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Kathleen Collins

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Posts posted by Kathleen Collins

  1. As we all know, Pierre Salinger was President Kennedy's press secretary. I think with the death of the President and the other assassinations, Pierre Salinger wanted to do the truthful thing, the courageous thing before he left this earth. He informed on secret military tests that may have led to the downing of TWA Flight 800. I think seeing the Warren Commission lie about Nov. 22, 1963, Salinger spotted something being covered up again and this made him go public.

    Whether the terrible plane crash off Long Island was caused by friendly fire or from Iranians, Salinger felt the FBI, the Navy and powers that be were lying to the US people again. Salinger became a figure of fun. Yet, he and Al Gore felt Clinton had covered up OKC, TWA 800, Lockerbie, the first bombing of the World Trade Center. He didn't want the American Public to know that these were terrorist activities. So Clinton lied to the US populace. This, Salinger felt, was Treason and Sedition.

    Then Bush Jr became President and 9/11 happened. Is this why we're in Iraq? Because the Arab nations were attacking us and we covered it up? Was Nicols and Tim McVeigh patsies? The American people -- no doubt -- still don't know the truth of all of this. Much of what I've written here comes from CNN. Here is how they summed up Pierre Salinger in their obituary of him.

    "As for Salinger, after years of suffering from dementia, he died of heart failure in 2004..."

    Actually, Salinger moved to France because of all the lying that goes on in American govt.

    Two questions: Did Clinton or Bush Jr know these attacks were coming? Why are they covering them up? If they were afraid of a war-like sentiment in the US, what do they think of Sen. McCain? We'll know war forever.

    How can you reason with religious fanatics?

    In posting this, I'd like others opinions on these matters. Election time draws ever so near.

    Kathy Collins

  2. Over the last decade he seemed to come across as one of D.C.'s "Mockingbird" sellouts, IMHO.

    And, I'll never forget his "non-compassionate" interview of that sheriff of Saint Bernard's Parish, right after Katrina's devastation, replete with Russert's seemingly acceptance of Bush's handling of the situation, along with the appointment of Bush's half-wit "good ole boy" buddy, [brown was his name?] whom Bush had put in charge of FEMA. Russert came across just like every other "Belt-Way" talking head, bought and paid for by Mockingbird.

    His passing is a loss to his family. God help his soul.

    Now I know why I was first to mention he died: no one here liked him!

    Wasn't Tim Russert the Interviewer who asked both George W. Bush and Bill Kerry separately if they belonged to Skull and Bones, the secret society, from Yale? And each one separtately answered in the same manner -- a snicker, a downcast look and then a complete change in topic? The Republican and the Democrat running for President and they both answered in the same manner.

    Kathy Collins

  3. I see that no one has reported that Tim Russert of MSNBC has died. They think it was a heart attack. He was preparing for his show when he passed out. He was 58 years old. They rushed him to the hospital but couldn't revive him. They are going to do an autopsy. He leaves behind a wife and child.

    Kathy Collins

  4. Since 1995, I have offered my "caveat" that "Oswald or no Oswald", my work holds up...the same exact way people find value in lone-nutter Trask's work, I know they feel the same way about my work. Although more forcefully stated recently, the groundwork for my 'turnaround' was there 13 years ago...and, once again, I am not entirely a lone-nutter (there were conspiracies and threats to JFK...it's just that Oswald beat them to the punch)

    Vince :tomatoes

    If Oswald was the assassin, then which one did it, Harvey or Lee (as per John Armstrong)? What was Oswald's motive? If Oswald wanted this kind of infamy, why did he deny shooting anybody in front of TV cameras? Wouldn't he be gloating?

    Kathy Collins

  5. I hope this isn't off-topic. I haven't been here for awhile. While reading a link that Peter Lemkin supplied about the Kennedy Assassinations, this passage from G. Gordon Liddy's book WILL struck me as to what MI6 did to Princess Diana:

    "Dr. Gunn [suggested] a technique used successfully abroad. It involved catching the target's moving automobile in a turn or sharp curve and hitting it with another car on the outside rear quarter. According to Dr. Gunn, if the angle of the blow and the relative speeds of the two vehicles were correct, the target vehicle would flip over, crash, and, usually, burn." (p.207-208)"

    Kathy Collins

  6. "The footage appears to have been shot in the 1950s."

    IMO, the mystery man in the film may possibly be Johnny Roselli...

    "In 1948, when boss Tony Accardo told Roselli to force powerful Columbia Pictures president Harry Cohn into signing then-unknown actress Marilyn Monroe to a lucrative multi-year contract."


    I didn't read the Roselli piece, but Harry Cohn hated Monroe and she only made one film for Columbia, The Ladies of the Chorus. She was very good in that and then she was dropped. And Johnny Schenck never did anything for her either. The boost in her career came when she met Johnny Hyde the agent. Daryl Zanuck didn't like her either.

    Kathy Collins

  7. I was watching a Friday car chase on Fox News when I saw this on the crawl:

    (paraphrase) The Ayatollah said that Iran should have the strongest mitlitary. No one will pass into their borders. Then: "This is the end for the United States."

    I wonder if this is for real or are "they" keeping us scared?


  8. I'd suggest all read Matt Smith's book Conspiracy: The Plot To Stop the Kennedys chapter on MM! I also spoke personally with Naguchi and he admitted he neglected to search her rectum for any anal poison suppositories - the likely lethal method used after she was 'knocked-out' by a very strong 'Micky' from some of the same entities that, later, killed JFK and RFK. It was an early attempt to do a 'sexual' assassination and destroy both men's careers. Not working, real assassinations were then called in.

    I agree with you. I also think Robert F. Slatzer, who wrote The Life of Curious Death of Marilyn Monroe was a disinformationalist. No one in Marilyn's camp ever heard of him. He died 3 years ago.

  9. One of the links in this story, which does not work, is http://xymphora.blogspot.com/barrels_of_laughter. The video link of Hillary on the Kupcinet show does not show Hillary. The post is dated April 1. Clearly an April Fool's joke.

    I hope it's an April Fool's Joke. The show wasn't even Kup's Show. Irv was being interviewed by another talk show host. In that segment, at least, Irv was the only guest.


  10. Leo. B. Harley believes that Hillary Clinton was involved in the cover-up of the Assassination of JFK. You can read the article here:


    One of the links in this story, which does not work, is http://xymphora.blogspot.com/barrels_of_laughter. The video link of Hillary on the Kupcinet show does not show Hillary. The post is dated April 1. Clearly an April Fool's joke.

    Thank you Gary,

    That's the way the cookie crumbles.


    I've already locked horns with this character, Leo B Harley, aka Jerome Lowe. He wants to run a conspiracy site, but he allows deliberate bull---- on his site. He writes that Karyn Kupcinet knew Bobby Baker and became one of his call girls -- she never knew that guy. Mary Jo Kopechne and Karyn went to the same college and were the same age. Mary Jo went to Caldwell College for women in NJ. Karyn, who quit college after one semester, went to Pine Manor in the town of Wellesley. However both she and her mother let agents, etc., think she did go to Wellesley. She never knew Mary Jo. I'd love to see the tape of teenage Hillary with a pink ribbon in her hair on Kup's Show. Then, Harley stole my theory about Paul Dorfman having Karyn killed to distract Chicago away from Ruby or Mobsters connected to the Assassination. And to abolish Irv's investigation into Ruby. Then Harley copyrights my theory. His tale is full of holes. When I emailed him about Karyn, he answered, "Who's paying you?" and called my concerns "irrelevant piffle." That's what he thinks of Karyn Kupcinet. I just want to say that I never took a dime off KK. And my obsession comes from the heart.

    Kathy Collins

  11. OJ is not a good reference. He subjected himself to trial to protect his son Jason.

    This is clear to those like me who have studied the evidence.


    I agree with you, Jack, about OJ. When he was acquitted, and especially after the civil trial, I thought someone was going to kill him. But time has passed and he's in trouble again. Personally, I think the charges against him are trumped up.

    I agree, too, that OJ is innocent regarding the murders of Ron and Nicole. He happened onto the scene. There is a book you can get from Amazon called OJ Is Guilty, But Not of Murder by William C. Dear. Terry Mauro graciously sent it to me. I always believed the perpetrator had to be covered with blood, not just a spot in his bronco. I think OJ'ss older son from his first marriage killed both Ron and Nicole. No other suspect was ever entertained, except OJ. Yes, OJ is a xxxx, but he must have figured he'd get off. It's all in the book. There was just one gossipy thing in it. Fred Goldman and his son Ron hadn't spoken in years.


  12. Please show any evidence ‘Lennon was still very much at all interested in politics’ after 1972 especially in 1980,none has been presented on this thread so far. Then show how I took any of his comments out of context.[\quote]

    Early in the seventies, I watched an annoying show hosted by David Frost. Basically, John and Yoko were talking about Attica (John wrote a song about it). The two said prisoners should be set free. Yoko (yelling) said the reason these people have committed crimes is because they weren't loved. Now where would all these unloved prisoners go to live? The Dakota? Lennon was living in an ivory tower, IMO.

    Near his death, Lennon wrote a song called "Watching the Wheels." Lyrics: 'I'm just sitting here watching the wheels go round and round. I really love to watch them roll. No longer riding on the merry-go-round. I just had to let it go. I just had to let it go. I just had to let it go.'

    Seems pretty passive to me.


  13. Also look at the timing, i.e., who was coming into office in just a few weeks and did not want a world famous peacenik dogging them.

    Myra, I don't believe Ronald Reagan had anything to do with Lennon's death. Remember Bush 41 tried to have Reagan assassinated shortly after he took office so he could become President and work for the Elites. It didn't happen. I don't think Reagan was "in" on many things the right-wing did. IMO.

    Kathy :ice

  14. And although I am not of the opinion that the "epileptic" siezure victim is aware of the WHY? that he was selected for this, neither do I randomly believe in the pure "coincidence" of this matter either.

    I believe the "epileptic seizure" was an act and this person knew nothing of what was going on, just do as told. Like the way Woody Allen directs his actors.


  15. Carolyn Walther lived in Dallas, Texas and on 22nd November, 1963, saw the motorcade of President John F. Kennedy from Elm Street. She later claimed that saw two men firing at Kennedy from the Texas School Book Depository. She was not called to give evidence to the Warren Commission.

    This is what she told CBS Television on 25th June, 1967:

    I think I got out on the street about 12:15 or 12:20 - something along there. And we were looking around, back and forth. People were talking and laughing, and in a very good mood. And I looked at this building (Texas Book Depository) and saw a man with a gun, and there was another man standing to his right. I could not see all of this man, and I couldn't see his face.

    The other man was holding a short gun. It wasn't as long as a rifle. He was holding it pointed down, and he was kneeling in the window, or sitting. His arms were on the window. He was holding the gun in a downward position, and he was looking downward. ...

    Just as I was looking at this man the people started shouting "Here he comes, here he comes." So I looked the other way and forgot about the man.

    The President passed us, and he was smiling, and everybody was waving. Then the last of the cars went by, and I heard the shot. I thought it was a firecracker. Then I started back to work, and it was along the curb, and then two shots right together, and then another one. I'm sure there were four shots.

    And then I said "It's gunshots." And people started screaming. I told them that I saw the man had light hair, or brown, and was wearing a white shirt. I explained to the FBI agents that I wasn't sure about that. That was my impression on thinking about it later. That I thought that was the way the man was dressed. This other man was wearing a brown suit. That was all I could see, half of this man's body from his shoulders to his hips. He was facing the window. Evidently he was looking out. But his face was in the upper part, where the glass was dirty, and I couldn't see his face....

    The first statement that I made, I said the man was on the fourth or fifth floor, and I still feel the same way.

    What do you make of her testimony?

    I read in another thread some time ago that someone had looked up -- I think it was a man -- and seen a man holding a rifle. So you have an empty area and the President's coming, you see a gun -- and you do nothing! I would have tried to find a cop, something. BTW, I assume she's the wife of Walther with the black hat.


  16. With all due respect, Kathy, I know what I'd said and don't need it repeated in full in the very next message. I only quote yours in full because there have been several between then and now.

    I see people on this Forum including previous large posts all the time. Why did you mention it to me?

    Kathy [\quote]

  17. I hate to complicate things, but to me there were two 'Oswalds' who left the TSBD area - one [who the WC was focused upon] who got on a bus and taxi and one [who the WC ignored] who got into the Rambler Wagon. Perhaps Armstrong really was more on the mark, than most want to acknowledge.....

    I'm with you. I believe in 2 Oswalds. All the research John Armstrong did, only half of it coming to life with that book. I came across something curious the other day. It was a remark somewhere about how people could be fooled into thiniking there's 2 or more Lee Harvey Oswalds. Judyth Vary Baker said that Lee was born in the old creole section of New Orleans, and that there was so much inbreeding there that many men (at least at the time) who came out of there looked like Lee. She also applies this to Lee's "accent."

    I know Judyth isn't believable, but it gave me cause to wonder. All the photos we've seen. Like the one of LHO in Russia by a river and he's only like 5' tall. Yet he's got the same face! It wasn't "trick photography."

    He leaves in a Rambler but is arrested and taken out the back of theTexas Theater, while Harvey is arrested and taken out the front. A third Oswald?...

    How about this Oswald? A little guy with the same face. He looks like a pubescent Harvey, but the hat the woman on the ground is wearing came out as a fad in 1960, a Chinese sun hat.


  18. I hate to complicate things, but to me there were two 'Oswalds' who left the TSBD area - one [who the WC was focused upon] who got on a bus and taxi and one [who the WC ignored] who got into the Rambler Wagon. Perhaps Armstrong really was more on the mark, than most want to acknowledge.....

    I'm with you. I believe in 2 Oswalds. All the research John Armstrong did, only half of it coming to life with that book. I came across something curious the other day. It was a remark somewhere about how people could be fooled into thiniking there's 2 or more Lee Harvey Oswalds. Judyth Vary Baker said that Lee was born in the old creole section of New Orleans, and that there was so much inbreeding there that many men (at least at the time) who came out of there looked like Lee. She also applies this to Lee's "accent."

    I know Judyth isn't believable, but it gave me cause to wonder. All the photos we've seen. Like the one of LHO in Russia by a river and he's only like 5' tall. Yet he's got the same face! It wasn't "trick photography."

    He leaves in a Rambler but is arrested and taken out the back of theTexas Theater, while Harvey is arrested and taken out the front. A third Oswald?...


    How about this Oswald? A little guy with the same face.

  19. Please tell us who the Invisible Man is. Also -- wasn't there an electrical blackout in the TSBD when Kennedy got shot? Suppose the murderer got stuck in an elevator.

    Some suspects:

    Mac Wallace of the famous fingerprint on a 6th floor box near the sniper's nest.

    Jack Ruby wanted to make a statement about the Jews. So he shot Kennedy.

    The Butler did it.

    And then the most likely one: They took Hubert H. Humphery out of mothballs and he did the deed.

    Kathy :rolleyes:

    Aye, but 'tis none of the above.

    The story of the electrical blackout is a misconstruction. I'm thinking that it was Geneva Hine - don't have time to look it up at the moment - who had stayed behind the the TSBD to answer phones. She noted that, at about the time the motorcade came around, the phone stopped ringing "and all the lights went out." What she was referring to was not to the lights in the building, but the lights on the phone.

    If you remember the old multi-line phones, they had a row of clear lucite buttons with which to select the line. When in use or when ringing, the lights beneath the buttons lit up: steady when the line was in use, blinking when it was ringing or on hold.

    On the other hand, two people testified to the elevator not working as they rode from the first floor upward to the second. One of them was Luke Mooney, whose testimony following that incident is most interesting. The other was a woman who'd testified to the same thing; I can't think of her name offhand either.

    The "Invisible Man" was standing about 10 feet west of the west (freight) elevator at the time of the shooting, which likewise placed him about 10 feet from the stairwell, directly in the path of anyone who would have run down from the sixth floor to any floor below. He apparently had the elevator doors open, for about 60-75 seconds later, Roy Truly tried calling the elevator down, but it didn't move; he even rang the bell to get whoever might've been using it's attention to close the door, but to no avail. It and the passenger elevator to the east - which could only be operated when someone was in it and could not be called anywhere - were both at the fifth floor, exactly where the "Invisible Man" said that he was.

    Interestingly, when Truly and Baker got to the fifth floor (where Truly had last seen both elevator bottoms when he looked up the shaft), Truly took Baker right by where the freight (west) elevator should have been - but wasn't - and went to the passenger (east) elevator, which the two of them rode up to the seventh floor, past the sixth. Truly even testified that he saw the freight elevator was gone, but he did not call it to Baker's attention.

    Since it would seem that a moving elevator would've caught even Baker's attention - he wouldn't have necessarily known there was supposed to have been an elevator there - it would seem that the elevator had either ascended or descended while B&T were running up the stairs, making all sorts of noise.

    Going down might've caused whoever was operating the freight elevator - which faced the stairs - to have been noticed by Baker as they made their descent to (or past) the fifth floor if, for example, Baker had hesitated on the fifth floor like he did on the second floor, with Truly running ahead.

    On the other hand, if the freight elevator went up while B&T were coming up from below, they had but one floor to move and no chance of bumping into Baker on the way down. Once Truly got him on the enclosed passenger elevator, going down past B&T as they "hopscotched" the sixth floor would've provided the cover that was needed to get down to, say, the fourth floor.

    Both elevators moved at almost exactly the same speed (according to Billy Lovelady, who had previously timed the two elevators going down from the seventh to the first floors), thus the passenger elevator going up two flights was roughly equal to the freight elevator going down two floors, both stopping at about the same time. The elevator "stall" - which may have been the result of someone not closing the gate fully? - happened after that.

    Luke Mooney saw whoever it was that was coming down. He thought they were cops, but there were no other cops in the building other than Baker - who was on the seventh floor at the time - Mooney's partner going up the stairs, and Mooney himself who was momentarily stranded on the second floor, walked up, and was the first officer known to be on the sixth floor other than Baker on his way down from seven. Mooney did not run into Baker on the stairs because he testified that the "officers" (or officers) he met were "plainclothes, like me" (or words to that effect), which does not describe Baker.

    The "Invisible Man?" We've known about him for years. Just nobody's put together what he did and when, and what opportunities that befell him. The reason? He was "retarded" ... tho' today, we'd know better.

    You'll just have to (ahem!) "wait for the book." :rolleyes:

    The suspense is killing me. He was retarded but was not Jack Ruby. I guess I have to know this person and that he worked in the TSBD. So I'll have to learn the names and testimonies of people who worked there. Is that right? Or was it a soldier of fortune.

    It just hit me: the invisible man, retarded -- David Ferrie! who gave as his alibi that he was driving to Texas to go ice skating -- only the weather was extremely bad to drive in. He was with Lee (of Lee and Harvey fame). He was always with Lee, wasn't he?

    Am I right? Where's my prize?


  20. I'll soon be publishing - possibly here on the forum, initially - a three-part analysis of the events in TSBD from about 11:30 to about 12:40. Through that analysis, you'll find that the entire Baker-Oswald encounter - which I believe took place, but Officer Baker being deceased, I can only take that on faith - is a red herring that really means nothing at all.

    Why? Because not only did Oswald not run down the stairs to eventually meet up with Baker, nobody ran down the stairs, then or later. They simply rode the freight elevator - which was not noisy as some like to posit - down past Baker as Baker made his noisy way up with Roy Truly.

    The only questions about that are whether they - and there were two or more persons - first took the freight elevator up to six, descending when Truly & Baker took the closed passenger elevator up to the seventh floor, or whether they timed it such that the noise of the two men running up from five to six covered the noise of the elevator going down. They only had to - and possibly did - only descend to the fourth floor.

    They were seen descending by stair somewhere between two and six, tho', and it is on record.

    One man, also now deceased, actually spent several (probably very nervous) minutes with them, and was probably saved from having been "Lee Oswald's" second victim by the arrival of the men on the fifth floor. Yet another, also unfortunately deceased, also witnessed it close at hand and most likely participated in the events taking place. These were "The Three Blind Mice."

    He has been overlooked by every author and research to my knowledge, but his culpability is virtually undeniable, his alibis - such as they were - suspect at best. I've dubbed him "The Invisible Man," even though he has a name.

    If any of these things are true - and they are all documentable and documented, tho' overlooked - then the encounter with Oswald on the second floor is absolutely meaningless in terms of Oswald's escape from the sixth floor ... because they mean that Oswald wasn't on the sixth floor, and thus did not "escape" from it.

    Oswald's not being on the sixth floor is evidenced by the fact that neither of two people who were on the sixth floor during the minutes leading up to the shooting, and none of the four people who would have been able to see who was coming downstairs (if they actually came down the stairs), and the one who absolutely, positively could not have not seen someone coming downstairs if they did, ever testified to having seen Oswald there.

    With Oswald dead by the time of their testimonies, what would they have had to fear by so identifying him? The only reason they didn't testify to having seen him is because they didn't see him, even tho' they were in a position to have done so. If, perhaps, they hadn't been so desperate to "see no evil," perhaps their testimony might've been better suborned, and they'd have "admitted" to having seen Oswald running downstairs.

    Their testimonies are glaring by their omissions.

    But the question does still remain, since we know that Geraldean Reed saw Oswald after the encounter with Baker would have taken place, where he went from there, how he went, and possibly with whom he went. Unfortunately, from that point onward, there is nothing on the record, and the one person who might've told us was dead less than 48 hours later.

    Please tell us who the Invisible Man is. Also -- wasn't there an electrical blackout in the TSBD when Kennedy got shot? Suppose the murderer got stuck in an elevator.

    Some suspects:

    Mac Wallace of the famous fingerprint on a 6th floor box near the sniper's nest.

    Jack Ruby wanted to make a statement about the Jews. So he shot Kennedy.

    The Butler did it.

    And then the most likely one: They took Hubert H. Humphery out of mothballs and he did the deed.

    Kathy :rolleyes:

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