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Kathleen Collins

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Posts posted by Kathleen Collins

  1. "Virtually all the hard evidence leads to Lee Harvey Oswald."

    Thus Gary Mack gives away his game.

    Mr. Mack spoke those words, as I type this, some three minutes ago, at the end of the Monday, February 18 edition of "Countdown" on MSNBC.

    Once more for emphasis:

    "Virtually all the hard evidence leads to Lee Harvey Oswald." -- Gary Mack

    Contrast this with the truth:

    No hard evidence whatsoever leads to Lee Harvey Oswald as the assassin -- lone or otherwise -- of John Fitzgerald Kennedy.

    I reiterate: Anyone with reasonable access to the evidence in the JFK case who does not conclude conspiracy is cognitively impaired and/or complicit in the crime.

    Without any room for equvication, Mr. Mack's access to said evidence is reasonable in the extreme.

    Let there be no doubt, from this day and time, about whose side Mr. Mack is on.


    Gary has his had in the monkey trap and can't let go of the peanuts even if he wanted to. He does not know if he should sling sand or dig dirt. I think he is a good man and does mean well... BUT he cannot pull back at this late date even if new evidence comes forward or it is proved beyond doubt that Oswald never shot anyone.... to much to loose including his established reputation, not to mention his and Dallas's investment in that thing he has up there. I see the thing up there as a clean up and a clearing house where he knows it or not. I remember when he used to be very objective. But objectivity does not pay the rent or please Dallas's special interest... I feel sorry for him and others who have walked or put their hands into that trap.

    Maybe Gary fears the Murchisons, so influential in Dallas.


  2. Jack White -- I was reading the Gary Mack-Olberman thread and you said you didn't want to buy a book Mack is selling, particularly Brothers by David Talbot. Let me tell you it's well worth it. The book shows how alone Kennedy was in his administration because his Military Joint Chiefs of Staff wanted to bomb Cuba and then invade it. Had they done this, we'd all be dead.

    I remember there was a thread here about Brothers, but I doubt I'll ever find it with the lousy search engine. Terry Mauro sent me a copy of the book for which I'm eternally grateful. Brothers shows you what John Kennedy was up against as President. How he had to deal with Curtis LeMay and his other Military Chiefs who hated him. The part about the Cuban Missile Crisis is spellbinding and shocking, to such a degree I believe LeMay was behind the assassination. I think the military ordered it and planned it in minute detail. Kennedy had no friends in his administration. LeMay wanted to bomb Cuba and invade it. Kennedy said the Russians would strike back and then that's the end of the world.

    Kennedy also feared that the Military Chiefs would strike Cuba without his knowledge. He had big enemies -- the Military-Industrial Complex, Big Business (US Steel, Bell Helicopter), the richest families ever, especially from Texas, the Cuban Exiles, the CIA and the Mafia.

    The book is quite an eye-opener.


  3. Lee, the reason members "hate" Gary Mack is because he discovered BadgeMan and HardHat Man from the Moorman photo, but now doesn't really stand by these discoveries. People feel he sold out. Or was never in.

    Gary has always told me that he feels that he and Jack's Badge Man work is solid, so I don't know why someone would think he has changed his mind. Maybe those reasons for thinking Mack sold out are unfounded. But if people are going to debate Mack's opinions, then we might want to keep in mind the difference between Mack having opinions about what happened during the assassination ... like everyone else does, but he also has a position at the Museum where they expect that he appear neutral and stick to the official evidence of the case because then his purpose isn't to offer an opinion, but rather to recite history.


    Bill, I don't want to give you the impression that I hate Gary Mack. I don't. Neither do I hate the late Norman Mailer. It's just been my experience -- don't forget I'm the Forum gossip -- that researchers consider him a sellout; that's the word I heard. I'm going to drop a bit of gossip. Some learned man was teaching a college course on the Kennedy Assassination and, the story goes, the man believed in conspiracy. Mack and another man heckled him throughout the class. If this is untrue, I'm sorry. I don't remember how I got this info or who said it, so it's just hearsay.

    Kathleen Collins

  4. Phil Van Praag and Robert Lessing did a presentaion in D.C. yesterday concerning their findings with the acoustic evidence. Due to some time mix -ups and the fact that the scientists only did the presentation and not the press conference, KCBS -L.A. was left with a short "voice over" story summarizing the "up to thirteen shots" discoveries. It was not fed to affiliates and to my knowledge not run on Couric's Evening News. I'm not a Couric fan either and don't watch her, even though she's a button push away every evening in my edit bay! At any rate - I am working on a story for my stations (KCBS/KCAL -L.A.) on the new acoustics evidence to be aired soon; also a comprehensive piece for the fortieth anniversary. I am hoping to get a couple of eyewitnesses who have not yet told their stories.

    As far as your comment on CBS being the worst - I'm not defending them; they did partake in some whitewashes in the sixties and seventies. I wouldn't say they were any worse than NBC or ABC though, both of whom did generally less reporting. Here in L.A. -Pete Noyes, was always cutting edge (RFK,Manson) and I believe was the true "first" on running Zapruder on television; so there has been one bright spot in the CBS company. Carry on.

    Another researcher told me that CBS has the "other" film. Everyone has a price. Someone must know where the vault is that holds that film. If only someone at CBS would go and take the film and bootleg it all over the place.


  5. Lot's of folks bashing Gary Mack - he's been a lot of help to me, so I thought I would simply post a graphic which IMO supports a woman making use of some type of Kodak camera during the assassination - the fact that there is no 'official' record of this event should be of no surprise to anyone.

    Gary - if no one has volunteered a copy of Harvey and Lee for the museum - let me know and I will contribute a copy asap.

    - lee

    Lee, the reason members "hate" Gary Mack is because he discovered BadgeMan and HardHat Man from the Moorman photo, but now doesn't really stand by these discoveries. People feel he sold out. Or was never in.

    About small cameras. There's a picture of a young woman in the Couch film, holding something in her hand. It could be a gun, or more likely, a camera.

    I've tried to post a gif here. It uploaded all right.


  6. Secret Service defends security at Obama rally in Dallas: http://www.star-telegram.com/news/story/489920.html

    Thanks Mike.

    A noteworthy blurb from the article you linked to:

    "This relaxed security was unbelievably stupid, especially in Dallas," Jeff Adams of Berkeley, Calif., said in an e-mail to the Star-Telegram, noting the assassination of President Kennedy in Dallas more than four decades ago.

    Others said they had recently attended large political events, many for Obama, where security screening was halted. Jeremy Dibbell of Boston said in an e-mail that he attended an Obama event in Boston at which "the same thing happened there. We waited for hours in line as people were screened, and then suddenly everyone was just allowed in without going through any inspection at all."

    May I have the distinction of being the first to say on this forum that Obama is going to be killed? When I mentioned it, another member said we shouldn't be talking about it because anyone can be reading this Forum and get ideas... When I heard this morning that Obama was in Dallas, I felt like I was going to puke.

    There is no way the rich families: DuPont, Morgan, Murchison, Rockefeller, Rothschilds, Bush, Hunt, et al, are going to allow a black man with an Arab name, brought up in Islam, get anywhere near the Presidency. I'm surprised no one on this Forum really thought about this happening before today. When I see him on TV I think I'm looking at a dead man. I can't believe he got this far. So I'm bracing myself and nothing will surprise me. Obama is young. So if he doesn't get near enough this time, there's always the next time. Sorry to say it: he's a marked man.


  7. I think America should talk with Cuba. They might be ready. For one, their economy is terrible. They're still driving around in cars from the '50's.

    It is a myth that the Cubans only have cars built in the 1950s. Because of the US boycott they do have difficulty getting modern American cars. However, they have plenty of cars from other countries. The Skoda is the most popular car in Cuba.

    And how many people there can afford a Skoda?


  8. Perhaps someday soon this JFK investigation will go where it should have gone long ago, toward LBJ and his gang of assassins.. Texas and its background leading to the assassination is an important chapter in reference to what really happened in Dallas that day...In time I feel it will all fit into place and the real story about the "Texas Connection" to the assassination of President Kennedy will come forth. I hope it happens in my life time.... but its not suppose to. Not until all the players oare dead and gone... there are not to many Texas players left today.


    Have you read Estes's book Billie Sol Estes: A Texas Legend? There's quite a bit in it about the assassination, but below is how Estes sums it up in one simple and remarkable paragraph (pages 141-142). I'd be interested to know how this summary strikes you, knowing Texas as you did.

    "The real story behind the assassination is just plain simple. Nothing elaborate, just a country turkey shoot with some country boys doing the shooting. The fact is President Kennedy did not understand Texas and its business ways. Even today, if I want to make sure something happens, I invite the people to meet me in my county. If things do not work out, I have them arrested. Pretty soon, they see things my way. Kennedy should never have come to Texas. He knew a majority of Texans hated him but he just did not realize the danger. He was a member of the intellectual elite and pretentious. He did not realize that LBJ and his friends intended to kill him."

    Ron; I have not read his book. However, the above is right on in my opinion. When I first heard that Kennedy was going to Texas (I was told he was going to Austin Texas then Dallas) Being raised in Texas, I thought then it was a bad bad mistake.

    Billy Sol said it the only way an insider Texan could. That was the overall mood for the special interest that ran Texas politics of the time. Kennedy was warned many times to stay out of Texas. He was even told he was walking into a real Texas 'Turkey Shoot", if he went down there . "The Texas Good Old Boys were waiting for him", he was told. He laughed it off. Kennedy did not understand Texans and Texas special interest politics. That is what got him assassinated. I too, have said the assassination was a simple case of the Good Old Boys getting together for a day of target practice. I was told I was "insensitive". My reply was, " You don't understand Texas politics". Billy Sol, and I are on the same page in reference to who and why the assassination of President Kennedy was launched. However, I did not hate Kennedy like some down there. It was a sad day for me in more ways than one. I liked the man and his ideas.

    This thread started out about President Kennedy's love child and bent toward Johnson killing Kennedy. I want to bend it in another direction, at least for one Reply.

    To Tosh: You are very learned about Texas politics and the elite families. Clint Murchison III's ex wife died mysteriously a few years ago at age 47. Her body and face were very bruised. The autopsy surgeon claimed she died from food poisoning. Her sister told the press, "She fell. That's all." The woman was taking psychiatric pills.

    I think she was murdered. The coroner was surprised how diseased her liver was for her age. She died from listeria, a bacteria I think. It's possible she was poisoned over a period of time. Maybe she was given a bad mushroom, which destroys the liver immediately. The Coroner kept quiet. The case was closed. Tosh, when I look in Texas newspapaers and magazines, I can barely find anything out about her. Just that she was a socialite and worked for children's charities.

    Tosh, what is your opinion on Murchison III ? Is he a chip off the old shoulder?


  9. I remember reading this book a long time ago,and I can`t remember it having anything to do with JFK`s son.I could be wrong,but don`t think so.

    There is nothing about this in Barr's book. This is obviously a new angle....and a rather odd one.

    I haven't read Barr's book yet. In connections with Johnson, the only "illegitimate" child born was Lyndon's own, a boy, now a man, whose mother Madeleine Brown had an affair with Johnson.


  10. "Texas to this day has more power in national and state politices than most Americans can comprehend. And It's not over yet. The way to Washington DC is via Texas. If you do not play their game, they will just kill you and be done with it; and go home and have dinner."

    This is based upon Texas' power in the oil industry, I presume, or am I off-base, here?

    Or, is Texas strictly a separate entity unto itself? Maybe that's why they like to refer to themselves as "The Lone Star State?"

    Federal Regs obviously need not apply to them.

    Possibly the most powerful family in Dallas is the Murchison's. Clint Murchison III's ex-wife was found dead. The autopsy surgeon ruled food poisoning. Her body and face were badly bruised. She worked with charities for children and was a socialite. She was on psychiatric drugs and was around 47 when she died. The bruises, her sister said, were "because of a fall. That's it." You can't find anything about her in Texas newspapers or magazines.

    As for Mac Wallace, his fingerprint was found on a cardboard box near the 6th floor from where "Oswald" shot.

  11. Just the way the average person thinks - and the controlled media is trained to think "If that transcript is true, then history is changed because Oswald and Ruby were talking about assassinating the president." Play script my _ _ _ !

    i.e. If the facts don't fit the myth, throw out the facts......

    ...bring on that 'changed history'.....the hour is gettin' late!

    You know, Peter, I disagree with you. That transcript sounded like the phoniest thing ever. Would Oswald say someone wants to kill the Atty Gen? He'd probably say "Bobby."

    I don't believe it's real. I wish they had a tape of it. We could tell in 5 seconds if it was Harvey from Russia talking or a different man's voice. It doesn't ring true. And who pieced together this conversation in the Carousel weeks later? And which Oswald was it -- Harvey or Lee? Sounds like Lee.

    Kathy Collins

  12. "I say I saw JFK get assassinated. I saw we were sent in to stop it or as I have said long ago "ABORT IT"" Tosh

    I have heard of a theory that the Assassination was going to be fake or it was going to be real and Oswald was going to help abort the thing. How? By standing at the Coke machine? (I can't help but interject that Nixon was in Dallas that day for Pepsi. Pepsi - Coke - get it?) Then the people who wanted a fake assassination -- the purpose to scare America into invading Cuba, as people would think it was a real attempt -- were infiltrated, unbeknownst to them, by real assassination plotters who succeeded.

    Tosh, if you were there, why? Were you trying to stop the assassination? If so, by what means -- hiding in the shadow of a tree some distance away from the action, so to speak? What were you doing to prevent the assassination? Did you know where the assassins were?

    Please respond as I am very curious about this.

    Kathy Collins

  13. Freemasons were founded in secret during the difficult Elizabethan times when said Vatican wallahs were hatching all sorts of assassination and overthrow plots against the often breached Virgin Queen. All this was aimed at turning back history and returning Dear Blighty to its rightful place as a Roman fiefdom for frock wearing billy chuffers.

    Thank you for your knowledge of the Vatican assassination plots. This has gone on in the modern age. Malachy Martin, SJ, has written several books about the Jesuits, satan worship in the Vatican, etc.

    We were taught in Catholic school that the breach between the Catholic Church and England came about because King Henry VIII wanted a divorce, which would have excommunicated him. I guess he didn't have enough money to buy indulgences that would have saved him from Purgatory. What crap. :o


  14. I am not sure, but the individuals I have listed at the meeting are.....

    Jim Koethe

    Tom Howard

    Bill Hunter

    George Senator

    and Jim Martin [a friend of George Senator's]

    Ostensibly, the meeting was brought about by an attorney C. A. Droby......




    Thanks, Dawn. Robert, your links are not working for me. But Koethe (pronounced Ko'-dee) did die from a karate chop to the neck. His death was months after Karyn Kupcinet's death. She too suffered from an injury to her neck, a karate chop or shutting down of her left carotid artery. There was someone running around killing people, and I posit that the person who killed Karyn, killed Koethe. Same MO. Also, in my theory, it was related to Ruby. Koethe was at the meeting that took place in Ruby's apartment. Karyn's father called around and found that Paul Dorfman, who knew Ruby, was in Palm Springs for the weekend (as was Karyn). Irv wanted to know about Ruby, who had just shot Oswald. Dorfman seemed incredulous. Ruby was definitely in the mob as a gun-runner, etc. But, like Oswald, he was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Make Ruby do it.


  15. Last night, I saw something on TV that I haven't seen in decades. Obama won every single caucus state. When he gave his speech at someone's dinner, the cheers and applause from the audience were overwhelming. I've not seen that type of reaction in many a year. So I think to myself, as I did when I voted in the Florida Primary, if I were to cast my ballot for Obama, I'd be voting for a dead man. I just can't believe the powers that be would ever let a black man become President.

    Republican Huckabee ran well too last night. If the candidate, however, becomes McCain, I think it'll be bad for the Democrats, as he's considered liberal. Either the "families" will rig the election for McCain or something dreadful is going to happen. Obama is as beloved a politicians as President Kennedy and in '68 Bobby Kennedy. He has that type of charisma. It's a little scary. And he has Ted Kennedy, Caroline Kennedy and Oprah Winfrey behind him -- talk about charisma.

    I'm leaning toward Hillary. A vote for Obama might be a vote for a dead man. I wouldn't want to ride in a small plane or helicopter with him. I wish him luck.



    Oh yeah? Well, get a load of this twisted turn of events. When I went to vote last Tuesday, I was directed to the American Independent booth, and told I was no longer allowed to vote across party lines. I ended up voting for Cynthia McKinney. On every place her name appeared, I poked a hole. But, when it came to the presidential candidates being offered up by the A.I., I passed. Why? Because I know nothing about them, was poised to vote for Ron Paul, and had never run up against this kind of opposition in the 22 years I've been voting as an American Independent. What is this? The USSR? I'm pissed as all get out! The American System has been bastardized, and skewed to the Right Of Center, aka Conservative Neo-Con Fascism. To hell with all of them!

    Especially being in Florida, I don't know if any of our votes count. Now we don't even have delegates down here, especially after the mishap of the 2000 Florida election "chads."

    Maybe the govt won't kill B.O. Maybe they're more sophisticated now. Just rig the votes!


  16. Last night, I saw something on TV that I haven't seen in decades. Obama won every single caucus state. When he gave his speech at someone's dinner, the cheers and applause from the audience were overwhelming. I've not seen that type of reaction in many a year. So I think to myself, as I did when I voted in the Florida Primary, if I were to cast my ballot for Obama, I'd be voting for a dead man. I just can't believe the powers that be would ever let a black man become President.

    Republican Huckabee ran well too last night. If the candidate, however, becomes McCain, I think it'll be bad for the Democrats, as he's considered liberal. Either the "families" will rig the election for McCain or something dreadful is going to happen. Obama is as beloved a politicians as President Kennedy and in '68 Bobby Kennedy. He has that type of charisma. It's a little scary. And he has Ted Kennedy, Caroline Kennedy and Oprah Winfrey behind him -- talk about charisma.

    I'm leaning toward Hillary. A vote for Obama might be a vote for a dead man. I wouldn't want to ride in a small plane or helicopter with him. I wish him luck.


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