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Karl Kinaski

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Everything posted by Karl Kinaski

  1. Larry Dunkel maybe was an interesting DJ: as Gary Mack he is playing the same old tune all day long: the lone nut hillbilly. For whom? KK
  2. @Mack: It's a kind of: Credo quia absurdum est, isn't it? KK
  3. @Unger: I agree - the O.I.P is a road to nowhere...a barrel burst, injuring the shooters... KK
  4. Mrs Higgins told Barry Ernest, the shots rang out just the moment, when the narrator on her telly said. "It is now 13.06 pm..." and she automatically compared the time to her watch on the wall...To me, this, 13.06 pm 22.11.1963, is the exact time of the Tippit shooting...by that time Oswald was already in the Texas Theater. (Acc. to ...the Theater Manager...)KK
  5. Two shooters. Yes. At last two men involved. Aquilla Clemens saw the stocky built killer waving to another man across the street, after Tippit was gunned down...like: job done, go away...I think this was why Helen Markham thought, the killer was waving to her... KK PS And, yes, two shots in the body one in the head...like Olof Palme. That was the job of an expert-killer...
  6. The hypothetical pic-tampering works the other way around: what, if it was Lovelady in the doorway, and the CIA creativ-team, as assumed by Fetzer/Cinque, inserted (put him on) the Oswald shirt? Just to muddy the waters and confuse researchers? In other words: if you got Oswalds shirt in the Doorway you ain't necessarily got Oswald. IMO there was no Shirt-Head rearrangement at all... KK
  7. O'Reilly's Book (on JFK) has been green-lighted to be a movie realized by the Walt Disney Studios...
  8. May I answer? Quote. Sept. 6, 1964 At Russell's insistence, Russell and two other members of the Commission take testimony in Dallas, Texas from Marina Oswald, the widow of the accused assassin. Marina Oswald had previously testified before the Commission on June 11 at a session at which Russell was absent. Russell has insisted on having her testify again because he believes she has withheld vital information concerning Lee Harvey Oswald's mysterious contacts with Russian agents, Cuba, and Cuban Americans. Sept. 7, 1964 Russell and two other Warren Commission members visit Dealey Plaza and examine the assassination site. While visiting the sixth floor room in the School Book Depository from which the assassin's shots were allegedly fired, Russell takes an unloaded rifle, leans out the window allegedly used by Oswald, and aims at the spot where JFK's limousine had been at the time of the assassination. "Oswald must have been an expert shot," he says. A photograph of Russell leaning out the window, rifle in hand, soon appears in newspapers. Close quote
  9. Cooper says:I DON't BELIEVE IT....rather to himself, while Dulles says: I THINK, WE BETTER NOT GET... (see topic title)...with emphasis on the word "I"...those two statements are NOT connected, as you suggest. Cooper gives a direcct answer, ( at 59seconds/second video), Dulles is avoiding the answer with his words...I am glad, that Coopers doubts are on video, for now and forever... BTW - Another proof, that THE Warren Commission never exists. The lone-gunman doubters where: Hale Boggs Senator Russell Senator Cooper Whenever you defend THE Warren Commission, you must tell me: which men do you mean? The lone-gunman party, or the party of doubters? KK
  10. At 56. sec (second video) the reporter asks: Can you say, that you still think, it was one man? And you can hear John Shermann Cooper mumbling: I DON'T BELIEVE IT. Next Dulles covers Coopers murmur with: I think we'd better not get in to that ehhh, area you know! KK
  11. JVBs book "Me and Lee" destroyed the Lifton/Conway book project on Oswald. I am sure JVBs Ferrie-book will make Stephen Roys Ferrie-book projekct disappear. Thats good news to me...and to Roy, who now can shake of the yoke of his long awaited, never published book...no more sleepless nights, Stephen... KK
  12. Could anyone provide the time this pic of the mysterious old (Ossi-contact?)-man, was shot? The unusual Harpo Marx long-coat could have been a signal to Ossi. "This is your man..." If it was just an old man, why this hide and coop by the WC/FBI/DPD ( as shown by Lee Farley) regarding this man? (If it IS Arces old man...) Thx
  13. Watergate was a coup d' etat like Dallas, implemented by nearly the same forces, architects of the cold war. Watergate was just a longer, a painful version of a coup d' etat. Had Nixon won the election in 1960 it likely would have been the other way around. Nixon killed in the streets and Kennedy character-assassinated. (His weak spot was his sex life...) KK
  14. There is a word what Cinque is doing: Junk-Science. Now, I ll leave that building... KK
  15. In other words: Oswald is innocent, but not the way Cinque wants us to believe. BUT... there is evidence enough, to proof his innocence, whatever Lamson wants us to believe... Both men are not really interested to solve the crime. But I like the way, they try to eat each other. I wish them success! KK
  16. Oswald did not shoot JFK, and he did not stand in the doorway. KK
  17. Thx for posting this, Bernice. IMO serving as head of the WC, puts Warren out of the line of fire. Ironically it was Gerald Ford, who brought forward a motion to impeach Warren just prior to the assassination of JFK. kk
  18. Back ON TOPIC : truth (and truth in this case means conspiracy)maybe a danger for your health. Maybe you never reach your retirement age ...but it is always a good thing for your brain...you simply like the man in the mirror in front of you... kk
  19. O Reilly in action Give him some Valium! LOL http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z5qU4qudJYk
  20. Thus Specter was the replacement clown for Adams...clown was Specters real profession...single bullet clown - RIP
  21. Most of those 17th Okt. 5 stars reviewers made just ONE review...the one about the O Reilly book... It is a coordinated thing to promote this bullxxxx with a little help from Jeff Bezos??? .easy to see trough LOL
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