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Don Roberdeau

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Everything posted by Don Roberdeau

  1. Good Day.... FYI.... http://milleganstews.com/?p=45 (QUOTE) CIA Requests Its Own Documents From Author WALTERVILLE, Ore. — In a bizarre about-face, the secretive Central Intelligence Agency has requested documents from an investigative journalist, even though the writer had earlier obtained them from the CIA itself under the Freedom of Information Act. The strange request was made last week to author H.P. Albarelli Jr., whose recently published book A Terrible Mistake: The Murder of Frank Olson and the CIA’s Secret Cold War Experiments, details a myriad of CIA drug experiments and exposes a large number of previously anonymous physicians and business officials who contracted with the agency. The experiments resulted in the deaths of a number of people and sent hundreds more seeking medical help. “The caller, an agency official, who identified himself by a name I was quite familiar with from past requests,” explained Albarelli, “asked if I would be so kind as to send by fax two documents my book referenced in its narrative and footnotes. I suppose I should have been bowled over by the request, but I wasn’t. It happened once before.” “The crazy thing,” added Albarelli, “is that all of the requested documents came from my FOI requests to the agency in the early 1990s.” The documents requested from Albarelli centered on two subjects. The first top-secret CIA document details a meeting between an official of the Sandoz Chemical Company and an undercover CIA operator. The document reveals a close relationship between the firm and the agency, and provides stunning details about a mysterious 1951 outbreak of “insanity” in a small French town, Pont St. Esprit. In a covert experiment, the village was surreptitiously administered the powerful hallucinogen LSD in an attempt to see if there was a viable method of waging war without killing people or destroying property. A related document appears to reveal that famed LSD inventor, Albert Hoffmann, maintained a close relationship with the CIA. The second document requested reveals intelligence links between one of the criminals who murdered Frank Olson and the assassination of JFK, including a possible working relationship with suspected assassin Lee Harvey Oswald. About seven years ago, after an Internet article by Albarelli, an agency official requested that Albarelli send the CIA a copy of a top-secret report from the CIA’s Robert Lashbrook to Dr. Sidney Gottlieb, director of its Chemical Division. The document concerned a Pentagon and CIA cover-up of the 1953 death of a patient at the New York Psychiatric Institute. That patient, Harold Blauer, was killed by an injection of drugs administered under a covert CIA contract. A Terrible Mistake is published by TrineDay, an Oregon-based company that specializes in books that are shunned by mainstream publishers due to their controversial nature. H.P. Albarelli Jr. has written a number of groundbreaking newspaper, magazine and Internet articles, including several on the Olson case, as well as topics such as anthrax, Cuba, child abuse and intelligence matters. His novel The Heap was published in 2005. More information on A Terrible Mistake can be found at: http://www.aterriblemistake.com For interviews and/or review copies, please contact: Kent Goodman – public...@trineday.net - 1.541.954.8142 – 1.800.556.2012 (END QUOTE) Best Regards in Research, Don Don Roberdeau U.S.S. John F. Kennedy, CV-67, "Big John," Plank Walker Sooner, or later, The Truth emerges Clearly For your considerations.... Homepage: President JOHN F. KENNEDY "Men of Courage" speech, and Outstanding Assassination Researchers & Discoveries Links Visual Report: The First JFK Impact: While JFK was "Hidden Under the 'magic-limbed-ricochet-tree': Z-188, then, Z-203 to 206" Discovery: Very Close JFK Assassination Witness ROSEMARY WILLIS Zapruder Film Documented 2nd Headsnap: West, Ultrafast, and Directly Towards the Grassy Knoll Dealey Plaza Map: Detailing 11-22-63 Victims precise kill zone locations, Witnesses, Films & Photos, Evidence, Suspects & suspected bullet trajectories, & Important information & Considerations Visual File: JFK Assassination Research, Maps, & Discoveries for Your Considerations T ogether E veryone A chieves M ore National Terror Alert for the United States: http://www.dhs.gov/dhspublic/
  2. ....Good Day Vince.... Publicly available from here.... http://insidethearrb.livejournal.com/profile ....is his email.... insidethearrb@livejournal.com Best Regards in Research, Don Don Roberdeau U.S.S. John F. Kennedy, CV-67, "Big John," Plank Walker Sooner, or later, The Truth emerges Clearly For your considerations.... Homepage: President JOHN F. KENNEDY "Men of Courage" speech, and Outstanding Assassination Researchers & Discoveries Links Visual Report: The First JFK Impact: While JFK was "Hidden Under the 'magic-limbed-ricochet-tree': Z-188, then, Z-203 to 206" Discovery: Very Close JFK Assassination Witness ROSEMARY WILLIS Zapruder Film Documented 2nd Headsnap: West, Ultrafast, and Directly Towards the Grassy Knoll Dealey Plaza Map: Detailing 11-22-63 Victims precise kill zone locations, Witnesses, Films & Photos, Evidence, Suspects & suspected bullet trajectories, & Important information & Considerations Visual File: JFK Assassination Research, Maps, & Discoveries for Your Considerations T ogether E veryone A chieves M ore National Terror Alert for the United States: http://www.dhs.gov/dhspublic/
  3. Good Day.... It's nothing too important (relative to world events, world economies, etc) these days, but, maybe you remember some additional details about something I seem to remember reading once about some 6 to 12 months ago.... Did not Tiger Woods announce that he was wanting to/was going to $tart up a brand new tour/a new "league," so to speak - that would be $eperate from, and, a direct competitor to, the PGA - and, that he would play, exclu$ively, on hi$ new tour ? Best Regards in Research, Don Don Roberdeau U.S.S. John F. Kennedy, CV-67, "Big John," Plank Walker Sooner, or later, The Truth emerges Clearly For your considerations.... Homepage: President JOHN F. KENNEDY "Men of Courage" speech, and Outstanding Assassination Researchers & Discoveries Links Visual Report: The First JFK Impact: While JFK was "Hidden Under the 'magic-limbed-ricochet-tree': Z-188, then, Z-203 to 206" Discovery: Very Close JFK Assassination Witness ROSEMARY WILLIS Zapruder Film Documented 2nd Headsnap: West, Ultrafast, and Directly Towards the Grassy Knoll Dealey Plaza Map: Detailing 11-22-63 Victims precise kill zone locations, Witnesses, Films & Photos, Evidence, Suspects & suspected bullet trajectories, & Important information & Considerations Visual File: JFK Assassination Research, Maps, & Discoveries for Your Considerations T ogether E veryone A chieves M ore National Terror Alert for the United States: http://www.dhs.gov/dhspublic/
  4. Best Regards in Research, Don Don Roberdeau U.S.S. John F. Kennedy, CV-67, "Big John," Plank Walker Sooner, or later, The Truth emerges Clearly For your considerations.... Homepage: President JOHN F. KENNEDY "Men of Courage" speech, and Outstanding Assassination Researchers & Discoveries Links Visual Report: The First JFK Impact: While JFK was "Hidden Under the 'magic-limbed-ricochet-tree': Z-188, then, Z-203 to 206" Discovery: Very Close JFK Assassination Witness ROSEMARY WILLIS Zapruder Film Documented 2nd Headsnap: West, Ultrafast, and Directly Towards the Grassy Knoll Dealey Plaza Map: Detailing 11-22-63 Victims precise kill zone locations, Witnesses, Films & Photos, Evidence, Suspects & suspected bullet trajectories, & Important information & Considerations Visual File: JFK Assassination Research, Maps, & Discoveries for Your Considerations T ogether E veryone A chieves M ore National Terror Alert for the United States: http://www.dhs.gov/dhspublic/
  5. John, I think this was looked into in great detail, where they took out the piece of the curb, and subjected it to scientific tests, and found no copper, so they concluded that it was a fragment from the head shot, pieces of which also lodged in the base of the windshield and cracked some windshild glass from the inside, but didn't go all the way through. (official story). James Tague, without a doubt, is a living victim of the same assassins who killed the President, hit by a rickochette of a bullet or a fragment that struck the curb and then him on the cheek, causing him to bleed, - the threshold necessary for a wounded veteran to receive a Purple Heart in combat. Of course Tague's position in front of the Tripple Overpass, is tripple because of the three streets that run under it, and Tague pulled over at the middle street and was hit from what would have been a missed shot from the Sixth Floor or upper floor of Dal-Tex building, or a fragment from such a shot. But if you follow Tague's story closely, one of the biggest questions he asks is why, on the day after the assassination, after completing a deposition as to what happened the day before, he was stopped by a cop at Elm and Houston and told that they had just found a piece of scull and there was a short hold up. Yea, the Harper fragment, a two and a half by one inch piece of JFK's scull bone that blew out the back of his head, that the autopsy doctors had never seen. Not only does that make the autopsy obsolete, it is proof of a gun shot to the head that originates from the front - as the first rule of thumb every budding 101 forensic crime scene investigator student learns is that in evaluating gunshot wounds - it's small in and big out. And never the twain shall meet. That's an undeniable fact that can't be changed. But why did that cop stop James Tague at Houston and Elm on Nov. 23rd, 1963, and think it significant enough to tell him? Bill Kelly ....Good Day Bill.... JAMES TAGUE and I have spoken several times. After giving his 11-22-63 statement, he was leaving DP at about 2:30 PM CDT. He had just started westward onto Elm (into the "kill zone"), when he had to stop his car because a DPD Patrolman up ahead of TAGUE had stopped all Elm Street cars, and traffic had backed-up. (JIM does not recall the DPD's name) As the DPD neared TAGUE, JIM was the one whom initiated the conversation with the DPD, and simply asked the DPD why traffic was stopped, and the DPD responded because a piece of the President's head had been found just prior. The "Harper skull fragment" itself was found by medical student WILLIAM "Billy" HARPER at around 5:00 PM CDT on 11-23-63. Here is the DP map on which now-Dr. HARPER himself marked for us the location in the north infield grass where he found it, approximately half-way between the Elm Street south curb sewer and the Main Street north curb sewer, and just east of a line drawn directly between them.... http://img168.imageshack.us/img168/5801/ha...per19731on6.gif ....and here are DP maps that include several key additional considerations.... http://img171.imageshack.us/img171/6789/dp...ly102308uq2.gif http://img29.imageshack.us/img29/6800/dpth...rajectories.gif I'll also take this opportunity to detail that sometimes the "Harper skull fragment" found location is confused by some students (and even researchers) for the object that CHARLES BREHM described to MARK LANE in 1966 that he saw on 11-22-63 trajecting with the President's initial head explosion behind and left of JFK and landed in Elm close to its south curb, very close to BREHM (when i asked him, he said that he never walked back over to look at it closer).... ....These were two, different fragments.... with HARPER's trajecting 117' to the front and right of JFK's 313-head-facing direction.... and may be/probably is the higher angled head fragment seen trajecting in the Z-film to JFK's front, and may be/probably is the head fragment seen here in NIX.... http://img183.imageshack.us/img183/4836/he...astablized2.gif .... and arrowed here in NIX .... http://img183.imageshack.us/img183/7261/he...stablized2x.gif BREHM's object (he always refused to give it a label, even when I pressed him) that he saw/was attracted to see trajected 28' behind and leftward, and may be the fragment seen in this enhanced and cropped animation of NIX.... http://img72.imageshack.us/img72/222/nixan...ag030104cc6.gif Best Regards in Research, Don Don Roberdeau U.S.S. John F. Kennedy, CV-67, "Big John," Plank Walker Sooner, or later, The Truth emerges Clearly For your considerations.... Homepage: President JOHN F. KENNEDY "Men of Courage" speech, and Outstanding Assassination Researchers & Discoveries Links Visual Report: The First JFK Impact: While JFK was "Hidden Under the 'magic-limbed-ricochet-tree': Z-188, then, Z-203 to 206" Discovery: Very Close JFK Assassination Witness ROSEMARY WILLIS Zapruder Film Documented 2nd Headsnap: West, Ultrafast, and Directly Towards the Grassy Knoll Dealey Plaza Map: Detailing 11-22-63 Victims precise kill zone locations, Witnesses, Films & Photos, Evidence, Suspects & suspected bullet trajectories, & Important information & Considerations Visual File: JFK Assassination Research, Maps, & Discoveries for Your Considerations T ogether E veryone A chieves M ore National Terror Alert for the United States: http://www.dhs.gov/dhspublic/
  6. Good Day.... Was thinking about everyone, and just wanted to extend my Best Wishes to you and everyone there for a Successful, Safe, and Enjoyable conference! Also, Thank You for providing everyone the video streams! Best Regards in Research, Don Don Roberdeau U.S.S. John F. Kennedy, CV-67, "Big John," Plank Walker Sooner, or later, The Truth emerges Clearly For your considerations.... Homepage: President JOHN F. KENNEDY "Men of Courage" speech, and Outstanding Assassination Researchers & Discoveries Links Visual Report: The First JFK Impact: While JFK was "Hidden Under the 'magic-limbed-ricochet-tree': Z-188, then, Z-203 to 206" Discovery: Very Close JFK Assassination Witness ROSEMARY WILLIS Zapruder Film Documented 2nd Headsnap: West, Ultrafast, and Directly Towards the Grassy Knoll Dealey Plaza Map: Detailing 11-22-63 Victims precise kill zone locations, Witnesses, Films & Photos, Evidence, Suspects & suspected bullet trajectories, & Important information & Considerations Visual File: JFK Assassination Research, Maps, & Discoveries for Your Considerations T ogether E veryone A chieves M ore National Terror Alert for the United States: http://www.dhs.gov/dhspublic/
  7. Good Day.... FYI.... http://www.news-press.com/article/20091121...-tragic-history (QUOTE) South Fort Myers resident a witness to tragic history As FBI agent, Lee County man attended JFK autopsy By GLENN MILLER • gmiller@news-press.com • November 21, 2009 South Fort Myers resident Jim Sibert has answered the questions for 46 years, ever since the night the FBI special agent observed the autopsy of President John F. Kennedy. Over the years, Sibert, 91, has been interviewed for books. When the other FBI agent who witnessed the autopsy, Francis X. O'Neill, died earlier this year in Cape Cod, Mass., Sibert was quoted in a Boston Globe obituary of O'Neill. The calls and questions keep coming from teachers, authors and historians. "He told me a couple of years ago that he was never going to be interviewed again," said Paul Mitchell, one of Sibert's neighbors at the Cypress Cove retirement community on the grounds of HealthPark Medical Center. Sibert can't always say no. He has a story to share. Theories and debates on conspiracies and motives and alleged cover-ups fill bookshelves and bop around the Internet. Sibert doubts any secrets remain to be unearthed. "After 46 years," Sibert said, "there couldn't be." Now, as Sunday's anniversary of the assassination approaches, Sibert is being asked again about that historic day, Nov. 22, 1963. "It started out like a normal day," Sibert said. At the time, Sibert was a 45-year-old FBI special agent stationed in Maryland and only a year younger than Kennedy. Late in the day, the president of the United States was dead in front of him with a hole in his head. "It was a piece blown out of the skull," Sibert said. Sibert and O'Neill met the casket at Andrews Air Force Base and accompanied it to Bethesda Naval Hospital. They were assigned to watch the autopsy, stay with the body and, as Sibert and O'Neill noted in a report dictated four days after the examination, "to obtain bullets reportedly in the President's body." When Kennedy's body was removed from its casket and white sheets were unwrapped from him, Sibert recalls how the sheet around his head was blood-soaked. "His eyes were fixed open," Sibert recalled. No clothing came with the slain president. The suit Kennedy wore in the open-topped limousine had been cut off in Dallas, where he was gunned down. Conspiracy theories What happened in Dallas that day remains contested with factions still debating whether Lee Harvey Oswald was the only shooter or if he was part of a wide-ranging conspiracy. "I don't buy the single-bullet theory," Sibert said, "I won't go as far as to say there was no conspiracy." Sibert and O'Neill's report, titled "Autopsy of Body of President John Fitzgerald Kennedy," stated that Commander James J. Humes, who conducted the autopsy, noted another wound. "During the latter stages of this autopsy, Dr. Humes located an opening which appeared to be a bullet hole which was below the shoulders and two inches to the right of the middle line of the spinal column," Sibert and O'Neill reported. Sibert won't guess on possible conspirators, on who else may have shot Kennedy other than Oswald. "I wouldn't have any way of knowing," Sibert said. "See, that's another thing. All my work was in Bethesda, Maryland." The FBI, Sibert said, had no jurisdiction in the investigation. The FBI Web site notes that "when President Kennedy was assassinated, the crime was a local homicide; no federal law addressed the murder of a President." During the autopsy, Sibert couldn't let the magnitude of the event overwhelm his duty. "You just kind of think, 'This happened to the president of the United States,'" Sibert said. Until the president's murder, Sibert had observed only two other autopsies in his career. One was of a little kidnapped boy. The other was on the wife of an FBI clerk who had died unexpectedly. That autopsy was held to make sure there had been no foul play. Sibert recalls the somber atmosphere during the president's autopsy. "There wasn't any joking," Sibert said. "No comic remarks made." The experience, Sibert said, didn't change him profoundly. But every now and then he gets calls from people who are still curious. There are also the memories of the history he witnessed. "The other thing was the ferocity of the wounds," Sibert said. "That's tough. I never had nightmares, but it's something that flashes through my mind a lot of times." Still, he's not obsessed with what he saw or what may have been behind the assassination. "I don't think about it every day," Sibert said. "Generally, when something comes up, an article in the paper, something about the assassination, somebody wants to know about it. It's just another incident in your bureau career that you handled the best you could." Sibert continued with the FBI until 1972, handling criminal cases. Now, the former World War II bomber pilot and FBI agent is a widower who plays cards Friday evenings with Cypress Cove neighbors. "Jim is a wonderful man," said neighbor and card player Elsie Thomas. "He's very interesting. Very knowledgeable. And he likes to talk about his time as an FBI man." (END QUOTE) Best Regards in Research, Don Don Roberdeau U.S.S. John F. Kennedy, CV-67, "Big John," Plank Walker Sooner, or later, The Truth emerges Clearly For your considerations.... Homepage: President JOHN F. KENNEDY "Men of Courage" speech, and Outstanding Assassination Researchers & Discoveries Links Visual Report: The First JFK Impact: While JFK was "Hidden Under the 'magic-limbed-ricochet-tree': Z-188, then, Z-203 to 206" Discovery: Very Close JFK Assassination Witness ROSEMARY WILLIS Zapruder Film Documented 2nd Headsnap: West, Ultrafast, and Directly Towards the Grassy Knoll Dealey Plaza Map: Detailing 11-22-63 Victims precise kill zone locations, Witnesses, Films & Photos, Evidence, Suspects & suspected bullet trajectories, & Important information & Considerations Visual File: JFK Assassination Research, Maps, & Discoveries for Your Considerations T ogether E veryone A chieves M ore National Terror Alert for the United States: http://www.dhs.gov/dhspublic/
  8. Good Day.... FYI.... http://www.myfoxboston.com/dpp/news/politi...m-coup-released White House Recordings of President Kennedy Debating Vietnam Coup Released Updated: Monday, 02 Nov 2009, 10:52 PM EST Published : Monday, 02 Nov 2009, 10:52 PM EST BOSTON (FOX25, myfoxboston.com) - From the JFK Presidential Library The John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum announced today that it has declassified and made available for research presidential recordings of four meetings between President Kennedy and his highest level Vietnam advisors during the days after the highly controversial “Cable 243” was sent. The cable, which was dispatched on August 24, 1963 when President Kennedy and three of his top officials were away from Washington, set a course for the eventual coup in Vietnam on November 1, 1963, leading to the overthrow of President Ngo Dinh Diem and his assassination the following day on November 2, 1963 – 46 years ago this week. The tapes offer unprecedented insight into President Kennedy’s thoughts on the unfolding conflict in Vietnam and reveal his reservations about U.S. support for a military coup in South Vietnam. During a meeting on August 28, President Kennedy states: “I don’t think we’re in that deep. I am not sure the [Vietnamese] Generals are - they’ve been probably bellyaching for months. So I don’t know whether they’re - how many of them are really up to here. I don’t see any reason to go ahead unless we think we have a good chance of success.” [see attached transcript.] “These recordings provide a fascinating snapshot of a key event in the history of Vietnam,” said Kennedy Library Archivist Maura Porter. “The August meetings highlight the uncertainty that existed in the White House over what steps to take toward the government of South Vietnam. Of particular interest are the numerous conflicting views presented from the President's top Vietnam advisors.” These meetings are the first ones to take place after the sending of Cable 243, which has been described by historian John W. Newman as the “single most controversial cable of the Vietnam War.” The telegram was drafted on Saturday August 24, 1963 when President Kennedy, Secretary of State Dean Rusk, Secretary of Defense Robert S. McNamara, and CIA Director John McCone were all out of town. Without direct approval from President Kennedy’s senior advisors and despite mixed feelings in the administration over the effectiveness of Diem’s regime, the cable called for Diem to remove his brother Ngo Dinh Nhu from a position of power and threatened U.S. support of a military coup in South Vietnam if he refused. After the cable was sent and during the course of four days of meetings, President Kennedy met with his advisors to discuss the evolving situation in Vietnam and what steps should be taken in the wake of the cable’s policy-changing message. There was considerable disagreement between the State Department advisors who had drafted Cable 243 and the President’s military and intelligence advisors on whether the coup was advisable and what support it would have in Vietnam with the Vietnamese military. In his book Robert Kennedy and His Times, White House Historian Arthur Schlesinger quoted Robert Kennedy’s recollections of the cable: “[President Kennedy] always said that it was a major mistake on his part. The result is we started down a road that we never really recovered from.” The President asked several times for straight assessments from his two top advisors in Vietnam, Ambassador Henry Cabot Lodge and General Paul Harkins. At the August 27, 1963 meeting the President inquired about whether General Harkins agreed with the present plan: President Kennedy: What about - in the wire that went Saturday, what’s the degree of -- My impression was that based on the wire that went out Saturday, asked General Harkins and Ambassador Lodge recommending a course of action unless they disagreed. (General Taylor then states that Harkins concurred). That’s right, so I think we ought to find out whether Harkins doesn’t agree with this - then I think we ought to get off this pretty quick. During the on-going discussions, State Department officials claimed that they felt it was too late to step back from the coup support, an opinion not accepted by the President. The President comments: President Kennedy: I don’t think we ought to take the view here that this has gone beyond our control ‘cause I think that would be the worst reason to do it. … … Well I don’t think we ought to just do it because we feel we have to now do it. I think we want to make it our best (sitting) judgment (is to date) because I don’t think we do have to do it. At least I’d be prepared to take up the argument with lawyers, well let’s not do it. So I think we ought to try to make it without feeling that it’s forced on us. The President goes on to state: President Kennedy: I don’t think we ought to let the coup…maybe they know about it, maybe the Generals are going to have to run out of the country, maybe we’re going to have to help them get out. But still it’s not a good enough reason to go ahead if we don’t think the prospects are good enough. I don’t think we’re in that deep. I am not sure the Generals are - they’ve been probably bellyaching for months. So I don’t know whether they’re - how many of them are really up to here. I don’t see any reason to go ahead unless we think we have a good chance of success. Ambassador Nolting, who had been recently relieved of his duties in Saigon and replaced by Ambassador Henry Cabot Lodge, was asked by the President to be present at these meetings. Nolting’s advice and opinions were pointed, candid and very often at odds with State Department officials in the room, especially Roger Hilsman and Averell Harriman. At the August 28th meeting, Ambassador Nolting and the President began a discussion on a post-coup Vietnam: President Kennedy: What about Diem - Diem and Nhu would be ( unclear )? Exile them, is that it? That’s what we would favor of course, but. Roger Hilsman: We know, we know no information. President Kennedy: But I think it would be important that nothing happen to them if we, if we have any voice in it. Is that your view Ambassador? Frederick Nolting: With all the humility again, Mr. President, my view is that there is no one that I know of who can - who has a reasonably good prospect of holding this fragmented, divided country together except Diem. Audio files of these discussions are available to the media in .wma and .mp3 format on request. They, and other historical resources related to the Vietnam Coup, may also be accessed on the Kennedy Library website at the following links: · Cable 243 (pdf) http://www.jfklibrary.org/NR/rdonlyres/6AC...0/Deptel243.pdf. · Excerpts from White House Tapes 104-108, August 26-28, 1963 http://www.jfklibrary.org/Asset+Tree/Asset...&type=Audio · Excerpts from Nolting’s discussion on Vietnam, White House Tape 108, August 28, 1963 http://www.jfklibrary.org/Asset+Tree/Asset...&type=Audio · Audio of President Kennedy dictating his thoughts on the coup in Vietnam, November 4, 1963 http://www.jfklibrary.org/Asset+Tree/Asset...&type=Audio · Excerpt of Frederick Nolting’s Oral History http://www.jfklibrary.org/Asset+Tree/Asset...&type=Audio · Archival documents relating to the coup in Vietnam http://www.jfklibrary.org/Asset+Tree/Asset...;type=slideshow Today’s complete release incorporates tape numbers 104, 106, 107, 108 and includes other White House meetings on the Nuclear Test Ban Treaty, Pakistan, Eastern Europe, Civil Rights, USSR, Portuguese Africa and the Economy. This release totals 13 hours, 11 minutes of recordings of which 37 minutes remain classified. Approximately 50 hours of meeting tapes remain to be reviewed for declassification prior to release. Processing of the presidential recordings will continue to be conducted in the chronological order of the tapes. The first items from the presidential recordings were opened to public research in June of 1983. Over the past 20 years, the Library staff has reviewed and opened all of the telephone conversations and a large portion of the meeting tapes. The latter are predominantly meetings with President Kennedy in either the Oval Office or the Cabinet Room. While the recordings were deliberate in the sense that it required manual operation to start and stop the recording, it was not, based on the material recorded, used with daily regularity nor was there a set pattern for its operation. The tapes represent raw historical material. The sound quality of the recordings varies widely. Although most of the recorded conversation is understandable, the tapes include passages of extremely poor sound quality with considerable background noise and periods where the identity of the speakers is unclear. Kennedy Library Archivist Maura Porter is available to answer questions from the media concerning this newly released tape or the Kennedy Library Presidential tapes in general. She can be reached through Rachel Day, Director of Communications. Today’s release of White House meetings is available for research use in the Library’s Research Room. The hours of operation are Monday – Friday from 8:30 am - 4:30 pm and appointments may be made by calling (617) 514-1629. The recordings and finding guide are available for purchase at the John F. Kennedy Library, Columbia Point, Boston, MA 02125, or by calling the Audiovisual Department (617) 514-1617. Members of the media are cautioned against making historical conclusions based on the sound clips and transcript alone. They are provided as a professional courtesy to facilitate the reporting of the release of these presidential recordings. The John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum is a presidential library administered by the National Archives and Records Administration and supported, in part, by the John F. Kennedy Library Foundation, a non-profit organization. The Kennedy Presidential Library and the Kennedy Library Foundation seek to promote, through educational and community programs, a greater appreciation and understanding of American politics, history, and culture, the process of governing and the importance of public service. More information is available at www.jfklibrary.org. (END QUOTE) Best Regards in Research, Don Don Roberdeau U.S.S. John F. Kennedy, CV-67, "Big John," Plank Walker Sooner, or later, The Truth emerges Clearly email: DRoberdeau@aol.com ...Please type "JFK" in your email subject line so your email is not accidentally deleted as spam For your considerations.... Homepage: President JOHN F. KENNEDY "Men of Courage" speech, and Outstanding Assassination Researchers & Discoveries Links Visual Report: The First JFK Impact: While JFK "Hidden Under the 'magic-limbed-ricochet-tree': Z-188, then, Z-203 to 206" Discovery: Very Close JFK Assassination Witness ROSEMARY WILLIS Zapruder Film Documented 2nd Headsnap: West, Ultrafast, and Directly Towards the Grassy Knoll Dealey Plaza Map: Detailing 11-22-63 Victims precise kill zone locations, Witnesses, Films & Photos, Evidence, Suspects & suspected bullet trajectories, & Important information & Considerations Visual File: JFK Assassination Research, Maps, & Discoveries for Your Considerations T ogether E veryone A chieves M ore National Terror Alert for the United States: http://www.dhs.gov/dhspublic/
  9. Good Day.... FYI.... http://www.nytimes.com/2009/09/22/science/22nuke.html?_r=1 (QUOTE) Details Emerge of Cold War Nuclear Threat by Cuba By WILLIAM J. BROAD Published: September 21, 2009 In the early 1980s, according to newly released documents, Fidel Castro was suggesting a Soviet nuclear strike against the United States, until Moscow dissuaded him by patiently explaining how the radioactive cloud resulting from such a strike would also devastate Cuba. The cold war was then in one of its chilliest phases. President Ronald Reagan had begun a trillion-dollar arms buildup, called the Soviet Union “an evil empire” and ordered scores of atomic detonations under the Nevada desert as a means of developing new arms. Some Reagan aides talked of fighting and winning a nuclear war. Dozens of books warned that Reagan’s policies threatened to end most life on earth. In June 1982, a million protesters gathered in Central Park. Barack Obama, then an undergraduate at Columbia University, worried about the nuclear threat and later wrote as a student and a journalist about ways to avoid global annihilation. The future president didn’t know half the danger. The National Security Archive, a private research group at George Washington University, recently made public documents that reveal the nuclear threat in new detail. The two-volume study, “Soviet Intentions 1965-1985,” was prepared in 1995 by a Pentagon contractor and based on extensive interviewing of former top Soviet military officials. It took the security archive two years to get the Pentagon to release the study. Censors excised a few sections on nuclear tests and weapon effects, and the archive recently posted the redacted study on its Web site. The Pentagon study attributes the Cuba revelation to Andrian A. Danilevich, a Soviet general staff officer from 1964 to ’90 and director of the staff officers who wrote the Soviet Union’s final reference guide on strategic and nuclear planning. In the early 1980s, the study quotes him as saying that Mr. Castro “pressed hard for a tougher Soviet line against the U.S. up to and including possible nuclear strikes.” The general staff, General Danilevich continued, “had to actively disabuse him of this view by spelling out the ecological consequences for Cuba of a Soviet strike against the U.S.” That information, the general concluded, “changed Castro’s positions considerably.” Moscow’s effort to enlighten Mr. Castro to the innate messiness of nuclear warfare is among a number of disclosures in the Pentagon study. Other findings in the study include how the Soviets strove for nuclear superiority but “understood the devastating consequences of nuclear war” and believed that the use of nuclear weapons had to be avoided “at all costs.” The study includes a sharp critique of American analyses of Soviet intentions, saying the Pentagon tended to err “on the side of overestimating Soviet aggressiveness.” A version of this article appeared in print on September 22, 2009, on page D4 of the New York edition. (END QUOTE) Best Regards in Research, Don Don Roberdeau U.S.S. John F. Kennedy, CV-67, "Big John," Plank Walker Sooner, or later, The Truth emerges Clearly For your considerations.... Visual Report: The First JFK Impact: While JFK "Hidden Under the 'magic-limbed-ricochet-tree': Z-188, then, Z-203 to 206" Discovery: Very Close JFK Assassination Witness ROSEMARY WILLIS Zapruder Film Documented 2nd Headsnap: West, Ultrafast, and Directly Towards the Grassy Knoll Homepage: President JOHN F. KENNEDY "Men of Courage" speech, and Outstanding Assassination Researchers & Discoveries Links Dealey Plaza Professionally-surveyed Map: Detailing 11-22-63 Victims precise kill zone locations, Witnesses, Films & Photos, Evidence, Suspects & suspected bullet trajectories, & Important information & Considerations Visual File: JFK Assassination Research, Maps, & Discoveries for Your Considerations T ogether E veryone A chieves M ore National Terror Alert for the United States: http://www.dhs.gov/dhspublic/
  10. Good Day.... http://blog.taragana.com/n/dallas-suburb-t...ination-162101/ (QUOTE) Dallas suburb to pay $175,000 for house where Oswald stored gun used in Kennedy assassination Dallas suburb buying house where Oswald kept rifle IRVING, Texas — A Dallas suburb has agreed to pay $175,000 for the house where Lee Harvey Oswald stored the rifle used to assassinate President John F. Kennedy. The Dallas Morning News reported Monday that the sum the Irving City Council agreed to pay is far more than the $84,000 value the Dallas Central Appraisal District lists for the property. But Mayor Herbert Gears told the newspaper it’s worth it because the house is a piece of history. The city has not yet decided what to do with the house. It once belonged to Ruth Paine, who hosted Oswald’s estranged wife, Marina, in the months before Kennedy’s death in Dallas in November 1963. Unbeknownst to Paine, Lee Harvey Oswald stored a gun in the garage and picked it up the night before the assassination. (END QUOTE) Best Regards in Research, Don Don Roberdeau U.S.S. John F. Kennedy, CV-67, "Big John," Plank Walker Sooner, or later, The Truth emerges Clearly For your considerations.... Visual Report: The First Impact: JFK While "Hidden Under the 'magic-limbed-ricochet-tree': Z-188, then, Z-203 to 206" Discovery: Very Close JFK Assassination Witness ROSEMARY WILLIS Zapruder Film Documented 2nd Headsnap: West, Ultrafast, and Directly Towards the Grassy Knoll Homepage: President JOHN F. KENNEDY "Men of Courage" speech, and Assassination Research & Discovery Links Dealey Plaza Professionally-surveyed Map: Detailing 11-22-63 Victims precise kill zone locations, Witnesses, Films & Photos, Evidence, Suspects & suspected bullet trajectories, & Important information & Considerations Visual File: JFK Assassination Research, Maps, & Discoveries for Your Considerations T ogether E veryone A chieves M ore National Terror Alert for the United States: http://www.dhs.gov/dhspublic/
  11. Good Day.... In her 2003 book, "From Love Field" (page 16), by limousine/attack/Parkland very close witness, NELLIE CONNALLY, she records, (QUOTE) The nurse dropped one of John's gold cuff links, made with a Mexican Peso, into my hand. The other had been shot off. (END QUOTE) http://www.amazon.com/Love-Field-Final-Pre...y/dp/1590710142 The shot off right sleeve cuff link was never reported to have been found within/near Dealey Plaza. The shot off right sleeve cuff link was never reported to have been found within the limousine. The shot off right sleeve cuff link was never reported to have been found within Parkland Hospital. Do you have, or, has any author, detailed a theory where that right cuff link is today? SIDE NOTES..... NELLIE had the left sleeve cuff link that was given to her at Parkland mounted into her charm bracelet, which is where it still was as of 2003..... The hat that CONNALLY was holding during the attack when his chest and right wrist were blown out, has also, seemingly, vanished after last being seen and photographed by TOM DILLARD on 11-22-63 at about 7:30 PM CDT hanging on a coat-hat rack within D.P.D. Chief JESSE CURRY's office. Best Regards in Research, Don Don Roberdeau U.S.S. John F. Kennedy, CV-67, "Big John," Plank Walker Sooner, or later, The Truth emerges Clearly For your considerations.... Homepage: President JOHN F. KENNEDY "Men of Courage" speech, and Assassination Research & Discovery Links Visual Report: The First Impact: JFK While "Hidden Under the 'magic-limbed-ricochet-tree': Z-188, then, Z-203 to 206" Discovery: Very Close JFK Assassination Witness ROSEMARY WILLIS Zapruder Film Documented 2nd Headsnap: West, Ultrafast, and Directly Towards the Grassy Knoll Dealey Plaza Professionally-surveyed Map: Detailing 11-22-63 Victims precise kill zone locations, Witnesses, Films & Photos, Evidence, Suspects & suspected bullet trajectories, & Important information & Considerations Visual File: JFK Assassination Research, Maps, & Discoveries for Your Considerations T ogether E veryone A chieves M ore National Terror Alert for the United States: http://www.dhs.gov/dhspublic/
  12. ....Thank You.... Hats off, and, really Top Notch Work extended for all of Team "Moorman-was-not-in-the-street-for-her-5th-photo".... Simply, Outstanding. IMHO, Always a non-issue with me, from its start, because the hypothesized, far-liberalized-with-its-shifting-to-fit-its-mistaken-assumptions-and-"facts," transparently-agendas-driven, condescending, oft times arrogant, edu-tard-elitist-spun claims of the proffered "facts" were, all, transparent to the vast majority of dedicated and macro-and-micro-facts-educated JFK researchers, from its very sloppy dropping by its heirs........ or........ as the solid, life-lessons educated, steadily working, rational, non-agendas-driven, never-psychotically-over-obsessed-with-injecting-politics, solid-facts-driven, dedicated researchers have said and will say, the "Mwnitsfh5p was, always, nothing but stinking B***S*** when the sun first rose on it." Its sun has finally set. **a suggestion for whomever developed the first question in the poll....IMHO, Please, next time, think about providing only 2 clearly defined answers.... A simple answer choice of "On the grass," and, a choice of, "in the street," would be much, much clearer and more definitive (if they are unsure and/or do not care, the voter can always come back to the poll and vote, if, and when, they are able to actually make a decision).... As it stands now at 21 votes, there are 16 total votes that have a clearly definitive answer.... 88 % ....On the grass (14 votes) 12 % ....in the street (02) Let us move solidly forward (for example, defining and supporting the timestamping of when President KENNEDY was first bullet impacted), so you and your precious time will avoid being immobilized by the Mwnitsfh5p shifting airs.... and its heirs-transparent. Again, Gr8 job ! Best Regards in Research, Don Don Roberdeau U.S.S. John F. Kennedy, CV-67, "Big John," Plank Walker Sooner, or later, The Truth emerges Clearly For your considerations.... Visual Report: The First Impact: JFK While "Hidden Under the 'magic-limbed-ricochet-tree': Z-188, then, Z-203 to 206" Discovery: Very Close JFK Assassination Witness ROSEMARY WILLIS Zapruder Film Documented 2nd Headsnap: West, Ultrafast, and Directly Towards the Grassy Knoll Homepage: President JOHN F. KENNEDY "Men of Courage" speech, and Assassination Research & Discovery Links Dealey Plaza Professionally-surveyed Map: Detailing 11-22-63 Victims precise kill zone locations, Witnesses, Films & Photos, Evidence, Suspects & suspected bullet trajectories, & Important information & Considerations Visual File: JFK Assassination Research, Maps, & Discoveries for Your Considerations T ogether E veryone A chieves M ore National Terror Alert for the United States: http://www.dhs.gov/dhspublic/
  13. Thanks Steve.... I read the article, and was going to provide the same link for everyone. Best Regards in Research, Don Don Roberdeau U.S.S. John F. Kennedy, CV-67, "Big John," Plank Walker Sooner, or later, The Truth emerges Clearly For your considerations.... Visual Report: The First Impact: JFK While "Hidden Under the 'magic-limbed-ricochet-tree': Z-188, then, Z-203 to 206" Discovery: Very Close JFK Assassination Witness ROSEMARY WILLIS Zapruder Film Documented 2nd Headsnap: West, Ultrafast, and Directly Towards the Grassy Knoll Homepage: President JOHN F. KENNEDY "Men of Courage" speech, and Assassination Research & Discovery Links Dealey Plaza Professionally-surveyed Map: Detailing 11-22-63 Victims precise kill zone locations, Witnesses, Films & Photos, Evidence, Suspects & suspected bullet trajectories, & Important information & Considerations Visual File: JFK Assassination Research, Maps, & Discoveries for Your Considerations T ogether E veryone A chieves M ore National Terror Alert for the United States: http://www.dhs.gov/dhspublic/
  14. The WILMA BOND Photos Do Not Timestamp GORDON ARNOLD's Presence Anywhere on the Grassy Knoll by Donald Roberdeau 2003 Thank You to the many dedicated and respected John F. Kennedy assassination researchers who have provided their very appreciated and valuable follow up help with solid interpretations, clear follow up films frames, and clear photos. Good Day.... Here is my promised study timestamping the 6 post-attack photo-slides by WILMA BOND, the continuously-filmed DAVE WIEGMAN film, a JAMES TOWNER photo, and additional photos and films that collectively all show and detail for us up to 93-plus seconds after the Dealey Plaza attack the grassy knoll, retaining wall, picket fence area. Given what claims GORDON ARNOLD made in his 1978 initial statements (almost 15 years after the attack), then later, the claims that ARNOLD added (or changed) by the 1988 documentary (part 3), "The Men Who Killed Kennedy," then later, claims that ARNOLD added (or changed) in his 1989 oral history videotaped interview for the "Sixth Floor Museum at Dealey Plaza," here follows a study estimating a common sense timestamping range for the ARNOLD-claimed "Gordon Arnold+'badge man assassin'+'badge man accomplice,'" supposed, grassy knoll encounter utilizing BOND's timestamping (as told to RICHARD TRASK when she stated that she captured a photo-slide every 5 to 10 seconds) after her BOND #4 slide-photo, and coordinated with the continuous-filming DAVE WIEGMAN Jr.'s visibility in BOND slide photo #4: **NOTE** These actions seconds estimates are minimum, timestamping estimates, and do not allow for a probable element of liberal, even more time consuming, immobilizing anxieties by the, supposed, "Arnold," and/or the, supposed, "badge man accomplice," and/or the, supposed, crying "badge man" assassin during "Arnold's", supposed encounter. SECONDS AFTER SHOT SUPPOSEDLY PASSED ARNOLD's LEFT EAR......(Necessary mandatory minimum action timestamped after, supposed, "badge man"-triggered bullet passed "Arnold's" left side) 0 second after bullet, supposedly, passes "Arnold's" left side...... Shot occurs wherein the, supposed, "badge man" rifle muzzle end opening is elevated a minimum of at least 7.60' above the ground if the rifle muzzle end opening of the, supposed, "badge man" (BM) is even with the picket fence. The mandatory minimum height is necessary for the bullet to barely clear the retaining wall corner by 1" if the very top of the President's head was 4' above the Z-313 street point. Before barely clearing the retaining wall corner, the bullet, supposedly, passes close to ARNOLD's left side according to his claims [1, 2] (If President KENNEDY's head top was 5' above Elm Street, the mandatory minimum height of the, supposed, "badge man" weapon muzzle end would have been 6.98') **NOTE** Please see the following viewable link for the larger professionally surveyed and scaled diagram showing that President KENNEDY was facing nearly 90-degrees perpendicular away from the, supposed, "badge man" assassin and the, supposed, grassy knoll picket fence assassin at Z-313 when his head, initially, exploded. 1-2 seconds after bullet, supposedly, passed ARNOLD's left side.... According to ARNOLD, he immediately reacts and, according to persons who believe RALPH YARBOROUGH's nebulous statement in "The Men Who Killed Kennedy," YARBOROUGH, fleetingly, saw "ARNOLD," jumps 10' [3] to his right (westward), away from the, supposedly, close bullet that passed him on his left. ARNOLD lands on the ground to his right (west-to-west-south-westward from where he was standing pre-shot), some distance away from the bow shockwave passing him on his left. [1, 2] NOTE: There is at least one conflict between several elements involving YARBOROUGH's statements, ARNOLD's statements, the "Arnold" image mandatory line-of-sight as seen in the MOORMAN #5 polaroid MACK-WHITE transparent-oils-colorized, brightness/contrasted enhancement captured concurrent with Z-315/6, and the WILLIS #5 slide-photo mandatory "black dog man" image. (see YARBOROUGH's 1993 statements, detailed below) The WILLIS #5 slide photo captured the HSCA-determined human "black dog man" at Z-202, only 6 seconds before the President's head exploded. ARNOLD said he had his camera upwards at his face, and was panning the camera, when he noticed the President was already on Elm Street [2]. Some persons think that the "black dog man" is ARNOLD. If true, it is common sense that if ARNOLD was already standing and panning with his upheld mother's movie camera, that he was standing still while panning side-to-side. Further strong support (and common sense) for ARNOLD/"black dog man" having to stand without moving his feet while having his mother's movie camera upwards to his face is that a few persons contend that ARNOLD was standing on a "dirt mound," which would also, most likely, require him to be standing still and motionless while, supposedly, filming while balanced atop the "dirt mound". Please refer to the above HSCA survey-based diagram (note the very-near-levelness of the professionally surveyed ground from the inside corner of the retaining wall, across the top pergola step, all the way to the corner of the picket fence.... In no professional ground survey has any dirt mound ever been detailed, and, to-date, no one has supplied photographic support from 22NOV63 showing a dirt mound located anywhere on the mandatory line-of-sight for "Arnold" as seen in the MACK-WHITE MOORMAN transparent-oils-colorized, brightness/contrasted enhancement. Also in the above HSCA survey-based diagram, please note the intersection point of the WILLIS "black dog man" image mandatory line-of-sight with the MACK-WHITE transparent-oils-colorized, brightness-contrasted enhanced MOORMAN version mandatory line-of-sight. This intersection point is located in the very short space between the eastern-edge of the pergola west sidewalk, and the western-edge of the retaining wall. In "The Men Who Killed Kennedy," YARBOROUGH said he "saw a man jump about 10 feet and land against a wall, like an old time flying tackle in football." Note that YARBOROUGH did not, specifically, say he saw a man wearing a military uniform, nor did YARBOROUGH say this man was wearing a military cap, but, instead, YARBOROUGH inferred the "old time flying tackle" reminded him of someone who may have been infantry-trained. From YARBOROUGH's perspective higher than "ARNOLD's" head top from Z-160 to about 220, and, from YARBOROUGH's perspective lower than "ARNOLD's" from Z-220 onward, the 3.3' tall retaining wall would have blocked approximately half, then more than half (including "Arnold's" waistline belt buckle), of "Arnold's" body, yet in the MACK-WHITE transparent-oils-colorized, brightness-contrasted enhanced MOORMAN version we can "see" several inches below "Arnold's" beltline/belt buckle. From YARBOROUGH's perspective lower than "Arnold" from Z-220 all the way to, at least, Z-323, for YARBOROUGH to be able to perspectively estimate a 10' horizontal run/dive towards a "wall" (whether it be the retaining wall, or, the picket fence "wall") "Arnold" would have to be moving roughly perpendicular to across YARBOROUGH's line-of-sight (not mostly straight at, or, moving mostly directly away from YARBOROUGH), for YARBOROUGH to estimate a 10' distance covered in only 1 or 2 seconds. Perpendicular to YARBOROUGH is along a due north-south line of direction. We know from total lack of witness and photographic evidence that no one dove from that spot due south and landed onto the inclined area near the pergola steps, nor is anyone seen laying, west of the west end of the retaining wall. YARBOROUGH clarified his position even more in 1993 when he was interviewed at his Austin home by historian DAVID MURPH of Texas Christian University. MURPH reminded YARBOROUGH that he had been quoted as saying he had witnessed a man on the grassy knoll throw himself down on the ground, and that the man had impressed him as a combat veteran. YARBOROUGH seemed puzzled to hear that his words had been applied to someone standing on the grassy knoll. "That couldn't possibly be correct," he insisted repeatedly. "Remember where I was in the motorcade — with the Johnsons," he cautioned MURPH, "too far back to have been able to see anyone (on the knoll) drop to the ground when firing began." [4] Another conflict is that if "Arnold" dove due north, which was towards the retaining wall's much longer east, north-south-running leg, he would have been diving TOWARDS A 130 DECIBELS TO 150 DECIBELS EAR-SHATTERING, "badge man" TRIGGERED MUZZLE BLAST/BULLET BOW-SHOCKWAVE that, supposedly, passed very close to his ear. (In the diagram linked above, the red line represents the center of the, supposed, "badge man's" head, not the, supposed, trajectory of a, supposed, Z-313 bullet that would have actually passed very slightly west of the retaining wall corner) From ARNOLD's own mouth in "The Men Who Killed Kennedy" while he was viewing the MACK-WHITE transparent-oils-colorized, brightness/contrasted MOORMAN enhancement, even ARNOLD stated that in the MACK-WHITE transparent-oils-colorized, brightness/contrasted MOORMAN enhancement that "he" appeared to be LEANING AWAY FROM the, supposed, 130 DECIBELS TO 150 DECIBELS EAR-SHATTERING, "badge man" triggered muzzle blast bullet bow shockwave. (ARNOLD, supposedly, viewed with surprise the transparent-oils-colorized, brightness/contrasted enhanced photo for the first time, even though it had been only 6 years at that 1988 "The Men Who Killed Kennedy"-point since ARNOLD had been told by GARY MACK in 1982 that ARNOLD may be seen in a photo), In my decades of military experience, myself, and the vast majority of persons, almost always move AWAY from a 130 decibels to 150 decibels ear-shattering muzzle blast/bullet bow shockwave.... ESPECIALLY, if the blast/shockwave is completely unexpected. 3-5 seconds after bullet, supposedly, passed ARNOLD's left side.... ARNOLD claimed there was another shot [1], or, seemed as if another shot [2] fired while he was still laying on the ground. 6-8 seconds after bullet, supposedly, passed ARNOLD's left side.... standing DPD-uniformed "badge man accomplice" (BMA) leaps/shimmy's straight towards ARNOLD over the 5' high picket fence (where does the second "badge man" accomplice, the "construction hatted man accomplice"....CHMA.... supposedly, seen in the MACK-WHITE transparent-oils-colorized, brightness/contrasted MOORMAN-enhancement, escape towards?) QUESTION: did the CHMA stay behind to retrieve BM's ejected shell casing while BMA & BM leap/shimmy/run-around-north-end of the picket fence to approach ARNOLD, or, Did BMA retrieve BM's ejected shell casing before his leap/shimmy/run-around-north-end of the picket fence to approach ARNOLD, or, Did the weapon have an ejected shell casing canister that prevented the spent shell from being ejected onto the ground (a canister that ARNOLD never noticed and never described, although in 1988 he did illustrate the weapon as looking "big around"), or, Did BM simply not eject the shell casing? *NOTE: WOULD BMA HAVE immediately HEADED TOWARDS ARNOLD IF THE BLACK MAN & WOMAN WHOM SITZMAN SAW ON THE RETAINING WALL BENCH WERE STILL REMAINING VISIBLE TO BMA IN HIS IMMEDIATE, NEARBY AREA? If BMA waited for them to leave, this adds several, and perhaps, many more seconds to all of the concurrent encounter-actions timestamps. INTERESTING NOTE: in "The Men Who Killed Kennedy" ARNOLD said "the gentleman came from around here" pointing behind himself (northwest), to his left, rear side, pointing towards the north-south fence-line of the picket fence that runs north from the picket fence corner. **NOTE: VERY IMPORTANTLY, IF BMA DID NOT IMMEDIATELY LEAP/SHIMMY OVER THE 5' HIGH-ON-PARKING-LOT-SIDE OF THE PICKET FENCE (4'10" on "grassy knoll" side of fence), BUT, INSTEAD, WALKED/TROTTED THE REQUISITE LONGER ROUTE 20' NORTH, THEN TURNED AROUND THE PICKET FENCE END, THEN WALKED/TROTTED 40' BACK TO ARNOLD, NOW, SUPPOSEDLY, LYING ON THE GROUND, IT WOULD HAVE CONSUMED MUCH MORE TIME…. REALISTICALLY, UP TO 10 SECONDS MORE TIME AT 4.1 m.p.h. (**if BMA took the longer route the cumulative maximum action timestamped seconds after ARNOLD's eardrum-bursting shot are indicated in parentheses along with any concurrent BOND photo captured at that longer route action timestamp 5 to 10 second interval) 9-12* seconds after bullet, supposedly, passed ARNOLD's left side.... (or 22 seconds**).. Standing BMA traverses about 20' and approaches ARNOLD if BMA took the longer route, BOND #4 would have been captured while BMA was standing and walking/trotting towards ARNOLD. (Nothing/no one, other than the bottle, is seen standing near retaining wall/picket fence west side in BOND #4) Are the, supposed, BM & BMA still standing? 13-15* seconds after bullet, supposedly, passed ARNOLD's left side.... (or 25 seconds**)... BMA, standing, asks ARNOLD if he was filming [1, 2] (Nothing/no one, other than the bottle, is seen standing near retaining wall/picket fence west side in BOND #5) Are the, supposed, BM & BMA still standing? 16-18* seconds after bullet, supposedly, passed ARNOLD's left side.... (or 28 seconds**).. ARNOLD tells standing BMA to "Go jump in the river" [1] Are the, supposed, BM & BMA still standing? 19-21* seconds after bullet, supposedly, passed ARNOLD's left side.... (or 31 seconds**).. ARNOLD affirms to standing BMA he was filming [1, 2] Are the, supposed, BM & BMA still standing? 22-24* seconds after bullet, supposedly, passed ARNOLD's left side.... (or 34 seconds**).. Standing BMA kicks [2] ARNOLD and demands film [1, 2].... ARNOLD notices a second, standing, armed uniformed man, who is crying [2], who is also now standing close by [1, 2], and, in ARNOLD's words, "waving" a weapon. [1, 2] Are the, supposed, BM & BMA still standing? 25-30* seconds after bullet, supposedly, passed ARNOLD's left side.... (or 40 seconds**) ARNOLD sits upright some, (or stands up), then moves his mother's movie camera to a relatively level position in front of himself, then unlocks the film compartment hatch, then starts to unlock/release the film from the camera guts film spool retaining mechanisms. (All of which mandates even more consumed time to complete) (Nothing/no one, other than the bottle, is seen standing near retaining wall/picket fence west side in BOND #6, nor #8) Are the, supposed, BM & BMA still standing? ***NOTE: IF THE FILM LOADED INSIDE THE MOVIE CAMERA WAS NOT COMPLETELY EXPOSED-THROUGH AND TAKEN UP COMPLETELY ONTO THE FILM SPOOL, THERE WOULD HAVE, ABSOLUTELY, BEEN A VERY LARGE AMOUNT OF ADDITIONAL TIME REQUIRED FOR ARNOLD TO ACTIVATE A RELEASE MECHANISM, THEN TAKE UP THE BALANCE OF THE UNEXPOSED FILM COMPLETELY ONTO ONLY THE TAKE-UP SPOOL, POSSIBLY AS MUCH AS 10-20 SECONDS MORE CONSUMED TIME DEPENDING ON THE LENGTH OF FILM NEEDED TAKING UP, THE FUNCTIONALITY OF THE CAMERA MECHANISMS, ARNOLD's ANXIETY, ETC. To posit that ARNOLD just ripped the film out of the camera is not realistic, IMO, because he would not have done that to his mother's, precious, movie camera to avoid damaging her camera. It is also interesting that just one year later, in 1989, ARNOLD's story had then mutated to then add and claim that the camera fell out of his hands when he dove rightward not into any camera's view; that the ground-laying camera was still running and generally pointed towards either "badge man" or the "badge man accomplice"; and that it was the "badge man accomplice," completely unfamiliar with the film-releasing methodologies and mechanisms who retrieved the movie camera and removed the film (of course, also, leaving behind the "badge man accomplice" fresh fingerprints outside and inside of the movie camera!) 30 seconds after bullet, supposedly, passed ARNOLD's left side.... BOND #4 (or 40 seconds**=BOND #5 maximum) Are the, supposed, BM & BMA still standing? 31-35*.... ARNOLD detaches film spool from inside movie camera guts. [1, 2] (Nothing/no one, other than the bottle, is seen standing near retaining wall/picket fence west side in BOND #7) Are the, supposed, BM & BMA still standing? 35 seconds after bullet, supposedly, passed ARNOLD's left side.... BOND #5 minimum (Nothing/no one, other than the bottle, is seen standing near retaining wall/picket fence west side in BOND #5) Are the, supposed, BM & BMA still standing? Please view the following link for a larger view of BOND #5, available here *NOTE* on the BOND slides where one person is seen rising up higher that the mandatory line-of-sight from BOND to the person seen rising up higher intersects directly onto the sitting bench that was located nearly adjacent to the wall "step" located almost midway on the top of the retaining wall. 36-39* seconds after bullet, supposedly, passed ARNOLD's left side.... (or 49 seconds*****)..ARNOLD removes film spool from movie camera and hands film spool to standing BMA [1, 2] Are the, supposed, BM & BMA still standing? 40 seconds after bullet, supposedly, passed ARNOLD's left side.... BOND #5 maximum (nothing/no one, other than the bottle, is seen standing near retaining wall/picket fence west side in BOND #5, nor #6) Are the, supposed, BM & BMA still standing? 41-43* seconds after bullet, supposedly, passed ARNOLD's left side.... (or 53 seconds*****)..Standing BMA takes hold of film spool from ARNOLD, then he and standing BM turn away from ARNOLD and walk northeastward away from him, and ARNOLD leaves the retaining wall area walking northward towards the parking lot, away from Elm Street. [1, 2] Are the, supposed, BM & BMA still standing? ....Which photographers are still photographing when the NEWMAN's were still laying on the ground, and.... how does that match, time wise, with what we see in the photos or film they captured? The WIEGMAN continuously running film is important for many considerations. WIEGMAN first turned towards and captures the NEWMAN's laying protectively over their sons at 26 seconds after the starting filming, and captures them for about 5 seconds. In BOND #4 we can clearly see that WIEGMAN is still filming the NEWMAN's, and the NEWMAN's are still laying protectively over their children (they maintain to this day that the shots they sensed came from behind them --at Z-202 to, even as late as Z-313, we can see that "behind" them is the retaining wall/picket fence/north TOP sewer areas)....so TRASK's estimate of "within 20 seconds" is incorrect by, at least, 6 to 11 seconds. (also remember, WIEGMAN started filming just after "his" 2nd blast or shockwave, about 1 or 2 seconds before "his" 3rd blast or shockwave he remembered hearing) Another of the many keys we can utilize for timestamping is the CHISM's. Near the end of the WIEGMAN film, viewable here, we can, very clearly, see Mrs. CHISM carrying her, big-for-a-3-year-old-compared-to-her, son clutched in her arms (Mr. CHISM comes into view briefly when they both begin to trot westward). Mrs. CHISM is standing in the grass close to the alter-ego pedestal of the "ZAPRUDER-pedestal," just before other photos show the CHISM's trotting westward off the GK grass onto the sidewalk. By BOND #6, Mrs. CHISM is, measurably, 190' away from where we saw her in the WIEGMAN film --halfway between the westernmost last two light poles on the north Elm Street sidewalk-- approaching the TUP with Mr. CHISM. To get an idea of how long it took them from the WIEGMAN film to get to where we see them near the TUP in BOND #6: if Mrs. CHISM continuously trotted at a 4 m.p.h. average while carrying her son (without stopping), it would have taken her 33 seconds to get that far down Elm. After WIEGMAN's filming of the NEWMAN's we can first see the CHISM's start trotting at 32 seconds into the WIEGMAN film (4.5 seconds before the WIEGMAN film ends, which was 30 or 31 seconds after WIEGMAN. heard "his" third audible muzzle blast or mechanically-suppress-fired bullet bow shockwave). Using 4 m.p.h. as Mrs. CHISM's continuous trotting speed timestamps BOND #6 at a minimum of 63 or 64 seconds after the attack ended. (is there any statement(s) or photo evidence that the CHISM's stopped/paused during their trot? If so, a stop, pause, or slowing-down would increase the seconds of the BOND #6 timestamping even longer after the attack) I was checking the photos and thinking about the sequencing of which BOND photos the TOWNER #3 photo falls within. After thinking about it and doing some double-checking, I think that CUTLER was correct. TOWNER #3 was, indeed, captured between BOND #6 and #7.... Looking first at the BOND #6 photo, viewable here.... ....To start off, the 2 men that are each labeled with a yellow "x" are two of the three men that we saw in MOORMAN, NIX, MUCHMORE standing half-way up the pergola steps during the attack. (one of these men is Plaza of Dealey groundskeeper, EMMETT HUDSON who initially warrenatti-testified that not only did some shots originate from behind him and pass over/near him, but that he, like several other key and/or close attack witnesses, also heard a distinctly separate shot noticeably AFTER he saw President KENNEDY's head initially rupture and explode) ....Importantly, take note of the dark-complected, beret-hatted, light-color-jacketed man whom some call "the accomplice" (TA), who is walking west down the Elm Street north sidewalk, at a point location approximately 6'/7' west of the street light pole that obscured President KENNEDY's head at Z-272. ....A light-colored-clothing man (#3) near the dark-suited man (#2), both in the GK grass, is heading upward towards the picket fence corner area, ....Let's also consider the dark-suited-hatted-man (#4), who is standing at the bottom of the pergola steps while he is looking towards, at least, nine persons already running westward along the picket fence towards the north vertical double sewer located where the far-west picket fence end point adjoins to the cement TOP. ....Note that in BOND #6 the "running suited man" (RSM), who first appears in this three photo study in TOWNER #3, is, probably, somewhere just outside the right side vertical photo frame of BOND #6, probably, running westward towards the picket fence corner area. ....We can also see the "shelter man" (SM), who appears to be, from BOND's line-of-sight, "above" the pythacantha bush. ....We can also just barely see the head of one person (#1), (not two or three persons, supposedly, of ARNOLD's claimed encounter), and that one person is very close, and probably 1' or 2' south of, the retaining wall sitting bench which was located 10' to the LEFT of a, supposed, MACK-WHITE transparent-oils-colorized & brightness/contrast enhanced version MOORMAN #5 "badge man" Z-313 bullet trajectory that a, supposed, GORDON ARNOLD, supposedly, was standing to the RIGHT of. (if you save these photos, besides color/contrast/brightness/gamma and other filter enhancements, you can also invert the shades of a photo, which will, oftentimes, also resolve even more for your viewing persons located within dark tree shadows) Now, viewing the TOWNER #3 photo, (TOWNER has moved from the Houston/Elm southwest corner curve, westward, into the "north infield grass", and is near where the black man wearing the apron --labeled "AM" on my DP map-- had been applauding as the President entered the kill zone and the attack started) We can see that since BOND #6.... ....the two "x" men are still near their same attack location/BOND #6 location about half-way up the pergola steps; one of them is now standing up, ....TA has walked about 11' westward on the sidewalk since BOND #6 (if he was steadily walking at 2 m.p.h. --and did not stop/pause-- since BOND #6, then TOWNER #3 was captured 3.75 seconds after BOND #6), ....the RSM running-suited man is now seen in the GK grass, running northwestward towards the picket fence corner, ....the #3 light-colored-clothing man has moved further up the pergola steps and is nearly in line with (from TOWNER's line-of-sight) the one person I yellow labeled #1, (not two or three persons, supposedly, of ARNOLD's claimed encounter), and that one person is STILL close to the retaining wall sitting bench which was located 10' to the LEFT of a, supposed, MACK-WHITE transparent-oils-colorized & brightness/contrast enhanced version MOORMAN #5 "badge man" Z-313 bullet trajectory that a, supposed, GORDON ARNOLD, supposedly, was standing to the RIGHT of, ....Since BOND #6 the #2 dark-suited man has also moved up the pergola steps and is just passing the south leg of the retaining wall, ....Since BOND #6 the #4 dark-suited-hatted-man has moved about half-way up the pergola steps, headed for the picket fence corner area, ....We can also still see --and see more of-- the SM shelter man, who, probably, is standing on the shelter-steps 2' high west wall Moving forward in time to BOND #7, viewable here.... ....the two "x" men are still near their attack location, about half-way up the pergola steps; the standing "x" man appears to be watching the group of persons still running westward along the picket fence towards the north vertical double sewer located where the far-west picket fence end point adjoins to the cement TOP. ....TA has walked even further westward down the sidewalk since TOWNER #3, and is now some 29' from where we saw him in BOND #6 (if he was steadily walking at 2 m.p.h. and did not stop/pause after BOND #6, then BOND #7 was captured 9.89 seconds after BOND #6), ....Since TOWNER #3 the RSM running-suited man has run more westward up the retaining wall south face grass slope, and is very close to the retaining wall, reaching with his right hand to grab the edge of the wall, ....#3 light-colored-clothing man is no where to be seen when BOND #7 is studied in normal shades and inverted shades. I can only theorize that he is out of sight from BOND's camera when he either moved around the northwest side of the pergola shelter, maybe, headed for the TSBD parking lot, or, he went into the shelter, (I seem to recall ZAPRUDER &/or SITZMAN saying they were joined by someone(s) other than the HESTER's) or, he fell down somewhere below the 3.3' high retaining wall since we last saw him in TOWNER #3 on the shelter sidewalk, ....#2 dark-suited man can barely be seen using inverted shades and has moved further northward on the shelter sidewalk, towards the shelter, ....#4 dark-suited-hatted-man has moved further north up the pergola steps and is on the shelter sidewalk, or near the picket fence (he is hard to distinguish), just north of the south face of the retaining wall, ....We can also see the "shelter man" (SM) still appears to be (from BOND's line-of-sight) "above" the pythacantha bush. ....We can also see that there is still only one person (#1) (not the two or three persons, supposedly, of ARNOLD's claimed encounter), and that one person has raised his/her head slightly higher and southward since BOND #6, yet this one person is STILL very close, probably now 3' or 4' south of, the retaining wall sitting bench which was located 10' to the LEFT of a, supposed, MACK-WHITE transparent-oils-colorized & brightness/contrast enhanced version MOORMAN #5 "badge man" Z-313 bullet trajectory that a, supposed, GORDON ARNOLD, supposedly, was standing to the RIGHT of. In summation, BOND #6 calculates to actually have been captured, at a minimum, 63/64 seconds after the attack ended TOWNER #3 was captured, at a minimum, between BOND # 6 & BOND #7, 67/68 seconds after the attack ended BOND #7 was captured, at a minimum, 73/74 seconds after the attack ended. 63 seconds after bullet, supposedly, passed ARNOLD's left side.... BOND #6 (nothing/no one, other than the bottle, is seen standing near retaining wall/picket fence west side in BOND #8) Are the, supposed, BM & BMA still standing? 73 seconds after bullet, supposedly, passed ARNOLD's left side.... BOND #7 (nothing/no one, other than the bottle, is seen standing near retaining wall/picket fence west side in BOND #7) Are the, supposed, BM & BMA still standing? Please see the following active link for the larger view of BOND #7. *NOTE* that the person near/sitting on the retaining wall sitting bench has raised up slightly in the seconds since BOND #5 78 seconds after bullet, supposedly, passed ARNOLD's left side.... BOND #8 minimum (nothing/no one, other than the bottle, is seen standing near retaining wall/picket fence west side in BOND #9) Are the, supposed, BM & BMA still standing? 83 seconds after bullet, supposedly, passed ARNOLD's left side.... BOND #8 maximum, BOND #9 minimum (nothing/no one, other than the bottle, is seen standing near retaining wall/picket fence west side in BOND #7) Are the, supposed, BM & BMA still standing? 88 seconds after bullet, supposedly, passed ARNOLD's left side.... BOND #9 maximum (nothing/no one, other than the bottle, is seen standing near retaining wall/picket fence west side in BOND #8) Are the, supposed, BM & BMA still standing? By my conservative calculations for the required, minimum amount of time necessary from ARNOLD's "eardrum-bursting" shot, to consume just the actions ARNOLD described, the, supposed, "Arnold" + "badge man accomplice" + "badge man" encounter lasted, at least, 61 seconds, and as much as 73 seconds, minimum, if BMA had to run around the north end of the picket fence as ARNOLD claimed (instead of shimmying over it), and, if it took additional time to wind ARNOLD's, supposed, film onto the spool of his Mother's precious camera. Additionally, if the BMA waited for the black man and woman to run from the immediate area, then it took even more seconds, possibly up to 20 seconds more, putting the, supposed, encounter end at 93 seconds after the shot that, supposedly, passed close to "Arnold's" left ear.... Since the BOND photos (and other film evidence) cover the retaining wall area during this 61 to 73 to 93 seconds time it took minimum for ARNOLD's, supposed, encounter, yet, neither the BOND photos, nor any other film evidence, nor a single witness support a 2 or 3 standing persons encounter (with 2 of them exposing weapons), the only logical conclusion is that there is zero support for ARNOLD's encounter claims, and his encounter claims are, most-likely false. ...Which raises another important consideration... ....In photo enhancements we can see what appears to be one person near/sitting on the retaining wall bench that has his/her head higher in BOND #7 than BOND #5. We know from the above timeline that BOND #5 was captured sometime around 35 to 40 seconds after the attack ended. Based on the BOND #5 timestamping, does anyone care to theorize the implications this person's near-the-retaining-wall-bench image has relative to the evidence and witnesses' statements? Does anyone have any other enhancements of the retaining wall area taken during the immediate, minimum 61 to 73 to 93 seconds after the attack that support a multiple, standing persons close encounter altercation? Some of the STOUGHTON, WILLIS, etc. post-attack photos may also provide additional timestamping of the GK/retaining wall areas around the same time as the BOND slides, and add to the overall fluidity of events captured on film. Clear MUCHMORE, NIX, BELL, etc. movie frames may also help. With respect to the NIX film, here is a zoomed in crop from the NIX film that the few "Arnold-dove-away-from-a-bullet-passing-on-his-left" theorizers and/or "Arnold-was-'black dog man'" theorizers are afraid to address, and are avoiding like the plague. Please see the above active link for the larger professionally surveyed and scaled diagram of the above NIX film frame crop that details NIX's line-of-sight to the retaining wall southeast corner that only a few claim shows a person nearly directly in line with the retaining wall southeast corner. In the future I will be presenting an addendum for this study detailing the ability, or inability, of a 5.8' tall person ("Arnold") and his, claimed, minimum mandatory movements to be seen when that 5.8' person was behind a 3.3' wall as viewed by a motorcade participant (YARBOROUGH) from within the confines of an Elm Street automobile that had certain obstruction viewing restrictions, and, also contained other passengers and a driver, from specific street points, and, specific measured elevations. Additionally, on June 6, 1989 ARNOLD was videotaped in an "oral history" interview administered by CONOVER HUNT for the "Sixth Floor Museum at Dealey Plaza." In 2004 the written transcript of that interview was revised and released for the non-museum attending public (but not yet available online the internet). Additional information quotes by ARNOLD are detailed here in my research article, "Additional Claims about the Knoll-Wall." ARNOLD's 1989 claims will eventually be incorporated into this study. FOOTNOTES (1) GORDON ARNOLD: "'The next thing I knew someone was kicking my butt and telling me to get up,' Arnold said, 'It was a policeman. And I told him to go jump in the river. And then this other guy - a policeman - comes up with a shotgun and he was crying and that thing was waving back and forth." ("Dallas Morning News," August 27, 1978, under the caption, "SS Impostors Spotted by JFK Witness," by reporter Earl Golz.) Please feel free to email for a complete transcript of the entire article and the article photograph of ARNOLD standing on the "grassy knoll," but close to the picket fence corner. **NOTE** that ARNOLD is specifically claiming there were two separate DPD-uniformed policemen confronted him. (2) GORDON ARNOLD "The Men Who Killed Kennedy" video documentary by NIGEL TURNER, 1988. Interesting that a man who may have been U.S. Army infantry trained described (Described in 1978, that is) the "badge man" weapon as a "shotgun." What is implausible, imo, is that an assassin would be "waving back and forth" the weapon, in a high probability of attracting attention to himself and the weapon, after he had just used the weapon to fire at the President. Not even one single witness has ever stated he/she saw a DPD uniformed person (or any person), much less TWO men in DPD uniforms, one of which was "waving back and forth" a rifle/shotgun around, FOR ALL WITNESSES TO SEE AND OBSERVE CLOSER, and, of course, not one single piece of photographic evidence supports a rifle/shotgun "waving back and forth", anywhere, anytime, near the knoll/wall/fence afterward. Please feel free to email for a complete transcript of the entire ARNOLD comments and video captures of ARNOLD standing on the "grassy knoll," but, now, much farther away from the picket fence corner. (3) RALPH YARBOROUGH "The Men Who Killed Kennedy" video documentary by NIGEL TURNER, 1988 "During that shooting, my eye was attracted to the right. I saw movement and I saw a man just jump about 10 feet, like the old time flying tackle in football, and land against a wall. I thought to myself, 'There's an infantryman who's either been shot at in combat, or, he's been trained thoroughly. The minute you hear fire, you get under cover'" Please feel free to email for a complete transcript of all YARBOROUGH comments. **NOTE** that YARBOROUGH has never said he saw a man wearing a military uniform. (4) DAVE REITZES, "Nowhere Man: The Strange Story of Gordon Arnold" Best Regards in Research, + ++Don Donald Roberdeau United States Navy U.S.S. John F. Kennedy, CV-67, plank walker Sooner, or later, The Truth emerges clearly For your key considerations + independent determinations.... Homepages Website: "Men of Courage": President Kennedy-elimination Evidence, Witnesses, Photographers, Outstanding Researchers Discoveries, Suspects, + Key Considerations.... http://droberdeau.blogspot.com/2009/08/1-men-of-courage-jfk-assassination_09.html The Dealey Plaza Detailed Map: Documented 11-22-63 Victims Precise Locations + Reactions, Evidence, Witnesses Locations, Photographers, Suspected Bullet Trajectories, Outstanding Researchers Discoveries, + Important Information + Key Considerations, in One Convenient Resource.... https://i.imgur.com/8vSS1dp.gif ( updated map, + new information ) Discovery: Very Close JFK Assassination Witness ROSEMARY WILLIS's Zapruder Film Documented 2nd Head Snap: West, Ultrafast, and Directly Towards the Grassy Knoll .... http://droberdeau.blogspot.com/2011/01/discovery-close-jfk-assassination.html Visual Report: The First Bullet Impact Into President Kennedy: While JFK was Still Hidden Under the "Magic-limbed-ricochet-tree".... http://i.imgur.com/rfRH5jX.gif Visual Report: Reality Versus C.A.D. : the Real World, versus, Garbage-in-garbage-out.... http://i.imgur.com/r8Ga26x.gif T ogether E veryone A chieves M ore For the United States: http://www.nationalterroralert.com/advisory7regional.gif http://www.dhs.gov "When you have eliminated the impossible, what remains, however improbable, must be the truth." ---- Sherlock Holmes, "A Study In Scarlet," by A.C. DOYLE (1887)
  15. Good Day.... Because AOL recently ceased its FTP service, my "Men of Courage" homepages website is now always available for you starting here.... http://droberdeau.bl...ination_09.html .... I have also updated for you the free Dealey Plaza detailed map with its 5 followup key graphs and charts for making your own independent determinations, always available for you here.... http://img835.images...updated1111.gif .... and i have updated the exact same Dealey Plaza detailed map (without the 5 followup key graphs and charts), available for you here.... http://img11.imagesh...dated111112.gif A long time, dedicated researcher recently told me that he had a commercial business place print onto one sheet just the Dealey Plaza map without the 5 followup graphs and charts (and it cost him $ 97). You can easily assemble your own DP map for free by printing it onto twelve, 8.5" by 11" paper sheets, then, trimming off the blank border, then, simply matching up and adjoining the sheets at their common edges points with clear tape. I also have available for you a DP map that is four times larger in size when you email me via my contact information. Your comments, and your specific referenced critiques are always welcomed. All of your referenced information will be considered for inclusion for our DP map when you email me via my contact information. Please Feel free to bookmark the maps in your favorites file, and check back periodically as I usually update them regularly with new information. Best Regards in Research, +++Don Donald Roberdeau United States Navy U.S.S. John F. Kennedy, CV-67, "Big John," Plank Walker Sooner, or later, The Truth emerges Clearly For your key considerations + independent determinations (new links).... Visual Report: The First Impact: While JFK was Still Hidden Under the 'magic-limbed-ricochet-tree' Discovery: Very Close JFK Assassination Witness ROSEMARY WILLIS Zapruder Film Documented 2nd Headsnap:West, Ultrafast, and Directly Towards the Grassy Knoll Homepages: President JOHN F. KENNEDY "Men of Courage" speech, and Assassination Research & Discoveries (1975-Present) Dealey Plaza Map: Detailing 11-22-63 Victims precise kill zone locations, Witnesses, Films & Photos, Evidence, Suspects & suspected bullet trajectories, & Key information & Considerations T ogether E veryone A chieves M ore National Terror Alert for the United States: http://www.dhs.gov/dhspublic/ "A red-brown to black area of skin surrounds the wound, forming what is called an abrasion collar. It was caused by the bullet's scraping the margins of the skin on penetration and is characteristic of a gunshot wound of entrance. The abrasion collar is larger at the lower margin of the wound, evidence that the bullet's trajectory at the instant of penetration was slightly upward in relation to the body." - 07HSCA175 describing President KENNEDY's, theorized, not-completely-probed, neck and back wounds
  16. Good Day.... In the following 5-1-06 NYT obituary.... http://www.nytimes.com/2006/05/01/us/01swindal.html?_r=2 ....for JAMES B. SWINDALL, the USAF Colonel and Air Force One pilot on 11-22-63, it states, "Soon afterward, the Secret Service communications gear on Air Force One went dead." Can you provide an additional reference(s) further detailing the SS comm gear on AF1 malfunctioning after the assassination? What was the personnel chain-of-command for the operations of the SS comm gear? Etc, etc? Thank You, in advance. Best Regards in Research, Don Don Roberdeau U.S.S. John F. Kennedy, CV-67, "Big John," Plank Walker Sooner, or later, The Truth emerges Clearly For your considerations.... Visual Report: The First Impact: JFK While "Hidden Under the 'magic-limbed-ricochet-tree': Z-188, then, Z-203 to 206" Discovery: Very Close JFK Assassination Witness ROSEMARY WILLIS Zapruder Film Documented 2nd Headsnap: West, Ultrafast, and Directly Towards the Grassy Knoll Homepage: President JOHN F. KENNEDY "Men of Courage" speech, and Assassination Research & Discovery Links Dealey Plaza Professionally-surveyed Map: Detailing 11-22-63 Victims precise kill zone locations, Witnesses, Films & Photos, Evidence, Suspects & suspected bullet trajectories, & Important information & Considerations Visual File: JFK Assassination Research, Maps, & Discoveries for Your Considerations T ogether E veryone A chieves M ore National Terror Alert for the United States: http://www.dhs.gov/dhspublic/
  17. ....Good Day.... I simply emailed FOX News with respect to the LAMAR WALDRON interview video not playing, they immediately corrected it, and now it will play here. http://www.foxnews.com/video2/video08.html?maven_referralObject=3464742&maven_referralPlaylistId=&sRevUrl=http://www.foxnews.com/ ....Available here is a 12-8-08 interview with LAMAR and THOM HARTMAN.... http://www.buzzflash.com/articles/interviews/137 Best Regards in Research, Don Don Roberdeau U.S.S. John F. Kennedy, CV-67, "Big John," Plank Walker Sooner, or later, The Truth emerges Clearly For your considerations.... Visual Report: JFK While "Under the 'magic-limbed-ricochet-tree': Z-188, then, Z-203 to 206" http://img504.imageshack.us/img504/2446/206cropjfk1102308ms8.gif Discovery: Very Close JFK Assassination Witness ROSEMARY WILLIS Zapruder Film Documented 2nd Headsnap: West, Ultrafast, and Directly Towards the Grassy Knoll http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=2394 President John F. Kennedy "Men of Courage" speech, and Assassination Research & Discovery Links Homepage http://droberdeau.blogspot.com/"]http://droberdeau.blogspot.com/ Dealey Plaza Professionally-surveyed Map Detailing 11-22-63 Victims precise locations, Witnesses, Films & Photos, Evidence, Suspected bullet trajectories, Important information & Considerations http://imgcash2.imageshack.us/img160/7642/dpjpg110508mb6.gif File: JFK Assassination Research, Maps, & Discoveries for Your Considerations http://profile.imageshack.us/user/droberdeau T ogether E veryone A chieves M ore National Terror Alert for the United States:
  18. January 16, 2009.... Good Day.... Because AOL recently ceased its FTP services, I am updating the following discovery announcement until I secure a permanent home for providing it. The following is a quick copy, and therefore does not contain the internet links to the supporting investigations testimonies, documents, maps, animations, tests, recreations, and assassination photographs that are included for you within the original discovery article. All of these original discovery article links are currently available for you within the following file.... http://profile.imageshack.us/user/droberdeau , or, please feel free to email me, anytime. Best Regards in Research, Don Don Roberdeau U.S.S. John F. Kennedy, CV-67, "Big John," Plank Walker Sooner, or later, The Truth emerges Clearly Under the "magic-limbed-ricochet-tree": Z-188, then, Z-203 to 206 (Updated 12-28-08) http://img504.imageshack.us/img504/2446/20...k1102308ms8.gif Discovery: Very Close JFK Assassination Witness ROSEMARY WILLIS Zapruder Film Documented 2nd Headsnap: West, Ultrafast, and Directly Towards the Grassy Knoll (Updated 1-16-09) http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=2394 Dealey Plaza Professionally-surveyed Map Detailing 11-22-63 Victims precise locations, Witnesses, Photographers, Evidence, Suspected bullet trajectories, Important information & Considerations (Updated 12-28-08) http://imgcash2.imageshack.us/img160/7642/dpjpg110508mb6.gif President Kennedy "Men of Courage" speech, and JFK Assassination Research, Maps, & Discoveries for Your Considerations (Updated 12-28-08) http://profile.imageshack.us/user/droberdeau T ogether E veryone A chieves M ore National Terror Alert for the United States:
  19. Good Day.... FYI............ http://www.newsmax.com/newsfront/richardso.../04/167636.html <QUOTE> Richardson Withdraws Bid to Be Commerce Secretary Sunday, January 4, 2009 5:10 PM WASHINGTON – New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson on Sunday announced that he was withdrawing his nomination to be President-elect Barack Obama's commerce secretary amid a grand jury investigation into how some of his political donors won a lucrative state contract. Richardson's withdrawal was the first disruption of Obama's Cabinet process and the second "pay-to-play" investigation that has touched Obama's transition to the presidency. The president-elect has remained above the fray in both the case of arrested Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich and the New Mexico case. A federal grand jury is investigating how a California company that contributed to Richardson's political activities won a New Mexico transportation contract worth more than $1 million. Richardson said in a statement issued by the Obama transition office that the investigation could take weeks or months but expressed confidence it will show he and his administration acted properly. "I have concluded that the ongoing investigation also would have forced an untenable delay in the confirmation process," Richardson said. "Given the gravity of the economic situation the nation is facing, I could not in good conscience ask the president-elect and his administration to delay for one day the important work that needs to be done." Richardson said he will remain as governor and told Obama, "I am eager to serve in the future in any way he deems useful." The announcement came ahead of Obama's Monday meetings with congressional leaders on a massive economic recovery bill he wants lawmakers to pass quickly. Obama said he has accepted Richardson's withdrawal, first reported by NBC News, "with deep regret." "Governor Richardson is an outstanding public servant and would have brought to the job of Commerce Secretary and our economic team great insights accumulated through an extraordinary career in federal and state office," Obama said. "It is a measure of his willingness to put the nation first that he has removed himself as a candidate for the Cabinet to avoid any delay in filling this important economic post at this critical time. Although we must move quickly to fill the void left by Governor Richardson's decision, I look forward to his future service to our country and in my administration." A person familiar with the proceedings has told The Associated Press that the grand jury is looking into possible "pay-to-play" dealings between CDR Financial Products and someone in a position to push the contract through with the state of New Mexico. State documents show CDR was paid a total of $1.48 million in 2004 and 2005 for its work on a transportation program. Richardson ran against Obama in the Democratic presidential primary, but withdrew after a poor showing in the Iowa caucuses and New Hampshire primary. He is one of the most prominent Hispanics in the Democratic Party, having served in Congress and as President Clinton's ambassador to the United Nations and energy secretary. As governor, he has kept up an international profile with a specialty in dealing with rouge nations. Obama also considered him to be secretary of state. CDR and its CEO, David Rubin, have contributed at least $110,000 to three political committees formed by Richardson, according to an AP review of campaign finance records. The largest donation, $75,000, was made by CDR in June 2004 — a couple of months after the transportation financing arrangement won state approval — to a political committee that Richardson established before the Democratic National Convention that year. In the Illinois case, Blagojevich is accused of trying to sell the Senate seat that Obama gave up to become president. Obama and two of his top aides have been interviewed by the U.S. attorney's office pursuing the case but have denied any knowledge of such a scheme and have not been accused by prosecutors of any wrongdoing. <END QUOTE> Best Regards in Research, Don Don Roberdeau U.S.S. John F. Kennedy, CV-67, "Big John," Plank Walker Sooner, or later, The Truth emerges Clearly President Kennedy "Men of Courage" speech, and JFK Assassination Research, Maps, & Discoveries for Your Considerations (Updated 12-28-08) T ogether E veryone A chieves M ore National Terror Alert for the United States:
  20. Good Day.... FYI............ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tT9_ZIUSLhY Arrogant Obama on Governor Blagojevich/Rahm Emanuel Obama taking a question about Rahm Emanuel's contacts with Governor Blagojevich, arrogantly responds to Reporter John McCormick of the Chicago Tribune ..."Don't waste your question." Good Day.... FYI............ http://news.aol.com/article/legal-fight-pl...governor/280098 <QUOTE> Blagojevich Pledges to Fight Charges By DEANNA BELLANDI and MIKE ROBINSON, AP CHICAGO (Dec. 19) - Facing federal corruption charges that threaten to end his political career, Gov. Rod Blagojevich has made clear to the world what those close to him know well: He's not one to be easily fazed. "I have done nothing wrong. And I'm not going to quit a job that people hired me to do because of false accusations and a political lynch mob," a composed yet combative Blagojevich said Friday, addressing the public for the first time since his arrest 10 days earlier. "I will fight. I will fight. I will fight until I take my last breath," Blagojevich said. He took no questions from reporters and immediately left the room after wishing his listeners, "Merry Christmas, happy holidays." The 52-year-old Democrat's uncompromising pledge comes as little surprise to those who know him, but doesn't necessarily resonate. "I just think that he is living in an alternate reality right now," state Sen. Christine Radogno, a suburban Chicago Republican said earlier Friday. "I don't think he's being realistic, probably even with himself, with respect to how much trouble he's in so he's just carrying on with what's worked for him before." Blagojevich is charged with scheming to sell President-elect Barack Obama's vacant Senate seat for big campaign contributions or a lucrative job for himself. Prosecutors built their case on Blagojevich's wiretapped conversations. "I'm here to tell you right off the bat that I am not guilty of any criminal wrongdoing, that I intend to stay on the job, and I will fight this thing every step of the way," Blagojevich said. Acknowledging his political isolation, he recited the opening lines of the stirring poem "If" by Rudyard Kipling: "If you can keep your head when all about you are losing theirs and blaming it on you ..." What he hopes to accomplish by staying in office appears unclear. Blagojevich appears to have no political support, the Illinois House having voted 113-0 last week to assemble an impeachment committee, and his ability to govern has been crippled. Still, following his appearance, Blagojevich issued 22 pardons. Aides wouldn't provide any information about why he granted the pardons, or what crimes the people were accused of committing, but the move served as reminder of the governor's authority. Republican state Sen. Dale Righter said that if Blagojevich manages to escape impeachment, his governing will be limited to signing legislation, directing his agencies and other "housekeeping stuff." Blagojevich will not be able to work with lawmakers or energize the public to support his ideas, Righter said. "Is this governor finished as a leader? I don't think there's any question about that," he said. "I don't think the instrument has yet been invented that can measure how little credibility he has." After the speech, disappointed Republicans argued that if Blagojevich cannot be dislodged right away, he should at least be disarmed. They called on the Democrats in the Legislature to hold a special election to fill the Senate seat, stripping Blagojevich of the power to make the appointment. "Anything short of resignation today from the governor was unacceptable," said Illinois GOP chairman Andy McKenna. Democratic Lt. Gov. Pat Quinn pleaded with Blagojevich to step aside under a constitutional provision that allows him to keep his title but give his duties to an acting governor — which, under the rules of succession, would be Quinn. "Our state cannot wait while the chief executive battles in the court of law while we have so many issues affecting safety and welfare of the state of Illinois," Quinn said. Even before the speech, Blagojevich's lawyer, Ed Genson, a hard-charging Chicago criminal defense attorney, had made it plain the governor would not go down without a fight. Genson challenged the Illinois House impeachment committee at every turn this week, arguing that the wiretaps were illegal, accusing some of the panel members of having already made up their mind, and complaining that Illinois law does not spell out the grounds for impeachment or what evidence should be considered. "He'll worry about the criminal part, the governor will continue to govern," said another Blagojevich attorney, Sam Adam Jr. The impeachment panel wants federal prosecutors to release details of their probe of Blagojevich, including copies of the taped conversations, and give the Legislature some guidance on who can be called as a witness without compromising the federal case. Blagojevich, a former boxer, has for years cultivated an image as a fighter — dating back to his youth, when he trained for the Chicago Golden Gloves. During his first campaign for governor in 2002, Blagojevich and his aides would sum up each day's success in boxing terms: 10-10 for a draw, 10-9 a win, 10-8 a decisive win, a knockdown, and so on. Once in office, he earned a reputation for publicly sparring with everyone from his Chicago alderman father-in-law to the powerful Democratic House speaker. "Now I know there are some powerful forces arrayed against me," Blagojevich said Friday. "It's kind of lonely right now. But I have on my side the most powerful ally there is, and it's the truth. And besides, I have the personal knowledge that I have not done anything wrong." <END QUOTE> Good Day.... FYI............ http://news.aol.com/article/illinois-gov-r...tatement/283002 <QUOTE> Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich's statement Friday CHICAGO -A transcript of Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich's statement Friday: I'm here to tell you right off the bat that I am not guilty of any criminal wrongdoing, that I intend to stay on the job, and I will fight this thing every step of the way. I will fight, I will fight, I will fight until I take my last breath. I have done nothing wrong. And I'm not going to quit a job that people hired me to do because of false accusations and a political lynch mob. Now that's what I'm going to do. Let me tell you what I'm not going to do. I'm not going to do what my accusers and political enemies have been doing, and that is to talk about this case in 30-second sound bites on "Meet the Press" or on the TV news. Now I'm dying to answer these charges. I am dying to show you how innocent I am. And I want to assure everyone who's here and everyone who's listening that I intend to answer every allegation that comes my way. However, I intend to answer them in the appropriate forum, in a court of law. And when I do I am absolutely certain that I will be vindicated. Rudyard Kipling wrote, 'If you can keep your head when all about you are losing theirs and blaming it on you, if you can trust yourself when all men doubt you and make allowance for their doubting too, if you can wait and not be tired by waiting or being lied about, don't deal in lies, or being hated, don't give way to hating.' Now I know there are some powerful forces arrayed against me. It's kind of lonely right now. But I have on my side the most powerful ally there is, and it's the truth. And besides, I have the personal knowledge that I have not done anything wrong. To the people of Illinois, I ask that they wait and be patient, sit back and take a deep breath and please reserve judgment. Afford me the same rights that you and your children have: the presumption of innocence, the right to defend yourself, the right to your day in court — the same rights that you would expect for yourselves. And one last thing: To those of you who have expressed your support to Patti and me during this difficult time, I'd like to thank you for your thoughts, I'd like to thank you for your prayers and I would like to thank you for your good wishes. Patti and I cannot express to you how grateful we are for your kindness. Merry Christmas, happy holidays. <END QUOTE> Good Day.... FYI............ http://www.iht.com/articles/2008/12/25/ame...memo-396233.php <QUOTE> Obama testifies for federal prosecutors By Peter Baker Published: December 25, 2008 Every president for more than three decades has had to talk with federal prosecutors at one time or another. President-elect Barack Obama may have set a land speed record by giving his first interview to investigators even before taking the oath of office. Obama sat down last week with four investigators looking into the alleged attempt to sell his former Senate seat. As a witness, rather than a target, Obama seems to have had an easier time with the experience than some of his predecessors. But it is certainly not the way he wanted to begin his presidency. "Here the guy hasn't even gotten his tuxedo for the ball yet and already there's a prosecutor who wants to talk him," said Robert Bennett, one of Washington's most prominent lawyers who has represented members of Congress, cabinet secretaries and even former President Bill Clinton in all manner of politically charged cases. "It's the era that we live in." Another reflection of the era is that Obama and his team evidently made no effort to avoid the interview. In the past, some presidents have cooperated with prosecutors or court proceedings only reluctantly, delaying or trying to limit the parameters of their involvement while expressing concern about their prerogatives as the head of the executive branch. But in recent years, the practice has grown so commonplace that Obama's aides said there was never any debate about whether he would answer questions. "There was absolutely no hesitation whatsoever about making him available - none," said one person involved in the transition. With no known legal exposure himself, of course, that was an easier decision for Obama. As a political matter, Obama, coming into office on promises of transparency and reform, may have had little choice but to cooperate, even if it meant disclosing the sorts of internal deliberations that presidents often guard jealously, like whether he wanted an adviser to serve on the White House staff or in the Senate. In addition, a president-elect could have a harder time making a legal argument about shielding confidential discussions than a sitting president does. The concept of executive privilege, while not explicitly mentioned in the Constitution, has been recognized by courts over the years, though it can be outweighed in such compelling circumstances as a criminal investigation. It is a matter of some debate among lawyers whether, as president-elect, Obama would have any claim to executive privilege. Obama was interviewed on Dec. 18 at his Chicago transition office by two assistant U.S. attorneys and two agents from the FBI looking into alleged attempts by Governor Rod Blagojevich of Illinois to profit from his appointment of Obama's successor to the Senate. Obama was accompanied by his personal lawyer, Robert Bauer, and an associate, but not by Gregory Craig, who has been designated the new White House counsel, Obama advisers said. The U.S. attorney in Chicago, Patrick Fitzgerald, who is leading the investigation into Blagojevich, did not attend. The two-hour interview was not recorded or conducted under oath, although one FBI agent and Bauer's associate took copious notes, and it is a felony to lie to federal investigators even without being sworn in. Obama answered every question posed and his lawyers made no objections, according to one adviser to the president-elect. Two of Obama's aides were interviewed separately and he made no effort to block his advisers from answering questions, as some past presidents have done. Rahm Emanuel, the incoming White House chief of staff, brought his lawyer, W. Neil Eggleston, a prominent Washington attorney who was White House associate counsel under Clinton. Valerie Jarrett, named a senior presidential adviser, was accompanied by Vincent Connelly, a Chicago lawyer who was an assistant U.S. attorney. Eggleston declined to comment Wednesday, and Connelly did not respond to an e-mail message. The precedent of presidents agreeing to be interviewed by law enforcement authorities can be traced back 200 years to when Thomas Jefferson offered to provide testimony for use at the treason trial of his former vice president, Aaron Burr. James Monroe provided answers at the White House to questions for the court martial of an appointee. Ulysses S. Grant wanted to testify at the corruption trial of his secretary, but was talked out of it by his cabinet. Instead, he gave a deposition at the White House presided over by the chief justice. But those were rarities until Watergate. Ever since, every president has been called to talk with the authorities, either as a witness or a subject. Gerald Ford provided videotaped testimony in the trial of a woman who tried to assassinate him. Jimmy Carter gave depositions or testimony in several proceedings against others. After leaving office Ronald Reagan provided videotaped testimony in the Iran-contra trial of an aide while George H. W. Bush was interviewed about the scandal while still vice president. Clinton provided sworn testimony at least 10 times, according to David Kendall, his attorney in the Whitewater and Monica Lewinsky investigations. His testimony to the grand jury about his relationship with Lewinsky became the basis for an article of impeachment passed by the House of Representatives but later rejected by the Senate. President George W. Bush was interviewed by Fitzgerald for 70 minutes about the leak of a CIA officer's name. With all that recent history, Obama had little choice but to agree to an interview, legal veterans said. "You could probably delay it as a good defense lawyer," said Bennett, who managed to push off Paula Jones's sexual harassment lawsuit against Clinton until after his 1996 re-election. "You could ask a court if there isn't any other alternative. What if he submits an affidavit? Why don't you send him written questions and see if his answers work?" But Obama eventually would have to cooperate, Bennett added. "In the real world, at the beginning of an administration, he wouldn't want to start that way," he said. "He can see the headlines - here's the guy who talks about openness and transparency." While Bennett said he was skeptical that a president-elect could claim executive privilege, Kendall said he thinks Obama would clearly be covered since he is in the process of building a White House. But he agreed that ultimately Obama would have to talk with investigators. The important thing, Kendall said, would be to give the president-elect enough time to prepare with his lawyers so his testimony is as accurate as possible. If a president-elect, with so many issues on his plate, made an innocent mistake of recollection in his discussion with investigators, Kendall said, it would only cause more problems. "This one doesn't feel to me like one where there's particular peril for the president-elect," Kendall said. "But you never know. And you have to have the time to adequately prepare it." <END QUOTE> Good Day.... FYI............ http://online.wsj.com/article/SB123023389395233961.html <QUOTE> DECEMBER 28, 2008, 5:55 P.M. ET Illinois Committee Won't Subpoena Obama Advisers CHICAGO – The Illinois House committee probing a possible impeachment of Gov. Rod Blagojevich won't subpoena two incoming White House advisers, the committee chairwoman said Saturday, according to The Associated Press. U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald asked the committee in a letter Friday not to subpoena President-elect Barack Obama adviser Valerie Jarrett and incoming chief of staff Rahm Emanuel. Blagojevich's attorney had asked the committee earlier in the week to issue the subpoenas. Mr. Fitzgerald said any such subpoenas would interfere with the ongoing criminal investigation into Blagojevich's activities. State Rep. Barbara Flynn Currie said Thursday that the House committee received a letter from Blagojevich attorney Ed Genson asking it to subpoena Mr. Emanuel, Ms. Jarrett and more than a dozen others, including Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. Ms. Currie, the head of the committee, said she didn't yet know what the committee's response to Mr. Genson's request would be. However, she noted that the U.S. Attorney's office has already denied the panel's request to interview a list of people named in the criminal complaint against Mr. Blagojevich. There was no immediate response Thursday to calls seeking comment from Mr. Genson, the Obama transition team and Mr. Jackson. Mr. Blagojevich was arrested Dec. 9 and charged with trying to sell Mr. Obama's vacant Senate seat to the highest bidder. He has denied any wrongdoing. —The Associated Press contributed to this report. <END QUOTE> Good Day.... FYI............ http://news.aol.com/article/blagojevich-na...0005x1201030183 <QUOTE> Blagojevich Appointment Sets Off Dispute By DEANNA BELLANDI, AP CHICAGO (Dec. 31) - Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich created a new distraction for his state by making an appointment to the U.S. Senate even while he faces federal corruption charges for, in part, allegedly trying to sell the very seat he now is trying to fill. Blagojevich tapped former state attorney general Roland Burris for the seat being vacated by President-elect Barack Obama, thrusting the 71-year-old political veteran back in the spotlight and immediately in a corner. The Illinois secretary of state said he won't certify the appointment of Burris, the lieutenant governor called the selection an insult, Senate Democrats won't seat him and even the president-elect was cold to the nomination. "We believe in clean government, and Rod Blagojevich has unclean hands," said Lt. Gov. Pat Quinn, who called Blagojevich's actions an "insult to the people of Illinois." Blagojevich repeatedly sought to distance his surprise selection from his own woes. "Please don't allow the allegations against me to taint a good and honest man," the governor said Tuesday, turning to the smiling Burris standing by his side. "This is about Roland Burris as a U.S. senator, not about the governor who made the appointment." For his part, Burris said he was "humbled to have the opportunity" and promised citizens he would "uphold the integrity of the office and ask for their continued confidence in me." The choice injected race into the drama surrounding the Democratic governor. Burris, the first African-American elected to major statewide office in Illinois, would replace Obama, who had been the Senate's only black member. Rep. Bobby Rush, an Illinois Democrat who was invited to speak at Blagojevich's news conference, urged Senate leaders not to block Burris. He told reporters that Senate Democrats should not "hang and lynch the appointee as you try to castigate the appointer." In an interview Wednesday, Burris didn't back away from Rush's assertion. "It is a fact, there are no African-Americans in the United States Senate," he said on NBC's "Today." ''Is it racism that is taking place? That's a question that someone may raise." Democratic state Rep. Monique Davis of Chicago, a member of an impeachment committee considering Blagojevich's fate, said Burris' appointment will have no bearing on its decision. "Anybody that wants to put the race card in there, they're playing with the wrong group of people. We're not going to operate that way, we're not going to deliberate that way, we're not going to say, 'Oh, look what a good thing he's done.' We're not going to do it," Davis said. Blagojevich was arrested Dec. 9 after federal prosecutors allegedly recorded conversations in which he discussed appointing someone Obama favored in exchange for a position in the new president's Cabinet or naming someone favored by a union if he got a high-level union job. The governor has faced a flood of calls for his resignation, and the Illinois House has begun impeachment proceedings. He maintains his innocence, and has vowed to stay in office. Illinois law gives the governor sole power to fill a Senate vacancy. Lawmakers considered stripping Blagojevich of that power after his arrest, but could not agree on legislation. In a statement Tuesday, Senate Democrats maintained that Blagojevich should not make the appointment because doing so would be unfair to Burris and to the people of Illinois. "It is truly regrettable that despite requests from all 50 Democratic senators and public officials throughout Illinois, Gov. Blagojevich would take the imprudent step of appointing someone to the United States Senate who would serve under a shadow and be plagued by questions of impropriety," the statement said. "Under these circumstances, anyone appointed by Gov. Blagojevich cannot be an effective representative of the people of Illinois and, as we have said, will not be seated by the Democratic caucus." Obama struck the same tone. "Roland Burris is a good man and a fine public servant, but the Senate Democrats made it clear weeks ago that they cannot accept an appointment made by a governor who is accused of selling this very Senate seat. I agree with their decision," the president-elect said in a statement. Illinois Secretary of State Jesse White, who must certify the appointment, said he will not do so. But it's not clear whether White's refusal would be enough to prevent a Blagojevich appointment from taking effect. Burris served as Illinois' comptroller from 1979 to 1991 and as the state's attorney general from 1991 to 1995. He also served as vice chairman of the Democratic National Committee from 1985 to 1989. More recently, however, Burris has had a string of political disappointments. He lost campaigns for the Democratic gubernatorial nomination in 1994, 1998 and 2002 — the last time losing to Blagojevich. In 1995, he was badly beaten when challenging Chicago Mayor Richard Daley as an independent. Associated Press writers Christopher Wills and John O'Connor in Springfield, Ill., Michael Tarm in Chicago and Anne Flaherty, Laurie Kellman and Matt Apuzzo in Washington contributed to this report. <END QUOTE> Good Day.... FYI............ http://news.aol.com/article/lawmakers-near...1858x1201047447 <QUOTE> Lawmakers Near Vote on Governor's Fate AP SPRINGFIELD, Ill. (Jan. 2) - The Illinois House could vote as early as next week on whether to impeach Gov. Rod Blagojevich. The Illinois House has bumped up its schedule and will meet several days next week. They had been set to reconvene on Jan. 12. A spokesman for House Speaker Michael Madigan says the chamber may vote on a recommendation from the special committee studying whether Blagojevich should be impeached. It would take a simple majority vote for the House to impeach — which basically means accusing him of misconduct. Then the state Senate would hold a trial to determine if the governor is guilty. A conviction there requires a two-thirds majority. Blagojevich was arrested Dec. 9 on charges alleging he schemed to swap President-elect Barack Obama's vacant Senate seat for profit. <END QUOTE> Good Day.... FYI............ http://news.aol.com/political-machine/2009...9308x1201047447 <QUOTE> Burris to Head to Senate. Armed Guards Ready By Liza Porteus Viana Jan 2nd 2009 "No-drama" Barack Obama is sure to be cringing from the latest news about Roland Burris. Burris, who was appointed by scandal-scarred Rod Blagojevich to take Obama's Senate seat, insists he doesn't want to "create a scene" when the Senate convenes next week and he, presumably, shows up for his new duties. But no doubt there's going to be some sort of scene, and it could include guards with guns. Chicago media outlets are reporting that Burris' lawyer is trying to force Ill. Secretary of State Jesse White to certify Blagojevich's paperwork making the appointment, even though White says he won't do it. "Should Burris appear in Washington without that certification, armed police officers stand ready to bar him from the Senate floor, said a Democratic official briefed on Senate leaders' plans. ...Leadership also is considering the possibility of Blagojevich appearing in person to escort Burris. Ironically, the scandal-plagued governor would be allowed onto the Senate floor, because sitting governors are allowed floor privileges, while Burris would not without certification. Blagojevich spokesman Lucio Guerrero said the governor had not decided whether he will appear in Washington next week with Burris." I would pay money to see the looks on senators' faces if/when Blagojevich himself had the gall to show up in Washington. Two Democratic aides also told CNN that Burris will be turned away if he arrives for Tuesday's inauguration of new members. From CNN: "The first Democratic aide said if Burris tries to enter the Senate chamber on Tuesday, the Senate doorkeeper will stop him. If Burris were to persist, either trying to force his way onto the Senate floor or refusing to leave and causing a scene, U.S. Capitol police would stop him, the aide said. 'They [police] probably won't arrest him,' but they would call the Senate's sergeant-at-arms, the aide said." Chicago Sun-Times reporter Lynn Sweet also says Burris won't even step foot into the chamber. "Roland Burris does not want to be in the face of the senators whose ranks he hopes to join, I am told," Sweet says, adding that he's still expected to show up Monday. "He won't get into the chamber because the Senate Democratic leadership doesn't want anyone sent by Blagojevich, accused of trying to sell Obama's seat for a plum job or campaign cash," Sweet writes. "I think Burris is underestimating how hard the Senate Democratic leaders are resisting his appointment. " Sweet has learned the Senate will likely refer the issue to the Rules Committee, "where it will be handled as s-l-o-w-l-y as possible" to "make sure the appointment is stain-free." While that's taking place, no doubt the Illinois House will speed up their part, moving forward with the Blagojevich impeachment proceedings. If Blagojevich is impeached sometime before February, Lt. Gov. Pat Quinn would be made governor and pick Obama's successor, then the Senate could decide between Burris and the new pick. James R. Ferguson, a former federal prosecutor with the U.S. attorney's office in Chicago and a partner at Mayer Brown LLP, outlined in The Chicago Tribune today how exactly the House should forge ahead - by "adopting a two-step procedure to streamline the impeachment process." That procedure would be to have the House impeachment committee draft articles of impeachment based on the evidence it and the FBI has gathered - ASAP. Then, after the House has approved those articles, the Illinois Senate should convene a trial and call only one witness to testify - Blagojevich himself. "This approach would give Blagojevich a full and fair opportunity to present his side of the story, while promoting a speedy resolution of his status," Ferguson writes. It would eliminate the need for any further investigation and narrow the issues at the trial to the credibility of the governor's explanations. If his testimony proved to be implausible-or if he invoked the 5th Amendment and refused to testify-the affidavit and other evidence would stand as unrebutted proof of corruption." Whatever process happens, it needs to happen fast. We can't have this Senate seat up in the air, or subject Burris to whatever shenanigans may occur to keep Blagojevich's pick out of Congress. Although I don't think Burris ever should have taken the job so willingly, he likely doesn't deserve to be publicly humiliated for it. <END QUOTE> Good Day.... FYI............ http://www.newsmax.com/insidecover/Blagoje.../02/167348.html <QUOTE> Blagojevich's Security Clearance Revoked Friday, January 2, 2009 10:30 PM The U.S. Department of Homeland Security has revoked embattled Gov. Rod Blagojevich's access to classified federal security information, officials said Friday. Amy Kudwa, spokeswoman for the Department of Homeland Security in Washington D.C., confirmed the revocation but declined to comment further on circumstances surrounding the decision. The move withdraws the governor's access to classified information, although Blagojevich spokesman Lucio Guerrero said other individuals within state and local government have access. The revocation was "pretty standard procedure," Guerrero said. The Illinois Emergency Management Agency received a memo about the department's decision on Dec. 9, the day Blagojevich was arrested, said spokeswoman Patti Thompson. The memo was brief and did not include a reason for the action. "It doesn't change day-to-day operations very much at all," she said. "Several other people, both with Homeland Security and law enforcement, are receiving that type of information on a regular basis." Blagojevich did not normally receive briefings on homeland security matters, Thompson said. He would only be informed of high-profile cases, she said, citing examples such as a 2006 plot to blow up the Sears Tower and, the same year, plans to bomb planes flying between the U.S. and London. The federal charges against Blagojevich include allegations that he tried to sell President-elect Barack Obama's Senate seat for money or a high-paying job. That triggered calls for his resignation and the beginning of impeachment proceedings in the Illinois Legislature. Blagojevich denies any wrongdoing and has rejected calls to resign. <END QUOTE>
  21. ....Good Day.... Interesting thread. Before the attack, iirc, there were several.... characters that were associated directly and indirectly with each other and/or through the Dallas-Ft. Worth-based, mega-defense contractor, General Dynamics and its subsidairies... not the least of which was Lyin' Lyndon, himself. also FYI.... WCD-1518 lists one of the DP witnesses as MALCOLM JERRY HOY. Best Regards in Research, Don Don Roberdeau U.S.S. John F. Kennedy, CV-67, "Big John," Plank Walker Sooner, or later, The Truth emerges Clearly President Kennedy "Men of Courage" speech, and JFK Assassination Research, Maps, & Discoveries for Your Considerations (Updated 12-28-08) T ogether E veryone A chieves M ore National Terror Alert for the United States:
  22. ....Good Day.... Was going from memory in my first post when providing the Z-224 to 227 range for the BRONSON photo timestamping. To be sure, I found and just uploaded my photogrammatical study completed years ago detailing precisely where President KENNEDY was located at the instant that the BRONSON photo was exposed. At the instant of the BRONSON photo, President KENNEDY was in the exact location of Z-223 to 224. Interestingly, the 370.9' distance that BRONSON's center-of-pedestal location was away from the warrenatti, supposed, "lone-nut" "sniper lair" absolutely mandates that a muzzle blast soundwave traveling at approximately 1125 fps would have required, at least, 0.32 second, or at least, 6 Z-frames, just to reach Mr. BRONSON's eardrums. Additionally, allowing a minimum of 0.20 second, about 4 Z-frames, response time in BRONSON after his ears heard his first remembered audible muzzle blast, mandates that the LATEST that BRONSON's first remembered audible muzzle blast exited its warrenatti, supposed, "lone-nut" "sniper lair" rifle barrel was at precisely Z-213 to 214. (1) Best Regards in Research, Don Don Roberdeau U.S.S. John F. Kennedy, CV-67, "Big John," Plank Walker Sooner, or later, The Truth emerges Clearly President Kennedy "Men of Courage" speech, and JFK Assassination Research, Maps, & Discoveries for Your Considerations (Updated 12-28-08) T ogether E veryone A chieves M ore National Terror Alert for the United States:
  23. ....Good Day.... Several years ago I completed a photogrammatical study of President KENNEDY's location seen in the BRONSON #3 photo, relative to fixed DP landmarks, that details that BRONSON's photo was snapped circa Z-224 to 227. CHARLES BRONSON stated to TRASK that the limo was temporarily hidden from BRONSON's view by the north peristyle's wall, and he already had positioned his camera right up to his face with his finger on the shutter button, waiting for the limo to clear the peristyle and proceed further down Elm. BRONSON stated that just after the limo had barely cleared the peristyle, BRONSON was startled when he heard the first audible muzzle blast of the 3 blasts that BRONSON remembered hearing. BRONSON's first remembered audible muzzle blast IMMEDIATELY startled him so much (just like PHIL WILLIS's first remembered audible muzzle blast photo at Z-205) that he "instinctively jumped" and inadvertantly snapped his photo, set at a 1/100th-second exposure time. Interestingly, the 370.9' distance that BRONSON's center-of-pedestal location was away from the warrenatti, supposed, "lone-nut" "sniper lair" absolutely mandates that a muzzle blast soundwave traveling at approximately 1125 fps would have required, at least, 0.32 second, or at least, 6 Z-frames, just to reach Mr. BRONSON's eardrums. Additionally, allowing a minimum of 0.20 second, about 4 Z-frames, response time in BRONSON after his ears heard his first remembered audible muzzle blast, mandates that the LATEST that BRONSON's first remembered audible muzzle blast exited its rifle barrel was at precisely Z-214 to 217. (1) Very similarly, recall that PHIL WILLIS (located 125.1' from the warrenatti, supposed, "lone-nut" "sniper lair") also stated that the first muzzle blast that he remembered hearing also unexpectedly startled him into capturing his photo #5 concurrently with Z-202. I also reference for you my study, "Under the "magic-limbed-ricochet-tree"; Z-288, then, 203 to 206," now located here that supports the initial bullet impacting into President KENNEDY at the latest, at Z-198 to 199. (1) In RICHARD TRASK's Pictures of the Pain, 285, lone-nut apologist TRASK wrote that the muzzle blast sound travel time, added with BRONSON's 0.20 second minimum reaction time to hearing that muzzle blast, indicated to TRASK that a warrenatti, supposed, "lone-nut" "sniper lair" triggered bullet was fired, at the LATEST, at Z-211. Best Regards in Research, Don Don Roberdeau U.S.S. John F. Kennedy, CV-67, "Big John," Plank Walker Sooner, or later, The Truth emerges Clearly President Kennedy "Men of Courage" speech, and JFK Assassination Research, Maps, & Discoveries for Your Considerations (Updated 12-28-08) T ogether E veryone A chieves M ore National Terror Alert for the United States:
  24. Good Day.... FYI........ http://news.aol.com/article/us-warns-russi...missiles/285293 (QUOTE) US Warns Russia Against Selling Missiles to Iran By LOLITA C. BALDOR, AP WASHINGTON -U.S. officials said Monday that they want answers from Russia on whether it is selling advanced surface-to-air missiles to Iran, a move the U.S. insists could threaten American troops in Iraq and Afghanistan. A senior military intelligence official said that while Moscow has sent out conflicting responses to reports on the sale of long-range S-300 missiles, the U.S. believes it is taking place. However, it appears that no equipment has yet been delivered to Iran, said the official, who spoke on condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the matter. Russia's state arms export agency said Monday it is supplying Iran with defensive weapons, including surface-to-air missiles, but did not say whether they include sophisticated long-range S-300 missiles. State Department spokesman Robert Wood said the U.S. is seeking clarification from Russia. "We have repeatedly made clear at senior levels of the Russian government that we would strongly oppose the sale of the S-300," Wood said. "As the U.S. government has said before, this is not the time for business as usual with the Iranian government." Iran currently has an antiquated missile defense system, dating back to the 1960s and 1970s, so the Russian sale would provide Tehran a much longer range, more mobile and lethal capability. With a range of roughly 75 miles, the Russian system would allow Iran to reach coalition forces operating in Iraq and Afghanistan, if the missiles were moved near the borders. Both the U.S. and Israel have strongly opposed the sale, saying that supplying such an advanced anti-aircraft system to Iran would shift the military balance of power in the Middle East. It also would make any strike at Iran's first nuclear power plant — which Russia is helping to build — more difficult. There have been indications that Russia intends to supply only defensive weapons to Iran, thus keeping in line with U.N. Security Council resolutions that impose sanctions on Iran for refusing to halt its uranium enrichment and prohibit supplying Iran with materials that could contribute to its nuclear program. Officials acknowledge that the sale of the S-300 system is not prohibited by the resolution. Israel and the United States fear that Iran could use the S-300 missiles to protect its uranium enrichment plant at Natanz or the country's first atomic power plant now under construction at Bushehr by Russian contractors. The U.S. and other nations believe Iran is secretly developing nuclear weapons, but Iran insists its uranium enrichment program is intended solely for civilian energy needs. While the possibility that the U.S. might launch an attack against Iran's nuclear facilities faded about a year ago, Israel has never ruled out a strike of its own, and is considered the nation most likely to take action. Iran's president has said that Israel should be "wiped off the map." The sale of S-300 missiles, said the military intelligence official, presents a decision point for Israel, since once the anti-aircraft system is in place it could deter any strike. (END QUOTE) Best Regards in Research, Don Don Roberdeau U.S.S. John F. Kennedy, CV-67, "Big John," Plank Walker Sooner, or later, The Truth emerges Clearly T ogether E veryone A chieves M ore National Terror Alert for the United States:
  25. ....Good Day.... FYI............ http://online.wsj.com/public/resources/doc...mablagomemo.pdf Full text of Obama staff transition report <QUOTE> TO: The President-Elect FROM: Greg Craig DATE: December 23, 2008 SUBJECT: Transition Staff Contacts with the Governor’s Office At your direction, I arranged for transition staff to provide accounts of any contacts that you or they may have had with Governor Blagojevich or his office in which the subject of your successor came up. The accounts support your statement on December 11, 2008 that you “have never spoken to the Governor on this subject [or] about these issues,” and that you “had no contact with the Governor’s office.” In addition, the accounts contain no indication of inappropriate discussions with the Governor or anyone from his office about a “deal” or a quid pro quo arrangement in which he would receive a personal benefit in return for any specific appointment to fill the vacancy. One member of the transition staff, Rahm Emanuel, did have contacts of the type covered by your request. I discuss the nature of those contacts in the attached report. David Axelrod and Valerie Jarrett, two other individuals on the transition staff, did not have any contacts with the Governor or his office but are included in the report to address questions raised by the press. These accounts were communicated to the Office of the United States Attorney in interviews that were conducted last week. At the request of the Office, we delayed the release of this report until such time as the interviews could be completed. The interviews took place over a period of three days: Thursday, December 18, 2008 (the President-Elect); December 19, 2008 (Valerie Jarrett); and December 20, 2008 (Rahm Emanuel). One other individual, Dr. Eric Whitaker, a family friend, was approached and asked for information by a member of the Governor’s circle. I have included an account of this contact even though Dr. Whitaker is not a member of the transition staff. Report to the President-Elect On December 11, 2008, the President-Elect asked the White House Counsel-designate to determine whether there had been any staff contacts or communications – and the nature of any such contacts of communications – between the transition and Governor Blagojevich and his office relating to the selection of the President-Elect’s successor in the United States Senate. The results of that review are as follows: The President-Elect The President-Elect had no contact or communication with Governor Blagojevich or members of his staff about the Senate seat. In various conversations with transition staff and others, the President-Elect expressed his preference that Valerie Jarrett work with him in the White House. He also stated that he would neither stand in her way if she wanted to pursue the Senate seat nor actively seek to have her or any other particular candidate appointed to the vacancy. After Ms. Jarrett decided on November 9, 2008 to withdraw her name from consideration as a possible replacement for him in the Senate and to accept the White House job, the President- Elect discussed other qualified candidates with David Axelrod and Rahm Emanuel. Those candidates included Representatives Jan Schakowsky and Jesse Jackson, Jr., Dan Hynes and Tammy Duckworth. The President-Elect understood that Rahm Emanuel would relay these names to the Governor’s office as additions to the pool of qualified candidates who might already be under consideration. Mr. Emanuel subsequently confirmed to the President that he had in fact relayed these names. At no time in the discussion of the Senate seat or of possible replacements did the President-Elect hear of a suggestion that the Governor expected a personal benefit in return for making this appointment to the Senate. Rahm Emanuel Mr. Emanuel had one or two telephone calls with Governor Blagojevich. Those conversations occurred between November 6 and November 8, 2008. Soon after he decided to accept the President-Elect’s offer to serve as Chief of Staff in the White House, Mr. Emanuel placed a call to the Governor to give him a heads up that he was taking the Chief of Staff’s position in the White House, and to advise him that he would be resigning his seat in the House of Representatives. They spoke about Mr. Emanuel’s House seat, when he would be resigning and potential candidates to replace him. He also had a brief discussion with the Governor about the Senate seat and the merits of various people whom the Governor might consider. Mr. Emanuel and the Governor did not discuss a cabinet position, 501c(4), a private sector position for the Governor or any other personal benefit for the Governor. In those early conversations with the Governor, Mr. Emanuel recommended Valarie Jarrett because he knew she was interested in the seat. He did so before learning -- in further conversations with the President-Elect -- that the President-Elect had ruled out communicating a preference for any one candidate. As noted above, the President-Elect believed it appropriate to provide the names of multiple candidates to be considered, along with others, who were qualified to hold the seat and able to retain it in a future election. The following week, Mr. Emanuel learned that the President-Elect and Ms. Jarrett with the President’s strong encouragement had decided that she would take a position in the White House. Between the time that Mr. Emanuel decided to accept the position of Chief of Staff in the White House and December 8, 2008, Mr. Emanuel had about four telephone conversations with John Harris, Chief of Staff to the Governor, on the subject of the Senate seat. In these conversations, Mr. Emanuel and Mr. Harris discussed the merits of potential candidates and the strategic benefit that each candidate would bring to the Senate seat. After Ms. Jarrett removed herself from consideration, Mr. Emanuel – with the authorization of the President-Elect – gave Mr. Harris the names of four individuals whom the President-Elect considered to be highly qualified: Dan Hynes, Tammy Duckworth, Congresswoman Schakowsky and Congressman Jesse Jackson, Jr. In later telephone conversations, Mr. Emanuel – also with the President-Elect’s approval – presented other names of qualified candidates to Mr. Harris including Attorney General Lisa Madigan and Ms. Cheryle Jackson. Mr. Harris did not make any effort to extract a personal benefit for the Governor in any of these conversations. There was no discussion of a cabinet position, of 501c(4), of a private sector position or of any other personal benefit to the Governor in exchange for the Senate appointment. Although Mr. Emanuel recalls having conversations with the President-Elect, with David Axelrod and with Valerie Jarrett about who might possibly succeed the President-Elect in the Senate, there was no mention of efforts by the Governor or his staff to extract a personal benefit in return for filling the Senate vacancy. Valerie Jarrett Ms. Jarrett had no contact or communication with Governor Blagojevich , with his Chief of Staff, John Harris or with any other people from the Governor’s office about a successor to replace the President-Elect in the United States Senate or how the decision should be made. Nor did she understand at any time prior to his arrest that the Governor was looking to receive some form of payment or personal benefit for the appointment. Her only contact with the Governor was at the Governor’s Conference in Philadelphia on December 2, 2008, over three weeks after she had decided not to pursue the Senate seat and had accepted the President-Elect’s offer to work in the White House. She had a brief conversation with him on that occasion. He wished her well. On November 7, 2008 -- at a time when she was still a potential candidate for the Senate seat -- Ms. Jarrett spoke with Mr. Tom Balanoff, the head of the Illinois chapter of the Service Employees International Union (SEIU). Mr. Balanoff is not a member of the Governor’s staff and did not purport to speak for the Governor on that occasion. But because the subject of the Governor’s interest in a cabinet appointment came up in that conversation, I am including a description of that meeting. Mr. Balanoff told Ms. Jarrett that he had spoken to the Governor about the possibility of selecting Valerie Jarrett to replace the President-Elect. He told her that Lisa Madigan’s name also came up. Ms. Jarrett recalls that Mr. Balanoff also told her that the Governor had raised with him the question of whether the Governor might be considered as a possible candidate to head up the Department of Health and Human Services in the new administration. Mr. Balanoff told Ms. Jarrett that he told the Governor that it would never happen. Jarrett concurred. Mr. Balanoff did not suggest that the Governor, in talking about HHS, was linking a position for himself in the Obama cabinet to the selection of the President-Elect’s successor in the Senate, and Ms. Jarrett did not understand the conversation to suggest that the Governor wanted the cabinet seat as a quid pro quo for selecting any specific candidate to be the President-Elect’s replacement. At no time did Balanoff say anything to her about offering Blagojevich a union position. David Axelrod Mr. Axelrod had no conversations with anyone outside the President-Elect’s immediate circle about who should replace the President-Elect in the United States Senate. No one ever came to Mr. Axelrod to propose a deal involving the selection of a replacement, and nothing came up in any of his conversations with the President-Elect or the members of the President-Elect’s immediate circle that suggested that the Governor was seeking some kind of quid pro quo for the appointment. Mr. Axelrod recalls that, after the election, the President-Elect discussed – with Mr. Axelrod and Mr. Emanuel – a number of individuals who were highly qualified to take his place in the Senate. Mr. Axelrod was under the impression that the President-Elect would convey this information to the Governor or to someone from the Governor’s office, which explains why Mr. Axelrod gave an inaccurate answer on this subject to questions from the press. He later learned that it was Mr. Emanuel who conveyed those names to the Governor’s Chief of Staff, John Harris. Dr. Eric Whitaker Dr. Whitaker had no contacts or communications with either the Governor or his Chief of Staff, John Harris. He did have contact and communication with one individual purporting to act on behalf of the Governor. In the period immediately following the election on November 4, 2008 – on either November 6, 7 or 8 – Deputy Governor Louanner Peters called him at his office and left a message. When he returned the call, Ms. Peters asked who spoke for the President-Elect with respect to the Senate appointment. She explained that the Governor’s office had heard from others with recommendations about the vacant seat. She stated that the Governor’s office wanted to know who, if anyone, had the authority to speak for the President-Elect. Dr. Whitaker said he would find out. The President-Elect told Dr. Whitaker that no one was authorized to speak for him on the matter. The President-Elect said that he had no interest in dictating the result of the selection process, and he would not do so, either directly or indirectly through staff or others. Dr. Whitaker relayed that information to Deputy Governor Peters. Dr. Whitaker had no other contacts with anyone from the Governor’s office. <END QUOTE> Best Regards in Research, Don Don Roberdeau U.S.S. John F. Kennedy, CV-67, "Big John," Plank Walker Sooner, or later, The Truth emerges Clearly T ogether E veryone A chieves M ore National Terror Alert for the United States:
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