and jacket were elevated

    in tandem 2" - 3" entirely above the SBT-required inshoot at the base of JFK's neck.

    And yet the Nix film and other Dealey Plaza films/photos show JFK's jacket collar

    dropping to a normal position at the base of JFK's neck on Houston St.

    One of the first things we learn as very small children is that two disparate, solid

    objects cannot occupy the same physical space at the same time.

    And yet it appears to be Gary Mack's "opinion" that JFK's jacket collar and multiple

    inches of "bunched" shirt and jacket fabric occupied the same physical space at the

    base of JFK's neck at the same time.

    Such an "opinion" is contrary to the nature of readily observed reality.

    The truth of the matter is, that in order to prove the jacket position , we would require photographs of the Jacket at the exact time of the shot in question. We don't have this evidence, things move, including cloth materials, so everything you said is just guesswork..Now that's a fact.



    Duncan, doesn't this picture of Kennedy from the side look like it's been photoshopped? It looks to me like someone blotted out the back of his neck, collar and jacket.

    Kathy Collins

    P.S. I just discovered that other members caught the black obscurity on the back of President Kennedy's neck. Sorry I repeated it. It's a long thread. But it proves how obvious this embellishment is.

  20. Jack White -- I was reading the Gary Mack-Olberman thread and you said you didn't want to buy a book Mack is selling, particularly Brothers by David Talbot. Let me tell you it's well worth it. The book shows how alone Kennedy was in his administration because his Military Joint Chiefs of Staff wanted to bomb Cuba and then invade it. Had they done this, we'd all be dead.

    I remember there was a thread here about Brothers, but I doubt I'll ever find it with the lousy search engine. Terry Mauro sent me a copy of the book for which I'm eternally grateful. Brothers shows you what John Kennedy was up against as President. How he had to deal with Curtis LeMay and his other Military Chiefs who hated him. The part about the Cuban Missile Crisis is spellbinding and shocking, to such a degree I believe LeMay was behind the assassination. I think the military ordered it and planned it in minute detail. Kennedy had no friends in his administration. LeMay wanted to bomb Cuba and invade it. Kennedy said the Russians would strike back and then that's the end of the world.

    Kennedy also feared that the Military Chiefs would strike Cuba without his knowledge. He had big enemies -- the Military-Industrial Complex, Big Business (US Steel, Bell Helicopter), the richest families ever, especially from Texas, the Cuban Exiles, the CIA and the Mafia.

    The book is quite an eye-opener.


    Here is the link:


    That book is seen almost as soon as you walk into the Museum bookstore. I purchased it there, along with "Pictures of the Pain", another excellent book (if nothing else for the photos alone). It is one of the most heavily resourced books on this Forum.

    There was a book out over 10 years ago. I saw it in a bookstore. I think it was called The Photographic Record of the Assassination of Presiden John F. Kennedy. Me being me, I looked to see if Karyn Kupcinet was mentioned. She was. They had photos of every person remotely connected to the Assassination. But whose picture wasn't there? Her's. Even though she was a member of AFTRA and possibly SAG Acting unions, they couldn't find a picture of her?

    Thanks for the linky-dink.

    Kathy Collins

  21. Just received from Mr. Mack:

    I'm not playing games, Charles, nor should you. Two major investigations concluded Oswald shot JFK. I am familiar with the evidence they used to reach that conclusion and so are you.

    I want to know what the hard evidence is that someone else was firing. As one who is convinced the acoustics findings of two gunmen is correct, I would love to use it...but the acoustics has been called into question. So please answer my question if you can.


    I can give you hard evidence. What about badgeman? You know, the man with the badge, dressed like a cop, firing a gun in the Moorman photo?


  22. Secret Service defends security at Obama rally in Dallas: http://www.star-telegram.com/news/story/489920.html

    Thanks Mike.

    A noteworthy blurb from the article you linked to:

    "This relaxed security was unbelievably stupid, especially in Dallas," Jeff Adams of Berkeley, Calif., said in an e-mail to the Star-Telegram, noting the assassination of President Kennedy in Dallas more than four decades ago.

    Others said they had recently attended large political events, many for Obama, where security screening was halted. Jeremy Dibbell of Boston said in an e-mail that he attended an Obama event in Boston at which "the same thing happened there. We waited for hours in line as people were screened, and then suddenly everyone was just allowed in without going through any inspection at all."

    May I have the distinction of being the first to say on this forum that Obama is going to be killed? When I mentioned it, another member said we shouldn't be talking about it because anyone can be reading this Forum and get ideas... When I heard this morning that Obama was in Dallas, I felt like I was going to puke.

    There is no way the rich families: DuPont, Morgan, Murchison, Rockefeller, Rothschilds, Bush, Hunt, et al, are going to allow a black man with an Arab name, brought up in Islam, get anywhere near the Presidency. I'm surprised no one on this Forum really thought about this happening before today. When I see him on TV I think I'm looking at a dead man. I can't believe he got this far. So I'm bracing myself and nothing will surprise me. Obama is young. So if he doesn't get near enough this time, there's always the next time. Sorry to say it: he's a marked man.


    Oh Kathy, you have so many distinctions; this is but the latest.

    Clearly the topic isn't off limits, because we have a prominent thread on it. What is incredibly offensive, at least to me however, is your gleeful tone when you write off Senator Obama as a dead man walking.

    Yes, you were the first you were the FIRST. By all means crow about it. Add it to your friggin sig line.

    I am not gleeful. I'm just seeing it as it is. This guy has had assassination written all over him from the beginning, so I don't know why you were surprised by that newspaper article. I've been told that I'm blunt and honest and that people can't deal with that. I'm sorry, but there's no glee in this. He reminds me of Bobby Kennedy -- doomed. Do you think he's going to get in? They'll kill him at the damn convention. This is what the Kennedy Assassination is all about. The same powers that be; the same MO. Even 9/11.

    I don't know why you're so emotional about my post. Pray tell, what are my other distinctions? How else did I offend you?


  23. Well that is MOST disappointing about Keith. He can tell the truth about W on tv but lie about the assassination. Out of fairness however I am willing to bet that he is not permitted to go there. The media is totally controlled on this issue. Whatever personal beliefs a commentator may hold must remain private if he wants to continue on the air.


    Have you watched Hannity and Colmes? Hannity hand-picked Alan as his liberal partner. You can see how puny he is. When 9/11 comes up, Alan starts off by saying, we all know our govt has nothing to do with 9/11. The only one I believe on that station is Greta Von Susteren. Geraldo has come out several times with "Oswald killed Kennedy." I guess everyone has a price.


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