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Vince Palamara

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Everything posted by Vince Palamara

  1. Correct, Ken. You're welcome, Chris. Yes- see my book. Roberts became unusually VERY close to LBJ afterwards.
  2. more info http://www.bobtuskin.com/2013/11/21/breaking-jfk-ss-agents-death-bed-confession/
  3. Agent Sam Kinney's wife BELIEVED LBJ WAS INVOLVED IN JFK's MURDER...WHO SAT NEXT TO KINNEY IN THE FOLLOW-UP CAR? AGENT EMORY ROBERTS, LBJ'S EVENTUAL APPOINTMENT SECRETARY AND DEAR FRIEND---! http://vincepalamara.com/2013/11/24/sam-kinney-and-his-wife-hazel-disturbing-knowledge/
  4. Dr. Don Teel Curtis, Resident Oral Surgeon: a) 6 H 60 / testimony---" I went around to the right side of [JFK] and saw the head wound...fragments of bone and a gross injury to the cranial contents, with copious amounts of hemorrhage.": no specific details on orientation and the like where elicited from Curtis; 9/30/98 letter to Vince Palamara---" The wound involving the right posterior lateral surface of the skull appeared to me to be an exit wound or a tangential entrance wound.";
  5. You know and I know this case is never going away. It has been almost A HUNDRED AND FIFTY years and the Lincoln case is hot (huge hit movie, Tom Hanks television program, other programs, countless books, etc). Several books on the assassination are best-sellers and many are selling very, very well. We all thought the dawning of the 21rst century and (especially) 9/11, let alone the 40th anniversary, would see an end to proceedings...never going to happen. Interest in THE KENNEDYS will always be alive, well, and huge (Caroline as Ambassador to Japan, her own son, the extended Kennedy family, best-selling books on JFK's life, Jackie's life, etc.). From an historical standpoint, the JFK assassination is very recent- only 9 presidents ago and (God willing) our last assassinated president (may that never, ever happen again). From an aesthetic point of view (because, remember: perception is reality and appearances count), JFK was our most handsome president, brutally taken from us too soon. The Kennedy story is like a terrific book of triumph and tragedy where the last few chapters were ripped out and discarded: we are all trying to fill in the blanks. Unlike the Lincoln case, JFK and his death are "alive and well" thanks to many digital and analog artifacts- films, photos, videos, sound recordings, etc. etc. etc. Even for people NOT alive (or too young to truly remember), JFK is "Marilyn Monroe", "Elvis" and "Madonna": a cultural icon who is (or seems to be) still living thanks to constant media stories, You Tube, and so forth. And, let's face it: the December 1991 movie "JFK" recalibrated the assassination for everyone- it will ALWAYS be the best movie ever on his murder, warts and all. For millions ( thanks to reruns, still today), THIS IS the assassination story! Awful, amateur-hour movies like "Killing Kennedy" and "Parkland" are for the trash heap. Will there be a HUGE media blitz like this again (soon)? Probably not (maybe, maybe at the 75th and 100th; who knows). But you DO know that, every anniversary (even the "off" years starting next year), television will rerun prior productions and, who knows, maybe even some new ones; there is plenty "in the can", so to speak. As for the critical community, there is plenty to still hang our hats on in the future: the anniversaries of the Warren Commission, the HSCA, the Stone film, and the only-15-year-old ARRB Final Report. Dealey Plaza and Arlington Cemetery will continue to draw millions per year...new books will still come out and sell...whether reruns or new productions, many tv programs will continue to run...and, last but certainly not least, the limitless library of the internet will continue to flourish. No one is going anywhere.
  6. http://www.sott.net/article/269016-Gerald-Blaine-and-the-Kennedy-Detail-Was-the-Secret-Service-Stood-Down-in-Dallas#comment93889
  7. Well, thank you- that is refreshing to hear:) I held my breath when I saw you replied, thinking "here comes the flame fest" LOL. Yes, you ARE the new Bill Hicks- I mean that as a compliment!
  8. What I want to know is---is that your real profile picture, Blair LOL:) I find your posts funny and somewhat informative
  9. My book "Survivor's Guilt: The Secret Service and the Failure to Protect the President" goes into major detail on those questions and so much more. http://www.amazon.com/Survivors-Guilt-Service-Failure-President/dp/1937584607/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1373914997&sr=8-1&keywords=vince+Palamara
  10. That JFK would be killed??? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i-MFfMLNT34
  11. I am in the Final Report of the ARRB. Tunheim talks about the poor security afforded JFK by the Secret Service and the 1995 illegal destruction of records Secret Service destroys JFK assassination related records http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HDGo_fjzAvI Vince Palamara
  12. Doug- that first video is real but poor quality. Go to my channel for much better quality videos AND a video that explains that video. As for the second story- yep; the night before the assassination as no fluke (the drinking incident involving 9 agents including 4 on the follow-up car)
  13. HUGE QUESTION FOR ALL JFK FANS: ***WHY haven't all JFK's amazing press conferences become available on high-quality remastered dvd***? Yeah, yeah yeah- I know all about the 1983 production "Thank You Mr. President" hosted by E.G. Marshall which featured only excerpts from God-awful quality kinescopes, as well as the many small excerpts from mainly the same handful of conferences (the 1988 video [1981 production] from CBS has the best collection I have seen but even those are just excerpts from a few more). THOSE NEED TO BE RELEASED- A TRUE UNTAPPED RESOURCE OF JFK MAGIC! My parents, huge JFK fans, always lament at the lack of lengthy excerpts or even full press conferences; me, too. We get SO caught up in assassination-related films (and rightly so)...how about the networks and/ or the JFK Library releasing these gems to further Kennedy's legacy for future generations?
  14. Agents Win Lawson and Roger Warner (later a CIA agent) were in charge of the order of vehicles in Dallas (see chapter 6 of my book). Things that happened on 11/18/63 that did not happen in Dallas: -agents on the rear of the limo (other than Clint Hill, briefly, 4 times before they got to Dealey Plaza); -military aide in front seat between driver and agent in charge (McHugh was asked, for the first time in Dallas, not to ride there!); -press photographers flatbed truck in front of limo (canceled at last minute at Love Field); -fast speed of cars (slow in Dallas); -ASAIC Boring on trip (SAIC Behn and Boring always accompanied JFK in motorcades. A third-stringer, Kellerman, goes in their place); -multi story rooftops guarded; -multiple motorcycles running next to JFK in a wedge formation (they did 11/18-11/22/63 [morning in Fort Worth]...until Dallas); -White House Press Photographer Cecil Stoughton riding in follow-up car taking photos (he did 11/18-11/21/63...until they got to Dallas); -Pierre Salinger on trip (Assistant Malcolm Kilduff makes his first trip on his own to Texas; Salinger said he missed only "one or two trips" with JFK...Texas was one of them!); -Dr Burkley close to JFK (Burkley protested being placed far away from JFK in Dallas, for this was the only time, save in Rome, this ever happened to him); [provided by Vince Palamara]
  15. There are other amateur You Tube videos (taken during his book tours) where Hill has his hand firmly on the right rear of the head (as he does here- not the side). Arguing that Hill really meant the side of the head is silly.
  16. See the above links for the VIDEO clip of Hill demonstrating the JFK head wound+ a couple Secret Service related clips of interest
  17. SECRET SERVICE AGENT CLINT HILL DEMONSTRATES JFK HEAD WOUND: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=73cwa7T7yKE http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r-zjy_F1zHk http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zNXJKs9xAMI Secret Service Agent Clint Hill fibs again- JFK did NOT order the agents off the limo in Dallas or elsewhere! HE HIMSELF rode briefly on the rear of the limo on Main Street in Dallas AND the film clip shown near the beginning of this excerpt- unfortunately slowed down [on purpose?]-depicts agents Bob Lilley and Roy Kellerman on the rear of the limo with the top on and the day was a beautiful, no rain situation. Lilley joined his many colleagues in denying that JFK ever ordered the agents off the limo. Lilley further told me that the motorcade shown reached speeds of 50 mph with the agents on the rear of the car! The other clip, run in real time [not slowed down], shows another motorcade with the top on in beautiful, no-rain conditions
  18. http://www.examiner.com/article/of-secrets-service-vincent-palamara-on-survivor-s-guilt-jfk-assassination Vince
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