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Charles Drago

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    Rhode Island, USA

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  1. On behalf of Chris Courtwright, William Xanttopoulis, and the late George Michael Evica, I wish to express our gratitude to the powers that be who, knowingly or not, have followed our lead and reinvigorated the concept of a Truth and Amnesty (now Reconciliation) Commission for JFK (currently expanded to include RFK, MLK, and Malcolm X) that we originated and first brought to the public's attention in 1997. Although neither I nor any other surviving founder of the earlier Commission was consulted during formation of its contemporary iteration, we are flattered to have had our concept developed all these years later, and we wish the Commission Godspeed. Acknowledgement of our foundational work is neither expected nor necessary. Its origin story may be read at: https://deeppoliticsforum.com/forums/showthread.php?11263-The-Truth-and-Amnesty-Commission-for-JFK-A-Cautionary-Tale&fbclid=IwAR0zRupShbquiD2r93HHHI-HXWGGbNyeEgIIqFJEGGuJdo-rs1uhKSDY3RA#
  2. The fact that Drago can logon on normally from another computer pretty much confirms Andy's explanation that his problems are due to his computer rather than his account. Odd that he seems to think otherwise. Hey there Len! Did you see this fascinating thread? http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=14076 "Conspiracy of Big Tobacco Companies - 100 Years of Deceit, They KNEW Smoking Was Addictive & Caused Cancer!" Do you have any thoughts on the subject? Myra, I'm afraid that Len has too many thoughts on the subject -- warm, fuzzy thoughts of the sort one usually derives from, say, a family album of cherished memories. I must wonder, though, if Len counts himself among the deniers of the holocaust unleashed on the world by big tobacco. And I also am keen to learn if he's lost any immediate family members or loved ones to tobacco-related cancers.
  3. The fact that Drago can logon on normally from another computer pretty much confirms Andy's explanation that his problems are due to his computer rather than his account. Odd that he seems to think otherwise. Exactly. Notice he was setting things up exactly as I said - again? If he tried to debate Andy here, he'd pretend his posts were being deleted or he was banned or other nonsense. He can't risk a debate over at the Deep Bull Forum because he can't use his escape clause there. Ah, Evan, You are so bold and courageous ... and a brilliant observer of human nature to boot. I've asked John Simkin to check into the reason why my computer malfunctions so selectively. When he reports to me, as I know he will, the story of why I am "Forbidden" entry to the site of your breathtakingly insightful and honorable posts ... You'll be the first to know. Until then, be heartened by the fact that I won't be back for at least a week, so it's safe to continue your attacks. I'll close with a fashion tip: Brown slacks nicely compliment the yellow of that streak down your back. Charles Drago
  4. Greetings, Fellow Travelers, I'm checking in on a friend's computer. Let's see how long this stays up. Charles R. Drago
  5. Peter, Here's an easy one: How about Big Tobacco's conspiracy to hide the health risks associated with nicotine consumption -- at an estimated cost of 100 million lives through this century? This one surely can be acknowledged by all but those who, for any number of reasons, feel a kinship with the conspirators. Giving new definition to the term "smoking gun," I should say. CD
  6. My theory is that Hyde suffered a coughing fit after smoking a safe cigarette.
  7. Continuing this brand of logic: A scientist taught a flea to obey spoken commands. The scientist would say, "Fly, flea," and the flea would fly. Then one day the scientist cut off the flea's wings. "Fly, flea," said the scientist. But the flea did not fly. Which prompted the following entry in the scientist's diary: "IMO, I believe that when one removes the wings from a flea, the flea becomes deaf." The scientist, I believe, was a Professor Burton. The flea was named Andy.
  8. Charles will ask Evan if he truly believes that Charles will respond to schoolyard taunts. Charles will challenge Evan to use his moderator privileges to review long-sequestered Walker-Drago confrontations, discover who ran from the encounter by closing threads after being humiliated, and honestly report same on Walker's forum. Charles will ask Evan to explain how it is to Charles' advantage to debate Walker on the website Walker controls. Charles will leave Evan and Walker and "Colby" to continue their circle ... dance while Charles takes a hot bath and then returns to the land of the living. Charles will shake his head and wonder, Where do we find such men?
  9. Think. Stop talking to yourself and answer the question. Oh ... wait a minute ... you can't risk the exposure. Got it.
  10. Self Knowledge at last You are indeed a minor pain in the posterior Charles. Now Andrew, The last time you attempted to engage me in a battle of wits, for which you were and are woefully unarmed, you took a beating and then ran to hide behind your administrator's battlements. Hence my suspension. Would you have at it again? Perhaps on a dedicated thread? Give me your public assurance that, once bested, you will not turn tail, and the games will begin. Charles Come come Chazza you can do better than that How about something profound from on the "deep" politics forum? Preregister an account for me and I'll gladly lock horns with your piddling intellect and massive ego on any topic you like :lol: Sigh ... Why not here, where you control the field?
  11. He seems to have gone - probably not to a better place. I have no information regarding the circumstances of his departure. You will have to quizz [sic] another. But Andrew, Did you not previously write, "[N]one of you, despite your best efforts, were banned." Care to squirm out of this one, old sport?
  12. Self Knowledge at last You are indeed a minor pain in the posterior Charles. Now Andrew, The last time you attempted to engage me in a battle of wits, for which you were and are woefully unarmed, you took a beating and then ran to hide behind your administrator's battlements. Hence my suspension. Would you have at it again? Perhaps on a dedicated thread? Give me your public assurance that, once bested, you will not turn tail, and the games will begin. Charles
  13. I was not banned, but merely suspended. And I'm proud to note that I'm likely the most irritating of the many burrs under Sherrif Walker's greasy saddle. But what about David Guyatt?
  14. Cliff, et al, Without referencing anyone in particular and as a matter of general tactical significance: When the Bunker Street Irregulars cannot lure honorable men and women into their rhetorical traps, and not even absurd name-calling works, they'll simply write to each other -- and, as is the case with at least one such entity on this forum -- he or she will talk to himself or herself ad absurdum. Of course they also swear, with right hands held high, that they are telling the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. Reminds me of the iconic photo of the tobacco industry bigwigs standing shoulder-to-shoulder before a committee of Congress, all of them in just that posture. Duly sworn, they testified that they "believe" that nicotine is not addictive. And they have the "scientists" to prove it. Nicotine? Addictive? Could you cite the proof? The references? Where do we find such men? (The question is not rhetorical in nature; I and others happen to know.) CD
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