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David Andrews

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Posts posted by David Andrews

  1. 9 hours ago, Pat Speer said:

    The current problem is the global market for energy and food. Russia and Ukraine energy and food are currently unavailable, so their former customers are buying from American companies and competing with the American consumer. Thus, more demand for the same pie. Thus, higher prices. 

    If we were to withdraw from these global markets, moreover, it would open up a new can of worms. Some of our allies would come crawling back to Russia, and embolden Hitler to move on from the Sudetenland to Poland. So we're pretty much screwed as long as Putin plays Risk or whatever that board game was where you conquered the world. 

    One solution might be for Biden to put a limit on profits, and force American companies to sell their products at a lower mark-up here than they get elsewhere. But this is a no-win situation for a Democrat. He would immediately be labeled a socialist and the big companies would flood the airwaves and internet with commercials and exposes on how Joe Biden is a wanna-be Stalin, or some such thing. 

    So if we're looking for a Deep State. That would be it, IMO. "The business of America is business". And boy, do they know it... 

    It's true enough, Pat.  But for all the murder Americans have stood by and ignored, we all ought to be slouching on thrones of skulls, drinking from the craniums of dead overseas children.  You pick the country.  I fancy East Timor.

    We're really getting short-shrifted here.  But, complain and they'll kill you, too.

  2. 21 hours ago, Chris Barnard said:

    Shell & BP treble profits based on the same quarter last year. Turns out war and scarcity is good for business. But it's gotta be ordinary folk who suffer. 


    It hardly seems fair.  I mean, if gas prices had lowered after we killed all those Iraqis, we could sleep well at night and have faith in government, right?

    We never got our war dividend or our peace dividend.

  3. On 5/2/2022 at 12:29 PM, John Butler said:

    But, does that explanation explain the black hearse, the shipping casket, and the body bag?  Were these planned for ahead of time?


    I'm not trying to exculpate anyone, but is it possible that Walter Reed, Bethesda, and other DC facilities and service branches had standing procedures for handling and transporting the body of a president who died out of town or overseas?  Might these have been in play, to some degree, in the November 22nd emergencies? 

    Variances from plan under assassination circumstances would be notable.

    I mean, if Eisenhower had had his summit with Khrushchev but his heart gave out in, say, Vienna (a known possibility), how much procedure would have had to be improvised on that day?  Has anybody ever researched SOPs for presidential mortality?

  4. On 5/31/2022 at 9:37 AM, Joe Bauer said:

    David, after viewing 1,000 times the video clip of Ruby shooting Oswald the last 59 years, I have also come to a point of considering the actual physical feat of his doing so as quite remarkable in several ways.

    It was skillfully timing, location and action choreographed.

    First, Ruby had to get past the street guards and down the ramp and into the press crowd in a hurry and at just the right time before Oswald was brought out towards it. 

    Then, once there, he had to keep kind of stealthily hidden behind others in the press crowd for at least a couple or more minutes before and up to Oswald's hallway perp walk.

    Ruby knew he could be instantly recognized by Dallas PD officers like Patrick Dean and others if he pushed himself to the front of the press line too early.

    He then had to coordinate his front of the line push not only within a two or three second window of Oswald's closeness, but also to a perfect front of the press line location position to be able to reach Oswald unimpeded with just a quick thrust and a few bounding steps. 

    Ruby then had to skillfully and strongly bound out to get his body and gun holding arm and hand to a "can't miss" close up position ( within inches ) of Oswald's gut and then get his shot off before he and his arm and hand were grabbed by officers.

    Successfully doing so was, again, a fairly impressive physical feat.

    The front of the press line position Ruby garnered was just too perfect  in giving him unfettered 3 step access to a frontal wide open Oswald  imo. An Oswald that was walked right to him.

    And was it just fatefully fortuitous for Ruby that Oswald was so frontally wide open for his thrust and shot? Or, purposely so?

    Presenting Oswald with just two guards at his side instead of an extra two in front and two more in back of him as he was brought to just feet next to this poorly watched and checked press crowd was the final break Ruby needed to get to Oswald's wide open gut and blast away.

    I often wondered what the Oswald jail transfer plan write off people like Curry and Fritz said to themselves when the absolute worst case Oswald security failure scenario played out right in front of them and right inside their own building?

    And this after JFK's worst case death causing security failure in their city just two days before?






    Well, of course, Joe.  But Sparky still looks like it's not his first rodeo.

  5. On 5/10/2022 at 7:21 AM, Joe Bauer said:

    Buell Frazier's recollection of Fritz raising a fist ( or at least a hand ) in a threatening manner to him, suggesting to Frazier that Fritz was about to plow him in the face, was always a part of Frazier's public statements from the get go.

    The only reason Fritz held back was because of Buell's warning to him ..."if you hit me, we's gonna have one hell of a fight!"

    Which I believe Fritz instinctively knew country boy Frazier would carry out.


    It would seem from Frazier's and Paine's experiences that Fritz started out actively looking for accomplices, and was later dissuaded by Washington from expanding the case into a conspiracy.

  6. On 5/7/2022 at 10:57 PM, Paul Brancato said:

    Is thomas Mallon related to Neil Mallon?


    I can't be sure.  TM is a middling historical novelist who's written Washington-themed novels on Watergate, the Reagan years, and DC characters of the 19th century.  I read one of his novels, Henry and Clara, because no one else has touched that particularly bizarre aspect of the Lincoln assassination.  Verdict?  Gore Vidal was sharper at DC novels, though I appreciated Mallon's effort.  Wish he'd address the tale of Henry and Clover Adams.


  7. On 5/8/2022 at 1:04 PM, Mark Knight said:

    If the tapes/transcript of the Paine interview shows any sign of exculpatory evidence about Oswald, I would fully expect the 6th Floor Museum to bury it/them.

    Seconded.  Don't go Sixth Floor, David.  Find a non-Texas university that will take all your materials when you're ready to part with them.  Contractually obligate the repository to make available online the materials you feel are most important .  Hopefully that includes the Paine interview.

  8. Back to Gaslit:

    It's very watchable, and I'll keep watching.  But I'm reminded of what Judy Garland's daughter, Lorna Luft, told the late Gilbert Gottfried about the Renee Zellweger Judy biopic: "It's about as realistic as Cats."

  9. 13 minutes ago, Pete Mellor said:

    Tin soldiers and Nixon's comin'
    We're finally on our own
    This summer I hear the drummin'
    Four dead in Ohio

    Not as bad as a guy I went to HS with, who thought it was "War, daddy, Ohio," for which he was known as Wardaddy until graduation.

  10. 17 minutes ago, Michael Crane said:

    So,how do you get the Youtube videos to come up like that?


    When I do it,all I get is a link.

    Write the post and post it, then use Edit to paste in the video link.  Pick the option that lets you see the video.

  11. 19 hours ago, Ron Bulman said:

    I think Hunt might be the Liddy of these first couple of episodes in the next few.  Would that not make sense if it's the story they want to tell?  it was dramatic in the first place.

    From episode two. 

    Regan's endorsement of Nixon sought.

    Kissinger Peace talks of 1968 (not committed to).

    "Jesus Christ wouldn't make it through the republican primary".

    McCord:  "Don't Shoot!"

    "I saw this in a dream (E. Howard Hunt), Liddy. retribution.

    I'm not holding my breath for a Hunt renaissance on Gaslit.  They got a relatively little known, mostly-TV actor to play him, while for Liddy they got Shea Wigham, who played Nucky Thompson's (Steve Buscemi's) brother Eli on Boardwalk Empire for five great years.  A pity, since Hunt and Liddy were a comedy team out of Samuel Beckett.


    What, no gaslighter memes this year?



  12. 16 minutes ago, Jim Hargrove said:

    Yeah, we all have to be conscious of the potential for all kinds of chicanery in this case, unfortunately.  For what it's worth, though, here's how Whaley testified in 1964:

    Mr. Ball. Was there anything in particular about him beside his clothing that you could identify such as jewelry, bracelets?

    Mr. Whaley. Yes, sir: he had on a bracelet of some type on his left arm. It looked like an identification bracelet....I always notice watchbands, unusual watchbands, and identification bracelets like these, because I make them myself ... It was just a common stretchband identification bracelet. A lot of them are made of chain links and not stretchbands. Stretchbands are unusual because there is very few of them."

    I might be right about the line being fed to the driver, but wrong about the bracelet style.  Here's a similar item that comes up when you Google "stretch ID bracelet":

    https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Flookaside.fbsbx.com%2Flookaside%2Fcrawler%2Fmedia%2F%3Fmedia_id%3D668104756538425&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fzh-cn.facebook.com%2FKeirasBooksnStuff%2Fphotos%2Fstretch-id-bracelet-brooklyn%2F668104756538425%2F&tbnid=vkH1yZ74tZth6M&vet=10CNcBEDMovAFqFwoTCMDBz_S5w_cCFQAAAAAdAAAAABAF..i&docid=2Jhh5cscm-bohM&w=700&h=792&itg=1&q=stretch id bracelet&client=firefox-b-1-d&ved=0CNcBEDMovAFqFwoTCMDBz_S5w_cCFQAAAAAdAAAAABAF

  13. 5 hours ago, Sandy Larsen said:



    Jim is usually right. Will it turn out he's right again?

    For the answer to this question, tune in tomorrow --  same LHO time, same LHO channel!


    It sounds like a line that was fed to the cab driver by authorities.  Are cab drivers usually connoisseurs of men's accessories?  Only in Ian Fleming: "Gee, Mr. Bond, the fella gave off strong hints of Jade East cologne."

  14. It's "The story we wanted to tell," but it could be told more interestingly if they did more with the Howard Hunt character, who goes unexplored in Episode 2, at least.  So, I'm betting no plane crash in the series.

  15. 15 hours ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

     Obviously Ukraine's going to have to give up Crimea, but maybe that 20% corridor could be established as  an independent region?

    Look for a partition deal floated that gives Russia the eastern region of Donbas, up to Donetsk, plus northern border provinces east and west for "democratic security."  The Don River valley is historically Russian-dominated, and could be a moneymaker for Russia long-term. 

    "Quiet flows the Don" - until redevelopment.  It could become a version of the Pearl River valley in industrialized China.

  16. One of the most potent retorts to an MSM flack might be:

    "Why do you say that, when these are the facts?  Why do you insist on keeping a myth alive?  Does the myth sell better because it's pushed by news organizations into the top search engine rankings, replacing the facts that you're not supporting?  Is this really 'reporting'?  Is this 'investigative journalism'?"

    Asking people with motives what their motives are really puts them on the back foot, especially when they're being filmed or recorded for broadcast.

  17. 7 hours ago, Ron Bulman said:

    Since the topic was brought back up, I can't visit the site without getting this song stuck in my head, again, thanks to David.  It is about infidelity.  Was Oswald True to the CIA until the end?

    If you want a palate cleanser, here's the Rod Stewart version of 1977, not so much an urgent soul cover as an experiment in patience-trying.

    If you poke through spy movies, you'll find similar juxtaposing of infidelity and espionage betrayal (The Good Shepherd; Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy).  I'm glad you picked up on that, because I'm trying to reinvent the trope for my 9/11 novel - we'll see how well that works out.

  18. LBJ was - like most of us - a mass of contradictions.  He inherited racism from his upbringing and a recognition of the need for social change from FDR-era Progressivism.  He may just have reconciled accounts by figuring that civil unrest in wartime was a worse fate for the country, the presidency and the party than a set of outraged and uncooperative southern legislators.  Given the state of his health, early on he may have recognized that all parties were best off if his were a one-term presidency; the escalating disasters of the age, and the rise of political challengers, may have confirmed this for him.

    But, the cost it took to bring him to these decisions!  What a price, what a price to pay --

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